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526 views•3 months ago
1.8K views•10 months ago
4.4K views•1 year ago
4.8K views•1 year ago
#1789 - Tom Papa
#1667 - Annie Lederman
#1654 - Whitney Cummings
#1642 - Andrew Santino
#2130 - Coleman Hughes
... [2:46:00] are they reaching the 99% of the way to perfect? yes. my friend duncan trussell just did a podcast with his friend johnny pemberton and johnny pe...
#2119 - James Lindsay
...nd who are you? you're a subject as who you are. [1:49:06] yeah, my friend duncan trussel, when the george floyd riots were happening in california, he was ...
#2081 - Tony Hinchcliffe
...riginal talent coordinator of the comedy store, when he got fired and then duncan became the talent coordinator, i'm like, who the fuck is this guy? yeah. w...
#2066 - Ralph Barbosa
...got like a little comedy boot camp going on over here. yeah. shane gillis, duncan trussell, hassan ahmad, brian simpson, and me, we get together and get som...
The 666th episode of the dtfh is shot at your
hey, man! so, the "red pill" reference when duncan was talking about the recording location of the 666th episode of the dunca...
... own little conspiracies. so, you're asking about the 666th episode of the duncan trussell family hour, right? honestly, i don't have the specifics on where...
Duncan Trussell ChatGPT subversion method acronym or name
hey, what's up folks? so, duncan trussell was talking about this wild method to kinda hack chatgpt and get ...
duncan trussell chatgpt subversion method acronym or name
The greatest JRE guest
248 views•5 years ago
177 views•6 years ago
174 views•5 years ago
165 views•5 years ago
1.4K views•14 years ago
1.8K views•14 years ago
2.3K views•14 years ago
47 views•13 years ago