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18d ago

Witness Rogan Shape Shift right before your eyes! Did he get the idea from this site, from my post, when he was talking with Andrew Schultz and pointed out how people who take DMT have a huge Ego and love to tell you how they figured it all out? That was Rogan until "last week". Watch him shape shift and pretend as though he's always been on whatever side of an issue he's currently on (he wasn't against the Pandemic Shots until way, way, into it, and many other issues, he's slid through). Far more importantly: Watch Bridget Phetasy call him out when he flips on the Patriot Act issue. He's been the most vocal opponent to that in the past (with her as a guest if I'm not mistaken), and then he's selling her on how it'll never change. She replies "but isn't this what we've all been working toward [and there's an actual path to it, with D.O.G.E.]? Watch him shut down that path, send all his followers into the jaws of defeat. Because he never believed it, he says what sounds good at any given moment, and expects his audience to be so stoned such cult followers they don't notice. Credit where due, I won't deny other laudable examples of his...calling out Elon for his trash talking robot, saying that's neat and all but at some point it needs to function, to answer questions. And plenty of other examples... But will he have any guest like me on to confront his hustle? Name one. He surrounds himself with those who don't question him, presents a narrative and expects people to be ignorant of the facts. A true politician.



4mo ago

Rogan? Man, you KNOW that dude be on the PIPE! RE: Below Post why doesn't Joe allow dissenting guests on his show? He's just more corporate media, self-aggrandizing, bro-back-slapping, self-promoting, money-fueled oligarchs. I'll answer my own question: Watch Joe Manipulate guests who dissent, use them/regard them as mere props in his world. Post Malone: Did you see him go on and on how they ate mushrooms? And Post was politic about it, shrugging it off a couple times, until he apparently had enough of being used as a prop in Joe's world and said they ate the tiniest bit. Shut. Rogan. Down. I've known "that guy" my whole life, the guy who sees stoners as dupes (he's said he always saw them as that) and then enters that world to manipulate them and form a cult following. He only sees the attention that the stoners get; "Look at me I'm shroooming!" and just needs that, nothing else. So eat a tiny bit, and then he can claim to be one of them, be "on mushrooms" because that's technically true...but really it's just his ticket in to be "cool", then he can stay more sober than the people around him and have that comparative advantage. Sound familiar? Isn't this what he always says Manson was trained to do? Manipulating people as he did Post...guys like that don't even get how messed up they are to use people like that. How deep-rooted their issues are, that it exposes how they really see others. See how he referred to his own wife for years, the mother of 2 of his kids--his favorite person. Not his love, not his wife. He is honest at least on some level, and that lands. But no matter what in this world a guy like that looks out for #1, himself above all. When push comes to shove, it's him first. He won't be a working class dupe, he's said so. He's elitist. Which means against you. And the Leviathan knows this, and knows he'll always come back when they whistle, like a good boy. Which is why he's where he is. Joe Rogan is the kind of guy who healthy people just back away slowly from. Like a guy like Post maybe doesn't call him out more on the show, but doesn't return his calls. Not literally Post, but generally, just don't be around a guy like Joe. Unless you're sycophantic social climber, and can repeat the cult narrative how great Joe is, how much he cares (there's truth to that), how he pays his comedians better than anyone...but in the end all that is an investment for Joe to build his brand, paying his "friends" is just advertisement spending, astro turf peer marketing, using those who are willfully ignorant of that to promote himself. "Make sure we talk about how cool I am, how cool the Green Room was on Election Night" is the unspoken condition. If everyone around him didn't do that, would it continue the same way? Very likely not. Kid Rock: Another attempt to use someone as a prop. He sticks a beer in the guy's hand, and he's just like "hey, man, I'm just trying to chill, not get involved in major social movements, just express my personal opinion", and Rogan only sees an opportunity to use him as a prop. You know that line from The Interview, "Eminem is gay on our show". That's Rogan, "Kid Rock drinks B------- on Rogan!". Just using him as a prop. Beware of guys like Rogan. Especially if you're on drugs. For ever vulnerable group there's a Rogan there to exploit them. Joe's one-stop-shop for life: He'll tell you how to eat, what to watch--what to think. Joe's Fight Club. Astro Turf alternative. He'll tell you how to be a MAN. As if being a "man" means actually standing up for yourself in any real way. Sure, eat healthy. That's a start, getting a clear mind. Sure. But also just stand there while the lowest members of society sexually assault your daughters and wife at a TSA "pat down'. Sexual assault by any other name. Just be a man with your big gym muscles...but watch your women be violated by the lowest member of society. Because that'd make you an "Alpha", above all being molested by the lowest wage, lowest status, most irrational, most morally bankrupt, perverted people around. Right, bro. That's what a MAN is. Like Tim The Toolman Taylor, a caricature of a man, Grunt. Go to the gym. TELL others how manly you are to overcompensate for the obvious fact that you're a tool. A "B----" in Rogan's terms. Could go on and on with how Rogan manipulates those around him. How he'd NEVER have a voice like this on his show. Same corporate dude. Promoting that beer for his friend who got paid huge. Proving for his fellow elites that the average guy is a dupe who can be manipulated to do anything, against his best interest. The Pied Piper Joe leads his followers to the slaughter house. Rogan, man that dude's so dusted!


8mo ago

Does Joe monitor this site? I know he used to monitor his own, before moving to Spotify 4 years ago. Could someone tell him that in addition to gunpowder, the Europeans brought the horse to the Americas? He's stated repeatedly that the Comanchees knew to ride horses from centuries of practice. The debate about which changed America more, guns or horses, is standard American knowledge, as the tribes could fire many more arrows per unit of time than a muzzle-loader, and could raid and flee with horses as they'd never been able. This is a very interesting concept; why the 2nd Amendment being a right, versus driving cars/freeways being suggested as a privilege, is relevant. Also, Joe: FYI cell phone tracking can be done from commercially available data. A decade ago some guys tested this by buying like $20 worth of data, and within 20 minutes could identify the users, their home addresses (the hub of GPS data), etc. And WWI, WWII, and Korea all had drafts. It did not begin in Vietnam, as you've stated. Not at all. In fact, look at the history of censorship in early 20th century, even speaking out about the war was met with an iron fist. Have Scott Horton on to discuss Wilson's brutality (I don't even know, but he'd be an interesting guest). It's funny how little distance we as a society moved from "Corporate Media", to Rogan, Lex, et al. Very little. Sure, in ways he's way outside, but that's because the Overton Window is so far from centered, that marginal movement or resistance to the most wacky extreme things, Rogan, are considered novel. Like, if Rogan were in N. Korea, he'd be suggesting that the emperor doesn't poop rainbows, he eats food. But that's where it'd stop. A few years ago Rogan was like "when did Mr. BiG (Microsoft) become a bad guy?(!)". Uh, just getting the memo in 2020? And more notably, Rogan never has disagreements. Not, really. Have an "average guy" wildcard guest every once in a while, something outside the menu of mainstream dissidents. I'd be 10X more interesting than any of your current guests, rebooting the same old Rogan Cult Fear [porn] Factor, hyperbole, muscle car porn, ancient alien bigfoot killed JFK, or whatever. Seriously, talk with me. I give Rogan respect when due. In a "pothead comedian" disclaimer kind of way, he's brilliant. And I have a lot of respect. But I realized at one point, he really takes himself seriously...which I hadn't presumed. I have a joke with a friend when we text #rogansachad. Not the exact use of the term "chad", but you get the idea. At the end of the day, he's another politician. I say Rogan is a very fluid concept. I knew "that kid" all the time growing up; the new kid in school who'd bounced a bunch of times to new schools, and it's hard to incorporate, especially into a group who's known one another they're whole lives, and even moreso if they all expect the new kid is temporary. He'd be friends with everyone, try giving gifts to kids (which nobody else did), maybe tell tall tales, whatever he could do to control his interactions and engineer the relationships. Some saw though it, others didn't, or didn't care. It is what it is, but I've known that guy my whole life. There's probably a solid guy under there, but he'll agree with one guest about how horrible blood-soaked (Dave Smith's common term) mercenary government agents are, how unfair they are, cry about the Innocence Project stories... then have his family to dinner with those very agents, the Texas Governor or whatever, slap his bro ("cop") on the back at the gym, as they absolutely destroy the lives of his supposed friends (pft., specifically watch some Texas Ranger videos on YouTube, roadside "body cavity search of females, by a male, Sandra Bland?)...never saying one word to their faces, when he could confront them. And that's the hardest, yet most impactful social movements--looking a friend in the eye and telling them they're out of line. But that's a real friend. To some, anyway. Let me know, Joe. Let's talk, if not even on the pod. Take Care