Thanks Joe always, and thanks David for taking the huge risk in making this info public. I have watched several longform videos you have done as well as Congress etc. Clearly you are a genius/polymath...maybe even "primus inter pares" or "1st among equals" like an Einstein or Euler? There is no doubt about your intellect bud....and seem like a cool guy too. I would buy you a beer haha. If I may make a suggestion use your vocab well, and honestly are likely talking "over the heads" of folks with average or surely below average intelligence....yet you mispronounce the word "nuclear" ( NEW KLEE UR) as "nukuler" every single time. This is both annoying and below you man. Thats a middle school kid mistake. Not at all trying to be a dick man, or the "grammar police" since I am surely quite flawed myself. Just telling you because this tiny detail can discredit you easily among those looking for an excuse to.Btw, I am also high functioning autistic. With an intellect well above average but a "social blind spot" and "socially awkward". Keep up the GREAT WORK man...millions of folks appreciate you bro.