Joe Rogan Visits Flotation Tank


18 years ago




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The Float Tank

It's "the most important tool I've ever used for developing my mind, for thinking, for evolving."


yeah you know like ultra snakes that one used to do this yeah they float to relax yeah it's a lot more relaxing I mean it relaxes with the whole whoa it's literally a psychedelic experience you start to lose your your feeling of boundaries you start to lose your feeling of like where's the water where's the air where's your skin it's real salty water yeah I know it's like a club makes you very boy right there's a there's 800 pounds of vegetables in there so what's the temperature? 93.5 degrees which is where the temperature is the most bizarre physical experience I've ever had in my life I was really high yeah and I was lying in the water and I was in there for about five or ten minutes in the first five or ten minutes it's literally like like a seminar on your life is going on it's like you start because you're deprived of all your senses you're not thinking about hearing things or touching things or seeing things because of all that you just focus totally in which I started thinking of aquans and different things in my life and I started thinking about all sorts of different things that I should be doing I'm not doing and it goes through all that sounds like it sounds like showing you all the things in your life well you should make me aware of some stuff that is bothering you but that you're not thinking about which is what one thing is that pot does anyway but when you when you use pot and this it's just it just cranks it up to ten so then once I was aware of all that stuff I made a little mental checklist of all those different things in my head then you slowly start to lose like your sense of being human and slowly but surely and eventually it was like this it was like a like a red sort of a almost like like a like a geometric flower it was very strange and the higher I got and the more relaxed I got I went through this pattern and it was the strangest feeling this thing is like he's like the swirling thing in front of me and as I went through it I come I lost everything I lost who I was I lost it's just that it's the craziest experience you feel like like you went through you pass all all physical boundaries and you became energy and you become a part of the universe because I think what we look at everything we look at we look at ground and walls and trees and water we these are just things that we see in front of us that we just it's just how we react how our senses react to things when you take all of that stuff away all objects all visuals and all all anything you touch you really realize that you really are just energy and this was the crazy and it was so nerve-racking I go through and I would just I'd become one with whatever the fuck it is and it was and then I'll freak out back out of it my heartbeat pounding that's how close death is you know it's like going into that other zone it felt like that it felt like it could be death it felt like that could be what death is like my heart was pounding and then I just realized myself I said it's alright just go back in there just go back in there go back in there but once you go back in there it's not you anymore that's what's really weird about it it's very hard to describe it's not you that was the scariest thing about it was that I lost who I was when I would back out of it and I'd be pounding and my heart would really I'd be going wow that was fucked up I felt like that was fucked up but when you're in it there's no I want you to go back to the eyes of the ego it's you stop being a human it's it's very hard to describe it's like going right through like you're completely on the other side but it's not you anymore right you're such a good boy yes you are very cute he hasn't been seeing you lately you're working so much so he's like blue when you're here oh yeah did he lift the lines yeah yeah it's really wide angle it's fine we're thinking about making red girls in our living room out there yeah ha ha he's making him a good man like a dad friend you've ate don't make that dude