#911​ - Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo


7 years ago




Alex Jones

3 appearances

Alex Jones is a filmmaker, writer, and host of the Alex Jones Show.

Eddie Bravo

91 appearances

Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast. www.10thplanetjj.com

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Like an hour extra get Q in here talk about stuff One zero The stars have aligned the prophecy has come true Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo together on episode 9-1-1 this is episode 9-1-1 of the podcast. No, I'm not I had a fucking work hard all week to grind out podcast To make sure that I hit episode 9-11. We booked it. I knew how I go. Okay, there's a certain number of podcasts I have to do to get this to 9-11. So Jamie and I worked it out and we did it Well, let me just say I'm very envious because I'm in my studio under bright lights and I've talked about going back to when I Was just on radio that darkness we can really think this is a wonderful studio I'm gonna do a studio my next one with a fire pit. I'm gonna have conversations outside I've talked about that. Yeah, cuz it's like primitive it triggers. Yeah, and that it's comforting Feels good and it's kind of cool lighting. So that's in the next studio we build. I'm gonna build a fire pit I'm gonna get some logs some actual real fire You can only do that like certain times of the year in LA though Like when they when they have fire season they wouldn't let you do that shit We will use have like a little balcony or like a little outside courtyard with your fire pit and you kind of yeah But I want a real fire pit, you know, like I feel like if you're gonna have a fire Yeah, you should have actual law You should move to Hawaii part of the year and I will too and then we'll just have a big one fire in the jungle and create a whole Renaissance just what we're talking about before the trail be a helicopter secretly Fix a lot we could fix a lot with that Alex Jones you like a decorated Correspondent for the news now what the fuck's going on? What do you mean? I mean, you're a little you're out Like a official White House guy now, right? Oh, no, don't you like you're actually like a news guy Like a 100% legit will sure I'm setting up a news bureau and stuff, but that's just part of it Yeah, but like you're you're in deep with the Trump administration Well, I've had Trump on and I talked to him some but I mean really he's your buddy really really It's just that we're covering the reassurance of America What made the country great lower taxes empowering the people bringing people together the opposite of what MSM? Said what's happening is mainstream media is literally almost dead. It's collapsing I mean look at you. I remember having dinner with you like six seven years ago. You're like, yeah We got a million downloads a week now It's 90 million or whatever it is a month and 20 million on YouTube and for info wars. It's similar numbers It's a good weeks 40 million. We've had as many as 85 million people listen on radio and tune into videos in one week That was election week, but our normal is 40 something million. It's just crazy. How can they compete with that? They're still delusional the average CNN show is like a million viewers Fox thinks it's the big swing and dick It's got three four million. It's all I'm sorry people transmitting and broadcasting to geriatric homes You know where you see Fox's is the CNN and nursing homes You know what you see with kids 10 years old 10 years old up to college and beyond to Joe Rogan experience and it's in full wars and it's always other folks. It's amazing Yeah, it's a weird time Isn't it seems like those shows where you have to tune in from eight to nine and you have to sit through the commercials? That's kind of all gone away because of DVR's because now people just have to wait a few minutes He could DVR through all the commercials or you record things after the fact I remember you like 15 years ago saying the internet killed television They haven't announced that you watch is gonna kill it because how can they compete with what you can do on the internet? You know a guy getting screwed by a horse or whatever it is With all this craziness, did you see the guy in China that got jacked by the tiger today? I did see that yesterday actually it was yesterday. Let me not pay admission and just go through here Well, they even shot at the tiger. So they scattered the tigers They shot at the tigers to get him off this dude And then even after the bullets were shot off this tiger was like nah fuck that I'm going back in and he ran in after They shot at him and finally killed the dude and it was all everybody's got their phone up and they're all filming it Jumped in he jumped in he wanted to get killed. Oh really? Yes. Yeah, he would know this that was another guy who went in with the lion and tried to convert them to Christianity Jersey there that guy. Oh, that's crazy. He went in with a Bible. He's trying to convert the lions the lion just fucked him up I'll tell you what's crazy about that though is Imagine why I'm trying to convert him Maybe he was just like praying that the motherfucking lion wouldn't eat No, he went in on his own he was talking to them in the name of Jesus and he's like talking to the you never seen It Jamie pull it up See here he is he gets in there and he's talking to the lines this motherfucker just jumped the fence and Decided he was gonna convert the lines of Christianity and lions are apparently like way cooler than tiger. They're like what is going on here? Tigers see people and they just fucked him up immediately the line like barely fucked that guy up He just kind of saw that's because they're they're more tribal or more like dogs pack animal They're the only cat that's in a pack or a group. So they're not you know as Agra exactly minute tiger sees you you're in my territory. I'm going to kill you. Yeah. Yeah tigers a totally different beast Like Tigers sometimes they'll like adopt another little animal Like a wild dog or something like be licking on it being nice to it like what the other ones eat it. Yeah, they do weird stuff Lines to remember the only way you could see this before is with those animal attack videos remember those we started the same way there was they start off with a dog attack a dog attacking a mailman and iguanas out attacked your leg and then it slowly Ends up with drunk Mexicans at a rodeo on a wild bull with a rope And those bulls are smart as hell They drag them these drunk Mexicans and they drag their heads along the rails and just crush these dudes in between The railing like some serious Brain trauma. Yeah vicious brain trauma. They need one with just a hundred percent of that because that was the most exciting shit Now Jones how the fuck is TV gonna compete with that? See that's what we're saying So I was kind of wrong though because Netflix is TV and it's also the internet. It's like both things Sure, and it's forcing the power of Hollywood to basically disperse though. Yeah, well they I mean look It's it's better if it gets if if the ability to get your workout gets to more people. It's better It's better if anybody can do like these Competition and yeah like these new YouTube stars like all they have to do is get standing in front of a camera This is zero production value. They don't have I mean if you got a camera you got an internet connection You can have a YouTube show people find you interesting all of a sudden you've gotten millions and millions of subscribers I mean and he was bringing up this fact for your audience up front a lot of MSM lies and says I'm this big right-wing guy But you guys know that I was really against George W Bush. Yeah, you were you were arrested early on in the Bush administration I remember when when we first became friends in 1999 We were running around the White House or the the state Capitol lawn I was with with with George Bush jr. And senior masks on and you were always again sure the bus That's why I supported Trump is the entire power structure the media I mean the Vatican the communist Chinese of Saudi Arabians all Put money in and said stop him stop him and then lied to the Russians were giving him money with no proof And so the issue is he simply trying to actually be president and not have special interest in there running him And that's why the whole power structure is against Trump. So Eddie was asking before I went live Well, how is it you're this outside guy against the establishment, but now you're for it No, Trump is trying to create a beachhead Just to explain it to try to take the country back and actually devolve power back to the states and back to the people Does it mean he's perfect? But notice the stock market went up a trillion two hundred million dollars You know just the last month or so because a lot of institutional investors and others understand with Trump He's trying to create real prosperity Not a bunch of social engineering and I'm not here to pitch Trump to people The issue is is that there were major intelligence agencies and and Patriots in the government who were sick of what was happening and were sick of Hillary and Obama Backing jihadist groups and other things and so they're rolling those groups up right now They really are standing up against them and this is a historic moment And so there's been a counter coup through the electoral process in our country and that's what WikiLeaks was that wasn't the Russians That was US intelligence agencies. I said two months ago that Anthony Weiner in New York, you know Um, I have a Dean's husband the former congressman that was working for Hillary I said that he's under investigation for child porn Okay, and then now it came out yesterday that they're looking at and dining in for child porn Well, I had that from the NYPD that came out yesterday. Yes. Wow. Why would it what did he do? He had something on his computer Well now that they won't tell us but I was told that tied into that whole pizza gate thing which again the media Misrepresented what we said and did it came out in all those WikiLeaks all these weird codes Okay, like there was a bunch of weird codes about pizza and about a piece of pizza President Obama wants 60 $5,000 in hot dogs delivered and they're like are these really good hot dogs the hot dogs weren't as good last time Well, these are succulent hot dogs. I mean, that's not about kids You have to be well, what is that about? It's male prostitutes. I mean, that's what the code means really? Yeah. Okay. Yes How do they get male prostitutes to keep their fucking mouth shut? Well, cuz you know bad things happen if you don't federal child porn charges possible for Anthony Weiner, but but I'm on record months ago I'm on record months ago Saying that that's the case because I had those sources and so the government good elements the government know What's really going on? So the media then mess misrepresented and said oh look at 4chan They're talking about a thing called pizza gate and some pizza place in DC and the media looks at it and says Oh Alex Jones is claiming all this bad stuffs happening at this pizza place. I'm like, what is this? So they divert some probably innocent pizza place to distract off of all the emails that the New York police have and the FBI Have that's just this monstrous reported pedophile network So to discredit that they go create a fake story hoping we jump on it to then divert over to that story And then once we're on that it diverts everybody off from Anthony Weiner What which then leads reportedly which leads reportedly to a larger network? So they're playing that far ahead So they're they're literally attacking a pizza place with fake stories Just so that people can focus on that and take attention off Anthony Weiner. Yes, because I was connected to that story It was connected to Podesta stuff in DC and New York and all this other crazy stuff So I'm not saying because we're making a lot of like long sentences here in a lot of long statements There's what I'm saying, but let's let's for a lot of people that are go what the fuck is pizza gate There was this Ben Swan guy who did this recent piece about it and a lot of people got very angry Did you see the piece? Yes, you see the piece that he did it seemed to me to be pretty measured and he was making some connections to between that That's that symbol for child pedophilia. Yes, and or just pedophilia, right and The logo said the logo for the pizza place. He also made did he make the Hastert connection with Podesta while we'd Hastert Confirm child molester and best buddies with Podesta and former speaker of the house and then you expand on that But let's put stu it step at a time because this is really kind of important stuff. So that's all 100% true, right? So it's true that Hastert's in jail It's true that Hastert is a known pedophile that a judge called a serial pedophile, right? Yes, true. It's 100% It's true that Podesta was friends with Hastert. That's 100% right? Yes And then all this other stuff now becomes odd doesn't it become odd? And but if you say it's odd if you look at it this Ben Swan guy with his what I thought was he was just kind of expressing what is weird about this case and When he did it he got so much shit over it. I was kind of shocked I was kind of shocked people calling him a moron and Listen, I got the same thing, but but that's what I'm saying. They build a straw man So imagine thousands of emails come out with them talking about we'll have the kids ready Six seven and eight in the hot tub at this time and there I didn't see anything like that Oh, it gets it gets really weird. Where did it say that it was in the emails? There's freaking thousands of them, but it said we'll get the kids in the hot tub. Yes I never saw that. Can you can you see if you could find that Jimmy? That seems like Just the whole thing is so bizarre. We're gonna have the kids delivered for entertainment. They'll be in the hot tub Now these are great kids but kids can be kids We know what's fucked up about it is how few people really mentioned that connection to Hastert I would thought that would be a huge huge constant. Well, Joe, I love the fact that True that with your various student. I just bring up this whole big topic of how they twist things you go right to the key points that Okay That's a big Barney Frank Who got caught running a underage male prostitute ring? In the 90s out of his three-story Town house. Yeah, I thought it was just a male prostitute thing. I didn't know that somewhere Somewhere in range and then but listen was I was with him all up to age 19 plus or whatever sure but then But then what happened is he goes on C-SPAN on the house floor and says if you continue to investigate this I'm gonna expose half of you that are involved in this in this room and the investigation got shut down So the reason this is important is for shadow government You need something so bad that everybody who's involved in it ever ever comes out will be destroyed So that binds them all to the secrecy so that's where child pornography comes in and that's where pedophilia comes in That's where you get so many of the elite being into it But just as you said you have the Republican establishment trying to get Hastert out of nowhere as a wrestling coach to run For office then reportedly he's the pure cure just like Penn State and just like they had a deskie Yeah, and dusky in the underage, you know kids they were quote mentoring getting farmed out to supposedly big donors What's crazy is this is where we're talking about two very specific cases right two very different cases But what's crazy is they're both real. It's both real 100% send dusky who was a very respected man the community did a lot of charity work with young disenfranchised children and was molesting them at the same time and was Super-respected in the community and he was the right-hand man to Joe Paterno So that whole thing just fell apart in the headquarters from our research of the pedophilia is like, Pennsylvania, right? Okay, what about the Franklin cover-up? And that's that's that's that's up in What does this see Jamie says we plan to heat the pool. So Possibly Bonnie will be uber service to transport Ruby Emerson and Maeve Lusato eleven nine and almost seven so you'll have some further entertainment and they will be in that pool for sure What in the fuck? That's only one of them. That's a real confirmed email, right? Yes, Jesus Christ So listen, here's the problem. So I have NYPD telling me before the election like a month before yes We're investigating Wiener child porn photos Not just not just of kids out on the internet But kids he's communicating with and their parents are basically letting them communicate with him. So I'm told this by NYPD detectives I mean the Secret Service gave me information about how Hillary was collapsing all the time Remember we reported that and then it got caught on tape So so so all this stuff goes on and on and on and so I'm not saying half the people or or 90% of them You know are are are guilty or innocent in all this all I know is we start covering it start asking questions They then divert off into somebody on a fortune forum pointing out there was some email about a meeting at some pizza place In DC where top Democrats go they then turn the whole thing into I'm blaming some pizza place I'm sending shooters in to shoot people at a pizza place Make up all this crazy ass crap when I never even said any of that and then you go back to me two months ago three Months ago. I said the police have told me they're investigating Wiener for pedophilia and child porn when it was not in the news now Notice it's in the news. Okay. Okay, so I got this from police slow now before we get away from this cuz I gotta go back To that there was a quote up there that I did that Jamie pull up that I wanted to read the one on the lower Bottom about this now this these are the emails that you were talking about and these are a hundred percent confirmed emails Go back to that one that was on the bottom Scroll down to the other zone. These people are guilty. Yeah, what is that? Okay, hold on a second here So six grown-ups with two toddlers and two infants spread throughout the house and sure enough One of the toddlers was rubbing my nose at 545. What the fuck does that mean? The FBI has a whole got back to retrieve the children they threw in the town and what I Don't know man, this is like I don't know what the fuck those emails mean But look let's just now I mean everybody wants to immediately shoe this away is disgusting But they're holding a middle of it impossible We're talking about two very specific proven cases. Yes, Hastert proven Sandusky proven real huge elite powerful people that were also active pedophiles, right? Yes, so that's a fact who know each other and her buddies and then you've got Podesta's brother Who's big in Washington in an article in 2007 in the Washington Post? I'm gonna try to give you the exact headline which was something like Radical art or something and it's like making photos of the neighborhood kids in their house And then they're showing it throwing it in your face It's just crazy, but that's not even stuff I get into but there would but there is something to that because some of his artwork Was super disturbing that he had in his house like little tears out You're all about this pink butts. Yeah, they were there were in their underwear and it looked like they had been paddled Yeah, and they were all standing there with their butts face She's very bizarre about this and I do see and that's all I do is cover these real things So let me give you the new news But that is real the government got pissed off about this the pedophile rings have gotten so big that the intelligence agencies began to leak All this info and they knew Hillary was planning to steal the election. She did steal five states according to the experts and proof We had she do that. What do you mean? Try to break into six states Let's not go on these wrong long rants where there's a bunch of different statements that need to be addressed Sure, so let's just from right there. You got to get to that. Like how did she steal five states? Can't kind of gloss over that Okay, though. She tried to how did she try to steal six states? She did steal five states Well, Bev Harris was a big liberal big Democrat at the HBO documentary hacking democracy. She's the leading expert She was actually a month before the election through whistleblowers got the actual code That had been loaded on machines all across the country. She should have her in studio to steal the elections I saw hacking democracy and I saw that they did engineer those voting machines so that you could have a third party input and change it And I did it on live on the show and that was a decade ago with Bush. This is new Okay, so she's the top election fraud expert. So she comes on my show the stories on info wars comm and she says We've got evidence and then I had the the hacking experts on and I had the industry Whistleblowers on and I had the county officials on at every level We have the fraud proven that Democrat connected groups were already loading code on the machines all over the country But it's different companies But about think was 18 percent machines of the country to be able to remotely break in and and flip votes So because they were aware of that a bunch of states were waiting and watching and Homeland Security broke in live into six states and kept trying to flip the results and they even have screenshots and Videos of them in the computers in there clicking and doing it all there's major investigations going on You hear the news going Trump's crazy. He claims he legals voted to make it about illegals That was one statement in a larger election fraud deal of actual computers So so Trump knows about all this so she comes on and says they're planning this fraud then she comes on after the election She says yes, it's clear. Here's where precincts close Here's where all this happened where a hundred percent went for Hillary or right after it closed all the votes that then came in We're a hundred percent for Hillary. They didn't even care, but the landslide was so big for Trump. They couldn't steal it She successfully stole five states. She tried to break into six others or her controllers did and got blocked The tsunami for Trump was so huge With the real polling we can break down later that they still weren't able to steal it and now Patriots inside US intelligence agencies are preparing to roll up the pedophile networks nationwide So you've seen arrests in Pennsylvania arrest in LA. I haven't seen these arrests who's getting it's just now breaking and it's big institutionalized 474 arrest 28 sexually exploited children rescued during statewide human traffic operation. They're getting down. Holy shit It's a takeover, right? Holy shit, but look at the numbers there 474 people arrested, but they're only rolling up the Ren fields that get the people for the psychic vampires You're insane is it that this is still happening, right? So all the people that thought that this idea that you know Well, I mean whether they try to make it ridiculous by calling a pizza gate or connecting it to a pizza place Everybody that thought that was ridiculous It is not ridiculous that there could potentially be some sort of pedophile ring and see how they trick us They go pick some pizza place probably have their people go on make comments on some message board CNN New York Times Washington Post the same day come out and say well all the emails are discredited from New York and California and Hawaii Because there's this innocent pizza place over here that some of the Democrats go to and they're all saying that's where the pedophiles are at Okay So then the internet all goes and looks at that and starts trying to prove to disprove MSM that oh there must be something going on There so then that turns that all into the big quagmire is a smokescreen from all the admitted stuff That's happening because again I was told by my NYPD high-level sources that that they've got all this stuff on Wiener's computer that just got scooped up You know during the whole Hacking story and the whole story about Hillary and the unsecure servers and that that was being blocked by Obama And that as soon as Trump got in they would go back after Wiener Then I was told by a former section chief from a CIA that indeed this was an operation They were running against him to start leaking all this and so what you're beginning to see is the beginning of all the pedophilia coming out Is they roll up the procurers that grab your kids out of backyards or that go out as social workers and get the kids or whatever? They're rolling all those up right now to get the Renfield's Renfield brings the people to Dracula because that's the allegory I'm not saying I know what you're saying. So they're gonna now roll it up into the higher level groups right now That's what Trump's doing. Here's what's going on with a lot of this stuff We got you have to be real careful And how you describe these things and how you talk about these things because people are looking for any little tiny thing to discredit it And one of the reasons why they're looking at they're doing it for personal reasons because it seems You you'd no one wants to be ridiculous No one wants to be a fool and no one wants to be someone who's talking about Conspiracies that aren't real so people are very hesitant to to talk about something that's unproven But horrific just like this just like right 15 years ago. It was a conspiracy theory That that the Catholic Church had any pedophilia right now, we know 30% we're doing it. We now know the old Pope had to step down was blackmailed With info about other high-level priests by the new guy that came in I mean, this is heavy stuff It's hard though the Catholic Church stuff is absolutely horrible and proven over and over again And again when I was a kid, it was rumor. It was just things that were whispered and you would hear about it And now it's I always wondered how they're getting away with it. It's so out in the open. How come there? There's psychic vampires stealing the energy from the kids Well what the most common thing they do is like find very in jail the most common thing They do is they find very troubled kids that don't talk about it people with foster care kids with no parents Kids who come from really troubled backgrounds But you would sort of who are abused like Sandusky ran a abused Children's shelter and group and then would take the kids out sometimes overnight at rich people's houses to make them feel better Yeah, yeah It's and then no one wants to believe that these that the assistant coach and that all these powerful people But when he finally got caught he was raping Eight-year-olds in the showers at noon on a Saturday at the fieldhouse Yeah, and someone who worked there found it watched it happen It walked in on them literally and that's what would it all fell apart That's always happen. So these guys get more and more arrogant It's all I'm telling you is I'm not saying anybody's guilty in these thousands of emails You go read them and it's like the last walnut sauce you brought wasn't very good. Oh, well, these are good walnuts You're gonna oh, I love walnuts and then you go read in the FBI break down what that's code for What's the code for walnut? It means people brown skin. Oh, Jesus Christ Well, you know Anderson was talking about this for years FBI chief former he discovered a bunch of it in Los Angeles He was that he was the head of the LA sector So people are gonna hear this and they go they're a bunch of pizza gate truthers These guys are a bunch of pizza gate truthers. There's there's an inclination to automatically dismiss things. Let me be clear Let me be clear. I I'm on the air covering 50 topics a day. These emails are coming out. I I get Contacted one of my sources by people in the NYPD. I get sent documents photos of their licensed law enforcement I talked to these people then they say yeah, no, it's horrible. It's a bunch of pedophilia You know, it's a bunch of child porn. It's all gonna come out It's tied to all these different groups and I'm just like, okay So I go on air and I say listen, I got this from real NYPD and other sources and then Eric Prince of Blackwater Who still runs one of the biggest groups in the world does he run some sort of military operation and? like Bahrain Absolutely. The point is is that he comes away says the UAE You can ask you about it. He knows all about it. But the point is is that all this happens and he comes out in the news Okay through the White House Oregon Breitbart, that's basically from Trump's mouth and says yes We've confirmed high-level pedophilia rings in the Clinton operation. We're gonna bring them down. And so that's what all this is Why did Breitbart tweet about that in 2011? Do you remember that tweet Breitbart knew about it came out? Breitbart said I'm gonna bring out the biggest thing that's gonna bring down the Democrats and they poisoned him right here in California They poisoned. Oh, absolutely. They killed him. Where do you what happened? I didn't even know how he died I thought he died of a heart attack Yeah, are you laughing fake laughing? I won't buddy, you know, I love you. Anyway, pull up the Breitbart email or the Breitbart tweet because it's a crazy It's all about this. Well, the tweet is pretty insane when you read it. You're like wait, what the fuck is going on? like Everybody there's an instantaneous reaction that people have Right, you're right. You're right. Tell me people are doing this to kids. You don't know you like get the fuck out here That's nonsense. Yeah, but when you tell people about the stuff that's been proven the ones that have the big they don't account They don't they don't attach those I was on air Saying I'm told this by NYPD in like three different shows and that it's gonna come out that weaner sending child porn And it's in the news what they're saying what they're accusing wiener of apparently is sending Sexually explicit text to an underage girl. That's what's against the law. It's so they're calling the child porn But it's essentially he was sending Pornographic text to a 15 year old. Well, I was told it's a lot more than that what they're doing This is just what it was minimizing it because the higher ups are being told you don't let this out Hmm, let me tell you weiner supposedly had tens of thousands of emails wiener should be a fucking comedian for sure He's a freak. He's got real problems. He's a good communicator. I bet he's hilarious Come on, don't you think all I know is I'm not saying even wiener is a pedophile all I know is all I know is listen We all know about Jerry Epstein. Okay, and I don't know about Jerry I was a little lolita Express just Google that and what is that Bill Clinton was like on 20 flights first? It was said oh, that's right. Okay now That has a temple in it and then he was also flying to this this Middle Eastern country with a chic That's a minute pedophile with multi-million dollar checks at Bill Clinton on the plane and Bill Clinton is a known sexual predator okay, so all this stuff's going on and So they start bringing up lawsuits against Donald Trump with Jane Doe's Claiming he'd been with Epstein even though there's no proof in the law because they make you log even on private jets None of it was ever true. He bet it is how Prog prog, you know progressive guru John Podesta is in household name as world-class underage sex slave op cover-upper Defending unspeakable dregs escapes me early on did John Podesta Imagine his baby MMFA I don't know what that is would be covering up for underage sex ops and H Hate crimes against blacks, huh? I Know what that means? What is M? MFA young Jamie? I Meteo matters, huh? Isn't that Soros? Yeah, that's Soros But also guess who owns the pizza place who or all this one on its its media matters head Guy David Brock's boyfriend and that is where they have major Democratic Party fundraisers and then they had They had rock bands there That that gave live spoken word dissertations of the love of children what? Yeah, I'm talking about guys like in goth drag About how much they love children. Have you seen this? Yeah, I don't even really want to repeat what they really pull it up I want there's a video of them saying that it was a common. This is a common ping pong So, you know what? Why is I mean this it's really it's a very very bizarre Subject, but why is this like so eat? What is this right here? You bring it up Jamie? Okay, give me some volume below a subway sandwich shop Here he likes the world sounds Hmm That's super weird Right anybody listening let's describe what that person looked like they were wearing a wig a blonde wig and it was a guy A transvestite or a woman who's just smoked every cigarette It's one of the two but uh This is the fact that that was going on at that place seems really odd But that sounds like someone ad-libbing, you know, we all have preference. It's like trying to be funny That's almost like no guys in the in the in the crowd saying it's little boys Oh, yeah, a lot of creepy artwork connected to that guy a lot of creepy artwork. I mean that that's a fact There's a lot of facts. So it's one of those things like Anything and you're not saying that I'm not either. That's what's really important I never even really covered this stuff and then they had me on the news and also Swan going They said these people were killing kids in a basement. They say okay Megan Kelly went on and took a clip where I was talking about Hillary's funding jihadis And Obama back in the Arab Spring that killed tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people thousands of children Now al-qaeda was putting kids and which is Isis into sex slavery They edited that out and then cut it together on Fox News With me saying and Hillary Clinton rapes and kills children in a basement at ping-pong pizza They literally now edit audio, but I was able to change your audio I was able to go find the day with video with what I really said and throw it back in their face But wow, that's really blatant. That's what where's this? Can we watch this? Where is this that they did? Sure, I think you guys have the comparison the two up. Yeah It's something like Megan Kelly caught a giant lie against Alex Jones trying to find that we should we should play that Megan Kelly so pretty she could say whatever the fuck she wants. I think she looks like old trainee I love her. Do you think she looks like an old trainee? Yeah, you're hilarious No, I don't like old trainees, but I think she's hot. You don't like you don't think Megan Kelly's not I just want to insult her she's a globalist. Oh, she's global. Obviously. She's pretty do you know Joe? She's real ugly She do you think that she was she's moved over to NBC? Do you think she's gonna change her tune now and go for the little BC wants to be the quote new Fox News So they'll be the new kind of Glenn Beck I'm a conservative, but I hate conservatives and libertarians and I speak for everyone and I can decode it all So she's gonna go over there to be the conservative light and try to get them some ratings So it seems like NBC realizes that's where the money is Is that we're saying want to see how fake news is made from Megan Kelly on Fox News. Did you find it Jamie? Okay, let's play it here. Here we go Give us some volume how this whole thing got started pizza gates conspiracy gunman As many controversies do these days it began with a tweet on October 30th days after the FBI announced They'd be reopening an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails Someone on Twitter whose name remains unverified but has several thousand followers Posted that new emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer Confirmed that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophilia ring The Twitter post included information from a Facebook user who stated quote my NYPD Source said it's much more vile and serious than classified material on Weiner's device We're talking an international child enslavement and sex ring. It pause for the next day the places should be back up to the sex now This is probably them quote trying to debunk us What they do is they misrepresent what we're saying so again whoever these rogue people were or I don't know who they are Saying oh look NYPD says it's wiener and all this see how they were saying none of that's happening now It's actually starting to come out. I don't know how far how deep it goes, but this is when Kelly Well, let's let it play out and then respond to it I was I was going to use your train of thought sure sure okay Do you know what the reason for the right one book user who stated quote my NYPD? Source said it's much more vile and serious than classified material on Wiener's device We're talking an international child enslavement and sex ring the next day the bogus claim was picked up by a website called your newswire comm Message boards like 4chan and reddit right-wing blogs and several pro-trump websites Info Wars Alex Jones a far-right web host posted a YouTube video seen almost 500,000 times The rumors spread inspiring some newfound internet sleuths to start digging around in John Podesta's hacked emails searching for proof and Location of the so-called sex ring what they found were numerous references to pizza Now here's what Alex Jones actually said When I think about all the children Hillary Clinton is personally murdered and chopped up and rate Have zero fear standing up against You heard me right Hillary Clinton has personally murdered children Going to can't hold back the truth anymore Hillary Clinton is one of the most vicious serial killers the planets ever seen There's a twist to that Am I talking about the devil worship story with her chief of staff or campaign chairman? Looking at the menu of blood and semen and body parts with that the Alisher Crowley event the private event Oh, no, I'm not talking about that I mean 200,000 plus dead Christians with her operation with Syria and our operation in Libya and not letting the Christians get out and Directing Al Qaeda and Isis who target and murder children and put them through sex slavery and throw Catholic priests off cliffs and kill people In mass and murder gays and everything else you can imagine because they don't like peaceful people And they caught everybody there for open society and they love everybody Anything they do is for degradation and someone could have been killed inside of your restaurant Yeah, there's no good reason. I'm pretty people like Alex Jones Fanned a conspiracy theory that even the DC police say has no basis in fact Yes, it's a lack of lies and It's dangerous. What happens is the top sorrows opera's boyfriend to drive across four state lines with an assault rifle And enter a family friendly restaurant at three o'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday I know reddit has banned this topic on its website I mean slowly But surely those who helped fan it are trying to dial it back out of the safety You know the concerns for the safety of those who have been endangered by really this could happen to anyone. It's not just us It's any single person. I know you said to our producers. It's also surreal until the gun comes in Wow And then some guys so they went They got the full clip they cut the front off knowing I was actually saying I don't know about the Satanism Before the term pizza gate was out there But I do know she's funded the radicals I came I saw they die Who do rape and kill and cut up kids so she personally is? You were making a very provocative statement and you made a very provocative statement by saying something kind of crazy at first Yes, and then backing it up And so what they decided to do is just edit a chunk of that and so they didn't really have to edit it and chop It up, but they did take it as they say Out of context and said that I was talking about comedy Right you weren't and I was talking about the spirit cooking Alistair Crowley stuff where the lady is written It's real for her and they go they take little kids of these parties and they have vats of blood That's one thing if you were an adult wanted to do that, you know issue some art project This is real and so I was talking about the menu where they're in the email saying You know, we're gonna have plenty of blood plenty of semen for you and other delicious things in the menu And he's like, what are the juicies on the menu? And they go well, we're gonna have cheese pizza We're gonna have we're gonna have the the nut sauce and we're gonna have the pasta and we're gonna have you know Succulent hot dogs. We know you love succulent hot dogs. What the fuck? And they go oh god I want to go back to that place in Hawaii that had the best hot dogs, you know It's like yes, since we've got hot dogs and Obama won $65,000 where the hot dogs liver to the party Will the hot dogs be there and then it's in Stratford and CIA emails that got leaked by WikiLeaks that now people cross-referenced Where the CIA is like watching going? Ah, look at Obama in Chicago another hot dog party Well, these did they are there's no Obama is at a party with 15 dudes That's his issue. The point is though they can blackmail him with this and the stuff with Obama That's we never got pedophile codes with Obama. Yeah. No, it's it's men. I Mean he's had his mother trying to say that Barack Obama is a homosexual saying he's bisexual How dare you I really don't even care. Yeah. Have you ever seen him with a man? How do you know? This is true. Well, I've seen him with men walking down the street Maybe he just likes to bring dudes in have conversations with him Maybe he just hard to talk to people when you're the head of the free world Maybe he had a party with with $65,000 with the hot dogs. Yeah, maybe he loves hot dogs. He's sick. Fuck it. Fuck this diet I'm not the president anymore. Yeah, I'm chilling now listen $65,000 He's balling that's more than 65,000 hot dogs what a gourmet hot dogs with a dollar apiece Question how many let's say it's super gourmet five dollars apiece for each hot dog president needs a hot dog helping hand What does that what if it turns out? He was like the ten-time hot dog eating champion? He's like one of those That's probably it. What if that's it? He probably okay. Let's say Just really likes hot dogs here Alex Jones like there's a whole article $65,000 $5 apiece Five dollars per hot dog right but listen, you know, you got to get those delivers Someone's gonna make them got to grind it up put it in the casing the whole deal. Maybe it gets like gourmet hot Putting together some giant party some I'm out of this job party. No, I don't know but Dog is a code for male prostitutes. Okay, maybe it is but what I'm saying is anybody who's skeptical anybody who's looking at this and going You guys are so fucking crazy. This is so you're making such gigantic leaps of faith No leaps just look at all how what the weird code in those emails. There was definitely some code And I'm gonna meet you after This one in fact my crew actually got mad to be honest with you We started by the truth here We're about five days into this and the news hadn't even picked it up and all my crew is doing is all day reading thousands of emails I mean there's thousands that are just related to food and hot dog and kids and hot tubs and kid deliveries and And oh the spirit cooking and Oh Alistair Crowley and oh, they'll be semen in blood. I told my crew I said it's probably true No one's gonna believe it stop obsessing on it and stop reading these emails Because I want to focus on the election and everything else that's happening So then sites start accusing me of covering up The the pedestrians stuff before it's called pizza gate and then I get blamed for being behind pizza gate and I'm not even bitching I'm explaining what it's like to really be trying to get at the truth and then people take the fact that it's complex She'd be better at this than me Joe cuz you know how to put stuff out clear and parson I just know all this crap where you get crazy and still ran people won't listen to me because I got too much data And you manage what this is like. I mean, it's just I'm sick of it I don't know everything that's going on, but I know this I have good CIA people and FBI and Secret Service Okay telling me yes Alex. It's worse than you know keep getting them It's gonna come out and it's starting to come out and saying watch when we start arresting the pedophile networks We're gonna roll up the Democrats and the Republicans that are involved That's why Trump said in his speeches at the inaugural. This is not about parties. We're taking these people on We're bringing God back in even somebody that wasn't very religious like Trump has gotten religion learning about this Because let me tell you something Trump's not a devil worshiper And he loves God and he's been briefed on all this and he's gonna roll their ass up So the pedophiles better get ready. I want to clear something up right now look at that camera and tell everybody you're not bill Hicks Tell so stupid tell them you're not I'm not either tell them well number one fucking people think there's a goddamn conspiracy Pretends what I died here's what happens. They think it's a flat earth, too I take real stuff notice Joe's done his research not kissing his ass so he knows all these little points I'm making better than I even did yeah I'm like remembering stuff when he brings it up because I try to suppress half this crap. I can't handle it anymore man I'm 43 and I'm sitting here looking at all this and then and these people come up to me on the street They go hey Joe. Hey Joe something like five times, and then I try like oh, I knew you were you know you were I mean not just Alex whatever your fucking name is The program Here's it I'll be on the street, or I'll be at a restaurant, and they come over they go They say hey bill. Hey bill. Hey bill. I'm gonna really show Rogan. That's the conspiracy and And I'm and I turn around they go oh, I know it's you all because I did a few Pieces in one little video with a guy that lived in Austin that you knew it's how I met you Like Bill Hicks, that's what's ridiculous about it Like what did you get like massive plastic surgery changed the way your voice sounds like your voice is so different than his Is that no one ever wants to look real conspiracies because they're complex and hard to understand they want to just go with the earth is flat You know there's aliens living underneath the Capitol dinosaurs aren't real or well. No I mean listen the point is I'm gonna bash Eddie Eddie. It's good to have a free open mind, but he doesn't promulgate stuff He's only researching what's been said, so I want to just get this out of the way. I am Bill Hicks I'm actually you are how will bill Hicks be like 60? I think he died at 32 in 1994 so Do the math I know one thing it's hot in here is it really I'm not hot Eddie you know I was in my studio Really cold oh do you well you get you get crazy you're a goddamn human inferno. I'm melting You know there's a lot of people that don't know Like how you got started, but one of the things I thought was really bizarre in that thing was that lady was calling you a Right-wing host a far right-wing host you've never been a right-wing guy, and it's a it's a big misconception like you were always Totally anti bush you got arrested Speaking as actually before Bush was even elected you were trying to stop him from being elected Back when Clinton was and then when he stole the election from Gore who I didn't even really like I still came out and exposed It's now been certified in Congress, and they've documented I just go with what the facts are right you've never been one of the things that really opened my eyes This is a really important video that you did 9-11 Road to tyranny well you talked about the World Trade Organization protests and how they had sent in these People in government uniforms with government issue boots and these anarchists that were dressed in black And they it's that this is an actual tactic that they'll use to break up peaceful protests Well, they'll send in soldiers or policemen or whoever the hell they're hiring no one knows and they send these people and they smash everything up They started turning to a violent protest They light things on fire And then they all hold up in the building and they negotiate their release and none of them were ever arrested I and when you showed this clip by clip from these various news Organizations and you focused on the kind of clothing They're wearing and the difference in their behavior versus the behavior of all the peaceful protests And then showed the result of it which had these people that were walking to work with a WTO sticker that had a line through it and Police stopped them and said you can't have that sticker on that book bag You can't have admitted beta test for martial law again I'm not anti cops themselves the media always spends it you expose pedophilia They blame some innocent pizza place you expose the government trying to make cops do bad things now you hate every money I've even been cops. I mean who knows who was doing? Delta force that makes sense Delta force and I'm not blasting Delta force They were given the order by Clinton to go out and to recruit and they recruited just about 400 leftist foundation funded grips funded by big private foundations They trained him for about a month before in Oregon. They flew him there put him in a government housing facility This was on the newsletter I just covered local news story they did retreat to a building and negotiated their surrender and they were released Yes, yes, yes, but this is after all this property damage They went out to start the attack so they had it on video So they could then attack the hundred thousand peaceful protesters So this was something that I mean we don't like we like to think just like you don't like to think that pedophiles are real you don't like to think that anyone in the government would ever organize some kind of an attack or some sort of a a fake Event where a bunch of people that you hire to start smashing things to make a peaceful protest look bad We don't want to think that that's possible, but it is possible goes on But it turns out that this is actually a documented attack dick Yes, it was the WTO in fact Esquire about two years ago was doing a profile on me and the guy His dad had been a former CIA section chief and they'd been involved a bunch of stuff himself and I told him I said Yeah, Delta force ran those riots and he goes you're a liar And I said no I'm not he went and googled it and couldn't believe he got the Seattle post intelligence surgery and stuff and then even went and talked to journalists that knew because he'd been there covering it as a journalist and he Didn't even know so he says in the Esquire article. Okay Alex Jones Got me there because even though I'd grown up in the CIA and stuff I didn't know that was happening, but but let's be clear It's criminal elements using departmentalization that do this they always claim I hate the government and I want to have a war and all this other stuff No, I have to give credit to the good elements of the CIA and the good elements of the NSA. I mean, I'm good friend That's a very important point. It's a very important point. I've had this point with a friend of mine when we were talking about I've had Mike Baker on the podcast before and through the few conversations that I've had with Mike Baker's formerly the CIA I get you I start getting an understanding of how it works like these drug dealings that always you know I know like Jets crashing with all the coke on board. They're Cowboys. You got like a few dudes guys running side side shows If you do to realize they can make a fuckload of money if they sell and there might be a lot of people involved But it's not the whole CIA. It's not like they have government memos on it Well, what they do is they'll have a covert option They're running the president says do this like Ronald Reagan didn't know about the cocaine dealing I've talked folks that were involved actually for the points. He says I want communist knocked out Congress doesn't give him the funding They go what you do in the government as you go the president said do this. We're men of action We're going to do it So then there's cocaine already being sold the contractors are using it to get all their funding will screw that We'll just jacket bring it in using private contractors, right? But yeah, it was it was a common tactic they knew that there was money that was being made from selling illegal drugs Why would they let that money be made all around them? They're not going to well That's the argument is you don't want to let the communists do all the cocaine and heroin They're like or because then they have more money than you. Well, what the fuck is going on in Afghanistan? It's just as crazy and you're telling people how much heroin production went up since our occupation anybody can pull this up I guess what's frustrating is a lot of the fake liberals because I see myself as a real liberal But a lot of the fake liberals just go. Oh, that's a lie. This is like no you can search engine opium production in Afghanistan Pre-2001 and then look at the latest years. It's come out like 2014-15 It went from 3% of world supply to 7% to 30% and after 10 years of occupation It went to 93% look at it up there global supply. So look at the hectares went from Memory Was I right? Well, you there were it's pretty substantial increase between 2001 which is at an all-time low on this chart from 94 the 2016 so 2001 is an all-time low and then the next year it fucking skyrockets Yeah, but Google is going on BBC and AP just type in Afghanistan 90 plus percent world opium production It's very very hot a 93% Now listen and it was always also for like opiate pills or is it just for everything ever So it's not like oxycontin and things along those lines. Well, they ordered the troops To the Taliban that works whether it was allowed to grow it and then they're allowed to sell it to whoever wants to buy it Well, not just that there's been documented confirmed instances of troops that are being forced to guard poppy field. Sure Let me break it down for right when this started coming out on Fox News with Geraldo Rivera. Remember that sure Well that came out a year after I broke it and again, let me tell you how they work It comes out That the troops are being or right there goes 90% of the world's supply of opium according to the United Nations And it hit 93 last year. This is what how many years old is this couple? This is like three years old Yeah, it's two years old. See it's gone for 93 right now. Jesus Christ. So but see I didn't lie I said 93 and it's nice what it is Yeah, so but that's what's so frustrating as you know all this and then and then people still call you crazy now what Alex Why do explain the fake news sigh up? Why do a lot of people out there think info wars is total fake news? Why do they think that that is a major deep state government program funded by Soros mainly and they found the most effective way is anti-israel bashing and so This came out in the WikiLeaks last year The US intelligence leaked not the Russians that he's in there saying we're gonna overthrow Israel We got to deal with Saudi Arabia and we've got to like up the ante with anti-israel rhetoric I'm somebody that was neutral in Israel never been there have nothing to do with it Israel has liberals conservatives some good administration some bad, but I'm not anti-israel. It's a tiny little place I know it does some things that are bad compared to what we've done. It's nothing So I just don't have some giant hard on for Israel, you know wanting to hurt them And I'm not against the Palestinians or anybody else. Everybody knows that so so when they kill Israelis for no reason I say it's wrong when they white phosphorus bomb Palestinians. I say it's wrong so I'm sitting there covering all that and Then they just put out that I'm this Israeli agent, you know all day long or I'm the CIA Let's not get into these crazy rants about crazy accusations If you play the fake news, why do they think info wars wars is fake news? I don't know you that a lot of people out there smart people Really intelligent they they have they think they're the real news is CNN. Okay. Well, let me explain You've got attacks from below and above you've got major funding by Soros and others There's a real live Nazi collaborator like true. Dr. Evil. The latest James Bond was based on his real Company, it's even named after his company. You know, it's a bad guy in the movie is is actually Soros Yeah, he tried to crash the pound bring down England. He's really bad news. So am I six hates him? But long story short about George Soros He's funding this attack on me and any independent media How do you attack independent media when the public's awake to deep state and government and stuff? You say Alex Jones is the government and then they always ignore real facts I talk about where I admit some of my family and stuff this work for the government and they said the government was corrupted I control that isn't even a real debate. But but above that what was your other question? He had a question Explain the side Eddie let me let me just explain it's pretty easy They're in direct competition with them if it's Fox News of its CNN if it's anybody that's distributing news You're in direct competition with someone who has an independent news organization They operated themselves and they do it online. Joe just said it perfectly. That's it Alex is in a very unusual position because he's a magnet people people are drawn to him like a lightning rod He says a lot of crazy shit. He goes on rants. He's very animated He's fun to watch and a lot of this shit He says it's correct and we're getting into this right now Like this this thing about the WTO which was like I said was one of the first ones that really opened up That was a long time ago, too. That was like you put that video out in 2002 or something. Like when was that 2003? It was like 2001. Yeah, it was right after 9-11. Yeah, yeah right after September 11th And I put it on the web right after that exactly I put it out on like DVD or something before that But you just hit it joke So let me try to actually think and codify this then because my problem is I don't script what I say that it's kind of All of the map which is a good thing also a bad thing. You just sit on the head You ask your question. Why they call me fake news. We just saw Megan Kelly two weeks before the election Say in a whole hour long show special against fake news. We played a few minutes of it Alex Jones is the king of fake news He just said Hillary is chopping up children inside a basement at a pizza place now granted I was saying it in satire about her in the Middle East So it begged for them to take it out of context, but they clearly did that to deceive their viewers. She's branding herself I'm real you can trust me. Look at this poor victim Alex Jones almost got him killed when none of it was true When none of it was you know based in reality and when I what I was getting was from the NYPD Okay, and the FBI who are good people at least those agents. So there's an example of them branding text singing in They'll take something real I've said or they've taken videos where I'm acting stupid You know with like 5x or 6x underwear that they're given the illegals or whatever and they'll show me with underwear on my head And say look this guy's crazy and I get it I cover serious topics so they can take it out of context But when I'm being serious, which is 90% of the time I tell people but when Joe comes in and we've got we have Joey Joey Diaz, no Joey Diaz talking about you know kidnapping people. I start, you know laughing her. Yeah, we had fun Look you're a normal person and that's that's what people find hard to believe when I tell people I'm friends with Alex Jones They go get the fuck out of here. He's a great guy. It's a great guy. We have a good time together Very nice Joe. You're a great guy. I swear we aren't all so busy and hang out more like in the old days I know well we can do it. I'm gonna come back to Austin I'm trying to get to Austin probably this spring trying to figure out when and when and where I'm gonna get But I love Austin where you live is a fucking beautiful place Well, I know these topics can be you know, quite frankly exhausting they are for me But but I'd like to show them today Really get into the big picture and what I believe is really going on because I figured out the basis of what's happening And I'm gonna let you I mean if you want here some far out stuff today, okay, because we experienced I mean I'll go through it Okay, let's go. Okay. Let me take a piss then go ahead Joe's always so slick and calm. So are you Eddie me? I get in here and I just get a little crazy We're gonna bring you down. We're gonna like bring you down to earth every now and then you're gonna launch into orbit We're gonna grab you by your heels bring you back. We're gonna be fine. We'll get through this go take a piss and then tell us I shit where's the bathroom right through that door and to the right? Powerful Alex Jones so far a Bravo everything you wanted and more. Oh, absolutely I'm just sitting here letting them just Letting letting the people letting your fans know that have never listened to my listen to Alex Jones every goddamn day And she take a day off every now and then otherwise like fuck To him He's a good guy, you know, he's always been a good guy people that don't listen to him They they believe what the mainstream media has said. Yes, but it's also he makes it easy for them by saying crazy shit Like Hillary Clinton chops up babies and all that stuff and I know he's doing it for dramatic effect It's one of the reasons why a show is so popular because he does a lot of things like that It makes it easy for people to dismiss him and then you get into this thing. Well, okay Let's before you dismiss him. Let's look at what he said What does he said that's true and then look at what he said everything he said today so far so Far everything that he said it's just like his radio show. Yeah, he doesn't have any Teleprompters this dude can talk for hours straight Well, that's that's a thing though when you wind up doing a lot of podcasts Especially doing these radio shows shows like Alex does by himself We just rants and rants and rants for long periods of time you they develop like a certain muscle Like there's a lot of guys who do their own pod like Bill Burr is a perfect example Does his own podcast by himself all the time and he's got this ability to go just rant From one subject to the next subject and keep going and when you have them on a podcast It's just you just kind of got to get out of his way Yeah, so with Alex you just kind of got to feed him some subjects get out of his way But every now and then he does so many subjects in a row. I got to bring him back I got to go you got us. Okay, let's get to this one. How did she steal estates? You just can't gloss over that Let's get to this. Okay, let's get this broke it down pretty good. He did a great job Yeah, and this is I think this is gonna help people have just seeing Alex like this is gonna help people have a Chance to look at this whole picture of just forget about where your loyalties lie Whether you enjoy CNN or Fox News or whatever it is Just sit outside of it right now and look at what it really is because what it really is is why is anyone want to? Give you the news are they giving you the news because they love you Are they giving you the news because it's a program and they're trying to make money and Do they have access to certain people because they're willing to play certain games? Most likely when you're looking at something that's on a major league television show whether it's Fox News or NBC or CBS Or whatever the fuck it is. You've had to go through some serious channels to get there There's had if you're a guy with a suit and a tie Good evening America and you're doing that got that that guy on any of those major networks You've had to go through some fucking serious hoops and ladders and checks and balances You got to represent something in order to be the person who reads the news But what is that news for is it a fucking show or is it really the news are they really trying to help you? What are they trying to do? You know what? Why why are they doing the news are they doing it because they love you and care for you and they want you to be informed Or are they doing it because they're clearly biased and they've got an agenda Well if you watch Fox News and then CNN just go back and forth whenever there's something going on Like I did it after the election. I was like Fox News CNN Fox News CNN It's cool. Who the fuck is telling the truth. Someone's got to be lying Why do you Fox's lying? Why do you Fox's lying because there's one story over here and there's a totally different story over here So all you need to know just looking at that just forget about what you are whether you're a progressive liberal whether you're a conservative Republican just look at that and understand that you're getting all of your information From these sources that have a vested interest in relaying their particular version of the truth. That's not good for anybody It represents their party. Yeah, like Fox's totally get me one no matter what Yeah, dude, come on Get one for Eddie Bravo, too. Let's get crazy. Bring out the hatches. I hope that people that listen to your show The people that have never given a little nervous. I want to get going for a while. Let's do it Let's do it. Bring out the whiskey all I want like for me I don't want to be this conspiracy guy making money and and doing shows. I walked away from my podcast I was talking about conspiracy. I really don't want to be that conspiracy guy, but something inside me is Wants to wake people up. That's all I'm trying to do. That's all I'm trying to do. I'm trying to help I'm not making money off any conspiracy theories or anything. I tell myself every time I walk in here Don't say shit about conspiracy. This whiskey's gonna bring it out of them, bro There's a big fan of you. Oh, he said he wants to roll with you later. Oh shit No, you said so he said so you can kick his ass. No, Eddie just had a disc replaced It's finally time Every now and then don't you want to be like on that side and just have half full access they don't Don't hold that whiskey hot don't hold that whiskey hot Alex Jones. All right. Listen, let me give you guys the big frickin data. Okay, why not pour the whiskey first? I'm willing to give it to okay. I'm not bullshit. I got the thing figured out pour one for Eddie I got it figured out guys You want me not shit? All right gentlemen, cheers, I'm gonna keep my mouth Cheers to you ox Jones. Here's you buddy Good stuff people were so One side or the other when it come to this there's so much anticipation regarding this so much bullying about don't have Alex Jones on I bet well, there was a lot of that There's a lot of be good call him on his racist shit. Someone said that to me Alex Jones is one of the least racist people you'll ever fucking meet in your life I've never even heard you say a racial thing race is so inconsequential to you I'm into what you think and what they stand for you've never discussed race ever in the almost what do I know you? 16 fucking 17 years. I've never heard you discuss race at all. So someone calling you a racist like What you're just all they do while Trump's waving a rainbow flag and say he's a homophobe There was a guy walking next to me in New York. I was there after the election I was there for the UFC was right after the election and me and my friend Cam Haynes were walking back from the gym We went over to the gym. We're walking back. We walked right into the fucking protest and there was this guy that was standing next to me screaming Donald Trump KKK racist sexist anti-gay KKK racist sexist anti-gay He just kept screaming it out as if Donald Trump's in the KKK as if Donald Trump. Are you sure he's racist? Are you sure there's any discrimination? Hires gay guys around his casinos and hotels and his friends with him and like gave interviews of the advocates 20 years ago It's all just complete made-up horse crap. He's waving a rainbow flag at the RNC speech He says Republicans have to stop being mean to gay people and have to be inclusive He's about to enforce civil rights laws for gays and others and they're calling him a literal homophobe Now listen, all I'm saying is the upside-down BS man Yeah, but this but this is my problem with it. My problem with it is that people want to use a real You're a bigot. You're a this you're that they want to come up with a nice quick label and officially makes them You in the picture man it boxes you in and defines you and then you have to defend yourself Look you said it best at the beginning this Donald Trump's not perfect He's a man and he's also a super ambitious super wealthy man It's constantly on the go and those kind of dudes are type a hyper aggressive personalities And he's definitely said some shitty shit and upset, right? I mean, don't you agree like sure we all do yeah And this the big one is one that he said in confidence with that Billy Bush guy the grab him by the pussy thing That's the big and who has it in confidence, especially if you're famous said man, it's crazy women throw themselves on you You can do anything you want sexual assault a woman's climbing up on top of you. You can do whatever you want That's what mammals do. She's showing she wants it. She gets it Sexual assault it's pure horse. Imagine if a woman said yeah, I just I could just see it in their eyes I could just go up and grab them in the balls. We wouldn't let we wouldn't laugh or fucking Rihanna just talked about how she can fuck any guy she wants just walks up to him grabs him by the dick We would be like yeah Totally we would think it's amazing. He's talking about groupies He wasn't talking about that he hides behind bushes and waits for joggers and reaches out and goes also out of context He's out of context. He's having a guy conversation wait like he described it as locker room And there's not hole but this is not the end with the recorder Oh, I got this and this is not defending it. I mean, it's definitely not something you should have said probably right? We can all agree to that. But what is he really doing? He's really what we call talking shit Like Eddie and I have talked shit so much to each of the laughing saying things we totally don't believe We totally don't mean but we're trying to make each other live in Chile Yeah, we're Ellie Eddie and I are silly all the time You had a transcript of all the conversations that you and I have had over the fucking 17 years. We've been friends Oh shit, we'd be in trouble can't put it on air. We'd be in fucking real trouble You guys are really funny context throwing on Facebook mentions and did that live video you guys are being so funny watching the stupid TV show Oh my god, that show was awesome. And then as soon as I turn the camera on you wouldn't sell that stuff It wasn't none of it was bad, but it was like off the cuff right, you know, you weren't censoring Well, I forgot what I said, too It's a lot of marijuana involved in this conversation You don't like them you don't have to wear so loud you don't have to worry about it Alex Jones is here Seriously, I just want to do a good job and actually reach out to your So hundred and hundred and ten million who knows how many let's know you got A month 20 million on YouTube all the derivatives and everything else you're doing and I hear he's about on XM You still doing that? No, no, I'm not on the XM. Whatever. The point is is that you're one of the biggest shows in the world Let me give you a little news flash. Not fury. Okay, you need to know this I don't know as a signal to the mainstream media of how pathetic they are CNN's top show has maybe a million viewers their average show about a hundred thousand Fox's top show maybe four million to nine on a bigger night. Okay, great good for them I'm not competition with them. The point is they're a frickin joke. I conservatively every day on terrestrial radio have four million listers on my 200 plus stations. That's rated proven. I mean that's big right there and then Millions and millions of downloads every day tens of millions people watching the videos you've added all together 40 something million a week We go back to this what's happening? It isn't about Joe Rogan or Alex Jones ready Bravo or any of that It's about the people are hungry for being able to have a wider selection of things Well, you and I are in totally different categories because all I'm trying to do is give them interesting content You're actually trying to run a new show and expose things. You've got really smart commentary. I watch clips all the time I have people on all the time. It's just talk. You try to open minds all the time I try to open minds a different way What I'm not I'm not honestly not trying to open minds I'm being curious and I'm asking questions and I'm trying to learn as much myself And then once I do learn about things I would like to have that person come on to teach other people about it Because I think it's interesting. Well, here's the big enchilada for folks if you want I can lay this out enchilada and I'm real documentary down the road and actually break this down, but There is a whole breakaway civilization and I'm listen I don't like UFOs Get ready. I don't ever talk about this for real breakaway civilization. Are you ready? Hold on Joe, I how many things did I tell you over the years too many too many that came true There was a couple that you got wrong. You can't get them. All right, which one to K people context my List learn that explain the white. It's okay a conspiracy theory is just not trusting criminals every now And then you can't pin that murder to the criminal, but he's still a criminal even though you're wrong Well, one of the things I'm actually embarrassed about is the white UK. Okay. Well, listen, you're not a conspirator You're not a computer expert near my I didn't go anywhere that night I stayed fucking home and I was waiting for that goddamn power to go out Sure. I know the big news in a minute, but since 2012, I didn't know I thought damn the Mayans knew we thought it was over Eddie Bob when I was convinced 2012 license. Yeah, I had a December 2012 license plate. I did Oh sister back. Yes. Very strong tobacco from Mexico I am in California. This is a hundred percent medical reasons and legal Yeah, man. There's still look there's a lot of things that people think are gonna happen that turn out to not happen There's always a goddamn asteroid. It's gonna kill us all that doesn't actually hell just no So what what is going on aliens are coming well, let me answer let me before I do this Let me answer his questions. He had a Reagan question, too. Yeah Well, let me answer why to cake is I want to be honest about this. Okay, this is one of the few things that That I have really gotten wrong and I didn't go with my gut and so I was proven wrong and I did it for the wrong reason So now I'm gonna actually confess here on here. I Was on one radio station. I've been on access TV for a few years I was on one radio station already started to show out of my house that was on like 15 radio stations So I had that at least but I had I was on one big radio station had the top show at night All stationed with Howard Stern was killer was all over the newspaper had huge ratings and I was bringing in like, you know 2030 grand a month, which was just a huge amount for me building a whole operation out of that at home and they come to the sales guys and they go look for a year you've not been behind why to K and You're not letting us have all these big sponsors and you're gonna basically be fired If you don't let us endorse these sponsors and have them on air and say you believe in why to K Hold on a second. So these sponsors were like doomsday stuff like canned food and shit and bunkers everything else So the station made you push why to K Wow, but let me go further This is one of the few times in my life that I I don't want to say I didn't have integrity I kind of let them convince me but I think back to the point in the conference room. I just kind of went Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure. I get it and then I went and then once I decided it was true I really pushed it so it's almost like I'd lied to myself yet because I'm being honest about this process So so this is what happened For like a year and a half. I'm saying it's BS It's a government hoax because they're like the Navy says the chips are all bad in 54 cities will completely fall And it's all the death and I said they just want to upgrade with all this new spy hubs They want a new global standardization for the US. It's the telecommunications act of 96 They want to force all the new chips because I had NSA sources then that I was having on Okay, and I didn't realize how special it was that I had these sources. They're telling me it's all BS So people don't argue with the Navy and don't run and Fox News had ads to get your food It was just everywhere. So I went okay. Hell. Okay stuff's gonna be real. So it was like a black Friday for doomsday people So the last few months and The moral was they didn't fire me anyways They did but the moral was I kind of convinced myself it was real So by the end of it, of course, they edit like, you know 12 hours beyond that day and like five minutes I'm totally insane right but it's like nuclear reactor having a problem here It really was happening and like, you know, oh and there was a missile fired from Russia Which like was an ICBM and they got like shot down that was ABC News. So I'm like, all right, this isn't really happening Okay, you know, we got prepared. It's always gonna be prepared. Hopefully I had a reactors having a problem. Okay some stuff so there was some outages of some problems, but Government and MSM had hyped it then they used it to demonize alternative media even then When it wasn't catastrophic. So My gut told me it was BS. It was BS. And so thank God I missed the whole 2012 thing But still they said Alex Jones says the world's ending the bureau 2012 where you really search what I say It's all a load of crap, but I didn't criticize you and I saw you doing it. I said I was balls deep Oh, yeah It was the listeners they were pissed at me that I wouldn't go into this thing Well, it's fun for them See when you start talking about the end of the world or doomsday coming people like that shit because it gives them something to think about But here's a lot of people I know It was a long time ago was 17 years ago, right? Why to K 17 fucking years ago Didn't get you so you redeemed yourself. Yeah Think about 17 years ago. That's a long time ago I mean and you getting fired from that job every great radio guys gotten fired Howard Stern got fired You got fired like Bubba the love spot. It was just like Howard Stern fired I've had top ratings and they were all pissed and weird about it The weird thing is they didn't mess with the losers. They were all flipping out because I was getting the big paychecks Well, it makes sense And the why to K thing totally makes sense that they would want you to really push that and sell it hard because who the fuck knows You know, we don't know you get scared. You're like what? This balance the Navy says it's gonna happen Washington Post now your listeners are really and it was the one time I went Okay, maybe I'll do it. I had people on they were telling me there was something that was gonna happen on 2012 They were sure of it. Yeah No, it's not a bully. Well, you sure might do it. You start like stampeding like lemmings It's I'm telling it is a psychological going on just massive double crossing because I really used to be in into UFOs But the more you look into UFOs, it looks like and that's another conspiracy It's like the government Full NASA deal and when he came to the meeting he couldn't do it I knew this guy well and then the next time he was gonna meet with me his heart blew up It blew up Yeah, like like a bomb and art like they said his heart like completely ruptured well, the point is his name was Raymond T and If you look at mission control, he was the main guy mission control the control the cameras and everything Mm-hmm, and he he I've been to his house. He had national security letters from the president He'd run like secret operations and Cambodia and Laos He was an Air Force engineer and he knew the whole deal and he would say what whole deal would say I was the deal with you and tell you everything and he would come and start gulping And he couldn't get it out couldn't get what out he said he was so threatened or whatever He couldn't tell me about you think about probably he probably left and I saw him who's in the car He said Alex your sources are right there were advanced technologies we were worried the astronauts might die They had two teams in orbit one with the real ships. This is not a joke. Joe. Wait a minute They had one real ships that UFOs in an orbit and they were communicating Kennedy and the government and everybody and Nixon are gonna have this giant thing about America's number one and not have a backup plan of the astronauts die Put those headphones back on you lost your fucking mind It's got you into a corner. Hold on. Let him finish there. So tell me what you're trying to say Are you trying to say that? So the the United States government antique was gonna give me the secret of NASA Okay, and then he couldn't ever get it out Second program they had a second program. How do you know he died and he told me but before the heart attack in the middle of the heart attack No, no, I met with him at the old sack command base. What did he actually tell you? Well for word or not what what he told me he said you're he said from your analysis your sources you're dead on Why was in control of the video and radio communications he was the go to TV's Tim on TV I mean, it's the running that's very important the guy controlling the camera He was on mission control one pretty huge two backups behind that. Are you kidding? Of course the the moon landings? Are you kidding? Come on. Well, you raised it you want to know? Oh, come on. That's ridiculous No, but that's why I don't trust the government. That's why I don't trust Because they ran a fake They didn't want to spend money They ran a fake op was just reentry devices and basic stuff in space and did shoot some of it But then they had a real mission that put the reflectors everything on the moon with the moon There's no proof of that real so you believe well, you know that the the Russian government with People died the secret space program Alex, you know that the Russian government You know that the Russian government put those laser sight those laser reflectors on the moon as well with unmanned probes Yes, you know that right? There's Chinese the Chinese about a bunch There's weird nobody went the damn things I'm that far away Well, are you kidding? Are you kidding? So Alex you think they definitely went to the moon? They're just the footage is fake. Is that what you think? Yeah, you can't bring film back to the Van Allen radiation belt to get spots all over right, but we don't have film What would lead us to believe that they definitely did it because they had RCA cameras Well, we there was a trashed all the time. It's amazing footage, right? There's amazing footage Fake launch in space in case the real mission died. So who's in the fake? Well, I'm not gonna show you the real thing. What happened is there any military? Is there a real year's advance? Okay. Okay, but let him answer this Eddie So it's how we got it. We got to figure this out So what you're saying is the one that we saw on TV with Neil Armstrong one small step for man That's all horseshit But the real one actually took place they just couldn't get the film back but Armstrong had been on real missions So yes, he definitely been on real missions, but how don't know he wouldn't tell me all of it He died before we met the other dude I was meeting him the next day and his wife called my dad was friends with him No, no, no the other guy. What's his name? Okay buzz Aldrin. I do know buzz Aldrin Yeah, buzz Aldrin said I want to come on your show and I might get into all the heat Oh, he lives here in LA and one time I ran into him But let's leave it at that and he said I want to come on your show and I said, all right Well, come on and it's the only interview he said and he goes I'm gonna tell you Alex your audience alone He said there is an obelisk just like 2001 it's on the moon of Mars the sole moon and it's sending a transmission and It's all real and it's all Egypt and there's aliens and everything else and it's the only time he ever said it what? Yeah, is there a clip of that? Oh, yeah, pull up buzz all pull that Dude, it was on like ABC nightly news the next day. So Do you think he's fucking with you? No, he was real. He's a feisty fella I think he's full of shit. Why do you think he's full of shit? What if it's true? Can you imagine if there is an obelisk on Mars? I think that's really is communicating with us obelisk on the moon of Mars the moon of Mars Phobos Yeah, so we got a land there. Did have you seen his Instagram? No, is it good a lot of bitches amazing Boaches and bitches and boats. It's like he's just like Okay, let's give us love an Instagram Let's give some people with their habitation. We can keep track if there's something very important to be developed from the moon I'm not sure what it is right now. Of course you don't sure things should Identify it was not yes for any of the truth. I'll give you no no no we got one here what he's here about I want to hear but I want to hear what he says first. Let's see what he says. Yes. Yes You're a hold it hold it go ahead jamming America to make such gross expenditures again for human habitation on the moon We can help we can join with together we can Explore the moon and develop the moon and steal tax money. We could do it together Oh, man has not gone before this way talks about the It's on my show the sea spirit. Yeah, we need to go and go to there's a monolith They're a very unusual structure on this only little potato shaped object We need four billion dollars to go once in seven hours Find out about that. They're gonna say who put that there who put that there well The universe put it there if you choose come on put it there. That's like a baby. Come on I want four billion dollars That's before me So that's the monolith that thing that you're looking at wow that's weird. I don't believe that shit for a second Okay, let me tell you about Buzz Aldrin Okay here in Los Angeles, and I can't tell you anything else okay look at this monolith and on phobos Yeah, how weird yeah, it's like a weird structure who knows that's a real picture. That's all both right Yeah, it's all bullshit come on. Yeah. Oh that that proves it I can I don't know shit about Photoshop, and I can make that okay I'm sure you can I tell you the big secret about my secret meeting with yes with but please okay, okay? Let me hear the shitty fed you Well, no Eddie don't stop Let's go ahead and communicate He told me that Papa Smurf is real No, I tell you what he told me He told me He said you know India sending a probe to the moon and they'll announce that when they crashed the probe they found the undersea Frozen ice that covers the moon the moon has dust on it. It's a big water ball It's gonna be the water we need to get off the planet We make our big jump so the whole point is everything's laid out the planet just perfect for humanity We make the steps right, but it's like a video game fuck No, you're not listening. He's fucking with India crash the probe found exactly what they were saying And I've walked to an airport here look over and it says it says India discovers water on the moon And it's all water well. They've definitely discovered water on the moon right that's that's what they said About it a year before is that right did my am I correct in saying this water in the moon? Buzz Aldrin is he going to the meetings and they tell him shit listen yeah He went to the moon you want to get into every meeting. I don't get into all this stuff, okay? I'm telling you buzz Aldrin told me in a year It's gonna be on the news that they discovered water with a probe They're sending before they were even sending a probe in the news They let India quote find it because the u.s. Already found it's already been on the moon that God knows how many times the word is They got military In the 50s, what do you think we got now so you think they have new commitment? They have bases on the moon well. I'll never get into all this stuff right don't do that But let's just say it's super advanced so you really think that they have some sort of a base out there Just like I told you the NSA spy on you with keywords. That's so far away. Why wouldn't they just do it on the desert somewhere? What is this mip? Detected water on the moon way back in June, huh? They're dropping dis info on you Alex Well, I mean buzz Aldrin tells me they're gonna announce India finds water Oh my god buzz out follow him on Instagram and then come back to me with the moon Probe Look at this the moon impact probe which class the crash landed at a designated site on the lunar south pole on November 14 2008 Had picked up some clear signatures of water during these 25 minutes to crash it Yeah, mr.. Nair said at a press conference here on Friday interesting. You know what when it comes to space Alex That's not your forte I But one one thing I want to ask Buzz Aldrin is telling attack you On Instagram and then come back at me Instagram what's up with but also amazing it's amazing how so he's just like he's a he's so He's so into it did you see when the guy comes over you're full of crap everyone's the moon He just punches him yeah, hey check this out. I wanted to ask you What do you what do you think is Trump gonna do anything about the stratospheric aerosol injections? Write that down I cuz We talking about Talking about stratospheric aerosol injection. I can't get to you the points Did you won't let me you know what do you think Trump's wants to stop that I'm gonna jump write it down Right right down, but the next question. I'll do it here. That's the question question. He just Before that Alex Jones is off the rails right now folks I'll bring it in Get the joke why do I have to write it down? I didn't get it because you've been bad listen Will Trump is That program to stop Well, what do you think the program is Eddie? What do you think the program? The director of the CIA is talking about it on YouTube look under John I've seen a no brand they talk about strategies. They talk about strategies all injections It's gonna cost ten billion dollars a year and there's gonna be some countries Opposed to it because it's gonna mess up the road telling me about atmospheric manipulation. I'm talking about stratospheric SAI I've never heard of that. It's super important when you can break it down to three letters. Yeah John Oh Brennan admitted last in June of 2016 Can you play it Jamie John oh, I'm not bashing you but you had your TV show me jokes about it Which I get because a lot of its BS there is an entire atmospheric terraforming geoengineering manipulation They don't call it chemtrails And of course the CIA director admitted they have this huge program Bill among the Gates Foundation owns the major patents on it from Westinghouse and others they use these big antennas To manipulate the weather they can like China is like causing huge rain like harp like harp technology It's all declassified. You think harp manipulates the weather. They admit it does I used to have the head of harp general Bitten-k Parton on all the time, but exactly there's giant weather modification systems and there's weather wars between different governments And they it's all declassified explain to people that are listening what harp is. What does it stand for high altitude? Something yeah, they've got a system that supposedly you know what harp really was under classification What does it stand for high frequency active aurora research program? So the idea behind this was they wanted to do research on the aurora and didn't they want to see if they could communicate? Using it and send radio waves Horizon radar right yeah that and they also wanted to be able to send radio signals to places where they wouldn't really Doesn't really go. What does that have to do with stratospheric? Really go into the atmosphere well the speculation Secrets I've interviewed the private head of it Okay How does harp work with the chemtrails what do they let me check goes on okay? Only a micronic amount a small amount of what harp does is in the atmosphere It's bouncing off the aurora borealis and then resonating back through in a deep earth Communication program to satellites and other things through the planet So it's something you communicate to satellites through the satellites down to the submarines so here It goes this is an actual definition how harp works the facilities transmitters send radio waves Hold on. Let's just read it first waves upwards into the ionosphere between 100 350 kilometers of altitude the resulting heating effect creates Irregularities and the electron density there which in turn allows communication signals as from satellites To be relayed off the ionosphere That's not what it really does then they can shoot the satellite frequency Coated through the earth to submarines now. What is this website from the submarine? Booey you want the real stuff. I'll tell you yeah sure Let me explain something okay I have the head of the heart program on I'm just fuck I got contacted about ten years ago, and they said the head of the heart project really likes your work He liked to come on the interviews online He liked to come on and tell everybody and about 30 minutes in a colonel came on the line and said sorry during a break and cut the guy off whoa Tom Tom Tom I mean this really happened to spooky music Queue spooky music yeah, I believe you That's true. I want to know we I want to know that I want to know the relationship between like What are the chemtrails have to do do you think Trump is gonna look into the s.i.a? Project that the CIA has green lit. He is starting out with Vaccines as I told people he would do Investigating all the damage they've caused ultimately than the ultimate. That's good to start the vaccines get that shit together too for sure But what about the s.a.i? Programs that the CIA has green lit you think he's gonna get into the other gets next level So we want to communicate with these microphones. They're just gonna be like I So locked on to this Here's the problem with all this s s.i.a Shit most of what you see when you see those jets flying around those clouds behind them most of that is just a jet engine Exactly the general infuses that with the real room. What's the real program? Well? Here's the thing you're right and so is Joe because the world's complex There are secret and quasi secret and public programs to test manipulation of the weather and weather systems the Arabs are doing it The Chinese are doing it the Russians are doing people being cloud seeding for a hundred Weather manipulation, but they're doing it for different purposes not not not to okay Okay, I have been living keep going the head of the US weather weapon program for 27 years on my show first Cuz I saw it was he classified. I saw that he was in the panhandle of Texas I called him running a major cloud seeding company with his son and got the 90 year old to Austin and then after that He totally freaked out because the CIA came to his house. Do you want the interviews on YouTube? Do you want to know what he said yes? He was a World War two fighter pilot And the end of World War two he flew the first planes into hurricanes Which which are in you know the Atlantic that's pretty gangster and into typhoons that are even faster in the Pacific And then he and then he also led squadrons in Vietnam flooding everything up to 10 feet of water out of clear blue skies With an hours what a bad with with their with their chemicals Oh, yeah, what kind of a badass you have to be to do that a super badass fly into a hurricane or a typhoon? Yeah, he's the first guy to do it. Holy shit anyways a super badass. I don't know he's alive He's been living right at 90. He was still all there I thought it not even kicked my ass what a fucking text and I felt like I was the guy was tougher than me Anyways, so so we're sitting there, and he gives me all this data, and I can't believe it He's gonna be all these classified photos and stuff because they just declassified the file no one thought to call the old man from Lubbock or whatever it was right so I call him I get him on They send a bunch of people to their company and threaten them the next week after I heard it And he let it out He said in 1967 we certified at the Stanford Research Institute that he was able to control hurricanes Create hurricanes and steer hurricanes all that got black-budgeted shut down And then they got into these arrays where they could use antennas and out of that and Westinghouse came came the the the whole heart Program so in the 60s they could create control and steer or kill hurricanes That's why you Google now Bill and Melinda Gates bought all those patents and quote Bill Gates is gonna save the world from bad weather Bill Gates wants to stop hurricanes googling so I so let me bill Me owns the weather machine let me pause for a second. How does the how do they manipulate a hurricane? So the hurricanes gonna happen how do they break it up? Okay, if it's if it's if it's coming into lands their problem with with aerial arrays projecting into the sky They can break it up or strengthen it or kill it or steer it because it's all computerized doing that with harp Well, they've got they've got heart bases all over the place. They call them Doppler radar facilities Oh the government wants your local city to have Doppler radar I thought that was like so you could say I'm in front of the waiter the screen That's it like one tenth of one percent. They can crank those arrays up that have Massive your lights might go out when they do it a little bit really yeah Cuz they'll use the whole power of your town through the Doppler radars Then they control it the US has a giant weather weapon Hidden in front of everybody in every town and city and poor Russians and Chinese are just discovering and all the US has weather Weapons that can knock them all out right can Bill Gates control the weather Ideas for barges to pump cold water from the depth of the ocean to create some sort of a roadblock for the hurricane Since hurricanes pull power from the waters warm temperatures cooling the water could have theoretically Yeah, that's a lot of action on its outright dismantle the hurricane. Well. It sounds like a good idea though Doesn't that sound like a genius idea you spray cold water Trails John O'Brien in in the front of the CFR is saying we were doing this because for global warming We gotta save the heart you are right about you are right about social about about geoengineering and chemtrails You were wrong about the dinosaurs not being real Haha, but hey what about that they're coming out saying hey There's gonna be some countries that there are that aren't gonna be for it We got to figure out how we're gonna deal with them because you want me to have the audience yes the big secret Yes, what's the big? Manipulation keep going with that come on man. Don't change the subject keep going with that. You're not done with Livingston Okay, imagine. It's good. You're here, but imagine me and Joe were actually come on I got me off on you want me here about Ronald Reagan to don't later finish the SAI program he doesn't know about this What do you know about the SAI program look let's get this done with most of the real programs are just like fronts for something Else is not even real So you don't think they're spraying shit into the atmosphere. No there is a program for geoengineering There's a program in place. Yes, and it's the Doppler radar system and harp and what else and An aerial spraying still the most effective and then what do they do they do have pat when you say aerial spraying What are they spraying? Barium salts aluminum dioxide a radioactive isotopes there you man in the air Why are they doing that and the aluminum is because because it does a bunch of things they're testing a bunch of stuff They're they're manipulating things listen our Pentagon Why do you have evidence that they're doing this and spraying aluminum and barium whatever you go online and raise the Department of Energy? It's all public just like you just go online and watch the Chinese dude get jacked by a tiger though I agree that's out there Department of Energy gov right and you can watch CFR the CIA director at the time Brennan Admitting all this this is all public. Yeah, they Talked about it. No I saw it. I saw the video we could play the video and go over it if you want But he's talking about various options for controlling global warming. Yeah, they're laying out the future look if global warming There's a guy hold on a second hold on a second if global warming is real and we know it is right Don't you think they would have you don't believe global warming is real? I think so when they keep measuring these temperatures and scientists keep saying Temperatures okay came out in the emails well, let's found out let's find out what Was real okay, I believe that it was high it goes cold. There's always micro temperatures There is always a big change the ship's the only thing that ever happens That's a carbon taxes to Al Gore won't fix it. Okay, I think we all agree This is shifts, but what I'm saying is there absolutely is global warming right? What is this? My house when my dad was a kid the 1950s for three four months out of the year It was below zero or freezing you had to chop wood He'd freeze your ass off at all houses had even in the south had had You know had all sorts of chimneys in them for fireplaces because it was freezing cold right and now there has been a warming period But that's part of a normal global cycle based on the Sun all these astrophysicists are sure the whole thing about claiming It's the carbon we put out the earth is carbon star. There's a carbon cycle That's the big story I want to get to the globalists want to tax if they can tax oxygen carbon dioxide water or sunlight They have total control over the whole life cycle of the planet. Let's play the video Let's play the video this the CIA guy talking about it because what I inferred from it Is it right or up with some sort of solutions if global warming becomes a giant? Brennan is a freakin known. We're hobbyist what Joe? What is the CIA watch the video first global warming? It's a good question. What do they have to do? I don't know what the CIA does do you know the central intelligence? There were built that stop the spread of communism right, but it's an intelligence agency. They're part of the environment Okay, they're a part of the intelligence community And if they got hired I would imagine this is just me guessing right off the top of my head if they got hired To assess a threat and a threat being from global warming like what do we have to worry about? Are we really gonna lose cities? Do we really have an issue? Give George Soros in the UN total power for a 100 trillion Per decade global tax to micromanage and surveil everything humans do let's see as if carbons toxic They've got to surveil it thus they have a jurisdiction to control our lives, okay? Hold up why does it say debunked CIA director admits chemtrails geoengineering stratospheric aerosol injections? So it says Hold on hold on at the council admits geoengineering in the form of stratospheric aerosol injections SAI is taking a place ie chemtra is taking place ie chemtrails and the rebuttal is nowhere in his speech Is there an admission that an SAI program has already taken place the part where Brennan mentions? Geoengineering is just one example out of several not often mentioned issues of the CIA monitors for potential elements of instability in the world a SAI program if ever implemented could penetrate conflicts and security threats if misused the CIA's job is to consider all types of concepts concepts for potential future problems and threats including the science oriented concepts That's totally possible let me break down the right, but isn't that possible? We're gonna read what that guy just said is that possible no that's basically what bread is said But what he's saying is that there are potential threats you want to know environmentally it's an issue right so he's not admitting that he had There's an essay. I are Let me let me tell you okay. Go ahead tell me Everybody debates how many programs there are all the specifics a lot of that's classified you can Google China launches major weather control operations ten years right or Qatar does it or Saudi Arabia or UK or for sure people have studied No, no right. No. There's they call it study. There's a giant Hell in 2005 the Department of Energy program for aerosol testing was five million dollars a year So under US code title 50 chapter 32 subsection 1,000 528 paragraph B is that true you nailed that right? Yes? Yes, we from Mars under US code. Do you live on that obelisk that was fucking? Let me just tell you I can't even remember the time last time the Cheetah fought Under US code title 50 chamber 32 Okay, man thousand five hundred twenty eight paragraph B. That's fine. That's insane under that say It's low that Jamie write it up. There's code title 50 chapter I said faster remember us code title 50 chapter 32 120 a paragraph a subsection 128 the real fast brain only works at that speed effects speed key your speech came to say it Yes, like one thought Jesus Jesus You know that there's restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemtrails go go back go back back there you go or Biological agents all right now what they do in this whoa is they say it's illegal to test unless it's for research Then you're allowed to even kill people it was for research purpose You know that's how some of those Japanese whaler vessels get away with killing whales still They say it's for research purpose and they kill the whales and sell them from dark shit The elites are the mad scientist Engineers, I'm gonna give you the big secret man. I'm here you want us. I do I'm not kidding around I know not either thing is they it's a they call they're the high priest. They're scientists right there engineers They're allowed to kill people test stuff on kids inject black people with syphilis all the declassified stuff Because they are scientists all the real Executioners tortures or most of them are people making decisions or doctors and so it's all medical doctor stuff in this big breakaway Civilization of scientists okay, and so that's what they built it under under under research Profisions they can even kill anybody they want all right I'm gonna go back because we took Eddie's turn on chemtrails But we did it the side track from what you were saying about the moon And I want to go back to what you're saying because you were saying that there was two completely different missions And one of them was real and that there was some sort of contact with aliens No, I was getting to that I was saying I had a top is that you're implying a top well I had it well. Let's just say that okay. It's blowing. I was told by a top NASA Individual Raymond T. That indeed there was a breakaway program, and then he heard and saw transmissions on some back channels of real feeds and advanced ships that he'd never even seen That basically didn't even look like there were anything that he could imagine that was classified and he knew about some classified programs For every program you saw there was at least 10 programs that were secret that submitted about NASA 90% secret or more and so he knew about a cloud much classified programs, and he was seeing Transmissions and things coming back and talked to people about a whole breakaway program They said that was a lot safer a lot bigger than the moon Then they had guys up in orbit Just basically so that even other foreign governments from the trajectory point would think they were getting transmissions back From the moon so they had people out basically out outside the regular orbit where you just go around in circles Where's a geosynchronous where you're in one spot right transmitting back from a mathematical spot to look like transformations to fool the Russians and everybody All the real mission was going on On the moon, so you believe they went to the moon Do you think that it was Buzz Aldrin and I don't know Neil Armstrong for rain. What's all me everything he died Hmm. He said I'm gonna meet with you tomorrow, and he died dude. That's like a movie. He told me I'm ready I'm gonna tell you everything and then he was just totally it was crazy, but he did admit to you that What the public got was fake? Yeah, he couldn't get into it. Well. There's some footage from the moon that looks so ridiculous and most people have never seen There's some footage of them that here's here's the big speculation This is one of the really big ones family is that there was a lot of footage that they did where they were doing tests That they wound up just using for press releases. They're using like to say this is actual footage Oh, that's it. They they fake stuff for the project because they wanted to be guaranteed of it They had a real program. That's the truth Yeah, but there was a thing with Michael Collins Gemini 15 There was a test photo of him with like a test rig on and it was like suspended and you know You see the background behind him it was clearly to suspended on wires and they took that same photo and blacked it out and Used it as a press photo of him on an actual spacewalk, but it's the same exact. Yeah, they are stuff Yeah, they do that where they just go over with it back then you see you actually use an exacto night Here's the thing my dad when he was just like a junior in high school was in the plan to program at UT And they already had CD ROMs and computers and they had a nuclear Plant under UT nobody knew about and my dad told about this while I was a teenager And I would like later go to the library couldn't find it and I'll googled it It's not even really in the news that I've gone to UT and talked to him and they go Yeah, you know about the reactor under the building reactor Yeah, the Austins got and then and then no one even knew that Austin has two nuclear reactors in North Austin what? Yeah, but the point was my that was for you. That was every was in college They built it to his a reactor under which building in Austin, Texas. It's it's big It's a big railway system under there, but it's it's built right under I mean right under like I said gesture. So there's a nuclear reactor in Austin, Texas How many people know about this? You know, it's in the literature and my dad told me about it when I was a kid I thought you know, I mean I believe my dad my dad told me about a Dallas hospital It was killing people for their organs and like six years later. I saw it on 60 minutes. What? Yeah They were killing people for organs. Yep, really my dad told me about that in Dallas and then it was on 60 minutes Yeah, my dad said when I was 16, you know 15 taking drivers course. He said don't sign that organ donor card I know hospitals that kill you Jesus and I said dad your kid He was an oral surgeon and rewired jaws because I've heard this one kills people all that is this is one of the creepiest things You every year just one of those can you imagine doctors that get kickbacks for organs? They kind of let their patients are seen as the highest cast by the elite So they're the ones pulling all the stuff. I'm telling you man You know creepy would be like to find out that a nurse that you were working with was killing people But that's a story that happens over and over again. It's not really crazy. There's Mark killers. It's been a bunch They get a punch. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no these nurses No nurses decide they don't want to take care of somebody and they poison them They they have someone and maybe someone's dying slow and they don't like it and they just like get tired of dealing with their bullshit That's some of the time. Oh Yeah, a lot of times they're sadistic. There's been a lot of your worse than I am about facts You're absolutely on target. You don't there's no fucking way. I'm worse than you Everything everything I know and you're on target you pretend you're not Knowing all the stuff you knew that document yeah top of your head like that so rain man must have been Obsessed with chemtrails right? No, I know a bunch of Crazy mind Photographic member talks about 35 and now it's not good anymore whiskey steals that from you stuff I remember but I I want to tell you guys the big inch a lot. Okay, please the big inch No, well the problem is when we don't have headphones on we talk over each other It's hard when three people were talking nuts you just you know, it's none of our fault. It's just natural I got a conspiracy you you're you are Bill Hicks, huh? No, I was I'm younger than him totally different I agree. I love how I haven't had any success. It's all Bill Hicks. He was a funny guy, but give me a frickin break, man Oh, I'm really listen to those families call me before and said please stop the people saying you're Bill Hicks I'm like, I don't control these damn people. Don't worry about that. Put the headphones back on We'll be fine so I need to know I need to know what do you know about aliens and how are aliens real? All right. Look, this is really big So, okay Yeah, pour another shot of that media at the south problem The question is what does Donald Trump know about it? Oh, yeah, was he know now right cuz he's in the office I don't know it's that would be the first thing I think the Joe Rogan experience deserves The first thing I did I would run to the office and I'd go who's got the documents who's got the alien documents Who's got them who's got them? That would be the first thing I would want to know right? Cheers, sir You're a robot you never have to piss Alright, let me give you my best of please deep research approximation once you what do you think it's going? But am I wrong to still hold out hope that aliens are real because I tell you that's one the two guilty pleasures That I still cling to as Bigfoot and aliens. Those are two big foot. Not so much I wish it was real, but I just don't are you ready? Yes Bigfoot's room No, come on daddy. No, are you ready? Yes, I'm gonna give you the big and slow Joe there. Yeah, it's in this room right now for real Yeah, you're not of this world bro. Me. You're the alien. Oh, wow. I didn't know it's like there was like an old comic book about that about some dude who was a Forgetful professor and then he realized at the end of it. He was actually an alien from another planet It seemed sent down here to monitor people. He just forgot Well, here's what the elite believe and let me be very clear as the video to this context I only go with what I can prove. Oh, thank you and people can't even handle that Okay, well, I'm really surprised how much you knew every angle of so-called pizza gate that I'd even forgot well To me. Well, obviously we both have children and when you hear about someone that wants to molest children It's a special kind of evil It's a special kind of you want and it's and it's also a special kind of bizarre Twisted sickness that the human mind like is capable of latching Programming to take care of kids and be nice to them There's something very crazy about people's brains and it's fun something very crazy about the the weird variables That can potentially happen. I agree. So all sorts of weird crazy Aberrations in standard behavior, you know like this the standard behavior a bunch of people that are just normal folks You got kids. I got kids. Oh get the kids together for a play day You sit down you have a couple of beers you laugh you joke have a good night Bob. Good night Steve That's fucking normal shit, right when you're normal and there's normal people around you you assume that everybody is basically a good person We all have our problems normal That's your wife comes in the bedroom. She you get going you don't look at a five-year-old and think that's what I want No, there's some there. Yeah, what you're trying to say is there's some people out there that have this horrific Programming whatever the fuck it is that causes it is a bunch of Psychologists trying to speculate and figure out what causes but they need to be beat in the head with a ball paint hammer The thing is it's real and it's it's terrifying and the night's going on We can't deny it's real and it's also like fucking Jared from Subway the Subway guy The Subway guys in jail for being a pedophile and they team up They team up and they usually have high intelligence and there's armies. We're fighting a pedophile conspiracy, but beyond that It's a vampire conspiracy in that they are Interdimensionally sucking the essence of our youth right and they believe they're possessed by an off-world entity they do Yeah, and then Joe I've been on air 22 years. I don't get into aliens Metaphysical religion any of that I've studied the elite and I've also communicated with a lot of the top people and then and if you Want to know I will actually break down right now the best knowledge right now. What's happening on the planet. What's happening? Let me give you a basic gestalt. Okay. I love when you can use that word with full confidence I've never said that let me give you a basic gestalt. I feel like oh my god such a fraud No, you're not you know, but that's what I think if I use that word now You'll get all this you already have most static as your bookworm a research worm in a good way The elite are all about Transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this some are good some are bad Some are a mix But the good ones don't ever want to organize the bad ones didn't want to organize because they lost after power powerful Consciousness is don't want to dominate other people They want to empower them so they don't tend to get together Until things are really late in the game then they come together evil is always defeated because good is so much stronger and We're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed at Max Planck's physics showed at all There's at least 12 dimensions and now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying it's a false hologram It is artificial the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity's bleeding in To this universe. That's what they call dark matter So we're like a thought or a dream. That's a wisp in some computer program some God's mind Whatever they're proving at all. It's all coming out Now there's like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension That's just turned over the most horrible things is what it resonates to and it's trying to get up into the third dimension That's just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels And our species is already way up in the fifth sixth dimension consciously our best people But there's this big war trying to like basically Destroy humanity because humanity has free will and there's a decision to which level we want to go to we have free will So evils allowed to come and contend and not just good And the elites themselves Believe they're racing Using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization Where they're gonna merge with machines transcend and break away from the failed species that is man Which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly and bad Projecting it onto themselves instead of believing no, it's a human test about building us up And so Google was set up 18 19 years ago. This was I knew about this before it was declassified I'm just saying I have good sources that they wanted to build a giant artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence Will be a supercomputer based on the neuron Activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into with the Internet of things And so all of our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time That's also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures so that They will have current prediction powers future prediction powers a true crystal ball But the big secret is once you have a crystal ball and know the future you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future and so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for Individuals as we know and a true 2.0 in a very bad way Hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone knowing our hopes and dreams Delivering it to us not in some PKD wire head system where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure But because we were already wired in absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to the system our daily decisions That it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system There's now a human counter strike taking place to shut this off before it gets fully into place and to block these systems And to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes and cut off the pedophiles and psychic vampires That are control of this AI system before humanity is destroyed women Man is only control the AI how they get how the pedophiles getting control Yeah, the pedophiles get a whatever level rule the devil Whatever you want to call this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology the fallen one That's not of this world is giving them advanced knowledge. What are you talking about? Systems what is that have already been used before on other populations? What that's Satan? But what do you what are you talking about? That's Satan but explain that you just you're saying something It's something that you know The stupid preacher tells you about who's totally controlled or something you read about on you know in the news or TV Right, this is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us rather than the divine Free will were given to build something much better that empowers the species So the species is now making a decision where you can't it's entire future. Where are you getting this from from? That's what it is. But where are you getting it? I know from the from looking at all the data researching and studying it watching the enemy That's the big decision that humanity has now got before us So if you were directing someone to investigate this on their own, how would they do that? So if you say here's the problem you get someplace finally in deep research Where it's what every culture already said what everybody already knew what they're telling you movies like Prometheus What the elite admit the New York Times they believe in is this you know? Seated by off-world systems and sperm. Yes, everything everything they're doing points towards this and you read their own writings They believe we're this ugly fallen ugly species. We're all need to be killed They're the rich billionaires who are better than us and they're gonna merge with machines and become gods and go to the next level Don't you think that most people who? Extrapolate from where we stand today with our cell phones and our Apple watches and our integration with the computer and the internet Constantly don't you think that most people see that there's gonna be some sort of symbiotic connection? It's a very easy thing. They were saying it before I understand but a lot of people were saying it before problem Who engineered what we were given? What is the point of the back doors the Trojan horses? Here's what I'm sure you engineered what here's what here's what I'm telling you The elite the elite literally believe interdimensionally They were given this information and then built it and here's the thing they built it and Google admits Even a data dumps to wired two years ago that they're building an AI that will in human consciousness Free will and take over and the next species will rise out of that They've already decided our species that people have been taught Marshall McLuhan was talking about that 50 fucking years ago. Here's the old they built it Amazon two years ago Admits they can already with 99% certainty pick what their regular users are gonna order Alex before they hold on a second ready instead of Dragging this out to some nefarious end isn't entirely possible that all these futurists all these technological innovators They all see the same end game that there's gonna be some sort of a complete integration between people but it's beyond Intelligence Historically everybody saw this coming right and so this big all the futurists all the people that study the future before Silicon ships were created the poor Marshall McLuhan I think it was in the 1970s said that human beings are the sex organs of the machine world and he was saying even back then That human beings are eventually going to integrate or become something that's a part of what I'm telling you is there's a centralized System of what they're building that isn't naturally occurring. Who is that? We're artificially is doing the elites believe they're getting off world Building these things you're just describing right now I mean if you actually read what all the globalists say you've obviously read the writings, you know this Joe They are getting not off world, but interdimensional communications To then build this system that we see lowers our IQ makes us live less I've never said okay When you're making these big statements like they're getting interdimensional signals is telling them to create these systems that lower IQs That's something you got to really prove like if there's something Okay, please if there's something you can show all the studies show screen time all the computers lowering IQ is lowering fertility Is that a case is that a case of is somebody holding a gun to your head let me tell you about me I'm addicted to this goddamn thing. I love watching those videos I love love taking pictures of shit. I love Humanity it has a lot of beautiful things it does, but I'll tell you they're very addictive. They're very addictive Well, so but hold on a second. Let me stop you right there. I don't necessarily think that's engineered to be addictive I think it's engineered to be really well and the fact work really well and the fact that it works really well is very addictive Just like little kids look at a screen you put a fucking television in front of them when they're one year old and play some Stupid commercial and they're like whoa Joe they think Hold on a second no Hold on a second they made better and better technology that we're not designed to absorb human beings of exactly same We have the exact same DNA that we did 10,000 years ago There was nothing like television. There was nothing like movies. There was nothing like stereo headphones and project Listen, don't you already? Please you're interrupting my crazy rant I am telling you that this is a natural progression of this massive Infatuation that we have with technology. They don't have to engineer it. It's natural it happens to you it happens to me They say there happens to anybody who's looking at cooler and cooler special effects and movies all that stuff is a natural And Steve Jobs wouldn't let his kids play with an iPad. Well, he's a cunt He's a cunt. Let your kids play with a guy. I'm selling you is fuck's wrong with a great rant I'm not disagreeing with no you interrupted it ten times you fuck. Oh, let him motherfucker rant I'm done now shit. Yeah We're not talking about the weather Eddie tell you that right now, let me tell you right now. Yeah, let me tell you right now Fuck cloud. Let me tell you I'm trying to break this down. The whole thing is being set up to control Okay, what I'm telling you is when you're talking about the elites and interdimensional signals of the receiving that are telling us to lower our IQ You can't just say that need proof. Okay, let me give you proof That sounds so crazy by the way, Mary. Yeah. Oh, that sounds so crazy. I wonder where the aliens are proof Yeah, you know what? It's really cool to say no, maybe we're in a computer simulation Everybody talks about that. Everyone says dude You're not no, but they're saying that you're not easily easily. Yeah, we're in a computer simulation But then when you talk about interdimensional like magical shit Exactly magic is a technology that hasn't been discovered. Yeah, exactly Videos are fucking magic for sure. Fuck. Yeah, you're fine You know we you and I could do this right now and we could go like here. We'll do it right now This is what's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go right now. You want to talk some magic cuz this really is fucking magic We're gonna do Instagram live Right now we're doing instant Instagram live we're doing like one of those little Instagram stories Instantaneously for words that come this is a whole new this is a whole new thing young Jamie. Am I right fuck? This is never You go a little longer than you let me go On what's that? Two Alex got a piss again go piss. Yeah. No, you know all these lightweights. I'm just drinking coffee I drank one of these Killcliffe coffees. I drank one order of butter coffee, dude I go driving Alex is gone. I'm drinking this air one do that conspiracy conspiracy. I'm drinking some juice I had two glasses of whiskey that's bullshit, and these bitches are peeing. They keep peeing. I don't understand it Something I take credit to Stuff that's what it does was his rant. I'm not sure we're gonna go back to that. He's definitely high as fuck Dude, we told me this stuff about buzz Alderman's telling him some fucking exactly crazy shit Yeah, I'm like, oh my god. I'm too high We fucked up Yeah, we gotta get him I I Knew that was the key the key to make this podcast super special was well he asked for the whiskey himself Yeah, so he started the part yours or his that's his. Oh, that's ours. No, that's ours. That's gentlemen Jaxon live listeners. This is just a record. Yeah, that's a record a big-time record. Yeah 62,000 record. Holy shit gentlemen. Jack is this is they sent us this right? It's good I mean good and it all tastes terrible. It's like, you know, you're sucking on the devil's asshole Gusting I mean that's kind of half the fun of whiskey is that it's disgusting I love this a lot of people thought that this was a Conspiracy because Eddie went live on Instagram live and you disappeared. So there was a lot of talk online never existed Bill Hicks the globalists are anti human. They think we're a bunch of dumb animals. But where are the aliens? They're carrying out a shot. They believe it's not aliens Dimensional hey does that have to do with the Luciferian Freemasonry type shit? I'd love to break bones skull and bones breakdown freak cuz I know in the Albert Pike wrote the Freemason Bible He's talking about Luciferian shit. So if you're free, Mason, I feel a power I will see the in my hands says that he talks about he took a look at the KKK Go for it go for it. Tell me about Albert Albert Pike and no, I want to give I mean Joe Here's the thing Joe you brought in right this one. This is your point about I will miss it'll lead to your point You brought the whole position this first, please you brought up the whole point about no more weed Alex You went to Dominate this guy Nice, seriously, I want to be nice Great guy. Look I love you man See you but I'm telling you is is that the globalists admit a lot of this It's in a lot of their white papers all the reports women to actually give it to you I will they they say they believe they're gonna become gods the rest of us are profane I know that shit about interdimensional beings giving them all the data. Let me tell that come up. Okay, you you know where The theory of of the species and where all the Darwin stuff came from Where he had an elucidation and believed he was given all this stuff from like demons and I'm not saying that's really You confusing Darwin Descartes. No, no, that's Darwin didn't Descartes Have isn't he the one that are with the idea of science science from a dream Well Darwin's idea came from Darwin was like really into channeling and stuff. Yes. Yes, and the guy that he always knows He does it. Okay, whatever. It was the guy that the guy that yeah a lot of those guys Yeah, they get the technology they believe from a frickin other dimension All about this as much as I do or more Joe and you sit there and act like you don't know I forget about it to give your audience all the information Joe no But you know bringing up and then you say I'm making it up that's interdimensional Well, I just wanted to know where it's coming from Showed it so to Darwin But no Pulling it up You probably already know that I know that Darwin's partner the guy that he developed the theory of evolution where they both had like a similar Theory and they came together with it and he was like really into it to the point where he was into channeling and all sorts Of weird stuff that he knows this discredited him. I listen to a real that's what they believe I'm not saying it's real CNN's gonna have me up here all clipped again. That's all I'm saying I'm saying they discredited him. They just put all the emphasis on Darwin. That's why you only hear about Darwin's word all came from Freemason that's face to Give up the aliens. Come on. I know you know things. We got to go back to I do we do you got a start there which is fucking right? You don't get to do a show like this very well It's great. I love it. I'm a man. Let me just tell you please do news today If you look at this that's what I'm telling you I don't believe it, okay I'm telling you studying what the establishment believes None of them are atheists. They all believe they're getting interdimensional stuff. So if you go back To Galton and Wedgwood and Huxley you recognize all these modern names if you go back to Darwin Darwin wrote this these letters are public. You can read these online from the National Royal Archives in England stuff They all believe they were all part of a secret breeding program where the British thought they would have looked as superhuman If they bred these six families together to like create all this is like mainline British history This is right. This is known in the whole eugenics history and then Galton Who's related to all these other guys in the 1850s? He starts having these ideas and he says there's a double helix which is the snakes for science and and medicine And he said we're gonna discover the keys and the building blocks to life and he said it's gonna be called Biometrics and we'll track everybody by reading their genetics. This is what Hitler freaked out about and picked up and Something like eight of the 14 new sciences like half or more than half the sciences that came since the 1860s We're all from Galton and all from Darwin. So the media and the liberals give me this one thing You know origin of the species like I must think it's wrong or right It's super heavy like galactic stuff. They give this to you This is only one little boiled down BS that we had you go to what these guys really wrote They were like intermarrying and involved in wicked séances and channeling And all this weird ass crap and then they envisioned. Okay, there's a double helix DNA discovered it. Okay biometrics Okay, we're all government. Okay computers. Okay atomic weapons Give me the equations and they were like all then like going to other scientists meetings and go we believe there's a program where you Take different matter together and isotopes. It'll cause an explosion and it's like they were like given Either humans are super advanced already had this knowledge from somewhere else in our genetics and we're here before And we're able to then manifest this through genetic memories and archetypes or it was given off-world But humans like have all this data compacted and compressed ready like program What's that called like the acacia records or something like that? All of it is is is is a coshic and it epic genetics. Here's the epic genetics. They'll take chickens with eggs and do ten generations in major universities that have never seen a hawk and they put them in these like these 20 foot ceilings and They'll have a triangle fly over in a square fly over and the little baby chickens never care generation ever generation go on for 15 years They fly one hawk over and they all squawk yelling screaming and run into their nest Hmm now they never saw a hawk and ever saw kill a chicken generation after generation It was compressed data knowledge right of the hawk that is passed on genetically Yeah, they say that's why children are always afraid of monsters that goes down tigers and bear Yeah, I used to be cast my son just wants to be chased so much He wants to practice getting away from a predator. He loves that the most he wants to get away You can't catch me and I'll just know there's a man We want to be ready to fight one. Yeah, well some predators you can't fight if you can get the fuck away from that tiger At the zoo in China. I recommend you do that Not even I'll admit that I was like, oh shit. We shouldn't let him smoke weed. But then now you think you brought it back down You bring it back. You came back. You came back strong. Keep it going. You're gonna be a good place right now Keep it going You're talking about Now you're getting into Albert Pike. Ooh Well, he's the founder of the KKK top Confederate general head of the Illuminati worldwide at that time So let's establish something that's like maybe people that are listening to this might go what in the fuck of these guys ramble about Establish this throughout history from the beginning of organized human Secret knowledge folks don't want to pass on there's also been people conspiring to control Whatever society and people conspiring to control whatever aspect of it, whether it's political whether it's the military like whatever it is There's always been that it's always happened. There's been military coups all throughout history There's been wars all throughout the United States just had a peaceful and bro How so I mean dude the intelligence community leaked all the data to bring down the globalist And he's asking the question intelligence community leaked all what data they leaked all the WikiLeaks. He's over here saying Why are you suddenly broke saying that the Russians didn't do it? No, really? How do you know this because the mainstream media said hold on? I mean Joe, give me a break to know I know I just want to know how you know if you ever if you know me for like 16 to 17 years Yes, you ever don't mean to say I have a source and I'm making it up be honest. No, no No, I mean I've got sources. I can't so you can't tell us how you know Let's just say I got data today from a head of state And what do you say I can't tell you okay, don't tell me the point is is so glad you didn't tell me Yeah, but the frame is we screwed up and released it early so cause a problem explain the whole Russian diversion We didn't mean on purpose. I'm always mad at us bust out with that the whole Russian thing cuz there's Intelligent people like my students are like you hear that you don't believe the Russians had to wear it in it Come on. How do they why are you saying believe that? Yeah? Why are you saying that the intelligence agency leaked all this and not Russia? Because I was told before it was all leaked by the former Director of psychological operations the CIA was gonna come out He told you that it was gonna be leaked yeah before I was never like in bed with the CIA I've interviewed people from the CIA NSA Defense Intelligence you name it over the years I mean it's all over the news, but it is entirely possible general Flynn former head of Defense Intelligence tweets all my articles I'm not telling you it's some secret Enemy knows the point is is that I'm seen as an honest good person that understand what's going on. I'm out for humanity I don't want personal power. I want to help people, but isn't it entirely possible. I mean like how does the information like that get out? Well, there's an open rebellion against the criminals that hijacked our government And so we overthrew the globalists in Obama, and we're taking them over in France in Italy in Spain In Greece in the UK the only place we're not successful so far as Canada So you just took Australia and by I took Australia with the idea of me open society What does that mean see most people sit there and brag about stuff? I'm telling you what's really going on. What's going on? We took Australia I mean Globalists are losing countries every month right now to the Liberty Movement. What what says that these are People that want you and your family to be successful and aren't out to hurt you and make you poor like the globalist There's good people and they used the intelligence agencies to defeat the globalist And there's been a major counter offensive and the globalists made one wrong move It happened five years ago. It was it was the system-wide leak four years ago. I've had CIA whistleblowers all up on the show Colonels and special operations you name it who were authorized by high-level senators come on my show They ran a counter coup There was a deal made with radical Islam to actually take over Europe and then the United States and by that make us can not convert But submit to Islam not criticize it or they blow stuff up They thought they'd bring in some you know new masculine arm That would make us submit and it got so bad that even our own intelligence agencies that would have been corrupted said Well, this is too far. We're not doing it And so America about four years ago started coming back up for air and now we're just overthrowing their whole system There's a huge war going on. It's beautiful We were kicking their ass on every front now like I said at the top It's a it's a it's the dawn of a new age you were against George W Bush Clinton Obama all that you were not a Republican or a Democrat you weren't for you were against government But now it's a new day now the conspiracy theorists like yourself. You're the king of them We're pro government and the sheep. They're like out there protesting crying explain that well Look it's not that Trump's perfect. He really genuinely is like going into all these corporate incentives at one side of deals There's no meetings now. There's no lobbyists. He banned them all for a lifetime He literally goes in with actuaries and computer programs and goes with super NSA technology that even had before he was in And he says because the generals came to him years ago. They said we could deliver all this to everybody We don't want to make America poor. We don't want to have big wars. We want to just have prosperity, sir We've got next to free energy all these technologies cures for cancer We're ready to release it. That's why he talked about the State of the Union or his first inaugural speech and Does it will be the second and he just really cares about humanity and he's not a Satanist He doesn't like raping kids. He likes super hot Eastern European women He's somebody not out to get humanity and he's got the intelligence agencies totally backing to the hill And it's just a super epic moment to be alive what's going on so far with Trump hold on one second, so What do you think when you said earlier in the podcast that you don't think he's perfect, right? What do you think he could do different that would make people accept him? Well, I said last week you should disavow torture. He did the next day just magically. Yes That you came up with the idea and you say that about torture It's a zeitgeist and I'm in the zeitgeist so in that zeitgeist you kind of see everything right even though you're like I just a normal person You can like look into any avenue anyway Your your take on it is that it's good to have him in despite whatever flaws people may perceive Yes, good will he wants prosperity and he's not a part of the system that he replaced That's why they're totally against and he likes full-grown women. Okay, I believe that you don't have to say that anymore No, but I'm just I'm just I understand you Most people that's a serious most people like their elected rabbit get out of your backyard and torture him for a couple weeks Yeah, so they kidnapped They torture they rape In the emails are like well, these are kind of exhausted about to have to retire them So you need to get in there some of these are damaged Look them up you didn't believe I know I believed you it's look I don't know We get those three-year-olds in there and a big old guy comes in and just breaks their jaws So do you think Trump's going after him? Oh, yeah, what's going on? Oh, yeah, well he's done if he's successful It's an entire route like a lot of people aren't just getting indicted right now. They're getting They're gonna take care of right now right now about the Vatican. Are they gonna are they what is how is that work? Devil stop Trump. He's the devil stopping anything. We've got stopping. That's what the Vatican said Yeah, the Vatican pedophile central is shitting their pants over Trump. The Vatican is so bizarre Yeah, can you imagine Trump going after the Vatican? It's a country. Yeah, that's crazy about it. Is he? What cuz I was one this is this is what I was a Alex I always thought how weird is it that everybody in a South Park is making a goddamn episode about Them being pedophiles and get nobody's investigating what's going on here So to me you then you watch conspiracy of silence that documentary They never got released about the whole network. They begin to realize oh shit No, the reason my opinion is the reason no one's getting arrested at the Vatican at a high rate Anyways, it's because everybody at the top is involved. That's it. Let me give you the good news I'm not here to kiss to ask the establishment a lot of patriots in the government who have always criticized Ended up being the people that heard me bitchy and you bitching do something They've done something and they're really trying to reverse this whole thing right now and there is a full-out war Inside the government of guys that like to eat steaks drink beer and have women Versus a bunch of pot-bellied pedophiles. Whoa Jesus Christ What's really fucked up? Is that the people that before the sand dusky thing came out the people around it probably heard rumors? That's probably someone to talk someone that says something but nobody really wanted to believe it well in the when it did happen Well in conspiracy of silence is a documentary you can watch on you seen it never got released Yeah, they're talking about the base the headquarters of the pedophile network That's it's an international network is in Omaha, Nebraska at Boys Town Yeah, they they like taking orphans orphans. There's different levels. There's guys we don't want any trouble. They just want And then there's the psychos that want to go kidnap There's like the hardcore people and you know what? top officials and in every aspect of government and Celebrity it's not everybody but it's enough so there's enough people involved that Nobody's investigating anybody because they're all involved. They all better keep their mouth It's just so crazy that something gets to the level that the Catholic Church got to with it. Yeah Conversation myself and Donald Trump. Yes, sure go for you allowed to do this. Wait a minute before you do it High Let's go no Trump Basically said we're gonna clean it up Alex. We know all about an Alex. We're gonna stop him Well, hey and and and we're gonna do it. He also said Obama's from Kenya Well, that was when that's a huge intelligence hop you want to write that down You want to know about Reagan and let's think about birth certificate. Okay, so I now can tell you the full scoop on that What do you think happened? I know exactly what they told him that Obama was from Kenya. They fucked with him You're here right now. Yes Okay, I was gonna tell a Trump story, but I'll see y'all do that Trump story. Yeah. Yeah, we're good. Thank you Eddie. I'm sorry Jamie you better add extra juice to that time Apple juice what it would apple juice. Maybe not Alex. Come on. Okay secret One more price if you give me a few hours if you put another 20 years, I'm gonna fuck Dimension how many years seven years so we're just about to say What was that? What was the issue Jesus Christ? Do you remember what the question was Jamie? What Donald Trump told you? No, that wasn't it. Yeah. I know you're about to say what Donald Trump told you But I was it about you wanted to know about something else What the fuck was it about but let's leave fuck but hold on a second. We fuck with my memory What was it you were just you were just good about I'm not the only one I used to have a good memory No, Jamie. I don't remember how we're too high. Let's go to Trump's We Trump Jamie's gonna figure it out. Jamie's gonna figure it out. What is it? Yeah, someone's gonna tell him on Twitter and we'll figure this out Jesus Christ and then I'll write this a problem with being Too high and talking over each other. He's about to tell Trump calls me rude. How many times a week on average? No Time ten hours show no, no, this should be your longest podcast. We will definitely peter out before then no, no, no No, we'll go forever. What is? No one knows what the fuck we were just talking about Cuz we're blasted you better you better call your dispensary and get some answers so you were talking about the Vatican We were talking about pedophiles and the Catholic Church certificate. Oh The powerful Twitter. Yeah, so tell me what happens is a place where I'm not ashamed of this cuz I got conned When I what I've been conned which happens, you know every every once in a while You know, I admit it later. We learn from it. Okay, what happened? I only told you a funny but no Kenya Kenya what okay Kenya Okay, and everything I'm gonna say your listeners can write this down. They can search engine everything I'm gonna say and learn to see this for themselves because okay the journey with Infowars is it's not that I'm that smart I'm just like you. I'm having this journey and I'm gonna show you so this is what happened. Okay Obama's Running for office and Hillary's people because I follow the news every day Hillary's campaign this letter came out Puts out these born in Kenya. I'm like I screw her I was quietly and I'm really ashamed of this but I told listeners this I'll just say it I was I was an early on Obama supporter in that I wanted to try to unify people. I didn't like John McCain So I said yeah, he's bad the Democrats are bad, but I hated what had happened so much. We were fooled by Obama, too Well, I was hope let's get let him talk. I mean, I wasn't Obama supporter. I just didn't attack him You liked it better than the alternative. Yeah, I didn't push him for office. I was just like hoping that all his BS was real. Okay So and then I started hearing these leaks and it was from Hillary and you can Google this Hillary first Progenerated the whole whole deal. So I'm sitting there hearing that That he's born in Kenya something. I don't care That's a bunch of BS and then the articles start coming out as the right-wing pics that I would does the research and it's his wife in like 2006 and 7 in speeches going my husband born in Kenya knows about the immigrants experience. It's a video You can pull up Michelle Obama. Oh, yeah, pull it up and then and then Harvard Law Review which he headed up for at least three years. He was the editor And he says I was born in Kenya a little bit. He blurred by his picture. Oh, yeah So he's worried, but he wasn't born in Kenya. Wait till I get to this. Oh, so that was just like PizzaGape Oh, it's what I finally learned how that no double-cross. Well, it's not not in pedophilia. I mean, hold on. Let's hear say it Here you go Testing which is still plaguing so many of our communities, which you all know a lot of that is due to homophobia Barack has led by example When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya We took a public HIV test For the very point of showing folks in Kenya. Okay, but that doesn't mean that he was Like if I look look he just found that fast But there's another where she said there's the Harvard Law Review what she edited where he says I was born in Kenya Okay, well that but it's right there. What she's saying is his homeland like if you're from Ireland Like I got here. They want to go back to Italy or Ireland or yeah, that's always the homeland They call it the homeland. Listen, let's just going on to what we're covering. Kenya Trump certificate Kenya So yeah, Trump got involved in all that and the whole bursary will go ahead No, no, so how did it what did someone like leak that information to him to try to make him look foolish? Cuz he chased after it. Yes so We're just researching. It's not anybody trying to be foolish So do you think they just maybe made an incorrect judge? Well now we found out all about it. This is stunning information so People want to say he's illegitimate They then look at him in the Harvard Law Review saying he's born in Kenya. They look at clips They look at the fact he won't release his birth certificate. He had a name name Barry Satoro and Indonesia He had all these weird cutout names all he had like five aliases Wow Why then he wrote then he wrote dream look it up He wrote he wrote dreams of my real father, right? Or dreams my father dreams my real father is the documentary and in and he talks about Frank Marshall Davis The communist famous pornographer that he spent summers with you look side by side the same guy So they were worried that it was gonna be Frank Marshall Davis But it actually been his mom in like a scam making money off She was CIA bringing back people the US and sham marriages to have them immigrate It was basically a cover-up of the fact that his real father was Frank Marshall Davis the communists and so That's who Obama's real dad was and dreams my real father breaks it all down. It's online. It's pretty powerful info So what does that mean? It just is a perfect example of you're not born in Kenya you're really born in Hawaii It on the you know main city-based island They're in Honolulu to Frank Marshall Davis, right and your grandfather CIA your mother CIA That's all been declassified here this cut out his mom was a CIA. Oh, yeah What was she what did she do for the CIA? She was a sex operative? Yeah, and and and she posed for news photos in the kind of Betty Page style with sex operatives in photos at Frank Marshall Davis's house And you know this because you've seen these I've interviewed the people involved. I've read dreams of my father where he admits I stayed at Frank Marshall Davis's house. He was like my dad. My grandfather had a special unspoken relationship with him quotes Look up Obama Frank Marshall Davis or Obama dreams about what do you think about the conspiracy theory that Obama was like? Bred by the CIA the whole way through all the way through it's not a theory. Oh, really when you say CIA that just means like a Marketing project of whoever was in power at the time four or eight years who ever was in charge of that? Whoever shows interest can go in and then just basically be involved In controlling the levers of the social engineering of the society Hmm. So what does that have to do with Obama growing up? Did were those rumors that he was in in a CIA agent in Pakistan? While he was supposed to be in Columbia Well, yeah, he probably exactly he probably spent six months Yeah, there's the supposed father Barack versus Barack the second versus Frank Marshall Davis Huh, I think he looks more like the other Barack. Okay. Well, look up Look up Frank Marshall Davis's pornography and his I will do no such thing Obama's Mother clearly in the photos and his book his book dreams of my father Admitting that he stayed with Frank Marshall Davis. Hmm. Okay, but but listen, that's not the issue So the way what I asked you though to get back to where we started from was why did Trump? Chase after that hole he was born in Kenya shit for so long Because he knew it was super hot with the public and he wanted to know The answer to it as well and didn't like the things Obama was doing. Hmm It was a weird thing right because if you were a guy who was a white guy And we wanted to prove that you were born in Austria But you had some birth certificate that said you were born the United States You spoke perfect English, but you had a square jaw and you looked like you're from the frozen north Like this motherfucker isn't freeze from Austria, dude I'm telling you he's from fucking Austria and then someone like made a big deal out of it and gave you like a fake birth Certificate and people wouldn't do you'd never hear racism then interesting like you would hear that Yeah, this guy might really have been born another country something that but it wouldn't be president's. Yeah, yeah It's a race. It'll be instantaneously. It gets connected to racism. There's an assumed racism with almost any well Listen, I don't care what color Barack Obama any accusations I love Jimmy Henry's music here. What color he is long the watchtower is the best ever It's pretty goddamn good. So yeah all of that So all I'm telling you is you research Frank Marshall Davis in Obama. I believe it is it's cracking I believe how conclusive it is my mom and dad are we talking about like five years ago? They thought that's crazy. Let us see the film about it. They saw it They were blown away, but listen, let me give you the big picture Please the elite admit that they are studying humanity like they're a breakaway civilization They believe they're taking the best ideas of humanity and building a breakaway civilization of technocracy So they can transcend us and I want the public to know the decision has been made to dumb you down Balkanize you turn you against yourselves have regional wars play people off against each other and Then basically release bioweapons that wipe out most the population. Okay, well the only transcend it You know to pause this right here. Who are the elite like when you say the elite who are these people and how do they get together? Hold on a second. How do they all agree who votes? How do they decide? Type a super billionaire characters like running shit. So how do they get together and all agree on the same thing? They decide on agendas that will empower their individual agendas and they're pretty much let into those power structures early on So how do they mean because they are okay? deber group is that a builder bird group Club of Rome builder burger? What's the Club of Rome Davos? Club of Rome is a population reduction group. I mean if you go to m4s.com right now There's an article and a video I cut about Oprah Winfrey I'm not saying is a bad person where she's part of a secret eugenics group. Hold on a second stop right there He said I'm not saying she's a bad person, but she's part of a secret eugenics group I like killing weak people. I'm just trying to thin the herd. I'm a really good person though. Yeah, that's hilarious It's like absolutely so you can go there. It's the truth about Oprah Winfrey Okay, and and it just deals with it's in the news saying Oprah Winfrey in secret Look at your face. You look so serious. You think she's in secret meetings with like the builder bird group or something? No, she admits that okay to her pop. They admit on the news to reduce population Right only because we leaked it first my play go ahead, but when someone break let's play it No when someone like her experience not cold, please when someone like her says something about Reducing the amount of illegitimate babies born or the amount of babies that are born because there's no birth control a lot of times Those kind of statements get construed into population control She's in the same and then people start saying she's into population control and that means she wants she'll be in the secret meetings And she's pushing and she's taxing I'm not in those secret meetings. Are you in those secret meetings? You go to the secret links that we liked have you ever been in one of those secret meetings I did shake into one. Do you hear what they said? Yes? Did you say they say they want to kill half the people know what they say that was really like not gonna believe me It wasn't I remember that yeah, dude. That was that was the real shit You know big fucking Jim Brown type shit, dude I mean that is like if you want to go back to like Conspiracy theory fuel like people that get excited about something when you find out that there really are a bunch of global elites to Get on this ranch and they got a fucking giant stone owl and they burn a bundle of wood and effigy And they all wear fucking masks and shit And then you actually have video footage of it and this weird sort of a ceremony they're doing and whether it's satanic or not They're pretending it's crazy. They're pretending it is whatever whatever it is. It's crazy And they hide exactly what it is. Yeah go into that. How did you sneak into the behealing Grove? That was amazing Well people always said it was a setup. They let me and it wasn't quite like that We had an insider wanted to get me in to actually see it and most people aren't bad to go to it But the point is it's kind of a gateway into all of this. It's amazing So this is you apoheme and Grove and urine you're on the other side of like it looks like a little pond or something Is that what it is? Feel free to play it goes beyond old care may fire make a merriment with your dust Begone old care. It was so strange. It was so bizarre Listening to that guy and the speaker blaring out across the Play it put let's let's play some that was Walter Cronkite Sounds like a play for high school it is it's all play But religion started that way as Entertainment so what do you think this is just some really ancient ritual that they're redoing? Yeah I thought it was no big deal till I was in the crowd of old men. They were just lavishing They were like they loved it. I'm really ejaculating their pants You sure Are you projecting? No? No, they were like the next to see What is it about people that love those secret societies like you remember that JFK speech about secret societies a little not tolerate them Yeah, it's a fucking beautiful speech. Well, they just pull it up. Jimmy pull up JFK speech Power over others it don't crave some secret essence right? They're looking for that secret place the most high Yeah, no, absolutely. That's but that's just like you were talking about pedophiles just like you know any other Deviant fucked or in the weird thing around. Yeah, I just want to go eat a big pile of steaks and Drink some beer. I know you say let's crank this up Ladies and gentlemen The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically Opposed to secret societies to secret oaths and a secret proceedings. I'm by myself, but Put this on if you ever heard this And I'm talking about secret societies of pertinent facts Far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it even today There is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions even today there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it and There is very grave danger That an announced need for increased security Will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control and no official of my administration Whether his rank is high or low Civilian or military Like should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news right there to stifle dissent They knew it to cover up our mistakes Or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know For we are opposed around the world here. It is by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy That relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation Instead of free choice on gorillas by night instead of armies by day It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources Into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military diplomatic intelligence economic Science talking about common political operations Its preparations are concealed not published its mistakes are buried not headlined Its dissenters are silenced not praised No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed No president should fear public scrutiny of his program for from that scrutiny comes understanding and from that understanding comes support or opposition and both are necessary I am not asking your newspapers to support an administration But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people For I have complete confidence We're cool killed there That's uh, that's such a crazy speech because it's him talking about the structures that were already in place And about the dangers of withholding information for people and him being forthright as a president in a way that we've never heard before Since like he's literally talking until Trump Trump Trump's being like that now. What did Trump tell you? Well, let's just be clear He's talking about our own military industrial complex and Eisenhower just warned about his outgoing predecessor He's talking about the Soviets there at the same time He was a really smart cookie the Eisenhower warning is one of the creepiest things in human history Oh, yeah about the really worth military Okay, that sounded like he was talking about communism. Yeah pull up I saw how our warns of the military industrial conference Oh, there us he did it but just because there's a clip that just has that so segment of it What do you only sell for? Yeah, there was a lot He says there is a scientific technocratic elite that is in control of all information about to shut it down to the public and then they will control The military so beware of the military and he wasn't in the military was bad He said these military industrial Complex Genesis were about to get control of it the scientific people I'll tell you about see if you can find where it goes This is it Jamie. This is the address right here is We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations I Just write type in Eisenhower military Industrial complex speech. Yeah, he's gonna say it in here somewhere, but it's a three-minute speech a Just see if he can see it like Alex. It seems like Trump, you know everybody a lot of smart people In different points of their life. They begin to realize how much how many lies they've been told they begin to wake up They're not totally woke up, but they begin to wake up and then they find out about 9-11 But I don't believe all this other shit and then they find out about this But they don't believe in all that other shit then they find about that and then at the very high levels like the dudes They're psych. Yeah, all this shit is true. If you could follow the money. It's probably true You might be wrong one or two or three times, but generally we're dealing with a totally crooked situation That's what are they doing? They're not stealing money from corporations. You steal money from a corporation They're gonna come after you and kill you With what they're doing is it's the mastery of stealing tax money That's what this is all about is just stealing Nobody because nobody's gonna go after You steal tax money you get all these programs and these bills pass. Let's play this Go ahead jam these military contracts the taxpayer's a pain for all this Lightlyhood are all involved So is the very structure of our society? In the councils of government I must win this guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes Jesus Christ, they'd let that out like it was so tight Cuz you think about this back in the early days of radio and the early days of moving pictures Only the elite Had access to this technology moving pictures radio right from the get-go right from day Right from day one it wasn't like your average guy was trying to help humanity the guys who had this technology were like damn They believe whatever the fuck we say back in the day you listen to the radio those news reports or when the movie pictures were For madness. Yes. That's what I'm talking about right? Gekko TV movies radio and all of it was propaganda. Let me tell you what it never left Alex Jones is aliens involved in this story Yeah, talk about propaganda movies and how or had LL. Limon sir come to him who that was the chairman of the joint Limon sir, is that his now just Google operation North what's oh, I know about that sure so they came to him and they said We're gonna launch terror attacks in America and start a war with the Soviets He's like well, I know they're evil, but we're not gonna do that. So he fired him Then JFK comes in the same guys try to make him do it He refuses so they kill him Well, they wanted to have drone jetliners and blow them up and blame it on the Cubans They wanted to arm Cuban friendlies and attack Guantanamo Bay They had a bunch of really crazy shit planned when you realize what our operation Northwoods was And you realize that this was signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It scares the shit out of you We're all talking here we're all talking here doesn't that scare the shit out of you Your mind that there's still today it's 2017 doesn't it blow your mind that people still think that 9-11 happened the way it was Northridge is a hundred percent Back to that it's declassified Well when people realize that that was a real document the US government plan to start war the Russia and kill people They blow up movie theaters attack US military bases kill American civilians Kill American military people hijack jets crash him have CIA get on board So a fake plane lands or the real plane lands a fake plane attacks. It was 9-11 It's just bananas that someone would actually sit down and it was leaked by Patriots Six months before 9-11 trying to stop it really and that's not saying Islamic terrorism real It's not saying Bush even did it some super dark state group Which Congress now has a 28 pages vindicating 9-11 truthers that Saudi Arabia with people that they had gotten to convert to Islam and paid off with their trillions. They got trillions had joined them in some larger plan to blame Iraq and other countries that were non-radical so Saudi Arabia could take them over who who put together 9-11 Saudi Arabia the Muslims by themselves anybody so they want to invade these other countries How did it happen in the US? I mean the US wasn't involved. Of course, what are you saying? Who was involved who were the key players in 9-11? It's it's totally compartmentalized. So you run a drill The World Trade Center and the Pentagon being attacked on that day. So the planes are told flying around Oh, this is just so that was a drill that was supposed to be run that day It all came out a drill that was about an False false flags. I it seems like okay, we're gonna do a false flag. We need to set up a drill They need a drill going on. It's clear. It's 99.9% of the government wasn't involved because of computers. It was a test they could do stuff a hundred times worse now No one will know because it's all remote activated the jets by then we're all remote control every jet for 25 years The big new ones has control moron control. It's all it's all it's crazy, man. There's Jets now or unmanned Absolutely. Well, no, they're manned. It's just thinking to go on autopilot stupid If you think about it, it's remote control dumb. It's better They said about the drone jetliners when they were gonna blow up that jetliner and blame it on the Cubans That wasn't gonna be a jetliner filled with people. It's gonna be a drone. They had the capability in 1962 of doing that Which is how did how did how did Robert F Kennedy or JFK's? elder brother Who was Joe Kennedy jr. Die He was flying a fighter plane remote controlling to be 17 below with explosives as drones to crash into Germany They had drones in World War two Jesus Christ, they had drones in World War two. What were they powered by? How did Joe Kennedy how did Joe Kennedy jr. Die he does secret mission over Germany It does seem like a father. No Joe Kennedy jr. Oh the crazy thing about the Kennedy's is is You know if you're a lot of times you see Criminals come from like a good family and then you see Robert Kennedy and John F Kennedy They come from gangster. His dad is a gangster Straight up Mafia and then he has two kids they thought they had him under control because he's from a mafia family Here's the guy's name Joe Kennedy isn't that weird cuz it's like you're the opposite of your parents like you want to go against your parents So Robert Kennedy and John F Kennedy they went against that shit that That's the only reason they were in there because The mob supported Bob stole, Illinois for him Supported John F Kennedy he was hanging out with Frank Sinatra then all of a sudden he flipped and you know what he stopped hanging out It's Frank Sinatra. He started changing his ways something flipped Did he have a kid that died or something like that? Is that the mate something made him flip? I thought I read something it could be total bullshit. It could be that he had a son that died that made him flip Let's go to Joe Kennedy jr. Here. He was killed in action That could make you think totally different. Yeah, sure when your kid dies, you're like fuck this I'm going with My soul right? Yeah, you're like fuck this what could be worse? What could my son already died? Let's look at that. What's he done coming after you? Yeah Fucking Apache Savage with nothing to lose Joe Joe Kennedy jr. Was killed in action while serving as a land-based patrol bomber pilot in World War two and would possibly Awarded the Navy Cross Alex Jones throwing down Dude you're fucking you're on fire. This is almost three hours. There's people out there There's nothing on your side. We're doing this for 10 years. Don't put your just laying it down You're laying it down like game of motherfucking thrones. No, I'm like, yes you are All I know is there's people in the government that want to empower people and they're trying to do a good job And I'm not anti-government. I want to have a good constitutional government and the truth is I Couldn't believe it when NYPD contacted me of the Secret Service the Secret Service came to me when I was the RNC So I'd like the number one passes. Nobody had red passes. I go behind the scenes Nobody stopped me back in the back deal The Secret Service like in their suits go. Hey Alex, come here We'll tell you something about Hillary. Give us a contact number In the next month. We're gonna contact you about a month later. I get a contact They go can you come to because nothing's digital can come down to me at this place? So I go down and meet They were meeting one of my other people as well Because the way they work was like they were hitting both sides of our operation and they said to me Hillary has seizures like every 30 minutes She's got an ambulance. It's black. She falls down all the time. Just have your people at her events. You'll see her falling down She's covering it up. Well sure enough a month. I announced that on air a month later She falls down in front of the cameras. We had footage a week before in Cleveland again same place she was back to because oh it was a key battleground and She she was like for an hour in this emergency tent with with ambulances and stretchers So I'm telling you I mean I've got real sources that really care about what's happening in this country And everything they told me was dead on you know, what's scary about my government lakes. Let's go go back The Hillary thing was very bizarre because nobody was supposed to mention it like you weren't supposed to mention that she's just falling down Monia they said oh she had pneumonia. Let me tell you something. I've had pneumonia. You know what I haven't done I haven't ever walked and just fallen down while I'm walking Really free is the background that comment on it because this is key It's known that in 2012 well, she fell on her head and she got a severe concussion It was rain rain for my sources, but yeah, she's in the hospital for a year then she was yeah She was fucked up for six whole months according to Clinton harden bill. Yeah, so she looks like hell We don't know where she is and then meanwhile. I'm told hey, she's falling down all the time She looks like hell on TV and then secret service says look you've got the people get up off your ass and follow her So we follow her in like five cities. We didn't catch it. We were in New York They sneak her out she falls down having epilepsy every 15-20 minutes 30 minutes the point is is my Intel was good They gave us good info, so what are the elite thinking they're gonna put somebody in with epilepsy That's all I'm saying, but do you think that it was just that their idea was she can hold it together Just anything rather than yes as soon as they just wanted to get her through get all those girls like oh my god Everything's great, and then they pass all these motherfucking bills And it was all it seemed to me that when all this was happening that people so desperately Wanted to not look at it because the alternative was Trump It wasn't that they were taking an objective look at angle Wow Maybe she shouldn't be blacking out and then you consider that massive head injury that she had in 2012 which is real It's a fact yeah But don't like it when you bring that up though because they think if you bring that up you're gonna change people's opinion And you're gonna help Trump win Can I just spend two minutes talking to your audience which which camera is about Trump that one just I don't claim to have all the answers, and I'm not here to boost your Trump because I'm tied to his wagon if I attack Trump I'd make more money. This isn't about money. It's about the truth Trump really is trying to cut taxes and make people successful and wealthy He really does care about the average person the elite have set up a plan to enslave people to make folks poor and all I'm asking You to do is get past thinking that you're part of the establishment, or you're smart because you're anti-Trump I'm asking you to actually look at what's really being going on and understand that Democrats Republicans come and go some are good Some are bad the whole power structure has been against Trump for a very serious reason Trump is coming after them and really is attempting to bring down this whole global system, and that's what all hell's breaking loose So I just want your viewers and losers to know I'm not some political hack like you said earlier I used to be against Bush. I wish Obama would have been real the point is they got to Obama with Trump He doesn't give a damn they admit they're offering money everything He doesn't listen so you think what Trump could or excuse me What Obama could have been is who he was when he was running for office that he was this radical element of change Hope and change he wanted to close down Guantanamo Bay He's wanted to do all these things but once we got in there all that Jake Rivera posters in the back during his administration the DEA Decided to not take marijuana off the schedule one Everybody knows it's not schedule. He was the cover schedule one means no Medical use he's not like I don't know means that's what it means to be schedule one It's crazy that marijuana schedule one when it's the most useful out of all the different various illegal drugs You are Joe you smoke marijuana quite a bit. You're still smart guys. It's definitely not bad I'm just smelling it and I can't even think here. I know you can listen. Let's get serious. Let's all I'm telling you It's Trump about what are those conversations about let the people know I mean Trump really wants to make poor people rich. He really wants to defeat collectivism Collectivism he hates all the bashing the family and what's collected is all the New World Order Collectivism is this thing like you're not an individual you're like part of a group and Trump can't stand that he can't stand seeing as a businessman business deals Where China has like? 35% currency tariffs on us there's no way you can even compete and they're shutting off our power plants with regulations But not theirs. Why do we do that then? What is the reason why because our elites? under quite frankly under under under Kissinger and and and and of course You know the president who is in that administration? Nixon they made a one-sided deal for elites to go make deals with China and their billion-plus slaves I don't say that condescendingly They're like slaves to leverage out the West the whole world's industry and Trump doesn't like those one side of deals And he's saying listen, we're not gonna impoverish America We're gonna empower America and we're gonna actually use American power to promote freedom worldwide So let me get this straight for guys like me that I mean all Trump's does deliver on promises Like so what you're saying is in layman's terms The the elite the people in power the people that have the green light power to sign these treaties They were maybe offered a couple meal here a couple meal there I'm trying this to sell the country out so that they could make 10 mil here 5 mil there building like that Is something like the US got colonized by corporate takeover artists and Trump at the end said F you So we're gonna take their whole global system They built for nothing take it away from them and have the true new American millennium not the new century you listen to his I Don't know we got the time if you want to play his 18-minute state of the union we could start or not say We definitely not gonna play that Fidel his his his his global inauguration speech he lays the whole beautiful bitch out and So if anybody ever wanted to actually have somebody trying to make them great and wealthy and powerful. It's Donald J Trump That's why the whole elite the whole power structure Hollywood all the pedophiles Every damn demon every pot-bellied one-inch fucker You know They are all against Trump because he is pro human and he wants to dominate all these people it is an act of Alpha-men he wants the benefits of the ego every now and then every now and then yeah Well, that's how he helped him run for office Any he talks to you and he calls you, right? I mean That's crazy. That's the way you're talking. He uses it But you know people think people that don't know Alex Jones They believe the mainstream media when they try to crucify him and say he's a fucking quack and he's a well Alex What you need honestly is someone to temper you you you need me right next to you all the time to balance Powerful this is you being right there that you're like the fucking you're like the calm them down You got you got a bio suit on and you got a fucking ray gun you're like, okay, we need this alien To benefit humanity, but I got to put this goddamn bio suit on cuz he's going crazy Just got a just kind of steer him occasionally He just you get on you get on rants and you'll you'll connect four or five different Non-related subjects, but that's that's it's beautiful Does that go right after rant after rant after rant after rant with no teleprompters only a guy that could do is That Joe has finished all my sentences and knows more than I do and it sits over there acting like he doesn't know all this I don't know more than you do Every document every secret program The whole time you've been fucking your bill egg listen, I'm He's a big comic I'm Microscopic Bacterial penis atomic split the goddamn critical mass compared to Joe Rogan. I'm nothing I'm nothing and I've talked so much shit about conspiracy theories that I feel like I need to shut the fuck up because I don't I don't want any trouble Questions of the universe it's questioning on your own the mystery and not just receiving the priest class stuff. Yes, but I'm not trying to I Walked away from my podcast. Nobody. I thought nobody was listening, but now people want me to go back I thought nobody but listen, I don't want to be a conspiracy guy like you I don't want to be that but I listen to you and you are my canary in the goddamn coal mine as long as you're alive I feel like I'm okay to say shit, but I'll tell you this every time I come to do the fight companion Do Joe Rogan experience? I swear to God I tell myself this this fight companion. No motherfucking conspiracies There's let's just live life. I called Joe can I Call him after a fight companion. I go Something in me wants to help people for some reason and a lot of times my inner me's like fuck damn Make a fucking you know to me fuck them and I'm like damn if I just walk away because I I'm compelled But I'm not trying to make money off conspiracy theories I can't have a conspiracy theory podcast right now and it would be okay, but I'm not even trying to do that I don't want to do that Okay I don't want to be like I don't want to be you but something inside me when the fucking mics there and someone's question I'm like I got a son and I want to make sure Did I fucking do everything I can for him? Because I don't want to I don't want to leave him with some shit that I could have changed So inside of me, I'm like on the fence all the time But you don't want to be careful you don't want to be careful when you're overzealous Yeah, because if you're overzealous, then you actually turn people the wrong way Then they look at any conspiracies is being preposterous even the ones that are real like sand dusky like the Catholic Church Like so many other ones before there's a ton of them like the Hastert who was the speaker of the fucking house Pedophile there's been a lot of those Frank. So it's really critical Hold on a second Eddie. It's really critical whenever you're discussing any of these things you get all the fucking ducks in order Before you pick a side it's super important because anytime you make some crazy claim And it's connected to a conspiracy theory and it proves to be wrong. It fucks with all the ones that are People saying I'm Bill Hicks people saying They're saying that it's like there I hurts me they're that dumb that they don't know my own It's a joke. It's a joke me man. It's not it shit. No, I get it. I get it. It's a fortune They're having fun. Listen getting no some of them are serious. Yeah, but they're having no, they're not Let me ask you something really quick is very important. Let me ask you super important It like like I was I was trying to say this earlier, but we had to go back and finish something out But this is very important. I Teach you jitsu. I got students all over the world. I got schools all over the world. I All my students a Start to wake up, you know, that's like a metaphor a conspiracy theorem Like at different times some are just into me for jiu-jitsu, but they believe the CNN side a hundred percent It takes them three years and they're like, oh shit. They start smoking weed and damn They're all all over the conspiracy thought everybody awakens at a different point No matter how smart they are you can get your master's your PhD You could be all I'm a scientist or whatever but you're working for the government and you ain't thinking about you But listen, listen, do you think Donald do you think Donald Trump is in the middle of an awakening? He's like is he in the middle of an awakening? Yes, because he could easily he could easily been a billionaire Two years ago who who bought all the mainstream shit, but he was a billionaire He didn't give a fuck about the mainstream shit. He's cutting deals But now you know at a certain point no matter where you are no matter how smart you are you awaken a little little by little Trump Donald Trump knows which way the winds going and as Julia said in in in the famous play William Shakespeare of Julius Caesar There's a tide the affairs of men would take him to the flood leads on the fortune Or as Mark Twain said in the beginning of Patriots a scarce man hated and feared scorned by the time when his cause exceeds It costs nothing to join a patriot. So here's what's happening right now There's a major shift happening and Trump really wants to empower the people Globalism is anti-human And so all I'm trying to get at is is it some really big things are happening in this world and people watching Shouldn't be conservative or liberal. Can you stop test are you for a moment? What do you when you say globalism? What do you mean by that? Please define that globalism is like neo colonialism, but it's corporate Colonialism over humans individuals government states old world new world. It's worldwide colonialism It's monopoly It's Populations and create Centralized systems of monopolies and control it wants to in innovation. It wants to end upward mobility Why do they want to end in this world globalism is corporate world government? Why do they want to stop innovation? Because they see it I was a burbing they see it as what they call disruptive technology and humanity So powerful you've already got a monopoly. So is this a recent consideration after the internet has been internet has been No, global is bigger than that. But yes, okay, you're part of that's true since they've already got control They want competition to end their end control. They don't want challengers. They've seized control the human psyche human development to the stars They've got it all they think they're getting rid of humanity and we're coming gods whatever dimension They're tuned into told them that so they want debates to end right and they want authoritarianism They want to what what happened there? How is Donald Trump gonna stop this a bolt came off the you're going crazy see it I'm making bolts come off the goddamn how do you hoping it happens Alex? How do you hoping? What does Donald Trump's have to do with blocking taxes are energy siphons? They're vampiric actions course So if he actually cuts taxes the poor people in middle class and gets rid of taxes, so it's really rich He's not coming after the rich but from a conservative perspective so the Republicans are cheering him So is that what he wants to do he wants to cut taxes for everybody except the rich he's gonna increase him really Oh, yeah, that seems like the opposite of what a rich guy would do, right? But he understands like Henry Ford did you got to sell a car where people had to can afford to buy it? Mm-hmm. You got to pay your employees where they can buy it. He wants real prosperity He doesn't this is not as it get off in his in his limousine driving by burnout old towns Is this been announced this tax plan? Yeah, so Jamie see if you could pull up what it says that's fascinating I wonder if that'll change people's opinions if that really does happen and people can save a significant amount of money in taxes The problem the globalist admit they want a global consolidation They want a global downturn to break everybody's will and accept all the new taxes and regulations and so Trump is racing Remember they had for eight years zero percent interest, but it was only the big banks Trump said we're gonna keep zero percent interest for one year You know, he's against it. But for poor people to get zero percent interest who cares. It's all fiat Anyways, the banks lose the money. It's all just write-offs They're killing it all now and raising raising taxes Trump tax reform that will make America great again The goals of Donald Trump number one tax relief for middle-class America in order to achieve the American dream let people keep more money in their pockets and Increase the after-tax wages number to Simplify the tax code to reduce headaches Americans face in preparing their taxes and let everyone keep more of their money. So he's trying to land He's already implemented though. That's 14 or 12 days in we've already got he's doing it So if you're single and you earn less than twenty five thousand dollars or married and jointly earn less than fifty thousand dollars You will not owe any income tax. That's your shit. Yeah, holy shit in the taxes on board That removes nearly 75 million households over 50% of the income tax rolls Other pets they get a new one-page form to send to the IRS saying I win Those who would otherwise oh how crazy is that? They get to save a new one-page form to send to the IRS saying I win Those those who would otherwise Oh income tax will save an average of nearly $1,000 each. Yeah, it's not that big. If you're the lowest bracket that pays taxes, you basically don't pay taxes You don't want people in Taxes are for rich people. Well, you're rich you pay big tips you get it like these people need money Look at look at this statement. No business of any size from a fortune 500 to a mom-and-pop shop To a freelancer living job-to-job will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes That's his plan this lower rate makes corporate investments inversions Unnecessary by making America's tax rate one of the best in the world. Yeah, holy shit We have one of the highest rates so nobody wants to be here. No family will have to pay the death tax. Holy shit You know about this? Yeah, that's That's a little over man. That's like Trump is for real, right? Oh, he's totally you earned and saved that money for your family and not the government you paid taxes on it when you earned it That is so big immigrants is that but that is a beautiful tax plan that death tax is disgusting So if you left money for your kid, they would take half your money They take some and some giant chunk of it and he's saying that's not gonna happen anymore that alone. That's a beautiful thing That's a very good thing Trump is painted Land and they're like 70 of them and like they're like pushing by families with kids like KKK like yelling at families just on the influence. They like literally pushed by like Hispanic families and black people screaming KKK Well, and I looked at him on tape. They're just going like Feels good for people to have a clear enemy and if they can justify in their mind You're a white supremacist or anybody on the alt right is a racist I heard he's Trump's KKK and I heard he's he's a rapist. Yeah Marching on the streets. That's well, there's also a bunch of people that are looking for some sort of solidarity Everybody maybe they were maybe they thought that Hillary was a better choice and maybe they got excited that they could get together and Join up and walk the streets Anytime you can get people to get together for a common good in their mind at least and no one gets arrested That's a good thing. It sucks Up traffic for a lot of people and made it annoying What would you do if like almost half the time you want to eat her in a grocery store? Someone hums of a slap you in the back you're telling me that happens to you, right? Well, I wonder where it's like they're interdimensionally connected. Like why is it always boo? You're a loser slap you in the face in the back of the head. It's like how are they so That was the greatest thing you've ever said no, I'm sure You just invited a door for people going who you're a loser and then try to slap you in the back of the head It's gonna happen now. No, I started already. I mean you started a human meme No, no, I don't even care. The point is how are they so synced? Okay, here's the deal Well, you have women going Allah Akbar. I love God By the media sync by the media and I'm out there Peacefully videotaping them the Saturday after Trump's inaugurated in DC before I leave and they're like f you white male They're all white women. If you jihad And they put hats on they burka screaming I'm gonna join jihad you'll never stop me I'm like, I'm gonna cut your genitals off and put you on a slave block I don't get where I've never done anything to women and all these weird ass women include the DC police We're letting people attack us. They were wearing like these pink hats and then they're attacked Praising. Oh, yeah, someone was saying that you were drunk. That's not true. Right? Absolutely not. I didn't think so No, no, the truth is The headline was Alex Jones kicked out of inauguration. Oh, yeah They had they have people blocking the entrances because they had it all fenced off. You could get in Yeah, it was the whole thing is it's it's very the whole movement is very aggressive, you know It's like a response to what they think is aggressive, you know You're all over there slick asking questions massage time we have heard let's be serious Okay, what is your real worldview on the nature of consciousness on this planet and intergalactic space? I've been admitted really honest today. Okay, a lot of true answers. So metaphysically. What is the secret of the universe? This is what I think there was a little Organism that was just recently discussed. I tweeted it I think yesterday and they think it was the pre one of the very first Organisms that was the precursor to what we eventually became and that all Biological life all like living walking things came out of this one Multi-celled organism right there. Yeah, so one thing I think as that happened, whatever hundreds of millions of years ago I don't know what the number is, but whatever However long billions of years that happened to go if we keep going in that same direction, whatever we are now It's gonna be totally unrecognizable just a few hundred years from now or a few thousand years from now or if we just do it biologically a Million years from now, but I think that if human beings managed to stay alive for a long period of time and not blow each other up we're on the cusp of Figuring out how to manipulate our very beings like to the point where we're not gonna be people anymore. It's just gonna change That's it. Yeah, humanity isn't the crossroads and that's my message today The elite have decided they think the course of our evolution. I'm here to say Shouldn't we decide it and have a debate about it? Well, I don't know that Joe Experience is a great place for that people have this insatiable need for innovation. They're fascinated by it They want the newest phone even though their phone works. Perfect. They just want it. They have this desire It's a weird thing. It's just like we were talking about like these these things aren't designed to make you addicted to them You're just addicted to when they're designed. Well, there's a weird sort of connection that we have to this technology You know, and I think it's because of what Marshall McLuhan said before I think it's because of what Marshall McLuhan said that human beings Are the sex organs in the machine world? I really think that's what they're doing I think all of this integration and all this innovation of all this with a primer for selling it is compelling focus on technology is because Evolutionarily, that's where our biology goes. It goes to technology because it can manipulate it at a far faster rate I hear what you're saying bio mechanically. Oh genetically through round cells not square Silicon we do it more beautifully and strongly. I agree with what you're saying overall I don't think it's an either or Alex shouldn't just exist, but Alex. I don't think it's either or just accept it They're gonna be able to do shit in both ways. I agree Longer I'm gonna do it. It's gonna happen. The point is gonna be screaming 400 years from now public needs to know this. Yes, so I think you have a larger debate about it Well, they did they are learning about it. It's just something that you have to seek out and it's really all the information It's control. I don't know about that the information about is it about innovation and Come on, they're letting a lot out you were a constant study if you were Tony fucking Montana running the planet Would you let that shit out or would you keep it for you? But Eddie there's not Tony Montana is not running science The thing is these scientists are almost all involved in universities and different studies They're working on their PhDs are trying to make a name for themselves Are you exploring all these different possibilities and then big companies that can profit off of it and billions of billions of dollars like Sony or Apple or any of these other companies I'm telling you these people up and they're fucking showing you hold on a second their thing is to innovate and make money That's what they're there for that's what they're doing. They're trying to push the envelope and technology They're not Tony Montana. Do you understand this you're talking about two different things? You're making a false Talking about some utopia. No, I'm talking about what is trying to to benefit the way Talking about what Intel is Who makes iPhones doesn't matter? We're having a real discussion about the future of the technological system of humanity, right? They don't want that discussion. So this things that whether it's it's Joe or Alex Jones or Eddie Bravo We're all having on Joe Rogan experience a discussion the elite are having right now in, kawaii Right now with Zuckerberg. I know for a fact the elites are meeting with Zuckerberg in kawaii Are they pissed off at Facebook to he's about kawaii, but the whole point is they're having this meeting Right now we should discuss what's happening Is facebook part of the Illuminati now, you know, there's a bear shit in the woods part of it. Come on Aren't you on now, you know, look at alex flag? You better take that back Don't you know what I'm doing your profile. I know you do. I know you do folks off I know you do. Hey the big issues of the world is he never asked me about ron reagan. I want to know about aliens I keep coming back to that because I want to know you want what do they know about aliens? What do you want to tell you? What are they real? Okay, i'll tell you right now And what I say is not political And it's not from my particular perspective. Okay. It's from the known knowledge in the universe. Okay We live in a third dimensional plane We can see the planets the galaxies the suns hundreds of billions of galaxies photographed universes We live in an amazing space-time continuum The elites believe That it's not in the third dimension that we're mainly receiving transmissions Ships don't arrive from alphas and turis Or gidi prime or wherever they're coming from Or belgies They come here through interdimensional gates that are much closer through fold space and so We have to discuss the different influences during the universe and our fact that we have free will and we decide what we want I don't believe in any of this I'm simply telling you what the elites believe so they believe that there's another dimension and these beings are from another dimension A bunch of dimensions and they need baby blood, right? They need somehow they need baby blood, right? Brain is able to tune in let me tell you We're really powerful. We're making the image of our creator Our brain is able to tune into the lowest dimension the highest dimension humans are basically Really powerful creatures that can live right close to suns. They're highly radioactive. Nothing else can live as close. We have very short lives because we're like a Hive organism that actually lives second to second in the space-time continuum. It's like a hundred years It's a second and we transmit our data up To be able to live next to like these star gate jump gates that are that are suns So because we live so close to these suns, we only have like milliseconds to be alive So we're actually a hive organism that keeps transmitting up To the next species in our in our in our hierarchical system and then down below us So we're alive right now in this continuum and we're trying to progress And and make things better And the elites are trying to make sure that we don't dial into that incredible knowledge we've got As a species it basically dies a species so that we're not competitors On the next level as the bible says of the interdimensional plane But you don't believe that but you don't believe that you're just saying that's what they believe. Oh, yes, exactly I don't believe in anything. What do you believe? No, I mean I believe in research Do you think that I believe in research too? Do you think that there is something from other dimensions that can access us? Uh this this we are other dimensions The third dimension is only one limited plane in a larger spectrum. So you do believe so we're a part of that spectrum Well, let's just say we're not in kansas anymore. Alex. Have you ever done dmt? No, do you want to? I don't need to I go every night. I go to sleep. I believe that he's on it's like he's on natural dmt all day Man for sure. Yeah, I got a question for you You know how this is this is kind of off the cuff a little bit but off a track off the beaten path But you know how the cia has always been involved in hollywood and making movies and you know, like zero dark 30 and you know All these movies that are clearly Propaganda movies, you know to me and most like even movies you think they weren't propaganda But they are they're like the superhero movies how they're just all the plots and the evil Oh, they're gonna build a bomb and all that Is it is there? whistleblowers within Hollywood that are making movies just like like in brazil It was out martial arts were outlawed so the people the people that were about the truth They were like doing dance, but they were disguising the martial arts Is is their film? Make are their filmmakers like that out there that are trying to help humanity with the basis of their films Sure. Sure holly was like anything else. There's good people and bad people I don't think hollywood overall is bad. Which movies are the good ones? Because I watch i'm like at star wars. I'm like, is this the bad one that's propaganda? Oh the meryl street movies are good ones. Yeah, which ones are the good ones? Which ones are the ones I should go? I don't know. What about italic deacon knights? No, no way what about like when uh hangover one comes out let me tell you that's not the The cia Did like hangover go ahead cia is only the name Of like one part of the shadow government, which is only like the intellectuals of america So those people are on trump's side now. Yeah And that's the first time ever Well, the cia has never been perfect He's had so much but they must have been with bush right because bush used to be the president of cia bush senior Yeah, george herbert walker. Yeah, so he was head of the cia. Here's the deal, right? The cia was set up supposedly to Defend the republic and do all this stuff. It got hijacked by multinational interests. It's been retaken And they're cleaning the cia out right now. Are you serious? That's fucking breaking goddamn news Put that shit up on info wars the cia is cleaning the house. Oh my god, that's Are you kidding me? Why isn't that the headline news on info wars right now? In other news jamie is wearing the rock t-shirt a lot of folks did really really crazy things for the cia That's amazing history. The cia does like half the fighting And they were all pissed off and they were portrayed by infiltrators inside the cia and really by stuff that went on But right now there is a counter kid within the cia going on cleaning them out Well, they're definitely trying Jesus christ. Damn. I like what i'm hearing Well, we'll see what happens. Are you are you happy about the future? Ready for a minute. If trump succeeds within three years you're gonna hear major cancer cures announced You're gonna hear new energy systems announced. You're gonna hear new companies announced They've suppressed all this stuff and trump and good people want to empower humanity They believe in the species and the planet and big stuff. Do you know how goddamn crazy it would be if trump became a hero? He is But but do you know how crazy would he if the the the country accepted him if they figured this out after if this is all true This all comes true exactly as you're saying which I really have no idea if you're right Hey, you know what you could play right now. How about that bill clinton clip that you played where he's talking about vetting immigrants like more hardcore than trunks How do you pull that how does jimmy pull that up clinton and bill clinton and hillary promote wall And the walls have to agree with him on the wall because people do a ladder over it's metaphysical It's like we're a country we're allowed to have this mexico has one canada has one can't why can't we the big thing is? Just deport people that are on welfare. We need people from mexico and russia and japan and Just deport people that are on welfare. It's only deport the poorest ones. Well, we can't Say if you won't do anything and you're come here. Yeah, we'll call out Okay, so when they come over here you're saying give them a chance But then once if they try to stay on welfare, they're taking out Was that for abortion or not sounds good american This is in 1995 this is huge not only in the states most heavily affected But in every place in this country are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants the public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more By hiring a record number of new border guards by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before By cracking down on illegal hiring By barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens way more radical in the budget. I will present to you We will try to do more To speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes To better identify illegal aliens in the work face as recommended by the commission headed by former congresswoman barbara jordan We are a nation of immigrants But we are also a nation of laws It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating For a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws We have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it If that doesn't vindicate fucking trump on all that fence shit But it also makes you realize what a bad motherfucker bill clinton was because trump can't make a speech like that If you're a some chick out there marching talking about the wall and you just heard that You don't realize i'm giving you a chance admit you were punked it's okay Everybody gets powerful power but from this point on shut the fuck up about it. Well power. That's not okay Let's uh, that's about it folks. Are you kidding? Take one doe champion if I give you full power, okay I think we've hit we had enough It's five we're gonna wrap this up. We got it. We did a good job. We put it together Can I ask one more question go ahead one more I I you know me i'm fucking fascinated with the conspiracy There's just like you every night Dudes are watching fights and boxing i'm listening to conspiracy. There's every fucking night when I go to bed I listen to alex jones every day every day. Okay, the one thing that gets That I don't get I get the establishment. I get the illuminati I get all that shit But then there's ronald reagan every now and then you have dr Steve pachanic on your show and he's talking about some serious Conspiracy that raise all this shit. He's confirming everything. He's deep in the cia confirming shit But then when they talk about ronald reagan they talk about like he was the last great president And I thought that actor the guy wasn't he an fbi informant? Isn't he so goddamn establishment? Ronald reagan, I don't get that explain ronald reagan. I mean george senior was the vice president director of the cia He just seems like This off but this is once in a lifetime. Okay, explain ronald reagan So if you want to end the transmission, that's no no, no, explain ronald reagan. Go ahead We're just joking around punching earlier. No, no, that's okay, but his question is a question Explain one eight more hours. He wants to know about ronald reagan. Hold on movies. I can trust tell me the movies Ronald reagan we're not in some blood fest with reagan, but after all the obama globalization, it's like a nostalgic good thing Regan ran against george herbert walker bush said he was globalist cfr world government Then they told him at the convention. Okay, you won But we're gonna not let you have the nomination if you don't want to put her walker bush in then a year in they shoot him They just released that guy And so all this stuff went on shit. I didn't know that so reagan didn't get his agenda through And they tagged on iran contra all this other stuff reagan actually wanted to get rid of the irs and a bunch of good stuff So, yeah, I know he's an anti-commerce. So he was running against george bush He beat him and then when he got the presidential nomination for the republican party They made him they forced him to take that's the true story forced him Let me think I think trump's way better than ronald reagan and I wanted to believe in obama, but he's a total globalist Uh, you know this well, this new tax thing is crazy. That's pretty bad. What'd you think of that? It's pretty radical Joe got meted as trading punches Well, I just don't want you guys getting crazy Give us a final statement on trump on trump. Give me the trump me out people There's people out there that think trump is racist and they think he's a sexist and a whore monger I don't know about that. I think you added that more horror monger. Thanks. I'm not a sexist. Hey, i'm not a racist I do think he likes women. Okay. Well good for him. A lot of people do. Okay, so you think he's a good guy I know trump's a good guy. He he look what he's done is he's delivered like no president ever All right, everybody so far. It's been two weeks Everybody wants to find some reason to hate him and some reason to figure out a way to get him out of office But shouldn't we at this point? I mean he he won their game, right? There's a popularity contest He won the popularity contest and that's really what being president is Figure out a way to get the most amount of people to say I like you better I mean, it's really what it is and he's the first truly popular person who's really good at manipulating the media To win the popularity contest everybody before him had just been a politician. He's the first guy that's actually famous That then became president. Yeah, he's 2.0. It's never Three and a half hours ronald reagan was 330 wasn't It's five o'clock That's only two and a half hours yeah, but the point being that he's he wasn't that famous Wasn't famous like donald trump. I don't think he was famous like he was a movie star ronald reagan Are you kidding me? That's true, but I don't think he was a big movie star. I think he was like christian slater Donald trump wasn't a movie star. No offense christian slater. I loved you in blade. Hey, he was in Joe he was in blade right? I'm christian slate in blade. Joe. No Stephen dorf was what was christian slater in so was ronald reagan god damn it you guys Did he get his i'm ready to end this right now, but i'm telling you once in a lifetime interview We haven't got the real questions. We're only two and a half hours in no, we're not three and a half Three and a half hours. Yeah, when do we go live? 130 130 we're live at 130. We're sitting in the chair before one. He's on austin time. I know she's all Look at the clock right next to you. See it's five o'clock Yeah, fine. I'm right. What else what else you want to talk? All I know is i'm with your listeners to know I've really told you the real truth. Okay of what i've researched. You shouldn't believe msm. They're total corporate whores What do you think is going to happen? How do you think this is going to play out now that you think this sort of silent bloodless coup has taken place and this guy has Gotten through this net that had been set there to make sure that no one other than the people that were already inside the system Could ever run it so he got through that was also he's running it now. What do you think's gonna happen? Once in a lifetime situation trump isn't perfect. He really wants to empower humanity All of us have to work hard be involved hear our views put out our ideas and just move forward But they're planning to try to assassinate trump. You think so? Oh god They're demonizing him saying killing him all you mean assassinating for real or do you mean assassinate him like publicly? Like politically assassinated they want to politically destroy his name And they want to politically also try to kill him all I know is Because America had half the wealth in the world 20 years ago and five percent of the world population We've lost half that wealth And it's that As we get more powerful they get more powerful and the elite have been trying to domesticate america not that we're perfect But we've got ideas of industry and ideas and then doing things that change everything And so the real leader of this planet want to kill competition. They want to consolidate control They want to end the internet of governments. That's america. They were about if hillary would have won They would have censored the internet. Oh, yeah How are they gonna do this? Look at that? I'm actually surprised how fast he is. They were putting the pieces together. They were about to do it Okay, tell them uh, the headline is obama establishes ministry of truth three weeks before trump takes office one week after Trump selected so ministry of truth being something that stops fake news Yes news the government doesn't agree with yes, right. So the problem becomes how do we decide what's fake? Obama quietly signs go back, please go back, please Obama quietly signs the countering disinformation and propaganda act into law Wow late on friday with the u.s Population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration obama quietly signed into law the 2017 national defense authorization act which authorizes 611 billion dollars for the military in 2017 in a statement obama said blah blah blah blah blah Where's it say? What's your read? Over the governor's board of governors the fcc federalize the media meaning federalized television shows Transmissions your website all galaxies your website my website everybody's website What do you guys what are you doing? He says obama last-minute bills like all that shit. He signed right? Last day's read down a little lower. It says in the bill We're going to federalize. Can we put it back up? I'm gonna find it We're gonna federalize communications and put the cia over the board of governors of the federal communications. That sounds so crazy Did you would have been said you would have been subject to that shit? You can't talk about that no more of course hillary would have won that would have happened dude We were like this close. He I wonder if people would have ever went for that that seems like let me show what trump does He is like up till two of the morning or by nose tweeting Tweet skin that watches video clips. He gets on the internet now. He's a conspiracy theorist Which means he questions about trump? Okay, he's our president. Yeah, i'm not saying trump's perfect i'm gonna keep trumped honest if he has anything i'm gonna come out against him the point is is that he's a different kind of thing and you think he can open Rogue element 9 11 is he gonna do anything about he's already exposed the fact that elements of the government work with soggy arabia To launch the september 11th attacks 16 years ago. He's gonna reopen that shit. He said he will you think that imagine that? imagine the Please tell him to release that information about the alien bases on the moon. That's the next question What does he know about geoengineering right? What does he know about aliens? Not not about aliens. Fuck. No, no, no, no You don't say fuck aliens, okay I'm so bored lately. I'm back on aliens and hello And bigfoot Go ahead sorry ring ring ring. Oh your ring ring ring. Here we go. Hi alex. Oh mr. President What's going on? Well, we're moving the agenda forward to cut taxes. What do you think? Well, I have to know about those secret space spaces. Well, well, it's you've got to come to trump tower for those meetings I'll come to trump tower. I want to know about aliens. Hey ask trump if he wants to learn some jujitsu Half off fly to new york to be with do you want to go trump? I want to see the bodies alien bodies. We go to a Trump on the show hanger 18 alex. Can you imagine trump on this show? That would be huge for him Probably not a good idea For anybody. No, I don't know who knows if you want to show you this I don't have to say yes, john. Okay, if you're too cool, we're gonna go eat after this Well, I we have to get the fuck out of here for sure Let's talk about whether or not we're gonna eat or anything else, but uh, it's already five o'clock So we're at uh, three and a half hours in is there anything more that you have to say before we get out of here Let me get another question. Is it? No, no, eddie. I want to ask alex No, I mean literally I really seek the truth and try to tell the truth in full wars.com Has all our articles our research our videos our our podcasts what we do And i'm not left or right. I'm not liberal or conservative I'm really trying to find out what's going on in the world. And so after all these years joe This has been a I love I'm glad we crystallized really good questions You kind of knew all this I was going to bring up So that was scary you just keep crazy You just get crazy and you want to keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going But I think sometimes you gotta go. Okay, hold that thought expand and explain because a lot of times things Hold on a second eddie things that are in your head self-explanatory. You already know about it There's a giant percentage of the people that are listening to this have no idea what you're talking about. I get it I get it. I want to say this For the joe rogan listeners have an open mind. You've heard him for three and a half hours Download that app that info wars app start listening to him eddie. Why don't you do your show on info wars? That's the move the eddie bravo radio comes back on info wars I would do that. There we go We need joe rogan samples magic ballista ballista. Okay, but oh ballista Um, the fuck was I gonna say? All I want people I just give him a chance. He doesn't know shit about space, but when it comes to politics You don't know shit about space. Yeah when it comes to politics, he's he's a fucking master. He's like a Dude, he's like he believes you on the other stuff. He's like hell. He's crazy. And that's a compliment space He's joe rogan Jamie pulled something up Countering foreign propaganda and disinformation act of 2016 the bill expresses the sense of this bill expresses the sense of congress that what a weird expression Okay, what are we looking at? This is that bill that anti-propaganda bill foreign governments Including the government of the russian federation in china used disinformation other propaganda tools to undermine the national security objectives of the united states And key allies and partners the u.s. Government should develop a comprehensive strategy to counter foreign disinformation and propaganda And assert leadership in developing a fact-based strategic narrative and an important element of this strategy should be to help promote an independent press In countries that are vulnerable to foreign disinformation translate that msm is on the ropes. They're panicking They want to shut down their competition. What american watching this or listening? Doesn't think they should decide whether they should listen to or not. Do you think that would be ever accepted that they would allow people Someone that works in the government to censor websites and podcasts Already happened I didn't do this. They signed a bill to try it Crazy notice how I tell you look at this damn bill One of the things about podcasts is that they're basically just a pure conversation It's just people sitting down and talking and if you if you stop Pure conversations. I mean that is like one of the most heinous forms of censorship. It's too late. You can't stop you can't make it trying it but if they Really did get into office and they really did try to implement some sort of a Exactly Almost wish hillary would have won because that could have been outside the power I keep trump on list. I mean I attacked trump and did something wrong. It's hard to find but he makes some mistakes like torture iPhone codes or whatever. So torture you think is just it doesn't work. It's not does it work It makes us look terrible to foreign countries lowers us to their level Yeah, exactly, but trump came out of against torture two days ago and said, okay, so he changed his mind He's good on stuff like that. Well, that's very unusual waking up and when you wake up you change your mind on a lot of shit Independently wealthy. That's one of the things that separates him. That's probably a huge factor in this I mean he's not part of the obama hillary network. So that's what i'm saying is that There's no calculation. I just treat you like I want to be treated big stuff is happening. It's a very exciting Let me ask you this before we before we wrap this up You know If trump is this new stage of politics or new type of politician What kind of person do you think would be like literally the perfect person to run this country? And what would the perfect person do ron paul? Yeah, ron paul's great, but I think it's somebody who's worked hard in private business Who really has a sense of success who loves america? Uh who has been through the gauntlet of demonization attacks and dealt with it. Yeah, I think it's donald trump I mean you look at what he's been through man Who's been through this and been a winner over and i'm not in some cult of donald trump In fact, I want to hate him. I want to not believe he's so good But man when he calls up and can like read your mind And knows what you were just thinking about you're like man. This guy is like god of the devil. This tax thing is very fascinating It's very it's gonna be very interesting It seemed to me i'll pay it the mainstream It to me every time I turn on my iphone, you know what I didn't ask for fucking fox news Bulletin they force feed me every morning. See you know, so Grandpa wars that's why you gotta search it out Because joe's real i'm real you're real whether we're perfect or not. No matter we want to be real Everyone should human human intelligence support this podcast and info wars and the joe rogan experience and make this dominant Which it already is just to say listen bitches You may force feed any bravo a bunch of cnn fox news shit every morning But you're fucking getting the joe rogan experience up your fucking ass. Holy Christ, that was amazing Every time I turn on my phone and look at what is cnn trying to fucking force feed Since when does an iphone force feed you the possessed demonic pcp gyms Fucking anerson cooper anti-trump Every day i'm on the What's that Cooper nice guy seems like a nice guy cia Cia He worked there like in college, right? No beyond that beyond that he admitted it. He's part of the like whip cia Wait a minute cia has a whip division. Yeah, but if you're the astor Family like he is yeah or the vander build or some vander build john jacob mr Meyersmith his name is my name too If you all right folks, that's a wrap. No, it's not No, you have to make fun of me at the very end. We're talking about transcendental Transcending information here joe. I think Sometimes we're talking about info wars.com and joe rogan experience and anti bravo Hey We'll do a rock and roll conspiracy theory on your network if not he believes in cia I don't know how to say. How does this go as well as you thought be honest better better. This was fun This is awesome. I enjoyed it. What do you think it would be? What what did you think your 9 11? Oh, so would be I thought it'd be exactly like this is as good as I could have Hoped we had a good time. We had a lot of laughs. We talked about some real shit We brought up some news articles that confirm a lot of the crazy things that you're saying that make people like all those new arrests They're new arrests about pedophiles and sex slaves like holy shit. If that's real, what story was what? News source was that story? That's katie Was right and how many different is it like all over the place on the internet and a bunch of different news sources? They're going out that one about the sex slaves and being released as an associate of children Yeah, so it's a mainstream story. I'm sitting here thinking trump is a major force Global force right now trump and he talks to alex jones Alex jones talks to joe rogan and i'm here because of joe rogan. I'm like, holy god damn shit We got some kind of lightning bolt going through the world right now with sure, but it's not like joe's like It's like all this together. We're all there It had to be like this for it to be like this every every day before today However, it went down had to be like this for us for this to happen Well, I wanted to be better than eight years before I come back and joe next time you're awesome You got to come in studio. We got to do an interview that story that 474 stories The rest of us was like many many many major news sites. It's crazy. No, it's real This is a galactic thing going down right now, man This is huge some interesting things are happening to people and it's happening at an accelerated rate and we're all part of it Everybody listening to this everybody talking to their friends. Everybody reading Everybody reading the internet everybody watching documentaries everybody reading books everybody understanding that we know more about how things work today Than we ever have before and it's weirder than we ever thought and it is and isn't this discovery incredible The crazy thing is is when people aren't you're just not asleep and then awake You're asleep and then you're partially awake. You know about oh you discover you you saw zyke guys for the first time Oh, you're partially awake. You don't know about all this other stuff So when you hear about all the other stuff, you still got that mentality. We're like that's bullshit. That's bullshit people are partially awake Not not everybody is fully away. That's the problem. There's a lot of wacky conspiracies out there Dinosaurs aren't real They believe is a shark they believe it's a Greenland shark, I think sharks are Yeah, they think it's a shark That's like a millions millions of years old and got into that water back when it was connected to the ocean Because it's an ancient creature and they used to think they're extinct, but now they don't need more they found some So they they think the Loch Ness Monster that makes sense or like a Talk about where you get your information from That's what it comes down I'm hardly talking I know but he's talking about Greenland sharks Yes Fuck you up and my left hand is my strongest. No, I don't want it. Okay, because I'm south everybody Guys are beautiful. Thanks for listening in now. Thanks for listening in. Thanks for tuning in to episode 911 Bravo Alex Jones and Joe Rogan signing off. All right, Joe. We gotta do it again soon YouLike an hour extra get Q in here talk about stuff One zero The stars have aligned the prophecy has come true Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo together on episode 9-1-1 this is episode 9-1-1 of the podcast. No, I'm not I had a fucking work hard all week to grind out podcast To make sure that I hit episode 9-11. We booked it. I knew how I go. Okay, there's a certain number of podcasts I have to do to get this to 9-11. So Jamie and I worked it out and we did it Well, let me just say I'm very envious because I'm in my studio under bright lights and I've talked about going back to when I Was just on radio that darkness we can really think this is a wonderful studio I'm gonna do a studio my next one with a fire pit. I'm gonna have conversations outside I've talked about that. Yeah, cuz it's like primitive it triggers. Yeah, and that it's comforting Feels good and it's kind of cool lighting. So that's in the next studio we build. I'm gonna build a fire pit I'm gonna get some logs some actual real fire You can only do that like certain times of the year in LA though Like when they when they have fire season they wouldn't let you do that shit We will use have like a little balcony or like a little outside courtyard with your fire pit and you kind of yeah But I want a real fire pit, you know, like I feel like if you're gonna have a fire Yeah, you should have actual law You should move to Hawaii part of the year and I will too and then we'll just have a big one fire in the jungle and create a whole Renaissance just what we're talking about before the trail be a helicopter secretly Fix a lot we could fix a lot with that Alex Jones you like a decorated Correspondent for the news now what the fuck's going on? What do you mean? I mean, you're a little you're out Like a official White House guy now, right? Oh, no, don't you like you're actually like a news guy Like a 100% legit will sure I'm setting up a news bureau and stuff, but that's just part of it Yeah, but like you're you're in deep with the Trump administration Well, I've had Trump on and I talked to him some but I mean really he's your buddy really really It's just that we're covering the reassurance of America What made the country great lower taxes empowering the people bringing people together the opposite of what MSM? Said what's happening is mainstream media is literally almost dead. It's collapsing I mean look at you. I remember having dinner with you like six seven years ago. You're like, yeah We got a million downloads a week now It's 90 million or whatever it is a month and 20 million on YouTube and for info wars. It's similar numbers It's a good weeks 40 million. We've had as many as 85 million people listen on radio and tune into videos in one week That was election week, but our normal is 40 something million. It's just crazy. How can they compete with that? They're still delusional the average CNN show is like a million viewers Fox thinks it's the big swing and dick It's got three four million. It's all I'm sorry people transmitting and broadcasting to geriatric homes You know where you see Fox's is the CNN and nursing homes You know what you see with kids 10 years old 10 years old up to college and beyond to Joe Rogan experience and it's in full wars and it's always other folks. It's amazing Yeah, it's a weird time Isn't it seems like those shows where you have to tune in from eight to nine and you have to sit through the commercials? That's kind of all gone away because of DVR's because now people just have to wait a few minutes He could DVR through all the commercials or you record things after the fact I remember you like 15 years ago saying the internet killed television They haven't announced that you watch is gonna kill it because how can they compete with what you can do on the internet? You know a guy getting screwed by a horse or whatever it is With all this craziness, did you see the guy in China that got jacked by the tiger today? I did see that yesterday actually it was yesterday. Let me not pay admission and just go through here Well, they even shot at the tiger. So they scattered the tigers They shot at the tigers to get him off this dude And then even after the bullets were shot off this tiger was like nah fuck that I'm going back in and he ran in after They shot at him and finally killed the dude and it was all everybody's got their phone up and they're all filming it Jumped in he jumped in he wanted to get killed. Oh really? Yes. Yeah, he would know this that was another guy who went in with the lion and tried to convert them to Christianity Jersey there that guy. Oh, that's crazy. He went in with a Bible. He's trying to convert the lions the lion just fucked him up I'll tell you what's crazy about that though is Imagine why I'm trying to convert him Maybe he was just like praying that the motherfucking lion wouldn't eat No, he went in on his own he was talking to them in the name of Jesus and he's like talking to the you never seen It Jamie pull it up See here he is he gets in there and he's talking to the lines this motherfucker just jumped the fence and Decided he was gonna convert the lines of Christianity and lions are apparently like way cooler than tiger. They're like what is going on here? Tigers see people and they just fucked him up immediately the line like barely fucked that guy up He just kind of saw that's because they're they're more tribal or more like dogs pack animal They're the only cat that's in a pack or a group. So they're not you know as Agra exactly minute tiger sees you you're in my territory. I'm going to kill you. Yeah. Yeah tigers a totally different beast Like Tigers sometimes they'll like adopt another little animal Like a wild dog or something like be licking on it being nice to it like what the other ones eat it. Yeah, they do weird stuff Lines to remember the only way you could see this before is with those animal attack videos remember those we started the same way there was they start off with a dog attack a dog attacking a mailman and iguanas out attacked your leg and then it slowly Ends up with drunk Mexicans at a rodeo on a wild bull with a rope And those bulls are smart as hell They drag them these drunk Mexicans and they drag their heads along the rails and just crush these dudes in between The railing like some serious Brain trauma. Yeah vicious brain trauma. They need one with just a hundred percent of that because that was the most exciting shit Now Jones how the fuck is TV gonna compete with that? See that's what we're saying So I was kind of wrong though because Netflix is TV and it's also the internet. It's like both things Sure, and it's forcing the power of Hollywood to basically disperse though. Yeah, well they I mean look It's it's better if it gets if if the ability to get your workout gets to more people. It's better It's better if anybody can do like these Competition and yeah like these new YouTube stars like all they have to do is get standing in front of a camera This is zero production value. They don't have I mean if you got a camera you got an internet connection You can have a YouTube show people find you interesting all of a sudden you've gotten millions and millions of subscribers I mean and he was bringing up this fact for your audience up front a lot of MSM lies and says I'm this big right-wing guy But you guys know that I was really against George W Bush. Yeah, you were you were arrested early on in the Bush administration I remember when when we first became friends in 1999 We were running around the White House or the the state Capitol lawn I was with with with George Bush jr. And senior masks on and you were always again sure the bus That's why I supported Trump is the entire power structure the media I mean the Vatican the communist Chinese of Saudi Arabians all Put money in and said stop him stop him and then lied to the Russians were giving him money with no proof And so the issue is he simply trying to actually be president and not have special interest in there running him And that's why the whole power structure is against Trump. So Eddie was asking before I went live Well, how is it you're this outside guy against the establishment, but now you're for it No, Trump is trying to create a beachhead Just to explain it to try to take the country back and actually devolve power back to the states and back to the people Does it mean he's perfect? But notice the stock market went up a trillion two hundred million dollars You know just the last month or so because a lot of institutional investors and others understand with Trump He's trying to create real prosperity Not a bunch of social engineering and I'm not here to pitch Trump to people The issue is is that there were major intelligence agencies and and Patriots in the government who were sick of what was happening and were sick of Hillary and Obama Backing jihadist groups and other things and so they're rolling those groups up right now They really are standing up against them and this is a historic moment And so there's been a counter coup through the electoral process in our country and that's what WikiLeaks was that wasn't the Russians That was US intelligence agencies. I said two months ago that Anthony Weiner in New York, you know Um, I have a Dean's husband the former congressman that was working for Hillary I said that he's under investigation for child porn Okay, and then now it came out yesterday that they're looking at and dining in for child porn Well, I had that from the NYPD that came out yesterday. Yes. Wow. Why would it what did he do? He had something on his computer Well now that they won't tell us but I was told that tied into that whole pizza gate thing which again the media Misrepresented what we said and did it came out in all those WikiLeaks all these weird codes Okay, like there was a bunch of weird codes about pizza and about a piece of pizza President Obama wants 60 $5,000 in hot dogs delivered and they're like are these really good hot dogs the hot dogs weren't as good last time Well, these are succulent hot dogs. I mean, that's not about kids You have to be well, what is that about? It's male prostitutes. I mean, that's what the code means really? Yeah. Okay. Yes How do they get male prostitutes to keep their fucking mouth shut? Well, cuz you know bad things happen if you don't federal child porn charges possible for Anthony Weiner, but but I'm on record months ago I'm on record months ago Saying that that's the case because I had those sources and so the government good elements the government know What's really going on? So the media then mess misrepresented and said oh look at 4chan They're talking about a thing called pizza gate and some pizza place in DC and the media looks at it and says Oh Alex Jones is claiming all this bad stuffs happening at this pizza place. I'm like, what is this? So they divert some probably innocent pizza place to distract off of all the emails that the New York police have and the FBI Have that's just this monstrous reported pedophile network So to discredit that they go create a fake story hoping we jump on it to then divert over to that story And then once we're on that it diverts everybody off from Anthony Weiner What which then leads reportedly which leads reportedly to a larger network? So they're playing that far ahead So they're they're literally attacking a pizza place with fake stories Just so that people can focus on that and take attention off Anthony Weiner. Yes, because I was connected to that story It was connected to Podesta stuff in DC and New York and all this other crazy stuff So I'm not saying because we're making a lot of like long sentences here in a lot of long statements There's what I'm saying, but let's let's for a lot of people that are go what the fuck is pizza gate There was this Ben Swan guy who did this recent piece about it and a lot of people got very angry Did you see the piece? Yes, you see the piece that he did it seemed to me to be pretty measured and he was making some connections to between that That's that symbol for child pedophilia. Yes, and or just pedophilia, right and The logo said the logo for the pizza place. He also made did he make the Hastert connection with Podesta while we'd Hastert Confirm child molester and best buddies with Podesta and former speaker of the house and then you expand on that But let's put stu it step at a time because this is really kind of important stuff. So that's all 100% true, right? So it's true that Hastert's in jail It's true that Hastert is a known pedophile that a judge called a serial pedophile, right? Yes, true. It's 100% It's true that Podesta was friends with Hastert. That's 100% right? Yes And then all this other stuff now becomes odd doesn't it become odd? And but if you say it's odd if you look at it this Ben Swan guy with his what I thought was he was just kind of expressing what is weird about this case and When he did it he got so much shit over it. I was kind of shocked I was kind of shocked people calling him a moron and Listen, I got the same thing, but but that's what I'm saying. They build a straw man So imagine thousands of emails come out with them talking about we'll have the kids ready Six seven and eight in the hot tub at this time and there I didn't see anything like that Oh, it gets it gets really weird. Where did it say that it was in the emails? There's freaking thousands of them, but it said we'll get the kids in the hot tub. Yes I never saw that. Can you can you see if you could find that Jimmy? That seems like Just the whole thing is so bizarre. We're gonna have the kids delivered for entertainment. They'll be in the hot tub Now these are great kids but kids can be kids We know what's fucked up about it is how few people really mentioned that connection to Hastert I would thought that would be a huge huge constant. Well, Joe, I love the fact that True that with your various student. I just bring up this whole big topic of how they twist things you go right to the key points that Okay That's a big Barney Frank Who got caught running a underage male prostitute ring? In the 90s out of his three-story Town house. Yeah, I thought it was just a male prostitute thing. I didn't know that somewhere Somewhere in range and then but listen was I was with him all up to age 19 plus or whatever sure but then But then what happened is he goes on C-SPAN on the house floor and says if you continue to investigate this I'm gonna expose half of you that are involved in this in this room and the investigation got shut down So the reason this is important is for shadow government You need something so bad that everybody who's involved in it ever ever comes out will be destroyed So that binds them all to the secrecy so that's where child pornography comes in and that's where pedophilia comes in That's where you get so many of the elite being into it But just as you said you have the Republican establishment trying to get Hastert out of nowhere as a wrestling coach to run For office then reportedly he's the pure cure just like Penn State and just like they had a deskie Yeah, and dusky in the underage, you know kids they were quote mentoring getting farmed out to supposedly big donors What's crazy is this is where we're talking about two very specific cases right two very different cases But what's crazy is they're both real. It's both real 100% send dusky who was a very respected man the community did a lot of charity work with young disenfranchised children and was molesting them at the same time and was Super-respected in the community and he was the right-hand man to Joe Paterno So that whole thing just fell apart in the headquarters from our research of the pedophilia is like, Pennsylvania, right? Okay, what about the Franklin cover-up? And that's that's that's that's up in What does this see Jamie says we plan to heat the pool. So Possibly Bonnie will be uber service to transport Ruby Emerson and Maeve Lusato eleven nine and almost seven so you'll have some further entertainment and they will be in that pool for sure What in the fuck? That's only one of them. That's a real confirmed email, right? Yes, Jesus Christ So listen, here's the problem. So I have NYPD telling me before the election like a month before yes We're investigating Wiener child porn photos Not just not just of kids out on the internet But kids he's communicating with and their parents are basically letting them communicate with him. So I'm told this by NYPD detectives I mean the Secret Service gave me information about how Hillary was collapsing all the time Remember we reported that and then it got caught on tape So so so all this stuff goes on and on and on and so I'm not saying half the people or or 90% of them You know are are are guilty or innocent in all this all I know is we start covering it start asking questions They then divert off into somebody on a fortune forum pointing out there was some email about a meeting at some pizza place In DC where top Democrats go they then turn the whole thing into I'm blaming some pizza place I'm sending shooters in to shoot people at a pizza place Make up all this crazy ass crap when I never even said any of that and then you go back to me two months ago three Months ago. I said the police have told me they're investigating Wiener for pedophilia and child porn when it was not in the news now Notice it's in the news. Okay. Okay, so I got this from police slow now before we get away from this cuz I gotta go back To that there was a quote up there that I did that Jamie pull up that I wanted to read the one on the lower Bottom about this now this these are the emails that you were talking about and these are a hundred percent confirmed emails Go back to that one that was on the bottom Scroll down to the other zone. These people are guilty. Yeah, what is that? Okay, hold on a second here So six grown-ups with two toddlers and two infants spread throughout the house and sure enough One of the toddlers was rubbing my nose at 545. What the fuck does that mean? The FBI has a whole got back to retrieve the children they threw in the town and what I Don't know man, this is like I don't know what the fuck those emails mean But look let's just now I mean everybody wants to immediately shoe this away is disgusting But they're holding a middle of it impossible We're talking about two very specific proven cases. Yes, Hastert proven Sandusky proven real huge elite powerful people that were also active pedophiles, right? Yes, so that's a fact who know each other and her buddies and then you've got Podesta's brother Who's big in Washington in an article in 2007 in the Washington Post? I'm gonna try to give you the exact headline which was something like Radical art or something and it's like making photos of the neighborhood kids in their house And then they're showing it throwing it in your face It's just crazy, but that's not even stuff I get into but there would but there is something to that because some of his artwork Was super disturbing that he had in his house like little tears out You're all about this pink butts. Yeah, they were there were in their underwear and it looked like they had been paddled Yeah, and they were all standing there with their butts face She's very bizarre about this and I do see and that's all I do is cover these real things So let me give you the new news But that is real the government got pissed off about this the pedophile rings have gotten so big that the intelligence agencies began to leak All this info and they knew Hillary was planning to steal the election. She did steal five states according to the experts and proof We had she do that. What do you mean? Try to break into six states Let's not go on these wrong long rants where there's a bunch of different statements that need to be addressed Sure, so let's just from right there. You got to get to that. Like how did she steal five states? Can't kind of gloss over that Okay, though. She tried to how did she try to steal six states? She did steal five states Well, Bev Harris was a big liberal big Democrat at the HBO documentary hacking democracy. She's the leading expert She was actually a month before the election through whistleblowers got the actual code That had been loaded on machines all across the country. She should have her in studio to steal the elections I saw hacking democracy and I saw that they did engineer those voting machines so that you could have a third party input and change it And I did it on live on the show and that was a decade ago with Bush. This is new Okay, so she's the top election fraud expert. So she comes on my show the stories on info wars comm and she says We've got evidence and then I had the the hacking experts on and I had the industry Whistleblowers on and I had the county officials on at every level We have the fraud proven that Democrat connected groups were already loading code on the machines all over the country But it's different companies But about think was 18 percent machines of the country to be able to remotely break in and and flip votes So because they were aware of that a bunch of states were waiting and watching and Homeland Security broke in live into six states and kept trying to flip the results and they even have screenshots and Videos of them in the computers in there clicking and doing it all there's major investigations going on You hear the news going Trump's crazy. He claims he legals voted to make it about illegals That was one statement in a larger election fraud deal of actual computers So so Trump knows about all this so she comes on and says they're planning this fraud then she comes on after the election She says yes, it's clear. Here's where precincts close Here's where all this happened where a hundred percent went for Hillary or right after it closed all the votes that then came in We're a hundred percent for Hillary. They didn't even care, but the landslide was so big for Trump. They couldn't steal it She successfully stole five states. She tried to break into six others or her controllers did and got blocked The tsunami for Trump was so huge With the real polling we can break down later that they still weren't able to steal it and now Patriots inside US intelligence agencies are preparing to roll up the pedophile networks nationwide So you've seen arrests in Pennsylvania arrest in LA. I haven't seen these arrests who's getting it's just now breaking and it's big institutionalized 474 arrest 28 sexually exploited children rescued during statewide human traffic operation. They're getting down. Holy shit It's a takeover, right? Holy shit, but look at the numbers there 474 people arrested, but they're only rolling up the Ren fields that get the people for the psychic vampires You're insane is it that this is still happening, right? So all the people that thought that this idea that you know Well, I mean whether they try to make it ridiculous by calling a pizza gate or connecting it to a pizza place Everybody that thought that was ridiculous It is not ridiculous that there could potentially be some sort of pedophile ring and see how they trick us They go pick some pizza place probably have their people go on make comments on some message board CNN New York Times Washington Post the same day come out and say well all the emails are discredited from New York and California and Hawaii Because there's this innocent pizza place over here that some of the Democrats go to and they're all saying that's where the pedophiles are at Okay So then the internet all goes and looks at that and starts trying to prove to disprove MSM that oh there must be something going on There so then that turns that all into the big quagmire is a smokescreen from all the admitted stuff That's happening because again I was told by my NYPD high-level sources that that they've got all this stuff on Wiener's computer that just got scooped up You know during the whole Hacking story and the whole story about Hillary and the unsecure servers and that that was being blocked by Obama And that as soon as Trump got in they would go back after Wiener Then I was told by a former section chief from a CIA that indeed this was an operation They were running against him to start leaking all this and so what you're beginning to see is the beginning of all the pedophilia coming out Is they roll up the procurers that grab your kids out of backyards or that go out as social workers and get the kids or whatever? They're rolling all those up right now to get the Renfield's Renfield brings the people to Dracula because that's the allegory I'm not saying I know what you're saying. So they're gonna now roll it up into the higher level groups right now That's what Trump's doing. Here's what's going on with a lot of this stuff We got you have to be real careful And how you describe these things and how you talk about these things because people are looking for any little tiny thing to discredit it And one of the reasons why they're looking at they're doing it for personal reasons because it seems You you'd no one wants to be ridiculous No one wants to be a fool and no one wants to be someone who's talking about Conspiracies that aren't real so people are very hesitant to to talk about something that's unproven But horrific just like this just like right 15 years ago. It was a conspiracy theory That that the Catholic Church had any pedophilia right now, we know 30% we're doing it. We now know the old Pope had to step down was blackmailed With info about other high-level priests by the new guy that came in I mean, this is heavy stuff It's hard though the Catholic Church stuff is absolutely horrible and proven over and over again And again when I was a kid, it was rumor. It was just things that were whispered and you would hear about it And now it's I always wondered how they're getting away with it. It's so out in the open. How come there? There's psychic vampires stealing the energy from the kids Well what the most common thing they do is like find very in jail the most common thing They do is they find very troubled kids that don't talk about it people with foster care kids with no parents Kids who come from really troubled backgrounds But you would sort of who are abused like Sandusky ran a abused Children's shelter and group and then would take the kids out sometimes overnight at rich people's houses to make them feel better Yeah, yeah It's and then no one wants to believe that these that the assistant coach and that all these powerful people But when he finally got caught he was raping Eight-year-olds in the showers at noon on a Saturday at the fieldhouse Yeah, and someone who worked there found it watched it happen It walked in on them literally and that's what would it all fell apart That's always happen. So these guys get more and more arrogant It's all I'm telling you is I'm not saying anybody's guilty in these thousands of emails You go read them and it's like the last walnut sauce you brought wasn't very good. Oh, well, these are good walnuts You're gonna oh, I love walnuts and then you go read in the FBI break down what that's code for What's the code for walnut? It means people brown skin. Oh, Jesus Christ Well, you know Anderson was talking about this for years FBI chief former he discovered a bunch of it in Los Angeles He was that he was the head of the LA sector So people are gonna hear this and they go they're a bunch of pizza gate truthers These guys are a bunch of pizza gate truthers. There's there's an inclination to automatically dismiss things. Let me be clear Let me be clear. I I'm on the air covering 50 topics a day. These emails are coming out. I I get Contacted one of my sources by people in the NYPD. I get sent documents photos of their licensed law enforcement I talked to these people then they say yeah, no, it's horrible. It's a bunch of pedophilia You know, it's a bunch of child porn. It's all gonna come out It's tied to all these different groups and I'm just like, okay So I go on air and I say listen, I got this from real NYPD and other sources and then Eric Prince of Blackwater Who still runs one of the biggest groups in the world does he run some sort of military operation and? like Bahrain Absolutely. The point is is that he comes away says the UAE You can ask you about it. He knows all about it. But the point is is that all this happens and he comes out in the news Okay through the White House Oregon Breitbart, that's basically from Trump's mouth and says yes We've confirmed high-level pedophilia rings in the Clinton operation. We're gonna bring them down. And so that's what all this is Why did Breitbart tweet about that in 2011? Do you remember that tweet Breitbart knew about it came out? Breitbart said I'm gonna bring out the biggest thing that's gonna bring down the Democrats and they poisoned him right here in California They poisoned. Oh, absolutely. They killed him. Where do you what happened? I didn't even know how he died I thought he died of a heart attack Yeah, are you laughing fake laughing? I won't buddy, you know, I love you. Anyway, pull up the Breitbart email or the Breitbart tweet because it's a crazy It's all about this. Well, the tweet is pretty insane when you read it. You're like wait, what the fuck is going on? like Everybody there's an instantaneous reaction that people have Right, you're right. You're right. Tell me people are doing this to kids. You don't know you like get the fuck out here That's nonsense. Yeah, but when you tell people about the stuff that's been proven the ones that have the big they don't account They don't they don't attach those I was on air Saying I'm told this by NYPD in like three different shows and that it's gonna come out that weaner sending child porn And it's in the news what they're saying what they're accusing wiener of apparently is sending Sexually explicit text to an underage girl. That's what's against the law. It's so they're calling the child porn But it's essentially he was sending Pornographic text to a 15 year old. Well, I was told it's a lot more than that what they're doing This is just what it was minimizing it because the higher ups are being told you don't let this out Hmm, let me tell you weiner supposedly had tens of thousands of emails wiener should be a fucking comedian for sure He's a freak. He's got real problems. He's a good communicator. I bet he's hilarious Come on, don't you think all I know is I'm not saying even wiener is a pedophile all I know is all I know is listen We all know about Jerry Epstein. Okay, and I don't know about Jerry I was a little lolita Express just Google that and what is that Bill Clinton was like on 20 flights first? It was said oh, that's right. Okay now That has a temple in it and then he was also flying to this this Middle Eastern country with a chic That's a minute pedophile with multi-million dollar checks at Bill Clinton on the plane and Bill Clinton is a known sexual predator okay, so all this stuff's going on and So they start bringing up lawsuits against Donald Trump with Jane Doe's Claiming he'd been with Epstein even though there's no proof in the law because they make you log even on private jets None of it was ever true. He bet it is how Prog prog, you know progressive guru John Podesta is in household name as world-class underage sex slave op cover-upper Defending unspeakable dregs escapes me early on did John Podesta Imagine his baby MMFA I don't know what that is would be covering up for underage sex ops and H Hate crimes against blacks, huh? I Know what that means? What is M? MFA young Jamie? I Meteo matters, huh? Isn't that Soros? Yeah, that's Soros But also guess who owns the pizza place who or all this one on its its media matters head Guy David Brock's boyfriend and that is where they have major Democratic Party fundraisers and then they had They had rock bands there That that gave live spoken word dissertations of the love of children what? Yeah, I'm talking about guys like in goth drag About how much they love children. Have you seen this? Yeah, I don't even really want to repeat what they really pull it up I want there's a video of them saying that it was a common. This is a common ping pong So, you know what? Why is I mean this it's really it's a very very bizarre Subject, but why is this like so eat? What is this right here? You bring it up Jamie? Okay, give me some volume below a subway sandwich shop Here he likes the world sounds Hmm That's super weird Right anybody listening let's describe what that person looked like they were wearing a wig a blonde wig and it was a guy A transvestite or a woman who's just smoked every cigarette It's one of the two but uh This is the fact that that was going on at that place seems really odd But that sounds like someone ad-libbing, you know, we all have preference. It's like trying to be funny That's almost like no guys in the in the in the crowd saying it's little boys Oh, yeah, a lot of creepy artwork connected to that guy a lot of creepy artwork. I mean that that's a fact There's a lot of facts. So it's one of those things like Anything and you're not saying that I'm not either. That's what's really important I never even really covered this stuff and then they had me on the news and also Swan going They said these people were killing kids in a basement. They say okay Megan Kelly went on and took a clip where I was talking about Hillary's funding jihadis And Obama back in the Arab Spring that killed tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people thousands of children Now al-qaeda was putting kids and which is Isis into sex slavery They edited that out and then cut it together on Fox News With me saying and Hillary Clinton rapes and kills children in a basement at ping-pong pizza They literally now edit audio, but I was able to change your audio I was able to go find the day with video with what I really said and throw it back in their face But wow, that's really blatant. That's what where's this? Can we watch this? Where is this that they did? Sure, I think you guys have the comparison the two up. Yeah It's something like Megan Kelly caught a giant lie against Alex Jones trying to find that we should we should play that Megan Kelly so pretty she could say whatever the fuck she wants. I think she looks like old trainee I love her. Do you think she looks like an old trainee? Yeah, you're hilarious No, I don't like old trainees, but I think she's hot. You don't like you don't think Megan Kelly's not I just want to insult her she's a globalist. Oh, she's global. Obviously. She's pretty do you know Joe? She's real ugly She do you think that she was she's moved over to NBC? Do you think she's gonna change her tune now and go for the little BC wants to be the quote new Fox News So they'll be the new kind of Glenn Beck I'm a conservative, but I hate conservatives and libertarians and I speak for everyone and I can decode it all So she's gonna go over there to be the conservative light and try to get them some ratings So it seems like NBC realizes that's where the money is Is that we're saying want to see how fake news is made from Megan Kelly on Fox News. Did you find it Jamie? Okay, let's play it here. Here we go Give us some volume how this whole thing got started pizza gates conspiracy gunman As many controversies do these days it began with a tweet on October 30th days after the FBI announced They'd be reopening an investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails Someone on Twitter whose name remains unverified but has several thousand followers Posted that new emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer Confirmed that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophilia ring The Twitter post included information from a Facebook user who stated quote my NYPD Source said it's much more vile and serious than classified material on Weiner's device We're talking an international child enslavement and sex ring. It pause for the next day the places should be back up to the sex now This is probably them quote trying to debunk us What they do is they misrepresent what we're saying so again whoever these rogue people were or I don't know who they are Saying oh look NYPD says it's wiener and all this see how they were saying none of that's happening now It's actually starting to come out. I don't know how far how deep it goes, but this is when Kelly Well, let's let it play out and then respond to it I was I was going to use your train of thought sure sure okay Do you know what the reason for the right one book user who stated quote my NYPD? Source said it's much more vile and serious than classified material on Wiener's device We're talking an international child enslavement and sex ring the next day the bogus claim was picked up by a website called your newswire comm Message boards like 4chan and reddit right-wing blogs and several pro-trump websites Info Wars Alex Jones a far-right web host posted a YouTube video seen almost 500,000 times The rumors spread inspiring some newfound internet sleuths to start digging around in John Podesta's hacked emails searching for proof and Location of the so-called sex ring what they found were numerous references to pizza Now here's what Alex Jones actually said When I think about all the children Hillary Clinton is personally murdered and chopped up and rate Have zero fear standing up against You heard me right Hillary Clinton has personally murdered children Going to can't hold back the truth anymore Hillary Clinton is one of the most vicious serial killers the planets ever seen There's a twist to that Am I talking about the devil worship story with her chief of staff or campaign chairman? Looking at the menu of blood and semen and body parts with that the Alisher Crowley event the private event Oh, no, I'm not talking about that I mean 200,000 plus dead Christians with her operation with Syria and our operation in Libya and not letting the Christians get out and Directing Al Qaeda and Isis who target and murder children and put them through sex slavery and throw Catholic priests off cliffs and kill people In mass and murder gays and everything else you can imagine because they don't like peaceful people And they caught everybody there for open society and they love everybody Anything they do is for degradation and someone could have been killed inside of your restaurant Yeah, there's no good reason. I'm pretty people like Alex Jones Fanned a conspiracy theory that even the DC police say has no basis in fact Yes, it's a lack of lies and It's dangerous. What happens is the top sorrows opera's boyfriend to drive across four state lines with an assault rifle And enter a family friendly restaurant at three o'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday I know reddit has banned this topic on its website I mean slowly But surely those who helped fan it are trying to dial it back out of the safety You know the concerns for the safety of those who have been endangered by really this could happen to anyone. It's not just us It's any single person. I know you said to our producers. It's also surreal until the gun comes in Wow And then some guys so they went They got the full clip they cut the front off knowing I was actually saying I don't know about the Satanism Before the term pizza gate was out there But I do know she's funded the radicals I came I saw they die Who do rape and kill and cut up kids so she personally is? You were making a very provocative statement and you made a very provocative statement by saying something kind of crazy at first Yes, and then backing it up And so what they decided to do is just edit a chunk of that and so they didn't really have to edit it and chop It up, but they did take it as they say Out of context and said that I was talking about comedy Right you weren't and I was talking about the spirit cooking Alistair Crowley stuff where the lady is written It's real for her and they go they take little kids of these parties and they have vats of blood That's one thing if you were an adult wanted to do that, you know issue some art project This is real and so I was talking about the menu where they're in the email saying You know, we're gonna have plenty of blood plenty of semen for you and other delicious things in the menu And he's like, what are the juicies on the menu? And they go well, we're gonna have cheese pizza We're gonna have we're gonna have the the nut sauce and we're gonna have the pasta and we're gonna have you know Succulent hot dogs. We know you love succulent hot dogs. What the fuck? And they go oh god I want to go back to that place in Hawaii that had the best hot dogs, you know It's like yes, since we've got hot dogs and Obama won $65,000 where the hot dogs liver to the party Will the hot dogs be there and then it's in Stratford and CIA emails that got leaked by WikiLeaks that now people cross-referenced Where the CIA is like watching going? Ah, look at Obama in Chicago another hot dog party Well, these did they are there's no Obama is at a party with 15 dudes That's his issue. The point is though they can blackmail him with this and the stuff with Obama That's we never got pedophile codes with Obama. Yeah. No, it's it's men. I Mean he's had his mother trying to say that Barack Obama is a homosexual saying he's bisexual How dare you I really don't even care. Yeah. Have you ever seen him with a man? How do you know? This is true. Well, I've seen him with men walking down the street Maybe he just likes to bring dudes in have conversations with him Maybe he just hard to talk to people when you're the head of the free world Maybe he had a party with with $65,000 with the hot dogs. Yeah, maybe he loves hot dogs. He's sick. Fuck it. Fuck this diet I'm not the president anymore. Yeah, I'm chilling now listen $65,000 He's balling that's more than 65,000 hot dogs what a gourmet hot dogs with a dollar apiece Question how many let's say it's super gourmet five dollars apiece for each hot dog president needs a hot dog helping hand What does that what if it turns out? He was like the ten-time hot dog eating champion? He's like one of those That's probably it. What if that's it? He probably okay. Let's say Just really likes hot dogs here Alex Jones like there's a whole article $65,000 $5 apiece Five dollars per hot dog right but listen, you know, you got to get those delivers Someone's gonna make them got to grind it up put it in the casing the whole deal. Maybe it gets like gourmet hot Putting together some giant party some I'm out of this job party. No, I don't know but Dog is a code for male prostitutes. Okay, maybe it is but what I'm saying is anybody who's skeptical anybody who's looking at this and going You guys are so fucking crazy. This is so you're making such gigantic leaps of faith No leaps just look at all how what the weird code in those emails. There was definitely some code And I'm gonna meet you after This one in fact my crew actually got mad to be honest with you We started by the truth here We're about five days into this and the news hadn't even picked it up and all my crew is doing is all day reading thousands of emails I mean there's thousands that are just related to food and hot dog and kids and hot tubs and kid deliveries and And oh the spirit cooking and Oh Alistair Crowley and oh, they'll be semen in blood. I told my crew I said it's probably true No one's gonna believe it stop obsessing on it and stop reading these emails Because I want to focus on the election and everything else that's happening So then sites start accusing me of covering up The the pedestrians stuff before it's called pizza gate and then I get blamed for being behind pizza gate and I'm not even bitching I'm explaining what it's like to really be trying to get at the truth and then people take the fact that it's complex She'd be better at this than me Joe cuz you know how to put stuff out clear and parson I just know all this crap where you get crazy and still ran people won't listen to me because I got too much data And you manage what this is like. I mean, it's just I'm sick of it I don't know everything that's going on, but I know this I have good CIA people and FBI and Secret Service Okay telling me yes Alex. It's worse than you know keep getting them It's gonna come out and it's starting to come out and saying watch when we start arresting the pedophile networks We're gonna roll up the Democrats and the Republicans that are involved That's why Trump said in his speeches at the inaugural. This is not about parties. We're taking these people on We're bringing God back in even somebody that wasn't very religious like Trump has gotten religion learning about this Because let me tell you something Trump's not a devil worshiper And he loves God and he's been briefed on all this and he's gonna roll their ass up So the pedophiles better get ready. I want to clear something up right now look at that camera and tell everybody you're not bill Hicks Tell so stupid tell them you're not I'm not either tell them well number one fucking people think there's a goddamn conspiracy Pretends what I died here's what happens. They think it's a flat earth, too I take real stuff notice Joe's done his research not kissing his ass so he knows all these little points I'm making better than I even did yeah I'm like remembering stuff when he brings it up because I try to suppress half this crap. I can't handle it anymore man I'm 43 and I'm sitting here looking at all this and then and these people come up to me on the street They go hey Joe. Hey Joe something like five times, and then I try like oh, I knew you were you know you were I mean not just Alex whatever your fucking name is The program Here's it I'll be on the street, or I'll be at a restaurant, and they come over they go They say hey bill. Hey bill. Hey bill. I'm gonna really show Rogan. That's the conspiracy and And I'm and I turn around they go oh, I know it's you all because I did a few Pieces in one little video with a guy that lived in Austin that you knew it's how I met you Like Bill Hicks, that's what's ridiculous about it Like what did you get like massive plastic surgery changed the way your voice sounds like your voice is so different than his Is that no one ever wants to look real conspiracies because they're complex and hard to understand they want to just go with the earth is flat You know there's aliens living underneath the Capitol dinosaurs aren't real or well. No I mean listen the point is I'm gonna bash Eddie Eddie. It's good to have a free open mind, but he doesn't promulgate stuff He's only researching what's been said, so I want to just get this out of the way. I am Bill Hicks I'm actually you are how will bill Hicks be like 60? I think he died at 32 in 1994 so Do the math I know one thing it's hot in here is it really I'm not hot Eddie you know I was in my studio Really cold oh do you well you get you get crazy you're a goddamn human inferno. I'm melting You know there's a lot of people that don't know Like how you got started, but one of the things I thought was really bizarre in that thing was that lady was calling you a Right-wing host a far right-wing host you've never been a right-wing guy, and it's a it's a big misconception like you were always Totally anti bush you got arrested Speaking as actually before Bush was even elected you were trying to stop him from being elected Back when Clinton was and then when he stole the election from Gore who I didn't even really like I still came out and exposed It's now been certified in Congress, and they've documented I just go with what the facts are right you've never been one of the things that really opened my eyes This is a really important video that you did 9-11 Road to tyranny well you talked about the World Trade Organization protests and how they had sent in these People in government uniforms with government issue boots and these anarchists that were dressed in black And they it's that this is an actual tactic that they'll use to break up peaceful protests Well, they'll send in soldiers or policemen or whoever the hell they're hiring no one knows and they send these people and they smash everything up They started turning to a violent protest They light things on fire And then they all hold up in the building and they negotiate their release and none of them were ever arrested I and when you showed this clip by clip from these various news Organizations and you focused on the kind of clothing They're wearing and the difference in their behavior versus the behavior of all the peaceful protests And then showed the result of it which had these people that were walking to work with a WTO sticker that had a line through it and Police stopped them and said you can't have that sticker on that book bag You can't have admitted beta test for martial law again I'm not anti cops themselves the media always spends it you expose pedophilia They blame some innocent pizza place you expose the government trying to make cops do bad things now you hate every money I've even been cops. I mean who knows who was doing? Delta force that makes sense Delta force and I'm not blasting Delta force They were given the order by Clinton to go out and to recruit and they recruited just about 400 leftist foundation funded grips funded by big private foundations They trained him for about a month before in Oregon. They flew him there put him in a government housing facility This was on the newsletter I just covered local news story they did retreat to a building and negotiated their surrender and they were released Yes, yes, yes, but this is after all this property damage They went out to start the attack so they had it on video So they could then attack the hundred thousand peaceful protesters So this was something that I mean we don't like we like to think just like you don't like to think that pedophiles are real you don't like to think that anyone in the government would ever organize some kind of an attack or some sort of a a fake Event where a bunch of people that you hire to start smashing things to make a peaceful protest look bad We don't want to think that that's possible, but it is possible goes on But it turns out that this is actually a documented attack dick Yes, it was the WTO in fact Esquire about two years ago was doing a profile on me and the guy His dad had been a former CIA section chief and they'd been involved a bunch of stuff himself and I told him I said Yeah, Delta force ran those riots and he goes you're a liar And I said no I'm not he went and googled it and couldn't believe he got the Seattle post intelligence surgery and stuff and then even went and talked to journalists that knew because he'd been there covering it as a journalist and he Didn't even know so he says in the Esquire article. Okay Alex Jones Got me there because even though I'd grown up in the CIA and stuff I didn't know that was happening, but but let's be clear It's criminal elements using departmentalization that do this they always claim I hate the government and I want to have a war and all this other stuff No, I have to give credit to the good elements of the CIA and the good elements of the NSA. I mean, I'm good friend That's a very important point. It's a very important point. I've had this point with a friend of mine when we were talking about I've had Mike Baker on the podcast before and through the few conversations that I've had with Mike Baker's formerly the CIA I get you I start getting an understanding of how it works like these drug dealings that always you know I know like Jets crashing with all the coke on board. They're Cowboys. You got like a few dudes guys running side side shows If you do to realize they can make a fuckload of money if they sell and there might be a lot of people involved But it's not the whole CIA. It's not like they have government memos on it Well, what they do is they'll have a covert option They're running the president says do this like Ronald Reagan didn't know about the cocaine dealing I've talked folks that were involved actually for the points. He says I want communist knocked out Congress doesn't give him the funding They go what you do in the government as you go the president said do this. We're men of action We're going to do it So then there's cocaine already being sold the contractors are using it to get all their funding will screw that We'll just jacket bring it in using private contractors, right? But yeah, it was it was a common tactic they knew that there was money that was being made from selling illegal drugs Why would they let that money be made all around them? They're not going to well That's the argument is you don't want to let the communists do all the cocaine and heroin They're like or because then they have more money than you. Well, what the fuck is going on in Afghanistan? It's just as crazy and you're telling people how much heroin production went up since our occupation anybody can pull this up I guess what's frustrating is a lot of the fake liberals because I see myself as a real liberal But a lot of the fake liberals just go. Oh, that's a lie. This is like no you can search engine opium production in Afghanistan Pre-2001 and then look at the latest years. It's come out like 2014-15 It went from 3% of world supply to 7% to 30% and after 10 years of occupation It went to 93% look at it up there global supply. So look at the hectares went from Memory Was I right? Well, you there were it's pretty substantial increase between 2001 which is at an all-time low on this chart from 94 the 2016 so 2001 is an all-time low and then the next year it fucking skyrockets Yeah, but Google is going on BBC and AP just type in Afghanistan 90 plus percent world opium production It's very very hot a 93% Now listen and it was always also for like opiate pills or is it just for everything ever So it's not like oxycontin and things along those lines. Well, they ordered the troops To the Taliban that works whether it was allowed to grow it and then they're allowed to sell it to whoever wants to buy it Well, not just that there's been documented confirmed instances of troops that are being forced to guard poppy field. Sure Let me break it down for right when this started coming out on Fox News with Geraldo Rivera. Remember that sure Well that came out a year after I broke it and again, let me tell you how they work It comes out That the troops are being or right there goes 90% of the world's supply of opium according to the United Nations And it hit 93 last year. This is what how many years old is this couple? This is like three years old Yeah, it's two years old. See it's gone for 93 right now. Jesus Christ. So but see I didn't lie I said 93 and it's nice what it is Yeah, so but that's what's so frustrating as you know all this and then and then people still call you crazy now what Alex Why do explain the fake news sigh up? Why do a lot of people out there think info wars is total fake news? Why do they think that that is a major deep state government program funded by Soros mainly and they found the most effective way is anti-israel bashing and so This came out in the WikiLeaks last year The US intelligence leaked not the Russians that he's in there saying we're gonna overthrow Israel We got to deal with Saudi Arabia and we've got to like up the ante with anti-israel rhetoric I'm somebody that was neutral in Israel never been there have nothing to do with it Israel has liberals conservatives some good administration some bad, but I'm not anti-israel. It's a tiny little place I know it does some things that are bad compared to what we've done. It's nothing So I just don't have some giant hard on for Israel, you know wanting to hurt them And I'm not against the Palestinians or anybody else. Everybody knows that so so when they kill Israelis for no reason I say it's wrong when they white phosphorus bomb Palestinians. I say it's wrong so I'm sitting there covering all that and Then they just put out that I'm this Israeli agent, you know all day long or I'm the CIA Let's not get into these crazy rants about crazy accusations If you play the fake news, why do they think info wars wars is fake news? I don't know you that a lot of people out there smart people Really intelligent they they have they think they're the real news is CNN. Okay. Well, let me explain You've got attacks from below and above you've got major funding by Soros and others There's a real live Nazi collaborator like true. Dr. Evil. The latest James Bond was based on his real Company, it's even named after his company. You know, it's a bad guy in the movie is is actually Soros Yeah, he tried to crash the pound bring down England. He's really bad news. So am I six hates him? But long story short about George Soros He's funding this attack on me and any independent media How do you attack independent media when the public's awake to deep state and government and stuff? You say Alex Jones is the government and then they always ignore real facts I talk about where I admit some of my family and stuff this work for the government and they said the government was corrupted I control that isn't even a real debate. But but above that what was your other question? He had a question Explain the side Eddie let me let me just explain it's pretty easy They're in direct competition with them if it's Fox News of its CNN if it's anybody that's distributing news You're in direct competition with someone who has an independent news organization They operated themselves and they do it online. Joe just said it perfectly. That's it Alex is in a very unusual position because he's a magnet people people are drawn to him like a lightning rod He says a lot of crazy shit. He goes on rants. He's very animated He's fun to watch and a lot of this shit He says it's correct and we're getting into this right now Like this this thing about the WTO which was like I said was one of the first ones that really opened up That was a long time ago, too. That was like you put that video out in 2002 or something. Like when was that 2003? It was like 2001. Yeah, it was right after 9-11. Yeah, yeah right after September 11th And I put it on the web right after that exactly I put it out on like DVD or something before that But you just hit it joke So let me try to actually think and codify this then because my problem is I don't script what I say that it's kind of All of the map which is a good thing also a bad thing. You just sit on the head You ask your question. Why they call me fake news. We just saw Megan Kelly two weeks before the election Say in a whole hour long show special against fake news. We played a few minutes of it Alex Jones is the king of fake news He just said Hillary is chopping up children inside a basement at a pizza place now granted I was saying it in satire about her in the Middle East So it begged for them to take it out of context, but they clearly did that to deceive their viewers. She's branding herself I'm real you can trust me. Look at this poor victim Alex Jones almost got him killed when none of it was true When none of it was you know based in reality and when I what I was getting was from the NYPD Okay, and the FBI who are good people at least those agents. So there's an example of them branding text singing in They'll take something real I've said or they've taken videos where I'm acting stupid You know with like 5x or 6x underwear that they're given the illegals or whatever and they'll show me with underwear on my head And say look this guy's crazy and I get it I cover serious topics so they can take it out of context But when I'm being serious, which is 90% of the time I tell people but when Joe comes in and we've got we have Joey Joey Diaz, no Joey Diaz talking about you know kidnapping people. I start, you know laughing her. Yeah, we had fun Look you're a normal person and that's that's what people find hard to believe when I tell people I'm friends with Alex Jones They go get the fuck out of here. He's a great guy. It's a great guy. We have a good time together Very nice Joe. You're a great guy. I swear we aren't all so busy and hang out more like in the old days I know well we can do it. I'm gonna come back to Austin I'm trying to get to Austin probably this spring trying to figure out when and when and where I'm gonna get But I love Austin where you live is a fucking beautiful place Well, I know these topics can be you know, quite frankly exhausting they are for me But but I'd like to show them today Really get into the big picture and what I believe is really going on because I figured out the basis of what's happening And I'm gonna let you I mean if you want here some far out stuff today, okay, because we experienced I mean I'll go through it Okay, let's go. Okay. Let me take a piss then go ahead Joe's always so slick and calm. So are you Eddie me? I get in here and I just get a little crazy We're gonna bring you down. We're gonna like bring you down to earth every now and then you're gonna launch into orbit We're gonna grab you by your heels bring you back. We're gonna be fine. We'll get through this go take a piss and then tell us I shit where's the bathroom right through that door and to the right? Powerful Alex Jones so far a Bravo everything you wanted and more. Oh, absolutely I'm just sitting here letting them just Letting letting the people letting your fans know that have never listened to my listen to Alex Jones every goddamn day And she take a day off every now and then otherwise like fuck To him He's a good guy, you know, he's always been a good guy people that don't listen to him They they believe what the mainstream media has said. Yes, but it's also he makes it easy for them by saying crazy shit Like Hillary Clinton chops up babies and all that stuff and I know he's doing it for dramatic effect It's one of the reasons why a show is so popular because he does a lot of things like that It makes it easy for people to dismiss him and then you get into this thing. Well, okay Let's before you dismiss him. Let's look at what he said What does he said that's true and then look at what he said everything he said today so far so Far everything that he said it's just like his radio show. Yeah, he doesn't have any Teleprompters this dude can talk for hours straight Well, that's that's a thing though when you wind up doing a lot of podcasts Especially doing these radio shows shows like Alex does by himself We just rants and rants and rants for long periods of time you they develop like a certain muscle Like there's a lot of guys who do their own pod like Bill Burr is a perfect example Does his own podcast by himself all the time and he's got this ability to go just rant From one subject to the next subject and keep going and when you have them on a podcast It's just you just kind of got to get out of his way Yeah, so with Alex you just kind of got to feed him some subjects get out of his way But every now and then he does so many subjects in a row. I got to bring him back I got to go you got us. Okay, let's get to this one. How did she steal estates? You just can't gloss over that Let's get to this. Okay, let's get this broke it down pretty good. He did a great job Yeah, and this is I think this is gonna help people have just seeing Alex like this is gonna help people have a Chance to look at this whole picture of just forget about where your loyalties lie Whether you enjoy CNN or Fox News or whatever it is Just sit outside of it right now and look at what it really is because what it really is is why is anyone want to? Give you the news are they giving you the news because they love you Are they giving you the news because it's a program and they're trying to make money and Do they have access to certain people because they're willing to play certain games? Most likely when you're looking at something that's on a major league television show whether it's Fox News or NBC or CBS Or whatever the fuck it is. You've had to go through some serious channels to get there There's had if you're a guy with a suit and a tie Good evening America and you're doing that got that that guy on any of those major networks You've had to go through some fucking serious hoops and ladders and checks and balances You got to represent something in order to be the person who reads the news But what is that news for is it a fucking show or is it really the news are they really trying to help you? What are they trying to do? You know what? Why why are they doing the news are they doing it because they love you and care for you and they want you to be informed Or are they doing it because they're clearly biased and they've got an agenda Well if you watch Fox News and then CNN just go back and forth whenever there's something going on Like I did it after the election. I was like Fox News CNN Fox News CNN It's cool. Who the fuck is telling the truth. Someone's got to be lying Why do you Fox's lying? Why do you Fox's lying because there's one story over here and there's a totally different story over here So all you need to know just looking at that just forget about what you are whether you're a progressive liberal whether you're a conservative Republican just look at that and understand that you're getting all of your information From these sources that have a vested interest in relaying their particular version of the truth. That's not good for anybody It represents their party. Yeah, like Fox's totally get me one no matter what Yeah, dude, come on Get one for Eddie Bravo, too. Let's get crazy. Bring out the hatches. I hope that people that listen to your show The people that have never given a little nervous. I want to get going for a while. Let's do it Let's do it. Bring out the whiskey all I want like for me I don't want to be this conspiracy guy making money and and doing shows. I walked away from my podcast I was talking about conspiracy. I really don't want to be that conspiracy guy, but something inside me is Wants to wake people up. That's all I'm trying to do. That's all I'm trying to do. I'm trying to help I'm not making money off any conspiracy theories or anything. I tell myself every time I walk in here Don't say shit about conspiracy. This whiskey's gonna bring it out of them, bro There's a big fan of you. Oh, he said he wants to roll with you later. Oh shit No, you said so he said so you can kick his ass. No, Eddie just had a disc replaced It's finally time Every now and then don't you want to be like on that side and just have half full access they don't Don't hold that whiskey hot don't hold that whiskey hot Alex Jones. All right. Listen, let me give you guys the big frickin data. Okay, why not pour the whiskey first? I'm willing to give it to okay. I'm not bullshit. I got the thing figured out pour one for Eddie I got it figured out guys You want me not shit? All right gentlemen, cheers, I'm gonna keep my mouth Cheers to you ox Jones. Here's you buddy Good stuff people were so One side or the other when it come to this there's so much anticipation regarding this so much bullying about don't have Alex Jones on I bet well, there was a lot of that There's a lot of be good call him on his racist shit. Someone said that to me Alex Jones is one of the least racist people you'll ever fucking meet in your life I've never even heard you say a racial thing race is so inconsequential to you I'm into what you think and what they stand for you've never discussed race ever in the almost what do I know you? 16 fucking 17 years. I've never heard you discuss race at all. So someone calling you a racist like What you're just all they do while Trump's waving a rainbow flag and say he's a homophobe There was a guy walking next to me in New York. I was there after the election I was there for the UFC was right after the election and me and my friend Cam Haynes were walking back from the gym We went over to the gym. We're walking back. We walked right into the fucking protest and there was this guy that was standing next to me screaming Donald Trump KKK racist sexist anti-gay KKK racist sexist anti-gay He just kept screaming it out as if Donald Trump's in the KKK as if Donald Trump. Are you sure he's racist? Are you sure there's any discrimination? Hires gay guys around his casinos and hotels and his friends with him and like gave interviews of the advocates 20 years ago It's all just complete made-up horse crap. He's waving a rainbow flag at the RNC speech He says Republicans have to stop being mean to gay people and have to be inclusive He's about to enforce civil rights laws for gays and others and they're calling him a literal homophobe Now listen, all I'm saying is the upside-down BS man Yeah, but this but this is my problem with it. My problem with it is that people want to use a real You're a bigot. You're a this you're that they want to come up with a nice quick label and officially makes them You in the picture man it boxes you in and defines you and then you have to defend yourself Look you said it best at the beginning this Donald Trump's not perfect He's a man and he's also a super ambitious super wealthy man It's constantly on the go and those kind of dudes are type a hyper aggressive personalities And he's definitely said some shitty shit and upset, right? I mean, don't you agree like sure we all do yeah And this the big one is one that he said in confidence with that Billy Bush guy the grab him by the pussy thing That's the big and who has it in confidence, especially if you're famous said man, it's crazy women throw themselves on you You can do anything you want sexual assault a woman's climbing up on top of you. You can do whatever you want That's what mammals do. She's showing she wants it. She gets it Sexual assault it's pure horse. Imagine if a woman said yeah, I just I could just see it in their eyes I could just go up and grab them in the balls. We wouldn't let we wouldn't laugh or fucking Rihanna just talked about how she can fuck any guy she wants just walks up to him grabs him by the dick We would be like yeah Totally we would think it's amazing. He's talking about groupies He wasn't talking about that he hides behind bushes and waits for joggers and reaches out and goes also out of context He's out of context. He's having a guy conversation wait like he described it as locker room And there's not hole but this is not the end with the recorder Oh, I got this and this is not defending it. I mean, it's definitely not something you should have said probably right? We can all agree to that. But what is he really doing? He's really what we call talking shit Like Eddie and I have talked shit so much to each of the laughing saying things we totally don't believe We totally don't mean but we're trying to make each other live in Chile Yeah, we're Ellie Eddie and I are silly all the time You had a transcript of all the conversations that you and I have had over the fucking 17 years. We've been friends Oh shit, we'd be in trouble can't put it on air. We'd be in fucking real trouble You guys are really funny context throwing on Facebook mentions and did that live video you guys are being so funny watching the stupid TV show Oh my god, that show was awesome. And then as soon as I turn the camera on you wouldn't sell that stuff It wasn't none of it was bad, but it was like off the cuff right, you know, you weren't censoring Well, I forgot what I said, too It's a lot of marijuana involved in this conversation You don't like them you don't have to wear so loud you don't have to worry about it Alex Jones is here Seriously, I just want to do a good job and actually reach out to your So hundred and hundred and ten million who knows how many let's know you got A month 20 million on YouTube all the derivatives and everything else you're doing and I hear he's about on XM You still doing that? No, no, I'm not on the XM. Whatever. The point is is that you're one of the biggest shows in the world Let me give you a little news flash. Not fury. Okay, you need to know this I don't know as a signal to the mainstream media of how pathetic they are CNN's top show has maybe a million viewers their average show about a hundred thousand Fox's top show maybe four million to nine on a bigger night. Okay, great good for them I'm not competition with them. The point is they're a frickin joke. I conservatively every day on terrestrial radio have four million listers on my 200 plus stations. That's rated proven. I mean that's big right there and then Millions and millions of downloads every day tens of millions people watching the videos you've added all together 40 something million a week We go back to this what's happening? It isn't about Joe Rogan or Alex Jones ready Bravo or any of that It's about the people are hungry for being able to have a wider selection of things Well, you and I are in totally different categories because all I'm trying to do is give them interesting content You're actually trying to run a new show and expose things. You've got really smart commentary. I watch clips all the time I have people on all the time. It's just talk. You try to open minds all the time I try to open minds a different way What I'm not I'm not honestly not trying to open minds I'm being curious and I'm asking questions and I'm trying to learn as much myself And then once I do learn about things I would like to have that person come on to teach other people about it Because I think it's interesting. Well, here's the big enchilada for folks if you want I can lay this out enchilada and I'm real documentary down the road and actually break this down, but There is a whole breakaway civilization and I'm listen I don't like UFOs Get ready. I don't ever talk about this for real breakaway civilization. Are you ready? Hold on Joe, I how many things did I tell you over the years too many too many that came true There was a couple that you got wrong. You can't get them. All right, which one to K people context my List learn that explain the white. It's okay a conspiracy theory is just not trusting criminals every now And then you can't pin that murder to the criminal, but he's still a criminal even though you're wrong Well, one of the things I'm actually embarrassed about is the white UK. Okay. Well, listen, you're not a conspirator You're not a computer expert near my I didn't go anywhere that night I stayed fucking home and I was waiting for that goddamn power to go out Sure. I know the big news in a minute, but since 2012, I didn't know I thought damn the Mayans knew we thought it was over Eddie Bob when I was convinced 2012 license. Yeah, I had a December 2012 license plate. I did Oh sister back. Yes. Very strong tobacco from Mexico I am in California. This is a hundred percent medical reasons and legal Yeah, man. There's still look there's a lot of things that people think are gonna happen that turn out to not happen There's always a goddamn asteroid. It's gonna kill us all that doesn't actually hell just no So what what is going on aliens are coming well, let me answer let me before I do this Let me answer his questions. He had a Reagan question, too. Yeah Well, let me answer why to cake is I want to be honest about this. Okay, this is one of the few things that That I have really gotten wrong and I didn't go with my gut and so I was proven wrong and I did it for the wrong reason So now I'm gonna actually confess here on here. I Was on one radio station. I've been on access TV for a few years I was on one radio station already started to show out of my house that was on like 15 radio stations So I had that at least but I had I was on one big radio station had the top show at night All stationed with Howard Stern was killer was all over the newspaper had huge ratings and I was bringing in like, you know 2030 grand a month, which was just a huge amount for me building a whole operation out of that at home and they come to the sales guys and they go look for a year you've not been behind why to K and You're not letting us have all these big sponsors and you're gonna basically be fired If you don't let us endorse these sponsors and have them on air and say you believe in why to K Hold on a second. So these sponsors were like doomsday stuff like canned food and shit and bunkers everything else So the station made you push why to K Wow, but let me go further This is one of the few times in my life that I I don't want to say I didn't have integrity I kind of let them convince me but I think back to the point in the conference room. I just kind of went Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure. I get it and then I went and then once I decided it was true I really pushed it so it's almost like I'd lied to myself yet because I'm being honest about this process So so this is what happened For like a year and a half. I'm saying it's BS It's a government hoax because they're like the Navy says the chips are all bad in 54 cities will completely fall And it's all the death and I said they just want to upgrade with all this new spy hubs They want a new global standardization for the US. It's the telecommunications act of 96 They want to force all the new chips because I had NSA sources then that I was having on Okay, and I didn't realize how special it was that I had these sources. They're telling me it's all BS So people don't argue with the Navy and don't run and Fox News had ads to get your food It was just everywhere. So I went okay. Hell. Okay stuff's gonna be real. So it was like a black Friday for doomsday people So the last few months and The moral was they didn't fire me anyways They did but the moral was I kind of convinced myself it was real So by the end of it, of course, they edit like, you know 12 hours beyond that day and like five minutes I'm totally insane right but it's like nuclear reactor having a problem here It really was happening and like, you know, oh and there was a missile fired from Russia Which like was an ICBM and they got like shot down that was ABC News. So I'm like, all right, this isn't really happening Okay, you know, we got prepared. It's always gonna be prepared. Hopefully I had a reactors having a problem. Okay some stuff so there was some outages of some problems, but Government and MSM had hyped it then they used it to demonize alternative media even then When it wasn't catastrophic. So My gut told me it was BS. It was BS. And so thank God I missed the whole 2012 thing But still they said Alex Jones says the world's ending the bureau 2012 where you really search what I say It's all a load of crap, but I didn't criticize you and I saw you doing it. I said I was balls deep Oh, yeah It was the listeners they were pissed at me that I wouldn't go into this thing Well, it's fun for them See when you start talking about the end of the world or doomsday coming people like that shit because it gives them something to think about But here's a lot of people I know It was a long time ago was 17 years ago, right? Why to K 17 fucking years ago Didn't get you so you redeemed yourself. Yeah Think about 17 years ago. That's a long time ago I mean and you getting fired from that job every great radio guys gotten fired Howard Stern got fired You got fired like Bubba the love spot. It was just like Howard Stern fired I've had top ratings and they were all pissed and weird about it The weird thing is they didn't mess with the losers. They were all flipping out because I was getting the big paychecks Well, it makes sense And the why to K thing totally makes sense that they would want you to really push that and sell it hard because who the fuck knows You know, we don't know you get scared. You're like what? This balance the Navy says it's gonna happen Washington Post now your listeners are really and it was the one time I went Okay, maybe I'll do it. I had people on they were telling me there was something that was gonna happen on 2012 They were sure of it. Yeah No, it's not a bully. Well, you sure might do it. You start like stampeding like lemmings It's I'm telling it is a psychological going on just massive double crossing because I really used to be in into UFOs But the more you look into UFOs, it looks like and that's another conspiracy It's like the government Full NASA deal and when he came to the meeting he couldn't do it I knew this guy well and then the next time he was gonna meet with me his heart blew up It blew up Yeah, like like a bomb and art like they said his heart like completely ruptured well, the point is his name was Raymond T and If you look at mission control, he was the main guy mission control the control the cameras and everything Mm-hmm, and he he I've been to his house. He had national security letters from the president He'd run like secret operations and Cambodia and Laos He was an Air Force engineer and he knew the whole deal and he would say what whole deal would say I was the deal with you and tell you everything and he would come and start gulping And he couldn't get it out couldn't get what out he said he was so threatened or whatever He couldn't tell me about you think about probably he probably left and I saw him who's in the car He said Alex your sources are right there were advanced technologies we were worried the astronauts might die They had two teams in orbit one with the real ships. This is not a joke. Joe. Wait a minute They had one real ships that UFOs in an orbit and they were communicating Kennedy and the government and everybody and Nixon are gonna have this giant thing about America's number one and not have a backup plan of the astronauts die Put those headphones back on you lost your fucking mind It's got you into a corner. Hold on. Let him finish there. So tell me what you're trying to say Are you trying to say that? So the the United States government antique was gonna give me the secret of NASA Okay, and then he couldn't ever get it out Second program they had a second program. How do you know he died and he told me but before the heart attack in the middle of the heart attack No, no, I met with him at the old sack command base. What did he actually tell you? Well for word or not what what he told me he said you're he said from your analysis your sources you're dead on Why was in control of the video and radio communications he was the go to TV's Tim on TV I mean, it's the running that's very important the guy controlling the camera He was on mission control one pretty huge two backups behind that. Are you kidding? Of course the the moon landings? Are you kidding? Come on. Well, you raised it you want to know? Oh, come on. That's ridiculous No, but that's why I don't trust the government. That's why I don't trust Because they ran a fake They didn't want to spend money They ran a fake op was just reentry devices and basic stuff in space and did shoot some of it But then they had a real mission that put the reflectors everything on the moon with the moon There's no proof of that real so you believe well, you know that the the Russian government with People died the secret space program Alex, you know that the Russian government You know that the Russian government put those laser sight those laser reflectors on the moon as well with unmanned probes Yes, you know that right? There's Chinese the Chinese about a bunch There's weird nobody went the damn things I'm that far away Well, are you kidding? Are you kidding? So Alex you think they definitely went to the moon? They're just the footage is fake. Is that what you think? Yeah, you can't bring film back to the Van Allen radiation belt to get spots all over right, but we don't have film What would lead us to believe that they definitely did it because they had RCA cameras Well, we there was a trashed all the time. It's amazing footage, right? There's amazing footage Fake launch in space in case the real mission died. So who's in the fake? Well, I'm not gonna show you the real thing. What happened is there any military? Is there a real year's advance? Okay. Okay, but let him answer this Eddie So it's how we got it. We got to figure this out So what you're saying is the one that we saw on TV with Neil Armstrong one small step for man That's all horseshit But the real one actually took place they just couldn't get the film back but Armstrong had been on real missions So yes, he definitely been on real missions, but how don't know he wouldn't tell me all of it He died before we met the other dude I was meeting him the next day and his wife called my dad was friends with him No, no, no the other guy. What's his name? Okay buzz Aldrin. I do know buzz Aldrin Yeah, buzz Aldrin said I want to come on your show and I might get into all the heat Oh, he lives here in LA and one time I ran into him But let's leave it at that and he said I want to come on your show and I said, all right Well, come on and it's the only interview he said and he goes I'm gonna tell you Alex your audience alone He said there is an obelisk just like 2001 it's on the moon of Mars the sole moon and it's sending a transmission and It's all real and it's all Egypt and there's aliens and everything else and it's the only time he ever said it what? Yeah, is there a clip of that? Oh, yeah, pull up buzz all pull that Dude, it was on like ABC nightly news the next day. So Do you think he's fucking with you? No, he was real. He's a feisty fella I think he's full of shit. Why do you think he's full of shit? What if it's true? Can you imagine if there is an obelisk on Mars? I think that's really is communicating with us obelisk on the moon of Mars the moon of Mars Phobos Yeah, so we got a land there. Did have you seen his Instagram? No, is it good a lot of bitches amazing Boaches and bitches and boats. It's like he's just like Okay, let's give us love an Instagram Let's give some people with their habitation. We can keep track if there's something very important to be developed from the moon I'm not sure what it is right now. Of course you don't sure things should Identify it was not yes for any of the truth. I'll give you no no no we got one here what he's here about I want to hear but I want to hear what he says first. Let's see what he says. Yes. Yes You're a hold it hold it go ahead jamming America to make such gross expenditures again for human habitation on the moon We can help we can join with together we can Explore the moon and develop the moon and steal tax money. We could do it together Oh, man has not gone before this way talks about the It's on my show the sea spirit. Yeah, we need to go and go to there's a monolith They're a very unusual structure on this only little potato shaped object We need four billion dollars to go once in seven hours Find out about that. They're gonna say who put that there who put that there well The universe put it there if you choose come on put it there. That's like a baby. Come on I want four billion dollars That's before me So that's the monolith that thing that you're looking at wow that's weird. I don't believe that shit for a second Okay, let me tell you about Buzz Aldrin Okay here in Los Angeles, and I can't tell you anything else okay look at this monolith and on phobos Yeah, how weird yeah, it's like a weird structure who knows that's a real picture. That's all both right Yeah, it's all bullshit come on. Yeah. Oh that that proves it I can I don't know shit about Photoshop, and I can make that okay I'm sure you can I tell you the big secret about my secret meeting with yes with but please okay, okay? Let me hear the shitty fed you Well, no Eddie don't stop Let's go ahead and communicate He told me that Papa Smurf is real No, I tell you what he told me He told me He said you know India sending a probe to the moon and they'll announce that when they crashed the probe they found the undersea Frozen ice that covers the moon the moon has dust on it. It's a big water ball It's gonna be the water we need to get off the planet We make our big jump so the whole point is everything's laid out the planet just perfect for humanity We make the steps right, but it's like a video game fuck No, you're not listening. He's fucking with India crash the probe found exactly what they were saying And I've walked to an airport here look over and it says it says India discovers water on the moon And it's all water well. They've definitely discovered water on the moon right that's that's what they said About it a year before is that right did my am I correct in saying this water in the moon? Buzz Aldrin is he going to the meetings and they tell him shit listen yeah He went to the moon you want to get into every meeting. I don't get into all this stuff, okay? I'm telling you buzz Aldrin told me in a year It's gonna be on the news that they discovered water with a probe They're sending before they were even sending a probe in the news They let India quote find it because the u.s. Already found it's already been on the moon that God knows how many times the word is They got military In the 50s, what do you think we got now so you think they have new commitment? They have bases on the moon well. I'll never get into all this stuff right don't do that But let's just say it's super advanced so you really think that they have some sort of a base out there Just like I told you the NSA spy on you with keywords. That's so far away. Why wouldn't they just do it on the desert somewhere? What is this mip? Detected water on the moon way back in June, huh? They're dropping dis info on you Alex Well, I mean buzz Aldrin tells me they're gonna announce India finds water Oh my god buzz out follow him on Instagram and then come back to me with the moon Probe Look at this the moon impact probe which class the crash landed at a designated site on the lunar south pole on November 14 2008 Had picked up some clear signatures of water during these 25 minutes to crash it Yeah, mr.. Nair said at a press conference here on Friday interesting. You know what when it comes to space Alex That's not your forte I But one one thing I want to ask Buzz Aldrin is telling attack you On Instagram and then come back at me Instagram what's up with but also amazing it's amazing how so he's just like he's a he's so He's so into it did you see when the guy comes over you're full of crap everyone's the moon He just punches him yeah, hey check this out. I wanted to ask you What do you what do you think is Trump gonna do anything about the stratospheric aerosol injections? Write that down I cuz We talking about Talking about stratospheric aerosol injection. I can't get to you the points Did you won't let me you know what do you think Trump's wants to stop that I'm gonna jump write it down Right right down, but the next question. I'll do it here. That's the question question. He just Before that Alex Jones is off the rails right now folks I'll bring it in Get the joke why do I have to write it down? I didn't get it because you've been bad listen Will Trump is That program to stop Well, what do you think the program is Eddie? What do you think the program? The director of the CIA is talking about it on YouTube look under John I've seen a no brand they talk about strategies. They talk about strategies all injections It's gonna cost ten billion dollars a year and there's gonna be some countries Opposed to it because it's gonna mess up the road telling me about atmospheric manipulation. I'm talking about stratospheric SAI I've never heard of that. It's super important when you can break it down to three letters. Yeah John Oh Brennan admitted last in June of 2016 Can you play it Jamie John oh, I'm not bashing you but you had your TV show me jokes about it Which I get because a lot of its BS there is an entire atmospheric terraforming geoengineering manipulation They don't call it chemtrails And of course the CIA director admitted they have this huge program Bill among the Gates Foundation owns the major patents on it from Westinghouse and others they use these big antennas To manipulate the weather they can like China is like causing huge rain like harp like harp technology It's all declassified. You think harp manipulates the weather. They admit it does I used to have the head of harp general Bitten-k Parton on all the time, but exactly there's giant weather modification systems and there's weather wars between different governments And they it's all declassified explain to people that are listening what harp is. What does it stand for high altitude? Something yeah, they've got a system that supposedly you know what harp really was under classification What does it stand for high frequency active aurora research program? So the idea behind this was they wanted to do research on the aurora and didn't they want to see if they could communicate? Using it and send radio waves Horizon radar right yeah that and they also wanted to be able to send radio signals to places where they wouldn't really Doesn't really go. What does that have to do with stratospheric? Really go into the atmosphere well the speculation Secrets I've interviewed the private head of it Okay How does harp work with the chemtrails what do they let me check goes on okay? Only a micronic amount a small amount of what harp does is in the atmosphere It's bouncing off the aurora borealis and then resonating back through in a deep earth Communication program to satellites and other things through the planet So it's something you communicate to satellites through the satellites down to the submarines so here It goes this is an actual definition how harp works the facilities transmitters send radio waves Hold on. Let's just read it first waves upwards into the ionosphere between 100 350 kilometers of altitude the resulting heating effect creates Irregularities and the electron density there which in turn allows communication signals as from satellites To be relayed off the ionosphere That's not what it really does then they can shoot the satellite frequency Coated through the earth to submarines now. What is this website from the submarine? Booey you want the real stuff. I'll tell you yeah sure Let me explain something okay I have the head of the heart program on I'm just fuck I got contacted about ten years ago, and they said the head of the heart project really likes your work He liked to come on the interviews online He liked to come on and tell everybody and about 30 minutes in a colonel came on the line and said sorry during a break and cut the guy off whoa Tom Tom Tom I mean this really happened to spooky music Queue spooky music yeah, I believe you That's true. I want to know we I want to know that I want to know the relationship between like What are the chemtrails have to do do you think Trump is gonna look into the s.i.a? Project that the CIA has green lit. He is starting out with Vaccines as I told people he would do Investigating all the damage they've caused ultimately than the ultimate. That's good to start the vaccines get that shit together too for sure But what about the s.a.i? Programs that the CIA has green lit you think he's gonna get into the other gets next level So we want to communicate with these microphones. They're just gonna be like I So locked on to this Here's the problem with all this s s.i.a Shit most of what you see when you see those jets flying around those clouds behind them most of that is just a jet engine Exactly the general infuses that with the real room. What's the real program? Well? Here's the thing you're right and so is Joe because the world's complex There are secret and quasi secret and public programs to test manipulation of the weather and weather systems the Arabs are doing it The Chinese are doing it the Russians are doing people being cloud seeding for a hundred Weather manipulation, but they're doing it for different purposes not not not to okay Okay, I have been living keep going the head of the US weather weapon program for 27 years on my show first Cuz I saw it was he classified. I saw that he was in the panhandle of Texas I called him running a major cloud seeding company with his son and got the 90 year old to Austin and then after that He totally freaked out because the CIA came to his house. Do you want the interviews on YouTube? Do you want to know what he said yes? He was a World War two fighter pilot And the end of World War two he flew the first planes into hurricanes Which which are in you know the Atlantic that's pretty gangster and into typhoons that are even faster in the Pacific And then he and then he also led squadrons in Vietnam flooding everything up to 10 feet of water out of clear blue skies With an hours what a bad with with their with their chemicals Oh, yeah, what kind of a badass you have to be to do that a super badass fly into a hurricane or a typhoon? Yeah, he's the first guy to do it. Holy shit anyways a super badass. I don't know he's alive He's been living right at 90. He was still all there I thought it not even kicked my ass what a fucking text and I felt like I was the guy was tougher than me Anyways, so so we're sitting there, and he gives me all this data, and I can't believe it He's gonna be all these classified photos and stuff because they just declassified the file no one thought to call the old man from Lubbock or whatever it was right so I call him I get him on They send a bunch of people to their company and threaten them the next week after I heard it And he let it out He said in 1967 we certified at the Stanford Research Institute that he was able to control hurricanes Create hurricanes and steer hurricanes all that got black-budgeted shut down And then they got into these arrays where they could use antennas and out of that and Westinghouse came came the the the whole heart Program so in the 60s they could create control and steer or kill hurricanes That's why you Google now Bill and Melinda Gates bought all those patents and quote Bill Gates is gonna save the world from bad weather Bill Gates wants to stop hurricanes googling so I so let me bill Me owns the weather machine let me pause for a second. How does the how do they manipulate a hurricane? So the hurricanes gonna happen how do they break it up? Okay, if it's if it's if it's coming into lands their problem with with aerial arrays projecting into the sky They can break it up or strengthen it or kill it or steer it because it's all computerized doing that with harp Well, they've got they've got heart bases all over the place. They call them Doppler radar facilities Oh the government wants your local city to have Doppler radar I thought that was like so you could say I'm in front of the waiter the screen That's it like one tenth of one percent. They can crank those arrays up that have Massive your lights might go out when they do it a little bit really yeah Cuz they'll use the whole power of your town through the Doppler radars Then they control it the US has a giant weather weapon Hidden in front of everybody in every town and city and poor Russians and Chinese are just discovering and all the US has weather Weapons that can knock them all out right can Bill Gates control the weather Ideas for barges to pump cold water from the depth of the ocean to create some sort of a roadblock for the hurricane Since hurricanes pull power from the waters warm temperatures cooling the water could have theoretically Yeah, that's a lot of action on its outright dismantle the hurricane. Well. It sounds like a good idea though Doesn't that sound like a genius idea you spray cold water Trails John O'Brien in in the front of the CFR is saying we were doing this because for global warming We gotta save the heart you are right about you are right about social about about geoengineering and chemtrails You were wrong about the dinosaurs not being real Haha, but hey what about that they're coming out saying hey There's gonna be some countries that there are that aren't gonna be for it We got to figure out how we're gonna deal with them because you want me to have the audience yes the big secret Yes, what's the big? Manipulation keep going with that come on man. Don't change the subject keep going with that. You're not done with Livingston Okay, imagine. It's good. You're here, but imagine me and Joe were actually come on I got me off on you want me here about Ronald Reagan to don't later finish the SAI program he doesn't know about this What do you know about the SAI program look let's get this done with most of the real programs are just like fronts for something Else is not even real So you don't think they're spraying shit into the atmosphere. No there is a program for geoengineering There's a program in place. Yes, and it's the Doppler radar system and harp and what else and An aerial spraying still the most effective and then what do they do they do have pat when you say aerial spraying What are they spraying? Barium salts aluminum dioxide a radioactive isotopes there you man in the air Why are they doing that and the aluminum is because because it does a bunch of things they're testing a bunch of stuff They're they're manipulating things listen our Pentagon Why do you have evidence that they're doing this and spraying aluminum and barium whatever you go online and raise the Department of Energy? It's all public just like you just go online and watch the Chinese dude get jacked by a tiger though I agree that's out there Department of Energy gov right and you can watch CFR the CIA director at the time Brennan Admitting all this this is all public. Yeah, they Talked about it. No I saw it. I saw the video we could play the video and go over it if you want But he's talking about various options for controlling global warming. Yeah, they're laying out the future look if global warming There's a guy hold on a second hold on a second if global warming is real and we know it is right Don't you think they would have you don't believe global warming is real? I think so when they keep measuring these temperatures and scientists keep saying Temperatures okay came out in the emails well, let's found out let's find out what Was real okay, I believe that it was high it goes cold. There's always micro temperatures There is always a big change the ship's the only thing that ever happens That's a carbon taxes to Al Gore won't fix it. Okay, I think we all agree This is shifts, but what I'm saying is there absolutely is global warming right? What is this? My house when my dad was a kid the 1950s for three four months out of the year It was below zero or freezing you had to chop wood He'd freeze your ass off at all houses had even in the south had had You know had all sorts of chimneys in them for fireplaces because it was freezing cold right and now there has been a warming period But that's part of a normal global cycle based on the Sun all these astrophysicists are sure the whole thing about claiming It's the carbon we put out the earth is carbon star. There's a carbon cycle That's the big story I want to get to the globalists want to tax if they can tax oxygen carbon dioxide water or sunlight They have total control over the whole life cycle of the planet. Let's play the video Let's play the video this the CIA guy talking about it because what I inferred from it Is it right or up with some sort of solutions if global warming becomes a giant? Brennan is a freakin known. We're hobbyist what Joe? What is the CIA watch the video first global warming? It's a good question. What do they have to do? I don't know what the CIA does do you know the central intelligence? There were built that stop the spread of communism right, but it's an intelligence agency. They're part of the environment Okay, they're a part of the intelligence community And if they got hired I would imagine this is just me guessing right off the top of my head if they got hired To assess a threat and a threat being from global warming like what do we have to worry about? Are we really gonna lose cities? Do we really have an issue? Give George Soros in the UN total power for a 100 trillion Per decade global tax to micromanage and surveil everything humans do let's see as if carbons toxic They've got to surveil it thus they have a jurisdiction to control our lives, okay? Hold up why does it say debunked CIA director admits chemtrails geoengineering stratospheric aerosol injections? So it says Hold on hold on at the council admits geoengineering in the form of stratospheric aerosol injections SAI is taking a place ie chemtra is taking place ie chemtrails and the rebuttal is nowhere in his speech Is there an admission that an SAI program has already taken place the part where Brennan mentions? Geoengineering is just one example out of several not often mentioned issues of the CIA monitors for potential elements of instability in the world a SAI program if ever implemented could penetrate conflicts and security threats if misused the CIA's job is to consider all types of concepts concepts for potential future problems and threats including the science oriented concepts That's totally possible let me break down the right, but isn't that possible? We're gonna read what that guy just said is that possible no that's basically what bread is said But what he's saying is that there are potential threats you want to know environmentally it's an issue right so he's not admitting that he had There's an essay. I are Let me let me tell you okay. Go ahead tell me Everybody debates how many programs there are all the specifics a lot of that's classified you can Google China launches major weather control operations ten years right or Qatar does it or Saudi Arabia or UK or for sure people have studied No, no right. No. There's they call it study. There's a giant Hell in 2005 the Department of Energy program for aerosol testing was five million dollars a year So under US code title 50 chapter 32 subsection 1,000 528 paragraph B is that true you nailed that right? Yes? Yes, we from Mars under US code. Do you live on that obelisk that was fucking? Let me just tell you I can't even remember the time last time the Cheetah fought Under US code title 50 chamber 32 Okay, man thousand five hundred twenty eight paragraph B. That's fine. That's insane under that say It's low that Jamie write it up. There's code title 50 chapter I said faster remember us code title 50 chapter 32 120 a paragraph a subsection 128 the real fast brain only works at that speed effects speed key your speech came to say it Yes, like one thought Jesus Jesus You know that there's restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemtrails go go back go back back there you go or Biological agents all right now what they do in this whoa is they say it's illegal to test unless it's for research Then you're allowed to even kill people it was for research purpose You know that's how some of those Japanese whaler vessels get away with killing whales still They say it's for research purpose and they kill the whales and sell them from dark shit The elites are the mad scientist Engineers, I'm gonna give you the big secret man. I'm here you want us. I do I'm not kidding around I know not either thing is they it's a they call they're the high priest. They're scientists right there engineers They're allowed to kill people test stuff on kids inject black people with syphilis all the declassified stuff Because they are scientists all the real Executioners tortures or most of them are people making decisions or doctors and so it's all medical doctor stuff in this big breakaway Civilization of scientists okay, and so that's what they built it under under under research Profisions they can even kill anybody they want all right I'm gonna go back because we took Eddie's turn on chemtrails But we did it the side track from what you were saying about the moon And I want to go back to what you're saying because you were saying that there was two completely different missions And one of them was real and that there was some sort of contact with aliens No, I was getting to that I was saying I had a top is that you're implying a top well I had it well. Let's just say that okay. It's blowing. I was told by a top NASA Individual Raymond T. That indeed there was a breakaway program, and then he heard and saw transmissions on some back channels of real feeds and advanced ships that he'd never even seen That basically didn't even look like there were anything that he could imagine that was classified and he knew about some classified programs For every program you saw there was at least 10 programs that were secret that submitted about NASA 90% secret or more and so he knew about a cloud much classified programs, and he was seeing Transmissions and things coming back and talked to people about a whole breakaway program They said that was a lot safer a lot bigger than the moon Then they had guys up in orbit Just basically so that even other foreign governments from the trajectory point would think they were getting transmissions back From the moon so they had people out basically out outside the regular orbit where you just go around in circles Where's a geosynchronous where you're in one spot right transmitting back from a mathematical spot to look like transformations to fool the Russians and everybody All the real mission was going on On the moon, so you believe they went to the moon Do you think that it was Buzz Aldrin and I don't know Neil Armstrong for rain. What's all me everything he died Hmm. He said I'm gonna meet with you tomorrow, and he died dude. That's like a movie. He told me I'm ready I'm gonna tell you everything and then he was just totally it was crazy, but he did admit to you that What the public got was fake? Yeah, he couldn't get into it. Well. There's some footage from the moon that looks so ridiculous and most people have never seen There's some footage of them that here's here's the big speculation This is one of the really big ones family is that there was a lot of footage that they did where they were doing tests That they wound up just using for press releases. They're using like to say this is actual footage Oh, that's it. They they fake stuff for the project because they wanted to be guaranteed of it They had a real program. That's the truth Yeah, but there was a thing with Michael Collins Gemini 15 There was a test photo of him with like a test rig on and it was like suspended and you know You see the background behind him it was clearly to suspended on wires and they took that same photo and blacked it out and Used it as a press photo of him on an actual spacewalk, but it's the same exact. Yeah, they are stuff Yeah, they do that where they just go over with it back then you see you actually use an exacto night Here's the thing my dad when he was just like a junior in high school was in the plan to program at UT And they already had CD ROMs and computers and they had a nuclear Plant under UT nobody knew about and my dad told about this while I was a teenager And I would like later go to the library couldn't find it and I'll googled it It's not even really in the news that I've gone to UT and talked to him and they go Yeah, you know about the reactor under the building reactor Yeah, the Austins got and then and then no one even knew that Austin has two nuclear reactors in North Austin what? Yeah, but the point was my that was for you. That was every was in college They built it to his a reactor under which building in Austin, Texas. It's it's big It's a big railway system under there, but it's it's built right under I mean right under like I said gesture. So there's a nuclear reactor in Austin, Texas How many people know about this? You know, it's in the literature and my dad told me about it when I was a kid I thought you know, I mean I believe my dad my dad told me about a Dallas hospital It was killing people for their organs and like six years later. I saw it on 60 minutes. What? Yeah They were killing people for organs. Yep, really my dad told me about that in Dallas and then it was on 60 minutes Yeah, my dad said when I was 16, you know 15 taking drivers course. He said don't sign that organ donor card I know hospitals that kill you Jesus and I said dad your kid He was an oral surgeon and rewired jaws because I've heard this one kills people all that is this is one of the creepiest things You every year just one of those can you imagine doctors that get kickbacks for organs? They kind of let their patients are seen as the highest cast by the elite So they're the ones pulling all the stuff. I'm telling you man You know creepy would be like to find out that a nurse that you were working with was killing people But that's a story that happens over and over again. It's not really crazy. There's Mark killers. It's been a bunch They get a punch. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no these nurses No nurses decide they don't want to take care of somebody and they poison them They they have someone and maybe someone's dying slow and they don't like it and they just like get tired of dealing with their bullshit That's some of the time. Oh Yeah, a lot of times they're sadistic. There's been a lot of your worse than I am about facts You're absolutely on target. You don't there's no fucking way. I'm worse than you Everything everything I know and you're on target you pretend you're not Knowing all the stuff you knew that document yeah top of your head like that so rain man must have been Obsessed with chemtrails right? No, I know a bunch of Crazy mind Photographic member talks about 35 and now it's not good anymore whiskey steals that from you stuff I remember but I I want to tell you guys the big inch a lot. Okay, please the big inch No, well the problem is when we don't have headphones on we talk over each other It's hard when three people were talking nuts you just you know, it's none of our fault. It's just natural I got a conspiracy you you're you are Bill Hicks, huh? No, I was I'm younger than him totally different I agree. I love how I haven't had any success. It's all Bill Hicks. He was a funny guy, but give me a frickin break, man Oh, I'm really listen to those families call me before and said please stop the people saying you're Bill Hicks I'm like, I don't control these damn people. Don't worry about that. Put the headphones back on We'll be fine so I need to know I need to know what do you know about aliens and how are aliens real? All right. Look, this is really big So, okay Yeah, pour another shot of that media at the south problem The question is what does Donald Trump know about it? Oh, yeah, was he know now right cuz he's in the office I don't know it's that would be the first thing I think the Joe Rogan experience deserves The first thing I did I would run to the office and I'd go who's got the documents who's got the alien documents Who's got them who's got them? That would be the first thing I would want to know right? Cheers, sir You're a robot you never have to piss Alright, let me give you my best of please deep research approximation once you what do you think it's going? But am I wrong to still hold out hope that aliens are real because I tell you that's one the two guilty pleasures That I still cling to as Bigfoot and aliens. Those are two big foot. Not so much I wish it was real, but I just don't are you ready? Yes Bigfoot's room No, come on daddy. No, are you ready? Yes, I'm gonna give you the big and slow Joe there. Yeah, it's in this room right now for real Yeah, you're not of this world bro. Me. You're the alien. Oh, wow. I didn't know it's like there was like an old comic book about that about some dude who was a Forgetful professor and then he realized at the end of it. He was actually an alien from another planet It seemed sent down here to monitor people. He just forgot Well, here's what the elite believe and let me be very clear as the video to this context I only go with what I can prove. Oh, thank you and people can't even handle that Okay, well, I'm really surprised how much you knew every angle of so-called pizza gate that I'd even forgot well To me. Well, obviously we both have children and when you hear about someone that wants to molest children It's a special kind of evil It's a special kind of you want and it's and it's also a special kind of bizarre Twisted sickness that the human mind like is capable of latching Programming to take care of kids and be nice to them There's something very crazy about people's brains and it's fun something very crazy about the the weird variables That can potentially happen. I agree. So all sorts of weird crazy Aberrations in standard behavior, you know like this the standard behavior a bunch of people that are just normal folks You got kids. I got kids. Oh get the kids together for a play day You sit down you have a couple of beers you laugh you joke have a good night Bob. Good night Steve That's fucking normal shit, right when you're normal and there's normal people around you you assume that everybody is basically a good person We all have our problems normal That's your wife comes in the bedroom. She you get going you don't look at a five-year-old and think that's what I want No, there's some there. Yeah, what you're trying to say is there's some people out there that have this horrific Programming whatever the fuck it is that causes it is a bunch of Psychologists trying to speculate and figure out what causes but they need to be beat in the head with a ball paint hammer The thing is it's real and it's it's terrifying and the night's going on We can't deny it's real and it's also like fucking Jared from Subway the Subway guy The Subway guys in jail for being a pedophile and they team up They team up and they usually have high intelligence and there's armies. We're fighting a pedophile conspiracy, but beyond that It's a vampire conspiracy in that they are Interdimensionally sucking the essence of our youth right and they believe they're possessed by an off-world entity they do Yeah, and then Joe I've been on air 22 years. I don't get into aliens Metaphysical religion any of that I've studied the elite and I've also communicated with a lot of the top people and then and if you Want to know I will actually break down right now the best knowledge right now. What's happening on the planet. What's happening? Let me give you a basic gestalt. Okay. I love when you can use that word with full confidence I've never said that let me give you a basic gestalt. I feel like oh my god such a fraud No, you're not you know, but that's what I think if I use that word now You'll get all this you already have most static as your bookworm a research worm in a good way The elite are all about Transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this some are good some are bad Some are a mix But the good ones don't ever want to organize the bad ones didn't want to organize because they lost after power powerful Consciousness is don't want to dominate other people They want to empower them so they don't tend to get together Until things are really late in the game then they come together evil is always defeated because good is so much stronger and We're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed at Max Planck's physics showed at all There's at least 12 dimensions and now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying it's a false hologram It is artificial the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity's bleeding in To this universe. That's what they call dark matter So we're like a thought or a dream. That's a wisp in some computer program some God's mind Whatever they're proving at all. It's all coming out Now there's like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension That's just turned over the most horrible things is what it resonates to and it's trying to get up into the third dimension That's just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels And our species is already way up in the fifth sixth dimension consciously our best people But there's this big war trying to like basically Destroy humanity because humanity has free will and there's a decision to which level we want to go to we have free will So evils allowed to come and contend and not just good And the elites themselves Believe they're racing Using human technology to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization Where they're gonna merge with machines transcend and break away from the failed species that is man Which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly and bad Projecting it onto themselves instead of believing no, it's a human test about building us up And so Google was set up 18 19 years ago. This was I knew about this before it was declassified I'm just saying I have good sources that they wanted to build a giant artificial system and Google believes that the first artificial intelligence Will be a supercomputer based on the neuron Activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into with the Internet of things And so all of our thoughts go into it and we're actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time That's also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures so that They will have current prediction powers future prediction powers a true crystal ball But the big secret is once you have a crystal ball and know the future you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future and so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for Individuals as we know and a true 2.0 in a very bad way Hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone knowing our hopes and dreams Delivering it to us not in some PKD wire head system where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure But because we were already wired in absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to the system our daily decisions That it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system There's now a human counter strike taking place to shut this off before it gets fully into place and to block these systems And to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes and cut off the pedophiles and psychic vampires That are control of this AI system before humanity is destroyed women Man is only control the AI how they get how the pedophiles getting control Yeah, the pedophiles get a whatever level rule the devil Whatever you want to call this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology the fallen one That's not of this world is giving them advanced knowledge. What are you talking about? Systems what is that have already been used before on other populations? What that's Satan? But what do you what are you talking about? That's Satan but explain that you just you're saying something It's something that you know The stupid preacher tells you about who's totally controlled or something you read about on you know in the news or TV Right, this is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us rather than the divine Free will were given to build something much better that empowers the species So the species is now making a decision where you can't it's entire future. Where are you getting this from from? That's what it is. But where are you getting it? I know from the from looking at all the data researching and studying it watching the enemy That's the big decision that humanity has now got before us So if you were directing someone to investigate this on their own, how would they do that? So if you say here's the problem you get someplace finally in deep research Where it's what every culture already said what everybody already knew what they're telling you movies like Prometheus What the elite admit the New York Times they believe in is this you know? Seated by off-world systems and sperm. Yes, everything everything they're doing points towards this and you read their own writings They believe we're this ugly fallen ugly species. We're all need to be killed They're the rich billionaires who are better than us and they're gonna merge with machines and become gods and go to the next level Don't you think that most people who? Extrapolate from where we stand today with our cell phones and our Apple watches and our integration with the computer and the internet Constantly don't you think that most people see that there's gonna be some sort of symbiotic connection? It's a very easy thing. They were saying it before I understand but a lot of people were saying it before problem Who engineered what we were given? What is the point of the back doors the Trojan horses? Here's what I'm sure you engineered what here's what here's what I'm telling you The elite the elite literally believe interdimensionally They were given this information and then built it and here's the thing they built it and Google admits Even a data dumps to wired two years ago that they're building an AI that will in human consciousness Free will and take over and the next species will rise out of that They've already decided our species that people have been taught Marshall McLuhan was talking about that 50 fucking years ago. Here's the old they built it Amazon two years ago Admits they can already with 99% certainty pick what their regular users are gonna order Alex before they hold on a second ready instead of Dragging this out to some nefarious end isn't entirely possible that all these futurists all these technological innovators They all see the same end game that there's gonna be some sort of a complete integration between people but it's beyond Intelligence Historically everybody saw this coming right and so this big all the futurists all the people that study the future before Silicon ships were created the poor Marshall McLuhan I think it was in the 1970s said that human beings are the sex organs of the machine world and he was saying even back then That human beings are eventually going to integrate or become something that's a part of what I'm telling you is there's a centralized System of what they're building that isn't naturally occurring. Who is that? We're artificially is doing the elites believe they're getting off world Building these things you're just describing right now I mean if you actually read what all the globalists say you've obviously read the writings, you know this Joe They are getting not off world, but interdimensional communications To then build this system that we see lowers our IQ makes us live less I've never said okay When you're making these big statements like they're getting interdimensional signals is telling them to create these systems that lower IQs That's something you got to really prove like if there's something Okay, please if there's something you can show all the studies show screen time all the computers lowering IQ is lowering fertility Is that a case is that a case of is somebody holding a gun to your head let me tell you about me I'm addicted to this goddamn thing. I love watching those videos I love love taking pictures of shit. I love Humanity it has a lot of beautiful things it does, but I'll tell you they're very addictive. They're very addictive Well, so but hold on a second. Let me stop you right there. I don't necessarily think that's engineered to be addictive I think it's engineered to be really well and the fact work really well and the fact that it works really well is very addictive Just like little kids look at a screen you put a fucking television in front of them when they're one year old and play some Stupid commercial and they're like whoa Joe they think Hold on a second no Hold on a second they made better and better technology that we're not designed to absorb human beings of exactly same We have the exact same DNA that we did 10,000 years ago There was nothing like television. There was nothing like movies. There was nothing like stereo headphones and project Listen, don't you already? Please you're interrupting my crazy rant I am telling you that this is a natural progression of this massive Infatuation that we have with technology. They don't have to engineer it. It's natural it happens to you it happens to me They say there happens to anybody who's looking at cooler and cooler special effects and movies all that stuff is a natural And Steve Jobs wouldn't let his kids play with an iPad. Well, he's a cunt He's a cunt. Let your kids play with a guy. I'm selling you is fuck's wrong with a great rant I'm not disagreeing with no you interrupted it ten times you fuck. Oh, let him motherfucker rant I'm done now shit. Yeah We're not talking about the weather Eddie tell you that right now, let me tell you right now. Yeah, let me tell you right now Fuck cloud. Let me tell you I'm trying to break this down. The whole thing is being set up to control Okay, what I'm telling you is when you're talking about the elites and interdimensional signals of the receiving that are telling us to lower our IQ You can't just say that need proof. Okay, let me give you proof That sounds so crazy by the way, Mary. Yeah. Oh, that sounds so crazy. I wonder where the aliens are proof Yeah, you know what? It's really cool to say no, maybe we're in a computer simulation Everybody talks about that. Everyone says dude You're not no, but they're saying that you're not easily easily. Yeah, we're in a computer simulation But then when you talk about interdimensional like magical shit Exactly magic is a technology that hasn't been discovered. Yeah, exactly Videos are fucking magic for sure. Fuck. Yeah, you're fine You know we you and I could do this right now and we could go like here. We'll do it right now This is what's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go right now. You want to talk some magic cuz this really is fucking magic We're gonna do Instagram live Right now we're doing instant Instagram live we're doing like one of those little Instagram stories Instantaneously for words that come this is a whole new this is a whole new thing young Jamie. Am I right fuck? This is never You go a little longer than you let me go On what's that? Two Alex got a piss again go piss. Yeah. No, you know all these lightweights. I'm just drinking coffee I drank one of these Killcliffe coffees. I drank one order of butter coffee, dude I go driving Alex is gone. I'm drinking this air one do that conspiracy conspiracy. I'm drinking some juice I had two glasses of whiskey that's bullshit, and these bitches are peeing. They keep peeing. I don't understand it Something I take credit to Stuff that's what it does was his rant. I'm not sure we're gonna go back to that. He's definitely high as fuck Dude, we told me this stuff about buzz Alderman's telling him some fucking exactly crazy shit Yeah, I'm like, oh my god. I'm too high We fucked up Yeah, we gotta get him I I Knew that was the key the key to make this podcast super special was well he asked for the whiskey himself Yeah, so he started the part yours or his that's his. Oh, that's ours. No, that's ours. That's gentlemen Jaxon live listeners. This is just a record. Yeah, that's a record a big-time record. Yeah 62,000 record. Holy shit gentlemen. Jack is this is they sent us this right? It's good I mean good and it all tastes terrible. It's like, you know, you're sucking on the devil's asshole Gusting I mean that's kind of half the fun of whiskey is that it's disgusting I love this a lot of people thought that this was a Conspiracy because Eddie went live on Instagram live and you disappeared. So there was a lot of talk online never existed Bill Hicks the globalists are anti human. They think we're a bunch of dumb animals. But where are the aliens? They're carrying out a shot. They believe it's not aliens Dimensional hey does that have to do with the Luciferian Freemasonry type shit? I'd love to break bones skull and bones breakdown freak cuz I know in the Albert Pike wrote the Freemason Bible He's talking about Luciferian shit. So if you're free, Mason, I feel a power I will see the in my hands says that he talks about he took a look at the KKK Go for it go for it. Tell me about Albert Albert Pike and no, I want to give I mean Joe Here's the thing Joe you brought in right this one. This is your point about I will miss it'll lead to your point You brought the whole position this first, please you brought up the whole point about no more weed Alex You went to Dominate this guy Nice, seriously, I want to be nice Great guy. Look I love you man See you but I'm telling you is is that the globalists admit a lot of this It's in a lot of their white papers all the reports women to actually give it to you I will they they say they believe they're gonna become gods the rest of us are profane I know that shit about interdimensional beings giving them all the data. Let me tell that come up. Okay, you you know where The theory of of the species and where all the Darwin stuff came from Where he had an elucidation and believed he was given all this stuff from like demons and I'm not saying that's really You confusing Darwin Descartes. No, no, that's Darwin didn't Descartes Have isn't he the one that are with the idea of science science from a dream Well Darwin's idea came from Darwin was like really into channeling and stuff. Yes. Yes, and the guy that he always knows He does it. Okay, whatever. It was the guy that the guy that yeah a lot of those guys Yeah, they get the technology they believe from a frickin other dimension All about this as much as I do or more Joe and you sit there and act like you don't know I forget about it to give your audience all the information Joe no But you know bringing up and then you say I'm making it up that's interdimensional Well, I just wanted to know where it's coming from Showed it so to Darwin But no Pulling it up You probably already know that I know that Darwin's partner the guy that he developed the theory of evolution where they both had like a similar Theory and they came together with it and he was like really into it to the point where he was into channeling and all sorts Of weird stuff that he knows this discredited him. I listen to a real that's what they believe I'm not saying it's real CNN's gonna have me up here all clipped again. That's all I'm saying I'm saying they discredited him. They just put all the emphasis on Darwin. That's why you only hear about Darwin's word all came from Freemason that's face to Give up the aliens. Come on. I know you know things. We got to go back to I do we do you got a start there which is fucking right? You don't get to do a show like this very well It's great. I love it. I'm a man. Let me just tell you please do news today If you look at this that's what I'm telling you I don't believe it, okay I'm telling you studying what the establishment believes None of them are atheists. They all believe they're getting interdimensional stuff. So if you go back To Galton and Wedgwood and Huxley you recognize all these modern names if you go back to Darwin Darwin wrote this these letters are public. You can read these online from the National Royal Archives in England stuff They all believe they were all part of a secret breeding program where the British thought they would have looked as superhuman If they bred these six families together to like create all this is like mainline British history This is right. This is known in the whole eugenics history and then Galton Who's related to all these other guys in the 1850s? He starts having these ideas and he says there's a double helix which is the snakes for science and and medicine And he said we're gonna discover the keys and the building blocks to life and he said it's gonna be called Biometrics and we'll track everybody by reading their genetics. This is what Hitler freaked out about and picked up and Something like eight of the 14 new sciences like half or more than half the sciences that came since the 1860s We're all from Galton and all from Darwin. So the media and the liberals give me this one thing You know origin of the species like I must think it's wrong or right It's super heavy like galactic stuff. They give this to you This is only one little boiled down BS that we had you go to what these guys really wrote They were like intermarrying and involved in wicked séances and channeling And all this weird ass crap and then they envisioned. Okay, there's a double helix DNA discovered it. Okay biometrics Okay, we're all government. Okay computers. Okay atomic weapons Give me the equations and they were like all then like going to other scientists meetings and go we believe there's a program where you Take different matter together and isotopes. It'll cause an explosion and it's like they were like given Either humans are super advanced already had this knowledge from somewhere else in our genetics and we're here before And we're able to then manifest this through genetic memories and archetypes or it was given off-world But humans like have all this data compacted and compressed ready like program What's that called like the acacia records or something like that? All of it is is is is a coshic and it epic genetics. Here's the epic genetics. They'll take chickens with eggs and do ten generations in major universities that have never seen a hawk and they put them in these like these 20 foot ceilings and They'll have a triangle fly over in a square fly over and the little baby chickens never care generation ever generation go on for 15 years They fly one hawk over and they all squawk yelling screaming and run into their nest Hmm now they never saw a hawk and ever saw kill a chicken generation after generation It was compressed data knowledge right of the hawk that is passed on genetically Yeah, they say that's why children are always afraid of monsters that goes down tigers and bear Yeah, I used to be cast my son just wants to be chased so much He wants to practice getting away from a predator. He loves that the most he wants to get away You can't catch me and I'll just know there's a man We want to be ready to fight one. Yeah, well some predators you can't fight if you can get the fuck away from that tiger At the zoo in China. I recommend you do that Not even I'll admit that I was like, oh shit. We shouldn't let him smoke weed. But then now you think you brought it back down You bring it back. You came back. You came back strong. Keep it going. You're gonna be a good place right now Keep it going You're talking about Now you're getting into Albert Pike. Ooh Well, he's the founder of the KKK top Confederate general head of the Illuminati worldwide at that time So let's establish something that's like maybe people that are listening to this might go what in the fuck of these guys ramble about Establish this throughout history from the beginning of organized human Secret knowledge folks don't want to pass on there's also been people conspiring to control Whatever society and people conspiring to control whatever aspect of it, whether it's political whether it's the military like whatever it is There's always been that it's always happened. There's been military coups all throughout history There's been wars all throughout the United States just had a peaceful and bro How so I mean dude the intelligence community leaked all the data to bring down the globalist And he's asking the question intelligence community leaked all what data they leaked all the WikiLeaks. He's over here saying Why are you suddenly broke saying that the Russians didn't do it? No, really? How do you know this because the mainstream media said hold on? I mean Joe, give me a break to know I know I just want to know how you know if you ever if you know me for like 16 to 17 years Yes, you ever don't mean to say I have a source and I'm making it up be honest. No, no No, I mean I've got sources. I can't so you can't tell us how you know Let's just say I got data today from a head of state And what do you say I can't tell you okay, don't tell me the point is is so glad you didn't tell me Yeah, but the frame is we screwed up and released it early so cause a problem explain the whole Russian diversion We didn't mean on purpose. I'm always mad at us bust out with that the whole Russian thing cuz there's Intelligent people like my students are like you hear that you don't believe the Russians had to wear it in it Come on. How do they why are you saying believe that? Yeah? Why are you saying that the intelligence agency leaked all this and not Russia? Because I was told before it was all leaked by the former Director of psychological operations the CIA was gonna come out He told you that it was gonna be leaked yeah before I was never like in bed with the CIA I've interviewed people from the CIA NSA Defense Intelligence you name it over the years I mean it's all over the news, but it is entirely possible general Flynn former head of Defense Intelligence tweets all my articles I'm not telling you it's some secret Enemy knows the point is is that I'm seen as an honest good person that understand what's going on. I'm out for humanity I don't want personal power. I want to help people, but isn't it entirely possible. I mean like how does the information like that get out? Well, there's an open rebellion against the criminals that hijacked our government And so we overthrew the globalists in Obama, and we're taking them over in France in Italy in Spain In Greece in the UK the only place we're not successful so far as Canada So you just took Australia and by I took Australia with the idea of me open society What does that mean see most people sit there and brag about stuff? I'm telling you what's really going on. What's going on? We took Australia I mean Globalists are losing countries every month right now to the Liberty Movement. What what says that these are People that want you and your family to be successful and aren't out to hurt you and make you poor like the globalist There's good people and they used the intelligence agencies to defeat the globalist And there's been a major counter offensive and the globalists made one wrong move It happened five years ago. It was it was the system-wide leak four years ago. I've had CIA whistleblowers all up on the show Colonels and special operations you name it who were authorized by high-level senators come on my show They ran a counter coup There was a deal made with radical Islam to actually take over Europe and then the United States and by that make us can not convert But submit to Islam not criticize it or they blow stuff up They thought they'd bring in some you know new masculine arm That would make us submit and it got so bad that even our own intelligence agencies that would have been corrupted said Well, this is too far. We're not doing it And so America about four years ago started coming back up for air and now we're just overthrowing their whole system There's a huge war going on. It's beautiful We were kicking their ass on every front now like I said at the top It's a it's a it's the dawn of a new age you were against George W Bush Clinton Obama all that you were not a Republican or a Democrat you weren't for you were against government But now it's a new day now the conspiracy theorists like yourself. You're the king of them We're pro government and the sheep. They're like out there protesting crying explain that well Look it's not that Trump's perfect. He really genuinely is like going into all these corporate incentives at one side of deals There's no meetings now. There's no lobbyists. He banned them all for a lifetime He literally goes in with actuaries and computer programs and goes with super NSA technology that even had before he was in And he says because the generals came to him years ago. They said we could deliver all this to everybody We don't want to make America poor. We don't want to have big wars. We want to just have prosperity, sir We've got next to free energy all these technologies cures for cancer We're ready to release it. That's why he talked about the State of the Union or his first inaugural speech and Does it will be the second and he just really cares about humanity and he's not a Satanist He doesn't like raping kids. He likes super hot Eastern European women He's somebody not out to get humanity and he's got the intelligence agencies totally backing to the hill And it's just a super epic moment to be alive what's going on so far with Trump hold on one second, so What do you think when you said earlier in the podcast that you don't think he's perfect, right? What do you think he could do different that would make people accept him? Well, I said last week you should disavow torture. He did the next day just magically. Yes That you came up with the idea and you say that about torture It's a zeitgeist and I'm in the zeitgeist so in that zeitgeist you kind of see everything right even though you're like I just a normal person You can like look into any avenue anyway Your your take on it is that it's good to have him in despite whatever flaws people may perceive Yes, good will he wants prosperity and he's not a part of the system that he replaced That's why they're totally against and he likes full-grown women. Okay, I believe that you don't have to say that anymore No, but I'm just I'm just I understand you Most people that's a serious most people like their elected rabbit get out of your backyard and torture him for a couple weeks Yeah, so they kidnapped They torture they rape In the emails are like well, these are kind of exhausted about to have to retire them So you need to get in there some of these are damaged Look them up you didn't believe I know I believed you it's look I don't know We get those three-year-olds in there and a big old guy comes in and just breaks their jaws So do you think Trump's going after him? Oh, yeah, what's going on? Oh, yeah, well he's done if he's successful It's an entire route like a lot of people aren't just getting indicted right now. They're getting They're gonna take care of right now right now about the Vatican. Are they gonna are they what is how is that work? Devil stop Trump. He's the devil stopping anything. We've got stopping. That's what the Vatican said Yeah, the Vatican pedophile central is shitting their pants over Trump. The Vatican is so bizarre Yeah, can you imagine Trump going after the Vatican? It's a country. Yeah, that's crazy about it. Is he? What cuz I was one this is this is what I was a Alex I always thought how weird is it that everybody in a South Park is making a goddamn episode about Them being pedophiles and get nobody's investigating what's going on here So to me you then you watch conspiracy of silence that documentary They never got released about the whole network. They begin to realize oh shit No, the reason my opinion is the reason no one's getting arrested at the Vatican at a high rate Anyways, it's because everybody at the top is involved. That's it. Let me give you the good news I'm not here to kiss to ask the establishment a lot of patriots in the government who have always criticized Ended up being the people that heard me bitchy and you bitching do something They've done something and they're really trying to reverse this whole thing right now and there is a full-out war Inside the government of guys that like to eat steaks drink beer and have women Versus a bunch of pot-bellied pedophiles. Whoa Jesus Christ What's really fucked up? Is that the people that before the sand dusky thing came out the people around it probably heard rumors? That's probably someone to talk someone that says something but nobody really wanted to believe it well in the when it did happen Well in conspiracy of silence is a documentary you can watch on you seen it never got released Yeah, they're talking about the base the headquarters of the pedophile network That's it's an international network is in Omaha, Nebraska at Boys Town Yeah, they they like taking orphans orphans. There's different levels. There's guys we don't want any trouble. They just want And then there's the psychos that want to go kidnap There's like the hardcore people and you know what? top officials and in every aspect of government and Celebrity it's not everybody but it's enough so there's enough people involved that Nobody's investigating anybody because they're all involved. They all better keep their mouth It's just so crazy that something gets to the level that the Catholic Church got to with it. Yeah Conversation myself and Donald Trump. Yes, sure go for you allowed to do this. Wait a minute before you do it High Let's go no Trump Basically said we're gonna clean it up Alex. We know all about an Alex. We're gonna stop him Well, hey and and and we're gonna do it. He also said Obama's from Kenya Well, that was when that's a huge intelligence hop you want to write that down You want to know about Reagan and let's think about birth certificate. Okay, so I now can tell you the full scoop on that What do you think happened? I know exactly what they told him that Obama was from Kenya. They fucked with him You're here right now. Yes Okay, I was gonna tell a Trump story, but I'll see y'all do that Trump story. Yeah. Yeah, we're good. Thank you Eddie. I'm sorry Jamie you better add extra juice to that time Apple juice what it would apple juice. Maybe not Alex. Come on. Okay secret One more price if you give me a few hours if you put another 20 years, I'm gonna fuck Dimension how many years seven years so we're just about to say What was that? What was the issue Jesus Christ? Do you remember what the question was Jamie? What Donald Trump told you? No, that wasn't it. Yeah. I know you're about to say what Donald Trump told you But I was it about you wanted to know about something else What the fuck was it about but let's leave fuck but hold on a second. We fuck with my memory What was it you were just you were just good about I'm not the only one I used to have a good memory No, Jamie. I don't remember how we're too high. Let's go to Trump's We Trump Jamie's gonna figure it out. Jamie's gonna figure it out. What is it? Yeah, someone's gonna tell him on Twitter and we'll figure this out Jesus Christ and then I'll write this a problem with being Too high and talking over each other. He's about to tell Trump calls me rude. How many times a week on average? No Time ten hours show no, no, this should be your longest podcast. We will definitely peter out before then no, no, no No, we'll go forever. What is? No one knows what the fuck we were just talking about Cuz we're blasted you better you better call your dispensary and get some answers so you were talking about the Vatican We were talking about pedophiles and the Catholic Church certificate. Oh The powerful Twitter. Yeah, so tell me what happens is a place where I'm not ashamed of this cuz I got conned When I what I've been conned which happens, you know every every once in a while You know, I admit it later. We learn from it. Okay, what happened? I only told you a funny but no Kenya Kenya what okay Kenya Okay, and everything I'm gonna say your listeners can write this down. They can search engine everything I'm gonna say and learn to see this for themselves because okay the journey with Infowars is it's not that I'm that smart I'm just like you. I'm having this journey and I'm gonna show you so this is what happened. Okay Obama's Running for office and Hillary's people because I follow the news every day Hillary's campaign this letter came out Puts out these born in Kenya. I'm like I screw her I was quietly and I'm really ashamed of this but I told listeners this I'll just say it I was I was an early on Obama supporter in that I wanted to try to unify people. I didn't like John McCain So I said yeah, he's bad the Democrats are bad, but I hated what had happened so much. We were fooled by Obama, too Well, I was hope let's get let him talk. I mean, I wasn't Obama supporter. I just didn't attack him You liked it better than the alternative. Yeah, I didn't push him for office. I was just like hoping that all his BS was real. Okay So and then I started hearing these leaks and it was from Hillary and you can Google this Hillary first Progenerated the whole whole deal. So I'm sitting there hearing that That he's born in Kenya something. I don't care That's a bunch of BS and then the articles start coming out as the right-wing pics that I would does the research and it's his wife in like 2006 and 7 in speeches going my husband born in Kenya knows about the immigrants experience. It's a video You can pull up Michelle Obama. Oh, yeah, pull it up and then and then Harvard Law Review which he headed up for at least three years. He was the editor And he says I was born in Kenya a little bit. He blurred by his picture. Oh, yeah So he's worried, but he wasn't born in Kenya. Wait till I get to this. Oh, so that was just like PizzaGape Oh, it's what I finally learned how that no double-cross. Well, it's not not in pedophilia. I mean, hold on. Let's hear say it Here you go Testing which is still plaguing so many of our communities, which you all know a lot of that is due to homophobia Barack has led by example When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya We took a public HIV test For the very point of showing folks in Kenya. Okay, but that doesn't mean that he was Like if I look look he just found that fast But there's another where she said there's the Harvard Law Review what she edited where he says I was born in Kenya Okay, well that but it's right there. What she's saying is his homeland like if you're from Ireland Like I got here. They want to go back to Italy or Ireland or yeah, that's always the homeland They call it the homeland. Listen, let's just going on to what we're covering. Kenya Trump certificate Kenya So yeah, Trump got involved in all that and the whole bursary will go ahead No, no, so how did it what did someone like leak that information to him to try to make him look foolish? Cuz he chased after it. Yes so We're just researching. It's not anybody trying to be foolish So do you think they just maybe made an incorrect judge? Well now we found out all about it. This is stunning information so People want to say he's illegitimate They then look at him in the Harvard Law Review saying he's born in Kenya. They look at clips They look at the fact he won't release his birth certificate. He had a name name Barry Satoro and Indonesia He had all these weird cutout names all he had like five aliases Wow Why then he wrote then he wrote dream look it up He wrote he wrote dreams of my real father, right? Or dreams my father dreams my real father is the documentary and in and he talks about Frank Marshall Davis The communist famous pornographer that he spent summers with you look side by side the same guy So they were worried that it was gonna be Frank Marshall Davis But it actually been his mom in like a scam making money off She was CIA bringing back people the US and sham marriages to have them immigrate It was basically a cover-up of the fact that his real father was Frank Marshall Davis the communists and so That's who Obama's real dad was and dreams my real father breaks it all down. It's online. It's pretty powerful info So what does that mean? It just is a perfect example of you're not born in Kenya you're really born in Hawaii It on the you know main city-based island They're in Honolulu to Frank Marshall Davis, right and your grandfather CIA your mother CIA That's all been declassified here this cut out his mom was a CIA. Oh, yeah What was she what did she do for the CIA? She was a sex operative? Yeah, and and and she posed for news photos in the kind of Betty Page style with sex operatives in photos at Frank Marshall Davis's house And you know this because you've seen these I've interviewed the people involved. I've read dreams of my father where he admits I stayed at Frank Marshall Davis's house. He was like my dad. My grandfather had a special unspoken relationship with him quotes Look up Obama Frank Marshall Davis or Obama dreams about what do you think about the conspiracy theory that Obama was like? Bred by the CIA the whole way through all the way through it's not a theory. Oh, really when you say CIA that just means like a Marketing project of whoever was in power at the time four or eight years who ever was in charge of that? Whoever shows interest can go in and then just basically be involved In controlling the levers of the social engineering of the society Hmm. So what does that have to do with Obama growing up? Did were those rumors that he was in in a CIA agent in Pakistan? While he was supposed to be in Columbia Well, yeah, he probably exactly he probably spent six months Yeah, there's the supposed father Barack versus Barack the second versus Frank Marshall Davis Huh, I think he looks more like the other Barack. Okay. Well, look up Look up Frank Marshall Davis's pornography and his I will do no such thing Obama's Mother clearly in the photos and his book his book dreams of my father Admitting that he stayed with Frank Marshall Davis. Hmm. Okay, but but listen, that's not the issue So the way what I asked you though to get back to where we started from was why did Trump? Chase after that hole he was born in Kenya shit for so long Because he knew it was super hot with the public and he wanted to know The answer to it as well and didn't like the things Obama was doing. Hmm It was a weird thing right because if you were a guy who was a white guy And we wanted to prove that you were born in Austria But you had some birth certificate that said you were born the United States You spoke perfect English, but you had a square jaw and you looked like you're from the frozen north Like this motherfucker isn't freeze from Austria, dude I'm telling you he's from fucking Austria and then someone like made a big deal out of it and gave you like a fake birth Certificate and people wouldn't do you'd never hear racism then interesting like you would hear that Yeah, this guy might really have been born another country something that but it wouldn't be president's. Yeah, yeah It's a race. It'll be instantaneously. It gets connected to racism. There's an assumed racism with almost any well Listen, I don't care what color Barack Obama any accusations I love Jimmy Henry's music here. What color he is long the watchtower is the best ever It's pretty goddamn good. So yeah all of that So all I'm telling you is you research Frank Marshall Davis in Obama. I believe it is it's cracking I believe how conclusive it is my mom and dad are we talking about like five years ago? They thought that's crazy. Let us see the film about it. They saw it They were blown away, but listen, let me give you the big picture Please the elite admit that they are studying humanity like they're a breakaway civilization They believe they're taking the best ideas of humanity and building a breakaway civilization of technocracy So they can transcend us and I want the public to know the decision has been made to dumb you down Balkanize you turn you against yourselves have regional wars play people off against each other and Then basically release bioweapons that wipe out most the population. Okay, well the only transcend it You know to pause this right here. Who are the elite like when you say the elite who are these people and how do they get together? Hold on a second. How do they all agree who votes? How do they decide? Type a super billionaire characters like running shit. So how do they get together and all agree on the same thing? They decide on agendas that will empower their individual agendas and they're pretty much let into those power structures early on So how do they mean because they are okay? deber group is that a builder bird group Club of Rome builder burger? What's the Club of Rome Davos? Club of Rome is a population reduction group. I mean if you go to m4s.com right now There's an article and a video I cut about Oprah Winfrey I'm not saying is a bad person where she's part of a secret eugenics group. Hold on a second stop right there He said I'm not saying she's a bad person, but she's part of a secret eugenics group I like killing weak people. I'm just trying to thin the herd. I'm a really good person though. Yeah, that's hilarious It's like absolutely so you can go there. It's the truth about Oprah Winfrey Okay, and and it just deals with it's in the news saying Oprah Winfrey in secret Look at your face. You look so serious. You think she's in secret meetings with like the builder bird group or something? No, she admits that okay to her pop. They admit on the news to reduce population Right only because we leaked it first my play go ahead, but when someone break let's play it No when someone like her experience not cold, please when someone like her says something about Reducing the amount of illegitimate babies born or the amount of babies that are born because there's no birth control a lot of times Those kind of statements get construed into population control She's in the same and then people start saying she's into population control and that means she wants she'll be in the secret meetings And she's pushing and she's taxing I'm not in those secret meetings. Are you in those secret meetings? You go to the secret links that we liked have you ever been in one of those secret meetings I did shake into one. Do you hear what they said? Yes? Did you say they say they want to kill half the people know what they say that was really like not gonna believe me It wasn't I remember that yeah, dude. That was that was the real shit You know big fucking Jim Brown type shit, dude I mean that is like if you want to go back to like Conspiracy theory fuel like people that get excited about something when you find out that there really are a bunch of global elites to Get on this ranch and they got a fucking giant stone owl and they burn a bundle of wood and effigy And they all wear fucking masks and shit And then you actually have video footage of it and this weird sort of a ceremony they're doing and whether it's satanic or not They're pretending it's crazy. They're pretending it is whatever whatever it is. It's crazy And they hide exactly what it is. Yeah go into that. How did you sneak into the behealing Grove? That was amazing Well people always said it was a setup. They let me and it wasn't quite like that We had an insider wanted to get me in to actually see it and most people aren't bad to go to it But the point is it's kind of a gateway into all of this. It's amazing So this is you apoheme and Grove and urine you're on the other side of like it looks like a little pond or something Is that what it is? Feel free to play it goes beyond old care may fire make a merriment with your dust Begone old care. It was so strange. It was so bizarre Listening to that guy and the speaker blaring out across the Play it put let's let's play some that was Walter Cronkite Sounds like a play for high school it is it's all play But religion started that way as Entertainment so what do you think this is just some really ancient ritual that they're redoing? Yeah I thought it was no big deal till I was in the crowd of old men. They were just lavishing They were like they loved it. I'm really ejaculating their pants You sure Are you projecting? No? No, they were like the next to see What is it about people that love those secret societies like you remember that JFK speech about secret societies a little not tolerate them Yeah, it's a fucking beautiful speech. Well, they just pull it up. Jimmy pull up JFK speech Power over others it don't crave some secret essence right? They're looking for that secret place the most high Yeah, no, absolutely. That's but that's just like you were talking about pedophiles just like you know any other Deviant fucked or in the weird thing around. Yeah, I just want to go eat a big pile of steaks and Drink some beer. I know you say let's crank this up Ladies and gentlemen The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically Opposed to secret societies to secret oaths and a secret proceedings. I'm by myself, but Put this on if you ever heard this And I'm talking about secret societies of pertinent facts Far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it even today There is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions even today there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it and There is very grave danger That an announced need for increased security Will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control and no official of my administration Whether his rank is high or low Civilian or military Like should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news right there to stifle dissent They knew it to cover up our mistakes Or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know For we are opposed around the world here. It is by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy That relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation Instead of free choice on gorillas by night instead of armies by day It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources Into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military diplomatic intelligence economic Science talking about common political operations Its preparations are concealed not published its mistakes are buried not headlined Its dissenters are silenced not praised No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed No president should fear public scrutiny of his program for from that scrutiny comes understanding and from that understanding comes support or opposition and both are necessary I am not asking your newspapers to support an administration But I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people For I have complete confidence We're cool killed there That's uh, that's such a crazy speech because it's him talking about the structures that were already in place And about the dangers of withholding information for people and him being forthright as a president in a way that we've never heard before Since like he's literally talking until Trump Trump Trump's being like that now. What did Trump tell you? Well, let's just be clear He's talking about our own military industrial complex and Eisenhower just warned about his outgoing predecessor He's talking about the Soviets there at the same time He was a really smart cookie the Eisenhower warning is one of the creepiest things in human history Oh, yeah about the really worth military Okay, that sounded like he was talking about communism. Yeah pull up I saw how our warns of the military industrial conference Oh, there us he did it but just because there's a clip that just has that so segment of it What do you only sell for? Yeah, there was a lot He says there is a scientific technocratic elite that is in control of all information about to shut it down to the public and then they will control The military so beware of the military and he wasn't in the military was bad He said these military industrial Complex Genesis were about to get control of it the scientific people I'll tell you about see if you can find where it goes This is it Jamie. This is the address right here is We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations I Just write type in Eisenhower military Industrial complex speech. Yeah, he's gonna say it in here somewhere, but it's a three-minute speech a Just see if he can see it like Alex. It seems like Trump, you know everybody a lot of smart people In different points of their life. They begin to realize how much how many lies they've been told they begin to wake up They're not totally woke up, but they begin to wake up and then they find out about 9-11 But I don't believe all this other shit and then they find out about this But they don't believe in all that other shit then they find about that and then at the very high levels like the dudes They're psych. Yeah, all this shit is true. If you could follow the money. It's probably true You might be wrong one or two or three times, but generally we're dealing with a totally crooked situation That's what are they doing? They're not stealing money from corporations. You steal money from a corporation They're gonna come after you and kill you With what they're doing is it's the mastery of stealing tax money That's what this is all about is just stealing Nobody because nobody's gonna go after You steal tax money you get all these programs and these bills pass. Let's play this Go ahead jam these military contracts the taxpayer's a pain for all this Lightlyhood are all involved So is the very structure of our society? In the councils of government I must win this guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes Jesus Christ, they'd let that out like it was so tight Cuz you think about this back in the early days of radio and the early days of moving pictures Only the elite Had access to this technology moving pictures radio right from the get-go right from day Right from day one it wasn't like your average guy was trying to help humanity the guys who had this technology were like damn They believe whatever the fuck we say back in the day you listen to the radio those news reports or when the movie pictures were For madness. Yes. That's what I'm talking about right? Gekko TV movies radio and all of it was propaganda. Let me tell you what it never left Alex Jones is aliens involved in this story Yeah, talk about propaganda movies and how or had LL. Limon sir come to him who that was the chairman of the joint Limon sir, is that his now just Google operation North what's oh, I know about that sure so they came to him and they said We're gonna launch terror attacks in America and start a war with the Soviets He's like well, I know they're evil, but we're not gonna do that. So he fired him Then JFK comes in the same guys try to make him do it He refuses so they kill him Well, they wanted to have drone jetliners and blow them up and blame it on the Cubans They wanted to arm Cuban friendlies and attack Guantanamo Bay They had a bunch of really crazy shit planned when you realize what our operation Northwoods was And you realize that this was signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It scares the shit out of you We're all talking here we're all talking here doesn't that scare the shit out of you Your mind that there's still today it's 2017 doesn't it blow your mind that people still think that 9-11 happened the way it was Northridge is a hundred percent Back to that it's declassified Well when people realize that that was a real document the US government plan to start war the Russia and kill people They blow up movie theaters attack US military bases kill American civilians Kill American military people hijack jets crash him have CIA get on board So a fake plane lands or the real plane lands a fake plane attacks. It was 9-11 It's just bananas that someone would actually sit down and it was leaked by Patriots Six months before 9-11 trying to stop it really and that's not saying Islamic terrorism real It's not saying Bush even did it some super dark state group Which Congress now has a 28 pages vindicating 9-11 truthers that Saudi Arabia with people that they had gotten to convert to Islam and paid off with their trillions. They got trillions had joined them in some larger plan to blame Iraq and other countries that were non-radical so Saudi Arabia could take them over who who put together 9-11 Saudi Arabia the Muslims by themselves anybody so they want to invade these other countries How did it happen in the US? I mean the US wasn't involved. Of course, what are you saying? Who was involved who were the key players in 9-11? It's it's totally compartmentalized. So you run a drill The World Trade Center and the Pentagon being attacked on that day. So the planes are told flying around Oh, this is just so that was a drill that was supposed to be run that day It all came out a drill that was about an False false flags. I it seems like okay, we're gonna do a false flag. We need to set up a drill They need a drill going on. It's clear. It's 99.9% of the government wasn't involved because of computers. It was a test they could do stuff a hundred times worse now No one will know because it's all remote activated the jets by then we're all remote control every jet for 25 years The big new ones has control moron control. It's all it's all it's crazy, man. There's Jets now or unmanned Absolutely. Well, no, they're manned. It's just thinking to go on autopilot stupid If you think about it, it's remote control dumb. It's better They said about the drone jetliners when they were gonna blow up that jetliner and blame it on the Cubans That wasn't gonna be a jetliner filled with people. It's gonna be a drone. They had the capability in 1962 of doing that Which is how did how did how did Robert F Kennedy or JFK's? elder brother Who was Joe Kennedy jr. Die He was flying a fighter plane remote controlling to be 17 below with explosives as drones to crash into Germany They had drones in World War two Jesus Christ, they had drones in World War two. What were they powered by? How did Joe Kennedy how did Joe Kennedy jr. Die he does secret mission over Germany It does seem like a father. No Joe Kennedy jr. Oh the crazy thing about the Kennedy's is is You know if you're a lot of times you see Criminals come from like a good family and then you see Robert Kennedy and John F Kennedy They come from gangster. His dad is a gangster Straight up Mafia and then he has two kids they thought they had him under control because he's from a mafia family Here's the guy's name Joe Kennedy isn't that weird cuz it's like you're the opposite of your parents like you want to go against your parents So Robert Kennedy and John F Kennedy they went against that shit that That's the only reason they were in there because The mob supported Bob stole, Illinois for him Supported John F Kennedy he was hanging out with Frank Sinatra then all of a sudden he flipped and you know what he stopped hanging out It's Frank Sinatra. He started changing his ways something flipped Did he have a kid that died or something like that? Is that the mate something made him flip? I thought I read something it could be total bullshit. It could be that he had a son that died that made him flip Let's go to Joe Kennedy jr. Here. He was killed in action That could make you think totally different. Yeah, sure when your kid dies, you're like fuck this I'm going with My soul right? Yeah, you're like fuck this what could be worse? What could my son already died? Let's look at that. What's he done coming after you? Yeah Fucking Apache Savage with nothing to lose Joe Joe Kennedy jr. Was killed in action while serving as a land-based patrol bomber pilot in World War two and would possibly Awarded the Navy Cross Alex Jones throwing down Dude you're fucking you're on fire. This is almost three hours. There's people out there There's nothing on your side. We're doing this for 10 years. Don't put your just laying it down You're laying it down like game of motherfucking thrones. No, I'm like, yes you are All I know is there's people in the government that want to empower people and they're trying to do a good job And I'm not anti-government. I want to have a good constitutional government and the truth is I Couldn't believe it when NYPD contacted me of the Secret Service the Secret Service came to me when I was the RNC So I'd like the number one passes. Nobody had red passes. I go behind the scenes Nobody stopped me back in the back deal The Secret Service like in their suits go. Hey Alex, come here We'll tell you something about Hillary. Give us a contact number In the next month. We're gonna contact you about a month later. I get a contact They go can you come to because nothing's digital can come down to me at this place? So I go down and meet They were meeting one of my other people as well Because the way they work was like they were hitting both sides of our operation and they said to me Hillary has seizures like every 30 minutes She's got an ambulance. It's black. She falls down all the time. Just have your people at her events. You'll see her falling down She's covering it up. Well sure enough a month. I announced that on air a month later She falls down in front of the cameras. We had footage a week before in Cleveland again same place she was back to because oh it was a key battleground and She she was like for an hour in this emergency tent with with ambulances and stretchers So I'm telling you I mean I've got real sources that really care about what's happening in this country And everything they told me was dead on you know, what's scary about my government lakes. Let's go go back The Hillary thing was very bizarre because nobody was supposed to mention it like you weren't supposed to mention that she's just falling down Monia they said oh she had pneumonia. Let me tell you something. I've had pneumonia. You know what I haven't done I haven't ever walked and just fallen down while I'm walking Really free is the background that comment on it because this is key It's known that in 2012 well, she fell on her head and she got a severe concussion It was rain rain for my sources, but yeah, she's in the hospital for a year then she was yeah She was fucked up for six whole months according to Clinton harden bill. Yeah, so she looks like hell We don't know where she is and then meanwhile. I'm told hey, she's falling down all the time She looks like hell on TV and then secret service says look you've got the people get up off your ass and follow her So we follow her in like five cities. We didn't catch it. We were in New York They sneak her out she falls down having epilepsy every 15-20 minutes 30 minutes the point is is my Intel was good They gave us good info, so what are the elite thinking they're gonna put somebody in with epilepsy That's all I'm saying, but do you think that it was just that their idea was she can hold it together Just anything rather than yes as soon as they just wanted to get her through get all those girls like oh my god Everything's great, and then they pass all these motherfucking bills And it was all it seemed to me that when all this was happening that people so desperately Wanted to not look at it because the alternative was Trump It wasn't that they were taking an objective look at angle Wow Maybe she shouldn't be blacking out and then you consider that massive head injury that she had in 2012 which is real It's a fact yeah But don't like it when you bring that up though because they think if you bring that up you're gonna change people's opinion And you're gonna help Trump win Can I just spend two minutes talking to your audience which which camera is about Trump that one just I don't claim to have all the answers, and I'm not here to boost your Trump because I'm tied to his wagon if I attack Trump I'd make more money. This isn't about money. It's about the truth Trump really is trying to cut taxes and make people successful and wealthy He really does care about the average person the elite have set up a plan to enslave people to make folks poor and all I'm asking You to do is get past thinking that you're part of the establishment, or you're smart because you're anti-Trump I'm asking you to actually look at what's really being going on and understand that Democrats Republicans come and go some are good Some are bad the whole power structure has been against Trump for a very serious reason Trump is coming after them and really is attempting to bring down this whole global system, and that's what all hell's breaking loose So I just want your viewers and losers to know I'm not some political hack like you said earlier I used to be against Bush. I wish Obama would have been real the point is they got to Obama with Trump He doesn't give a damn they admit they're offering money everything He doesn't listen so you think what Trump could or excuse me What Obama could have been is who he was when he was running for office that he was this radical element of change Hope and change he wanted to close down Guantanamo Bay He's wanted to do all these things but once we got in there all that Jake Rivera posters in the back during his administration the DEA Decided to not take marijuana off the schedule one Everybody knows it's not schedule. He was the cover schedule one means no Medical use he's not like I don't know means that's what it means to be schedule one It's crazy that marijuana schedule one when it's the most useful out of all the different various illegal drugs You are Joe you smoke marijuana quite a bit. You're still smart guys. It's definitely not bad I'm just smelling it and I can't even think here. I know you can listen. Let's get serious. Let's all I'm telling you It's Trump about what are those conversations about let the people know I mean Trump really wants to make poor people rich. He really wants to defeat collectivism Collectivism he hates all the bashing the family and what's collected is all the New World Order Collectivism is this thing like you're not an individual you're like part of a group and Trump can't stand that he can't stand seeing as a businessman business deals Where China has like? 35% currency tariffs on us there's no way you can even compete and they're shutting off our power plants with regulations But not theirs. Why do we do that then? What is the reason why because our elites? under quite frankly under under under Kissinger and and and and of course You know the president who is in that administration? Nixon they made a one-sided deal for elites to go make deals with China and their billion-plus slaves I don't say that condescendingly They're like slaves to leverage out the West the whole world's industry and Trump doesn't like those one side of deals And he's saying listen, we're not gonna impoverish America We're gonna empower America and we're gonna actually use American power to promote freedom worldwide So let me get this straight for guys like me that I mean all Trump's does deliver on promises Like so what you're saying is in layman's terms The the elite the people in power the people that have the green light power to sign these treaties They were maybe offered a couple meal here a couple meal there I'm trying this to sell the country out so that they could make 10 mil here 5 mil there building like that Is something like the US got colonized by corporate takeover artists and Trump at the end said F you So we're gonna take their whole global system They built for nothing take it away from them and have the true new American millennium not the new century you listen to his I Don't know we got the time if you want to play his 18-minute state of the union we could start or not say We definitely not gonna play that Fidel his his his his global inauguration speech he lays the whole beautiful bitch out and So if anybody ever wanted to actually have somebody trying to make them great and wealthy and powerful. It's Donald J Trump That's why the whole elite the whole power structure Hollywood all the pedophiles Every damn demon every pot-bellied one-inch fucker You know They are all against Trump because he is pro human and he wants to dominate all these people it is an act of Alpha-men he wants the benefits of the ego every now and then every now and then yeah Well, that's how he helped him run for office Any he talks to you and he calls you, right? I mean That's crazy. That's the way you're talking. He uses it But you know people think people that don't know Alex Jones They believe the mainstream media when they try to crucify him and say he's a fucking quack and he's a well Alex What you need honestly is someone to temper you you you need me right next to you all the time to balance Powerful this is you being right there that you're like the fucking you're like the calm them down You got you got a bio suit on and you got a fucking ray gun you're like, okay, we need this alien To benefit humanity, but I got to put this goddamn bio suit on cuz he's going crazy Just got a just kind of steer him occasionally He just you get on you get on rants and you'll you'll connect four or five different Non-related subjects, but that's that's it's beautiful Does that go right after rant after rant after rant after rant with no teleprompters only a guy that could do is That Joe has finished all my sentences and knows more than I do and it sits over there acting like he doesn't know all this I don't know more than you do Every document every secret program The whole time you've been fucking your bill egg listen, I'm He's a big comic I'm Microscopic Bacterial penis atomic split the goddamn critical mass compared to Joe Rogan. I'm nothing I'm nothing and I've talked so much shit about conspiracy theories that I feel like I need to shut the fuck up because I don't I don't want any trouble Questions of the universe it's questioning on your own the mystery and not just receiving the priest class stuff. Yes, but I'm not trying to I Walked away from my podcast. Nobody. I thought nobody was listening, but now people want me to go back I thought nobody but listen, I don't want to be a conspiracy guy like you I don't want to be that but I listen to you and you are my canary in the goddamn coal mine as long as you're alive I feel like I'm okay to say shit, but I'll tell you this every time I come to do the fight companion Do Joe Rogan experience? I swear to God I tell myself this this fight companion. No motherfucking conspiracies There's let's just live life. I called Joe can I Call him after a fight companion. I go Something in me wants to help people for some reason and a lot of times my inner me's like fuck damn Make a fucking you know to me fuck them and I'm like damn if I just walk away because I I'm compelled But I'm not trying to make money off conspiracy theories I can't have a conspiracy theory podcast right now and it would be okay, but I'm not even trying to do that I don't want to do that Okay I don't want to be like I don't want to be you but something inside me when the fucking mics there and someone's question I'm like I got a son and I want to make sure Did I fucking do everything I can for him? Because I don't want to I don't want to leave him with some shit that I could have changed So inside of me, I'm like on the fence all the time But you don't want to be careful you don't want to be careful when you're overzealous Yeah, because if you're overzealous, then you actually turn people the wrong way Then they look at any conspiracies is being preposterous even the ones that are real like sand dusky like the Catholic Church Like so many other ones before there's a ton of them like the Hastert who was the speaker of the fucking house Pedophile there's been a lot of those Frank. So it's really critical Hold on a second Eddie. It's really critical whenever you're discussing any of these things you get all the fucking ducks in order Before you pick a side it's super important because anytime you make some crazy claim And it's connected to a conspiracy theory and it proves to be wrong. It fucks with all the ones that are People saying I'm Bill Hicks people saying They're saying that it's like there I hurts me they're that dumb that they don't know my own It's a joke. It's a joke me man. It's not it shit. No, I get it. I get it. It's a fortune They're having fun. Listen getting no some of them are serious. Yeah, but they're having no, they're not Let me ask you something really quick is very important. Let me ask you super important It like like I was I was trying to say this earlier, but we had to go back and finish something out But this is very important. I Teach you jitsu. I got students all over the world. I got schools all over the world. I All my students a Start to wake up, you know, that's like a metaphor a conspiracy theorem Like at different times some are just into me for jiu-jitsu, but they believe the CNN side a hundred percent It takes them three years and they're like, oh shit. They start smoking weed and damn They're all all over the conspiracy thought everybody awakens at a different point No matter how smart they are you can get your master's your PhD You could be all I'm a scientist or whatever but you're working for the government and you ain't thinking about you But listen, listen, do you think Donald do you think Donald Trump is in the middle of an awakening? He's like is he in the middle of an awakening? Yes, because he could easily he could easily been a billionaire Two years ago who who bought all the mainstream shit, but he was a billionaire He didn't give a fuck about the mainstream shit. He's cutting deals But now you know at a certain point no matter where you are no matter how smart you are you awaken a little little by little Trump Donald Trump knows which way the winds going and as Julia said in in in the famous play William Shakespeare of Julius Caesar There's a tide the affairs of men would take him to the flood leads on the fortune Or as Mark Twain said in the beginning of Patriots a scarce man hated and feared scorned by the time when his cause exceeds It costs nothing to join a patriot. So here's what's happening right now There's a major shift happening and Trump really wants to empower the people Globalism is anti-human And so all I'm trying to get at is is it some really big things are happening in this world and people watching Shouldn't be conservative or liberal. Can you stop test are you for a moment? What do you when you say globalism? What do you mean by that? Please define that globalism is like neo colonialism, but it's corporate Colonialism over humans individuals government states old world new world. It's worldwide colonialism It's monopoly It's Populations and create Centralized systems of monopolies and control it wants to in innovation. It wants to end upward mobility Why do they want to end in this world globalism is corporate world government? Why do they want to stop innovation? Because they see it I was a burbing they see it as what they call disruptive technology and humanity So powerful you've already got a monopoly. So is this a recent consideration after the internet has been internet has been No, global is bigger than that. But yes, okay, you're part of that's true since they've already got control They want competition to end their end control. They don't want challengers. They've seized control the human psyche human development to the stars They've got it all they think they're getting rid of humanity and we're coming gods whatever dimension They're tuned into told them that so they want debates to end right and they want authoritarianism They want to what what happened there? How is Donald Trump gonna stop this a bolt came off the you're going crazy see it I'm making bolts come off the goddamn how do you hoping it happens Alex? How do you hoping? What does Donald Trump's have to do with blocking taxes are energy siphons? They're vampiric actions course So if he actually cuts taxes the poor people in middle class and gets rid of taxes, so it's really rich He's not coming after the rich but from a conservative perspective so the Republicans are cheering him So is that what he wants to do he wants to cut taxes for everybody except the rich he's gonna increase him really Oh, yeah, that seems like the opposite of what a rich guy would do, right? But he understands like Henry Ford did you got to sell a car where people had to can afford to buy it? Mm-hmm. You got to pay your employees where they can buy it. He wants real prosperity He doesn't this is not as it get off in his in his limousine driving by burnout old towns Is this been announced this tax plan? Yeah, so Jamie see if you could pull up what it says that's fascinating I wonder if that'll change people's opinions if that really does happen and people can save a significant amount of money in taxes The problem the globalist admit they want a global consolidation They want a global downturn to break everybody's will and accept all the new taxes and regulations and so Trump is racing Remember they had for eight years zero percent interest, but it was only the big banks Trump said we're gonna keep zero percent interest for one year You know, he's against it. But for poor people to get zero percent interest who cares. It's all fiat Anyways, the banks lose the money. It's all just write-offs They're killing it all now and raising raising taxes Trump tax reform that will make America great again The goals of Donald Trump number one tax relief for middle-class America in order to achieve the American dream let people keep more money in their pockets and Increase the after-tax wages number to Simplify the tax code to reduce headaches Americans face in preparing their taxes and let everyone keep more of their money. So he's trying to land He's already implemented though. That's 14 or 12 days in we've already got he's doing it So if you're single and you earn less than twenty five thousand dollars or married and jointly earn less than fifty thousand dollars You will not owe any income tax. That's your shit. Yeah, holy shit in the taxes on board That removes nearly 75 million households over 50% of the income tax rolls Other pets they get a new one-page form to send to the IRS saying I win Those who would otherwise oh how crazy is that? They get to save a new one-page form to send to the IRS saying I win Those those who would otherwise Oh income tax will save an average of nearly $1,000 each. Yeah, it's not that big. If you're the lowest bracket that pays taxes, you basically don't pay taxes You don't want people in Taxes are for rich people. Well, you're rich you pay big tips you get it like these people need money Look at look at this statement. No business of any size from a fortune 500 to a mom-and-pop shop To a freelancer living job-to-job will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes That's his plan this lower rate makes corporate investments inversions Unnecessary by making America's tax rate one of the best in the world. Yeah, holy shit We have one of the highest rates so nobody wants to be here. No family will have to pay the death tax. Holy shit You know about this? Yeah, that's That's a little over man. That's like Trump is for real, right? Oh, he's totally you earned and saved that money for your family and not the government you paid taxes on it when you earned it That is so big immigrants is that but that is a beautiful tax plan that death tax is disgusting So if you left money for your kid, they would take half your money They take some and some giant chunk of it and he's saying that's not gonna happen anymore that alone. That's a beautiful thing That's a very good thing Trump is painted Land and they're like 70 of them and like they're like pushing by families with kids like KKK like yelling at families just on the influence. They like literally pushed by like Hispanic families and black people screaming KKK Well, and I looked at him on tape. They're just going like Feels good for people to have a clear enemy and if they can justify in their mind You're a white supremacist or anybody on the alt right is a racist I heard he's Trump's KKK and I heard he's he's a rapist. Yeah Marching on the streets. That's well, there's also a bunch of people that are looking for some sort of solidarity Everybody maybe they were maybe they thought that Hillary was a better choice and maybe they got excited that they could get together and Join up and walk the streets Anytime you can get people to get together for a common good in their mind at least and no one gets arrested That's a good thing. It sucks Up traffic for a lot of people and made it annoying What would you do if like almost half the time you want to eat her in a grocery store? Someone hums of a slap you in the back you're telling me that happens to you, right? Well, I wonder where it's like they're interdimensionally connected. Like why is it always boo? You're a loser slap you in the face in the back of the head. It's like how are they so That was the greatest thing you've ever said no, I'm sure You just invited a door for people going who you're a loser and then try to slap you in the back of the head It's gonna happen now. No, I started already. I mean you started a human meme No, no, I don't even care. The point is how are they so synced? Okay, here's the deal Well, you have women going Allah Akbar. I love God By the media sync by the media and I'm out there Peacefully videotaping them the Saturday after Trump's inaugurated in DC before I leave and they're like f you white male They're all white women. If you jihad And they put hats on they burka screaming I'm gonna join jihad you'll never stop me I'm like, I'm gonna cut your genitals off and put you on a slave block I don't get where I've never done anything to women and all these weird ass women include the DC police We're letting people attack us. They were wearing like these pink hats and then they're attacked Praising. Oh, yeah, someone was saying that you were drunk. That's not true. Right? Absolutely not. I didn't think so No, no, the truth is The headline was Alex Jones kicked out of inauguration. Oh, yeah They had they have people blocking the entrances because they had it all fenced off. You could get in Yeah, it was the whole thing is it's it's very the whole movement is very aggressive, you know It's like a response to what they think is aggressive, you know You're all over there slick asking questions massage time we have heard let's be serious Okay, what is your real worldview on the nature of consciousness on this planet and intergalactic space? I've been admitted really honest today. Okay, a lot of true answers. So metaphysically. What is the secret of the universe? This is what I think there was a little Organism that was just recently discussed. I tweeted it I think yesterday and they think it was the pre one of the very first Organisms that was the precursor to what we eventually became and that all Biological life all like living walking things came out of this one Multi-celled organism right there. Yeah, so one thing I think as that happened, whatever hundreds of millions of years ago I don't know what the number is, but whatever However long billions of years that happened to go if we keep going in that same direction, whatever we are now It's gonna be totally unrecognizable just a few hundred years from now or a few thousand years from now or if we just do it biologically a Million years from now, but I think that if human beings managed to stay alive for a long period of time and not blow each other up we're on the cusp of Figuring out how to manipulate our very beings like to the point where we're not gonna be people anymore. It's just gonna change That's it. Yeah, humanity isn't the crossroads and that's my message today The elite have decided they think the course of our evolution. I'm here to say Shouldn't we decide it and have a debate about it? Well, I don't know that Joe Experience is a great place for that people have this insatiable need for innovation. They're fascinated by it They want the newest phone even though their phone works. Perfect. They just want it. They have this desire It's a weird thing. It's just like we were talking about like these these things aren't designed to make you addicted to them You're just addicted to when they're designed. Well, there's a weird sort of connection that we have to this technology You know, and I think it's because of what Marshall McLuhan said before I think it's because of what Marshall McLuhan said that human beings Are the sex organs in the machine world? I really think that's what they're doing I think all of this integration and all this innovation of all this with a primer for selling it is compelling focus on technology is because Evolutionarily, that's where our biology goes. It goes to technology because it can manipulate it at a far faster rate I hear what you're saying bio mechanically. Oh genetically through round cells not square Silicon we do it more beautifully and strongly. I agree with what you're saying overall I don't think it's an either or Alex shouldn't just exist, but Alex. I don't think it's either or just accept it They're gonna be able to do shit in both ways. I agree Longer I'm gonna do it. It's gonna happen. The point is gonna be screaming 400 years from now public needs to know this. Yes, so I think you have a larger debate about it Well, they did they are learning about it. It's just something that you have to seek out and it's really all the information It's control. I don't know about that the information about is it about innovation and Come on, they're letting a lot out you were a constant study if you were Tony fucking Montana running the planet Would you let that shit out or would you keep it for you? But Eddie there's not Tony Montana is not running science The thing is these scientists are almost all involved in universities and different studies They're working on their PhDs are trying to make a name for themselves Are you exploring all these different possibilities and then big companies that can profit off of it and billions of billions of dollars like Sony or Apple or any of these other companies I'm telling you these people up and they're fucking showing you hold on a second their thing is to innovate and make money That's what they're there for that's what they're doing. They're trying to push the envelope and technology They're not Tony Montana. Do you understand this you're talking about two different things? You're making a false Talking about some utopia. No, I'm talking about what is trying to to benefit the way Talking about what Intel is Who makes iPhones doesn't matter? We're having a real discussion about the future of the technological system of humanity, right? They don't want that discussion. So this things that whether it's it's Joe or Alex Jones or Eddie Bravo We're all having on Joe Rogan experience a discussion the elite are having right now in, kawaii Right now with Zuckerberg. I know for a fact the elites are meeting with Zuckerberg in kawaii Are they pissed off at Facebook to he's about kawaii, but the whole point is they're having this meeting Right now we should discuss what's happening Is facebook part of the Illuminati now, you know, there's a bear shit in the woods part of it. Come on Aren't you on now, you know, look at alex flag? You better take that back Don't you know what I'm doing your profile. I know you do. I know you do folks off I know you do. Hey the big issues of the world is he never asked me about ron reagan. I want to know about aliens I keep coming back to that because I want to know you want what do they know about aliens? What do you want to tell you? What are they real? Okay, i'll tell you right now And what I say is not political And it's not from my particular perspective. Okay. It's from the known knowledge in the universe. Okay We live in a third dimensional plane We can see the planets the galaxies the suns hundreds of billions of galaxies photographed universes We live in an amazing space-time continuum The elites believe That it's not in the third dimension that we're mainly receiving transmissions Ships don't arrive from alphas and turis Or gidi prime or wherever they're coming from Or belgies They come here through interdimensional gates that are much closer through fold space and so We have to discuss the different influences during the universe and our fact that we have free will and we decide what we want I don't believe in any of this I'm simply telling you what the elites believe so they believe that there's another dimension and these beings are from another dimension A bunch of dimensions and they need baby blood, right? They need somehow they need baby blood, right? Brain is able to tune in let me tell you We're really powerful. We're making the image of our creator Our brain is able to tune into the lowest dimension the highest dimension humans are basically Really powerful creatures that can live right close to suns. They're highly radioactive. Nothing else can live as close. We have very short lives because we're like a Hive organism that actually lives second to second in the space-time continuum. It's like a hundred years It's a second and we transmit our data up To be able to live next to like these star gate jump gates that are that are suns So because we live so close to these suns, we only have like milliseconds to be alive So we're actually a hive organism that keeps transmitting up To the next species in our in our in our hierarchical system and then down below us So we're alive right now in this continuum and we're trying to progress And and make things better And the elites are trying to make sure that we don't dial into that incredible knowledge we've got As a species it basically dies a species so that we're not competitors On the next level as the bible says of the interdimensional plane But you don't believe that but you don't believe that you're just saying that's what they believe. Oh, yes, exactly I don't believe in anything. What do you believe? No, I mean I believe in research Do you think that I believe in research too? Do you think that there is something from other dimensions that can access us? Uh this this we are other dimensions The third dimension is only one limited plane in a larger spectrum. So you do believe so we're a part of that spectrum Well, let's just say we're not in kansas anymore. Alex. Have you ever done dmt? No, do you want to? I don't need to I go every night. I go to sleep. I believe that he's on it's like he's on natural dmt all day Man for sure. Yeah, I got a question for you You know how this is this is kind of off the cuff a little bit but off a track off the beaten path But you know how the cia has always been involved in hollywood and making movies and you know, like zero dark 30 and you know All these movies that are clearly Propaganda movies, you know to me and most like even movies you think they weren't propaganda But they are they're like the superhero movies how they're just all the plots and the evil Oh, they're gonna build a bomb and all that Is it is there? whistleblowers within Hollywood that are making movies just like like in brazil It was out martial arts were outlawed so the people the people that were about the truth They were like doing dance, but they were disguising the martial arts Is is their film? Make are their filmmakers like that out there that are trying to help humanity with the basis of their films Sure. Sure holly was like anything else. There's good people and bad people I don't think hollywood overall is bad. Which movies are the good ones? Because I watch i'm like at star wars. I'm like, is this the bad one that's propaganda? Oh the meryl street movies are good ones. Yeah, which ones are the good ones? Which ones are the ones I should go? I don't know. What about italic deacon knights? No, no way what about like when uh hangover one comes out let me tell you that's not the The cia Did like hangover go ahead cia is only the name Of like one part of the shadow government, which is only like the intellectuals of america So those people are on trump's side now. Yeah And that's the first time ever Well, the cia has never been perfect He's had so much but they must have been with bush right because bush used to be the president of cia bush senior Yeah, george herbert walker. Yeah, so he was head of the cia. Here's the deal, right? The cia was set up supposedly to Defend the republic and do all this stuff. It got hijacked by multinational interests. It's been retaken And they're cleaning the cia out right now. Are you serious? That's fucking breaking goddamn news Put that shit up on info wars the cia is cleaning the house. Oh my god, that's Are you kidding me? Why isn't that the headline news on info wars right now? In other news jamie is wearing the rock t-shirt a lot of folks did really really crazy things for the cia That's amazing history. The cia does like half the fighting And they were all pissed off and they were portrayed by infiltrators inside the cia and really by stuff that went on But right now there is a counter kid within the cia going on cleaning them out Well, they're definitely trying Jesus christ. Damn. I like what i'm hearing Well, we'll see what happens. Are you are you happy about the future? Ready for a minute. If trump succeeds within three years you're gonna hear major cancer cures announced You're gonna hear new energy systems announced. You're gonna hear new companies announced They've suppressed all this stuff and trump and good people want to empower humanity They believe in the species and the planet and big stuff. Do you know how goddamn crazy it would be if trump became a hero? He is But but do you know how crazy would he if the the the country accepted him if they figured this out after if this is all true This all comes true exactly as you're saying which I really have no idea if you're right Hey, you know what you could play right now. How about that bill clinton clip that you played where he's talking about vetting immigrants like more hardcore than trunks How do you pull that how does jimmy pull that up clinton and bill clinton and hillary promote wall And the walls have to agree with him on the wall because people do a ladder over it's metaphysical It's like we're a country we're allowed to have this mexico has one canada has one can't why can't we the big thing is? Just deport people that are on welfare. We need people from mexico and russia and japan and Just deport people that are on welfare. It's only deport the poorest ones. Well, we can't Say if you won't do anything and you're come here. Yeah, we'll call out Okay, so when they come over here you're saying give them a chance But then once if they try to stay on welfare, they're taking out Was that for abortion or not sounds good american This is in 1995 this is huge not only in the states most heavily affected But in every place in this country are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants the public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more By hiring a record number of new border guards by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before By cracking down on illegal hiring By barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens way more radical in the budget. I will present to you We will try to do more To speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes To better identify illegal aliens in the work face as recommended by the commission headed by former congresswoman barbara jordan We are a nation of immigrants But we are also a nation of laws It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating For a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws We have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it If that doesn't vindicate fucking trump on all that fence shit But it also makes you realize what a bad motherfucker bill clinton was because trump can't make a speech like that If you're a some chick out there marching talking about the wall and you just heard that You don't realize i'm giving you a chance admit you were punked it's okay Everybody gets powerful power but from this point on shut the fuck up about it. Well power. That's not okay Let's uh, that's about it folks. Are you kidding? Take one doe champion if I give you full power, okay I think we've hit we had enough It's five we're gonna wrap this up. We got it. We did a good job. We put it together Can I ask one more question go ahead one more I I you know me i'm fucking fascinated with the conspiracy There's just like you every night Dudes are watching fights and boxing i'm listening to conspiracy. There's every fucking night when I go to bed I listen to alex jones every day every day. Okay, the one thing that gets That I don't get I get the establishment. I get the illuminati I get all that shit But then there's ronald reagan every now and then you have dr Steve pachanic on your show and he's talking about some serious Conspiracy that raise all this shit. He's confirming everything. He's deep in the cia confirming shit But then when they talk about ronald reagan they talk about like he was the last great president And I thought that actor the guy wasn't he an fbi informant? Isn't he so goddamn establishment? Ronald reagan, I don't get that explain ronald reagan. I mean george senior was the vice president director of the cia He just seems like This off but this is once in a lifetime. Okay, explain ronald reagan So if you want to end the transmission, that's no no, no, explain ronald reagan. Go ahead We're just joking around punching earlier. No, no, that's okay, but his question is a question Explain one eight more hours. He wants to know about ronald reagan. Hold on movies. I can trust tell me the movies Ronald reagan we're not in some blood fest with reagan, but after all the obama globalization, it's like a nostalgic good thing Regan ran against george herbert walker bush said he was globalist cfr world government Then they told him at the convention. Okay, you won But we're gonna not let you have the nomination if you don't want to put her walker bush in then a year in they shoot him They just released that guy And so all this stuff went on shit. I didn't know that so reagan didn't get his agenda through And they tagged on iran contra all this other stuff reagan actually wanted to get rid of the irs and a bunch of good stuff So, yeah, I know he's an anti-commerce. So he was running against george bush He beat him and then when he got the presidential nomination for the republican party They made him they forced him to take that's the true story forced him Let me think I think trump's way better than ronald reagan and I wanted to believe in obama, but he's a total globalist Uh, you know this well, this new tax thing is crazy. That's pretty bad. What'd you think of that? It's pretty radical Joe got meted as trading punches Well, I just don't want you guys getting crazy Give us a final statement on trump on trump. Give me the trump me out people There's people out there that think trump is racist and they think he's a sexist and a whore monger I don't know about that. I think you added that more horror monger. Thanks. I'm not a sexist. Hey, i'm not a racist I do think he likes women. Okay. Well good for him. A lot of people do. Okay, so you think he's a good guy I know trump's a good guy. He he look what he's done is he's delivered like no president ever All right, everybody so far. It's been two weeks Everybody wants to find some reason to hate him and some reason to figure out a way to get him out of office But shouldn't we at this point? I mean he he won their game, right? There's a popularity contest He won the popularity contest and that's really what being president is Figure out a way to get the most amount of people to say I like you better I mean, it's really what it is and he's the first truly popular person who's really good at manipulating the media To win the popularity contest everybody before him had just been a politician. He's the first guy that's actually famous That then became president. Yeah, he's 2.0. It's never Three and a half hours ronald reagan was 330 wasn't It's five o'clock That's only two and a half hours yeah, but the point being that he's he wasn't that famous Wasn't famous like donald trump. I don't think he was famous like he was a movie star ronald reagan Are you kidding me? That's true, but I don't think he was a big movie star. I think he was like christian slater Donald trump wasn't a movie star. No offense christian slater. I loved you in blade. Hey, he was in Joe he was in blade right? I'm christian slate in blade. Joe. No Stephen dorf was what was christian slater in so was ronald reagan god damn it you guys Did he get his i'm ready to end this right now, but i'm telling you once in a lifetime interview We haven't got the real questions. We're only two and a half hours in no, we're not three and a half Three and a half hours. Yeah, when do we go live? 130 130 we're live at 130. We're sitting in the chair before one. He's on austin time. I know she's all Look at the clock right next to you. See it's five o'clock Yeah, fine. I'm right. What else what else you want to talk? All I know is i'm with your listeners to know I've really told you the real truth. Okay of what i've researched. You shouldn't believe msm. They're total corporate whores What do you think is going to happen? How do you think this is going to play out now that you think this sort of silent bloodless coup has taken place and this guy has Gotten through this net that had been set there to make sure that no one other than the people that were already inside the system Could ever run it so he got through that was also he's running it now. What do you think's gonna happen? Once in a lifetime situation trump isn't perfect. He really wants to empower humanity All of us have to work hard be involved hear our views put out our ideas and just move forward But they're planning to try to assassinate trump. You think so? Oh god They're demonizing him saying killing him all you mean assassinating for real or do you mean assassinate him like publicly? Like politically assassinated they want to politically destroy his name And they want to politically also try to kill him all I know is Because America had half the wealth in the world 20 years ago and five percent of the world population We've lost half that wealth And it's that As we get more powerful they get more powerful and the elite have been trying to domesticate america not that we're perfect But we've got ideas of industry and ideas and then doing things that change everything And so the real leader of this planet want to kill competition. They want to consolidate control They want to end the internet of governments. That's america. They were about if hillary would have won They would have censored the internet. Oh, yeah How are they gonna do this? Look at that? I'm actually surprised how fast he is. They were putting the pieces together. They were about to do it Okay, tell them uh, the headline is obama establishes ministry of truth three weeks before trump takes office one week after Trump selected so ministry of truth being something that stops fake news Yes news the government doesn't agree with yes, right. So the problem becomes how do we decide what's fake? Obama quietly signs go back, please go back, please Obama quietly signs the countering disinformation and propaganda act into law Wow late on friday with the u.s Population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration obama quietly signed into law the 2017 national defense authorization act which authorizes 611 billion dollars for the military in 2017 in a statement obama said blah blah blah blah blah Where's it say? What's your read? Over the governor's board of governors the fcc federalize the media meaning federalized television shows Transmissions your website all galaxies your website my website everybody's website What do you guys what are you doing? He says obama last-minute bills like all that shit. He signed right? Last day's read down a little lower. It says in the bill We're going to federalize. Can we put it back up? I'm gonna find it We're gonna federalize communications and put the cia over the board of governors of the federal communications. That sounds so crazy Did you would have been said you would have been subject to that shit? You can't talk about that no more of course hillary would have won that would have happened dude We were like this close. He I wonder if people would have ever went for that that seems like let me show what trump does He is like up till two of the morning or by nose tweeting Tweet skin that watches video clips. He gets on the internet now. He's a conspiracy theorist Which means he questions about trump? Okay, he's our president. Yeah, i'm not saying trump's perfect i'm gonna keep trumped honest if he has anything i'm gonna come out against him the point is is that he's a different kind of thing and you think he can open Rogue element 9 11 is he gonna do anything about he's already exposed the fact that elements of the government work with soggy arabia To launch the september 11th attacks 16 years ago. He's gonna reopen that shit. He said he will you think that imagine that? imagine the Please tell him to release that information about the alien bases on the moon. That's the next question What does he know about geoengineering right? What does he know about aliens? Not not about aliens. Fuck. No, no, no, no You don't say fuck aliens, okay I'm so bored lately. I'm back on aliens and hello And bigfoot Go ahead sorry ring ring ring. Oh your ring ring ring. Here we go. Hi alex. Oh mr. President What's going on? Well, we're moving the agenda forward to cut taxes. What do you think? Well, I have to know about those secret space spaces. Well, well, it's you've got to come to trump tower for those meetings I'll come to trump tower. I want to know about aliens. Hey ask trump if he wants to learn some jujitsu Half off fly to new york to be with do you want to go trump? I want to see the bodies alien bodies. We go to a Trump on the show hanger 18 alex. Can you imagine trump on this show? That would be huge for him Probably not a good idea For anybody. No, I don't know who knows if you want to show you this I don't have to say yes, john. Okay, if you're too cool, we're gonna go eat after this Well, I we have to get the fuck out of here for sure Let's talk about whether or not we're gonna eat or anything else, but uh, it's already five o'clock So we're at uh, three and a half hours in is there anything more that you have to say before we get out of here Let me get another question. Is it? No, no, eddie. I want to ask alex No, I mean literally I really seek the truth and try to tell the truth in full wars.com Has all our articles our research our videos our our podcasts what we do And i'm not left or right. I'm not liberal or conservative I'm really trying to find out what's going on in the world. And so after all these years joe This has been a I love I'm glad we crystallized really good questions You kind of knew all this I was going to bring up So that was scary you just keep crazy You just get crazy and you want to keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going But I think sometimes you gotta go. Okay, hold that thought expand and explain because a lot of times things Hold on a second eddie things that are in your head self-explanatory. You already know about it There's a giant percentage of the people that are listening to this have no idea what you're talking about. I get it I get it. I want to say this For the joe rogan listeners have an open mind. You've heard him for three and a half hours Download that app that info wars app start listening to him eddie. Why don't you do your show on info wars? That's the move the eddie bravo radio comes back on info wars I would do that. There we go We need joe rogan samples magic ballista ballista. Okay, but oh ballista Um, the fuck was I gonna say? All I want people I just give him a chance. He doesn't know shit about space, but when it comes to politics You don't know shit about space. Yeah when it comes to politics, he's he's a fucking master. He's like a Dude, he's like he believes you on the other stuff. He's like hell. He's crazy. And that's a compliment space He's joe rogan Jamie pulled something up Countering foreign propaganda and disinformation act of 2016 the bill expresses the sense of this bill expresses the sense of congress that what a weird expression Okay, what are we looking at? This is that bill that anti-propaganda bill foreign governments Including the government of the russian federation in china used disinformation other propaganda tools to undermine the national security objectives of the united states And key allies and partners the u.s. Government should develop a comprehensive strategy to counter foreign disinformation and propaganda And assert leadership in developing a fact-based strategic narrative and an important element of this strategy should be to help promote an independent press In countries that are vulnerable to foreign disinformation translate that msm is on the ropes. They're panicking They want to shut down their competition. What american watching this or listening? Doesn't think they should decide whether they should listen to or not. Do you think that would be ever accepted that they would allow people Someone that works in the government to censor websites and podcasts Already happened I didn't do this. They signed a bill to try it Crazy notice how I tell you look at this damn bill One of the things about podcasts is that they're basically just a pure conversation It's just people sitting down and talking and if you if you stop Pure conversations. I mean that is like one of the most heinous forms of censorship. It's too late. You can't stop you can't make it trying it but if they Really did get into office and they really did try to implement some sort of a Exactly Almost wish hillary would have won because that could have been outside the power I keep trump on list. I mean I attacked trump and did something wrong. It's hard to find but he makes some mistakes like torture iPhone codes or whatever. So torture you think is just it doesn't work. It's not does it work It makes us look terrible to foreign countries lowers us to their level Yeah, exactly, but trump came out of against torture two days ago and said, okay, so he changed his mind He's good on stuff like that. Well, that's very unusual waking up and when you wake up you change your mind on a lot of shit Independently wealthy. That's one of the things that separates him. That's probably a huge factor in this I mean he's not part of the obama hillary network. So that's what i'm saying is that There's no calculation. I just treat you like I want to be treated big stuff is happening. It's a very exciting Let me ask you this before we before we wrap this up You know If trump is this new stage of politics or new type of politician What kind of person do you think would be like literally the perfect person to run this country? And what would the perfect person do ron paul? Yeah, ron paul's great, but I think it's somebody who's worked hard in private business Who really has a sense of success who loves america? Uh who has been through the gauntlet of demonization attacks and dealt with it. Yeah, I think it's donald trump I mean you look at what he's been through man Who's been through this and been a winner over and i'm not in some cult of donald trump In fact, I want to hate him. I want to not believe he's so good But man when he calls up and can like read your mind And knows what you were just thinking about you're like man. This guy is like god of the devil. This tax thing is very fascinating It's very it's gonna be very interesting It seemed to me i'll pay it the mainstream It to me every time I turn on my iphone, you know what I didn't ask for fucking fox news Bulletin they force feed me every morning. See you know, so Grandpa wars that's why you gotta search it out Because joe's real i'm real you're real whether we're perfect or not. No matter we want to be real Everyone should human human intelligence support this podcast and info wars and the joe rogan experience and make this dominant Which it already is just to say listen bitches You may force feed any bravo a bunch of cnn fox news shit every morning But you're fucking getting the joe rogan experience up your fucking ass. Holy Christ, that was amazing Every time I turn on my phone and look at what is cnn trying to fucking force feed Since when does an iphone force feed you the possessed demonic pcp gyms Fucking anerson cooper anti-trump Every day i'm on the What's that Cooper nice guy seems like a nice guy cia Cia He worked there like in college, right? No beyond that beyond that he admitted it. He's part of the like whip cia Wait a minute cia has a whip division. Yeah, but if you're the astor Family like he is yeah or the vander build or some vander build john jacob mr Meyersmith his name is my name too If you all right folks, that's a wrap. No, it's not No, you have to make fun of me at the very end. We're talking about transcendental Transcending information here joe. I think Sometimes we're talking about info wars.com and joe rogan experience and anti bravo Hey We'll do a rock and roll conspiracy theory on your network if not he believes in cia I don't know how to say. How does this go as well as you thought be honest better better. This was fun This is awesome. I enjoyed it. What do you think it would be? What what did you think your 9 11? Oh, so would be I thought it'd be exactly like this is as good as I could have Hoped we had a good time. We had a lot of laughs. We talked about some real shit We brought up some news articles that confirm a lot of the crazy things that you're saying that make people like all those new arrests They're new arrests about pedophiles and sex slaves like holy shit. If that's real, what story was what? News source was that story? That's katie Was right and how many different is it like all over the place on the internet and a bunch of different news sources? They're going out that one about the sex slaves and being released as an associate of children Yeah, so it's a mainstream story. I'm sitting here thinking trump is a major force Global force right now trump and he talks to alex jones Alex jones talks to joe rogan and i'm here because of joe rogan. I'm like, holy god damn shit We got some kind of lightning bolt going through the world right now with sure, but it's not like joe's like It's like all this together. We're all there It had to be like this for it to be like this every every day before today However, it went down had to be like this for us for this to happen Well, I wanted to be better than eight years before I come back and joe next time you're awesome You got to come in studio. We got to do an interview that story that 474 stories The rest of us was like many many many major news sites. It's crazy. No, it's real This is a galactic thing going down right now, man This is huge some interesting things are happening to people and it's happening at an accelerated rate and we're all part of it Everybody listening to this everybody talking to their friends. Everybody reading Everybody reading the internet everybody watching documentaries everybody reading books everybody understanding that we know more about how things work today Than we ever have before and it's weirder than we ever thought and it is and isn't this discovery incredible The crazy thing is is when people aren't you're just not asleep and then awake You're asleep and then you're partially awake. You know about oh you discover you you saw zyke guys for the first time Oh, you're partially awake. You don't know about all this other stuff So when you hear about all the other stuff, you still got that mentality. We're like that's bullshit. That's bullshit people are partially awake Not not everybody is fully away. That's the problem. There's a lot of wacky conspiracies out there Dinosaurs aren't real They believe is a shark they believe it's a Greenland shark, I think sharks are Yeah, they think it's a shark That's like a millions millions of years old and got into that water back when it was connected to the ocean Because it's an ancient creature and they used to think they're extinct, but now they don't need more they found some So they they think the Loch Ness Monster that makes sense or like a Talk about where you get your information from That's what it comes down I'm hardly talking I know but he's talking about Greenland sharks Yes Fuck you up and my left hand is my strongest. No, I don't want it. Okay, because I'm south everybody Guys are beautiful. Thanks for listening in now. Thanks for listening in. Thanks for tuning in to episode 911 Bravo Alex Jones and Joe Rogan signing off. All right, Joe. We gotta do it again soon You