Could you email me if you have time? I am doing a research paper on policy making and chose the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. my 'research' paper isnt too intense as I am working on a BS degree, but I am having a hard time on finding some what I would think simple information. I don't need much info that isnt easily accessible until i get to my conclusion and the success of the 'policy' itself. This is where I cant find info. I cant get what the autism rates for children in 1980-2022. I can get references of the numbers, but nothing more specific to a 10 year span. Also, nothing starting until 2000. That makes this really difficult for me to talk about the potential harm it caused. I am working on a Public Admin degree in policy and I am older than most, if not all of the others at 44. I have an opened mind in the fact that I want to see and understand all angles, but I am only seeing the ones I have always been fed. I am going to look at your sources and hopefully see some other opinions. I am worried to have my opinion and then find my own facts because I want to support my own beliefs of what and ignore other theories or studies. I want to just use critical thinking. I think if a Climate Activist can say, 'The climate is getting warmer and we have more humans, then humans cause a warming planet', then I could say if, 'Autism rates in children rose substantially since the passing of the NCVIA of 1986 along with additions of vaccines then, that is the cause.' etc etc... I have a library of studies to search through the college for free, but I just cant find anything about vaccines accept that they became less important by Americans. Americans became suspect of them and their safety, therefore refrained from taking them. Also, the lawsuits when someone was harmed by a vaccine was costly. Therefore the US Gov't created this ACT and fund to pay for claims so that the companies would not be held liable. To create a trustworthiness in vaccines and make sure there were enough vaccines to go around. I can't find any negatives published or even studies against them. I find it alarming and not American. Besides just this, I like RFK Jr. and what I heard on Joe Rogans Podcast. It made sense. But, he is an attorney and he sues these very same individuals. I think of John Roberts who ran for president, who was also an attorney who won many malpractice lawsuits on the birth of children, using the 'hour by hour fetal heartbeat monitor' that the baby said it was okay, then asked to be pulled out, however the doctor waited too long and the baby was born brain dead. He won that case. I don't know the details as I haven't read in detail, but he did win that case and many more cases in the future on the same issue. So I understand how a lawyer can argue and make a case, I understand how they can argue something that would benefit them in the future. I am rambling instead of searching, so I will just ask if you can send me some of your sources and how you're able to search information that would really help. I though I was good at it, but I am coming up with nothing. I do have The Real Anthony Fauci book, but it is a difficult read in the time I am looking. I will be buying an audio version of it also.