11 years ago
It's "the most important tool I've ever used for developing my mind, for thinking, for evolving."
floating is about creating a unique experience for the brain in which it's now confronted for the first time in its existence a lack of sensory input they say it's the most intimate experience you'll ever have with yourself it's kind of like going on a date with yourself there's no chance you have anywhere else where you're in total silence total darkness and you're literally floating Hamilton Morris comes here with a video camera when the podcast in its most cluttered state possible this room is a wreck I look like I should be on hoarders in this fucking room I gotta clean this bitch out is ridiculous too much traveling man too much traveling you know you know it is Hamilton Morris hello what's up buddy thanks for thanks for coming on thanks for having me Hamilton is doing something on isolation tanks and we're going to check out the float lab tomorrow in Venice where crash is the mad genius putting together the baddest float tanks in the world we're gonna go check out his stuff and his crazy cellular influence device yeah yeah his idea this guy crashes idea is that in the sensory deprivation environment with the lack of external stimuli your brain would be more focused it sounds like the lawn mower man it does sound like the lawn mower man you're right it does could you imagine if you took like if you found out that you could develop a course specifically for use inside the isolation panic like the optimum way to learn things and memorize things and put them to use and you you show that you could make people learn Spanish ten times quicker or something fucking nutty like that that would be like the best way to learn ever we were talking about it earlier you you've only had one yeah sensory it was quite a while ago so what's your your goal when you try to get out of this well at the very beginning of psychedelic research there were always these attempts to try and isolate the experience from the environment in some way when they were trying to quantify or qualify the effects of new drugs in the 60s and test them in some kind of unbiased setting and the two ways they had were sensory deprivation tanks and these Gonsfeld devices but of the two it was John Lilly sensory deprivation tank that turned out to be much more effective which is why it's still used today your writings you've explored almost every state of consciousness I could imagine the various mystical levels of Satori communication with extraterrestrials communication with with other species you've established probably a a more significant mapping of inner space than almost any other modern modern person and I think we all owe a great debt to you for that the don't get stuck with those other bending move it's impossible because their infinities were in the mind before showing me his personal flotation unit Joe taught me about California's high potency medical cannabis I like to get fucked up and get in the tank every day I turn this on and this is the filtration system and inside it yeah it's pretty intense that's what it looks like when it's circulating in the water it's great for everything man it's great for your mind it's relaxing it's great for your body you're all your muscles just like they sort of like lengthen out like unwind because you're floating it's like a zero gravity atmosphere it's really the only environment on earth like this have you tried smoking DMT in it no I've never thought of DMT well this would be great I did it roller coaster yeah my main thing is eating pot if you eat enough of it you know you'll have really insane visual effects like when I close my eyes I have these like weird like cartoony characters sort of like dance behind your eyelids but they're very slippery too it follows you know I would go to one of these dispensaries and get myself a cookie okay cool I just imagine they're extremely strong they're always very strong feeling both refreshed and alert I mentally prepared myself to meet crash venerated tank engineer and flotation expert as well as the builder of Joe Rogan's personal tank you guys know about this chemtrail shit right you do no no spray there's out in the sky everywhere I don't know very interesting stuff goes on I study a lot that's why I got the dark field and things you know studying the blood studying this studying that I look into a lot of things you know so I can get informed I'm concerned with my own well-being Joe recommended that I eat some kind of a weed brownie before getting into the tanks he said that that was the best way to experience it do you feel that way well you know I think everybody likes to do what they like to do I mean what I'm gonna say oh no you can't do that I mean that what is that I'm your mom your mom you told you yeah absolutely do whatever you want I think that this type of conscious action people that are doing that I am sick of these what I like about Joe this is a big thing to me too is item you know and what's it it's you see oh this is the point I was gonna make though the stigma that pertains to this industry has to do with this hippie kind of a person these are not your grandma's people coming into the float chamber no more see Joe's had an influence on the on the industry in general in fact is I believe him to be the single most driving feature in the entire industry crashes float lab is outfitted with the most technologically sophisticated flotation systems in the world in addition to whole body vibration therapy devices and several portraits of Albert Hoffman I did a report on Albert Hoffman when I was about you big I don't even know if I knew what the fuck I was talking about that I did a report about how he discovered LSD you guys do some massive done some massive yes yeah I like that stuff I like it a lot yeah go get the clean stuff right I guess so yeah get the clean asset get it from the reliable source before entering the tank crash coached me on how to maximize the benefits of my flotation experience the other thing is putting it in your eyes you don't want to put it in your eyes because it stings a bit and you can put your hands like this way here like that or however they feel comfortable for you you ready to go yeah there's a little filament in the middle there what is the filament that's that's freaky yeah that is what is me yeah that's what makes it freaky is the filament see it goes from freaky to cool all of a sudden right that's what I like take it from freaky to cool thank you all right let's get out of here just guys gonna take a shower come on sweet sweet you