JRE MMA Show #147 with Sean O'Malley & Tim Welch


7 months ago




Sean O'Malley

3 appearances

"Sugar" Sean O'Malley is a UFC Bantamweight Champion.

Tim Welch

2 appearances

Tim Welch is an MMA coach.

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And now here you are, the fucking champ of the world. We did it. Living in a dream. It's crazy because that whole fight week, I always take a lot of naps fight week, especially because it was on the East Coast and we were trying to stay up late. And I would have crazy, vivid dreams, not necessarily about the fight, but just really vivid dreams. And so after the fight, it just felt like I was kind of in one of those dreams. I'm like, there's no way that went out, that played out perfect. There's no way that played out literally how I wanted to play out. So for a while I kept thinking like, I'm gonna wake up in my bed and still have to go out there and do that. But I haven't woke up from a nap yet. So we're still rolling. Well, it makes you wonder what dreams really are. Yeah. It's so weird that we just accept that we close our eyes every night and scenarios take place that don't really take place. And they seem super vivid. And then weird things happen in them. And then you wake up and you're like, oh, that wasn't real. But we just accept that there's many times where I've been in a lucid dream or many times I've been in a dream that felt so real. Yeah. Like, what's going on in our head? Probably a lot during a sober October for you two. Cause I know what is when I quit smoking weed in camp, like when I get closer to the fight, my dreams are so fucking vivid. It's kind of scary. It's like a snapshot of another dimension. I'm like, could that possibly be us in another dimension witnessing our life play out some other way? It could be that what you're doing is like peaking. You're like every night you like peek in this other dimension and then pop back up in the morning when you wake up. That's one of the theories about DMT. It's some sort of a chemical gateway to the next dimension or the next realm of existence. And that when the lights go out and then your brain floods with that stuff, your consciousness uses that chemical as a gateway. Yeah. I've never, we've never done DMT. I've told myself I want to do like DMT, I was got stuff after fighting. Cause right now I have a mindset to, I want to be world champ. I want to be the greatest. I want to kill in the cage. But I feel like if I do something like that, maybe I switched that around. I want to wait. Yeah, it might be a problem. I'm loving. Yeah. That's literally the issue. I mean, all right. I still have that fucking want to kill. Yeah. It's what I was trying to strictly want to kill, but like in the cage, dominate. Yeah, dominate. When we're talking to Dana too, he said Cheetos recently started doing mushrooms training and stuff. I wonder if that has anything to do with his performances versus San Hagen and stuff just look stuck in the mud. I think it's just San Hagen. That's what I think San Hagen was just way faster. He's so diverse. He's got so much going on. I love watching that guy fight because like when he's going after folks, he's giving them so many looks. There's so much going on and you don't, it's there's the patterns are non-existent. I'm not sure they exist, but I'm not picking them up. There's, you know, you think he's going to kick, he shoots, you think he's going to punch, he kicks. There's movement to the side. You think he's going to engage and he doesn't. Yeah. His last three fights too, he's been really wrestling a lot. So you got to think like, cause I don't know. I could fight. I mean, there's a couple of different people I could fight next, but like thinking about fighting Corey, it's like, okay, is he going to be turned into that wrestler? Is he going to want to strike or is he going to mix it up? I'm assuming, you know, going into a fight with Corey, he's going to want to mix it up a bit, but yeah, it's interesting. Yeah. And the fact that he pulled that fight off with a completely torn tricep first round, tears the tricep from the bone, needs surgery. And I was excited for that fight too. Yeah, me too. I watched. I mean, I stopped watching at one point. I think that was the same night, like Jake Nate. So I was kind of flipping back and forth, but yeah. I was, I was so excited for that fight. I thought it was going to be one of those bangers, but I mean, he did what he had to do to win. Yeah. And just super not. And it wasn't super entertaining. Yeah. I was really interested in seeing him fight Umar. That was the interesting one. Yeah. You know, and when- Fuck, I forgot that was it. Yeah. Umar Nurmagomedov is a fucking, he's a problem. I want him to start, I mean, he's got the name Nurmagomedov. I don't know how many fights he has and you'll see how many wins he has. I've actually never really watched a fight, but I know he's got the name and I know he's fucking super skilled. He trains with those guys. That could be a huge fight someday. I want him to fucking start winning some fights. I was excited for him to potentially beat Corey or for Corey to get a win over him. Right. Just to build characters and build like big fights. That's what I want. I want big fucking fight. Well, you're going to bring big fights. That's what's so exciting about having someone who's a champ, who's such a big personality. And there's so many eyes on the Bantamweight division now. The Bantamweight division has always been like just a fucking murderer's row from Hennen Barau to TJ Dillashaw, like across the board, Dominic Cruz, you know, God damn. I mean, it's a Cote and Garbrandt. People forget because of Cody's losses, but how good Cody is when he's on, you know? Cody's just a guy who's been in a lot of wars, you know? Seems like he's got just injury issues too, right? A lot of injury issues. Which sucks. I remember after one of my fights, I got injured and he said some people just aren't built for this and that didn't age well for him. But I mean, hey, dude, I'm fucking, I feel like I'm fragile sometimes too. If I didn't start working with Brandon Harris, like my strength and conditioning coach and Dan Garner for nutrition, I feel like I was getting injured all the fucking time. It sucks, this sport's brutal. It's the most brutal and there's no way to prevent that. Really? You know, some people are incredible, like Jim Miller. Jim Miller's never had surgery. I feel like it's their genes. They're just, they gotta be. Cause he's got some weird fucking woodsman gene. Yeah. Yeah. Some logger gene. Right? Like a Benson Henderson. It's crazy there's just so many different paths to make someone a champion. There's not just, there's this one way, you gotta do it. No, there's just so many ways. Like Sean Strickland sparring all the time. And then I fucking literally only spar in camp. It's like just two opposite styles, both just one at a similar time with wild. What Sean is doing is so unique because you know, they put a mouthpiece on him. You know, the UFC had some device. I think it was a mouthpiece. Did they use it with you? Or they try to figure out how many times you get hit sparring? Well, they gave him this thing and they found out these spars more than all the other fighters they tested. And he gets hit less than all the other fighters they tested. He gets hit less than anybody, which is amazing. But it's the timing is his distance control. He's like so tuned in to the idea of hitting a person, not just hitting a bag, not just doing drills, but all of his moves, all of his movements when he's training are hitting people. I wonder how many of his sparring partners are like, I don't even want to fucking hit him. Cause he's just going to turn it up and it's going to be a full fight. Cause there's guys you spar with and it's like, okay, if I hit this dude, we're going to fight. He's just, there's no, so I wonder how many of those guys know going into sparring. Like, okay, if I even hit him, it's going to turn into something. I might as well just kind of play around for five minutes, get to the next guy. I'm sure. But I mean, you look at the guy, he's got talented guys he trains with, like Chris Curtis. Chris Curtis is talented. And really Chris Curtis is really talented in the pocket. You know, he's really good at like ripping the body, his boxing is excellent. He's got really good defense. So him and Sean together, I mean that's like just too sad. Yeah. Just good boxers too. And Strictland, solid boxing. Strictland just doesn't switch stances at all. Just orthodox the whole time. Man, it was just fucking sweet to watch. And dude, his leg checks, the checks from those kicks was so on point. Yeah, it was impressive. None of them snuck in. The best at that at all time, from of all time of sneaking kicks in is Bejeda. So scary. Yeah. It doesn't like make sense the way it doesn't. It's just like, his shin moves nothing else. Yeah. It's wild. He keeps his shoulders completely square and you do not see it coming. So he sacrifices, I mean, but he's got so much power. He can sacrifice some power and it doesn't matter. He's just doing numbers on that calf. Yeah. And Izzy's leg was fucked after the first round, the second fight. You could tell. I can't, that's crazy. They just added that to the co-main event for Jon Jones and Stipe. Cause neither of them are champions. So they're gonna stack that fucking card and only have to pay out Jon Jones to the champion for pay per view. Oh, that's why they, they get like a businessman now. The champ thinks like a businessman. I've been thinking like a businessman. I've been, I feel like I've been champ for a long time. I just find the official, but yeah, I know it's, that card is going to be fucking sweet. Who else is on that card? I know. That's a good question. I think there's another, another banger on that card. They always try to stack New York city. Yeah. That Madison Square Garden card is special. There's something special about that arena. That arena gives you goosebumps just walking in. You're like, God damn. That TD Garden was fucking crazy. Cause I, my first like nine fights in UFC were all in Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. And then I fought in Abu Dhabi and then we went to Boston. So that was the first time fighting somewhere other than Vegas in the United States. Yeah. So those are the two big ones and scroll down, we'll see the rest of it. Jessica on garage, McKenzie Dern. That's a good fight. Okay. Some decent, but not what I was thinking. Jared Gordon, Mark Lads, and that's good fight match. No, yeah. I thought there was more bangers. Sometimes they have a nice pay a prelim, nice main event. Yeah. What's the prelim go to the ESPN? McKenzie Dern, jiggly. This just shows the fight. Okay. So that, that's what makes sense. Cause this doesn't look like the actual order. Cause here we're, we're talking in September and I believe those are the, that's the main, the co-main and probably maybe the fight before that, but they might move all this shit around. Yeah. Yeah. This is just the announced fight. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. Well, I don't think it would open up the pay-per-view with these match-ups. I guess it was not even October yet. So. Right. I'm very interested to see how much Stipe's got left in the tank. You know, one of the things I really like is that he spent all this time off. So he hasn't been hit. He, you know, no punishments, no wars, no chaos. He's been two solid years of recovery. That's huge. It's big. Even if it wasn't training crazy, but his body was able to kind of recover. I feel like there's so much into that than just being training, training, training, training and fucking busting yourself down. Yeah. I mean, it was just never taking anything away from DC, but I've often wondered if that KO, if some of that KO was him coming off of that fight with Francis. Because if you go watch that first round of that fight with Francis, Jesus, Louisas. I mean, Francis hit him with some meteors. He's so fucking, he just opened up the gas tank too much, ran dry, but he wasn't patient. He was just trying to take him out. It was just winging wild and burned off all his energy. But Stipe took some shots. He took some fucking shots. Yeah, Stipe forced some of those wrestling scrambles and that just zapped Francis. I think that Stipe, John Jones fights can be more competitive than people think. Well, the real question is, you know, what is it like when John fights a legit heavyweight that can do everything? Yeah. Right, because Stipe is not just like, Cyril Gaun is a fantastic striker. I mean, he's one of the most beautiful strikers in the heavyweight division. I love watching that guy move. He does wild stuff. You see how he throws that front kick from a side stance and he throws it like a twisting kick? He doesn't throw the front. He stands like Southpaw, right? And he bobs around like this and he's totally sideways and he twists his foot out. Oh, they'll show it there. Let's see. He twists his foot out like a twisting kick if they show the front kicks to the body, if he does any. He did a lot of them against Tytue Vassa too. Yeah, I thought him versus John Jones was gonna be a fucking crazy war. These kick blocks. John's just so much better at wrestling. So much better grappler. You're so fast, man. Deeluk, that's crazy to think, because Deeluk, last fight, right? Knee, he looks skinny, he looked in shape. But he just doesn't have the kicking acumen. It's not his style. If you could find the ones, that's him throwing kicks, but he just does this weird thing where he stands sideways. And instead of the front kick going like this, like straight out, the front kick goes like this. So he's twisting it. So his knee, when he lands, is almost like sideways. He did a lot, oh, that was a Tue Vassa fight. That was a crazy fight. Ty's only like 32 or something, wasn't he? Oh my God. I thought that fucker was. He's 85 in a war. Right, especially with the booze. Oh yeah, the booze and the war. He's just an animal, man. The booze will get ya. Hopefully they'll show it. Ooh, boom, boom. I don't know. Uh oh. Yeah, but he kept stabbing him with this front kick. Oh, there's, this is like, this is the combination. Oh my God, he was good. Yeah, stabbing body. He's just so unusual for a heavy weight, that kind of movement. There he is, see it? Yeah. So that was more like a front kick, that was definitely more like a front kick, but he'll show it totally sideways. Just a little trick. It's just like a crescent kick or something like that. Which people are starting to do now too. I forget this dude's name, but one guy knocked a guy out in a MMA fight with an inside crescent kick. And I was like, I was always wondering. I was always wondering if someone was gonna be able to pull that off. Where you stand like this, and you're like. Yeah, you do it like this way. Yeah. It's just so hard to pull off. You know, you move it around. Anderson tried it a few times. Yeah. I'll throw an extra. Here it is. I'll throw an extra. Check this out. That's nasty. Dink, that looked fucking funny. Shout it out, that dude on Instagram, when it happened. But what is his name, Jamie? Justin Barry. Justin Barry. Justin Barry. Yeah, show that one more time. Because like from where he's standing, you kind of feel like you're safe. Oh, I was right to the fucking chin to the chin. See how it's like he's kind of, his foot is in the Senate, right? So watch how he stands. He's kind of out of place, you would think, to kick you in the face. Well, even to do the right defense, if you don't want to right tee, if you're gonna use your right hand, so you're gonna leave that exposed. It's pretty wicked. I mean, it's tricky for sure. But it's wicked. Look at how it worked. I mean, my God, that's crazy. And he did not see that coming. I'll throw that up next fight. Let's go. I will. Let's go. So the next fight is not officially announced, but you believe it'll be Cheeto. I want it to be Cheeto. I called that before the fight. Once they announced that, well, Cheeto was supposed to fight Henry on my card. So I was like, I want the winner of that. I want Cheeto over 10. I want the winner of that, if I go out there and do what I do against Aljo. Henry pulled out, Pedro stepped up, and I was like, well, if Cheeto wins, it makes sense. So that's what I want. Why is Puyo Yanden on the shelf? He's just got announced Song Yidong. Oh, when's that? I think that's sooner than later, actually. But that's fuck, Peter. Cause Song's an animal. Song's a problem. That was another great fight with, we went to see the San Hagan Song Yidong fight at the apex, which is incredible. Have you gone to the apex just to watch a fight? We watched the Contender series there once. It was fucking cool. I was thinking about flying out last weekend for Fazeve versus Gamrock. I was like, I want to see that one. That was at the apex, which it's the best places he fights, man. I hate the small cage. It makes me, I hate it. Big difference, right? It's so, I'll probably never, well, I guess it's at the apex. I'll never fight in a small cage again. I just, it's so, it's not, it doesn't help my style. I like to be able to move around as much as possible. That's why I'm confused. Why? Why have a small cage when you own the arena? They had a small cage back when we used to do the Pearl at the Palms, because it was a smaller place to put the stage. So they were, we'll just make the cage, what is it, like 30% smaller? 44 or something like that. Almost, yeah, it's like, it's damn near 50%. It's crazy. And it feels like it. It fucking feels like it. I remember when Corey fought Aljo in the small cage. And then I brought, I said something about not wanting to fight in a small cage. And I don't think Corey should either, because of the style. And then Corey's like, oh, that's just your insecurity. I'm like, dude, you got fucking choked out 14 seconds. I'm against Aljo. Yeah, there it is. 44, yeah, I was. I think they said the lighting wasn't set up. They didn't put the right lights in for the big cage. When I asked them. Hey, guess what? You're the UFC. Zero building. Guess what? You guys fucking for no reason decided to build your own arena. I'm getting a fucking full-size octagon. I'm building a warehouse on my property right now. I'm getting a full-size octagon in there too. Because I mean, at Tim's gym, at the MMA lab, pretty much any gym you go to, they all have smaller cages in there. And just even sparring, it's like, just different. It's like playing, if you're going to be in the NBA and you're playing a half court, it's just different. Well, I've been advocating for no cage for a long time. I would be unbeatable. No one could beat me. There was this Russian promotion that we were just watching from back in the day with Igor Vovchanchyn. And he was fighting some dude. And it was just this big round platform. Jesus. And it was just flat. And there was no cage. You see everything. That's sweet. The fucking eye sight, there's not a bad eye line in the house because everybody's seeing the fight. There's no poles that are blocking the way. Sometimes- What was that called? What promotion was that called? I don't know. This was in the 90s. This is their power man, 1996. Mr. Pepper. Oh no way. What the fuck? I thought I liked Jameson too. Yeah, show it so you can see what it looked like, Jamie. It's pretty dope. And that's my dream. My dream is no cage. Because I think the cage is just too many elements. There's too much going on. So look at this. So there's just like a little barrier on the outside. This is only one of them that they did. Oh. Yeah. That's the only one that they did. Another one that they did was like completely flat. Oh, Igor was a fucking animal dude. That's when he was smaller. 5'8 heavyweight. No way. 5'8 heavyweight? Jesus. TKO'd Mark Kerr as a 5'8 heavyweight. Jeez. Oh yeah. See the cage is like, that's the best. Isn't that way better? And look at how much size you would have to move around. Obviously you wouldn't have that bullshit floor. That floor looks like the moment you sweat. You're tearing an ACL. That floor looks terrible. God, that floor sucks. It does. It sucks so bad. It's loose. It's everything. I hate when I go to a Jiu Jitsu gym and they have like homemade mats. So they have like the loose stuff. Yeah, little saggy tip. Like what are you, do you guys hate grip? Do you guys hate like foot positioning? Like slipping around all that shit. Yeah, no cage or change. Change everything. There's a lot of wrestlers. Like I feel like the only chance people, I could take it down in the open, but I feel like it's gonna be a lot harder than to push me up against the cage. And I mean, that's what Algol's 100% goal was. Pushing up against the cage, take me down, work from there. But if there's no fucking cage, what's your fucking game plan? Also, how much fewer clinches would there be? Yeah. It would be a huge factor because how many clinches take place in that weird danger zone when you're right up against the cage, like just grab this motherfucker. It's just, there's so many moments where guys are like, what, you know, when they're trying to reset and they go in for the clinch, that shit would not be available if there's no cage. If you have this big ass basketball size circle in the middle of an arena and that's where the guys are fighting, there would be incredible. It'd be incredible. It's really the way to do it. Yeah, something about the cage makes it like, I don't know what it is. Good bowls and glitter. Steel Reflection shirts. Dragon fucking a pit bull in the ass. With Japanese lettering. The old school real gangster shit. I love those shirts. Yeah, fighting in Japan would be fucking crazy. Yeah, fighting in Japan, if you're like a world champion, that's like a mecca place, right? You know, if you want to fight in Mass and Square Garden, fighting in Tokyo as a martial artist. That would be crazy. That would be crazy. Saitama Super Arena, right? Oh my God. I wonder if the UFC's never done that, right? We did an arena in Japan. I commented that it was in Tokyo a few years back. It's amazing. They're so knowledgeable and they're also, they applaud when things happen. Like when someone passes the guard, they get it. They start applauding, yeah. They get it a little bit. I wonder why Dana and any of them haven't looked into yellow cards. Where your purse gets taken from you. Well, the problem with that is it's so subjective, right? Like let's look at this Valentina Shavchenko, Alexa Grasso rematch, where one judge scores the final round, a pivotal fight round. It's like, that's what makes the fight. One judge scores a 10-8. No one agrees with him. Literally no one agrees with him. You're like, what the fuck? Cause if he didn't score a 10-8 and he just scored a 10-8. Then Valentina went back and watched it just once, but I was kind of surfing on my phone. I thought Grasso won three out of the five rounds, but I also, like I said, I was surfing a little bit on my phone. Yeah, it's hard. It's hard to casually watch a fight. Yeah, you gotta fucking. Yeah, I like watching fights with, like Eddie Bravo taught me how to do this. Cause Eddie Bravo at one point in time was doing the Max Kellerman, not Max Kellerman, who's that dude that Letterman, that does it on Harold Letterman, he's doing on HBO fights, we're in between around, I gave that round to Davis 10-8. And this is what, he would give like his explanation for what he thought. So he was basically like an independent scorekeeper. So Eddie would do that. And he would, it was like we did it for a few UFCs, where he would come in and he would talk about, like we're going to Eddie Bravo with, you know, what he thinks happened score-wise. And he would take a piece of paper and he would have two sides, like one side, this guy, one side would be that guy. And he would write on the lines, like kicks, punches, takedowns, power, like power shots. I forget all of his criteria. So as he's watching the fight, he's writing things. So it's not just going on memory. I think he got a more, and he also had access to whatever stats we had at the time. Although I don't think we had the kind of stats you have now. Now you're getting constantly updated on, you know, significant strikes. What is a significant strike? That was a weird one in Izzy and Strickland, right? Because they were showing that, you know, that there's one point where Izzy had landed more significant strikes. I'm like, but to where? Like what is a significant strike? Is like a leg kick that gets checked. Are you calling that a significant strike? Like what is, if a guy lifts his leg up in the leg, yeah, he did get kicked hard. But like, what is, here's Eddie Barro's, Randy Silver, or Tim Silver and Randy Couture. Round and count action. And even though Tim Silver landed some good elbows from off his back, another 10-9 round for Randy Couture. Two, love, good. I think that was a good thing to do. It was also, it's also a good thing to put the fucking, the actual judges on blast. I agree. Because like when DC and I are doing commentary, you can't do commentary and score a fight. You can kind of like have an idea, but you're trying to be entertaining. You're trying to like give life to what's happening. And you're just reacting like, oh, but you want to scream and swear. And you just, I'm doing my best to not. But you can't do, you should be quiet. Just quiet and thinking about it. And you should also have access to replays. You think you should be in like that close, or should you be on a monitor where you see different angles in a room like this? I think they have monitors now. They didn't used to have monitors, which is crazy. The refs stand in there sometimes, or the pull, I guess I pull here, judge, but. I don't think they listen though. Like I don't think they listen to commentary. Which is probably good. Because commentary could definitely influence it. Like if someone DC trains with and. It's so crazy though. If you're a judge and you never felt a checked kick, because when I fought Pedro, I swear like, I felt his foot land on my shin. And like, I felt like I was fucking him up when he was kicking me. And then the judges obviously gave him the first round. He didn't punch me in the face once. I had more significant strikes, but he was landing leg kicks, but I was checking them. I feel like I fucked his feet up from checking kicks and they gave him the round, which, but it's just like they probably never checked a kick or threw a kick in their life. So it doesn't, but these guys are making this such an important decision. Yeah, Chris Lieben, he's making his Nevada judging debut. That'd be interesting. I think he already did. And he's already been a referee. He's been a referee for quite a while now. He's doing. Did he make his debut last fight or is he going to? No, he did. Yeah, last weekend. Oh, okay. On the fight card. Yeah, that's probably a lot of pressure on him. Everyone's looking at it like, well, how'd you score it? How'd you score it? Right. Yeah. Man, there's some crazy stories about Lieben back in the day. Oh, he's a wild man. Just getting fucked up the night before fights. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Being drunk at the casino, the slots and stuff, Robert Falls would tell me, and then go out and win. Oh. Oh, he get cracked though. Fuck yeah. He can crack. Remember when he knocked out Bandle? Oh, that was weird. Remember that fight? Yeah. Oh shit. He even had a hammer of a left hand. I mean a hammer. Especially when he was hurt. Yeah. There's some guys that just fucking have just some kind of stupid fucking power. You know, there's some Paul daily dudes out there. They just go. Yeah. He's fun to watch. He's interesting because he's a Orthodox left-handed, right? Yes. So that's kind of, he throws a fucking crazy left hand. That's fun to watch. Yeah, he's. I hope Michael Van Em Peijer comes to UFC. I know there's a lot of talks. I believe they're going to get that. That would make that division so interesting. Oh yeah. He's a handful. He's so difficult. Cause like. That style. And I always said that, that was going to be the next, that's going to be the next factor in MMA is these point karate guys. Like one of these point karate guys really figures out everything else. And they become dedicated to become an actual MMA fighter. That's blitz thing that they do. Yeah. It's so different. It's so hard to deal with. Well, that's going to be interesting. Steven Thompson versus a rock. Shovecott. Shovecott. That's going to be fun to watch. That is going to be fun to watch, but Shovecott can grapple too. Yeah. Shovecott's a lot. He's the motherfucking could do everything. I watched the documentary on him recently. Like his come up from when he turned pro. Like the second he turned pro, he was fighting like good, good guys. First price, second, third, he didn't have any easy fights. Yeah. He was fighting fucking killers. He's interesting, man. I wonder how many people the UFC is already, I mean, I don't know if they can be in talks, but because Bellator is going away, right? Well, they're going to merge with the PFL, allegedly, apparently. I read some thing from Shotri, the one I've seen, apparently they offered them Bellator too, and they were at one point considering it, I guess. But Dana White was like, what do you get? I saw that. What do you get? The thing is, he's right. Here's the thing. There's no pay-per-view. Maybe they can develop a pay-per-view model, but you need stars. And the UFC is always had stars. The UFC is always going to have pay-per-views, and we can't wait to watch them. It's not like convincing someone. You know, like this fight, like Yuri Prohaska, Alex Bejeda, John Jones, and Steepy M- Take my money. Even that December card that's coming together, fucking Tony Ferguson, Patty, fucking, I think that's Steven Thompson, Rock Knop. Leon Edwards, and Colby Covington. There's Brandon Roy-Val versus Pentosia. Oh, that's right. That's on that card too. Oh my God. Man, Tony Ferg, though, six fight losing streak. I know. Crazy. I feel like it's the lose-lose for Patty, because even if he wins, it's like, Tony's fucking still dangerous, but he's not going to get the credit. Tony looked good in his last fight. He looked good. I mean, he didn't look like the Tony of all- What'd he fight again? Didn't he fight Bobby Green? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And Bobby Green's a motherfucker. Well, even Tony versus Michael Chandler, what Tony wasn't looking too bad till he ate that fucking heel, or that fuck. Go back to that card, Jamie, please. That, look at that, Vicente Lucca. Vicente Luque versus Ian Machado-Garrys, our car A's in the fight. And they trained at the same gym, so I wonder how much they sparred. Oh, they probably sparred a ton. God, sparring and fighting, though, are so fucking different. At least for me, I feel like, because when I spar, it's like, I crack people, and I hurt them, and it changes the fight. But in sparring, it's like, I'm not necessarily trying to fucking crack you, so it's like sparring's going to play out way different than if it was a fight. And it depends how you spar, though, but I feel like it's just such different sports. For KO artists, for sure. Yeah, for KO artists. But for volume guys. Yeah, that's probably pretty true. Or it's probably super similar. Sparring, that's where I get injured, for the most part, just sparring. It's not usually too bad. I kick someone's fucking elbow, last six weeks before my last fight, and my fucking left toe, I have a turf toe, and it still fucking hurts, just from kicking an elbow hard, because I'll throw up teeps and body shots as hard as you can in sparring, like you're going to be all right. So I whipped a fucking teep and landed it on an elbow, and I fucking swear my toe turned the other way. It didn't, but that shit still hurts until today. You remember John Jones, the first jail son, he still has to tape his toes off. I believe it. He has to tape his big toes, his little toe, just to hold it in place while he fucks people up. Oh. Yeah. That sounds fucking funny. It's funny. I gotta tape my toes before I fucking love. But he has to, otherwise it's just like, it's so torn apart that I guess it just doesn't hold. That was the first fight you didn't wrap your ankles against Aljo, right? We weren't allowed to in Boston. But yeah, I didn't wrap them. I didn't feel like I needed to either. I felt my shit was good, but usually I like to get a little fucking... And that probably gives him grip on his single legs and stuff. Yeah, before the fight, you're like, hey, let's not even give him even that little bit. Because wrestling, I'll grapple or wrestle with really fucking high level wrestlers. We have so many fucking good guys we train with. Get in on a single leg, I'll limp leg out. But wrestlers are used to being able to, once someone cries to limp leg or use that shoe to kind of hold on. And fighting, I mean, unless you have your ankles wrapped. Who was the fight? I think it was Luque versus RDA. In between rounds, I took off his ankle wraps. Is that, did that happen? I think, yeah, I think it was right before we fought Aljo too. Took off the ankle wraps, because he was using it as a little grip. Even that little tiny advantage. It makes a difference. It makes a difference. Like Eddie Bravo used to always say, you wear as much as you can on your legs and make your guard more dangerous. Like in jiu-jitsu tournaments. And in fighting, Frank Mirra used to try to wear these long ass knee sleeves. If you could wear long knee sleeves and shorts, another couple guys did. George Sotaropoulos did that. He basically almost had pants on. He had knee sleeves, and then above the knee sleeves, he had like tights where the shorts were. So there's so much friction, and that would aid you. And so if you've got that shit on your ankles, for sure, that's gonna aid a guy grabbing your ankle. Even if it's just for that minor adjustment, especially Aljo. Fuck. I was worried about that fight. I was like, this motherfuckers. I mean, even against like Peter Jan, I was like, okay, it's fucking, I can beat this dude. But Aljo, I knew I could beat Aljo too, but I was like, this dude's fucking dangerous. He's fucking, especially the tear he's been on, just beat Henry Sujuto. So the dude's fucking in his prime. Like this motherfucker's dangerous. And to choke San Hagen out the way he did. That was one of my, when you think about fights going good or bad, one of the thinking about bad, especially when you've seen it happen, like you know he can do that. He just, he did it recently. So I'm like, I just don't wanna get embarrassed to just be that guy. I just don't want, I gotta live with that forever. Yeah. And that sucks. Yeah. I mean, he's, I mean, obviously we all know how good Corey is and like that probably wouldn't happen again, but it doesn't matter if it would or wouldn't happen again. It fucking happened. I think sometimes when things like that happen, it just changes your approach to fighting and steals your mind. And I think that's what it did with him. And he just became way better. Yeah. Is the Corey San Hagen that we think of now, like the guy wheel kicked Marlin Marais. Yeah. Like that's a different Corey. Frankie Edgar knee. Frankie Edgar knee. That's one of the nasty. He's an animal now. He's a fucking animal. He's just, he flows in there, you know, but like that fight like, and he had in this crazy like Marlin Marais dude. At one point in time, Marlin Marais was the mother fucker. For like this long. That's all you got sometimes. He was so big for the division and fucking super jacked and his striking was nasty. And when he knocked out Alja with that switch kick, his left high kick off the switch was beautiful. Alja shot into his knee. That's right. Yeah. He shot into his knee. I thought he was dead. I thought he was dead. You know what's funny is I was actually at that fight and I was, I don't know where I was at in my career, but I think it was only one fight in maybe, but I was at that fight and watched that. And I hadn't really been to fights before. And I was just watching the stands as like just a normal fucking, wasn't sitting in the UFC section. I was just, and I was like, oh fuck. I thought I, he was out for five, 10, it was scary. That's always a scary ones, right? When someone's running in and then the other guy catches him with a knee or a kick, like fucking cyborg and Michael Vennen Page. Oh, that's gross. Oh, that was the worst one ever. That makes you question. That makes you question, like, do I still wanna do this? People don't know what we're talking about. Michael Vennen Page, we were just talking about earlier, who's just so phenomenal, caught this guy cyborg. Not cyborg that you think of like Chris Cyborg, but her husband. Also cyborg, which must've been a fucking confusing household. Oh, God damn. And he crushed his skull. So his, with that, like him moving in and that knee landing perfectly, it literally fractured the front of his skull and they had to have it, look, he's got a dent in his skull. Look at how shattered it was. That's insane. I don't think it's video game type shit. Now also, what does that do to your brain? Yeah, that's not good. There's a lot going on in there. And he was like, I'll be back. And everybody's like, dude, hang on. I think that might be a wrap. Yeah, especially if you have kids. Like I know once I had a baby, I'm like, you think a little bit different. It's like, okay. Well, that's why you can't do ayahuasca. Not yet. You'll think of everybody as you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, just chew Adderall and punch people. I've never done, well, I think I've might've done Adderall once, but I'm like, I don't really need to. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Tim always tries to get me doing it. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. He went right into that. Yeah. Crazy one. Yeah. Now he went on like a fucking eight fight losing streak too, didn't he? Yeah, you know what happened? Henry. Henry got him in that second round. And that is an go to the first round. See if you can find Marlon Marais versus Henry Suhudo round one. Just find the fight and we'll watch though. So the first round, Marlon is fucking Henry's legs up. I mean, he just looks incredible. He looks like a world champion Muay Thai fighter. And then Henry made the adjustments. Marlon gassed the fuck out. Yeah. But dude, he looks so good. It's just Marlon couldn't keep up the pace. And I often wondered, I wonder how much of it had to do with Marlon cutting weight. Because he was so big. Yeah. That guy never looked like a 135 pounder. He always looked like a featherweight. God, he's just so short though for the Novation 2. For Benton weight? I guess not short for the vision. Henry's like fucking what, 5'3? Yeah. Henry's so fun. I feel like Henry's obviously good as fuck. But I feel like he thinks he's a little bit better than he is when he was trying to teach Habib how to fucking throw kicks. And Habib, remember that video? I've never seen that. He was trying to teach Habib something. And he was landing a kick with his foot on Habib's knee. And Habib was like, what are you doing here? It was funny. But yeah, I remember watching this fight. Because I didn't know if I was going to fight Henry or Aljo. I was kind of preparing for both. So I remember watching this fight back thinking, fuck, he made some good adjustments. There was a good leg kick by Henry there. But Marlon caught him with some great counters. Look at that right there. Just look at that counter left and then the right hand over the top. The left hand kick sharp. And then starting to really put it on Henry when these exchanges. Every one of these exchanges, he's the guy who's getting off the hardest shot. That fucking switch kick he does is so pretty. That switch kick off the left leg, if you got a fast one like an Edson Barbosa one, it's such a dangerous weapon. I never saw anybody throw it fast in Barbosa. Yeah, dude, it's fucking slick. He's at 45 now, right? Yeah. Isn't that weird? It is weird. Yeah. I don't like when people go down like that. It's hard. It's like Frankie when he went down later in his career. P.J. went down. It's just like. Cupp Swanson tried to go with 35 for one fight too. Yeah, it just crushes you. And especially as you get older, I think it's even more punishing and more difficult to come back 24 hours after such a brutal weight cut and fight. Those weight cuts are not fucking good for you. Not long ago. Remember the commissions would start at 24 hours before the event would start? That was right before I got in the UFC. I'm so fucking glad they changed that. And we could weigh in at 9 AM. It's a game changer. It really is. Well, really what they should figure out how to do is not have weight cutting. The best thing to do would be to have more weight classes and to have just eliminate that whole bullshit. It's crazy. I wonder what Aljo would fight at then because like we were talking about earlier, that motherfucker gives up to 170 pounds. I bet he'd fight at 165. 165? That's crazy. That's what I think he would fight at. I think that would fight at 165. Actual 165 pound guys. Yeah. Look, I mean, I'm not disparaging anybody doing it because it's part of the sport, but it's sanction cheating. So it is. You're not really 135 pounds. Like Aljo's not 135 pounds. I do find the I do find advantages in there because I know I'm doing it right. I know I'm doing it as scientific, as healthy as possible and as disciplined as I possibly can, where I know other guys aren't. Like I don't think Aljo did his weight cut better than I did and the rehydration. I have the team around me to fucking make sure we're doing it perfect to where I don't think a lot of fighters are. They're just doing it. I know how to make way. I'm going to fucking get it off. I'm going to fucking just. How much of a relief is it for you when that's over the camps, over the fights over it? And then you just how long do you just eat? Whatever the fuck you want. Um, well, yeah, in camp. We just had Terry Black's barbecue. Yeah, yeah. No, I definitely, especially when I'm traveling, it's not like if we're traveling, I'll get a cheeseburger. I'll fucking, you know, not be super disciplined. But I want to go back home. I try to still keep it, keep it clean. Like we'll still eat, have something good for dinner. But right now I'm dealing with this little, this little back injury. And I'm like, I know if I eat the worse I eat, the longer it's going to take to heal. So I've been trying to like this last week, I would, I would do like a 24 hour fast. I'm like, I don't need to eat. I'm not really working out. Um, and then if I did eat, we were eating really clean. So, but after a fight a couple of weeks, I just don't give a fuck, but I'm, it's still not like Snickers and fucking skittles and shit like that. Um, you see guys like Patty who, you know, saying that like he's kind of really developed an eating disorder because it's like the cut is so hard that after it's all off, all he wants to do is eat whatever the fuck he wants to drink. Yeah. Even when you're full, it's like, but I don't have to make weight. So you mentally trick yourself and it's, there's definitely something there. Like you definitely. You got a crash diet, 30 pounds in eight weeks. You got to be so strict and you got to train twice a day. So you're starving going to these sessions. So you for sure cause an eating disorder. Yeah. Yeah. It only makes sense. It only makes sense. Cause it's like how much like wrestlers to especially like how much of your time is fixated on losing weight. It's like a big part. We had Kurt Anglone, which is an amazing podcast cause did you listen to it when he was talking about how he weighed 199 pounds and he didn't want to cut weight to make 198. So he just wrestled heavyweight. He's like, I think I can beat him anyway. I was like, what an animal. So he's like, but plus I ate whatever I wanted. I trained however I wanted. So I was always recovering. There's something to that because like there was a video him beating this dude who was 270 pounds in a wrestling match. Yeah. What a stud. Yeah. What a stud. I don't need to lose a pound. I need a pound. Most people are like, I can lose a pound. Yeah. A pound. That last camp, about two and a half, no, probably three weeks out, I had this, some meat that did not sit well with my stomach. I had diarrhea bad for like 10 days to the point where I was getting a little worried. I'm like, okay. Cause I was looking to step up and it's like, you've had, if you have diarrhea for like more than two, three days or whatever, it's like, probably got a parasite or some shit for 10 days. Every single night I'd wake up two to three times, right? When I woke up in the morning, I have to fucking shit my brains out. It was, but my weight came down real fast. So that was like, well, I guess that's a benefit. Cause I was like 155, 156. And then by the end of those 10 days, I was walking around like 152. I was like, well, that worked out, but that sucked. Remember that. Fuck. It's crazy for that camp too, because usually we'd be working a lot on the wall, a lot of different standups, a lot on our guard, developing the guard and the normal plaudas and stuff instead of giving up your back. But we literally didn't get to grapple zero five weeks out, six weeks out to the day from the fight, but yeah, it could have been beneficial. Cause we were doing a lot of myths. I was just hitting minutes, hitting minutes, shadow boxing, boxing, focusing on not getting grabbed. And what did you have it in your head saying? If I get grabbed, I'm dead. It's life. Well, I was going into that fight when I was a hundred percent healthy six weeks before the fight got announced. I'm like, it's life or death. If he grabs me. Not because I don't think I can grapple, but that's the mindset I want because that's really going to make it to where I'm not going to let, and if he does grab me, I'm going to do everything I'm fucking capable of. That's why I tried to, I mean, I feel like I got out of that so fast. Like the longer we're here, the better it is for him. But yeah, so we went into that fight life or death. If he grabs me. And then when I got that injury, I was like, it's just that time's fucking 10. I cannot let this motherfucker touch me. So what was the extension? I had a muscle strain in between my ribs and I couldn't even get into like a light clinch. I don't know if fucking just. Yeah, it hurts so bad. I haven't even tried to grapple since the fight yet too. Cause I'm dealing with this little back injury right now. So, but I'm hoping by now it should be good. The muscle strains are fucked. The ones in between the river so hard. Sometimes people tear the cartilage as well. Did you get an MRI? I did get an MRI. I didn't tear anything that I remember. I think it was just a muscle strain, but like we gave it a couple of weeks to say, all right, let's just see if it'll heal in a couple of weeks and then try to grapple again, try to grapple in just the littlest kind of together movement. Couldn't do it. Which sucked because that was the fight. I had the most mental demons going in. Cause I was like, I'd like to be able to grapple and I'd like to be able to fucking grapple going in because even for all fight week, I told the whole team, but I don't want to do anything to where I feel this cause I'm in my mind. It's fixed. I'm good. I haven't heard it in a couple of weeks. I convinced myself that it was a hundred percent fine. And so I'll fight week. We didn't even clinch once. No crap, no zero exchanges. Um, I take a Michael Jordan type athlete though, just to have that kind of pressure going against this guy who's the best on the fucking planet and just being in the moment and not worrying about that, I mean, fucking impressive. Yeah. Well, the result was amazing. That was probably one of the prettiest right hands I've ever seen in my life. Floating back to, I mean, it's literally like Muhammad Ali, Sonny listed. Yeah. Yeah. Steps back away. Bam. That was crazy. Yeah. And the TD garden too. That was cool. Boston. That was, that was wild. Cause that was my first main event. And every time I fought, I always felt like, like I was, it was a big deal on the card, like this sugar show was there. But when I, when we were in Boston, that arena was 99% sugar, 1% Aljo. If that, like the fuck you Aljo chants were louder than like them cheering me on. It wasn't, I felt bad at the, at some point. I like, Oh God. Isn't it crazy that it's all because of the way he won the title by disqualification, which is not his fault at all. Not as false at all. Other than that, everybody liked him. It's crazy that no one had any problem with him up until that fight. Like everybody loved Aljo. When he choked out San Hagen, everybody loved Aljo. Like Aljo was the fucking man. And then he gets fouled. Yeah. And like legitimately got fouled and his neck was fucked up before he went into that fight. He's had a fucked up, now he has dis-replacement in his neck. So he's got an artificial disc in his neck because of an injury that he had. And then Piotr Jan hits him with that fucking knee to the head on the ground. It's crazy out of that knee changed so many people like my career. I thought I ended up fighting Peter instead of Peter being champ and just like crazy. I got one mistake Peter made and now he's on a fucking three fight losing streak. Crazy. Four maybe. Crazy. Yeah. That's not a gimme. It's gonna be a sick fucking fight though. He's, he's getting better too. He's young, right? 24? 25. He got robbed recently in California. Oh yeah, I saw that. I saw him talking about it. Scary shit dude at a gas station. God. If only those guys knew. I mean, I guess you got a gun. Like, no, it doesn't, much you can do, but. Not much you can do. We saw, we saw this weekend that one comedian died. Yeah. I didn't, didn't see that. Is comedians in depression, is that a pretty common thing? Oh yeah, for sure. I didn't know this guy, but everybody at the club last night was so sad. Yeah. A lot of, he was my friend David Lucas's opening act. Yeah. A lot of people knew him. He was a bummer. I did not know him, but he took his own life, apparently. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, it's like, there's a lot of the reasons why people want to do comedy is because they want, they want a moment in their life where it's fun. And if they can make other people laugh, so at least for that moment, it would be fun. Like, this, this guy was one of the greatest of all time, Richard Jenny. He took his own life, shot himself in the bathtub. Then he didn't die. And they had to take him to the hospital. No. He died at the hospital. Yeah. Um, but he was one of the best comedians ever and one just hated life. He was so depressed. Just, it, it, just the fact that everybody, all the comics worship him. Like when he was in the room, everybody would come in and watch Jenny. Like, Oh my God, Jenny's on stage. Let's go watch Jenny. He was so good. He did this one club, uh, in Long Island called Eastside Comedy Club. And, uh, this guy, Peter, who was the host, we were all sitting around after the show and, uh, Peter was depressed. I said, why are you depressed? He goes, he did four different hours. He goes, he did two different hours on Friday and two different hours on Saturday and just destroyed. And you would think a guy who's that good at the top of his game, just killing it, like the guy's on the top of the world. He's probably so happy. Everybody loves him. Meanwhile, God kills himself. Yeah. I was watching this Dion Sanders, a little documentary on YouTube and he tried to kill himself after they went in the Superbowl. Yeah. I tried to drive his car off a cliff. Like, Oh my God. Yeah. That was great. I didn't really know much about Dion Sanders prime time, but that dude fucking played in the MLB and NFL at the same time. In the same seasons, he was signing like one off contracts to go play with, with the fucking team. Then you'd fly in a helicopter to the football game. That was a fucking, I didn't realize how good of an athlete he was. Imagine a guy like that taking up MMA. Yeah. You know, cause it's like calibers of athletes that I think just automatically go into the NFL or the NBA or the, you know, they go where the real money is. Yeah. Yeah. They don't have that desire to fight. Some people just have this desire to fight. Yeah. And some guys are just, they're just competitors. And, but if you can get one of those like super elite NFL running back guys, there's, there's, there's guys out there that are freaks. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder what Dion Wade, like he probably wasn't like, he didn't look, he doesn't look huge. Yeah. He would have been a, but fighting, you just got to, there's something just different than competing in NFL. I mean, I don't know. There's some crazy motherfuckers that compete in the NFL. Ray Lewis, those guys want to fucking take your head off. Yeah. NFL. That was my first love. My first dream. My first like, that's what I wanted until I realized, yeah, I'm just a little fucker. That doesn't happen. I wanted to be, I want to run out every Sunday with the boys and like, but maybe, maybe, maybe another life. It's weird with those hot, those people that get those high highs, like not many people experience the depression that comes after it. I think what goes up comes down. So even after the fights, try not to like fucking go get too excited. Cause I know it's like, just try to kind of live that around that zero, like right around, we're just balanced. Yeah. Just stay calm. Just kind of stay there. But I mean, yeah, I know it is hard cause those highs all fight week. Everyone wants to fucking talk to you. You're the fucking man. Then you win. And then it's like the next week, you're just kind of at home and just like sitting around. It's like, whoa, it is weird. But then the plunges and stuff help you. Yeah. Having to fucking learn how to deal with that stuff and still working out, having to work out. It's crazy cause I haven't worked out really much since the last fight and just trying to heal everything up, prepare, prepare for, you know, kill next year. You're saying the plunges mentally. The plunges help you mentally. I think so. For sure. Cold plunge. Yeah. I think mentally, I don't know what it is about it, but I think what it is just not wanting to do it and then fucking doing it and getting out. There's something about that. And then the physical benefits and all that shit, but the plunges definitely fucking help me mentally just stay fucking kind of grounded. Yeah. I mean, the happiness you get from training fucking hard and then doing the plunge, knowing it's good for you and how good it makes you feel. It's like, there's just something about it, dude. Yeah. Yeah. And it just rings all the bullshit out of your brain. Yeah. Cause all the dumb shit that's in there that like you would just let bounce around if you didn't work out or you didn't cold plunge or something like that. I feel like the morning routines too. Like I can, I noticed cause I, right after the fights, I'm my discipline of cause I'm just like all out 100% discipline. I'm going to do what I need to do to be performed that night, but right after the fight the next week or two, I'm like, I'm going to be this fucking kind of just maybe lay in bed a little bit longer. Do it. But once you get back to my morning routine, where I got my red light, my PMF machine, my cold plunge, um, all that stuff. And I just do that. I go in there for like 30 minutes in the morning, just fucking prepare for the day. You ever, you ever use those PMF machines? No. What is it? Fucking pulse electric magnetic field. Is that what it's called? Yeah. It's like two mats. I mean, I saw it on Tony Robbins. He was waking it up one day, did a mat and it covers and it pulses all these like electrical through you. Boom, boom, boom. Gets the cells moving and stuff. Good for the inflammation in the body. I fucking love it. You feel the difference? I fucking love it. I really do. I feel I like it. Do you like the experience of just doing it or do you like the benefits? I like the way it feels too. Um, just feel cool. I do feel like it does feel kind of cool, but it's, it's, I like the, I feel like there's benefits. I feel like the, the cells, especially if you read the benefits and then you really kind of just tell yourself like, okay, this is what, this is what's happening. Scotty from Mexico told us about it and told us how good it was with inflammation stuff. So we looked into it. We got some pretty high powered machines, but we were hanging out with Dana a couple of weeks ago and just both you guys just have such like this good high energy. It's like motivating to be around for sure. Fucking pretty bad ass, especially seeing you kill on stage. And then even before, like having that good energy and you already did a show, then you're in the green room fucking just feel like it's, you don't see many guys, even younger than you are our age that have that energy. It's fucking yeah. It's powerful to be around like being around Dana too. Just fucking he's helped fires you up. He's helped. Yeah. One of the things that I always tell comics is because a lot of comics did to eat poorly. They don't exercise. They're lazy. I was telling him like you have more energy. Like your body is your vehicle for carrying you through life. It's not a vanity thing. Like you could be a vanity thing, but don't think about it that way. Think about it like you can actually soup up your race car. You're right. You're you're you want something that can do things that other ones can't like have the energy to do two shows. Easy. Yeah. There's no problem. I did four shows last night. Jeez. Two shows in the little room. So I did two of those improvise shows, the bottom of the barrel shows, and then I did two hours in the big room. That's fucking sweet. I can see how just being in that green room, like crave that every night, just forever, at least a couple of times a week, just fuck going in there, bullshit with the guys, watching some comedy. I was so fun to be around. Well, I was telling sugar. I'm like, because how old do you know? 56. 56. Like, bro, that's going to be us when we're 56 healthy, revving up, ready to fucking go. I'm going to come here in the coal mine kids. I'm hoping I'm hoping I went on 56. I'm fucking revving up like that. Well, when you're 56, you won't be fighting. No. So when you're 56, you can take testosterone and yep, tides. And that's the big thing. The big thing is that people don't want to do that because they think it's cheating. Like, listen, you don't have much time. This life goes by really quick. That was your age, you know, when I came to Hollywood. And it just, it seemed like almost like yesterday. Just fucking goes by. All of a sudden you're, you mean, obviously doesn't, because when you look back at those memories and who you used to be, it's interesting to compare yourself. But at the end of the day, it doesn't stop. Every day comes whether you want it to or not. You can't hit pause. It doesn't exist. So it just goes and goes and goes. And if you fucking slip and if you, if you, if you let it go, if you don't do what you should do, that's what I'm trying to remind myself too. I'm like, I'm 28 right now. I got new FC when I was 22. So it's like, it's already been that long. I basically have that time again until I'm probably going to retire and be done. I'm like, and it went by so fast. And I need to make sure too, right now, especially cause you get so many opportunities to go do things, but like, they just keep reminding myself, what's the goal, what's the goal, what's the goal? Just to fucking keep training. And for the next six, seven years, just be as fucking good as I can be, because I'm going to be fucking 40 and going, God damn it. Do you think you'll know when to stop? Do you think, do you, do you have like an idea in your head? Like, is it a number or is it when your body just doesn't feel it anymore? I'm gonna, I would like to, yeah. I mean, if all goes well, I think if I'm healthy, it's going to be hard. If I'm healthy, it will be hard to stop fighting. But. But why would you stop at your health? That's a good point. I mean, I would, I would want you to stop if I see performance slipping. Yeah. There's something about, uh, there, you know, when you watch fights as much as I watch fights and you've seen certain guys for as long as I see, I kind of have like, uh, it's almost like I there's, there's, I know what they do. So I see them and I have like a, like a mold that I can put them in. So like when I see guys moving different and I see guys slowing down and I see guys throwing one, two, and then not reacting on the counter shot and not throwing the counter kicks, is his legs gone? Is his knees fucked? Why is he moving? I start to see it and you just, they look kind of the same, like the same guy, but in my mind, in the mold, these things don't, they don't fit anymore. So I go, okay, there's been a change. What about Izzy's last fight? Because I don't think he's necessarily, he looked like that last fight. He looked like he was stuck in the mud. Yeah. But I don't know if he's necessarily going to heal. We talked about that last night. Who, that might've been an ish. There could be multiple issues. It could be just a weird physical thing. Maybe he just woke up and he just didn't feel good, which does happen. Yeah. It would suck a fat dick if that happened in a world title fight against the guy who's been talking mad shit about you, calling you a slut for China. Oh my God. But, but it can happen to people where you're just flat. Yeah. I'd be curious to see them come back. I know. Also, before we say any of that, Sean Strickland looks so fucking good. Yeah. It's, I don't know if that was Izzy being flat. I know it might be, but he underestimated him. Yeah. Chris Curtis says like all the time people come in, good ass kickboxers come in and Sean Strickland just frustrates them, pressures them so much. Doesn't laugh the gas pedal, defends all their hard shots and keeps pressure. And he says he makes a lot of guys look bad like that. Dude, I think he's also got that front kick to the body off the left leg that people aren't talking about. Like that was so important. It was so important because he's standing like this straight up and you don't know when it's coming in every now and then he's stabbing you in the gut. Yeah. And he doesn't throw a lot of kicks, but he throws a very effective left front kick and his fucking checks are on the money. Yeah, you could tell Izzy like you could almost hear it even on the TV. Like you'd land those stabbing kicks and I fuck. And that motherfucker spars like that so often that he's composed. Just another day. It's another day. He doesn't get tired in the fifth fucking round. He looked up, was watching his stomach in between rounds flat, just standing there drinking water flat, like 50, 60 beats a minute. I'm like, this is crazy. This guy's this guy's calm and relaxed in the fifth fucking round of his first world title fight against one of the greatest of all time. A guy who just dominated and had that incredible speech. Yeah. You know, one time I want you to feel this one time in your life. That was probably the coolest moment for me ever. That was crazy. Yeah, it's fucking the arrows. Oh, God. Greatest celebration fired up. Greatest celebration. Yeah, that was good. That was maybe on a cry for him. Like, did you see DC posted how many UFCs he headlined and it was fucking insane within like five, six years. Maybe that had a factor too. Maybe it's just an overload factor. Maybe he takes six months off, gets recharged. Well, I was talking to UFC recently and we just bullshit and they're like, Izzy's constantly, same with Volcanos. He asked, let me fight. Let me fight. Let me fight. Let me fight. I asked him, I said, I said, you think he's going to want to chill for a little bit? And they're like, fuck no. Fuck no. I could call him tomorrow and say, Hey, you want to find an MSG? You need to say yes, please. Like how much is this five round training camps changing after the eighth one? Yeah. Do you still fucking do what you did in the first one? Hard over there. City kickboxing. Fuck. Amazing gym. Yeah. Eugene seemed like a cool motherfucker. Fucking man. He's got to be up there with the greatest. Fucking man. And he's so calm and composed and rational. Yeah. The way he gives corner advice, the way he talked, even in the post-fight press conference, when he talked about it, you know, it's like, he's so composed. He's so good. There's a cool video when I fought Peter and going into the, from the first round, going to the second round for Tim saying, Hey, when you're Southpaw, faint low, throw that left hand over the top in the first minute into that. You literally see it play by play of what I did. The crack Peter, boom. And then the second round going on the third round, Tim was like, trust that knee up the middle, it's there. And that's what fucking cut Peter. So corner, corner advice is fucking huge. And a lot of the times you watch fights and you hear corners, like just talking to talk, because they feel like they have to say something. So they're just kind of just making shit up instead of like saying something that's fucking truly going to be important, not over talking, saying what you need to fucking say and then let the corner breathe. I don't, I'm not trying to listen to a fucking, you know, a bunch of shit. Tell me a couple of things that I need to know. And then let me get my fucking heart rate down. That's what Tim does a really good job of. Well, you guys have such an amazing relationship because you were both there at the very beginning. Like when the, when the two of you came in five years ago, I'm like, what a cool you guys have going on? Cause Tim is so knowledgeable and so focused and also a great martial artist himself. So he's watching all these aspects of your training with, with a, in another mind, like an objective mind that's not experiencing it outside of it, looking at all the aspects of what you need to do. And because you guys sink together so well, it's such a massive advantage. Yeah. I feel like, I feel like it truly is. Yeah. When I see other coaches out there and fighters, I just feel like even if they're got a good relationships, like we hang out every single fucking day, we podcast together, we do everything together. We'll go grab lunch, hang out with our girls together to travel and do everything together, train together. And it's just, I feel like there's like a chemistry there that a lot of fighter coaches don't have because we're, we're like best friends too. It's not a coach, but yeah. And the training room and we're hitting minutes, sparring days. It's like, you know, we turn that on and it's, it's good. It must be awesome for you, Tim, because you took a giant risk in your life doing this, dedicating yourself to one athlete, you know, and other athletes too. But I mean, you're, you're, it's like a big thing, man. You did. Yeah. I think I've just loved, like, loved the sport and love martial arts and all the different arts so much. And then getting to live with Robert Fallis and seeing another guy who's so passionate about it and I miss that dude, get to live with him and saw it like looked up to him so much. I'm like, I feel like I'm literally living my, my, my dream job. So I feel lucky. That's so awesome. Yeah. You naturally were all because when you were still fighting, you were, you were like still trying to get into UFC, you were in Bellatori, you went on the ultimate fighter, but every time I had a fight coming up for like a couple of weeks, you'd kind of switch into coach mode. Like without us, it was just kind of naturally happened. It was just, it wasn't really planned. It was like, all right, now you're, now you're in the corner. Now you're the coach. Such a cool situation. It just happened. It just literally fucking happened. And we'd, he would hold mitts for me and it's fucking wild. Yeah. Again, though, it was like, it doesn't matter how good of a coach you got, like the athletes that can go in there, be in the moment, be calm and make it happen. It's like, that is so fucking rare. And I don't know where that came from with you, but I remember seeing you when you're 17 years old, kickboxing in the cage and you look comfortable in there. Like you were just having fun. And then I saw him when he, when I was 18, I saw him fight this wrestler still just having fun in there and that's when I invited him down. Yeah. Every single fight. Like even you said against Aljo, like how are your nerves? I wasn't here. Yawn and Abu Dhabi butcher's people. He f he doesn't just beat people. He fucking cuts them and beats the fuck out of them. And you were just stone cold and locker room. It's crazy too. When we were coming up, it was $330 a month rent a piece. We had the shitty apartment. It's fucking those memories were so crazy. They're so vivid too. And it was so much fun. We just stayed in the shitty apartment. I had never lived with anybody other than my parents. So he had to like, Hey dude, do your fucking dishes. Yeah. I'm like, Oh yeah. Yeah. He did not do laundry. My mom did all that shit for me. So it's like, yeah, that's crazy. It's been a crazy climb. Yeah, it has been. It's, it's so hard in the beginning because you're not sure if it's going to work out. It's weird. I was so fucking positive. Really? Even telling him when I was 18, 19 years old, when I moved down, I said, I'm going to be the big, like I'm going to be in the UFC. I'm going to be a fucking superstar. And he would be like, I have, I would just think this kid has no fucking idea how good people are. Wait till he feels I was delusional. I was delusional for sure. You think it's good to be delusional? I do. You have, I think a little bit of delusion is, is an important ingredient in the recipe of success because I was, I mean, I might've been too delusional, but I also got very humbled a lot too. Like I would get humbled and I would be like, God, this is not what I, but then for whatever reason, I'd come back to me and be like, no, I'm going to be, I'm going to be fucking world champ. I'm going to be the one of the biggest stars in the UFC. But I remember telling him that even like when I first moved down and, uh, but yeah. Well, I remember when I first met you, when we first started talking, I couldn't believe you didn't have a background in traditional martial arts. Yeah. Cause you throw kicks so well. I was like, it looks like a karate guy. Like that was assuming you had a, like you, maybe when you were a kid, you did karate or taekwondo. Basketball, football, baseball, soccer, all every different sport all year round for, since I was probably five, six years old, just constantly being an athlete, doing athletic stuff. I feel like helped develop my, I do think to some people just have this, um, this ability to fight, I just understand fighting like distance, feints, that stuff came so natural to me. Like it just like when I first started fighting, I was fainting. I didn't know I was fainting. I was just fighting and I was just, I just happened so fucking natural. I think some people just have that, that ability. Yeah. Well, I definitely think the background and athletic helps, but it doesn't make a fighter. The fighter thing is the, like some guys can do it and some guys can't do it. And it's, and you can't predict it. And some guys can do it up until like level eight or level nine, like the Marlin rise guys, you get real close, but for whatever reason, in those moments, those chaotic moments, they can't keep it together. Yeah. I mean, I still got to go out there and prove it. I think once you become champs, like, are you champ till you, you got to defend the belt. You got to defend the fucking belt. Yeah. So I'm looking forward to that. But I mean, I really, really did truly want to fight in December. Like when I called out Cheeto in December. Um, but then they talked to UFC and they kind of already had, they kind of already had, they were trying to get Colby Leon together and they don't, they didn't, I asked them, they want me to main event my own show, which I think is fucking dope. I'm down with that. So yeah, definitely. Good, a good litmus test too. Let's see what those numbers are. Cause Cheetos are pretty famous too. That's a big fight. Yeah. I'm, I'm really hoping they fucking just say, so let's fucking do it. What do you think that would be for? Like when I'm ready? I mean, it can't be December. No. So what is the next big card? I'd say, I think UFC 300 in April. I would say, I mean, that would be a sweet card to be on, but again, they're not gonna, where are they doing that Vegas? Kind of probably. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm, I'm, I'm going to get asked before that, before you have C 300, cause they're not going to put, they'll probably do something like they're doing with John, like have a supercard, but only have to pay out, you know, one champion. So I'm assuming they'll probably do something like that. It's funny that you think about that way. Cause I've been thinking like that until you said that I never considered it. Oh yeah. That other fight, neither one of those guys is a current world champion, even though it's for the title, they don't get a piece of the pay-per-view. I've been, I've been thinking, I've been having like a business kind of mindset, getting into fighting early, early on, like thinking about numbers and brand deals and, and when I get to this position, what I'm going to ask for at the UFC and cause I go and sit down with Hunter and do our own, uh, negotiations and stuff. And it's fun. I enjoy that aspect of fighting. I enjoy the business side of it to where a lot of fighters don't, they're like, here, I'll just pay someone to fucking do it, do it for me. But I've always been excited about that. I've always wanted to be into the entrepreneur type stuff. Well, that's great that you enjoy it. Cause for some fighters, it's like a labor, you know, and they don't do it. But if you're excited about it, that's awesome. Cause that's definitely a smart thing. And you know, just the ability to promote, just promoting fights, like that is such a factor. There's so many guys that are really talented, but for whatever reason, the public's not captivated by them. And so they just never quite hit their potential in terms of like revenue. Yeah, for sure. I mean, it's crazy now with all the social media guys fighting now and making bank, second, third, the fucker, man, pretty amazing. See, so is that Dylan Danis fight off with Logan? I saw him tweet fucking them out piece or something, but then I seen someone confirm that he had, he hadn't, he didn't act. He didn't pull out, but that motherfucker he's been calling us since the day. Well, he said, there's no way that motherfuckers showing up, but he hasn't pulled out yet. Well, if he doesn't show up, how is he making money? That's what I was wondering. That's what I was willing to say. No, I can't take a break, uh, off Twitter without people thinking I'm pulling out. Well, his fucking tweet. He's a, yeah. He's a great troll. He is. He's good. It's, he's doing a, I mean, well, for God, it's last time he fought was in Bellator. Like when, how long? Yeah. Probably four or five years ago, but for Logan's girl to sue him lawsuits, lawyers, that shit, there's nothing more fucking stressful and frustrating than that going through that stuff. And Dylan probably doesn't have a lot of cheddar. So now he's getting sued. He has to hire a lawyer and those lawyer bills add the fuck up. So I bet he's fucking stressing. Look at this. He's, he's sparring with Alex. That's very interesting. Yeah. Alex being real nice to him. Real nice by the way. Yeah. Real nice. And you know, you're, you're only going to learn so much in a certain amount of time. I mean, it's not like Dylan is an absolutely terrible striker, but he's not a striker. He's a elite grappler. He's grappling is fucking amazing. I mean, he's really fucking good on the ground. He's sensational. Like that kid has some fucking serious jujitsu, but it's just, he's not known for being a boxer. It's like the Ben Askren situation. Yeah. You know, Jake Paul offers you more money probably than he made his entire UFC career for a boxing match after you've had a hip replacement. You're like, fuck it. I'm in. So he comes in looking like a guy who delivers milk. We were there. Oh, yeah. That was crazy. That was crazy. That's a trending in Texas, North Korea. And that was that set on Twitter. What's going on in North Korea? Oh, I don't know. It sounds fun. Oh Jesus. Don't freak me out. I'll see when I click it if anything interesting pops up. I'm so scared. I think the story of the day with there is there's a American soldier that crossed. That guy. And he's now back in American custody. So that story is. Yeah. Some guy that we're going to arrest him and he said, fuck you. I'm going to North Korea and he escaped from South Korea and went across the border. Jesus. They gave him back. That's not knowing that dude. He's still one of the, one of the craziest pods. It was having that, uh, girl from North Korea on with one of the big ditties. You own me part. Yeah. The heavies that pod fucking still just like, that was hard to listen to. She's so small, man. Yeah. Because you know, she's starved. Her, her body's so frail. Like when you shake her hand, it's almost like you're worried. You're going to break her hand. There's tiny little hands. Like you shake her hand. It's like so gentle, just like a bunch of little sticks covered by skin. And she's so smart. Yeah. Brilliant. Damn. Brilliant lady. And boy, does she have some like cautionary tales of what happens when you give the government control because the way their country worked is they said, we're going to take the land away from the farmer so that everyone will have food. We'll just grow the food for everyone. And then they're like, no, we're not. Once, once they took them the land away, like, no, you got to eat what we tell you to. You got to do what we tell you to. Where will we tell you to? That's crazy is going on today. Right now. Fucking makes no sense. Yeah. That's the thing that people need to understand when they think about dictators. Like we don't have to do it. We don't have to worry about that. It's America or democracy. Right. But all over the world, the world's run by dictators like all over the world. It's happening right now where people live in horrific conditions. Do they think they're living good, though? They think in North Korea, they don't know. Some people don't know because they have no control of the Internet. Like the government controls everything. They and the people really believe that the rest of the world is jealous of North Korea. North Korea is perfect and amazing and whole in one big religion. Yeah. Well, it's a cult. And, you know, when when the father died, when Kim Jong Un died, they they all had to mourn him. And if you didn't mourn him enough, you would get arrested and put you in jail. There was like a certain amount of time. So there's like performative mourning. So if you see like there's videos of performative mourning for Kim Jong Un's death. So there's all these people outside in public in North Korea just performatively crying and moaning and a porno. You have to do it. Maybe porno is more honest. I would imagine you're actually having sex. What's up? Pisparkable. Yeah. Yeah. So I would imagine if you're actually, you know, a person having sex, it probably feels really good. You don't really have to fake it. You just have to ignore that there's a camera there. Tim's used to girls having to fake it when he's having sex with him. All right, bitch. Sounds like your fucking gym. God, how much is like social media these days affecting like marriage? I wonder what the percentage of like success rate marriage is going to be in about five years. That's a really good question because I was watching YouTube the other day and a clip popped up that I didn't watch, but it was Lex Friedman had some guy on and the guy was explaining how Instagram is essentially an infidelity accelerating machine. Because if you think of like, how many, I mean, I know guys who are married and their wife's page is all their wife sticking their titties out and sticking their butt out. I mean, it's literally the whole page is like these girls and I'm not talking about girls who are like professional fitness influencers and showing how good their body is. I'm just talking about just regular gals. Like if you're a professional fitness person and you know, maybe train people or something like that. Yeah, of course you should show your body. That's what everybody wants. Yeah, you're literally advertising. But look, I did this to me. I can help you do this to you. But some of them are just just ass and titties and like, do you like my feet? And like they're married. Right. So you know, they're getting bombed on the DMs like constantly. And if something goes wrong in the marriage, they have like probably so many options like pro athletes or DM and who knows, you know, God, same with the guys, too. How easily those relationships are just available. What I was talking about that last night with the dating apps, like when someone in one of those bottom of the barrel shows, one of the questions was hinge, which was a dating app. And I was like, how much are you going to be invested in trying to figure somebody out if you've got like a hundred people that you swiped on that are also ready to go? And you could just like leave the states like Texas person like, hey, something just came up. I just got out of a meeting. Do you want to go have a late drink? And then you go meet that person like, are you trying again? And then if you're really that person, that's like it's got to be addictive like everything else on social media is addictive. So and addicted to just meeting people and just swiping and they all look hot like, let's fucking go. Yeah, it's dangerous. I mean, marriage is such a tough, crazy thing. Do you know a lot of people that have successful marriages? I know people that have successful marriages. I wouldn't say I know a lot. I think, look, what is the divorce rate? We know that. 40 something percent. I think it's higher. I think the national divorce rate is close to 50 percent. Chris Rock always had a great bit about that. He goes, he goes, and that's just the people that had the courage to get out. How many cowards stay and suffer? Especially when they have kids and they're just staying together, being miserable with kids and they don't even know those kids are sitting there looking at how they interact with each other. It's just affecting them. They just feel the interactions. It's not genuine. Yeah, they're just there for the kids like fuck. Yeah. They feel like a bitterness between them. And then also they'll identify future relationships like that. You know, that's like a scary thing about people who grow up in like abusive households. Like if the mother and father are abusive to each other and verbally abusive to each other, then they'll probably pattern that as they get older and they just think you're supposed to like fight and then make up and fight and then make up. And then people get caught up in that cycle of fighting and make up because it feels good to make up, you know, and the makeup sex is amazing. But the fighting part is just like people get brutal. They insult each other and break each other down. Yeah. It's like, yeah, we're so lucky because I've been with my girl. Almost 13 years now and you've been with Danny for almost 10. Yeah. But I bet being like the star you are now trying to find a chick that I mean, the guys that are stars trying to find actual love. Yeah, it's possible. I think it's probably easier if you're a guy to find a good girl than you're a girl to find a good guy. Well, yeah, I would think so because I mean, just to be sexist and to talk in sexist terms, women think of a man as a provider. Like, so you want a guy who can keep it together, right? You want a guy who you're going to have children. You're going to want a guy who's going to be able to keep it together financially. Be stable, be disciplined, do all things it's going to do. Not fall apart, not become a drug addict, not fucking do something really stupid and lose his job and not like just give up because of that. And then everybody gets on welfare. Like you have to like count on someone unless you want to work yourself. So there's this like evolutionary aspect. And I think it's hard. Like if you're a guy, what do you want out of a woman? I want her to be nice, fat ass, all the physical things. But you want her to be a good person and nice person. I don't need them to be successful. Yeah, like no guy cares. Do not care at all. Like I would not care at all. Like if I was a single guy and I met a gal and she was like a bartender, I did one like just a bartender. Yeah, it's a good point. You don't have any businesses. Like no one cares. No one cares. Like are you nice? Are you nice and cool? You fun to be with? Do I enjoy spending time with you? Then who cares? So but but a woman like Taylor Swift is not going to marry a bartender. It's fucking so true. Bitch get the fuck out of here. I sell out stadiums. What do you do? You make drinks? Well that's why she's talking with what that Travis Kelsey guy. Gotta do something big time. That's a good point. They're at the thought about that. Yeah, who knows? It's a it's a tough. I think it's a tough road for a woman to find a good man. That's what I think. Yeah, if I'm guessing because I don't know that many good men. I know a lot of cool women. Yeah, in terms of like the all overall number of men that I know, like how many of them are going for it? Yeah, I'm lucky. I know a lot of cool people. Yeah, I meet a lot of cool people. But just like general folks like how many of these general folks are keeping it together? Lazy fucks. A lot of lazy fucks. There are a lot of I feel like comedians. Is there a lot of lazy comedians that are kind of naturally funny that could be way better that just kind of just get by with the little funniness that there's that there's some guys that are talented and they don't apply themselves enough because Hans we're talking to Hans Kim and he was like. Kill Tony makes him kind of half the fucking every minute every week to where he can't be lazy. But he said if he didn't he would probably be lazy. Yeah, like that's crazy that you just know that well, probably lazy that mindset where people work out with Hans. And you do it. Hans is he goes to the gym. It's like you lazy. What are you doing? Go to work. People don't like correlate the two like creativity and health. I don't think they have anything to do with each other. Yeah, it's that mind body thing like people who concentrate only on the mind think the body is frivolous and they don't care what they look like. And people concentrate only on the body. They're not thinking about their mind, but they're interconnected. It's your being. Your being is your body and your mind. They're all contained in the same vessel. And if you can keep that vessel healthy and happy and keep it like on track, you'll have a better life. Is there a certain time when you have your like best ideas and stuff? At night, almost always at night. But sometimes in the morning, sometimes I'll spark a fucking doobah right when I wake up and start writing. Like it just depends on how I feel like I do allow as long as I get my work done when I need to get done, like exercise and writing and all that stuff. I'll allow it sometimes to happen at different times. And sometimes I wake up in the morning, I just have an I just wake up and I'm like, I got to write right now. I got some ideas and then I'll get high and sit in front of the computer for a couple hours. And sometimes sometimes it's coming after the club, like some of the best shit I've ever written is like I went off stage, I got home and I just sat down and started going over ideas and then come up with things. God, that's so sweet. That's your club when we were watching last night on the balcony and looking down at you performing in your club. That's fucking so sweet. That's so sweet. That's like a dream come true. Like it's not even a dream I ever had. Really just happened. I had to do it once we got here. So I needed to get the fuck out of L.A. The George Floyd riots were happening. They're defunding the police. They're telling you, you can't do stand up. You can't go to restaurants. You can't do anything. And I was starting to get really sketched out. And I've always want my at the time, my youngest kids were 10 and 12, which I felt like is the age that you can still move them and they'll be OK. You know, when you start moving kids at 15 and 16, they really resent it because they're like socially connected to their friends. They're going to high school if they like their high school and they like their friends. It sucks. So it was perfect. They met friends early. It was like the people here are so friendly and it was like immediate. I was like, I love it here. I love it here. I feel so home. But there was no real comedy club. There's this place, the Vulcan, but the sound sucked. And it's like there was always issues. And so we use the Vulcan as a place to practice. And it was good because then we would go on the road on the weekends. We were doing arenas and all these comedy shows. But right away, I was like, I need to open up a club. And Ron White told me to buy that the building that was owned by the cult. We're going to watch that after. You've just. I feel like. I'm pumped. Yeah. Yeah. I love cult shows. Cult shows are good. Motivating. I almost got that building. I was under contract for that building. It wasn't for their issues. I feel like the one you got is fucking perfect. Because it was on the same street or the. No, no, that's the one that I had is on this big property. It's way off the beaten path. Oh, this is perfect. Yeah. Oh, yeah, this is perfect because I'm getting all the people that are in the hotels downtown, they could just walk there, all the foot traffic, you know, and on Sixth Street in front of my club at Friday and Saturday, they shut the whole street down. Bro, Tuesday night last night, I was like, what the fuck? Feeling a weekend. This is crazy. The line out the door was insane. Always. That's so fucking sweet. And we've revitalized that area. That's sweet. And so other stuff is booming there too. And there's a big development company that's bought off. They bought up a giant chunk of Sixth Street and they have all these amazing plans. So it's really exciting. Was it stressful, stressful building that place out? I mean, what's stressful is being poor. I was going to say you guys. Stressful is coal mining to feel your feed, your kids. And where are you getting black lawn? Yeah. Like what I had to do was complicated, but it's, I wouldn't say it was stressful because it didn't hurt me financially. I knew that it's very rare. It's like there's time. Sometimes things happen in life where you go, God, if I don't do this, who's gonna, I get it. Who's going to do it other than me? Like it seems like the world wants me to do this. So I knocked out Aljell. So it's just, I felt like, look, this is the thing to do. I opened up a bad-ass comedy club and at the same time, all my friends that worked for the comedy store were unemployed because the comedy store had shut down. And so they weren't getting any money. And I was like, how about I just hire you guys, move y'all out here and let's build a club together. That's so sweet. Fucking insane. We did it the right way. Yeah. It was so fun hanging up there. Like David Lucas, William pons, tons of stuff. And I was like, what are you doing? I'm like, what are you doing? William pons, Tony, just like feeling like a part of the group for a little bit. It was fucking really fun. That was a good time. It's a real fun hat. It's like we, it's like if you could hang with your boys and have like the best night of your life, a point where you're like, you're thinking about it months later, we do that every night. Belly laughing. Every night. And it's all professional comedians. We're all constantly talking shit and laughing. And, but the, it's almost like podcasts too, cause the conversations are segue and interesting things and someone will bring something up and they'll be all talking about him. We're playing music and heading down to mitzvah after his phone, the bar. Like that was really fun too. Not, not usually go to bar. It just makes it that much more sweet. There's just no phones too. Yeah. Just someone that's cool. I like that being able to take the phones away and lock those things up. That's fucking sweet. People don't like it, but man, it makes you pay attention and it makes the experience way better. Yeah. And if you accidentally say a little something, yeah. It just makes it better for everybody. That's what they have to understand. Like people are reluctant to do it, but listen, it's better for the art form. It's better for you. Just go and have a good time. Yeah. I like how they lock them for real. Cause like I went to like, we were up in the balcony and I was like, just net grab mine and I was like, Oh shit, locked in that motherfucker, which is cool, but I liked that. Yeah. It's just, we did everything that we could to make it the best experience possible for the comedians, the best for the audience. We just did it right. Took a long time. Can a person that's like not really naturally that funny become a great comedian? It's a good question. I don't think it's impossible. I think if you're smart and you can figure it out, I think people can figure things out. It's like, I think there's a certain mindset that you would have to acquire. And I think some people they're very different. It's very difficult for them to change the way they look at things and change the way um, they think other people see them because people have a delusional idea of how other people see you. And I think in comedy, sometimes you have to approach, you have to think of it in a different way. You have to think of it as an audience as much as you have to think of it as yourself. Such a sweet skill. I've tried to like kind of write shit down and I look at it a couple of weeks later. I'm like, what the fuck? I thought that was funny. Even a little bit like wasn't. Yeah. Well, it's, it's like anything else, man. Like you got to do it around a bunch of people who do it. And in our case, you literally have to practice it in front of audiences. Like some of the stuff you saw last night was brand new. Like one of the bits that I did last night, I had just done for the first time during the first show. And then there's all this stuff that we do like in that little room with the bottom of the barrel, that's completely improvised. And so that's how you develop an act by like, just, you have to practice it live in front of people. So I have these ideas. How many times do you do something in the barrel room or when you're doing the barrel show that's fucking good, but you can't write it down or someone recording just in case, I record everything. Okay. Just in case you're like, fuck, what was that? I always record them. And then I listened to them. And every now and then there's like a little thing that you forgot. You're like, Oh shit. It's funny. Or can be. Yeah, it can be. They're like little seeds, you know, and like, I mean, water this bitch. Yeah. A couple of them yesterday. Obviously we'll say anything right now, but that shit had me fucking laughing. So I wonder, I wonder what like Tom Sagura and Christina P like what their home life's like, cause they're such high level comedians. Oh, they're talking shit. Shit all day. Kids do right. Kids talk shit. Yeah. He's one kid calls him Tom. He won't call dad and he goes, Hey, I'm your fucking dad. Call me dad. He's all right, Tom. That's what I said. They live out here. Oh shit. Yeah. He lives here. Yeah. They're podcast. Fucking funny. Yeah. We, we, there's like 15 world-class comedians have moved to Austin. That's last three years. So if I had to move anywhere, it would definitely be Austin. I couldn't leave around this though. I would fuck get too distracted. What around six feet? Just around town. Like I live in Waddell. I just got a farm. I got 15 chickens of fucking I live like out. I got half you because I get to, I know myself. There's plenty of that in here. That's how I lived when I lived in California. I lived about 35 minutes outside of LA. Do you have chickens now? Yes, I do. I fucking I'm recently a chicken guy. They've been starting to lay eggs and it's so fucking fun. Grabbing those eggs every morning. It's some about grabbing the egg and cracking it and fucking. So nutritious too. Yeah. We've been getting a bunch giving them some. Yeah. Ours haven't started laying eggs yet. We got fresh chickens. They're only now a couple months old. So they're getting their feathers and getting all the fluff is starting to go away. It's pretty bad. Yeah. It's like rich and colorful, way different. Yeah. Oh, and the eggs. Somebody's watching them walk around outside. It's like, so dumb about it. Yeah. You ever see what they do to mice? I haven't. I've heard their fucking savages. You never seen a video of a chicken fucking up my mouth? This is how I found out about it. We were, um, we, we had this fence in California that was, uh, this like wrought iron fence in our backyard. And my wife said, you know what? That fence kind of fucks up our view. Why don't we get a glass fence? So we've got a glass fence and then Hawks couldn't figure out there's a glass fence and they would, and there was like three of them that wound up dead. They got KO'd and one of them got KO'd, but he was like still lying in the backyard. And so my wife and my kids rescued him. And so they put him in a bot. Like watch this cat with this mouse. So this cat's playing around with this mouse. Oh no. Watch this chicken. Oh God. No way. Yeah. Yeah. Chicken's way more savage than that cat. Oh, it is. Oh shit. Fucking that mouse up. It's britt. Oh, yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Cat. This is mine. The cat just, the cat's like, you got it. Leave me alone. Chickens are funny, bro. Ficious. So what happened was this hawk got fucked up and they put him in like this big box and put him in the bottom of the box. And then my wife went to the pet store and they got these, I think they call them pinkies. They're like little baby mice that they feed the snakes and shit like that. They got a bunch of them. And so they fed a bunch of them to this hawk and he ate them all except for one. And there was one left and my daughter's like, they were only like four at the We want to raise it. It doesn't have its mother. It's going to die. I'm like, we, we, let's just, let's just feed it to the chickens. No, I go, that doesn't make any sense. You just fed it to the hawk, but now you don't want to feed it to the chickens. Like the chickens are our friends. They give us eggs. The hawk is just some flying monster who kills all the rats. And so eventually they said, okay, I go, do you guys want to come with me? Like, no. So I went out and chicken coop by myself and I put that thing down and they dove on like piranhas and one got in in her beak and she's running around the chicken coop and all of them are chasing after her and biting at her face and trying to steal the mouse from her. I've never seen anything like it because every other time they eat, like we, if we serve them, you know, chicken feed and we serve them like dried worms and all these different things, they pack at it, but they don't steal from each other. And they're not frantic, but they knew that that fresh meat, the fresh meat of mice, for whatever reason, that is like their favorite thing. They went crazy, man. It was wild to see. What a perfect animal for because they've been around for millions and millions of years, right? So they lay food every day. It's like a perfect fucking animal God, God put down there for us. And if you're a person that has a good relationship with that chicken, like all these people that are vegan, that's like, I would never eat eggs. Like, listen, it's not going to be a chicken. It can't be a chicken. You don't have a rooster. It's not going to be a chicken. It's just food. Not only it's that it's food from your pets. So you have a good relationship with them, give them corn and feed organic, quality food, let them arrange around your yard, eat bugs and all that stuff. And you'll get this unbelievably nutritious food for free. And you get animal protein, so you don't have to be a fucking sick person, you don't have to be like protein, you know, deficient and, and feeling terrible and having to supplement everything with fucking soy and this and that and like, you can eat eggs. Yeah. How many times a day are you eating meat? Every day. How many times a day? Every meal. Um, and I'm eating probably twice a day. Yeah. I don't use generally, I don't eat more than twice a day. I don't usually eat lunch. Usually lunch is my breakfast. It's like the first meal I have in the days of noon. Even days you train hard. Yeah. Yeah. I don't mind training on an empty stomach, but I will have a piece of fruit or something like that. If I know I'm really going to get after it. A lot of electrolytes too. But the thing for me is like, I don't tell everybody's different. I know people that are fine with a vegetarian diet. It's not me though. You know, when I used to try to lose weight, when I was competing, I was trying to make 140 pounds and I only made it one year, um, my senior year in high school. And I couldn't do it again. It was just too hard. I was, you know, so I tried vegetarianism for six months and I, I just felt listless. I'm 100% for sure wasn't doing it well. I wasn't even taking supplements back then, but I just didn't want to go up to the next weight class. And then when I made the decision to go up to the next weight class, I started eating meat and it was like, whoop. Just like immediately because I was 17. So my body was like, Hey bitch, we're trying to get stronger. What are you, what are you doing? Giving us corn, you know? And then from then on, I always say like, God, it's like when I eat meat, I feel better and know that I know that I didn't do that well. I know I haven't tried it since, but when I went on a full carnivore diet, like a few years ago for a month, right? Nothing but meat for a month. I was like, God, it's like the best I've ever felt. So now I've been doing that for three solid months, three, three and a half almost three, three and a half solid months of nothing but meat. I feel great. I don't know how you don't eat those cheeseburgers from that fucking, well, gotta keep forgetting what's it called a damn chance burger. Yeah. That thing still has me thinking about like a fucking ex-girlfriend. Well, that's Philip. Philip Franklin Lee is the man, Michelin star chef who decided to make the perfect cheeseburger. He uses Wagyu patties. So it's like choice top of the line beef. He knows exactly how to cook them. He uses American singles. You know, he's like, that's the perfect cheese for these burgers. You want like this kind of melty cheese product, not like an actual piece of cheese. Cause it's not really cheap. Oh, everything's perfect. Everything. Look at that thing. It's so soft and just perfect. It's like, there's not too much going on. It was just wrapped up nicely warm. So we are doing a collaboration. There's a company that I work with called Senior La Chuga that makes sensational small batch hot sauces. It's so good. And Senior La Chuga is we're now putting those sauces in a not a damn chance burger. So it's a triple patty cause I'm a glutton and it's got bacon and it's got pickles and onions and tomatoes. Triple patty. Smashed. That's fun. That's fun. You ever, do you get your blood work like looked at stuff? Yeah. All the time. And it's always looking healthy from the carnivore. Yeah. It's great. It's sweet. I wonder how many people like, I wonder if it's just genetics. I think it is. Just genetics. You got to figure it out. What's best for you? Yeah. I think the way your ancestors evolved has a significant effect. A lot of sense. Yeah. I think it's, it's just natural. Like if you were from the North or you were born and raised in Mexico or. But I think also meat is the most nutrient dense food in the world. I mean, especially game meat. It's so filled with game game. A lot of heat, heat and games. They're slower and they tend to tend to give up quicker. Some of them are passive. So I eat them. No, good game meat. Uh, you know, cause I hunt. So I get all this elk meat and deer meat and I think there's a significant factor in that too, because it just is so, it's so fucking good for you. It just feels good for you when you're eating. I feel like it makes sense better than a fat fucking cow. This is rolling down. Dude, like the color of a fresh fucking elk tenderloin is crazy compared to it's a dying fat cow. Yeah. When I cut elk steaks and a vacuum sealant, so what I do is I'll get like the back straps and I'll set up a cutting board and slice them. When I'm slicing into it, man, it's like red gold. Yeah. Well, this slice of, and then I'm trimming all the silver skin around and I'm looking at that thing that's this meal that I just vacuum sealed. Now I'm going to freeze. Like that is so valuable to me. It's so delicious and so good for you. You wake up horny. So when I eat like that, I do, but I like rib eyes too, because rib eyes have a lot of fat and when you're eating only meat, you really want to get a lot of fat in there too, somehow or another. So for me, it's like butter and eggs, bacon and whatever I can do to get fat or rib eyes. So if I'm, it's game meat, it's usually game meat with something else. That's going to provide me with some fats. I'll still eat avocados. I'll still eat other things. Why is some elk like super gamey? This bet on 100% how they took care of it. Like right after they killed it. Yeah. Unless the animal I've shot an animal once and he had a large pus section. So he had gotten stabbed by another elk. They kill each other all the time. I mean, those antlers, that's what that's for. That's, that's not for defense against wolves or anything like that. That is to kill each other. Jesus. They just fucking smash, smash heads with these giant like war antlers and they stab each other. Like I've seen elk that have stab holes in their body. Cam Haynes snuck up on a bedded elk once he saw this bedded elk and he got within like 40 yards, his bedded elk drew back, placed a perfect arrow through, through its vitals and it didn't budge. Didn't even move. So he went over to it and it was already dead. It had been killed by another bull. He's like, whoa. All over pussy. All over pussy. And then they become homies afterwards. They're, they're friends. Good fight. After they fight. Before and after their friends for like nine, 10 months. And then some happens. Yeah. And they start just mating season. Probably just fucking horny. One gal gets into estrus and then she's looking good, walking away. She's making noises. They make noise. They go, you ever called in an elk? Oh yeah. He was calling out to elk in the hotel room. I and his travel bag. He's fucking calling it like 2 AM in the hotel room last night. Do you elk hunt? Have you been? My brother and dad are like big hunters. They live in Montana, hunt everything. Like they're big about it. That's the mecca. Yeah, it is. Montana's the mecca. That's crazy. I grew up not even fucking couldn't even spell hunt. Didn't nothing. Well, we were talking about getting, uh, get me dialed in on a bow. He, you shoot a bow sometimes. I want to bring you to Cam Haynes's place. That'd be, where's that here? It's in Oregon. Oregon. And he does this thing called lift, run, shoot. So you lift with them, you run with them and he'll take you to the bow rack and film it for YouTube. That would be fun. Tell you how to run 20 miles. I think it's 13. Oh, actually. I think it's like, no, no, no, no, no. I think he has you run up Mount pigska and then you, uh, or you, you could carry a rock it's like up to you. You can either run or you can carry this giant rock. I'd rather run. I can fucking run. I actually, that fight camp last fight camp was the first time I didn't, wasn't running, no treadmill sprints. I did some stairs just cause they weren't too bad on my knees, but they're dying though. Did a lot of fucking air down just to give my shit. It sucked. It sucks a fat one, but it is the shit when it comes to cardio. Our sprints we're doing cause we couldn't MMA spar. We were doing fucking sprints on the air, dying, hitting mitts, speed ladders, air down. Oh my God. It was fucking miserable. I woke up and just did not want to do it at all. Francis said that was his primary cardio for the serial gon fight because he fucked his knee up. Yeah. That was probably, that was probably my primary cardio was the Northern machine can gas you out more. I don't think in 30 seconds. Versa climber does pretty well. Does it? Is that the one where you're good? Yeah, that is pretty fucking well at gas and you're out too. That's a good one. We have that here. I love that thing. But I think if I had to pick one piece of cardio equipment, it's the rogue echo bike, their version of it. I think it's like super beefy and sturdy. And it also, one of the things I like is it has like, uh, you can get a plastic lid that covers the fan in front of you so that it doesn't blow air. Oh shit. Really? So it doesn't cool you off. Yeah. That sucks sometimes. Yeah. You don't get cooled off. You just get fucking tired. Yeah. Some of those air dying and pad work sessions we were doing your heart rate was getting to 200, like 202. I have a high heart rate. I feel like, but what's your resting? You have a aura. Yeah. I'm 50. Well, when I'm like, when I'm out like this and shit, 54, 55, when you're in camp and you're sleeping tip top, move, you shake 48, 47. Yeah. But yours even like when you're not in great, great ship is a super low 43 issue. Do you do a lot of cardio? I mean, not a ton, not a ton. I mean, I've rolled long jujitsu rounds and stuff, but not a lot of cardio. I try to do the zone to cardio. That is cardio though. Yeah. I mean, for sure your heart rate's elevated through the most of it. And you know, I think also like one of the things they say about cardio training, they, there's like different kinds of training. Like there's interval sprints, like to Bottas, but just steady state cardio where you're constantly at around one 30, one 35, which is a lot of rolling, especially if you're technical rolling, it's not spazzing out. Yeah. You're kind of constantly at this, like you're not exhausted, but you're constantly good for your heart. Very zone two. Right. Two. Yeah. That's they say that's the best five times a week. There's no excuses. People aren't doing that. I mean, going on a walk for 45 minutes, mental strength that just sit there and do cardio for 40 minutes. So yeah, we played pickleball. No, I haven't. Bro, we played pickleball for the first time the other day. And it was some of the most fun. I love ball sports anyway. Uh, but that was so much fun. It was like way more fun than tennis. Yeah. It was so much more fun about it than tennis. Well, tennis is harder to like fucking actually hit it over. It was like, it was like a big game of ping pong and you play two on two duos and it was like, I don't know. It was just so much fun, but hour and a half goes by like that and good workout, your sweat and your heart rates up a bit. It was just fucking fun. Do you do cardio? Yeah. What do you usually do? The echo bike echo bike. That's the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Or I watch fights. The echo bikes nice. Cause not so loud. Like the air down or the salt bike. They're, they're both pretty loud, but I, uh, my, my home gym is set up where the air dine, the echo bike is right in front of the TV. It's a big ass TV. So I just put on fight pass, just find some good events. It's just, oh yeah. That's right. That's right. Is that a freshy? Let's get a freshy one. Do we have a bag that hasn't been opened? Yeah. Get a bag that has not been opened. I want us to like have multiple bags in store. I still have two better, not this brand three. I have three that are not this. Okay. I think I still have this brand. If you have that brand, that's the shit that's Juju Mufu stuff. Test this one while we're trying to find it. Yeah. You mean, you mean I put, I throw on, I've been thrown on some kill Tony too. When I'm doing like my hour long zone tears, I'll throw on. Okay. Tony. All right. This is, I think the seal just got left on. I don't think it's, uh, you unscrew it. Oh, you're right. You're right. You're right. Yeah. That's right. I'm going to fake it's strong, but it's not as strong as it is. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't do it. Don't do it. Let me get a fresh one. I think this might be fresh. You know, the fresh one is so I can smell it. Try give it a shot. I literally see a man in front of Joe. That's nothing compared to the fresh one. Now, now let's get a fresh one. Now let's go. Breathe. Who told me that you're normally supposed to do it a couple of times a day? It sends it on there. Oh, I can't read that. That's for pussy. That's like, oh, no, I can't read my eyes. Oh my God. That's like a fresh bomb. You ever thought about getting PRK? No, it doesn't suck that bad. I just can't read like little tiny shit. Oh, I can't read that. Oh yeah. I mean, I can read my phone. Holy fuck. That one. You ever take a macular support vitamins? Pure encapsulations has a macular support formula that I was like, you know, as you get older, one of the things that absolutely happens for most people, except fucking Cam Haynes, that bitch has like 2015 vision. That's crazy. He's a freakin nature though. But you get, you get macular degeneration. It's just no matter what happens. But I killed it in its tracks with this pure visions, pure encapsulation, macular support. Now this. Oh fuck. Is the man. This is the shit because this is in the bag right now. So you got this sealed bag and then inside it's sealed. So when I opened this bag, just opening this bag, I'm going to smell it. It was just six or seven on deck. Just, oh, we hit some fucking deadlifts. Okay. I know. I'm gonna fuck right now. You'd smell it through there. Through there. So the package isn't even open. Right now. What? Let's take a sniff of that. It's not even open. Oh God. Right. That's not even open yet. Now. I loved when you were hitting it. You're like, I want more. Now I'm going to take this and then there's a seal on top of it. So when you could smell it through the bottle, son, God, it'd be just good for your brain. I know. This is gonna be terrible for you. All right, here we go. Hey. Wow. You got in there. Get in there. Get in there, son. You get in there, son. You had to hit it. Let's go champ. Okay. I did enough. You didn't get it up. You got to really do it. Oh, that takes a man to be able to rip that every day. Whoa. I hit some fucking squats. God. Oh, I'm gonna hit that before rolling. Oh yeah. I don't know if that would be good though. Yeah. I would be smashed. Fucking smash. I think it's really good for like deadlifts. Hockey guys love it before they go smash people. Yeah. What definitely puts you on those psychotic state of mind. Right. This one's, oh shit, I stripped it. This one's the most fresh. I feel right. Holy smokes. Jesus. That's the most freshy of the fresh. Hit that before you pounce and push. You can get your mind right. I don't know if it would. I don't know if we get your mind right. I don't know. I don't know if it would be good for anything. I think that's good for like maybe goof around on podcasts. Deadlifting. That's a fuck how you sell it right there. But all those power lifter dudes. Oh my gosh. Like still in there. I could still like tickle on my. Brian Simpson hit it. It was so bad that he had to take his headphones off and he ran out of the room. I think he broke those headphones too. His set was funny as fuck last night too. He's good. That was funny. He lives with Hans, right? Yeah. We went over. That house is funny. It's just like, it's just funny. Why is like what we, our house looked like. Probably maybe. Yeah. Comedians and live together. It's like, that's one of the cool things about that green one too. It's like we have this like communal hang where we've it all. Cause it's, it's the most fun. It's more fun to hang out with other comics. It's just, everyone's always laughing. Roasting always fucking. Yeah. The dark humor shit is just so much fun to where you just can't quite say shit online or in public or on podcasts, but you can say shit. In the green room or at the house. Always let it rip. Yeah. It's funny too, how nobody even blinks. We were talking about this the other day, like Duncan, we were talking about someone and I go, have you ever seen this thing that this lady did? And we were watching it. Duncan goes, I'd let her piss in my mouth and no one even blinks. I go, can you imagine any other work environment where one of your coworkers says, I let her piss in my mouth and no one gets offended. No one even blinked. No one even reacted. Is Duncan live here? Yeah, he lives here. I fucking like, I always enjoy those podcasts. I like him. Duncan lives here. Tim Dylan lives here. Oh shit. Tim Dylan. Yeah. Ron White lives here. Tom Segura, Christina Pizzicki. It's like a ton of up and coming comics. Yeah. So because we have two nights of open mic nights. So two nights where the amateurs can practice. We have door people showcases. So all the door guys, all the people that audition to be like the people that work the door, all professional comedians. And the addition for that job with their act. Ken Patterson. Did he do? Yeah. That motherfucking funny, bro. He's young. His uncle too. Yeah. He's got real talent. Yeah. Like that guy could really be something. Yeah. It's just a time thing, you know? And, you know, and he moved out here too. Just came out here from Florida. I was like, fuck it. I remember watching the episode when he got in the first time came on. It's so cool to see how just like killing it in that one minute can fucking change your life. It's so cool to see. Oh, it changes everything. Yeah. It's that show has launched so many careers and it's a great bedrock for the comedy scene here in Austin, because it teaches you to just be funny. It's not about like whatever woke cultural trends and espousing all the right virtues on stage, which you do fucking see at some of these places. Really? Yeah, because they, they're young kids and they think they have to be woke and they see certain people on Netflix and they, you know, they see them getting critical reviews. So they try to ape that. They try to like kind of mimic that, pretend they're that. And they just get caught in this world of virtue signaling instead of the world of just trying to be funny. And on Kill Tony, you're just trying to be funny. Everyone's just trying to be funny. And you can make a legit career and everybody realizes how fun it is. So it's like, it's kind of training people to just go out there and make people have a good time. Yeah. No one else could do it like Tony too. He's just the perfect amount of ruthless. Yeah. Oh, he's so ruthless. He's such an evil. Fuck. We were watching the last episode. They just dropped and Ron or no, uh, Ruck and Ric Flair was on there and Tony, they started making fun of the community and some Rick's there. I will not be a part of this. I was just like, also he was hammered. Was he? Yeah, he looked like he was obliterated. They said they went drinking with him on Sunday and he said, it's like a movie. He's like, Ric Flair's like, let's go meet some girls. And he's like, he's doing Long Island ice teas. Just getting six years. Yeah. His ears were incredibly long. That was impressive. That's what happens with old people. Is it your nose grows and your ears grow for early? Yeah. Your ears and your nose keep growing. Is that like, could that be like from human growth hormones? I don't think there's just an age thing. I think all old people have giant ears. Like you see really old people. So if you like are young and your little ears, like these are your suck. Like hanging in the way you love those when you're 80, you're going to have a normal face instead of looking like fucking Dumbo. Yeah. Some old people have crazy big ears. For like your big, like crazy podcasts, like, I mean like Elon and all those things. Do you do it like anything special in the morning or just a normal morning? Normal. Yeah. I don't want to be hung over. Right. Yeah. That's a, yeah. Well, especially like an Elon one or a scientist one, you know, I'll do it depending upon the subject, if it's a scientist, oftentimes I'll read their book or I'll listen to it or I'll watch lectures that they've given or Ted talks. Just try to get a sense of like what, what I am, what I'm curious about, but whatever the subject is. Fuck you do those guys that are just so smart. You do a good job at just not letting your mind water and focus on what they're saying. Yeah. That's a fucking skill. Well, it's really because the only reason they're there is because I'm actually interested in the subject. I don't have to fake it, you know, so it's not even really like a skill. It's just my, my honest curiosity. So when I'm talking to a guy like Brian Keating or something, this is, you know, astrophysicists guys, these guys are, they're so goddamn smart that really all I'm trying to do is like, just get a grasp of how this is understood. What, what are they doing to figure this out? Is it possible that they're going to know in the future that this data is incorrect and what are the, you know, what other factors could be like, they're talking about the age of the universe and there's some debate now that the age of the universe is probably not really 13.7 billion years, but maybe even 26 billion or more. And so talking to him about that, I was like, how do you, how are you figuring this out like, and just to talk to those people, it's so interesting just to be able to have these kinds of conversations with those types of people. You know, have you always been curious like that your whole life? Yeah, I think so. About the things I'm curious in, but I was terrible in school. Like in school, I was terrible. I just did not want to be there. I just wanted to get, I thought they were just preparing me for a job that I didn't want. And I didn't want to be a part of it. And I looked at them and I was like, I don't want to be you. So true. Like, what is this life you're living? You don't have any joy. You don't have fun. You know, you're all rigid and you look depressed. Like get me out of here. That's what I, when I was in school, I was like, get me out of here. After I graduated from high school, I used to have nightmares that I didn't graduate and I had to go back. That's funny. I knew I didn't want to go to, I was in like elementary school and I was like, I'm no chance I'm going to college. Cause once I'm, oh shit, I think we have that letter. Were you getting, I mean, you weren't getting any pressure from your parents or anything about college. Oh yeah, it was. Yeah. But still you said no fucking way. Well, I took a year. I was telling everybody, I'm taking a year off. But it's like, I was really, all I wanted to do was compete back then, but there was zero money in Taekwondo and I wanted to make into the Olympics. But then when I was training, one of the things that I noticed is first of all, I always had my doubts of whether that's the best style. But then when I started kickboxing, I was starting to get lit up by kickboxers. And I was like, oh my God, there's so many holes in this. And I don't want to like compete in this thing. That's so limited. Chopping your legs now. That punches too. Muay Thai was next kickboxing, American kickboxing was first. There was just like above the waist stuff. But I would just, when you got trapped in a corner and my hand sucked, I just sucked at boxing. I was really good at kicking people. If they're on the outside, I was amazed at how bad their kicks were. Like mostly kickboxers are trained with, I could just fuck them up from the outside. Loading up. Yeah, they were loading up. They just, their techniques sucked. Their knees were down, they're kicking up. Everything's telegraphed. It's like the kicks were just a part of brawling and they just threw it in there. But if I could like get out of the way and I was like moving on the outside, I could close the distance so much faster than they could. But then in kickboxing, when I was getting boxed, I was like, oh my God, I have giant holes in my game. And so it made me like really not enjoy Taekwondo anymore. And so I stopped competing in Taekwondo and I started kickboxing. And then I started getting headaches because we weren't sparring. We were fighting. One of my main sparring partners was this dude that had just got out of jail. I knew him when I was 16 and he was kind of crazy then, but then he went to jail for something to do with drugs. And then he came out three years later when I was 19 and he was a totally different person. He was super jacked. Like, I don't know if they got him steroids in jail or whatever. He had sanded off all of his tattoos. He used to have these are really shitty tattoos and he had like literally burned them off. So all of his arm was covered with these like keloid scars. And when me and I got, I would spar. It was a fight to the death. It would just be chasing me down. We'd be blasting each other. And I remember one time lying in my bed broke 20 years old, no money, no future. And, you know, I had been offered a pro fight for like $400 or $500 or something like that. MMA? No, kickboxing. There was no MMA at the time. This is 1988. And I remember thinking, what am I doing? Like, what am I doing with my life? You know, 500 bucks. And there was just no future in it. There's just nowhere to go. Like, so you're getting good at this thing that there's nothing there. There's nowhere to go with it. Like you could become a boxer, but you're not good at boxing. So what are you going to do? You're going to just get beat up, you're going to get brain damage. And then I got a chance to see some of the guys that I was training with start to exhibit signs of brain damage. And that's where it gets weird. That'll open your eyes up a bit. You've been still doing your Invisalign? Yeah, I took it off today. Took it off today. You guys got them on too? I wore mine for about a year and a half. I cannot believe what, because I didn't realize how fucked up my teeth were. And then someone pointed it out and I was like, damn, they're fucked up. And then I got Invisalign after you did. And I'll be smiling all day now. They weren't good as a mouthpiece too. Like, I don't mind what kind of crave them being in sometimes. It's a better mouthpiece for Jiu-Jitsu. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's probably not good enough for striking, but for Jiu-Jitsu, it's a better mouthpiece. They're paid with it. I remember it was a pain in the ass though. Some nights you're just like, oh, I don't want to wear these. Or you change your trays. And it's like, fuck. Just the timing of everything though with your career and just social media and all this stuff just blowing up. It's just so weird how everything worked out. It's just like a lot of luck, but a lot of being prepared for the luck. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. It's almost like fate. I mean, if you want to really believe in fate, if you look at the story that you guys have, it's kind of fucking weird. It kind of seems like it's fate. I know. It's, yeah. It's hard to say because like, then what about people that don't make it? Is that fate too? Or is it like, could they have made it if they were more disciplined and more driven and more this, more that? And they found the right coaches and they got to the right gym and could they have? I don't know. A lot of people just don't make the decisions and don't do what you need to do. And a lot of that is necessarily just like, isn't hard stuff, but it's like, I'm going to go home. I'm going to ice bath. I'm going to sauna. I'm going to stretch and I'm going to go to bed instead of going out with the boys. And I'm going to do that for fucking nine years until I'm world champ. Like that was a lot of it. I know a lot of guys are so fucking good, but it's Friday. You're going to hang out, drink, stay up late. Coming up. We didn't do that ever. Like right now, obviously you come off, coming off the fight. I've been traveling a lot over the weekends, but for the most part, our, even still, like once we get back to routine, it's like just doing those little things of stretching, taking care of your body, eating clean, and just fucking preparing for the next day, preparing for the next training sessions for years of consistency. That's what it's all about. It's all about having a goal and building towards that goal and doing everything that you can to be as great as you can be. And now that you've done it, you've also laid a foundation and a groundwork. You let, you've led. You've led these young fighters, like who, who see what you've done and they can see that there's like a path and that like, I'm going to emulate this guy's focus, this guy's discipline, this guy's belief in himself and you know, and that is what inspires so many other people to do it. I remember, you know, being a kid, watching the training sessions, Mike Tyson with custom auto and just thinking like, wow, what an amazing convergence of these two human beings about it comes together. This guy's fully disciplined, fully focused. And then when he wins the world title at 20 years old, you see him standing there inside, inside the ring after he knocked out Trevor Burbank and you're like, holy shit, he did it. He fucking did it. He did everything he had to do. He fucking went full bore with talent and drive and genetics and coaching and all the boxes checked, everything checked and look what you get. Did it. Look what you get. Yeah. And how many, how many people did that guy inspire? He certainly inspired me. He certainly inspired thousands, millions of other guys to do things. Especially Sean being like a skinnier kid. Well, a lot of motherfuckers. Yeah. No idea. I think two is like, I think, uh, I'm gonna best too. Let's, yeah, let's pause. We'll pause. We'll click this. And we're back. We, I'm good for now. I'm good. Thank you. I'm still geeking off this caffeine a little bit right here. Dude, literally. I mean, the art of podcasting is a crazy fucking thing. When you have three, five hour conversations, it's so next level. Yeah. I sometimes have five a week. Holy fuck. Some weeks I have them every day. Yeah. That's a lot. It's fucking impressive. And it's like one day I'll be talking to Eddie Bravo, we'll just be fucking around talking shit. And then next day I'll be talking to some super scientist. Yeah. That's wild. Balance. Mathematicians and geniuses and psychologists. It's weird. Do you usually think it like two weeks ahead or a week ahead, or is it just coming in the message home or how does that go? It's pretty far in advance. Most of the time it's booked and it's a, it's all booked on my interests. So it's a hundred percent on what I'm interested in. It's like, all I do. Is look at the potentials, like who, sometimes I reach out to people, I reach out to this guy yesterday, wrote this book on the American West and I reached out to him because I had heard him on another podcast and I got his book. And sometimes it's just they, they'll send the email in and it goes through my guy and it gets filtered back to me and he sends the ones that are relevant. And I look at those and I'm like, hmm. And I just look, what interests me? This one? Nah, no. Boring, boring. Huh. What's he doing? Okay. And then I'll go see if I can find a YouTube video of them talking because I've had writers on before and they can't talk and that's kind of a bummer. Like maybe they talk the way they write. So they go, well, um, so, and I think, and you're like, oh no, this one sucks. I should have listened to this guy talk first. Yeah. Sometimes the ideas are great, but the people aren't compelling. Yeah. Do you ever have a smoke and then read a book? Oh yeah, sure. I like doing that. Yeah. I like doing that. I like books in the sauna. It's my favorite audio. Yeah. Audio books. You're just sweating all over your pages. Yeah. Audio books in the sauna are my favorite way to consume them because you know, you're going to be in that sauna anyway. I've been listening to Marcus Aurelius's meditations in the sauna recently. That's, that's amazing. Can you listen to this dude that lived 2000 fucking years ago and he's just spitting knowledge. I like Ryan Holliday. Like he kind of breaks down what, what he says. The daily stoics, the 365 days. I've been, I've had that book for like four years and I still religiously, especially in camp for like 12 weeks out, read every morning and just like, it's fucking, it's good. Yeah. Good stuff. Ryan Holliday is awesome. Yeah. It's so cool when there's people that like highlight stuff like that and really put it out there and just get so many people interested in those ideas. But Marcus Aurelius is like listening to his stuff. I've always, I was always like, Oh, this guy is so interesting. Like, God, imagine being like this conqueror, this, this guy who's like running Rome and running Greece and you think like this. Yeah. That's wild shit. How does he think like that? Like, why is he, why is his mind like, how's a, Morelius is a Roman emperor, right? I wonder if, yeah, I wonder if it'd be good for like stoicism to be taught in schools at one or something. Probably. Sure. Teaching you how to think is one of the main things that's missing from school. That's crazy. Teaching you how to manage your mind. Is how many times like can someone say one thing to you and that thing kind of resets the way you look at stuff like, Oh yeah, now apply this and you can apply it in real world. It's like a tool that you can use. You know, you could try to twist something with your fingers, but if you have a wrench like, Oh yeah, this is way better. And sometimes ideas are like a tool and you can just apply them at various times in your life. And if you can hear about them from someone who's already figured that out, that's a giant step in the learning curve that you get to jump. Yeah. I mean, like, even if it was Naval, some of his stuff is so fucking fun to listen to. His Twitter is good. Yeah. Yeah. And of all, like, did you, how did you decide what school your kids are going to go to? Uh, you know, there's, there's good schools out here. We're lucky. California is a much more problematic right now for schools. Cause one of the things that was happening to me, uh, in my school where my kids used to go is they hired some person to, to teach them that they have to be anti-racists. It's not good enough to not be racist. And I was like, what the fuck? I'm like, my kids aren't racist at all. Like, what are you doing? Like, why are you putting that in their head that they have to be anti-racist and call out racism and like, they were trying to make kids activists. I'm like, Hey, they're five. That's crazy. You know, like they don't even care. They want, they want friends. They don't get the fuck what their friends look like. They're trying to have a good time. They're five. They're just playing. Like you're, you're pumping in, you're, you're indoctrinating them into this woke guilt free or guilt ridden ideology that you're carrying around with you. And you feel like you have an obligation to impose this on children. You know, our goals should have always been with the goals were that the liberals had in like the sixties and the seventies, which is a colorblind society. The Martin Luther King notion that we should treat people by the content of the character, not the color of their skin, but across the board. And the problem is there's inequities in communities. There's inequities in how people grow up and where they come from. And some people are in places that have no hope and none of that gets addressed. None of that gets fixed. None of that gets worked on. Instead, he just tried to make kids feel guilty. It's like, it just, I didn't like the woke shit. I didn't like that they were, you know, trying to ask kids their pronouns and. How did you find out that they were doing that? Oh, we got an email. Was it an email like from anti-racist email? Yeah. It was like right around the George Floyd time. I was like, Oh my God. Because some people, what happens is they'll, they'll cap, there's a social movement and they hop on that social movement to enhance their own career. And they use it to optimize their own. And they, you know, it's this thing that it's what you would call a race hustler. You know, there's, there's people that do stuff like that, or it cannot be that. It could be any kind of social issue. You want that social issue to be a bigger deal than it is. You're attached to that. It could be climate change. It could be whatever the fuck it is. It could be the, you know, you see Sean Penn doing all these interviews about the war in Ukraine. Like what is actually going on there? Part of it is you're attaching them yourself to something that makes you look virtuous and it also enhances your career. So it's like a thing you're doing. It's very rare that when people are like trying to proselytize it and out there trying to indoctrinate people into certain ideas, it's very rare. They're doing it just for true altruism. Like they think that those ideas are just immensely beneficial. They're also doing it to boost themselves up and it becomes an economy, an economy of people that boost themselves up by highlighting valid issues in the world, but doing so in a way where they become the moral compass and the person who gets to dictate how people behave and think and talk. They build their little niche. It's just control, Matt. People love to fucking control people. And if they can control people because there's some guilt thing in a social, a horrible social issue, like the George Floyd thing where everybody's kind of on board like, oh my God, they killed that guy. This is horrible. Watching that, what kind of police brutality and racism and all these different things. And then someone says, I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to ride this fucking wave and I'm going to get a job in schools and I'm going to start indoctrinating people. They want to firing that person. That person was going, hey, Dan, but you know, the whole school was like, it shifted. It shifted with the social tide. And I was like, you're not supposed to be doing that to kids. You're supposed to be teaching kids. That's just teach them life. You. I don't like you. So I don't want you putting your shitty philosophy, your shitty judgmental philosophy and indoctrinating children with it, because I think you're a moron. You're a moron who just happens to have a job at a good school teaching kids. But I think if I sat you down in a podcast, you'd look pretty fucking stupid after a couple hours. You know, there's a lot of these people that they don't get their ideas challenged and now they're in there teaching eight year olds, you know, like Jesus Christ. That's fucking scary. And not just teach them how to read. And how do you know you're a boy, Billy? Oh Jesus. You seem pretty feminine. Right. Did you ever pick a doll when you should have picked a truck? Do you like pink? Do you monitor, do you monitor kids on like Tik TOK how much they're on it and stuff? Yeah, we monitor them. They can't have their phones at night. It's great. But I don't stop them from doing anything. I don't stop them from eating junk food. I don't stop them from playing on their computers. I don't stop them from playing with their phone. But I do emphasize the value of discipline and they obviously see that I work hard and my wife works hard. We just talk to them about stuff. I think if you deny kids social media, one of the things you're going to do is you're going to kind of socially alienate them because all their friends are on social media. But then there's also this thing where kids are living in a new world. And even though you didn't grow up in that world, if you say, oh, this social media, I think they're getting an adversity that you're not going to get and they're going to get some resilience from that adversity. But there's going to be mental health consequences and especially for people who didn't grow up in it. And that's one of the things that they experience. Jonathan Hates book, the coddling of the American mind is about that. And one of the things that highlights is self-harm amongst girls ramps up considerably somewhere around 2008, 2009. And it's right when Twitter and social media and Facebook and all that stuff comes out and now they're comparing themselves to other people and comparing lives and people are using filters and they're distorting reality and people are there's more instances of suicide and self-harm than there's bullying. There's a lot of bullying. Well, even just being on my phone, like I don't feel like I'm comparing myself, but just picking up my phone and being on it and surfing and then putting it down and picking it up surfing just gives you this little level of anxiety. Dude, it's just like the fuck. Some of the four and five year olds, you can tell the ones that like in jiu-jitsu, the ones that their parents really monitor it compared to the ones that always just put it in front of them. And a lot of those kids that always get it, they always quit jiu-jitsu because it's too hard or they do the warmups and stuff and they sit on the side now and just go, that's crazy. That's so, it's so wasteful. So bad for you. Yeah. It's just so dumb. And you know, I talk about it, but then I did it the other night, the other night, I was going to go to bed. It was 10 30 and I said, I'm going to go upstairs rather than just see what's going on online. And so I got online. I started watching YouTube videos. So easy. Then I went down a rabbit hole with the UFO disclosure and then it's like three hours later. I'm like, what am I doing? Go to bed. That UFO thing. So the rosinio or whatever that one, the documentary, I heard you talk about it. I watched that. Yeah. Moment of contact. Crazy because you're just like, either these guys are such good actors or they're a little bit crazy or they're fucking just telling the truth. It's so hard to know, but that one cop, when they bring that one cop to the site where the crash was and he starts crying. Yeah. That's powerful. I was like, that guy, I just don't believe that that guy could be that good of an actor. I mean, that's a Daniel day Lewis performance, right? Yeah. Yeah. That guy was killing it. If he's really acting like pro, that was amazing. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you mean, but there are people that are like that, that are completely insane. Yep. That can, I mean, how many people have lied about being attacked? Like, you know, Jesse Smollett style. How many people have lied about things that have happened to them when nothing happened to them? There's this people that know that there's a value. There's like a social value in being a victim. And so they will come up with stories about something terrible that happened to them and then, and they came and they took me in their craft. Well, Johnny Depp and Amber heard, I mean, someone's fucking lied. Like, which one of you? Yeah. That show, I recently watched that on Netflix and I was like, it's so wild. Expert actors. Black belt. It was crazy. The craziest one was when they knew that they were recording each other. Yeah. So they're having a conversation, but it's so performative. Johnny is just talking like this. That's really good. Very calm. He's a good dude, man. It looks up. Yeah. I, um, text friends with him and I was on the phone with him once when some shit was going down with him before the trials. We had this long conversation on the phone. I was in Hawaii and Stan helped. He said, Hey, Johnny wants to talk to you. Can we talk? I said, fuck yeah. So I'm sitting there and I was, I looked over my wife. I go, I'm about to talk to Johnny Depp. I'll be over here. Slouching at the pool, drinking margaritas. And I'm on the phone with Johnny Depp. And he's talking like that. Yes. He's a funny dude, but he calls Elon Musk, mollusk. Mollusk. He loans back. He was off fucking playing the fucking, he what Elon was the, he was apparently involved somehow or another with Amber Heard. Damn, that's fucking sweet. He was putting babies out there left to right. Yeah. I, I'm kind of jealous of that. How many do you want? I mean, in this reality, maybe not as many as in my fantasy. I want to bet. I want, I would love to have a bunch of kids. I know, but I'm not the one that has to get pregnant and deal with all that shit. Danny is. So that's true. But I'm telling him, can I have more baby mamas and she doesn't, she's not too into that idea. I would love to have a bunch of it. We were talking last night about the surrogate thing about how that people farm off someone having their baby inside of them. This just doesn't seem right. It seems wild. That's, that's what it is. Well, there's, I feel like there's such important connection. Those nine months, 10 months of that baby being in there and just holding your belly and you feeling a kick. There's this, how long does that take that mom to recover from that? Just like, there you go. Bye bye. Well, I told you about my neighbors. I had these, these friends of mine that lived down the street, this gay couple, and they hired this lady to be the surrogate. They pay her. They do the whole thing. They make sure he's got good nutrition. And then at the end of the year, she's like, yeah, I'm keeping the kid. Fuck. Oh, was that lady married too? I don't think so. I think, I think she was single. I don't remember though, but I just remember them being heartbroken because they were all, they did eventually find. Another surrogate. And then now they do have a son. Now their son's older. Damn. They've known them for like 15, 20 years. But at that time it was like, they were like so bummed out. Like they were going to have a kid. Was it their sperm too? Yeah. Or one of them. I think they just bolt jizz in a cup and they fucking start it up. Can you do that? Squirt it in there. Mix it up. Yeah. So you don't know whose jizz it is. Damn. They used to think that jizz, that there was certain jizz that would kill other jizz. It was killer sperm. There was this theory that got, yeah, there was, it was like, it was a theory that people were running with and a lot of people were talking about and then they, someone re-examined it and said, I don't think this is real. Like, I don't think sperm has any ability to kill other sperm. But the idea was that like some of your loads were like warriors and they would go out there and try to find the other loads in there and fuck them up. Yeah. You know, that's why your dick is shaped that way. The head of a penis is literally designed to plunge out the other sperm and pull it out. Really? Think about the shape. So you're, the head of the penis is like this, then it's got the lip, right? Curve. Well, that's called it plunges in and the lip gets all the other jizz scoops up back there. Because ladies back in the day were getting knotted in. Yeah. Well, the primate days. I mean, think about it. Yeah. If a female was trying to mate, like one male would fuck her, another male would fuck her. Everybody would fuck, nobody knew whose baby it was because there was no sense of paternity. It was just everybody fucked everybody. And so the penis was probably designed in evolved in that way to act as like a plunger where you're like sucking out the other dudes, little cum sucker, shoot in your own jizz. Damn. Yeah. I mean, it's like, it's an evolutionary trait of the shape of the penis. Makes sense. Yeah. It doesn't make sense. If you look at this, it's like a shape of a, and then having like a little head. So why is this Tim's curved? Yeah. Right. Probably somebody who probably ride them broke it. Penile fracture. That's real. My buddy Joe Riggs happened to my buddy Joe Riggs. Joe Riggs, the MMA player. Yeah. We both lived with him at one point. Yeah. Yep. Trying to be trying to be a hero. Of course he did. Pulling all the way in, pull the way out. But guys, you see Mariah went to visit her parents in Utah and it's a big Mormon country. And when she was in the backwoods, there was this old guy taking pictures with like 30 young girls in their dresses. Oh. Oh. I, man, getting those girls on board with those beliefs. Early brainwash. Things they get them on board when they're young. I mean, it's, I mean, look, there's cults, but when there's a cult, like when there's a religion where you know, the guy who made it, like Joseph Smith was a real con man. He was 14 years old when he wrote all that stuff. Which one was that? That's Mormonism. Mormonism. Yeah. 14. Yeah. He said he found golden tablets that contain the lost work of Jesus and only he could read them because he had a magic rock. And then the angels came and took the gold tablets away. He said, so when the, the towns people say, where's the tablets? If the angels came, he took them away. What if though? Yeah. What if? Yeah. Who's to say? Imagine if it was true. Yeah. So he started it and all these years later, it's like, but one of the weird things about Mormonism is like they, if, if it is a cult, I guess it is, they are the nicest fucking cult members ever. They're so nice. I know. I don't, I don't really know any Mormons. Oh, I know a ton. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I go to Utah a lot and I know a lot of them from there and I know I had some neighbors that we're friends with back in LA that were, that were Mormons. They were so nice. And they know like it was started by that dude when he was 14 type. Yeah. They don't look that deep into it. They believe it. It's interesting. We have this one family and they went, they left the country for like a year for their kids, for their education and took them to Europe. And then when they came back, they left the church. They just not being there for a year, they came back like, this is kind of ridiculous. But she was talking about it and she said, one of the things that she recognized that it makes her very vulnerable to like charlatans and gurus and stuff like that, because she was kind of programmed to always believe the preacher and programmed to always believe the church. But she was kind of recognizing it in herself. Damn. She has this flaw in the way she views the world. That's scary. Some of those guys are such like good talkers. The one that the Waco guy here, you see videos of him talk. Yeah. Holy shit. He truly believe it. Yeah. Branch Davidians. Yeah. The way he was the prophet. Yeah. And it's always this guy who fucks everybody. Yeah. And no one else gets to fuck them. Has to be. He fucked everybody's wife. See, that's not my kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They only could fuck him. It's really wild though that that sort of style of running a group of people has always existed. You know, Mark Andreessen, this very wealthy and famous tech guy was on the podcast. He was telling me there's like active cults in California right now. They're just successful. I'm like, really? Like how many? Like not so on social media type stuff to cry. They go on social media. I kill everything if they had that for sure. Yeah. I can stay fast and keep moving. If you're running a cult today. That's Satan. That's Satan. Stay off that crazy. It's just this place that we almost had down here. When you watch that documentary, holy hell. We were talking about this last night. We always say is like the beginning of all cult movies. It looks like they're great. Just dance in the water. You have O show. Wow. Wow. So good. Amazing. He's got a lot of good books. Yeah. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Good books. Yeah. I love how he would fucking wear iced out watches, take private chats, roll a voice. Democracies by the people of the people for the people. Yeah. He had me convinced. The people are retarded. You ever see that? Yeah. That fucker is. It was so, that was so hard to see a guru saying find that video. Yeah. The motherfucker. I fucking love that video. Yeah. That was a well-made documentary too. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Country. Right. See, it wasn't him that was fucked up though. Sheila. It was that lady. She was kind of hot. He means. He is. Imagine getting him on the pot and he does this. Yeah. I deal with it. Government. By the people. Of the people. For the people. But the people are retarded. That's too good. It goes on further, but you get the point. Yeah. But also like if anybody seemed like a guru, it's that guy. Yeah. Like you look in his eyes, like he looks. Like a legit wise guru. And it seems like his, like I've read one of his books too. His ideas were very interesting and very legit. Deep. Yeah. But what that would happen, what went down in that town. That was crazy. They had poison people. And then brought all the homeless in to vote for. Yeah. So they fucking took over the town and the homeless people like finally, we've got a community. They're like, yeah, we're done with you. Get the fuck out of here. That's crazy. Ship them back out. Yeah. Cults, man. It's, it really is a strange thing that people want to follow this one person. And you know, this one person like leads this community and can't be challenged or questioned. It's like, Oh man. It's so much easier back in the day without the socials. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Yeah. Because you could just lie about stuff. Do you ever see the guy from Australia that said he was Jesus. He's like, he literally says he's the reincarnation of Jesus. And there's this woman that's with him and he says that she's Mary and she really believed that she was Mary. And then she found out that there was another Mary in the past, but he had said this other girl was Mary. And then they're like, Hey, what about this other girl? She says she was Mary. Like that was a mistake. That's why she found out there's another Mary. That was it. I think that was a big one because then all of a sudden everybody was like, wait a minute, wait a minute. Can you walk on water though? Yeah. Let me see you turn water into wine. Right. It's weird. A lot of religious people that they'll just look at the beliefs. They won't look at who formed those beliefs and they like, when did they form those beliefs and who was it? Like even Jehovah's witnesses, like this Charles Taze Russell didn't even know Greek and he wrote this whole new translation of the Bible and everyone got on board. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. There's always people like that, but I mean the original Bible itself, like one of the weird things is the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is the oldest versions of some of the stories in the Bible and they're different. They're in Aramaic and it's like, well, should we all just read that now? You know, and why are we going on the New Testament instead of the Old Testament? Is the Old Testament the real thing? Yeah, it doesn't make sense. It's all, I always wonder like, where did it start? What was the experience that led these people to write these, these, these things down? Makes sense for those mushrooms, psychedelic, like that makes the most sense. Makes sense. People are fucking tripping and seeing these stories and writing them down. Well, that's Marcus Aurelius too, you know? I mean, that was one of the more interesting things about diving deep into ancient Greek culture is that you find like this book, the immortality key from this guy, Brian Mararescu, who found that the illucinian mysteries when they were, all these people were coming to Eleusis from all over the world and taking part of these mystery ceremonies, they never know what they were doing until recently. And recently they started doing these tests on some of the vessels that they found, the wine vessels, and they were laced with psychedelics. So now they know for sure. And they've opened up a field of study at Harvard and they're, they're exploring this and they're, they're doing more testing and more studying. They know that the people that founded democracy were tripping balls. Which makes sense. I think so. You'd have to be tripping to say, look, instead of one person running things, let's all vote. Let's all vote. Cause nobody else is doing that. Everybody was like off with their head. The king is here. Lay down the throne. That's crazy. It's one king running the show. Was there a point when you were super religious or not at all? When I was little, I was a little kid. When I went to Catholic school, when I was first grade, but mine, the none that taught Catholic school was such a cunt that it was like easy to realize that it wasn't real. I like lost all of my faith in organized religion when I was seven years old. Yeah. And your parents weren't put, put in there. No. Well, my parents split up when I was young and then my mom, when my mom married my stepdad, my, my stepdad was a hippie. So it was like completely. And then we lived in San Francisco. From the time I was seven years old. So it was like the height of the Vietnam war and the hippie movements and full bloom, you know, my stepdad had long hair. We lived around all these just like counterculture people. And that was a big part of my upbringing from like seven to 11. So there was no, no religion back then. But I think religion is like a good scaffolding for people. And I think there's, there's something absolutely beautiful about a lot of the ideas of a lot of organized religions that really, really benefit people. But I also think it could be used as a tool to control people. Yeah. Like almost everything. My mom, I feel like it's good for her. Just the community sense. Cause she doesn't have, like we go to the gym, you go to the green room, we go to the comic store, we have a community to where she just believes in her religion so much because she gets this joy from going to church because she's around the community, but she just, it's so crazy. She would look me dead in the eyes and tell me that her religion, Christianity is the only religion, all the other religions are made up. And that. Most of them should tell you the same thing. Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. That's the problem. It's like somebody's got to be wrong. I wonder who's the most, most like wealthy religion. It's a latter day. Or what is it? I looked it up recently, actually. Scientology. They own a lot of real estate. Yeah. The Scientology is an interesting one because they sued the federal government to get tax exempt status. What? Yeah. Not only do they know who made that one, but the guy who made that one was an author, not only is he an author, he's the single human being, L. Ron Hubbard, who created Scientology and Dianetics. He is the single most prolific author in human history. He has wrote more words and more, more books than any human being that's ever lived. So he's got a creative mind. He's created Scientology. His books are terrible. No way. Terrible. This dude probably never had a second draft in his life. They are so bad. They're unbelievably stupid. Punctuation? Just dumb. Just like ramble on nonsense. Here goes the Catholic church. Oh yeah, they're the, they're the richest. Very definitely an institution with the highest wealth in the entire globe. It's estimated the operational budget of the Catholic church. Are you sure it's the globe? It sounds like a joke. Well there's a lot. Globe. Flatterect. Flatterect. The disc. You never know. The firmament. $170 billion. There's a lot of money bro. Yeah. And they got this little thing that, you know, the occasionally kids. Yeah. Yeah. That's only one out of every three though. So occasionally there's some molestation. That's crazy. I did like the Catholic church is so inexorably connected to molestation that if you say Catholic priest, people think of kids getting fucked. Yeah. That's how crazy that's fucking insane. That's insane. There's not another thing on earth like that. Other than actual child molesters where you automatically have at least some connection in your mind. Like if a Catholic priest says, Hey, I want your son to come over to my house for a sleep. No. Like what? What the fuck are you talking about? But if like a boxing coach is like, Hey, we're going to take some kids over the house for a sleepover. We're going to take them on an early morning run, you know, and then we're going to do this and we'll have them back to you by Saturday and the kids come back all laughing. Yeah. You know, like you, like this guy has been doing this. They've run camps. Everybody camps out. It can happen. It's normal. But if it's a Catholic priest, everybody goes, what? You're going to be alone with the kids. The fuck you are. That's crazy. Some religions too. Like if a kid says, Hey, this guy, this elder or whatever molested me, they have it in their, their rules or whatever that there's need to be two witnesses. There needs to be two witnesses or it didn't, we're not taking precautions. Yeah. Yeah. And the other thing about that is that it's somehow or another repeating cycle. The people that get molested wind up molesting other people. That's weird. Oh, they create the demons fucking for real. It's like a vampire thing. Like you're getting bit by a man. Whoa, it is. Yeah. Fuck. Just fuck you up for good. It fucks you up for good. Have you guys been to Rome? Have you ever seen like Catholic church in the Vatican? No, it's insane. The Vatican is incredible. I mean, uh, I can't imagine the amount of money and art that they have. Really? It's so overwhelming. Like there's so much art. They have like priceless pieces just laying next to other priceless pieces. And you go on this tour through the Vatican of the art collection. It's fucking unfathomable art. Is it like the place in Abu Dhabi? What was that place called? The big, uh, where we wore suits to and got a tour of the church. That was the. The Muslim center. I don't remember what it was called. You know, I'm talking about the big churches, one of the fucking, the biggest ever. I thought, I thought you were going to pray and they fucking did some mosque. Moss, the mosque. Yeah. Okay. No, it was like, yeah, that was, that was like powerful. You walk in there, you know, I was almost Muslim like that. Well, that's one of the ways that people do get converted just by the gorgeousness of it. Is this it? Yeah. That's part of it. It's fucking insane. I don't know. So the Vatican though, that's like an older building. Well, the Vatican is essentially a country. It's actually a country inside of Rome. So that's one of the ways they keep the child molesters is they can't, they can't like, uh, extradite them. They can't like, yeah. Yeah. So they'll hide them. They'll hide people in the Vatican. What the Vatican is, it's like, I think it's like a hundred acres or something like that, and it's inside the Catholic churches control. So it's like a country inside the city of Rome. Oh yeah. Yeah. A lot of security. It's a country inside the city of Rome, essentially. Wow. You still haven't been to the pyramids, right? No, I haven't either. Is there, is there like a lot of a tourism? Like, I remember seeing like there's the pyramids, but if you like pan this way, there's like a hotel and like, Yeah, there's a four seasons and you look out the four seasons, you see the pyramids in Giza. That's why. Yeah. I'm, I'm going to get there. I'd like to go there. It was this summer. We were trying to figure out if we're going to go to Egypt and Greece or just Greece. And so we chose to just go to Greece and Greece was incredible. Never been there. When you, you go see the Parthenon, you're like, Oh my God, this is 2,500 years old and probably older because they built it upon an existing structure, the Acropolis. And they don't know how old that is. Jesus. Like that's all kind of been there for thousands of years before that. Was that a good age to bring your daughters? Yeah. They enjoyed it. I mean, I think any age is a good age to get kids to see different things, different cultures. I mean, I've been traveling with my kids since they were really little to have, we took them to other countries when they're like two years old. Just a plane ride. Yeah. The plane ride is a bummer, but with kids, dude, you give them a fucking iPad with some movies. Yeah. They just chill, give them snacks. They're in their little, so seats don't bother them. Seats don't bother them because they're little. So they could just sit in that seat and fucking chill. iPads have amazing battery life. Yeah. You watch fucking seven movies in a row. Next thing you know, you're in Italy. Speaking of heroin, you had that one doctor, Dr. Carl Hart. Yeah. Carl Hart on. And we, I listened to that and then we did a podcast on ours and it got clipped the, I was like, yeah, I would probably do some heroin with him. Like, and it got clipped up all everywhere. Me promoting heroin and doing heroin and stuff. It was pretty funny. Um, but that was a fucking interesting one. He's fascinating. He's a fascinating guy. Very fascinating. Yeah. He had a very interesting outlook on drugs. Well, you know, he was a straight lace guy who didn't do any drugs at all until he became a researcher. And then when he was a clinical researcher, he realized he's a professor at Columbia and he realized when he was doing research, like, Oh, our perceptions of the effects of drugs are all just a lot of propaganda and bullshit. And a lot of the problem is like impure drugs, drug abuse of these drugs. Like Molly and stuff like Molly heroin. Yeah. Like, okay. Candy. It's not, yeah. Candy's the worst drug of them all. What's candy? Just kids for like giving them fucking Sour Patch kids and Skittles and they're just fucking or just out on sugar for a little bit. Or it's okay for like a 350 pound person who's clearly going to die from a heart attack to go into a gas station, load up on the ice cream, load up on the candy and head out. Killing themselves. Okay. So there's a lot of people killing themselves in this country with food. But the drug one was just, I always thought that was interesting because I was terrified of marijuana growing up. My dad was a cop. My mom was a nurse. It's just in my head that this is just fucking poison bad for you. When did you first try it? This made me put a joint in my mouth. Well, we'd be training twice a day and he'd come home and still be like, let's go do something and just be jacked up. I'd be like, bro, there's a lot of good athletes smoking this weed. Just try it, dude. That's what's energy. I'd train in the morning. I'd be 19 years old, moved down to Phoenix, train in the morning, train at night. He, him and his buddy are chilling and we're at the apartment. I'm just like wanting to do something. So I took a puff and I fucking killed out for a little bit. I changed my life. I was able to, because I, it's hard, you know, hard to fucking get into that state, but now it's a lot easier. I mean, some people who do it though, and then just every time something's going on and they just smoke and then they're just lazy. I think it's bad for a lot of people. Yeah, I agree. I think some people are just lazy. If you give them weed and blame it on the weed. Yeah, for sure. It doesn't make me lazy. It makes me the opposite. If I smoke weed and I haven't done the things I need to do, I go, Oh God, I gotta go to work. Yeah, Sam. I start freaking. I like that paranoia. I do too. It makes me start thinking about what I gotta fuck. I gotta dial in my diet. I gotta fucking, I gotta make, I gotta get to the gym. I gotta train. It gives me that anxiety. Like, Oh fuck, I'm the champ. I gotta fucking, I gotta do everything right. It gives me that paranoia. Do you know there's a thing that people say commonly that when someone becomes a champion, they almost get 30% better just because of being a champion. Do you feel like that's going to happen to you? I feel like I felt that after I beat Alfred in my first, my contender series fight. I felt like I won. I just felt like I got way better just because I had just bought, I thought of the biggest name, biggest fight. Um, I don't know. I feel like I don't know. I feel like I have a lot of work to do. I didn't need to get back to the gym as fucking fast as possible. But knowing how big of a beast Alju is and knowing that you sat him down with the right hand, how much confidence is that? It wasn't even the more of the confidence I got was just not getting taken down. He had me up against the fence where he wanted me twice. Couldn't take me down knocking him out. I knew I could do that. The question was, can I not get taken down? He took Henry down four times. He had me up against the fence exactly where he wanted me and he couldn't take me. Now that's where I got my most confidence from for sure. Knocking him out. I felt like I knew I could do that. It's such a big advantage to being a really good striker because if your whole thing is you have to close the distance and clinch with someone and you're a good striker, but you don't, it's not your thing. Like you're not just looking to put it on somebody. It's like you're using as a tool to enact your skill set. Yeah. To have that fucking one shot. Also for marketing, like how many times have people seen that Eddie Weinland knock? That one is great. That's one of my favorite. That one just, I think that's the way he slapped and it was at the apex. It was quiet. You just hear. And you hear him going, he was snoring. That was crazy. Who's the last person in like the smaller weight class divisions to one shot KO people? To win the belt even by KO. To walk off and KO people though. Has there ever? Well Marlin one shot KO people and Corey's one shot. One shot. Yeah. With knees, with knees and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But with like one straight right hand. Yeah. But I feel like, yeah, once I get back to real training, these, I'm really hoping these stem cells fucking just. Yeah, it's going to help. I'm optimistic. Yeah. And by the way, you can come back once a month and keep your shot up. Yeah. Brigham was a man. Yeah. Very knowledgeable dude weighs the well. That was fucking super knowledgeable and they stack a bunch of different things together. They'll be beneficial. And he's always up on the latest studies and he's also got this incredible memory. So you talked to him about, he can relay all the information. That's sweet. A very dissolvable way. And they do peptides and everything there. Everything. Everything. It's sweet. I'm all about the peptides. I've been, you know, we were talking about this last night as well, that the UFC is trying to allow people to take peptides again, specifically BBC 157, which just helps you heal. I mean, that's really what it's about. It just helps tissue, soft tissue damage repair quicker. God, that would be so sweet. What about the hypo morlin, the CJC? That does not help with joints and ligaments and bone density. Yes, it does. And it also promotes human growth hormone. Yeah. And that would be beneficial as well. You know, you look, I just think this whole idea of purity is horseshit because there's not the purity in sport in terms of like supplementation. Are you allowed to take creatine? You are. Okay. Well, creatine is a performance enhancing substance. 100% protein. Absolutely. It's not just physically enhancing. Creatine is cognitively enhancing. There's some great benefits to supplementing with creatine. And then there's also your stacking BCAA's, your branched chain amino acids. It's going to give you a benefit that those are supplements. You're getting it from a supplemental form instead of from your food and you're getting it on top of your food. You're stacking it. You're doing with a bunch of other stuff. You're taking beta alanine before you exercise. That's performance enhancing. If you take cordyceps mushrooms, cordyceps mushrooms like on it, shroom tech, 100% helps you hit an extra gear when you're training. You know, there's a lot of pre-workouts that are legal. There's a lot of stuff that's legal that is 100% performance enhancing. I think what we have to keep people doing is doing supernatural levels of testosterone and growth hormone and things that allow like Vitor Belford to become TRT. Alistair. That's yeah. Alistair. That's but even that it's like, listen, if anybody should be able to fucking do that, it's guys you're fighting a cage for a living. If anybody should be able to do that, to like be at their prime, as long as they weigh 135 pounds when they fucking step on that scale, I think we're, we're, we're wrapped around this idea of cheating. I think we should be wrapped around this idea of optimizing and I think optimization should be the most important thing. Yeah. I mean, if you're 35, 36, 37 in the UFC, you've been competing in the UFC for 10 years and you're not allowed to just do any of these peptides. You're not allowed to do any of this. You go to the, get your blood work and the doctor's like, Hey, you're lacking in these areas. You, this could benefit your life. Yeah. It changed your ability to train, change your performances inside the ochelon, change your ability to recover. To be able to recover and train. Like I haven't been trained in the last few weeks and it's, Oh, it's crazy. Well, this is the thing about jujitsu, right? Jujitsu specific, like Abu Dhabi, which is the premier jujitsu organization. They don't test for steroids and everybody openly takes steroids. And so this is how they're able to compete with guys. Like when you're at that level, like Gordon Ryan level, Gordon is open about steroid juice. He, he trains 365 days a year. How are you going to do that? Yeah. If you're not juiced up. No chance. How are you going to recover? How are you recovering your weightlifting in the morning and then you're doing jujitsu at night every day, 365 days a year. Fuck that'd be nice. I'll train like that. That's the way you train like that. You train like that on juice. And if you do, you become, I mean, if you also are super intelligent and super dedicated and you have John Donner her and your right, you become Gordon Ryan at 27. Which is just bonkers. Insane. Greatest of all time, hands down consensus. No one's arguing. Yeah. Twenty seven. They get to see two of those gorillas go at it like Andre Galvaud and those ADCCs. Oh, that's fucking sweet. Imagine if kids like, I mean, Cade Rutolo and Ty Rutolo, those guys on that stuff would be fucking a nightmare. Well, you know what, though, they're not, they're so young. They shouldn't be on anything. Yeah. Like don't ruin your fucking endocrine system. They're competing at such a high level without it. But as time goes on, you know, like even guys are 19, 20 and you hit 23, 24, my fucking shoulder, my back, my ribs. Like how many jujitsu guys do you know that have fucked up backs? Yeah. So all of them, everybody fucked up next fucked up backs. Do you do anything for your neck? Like you do iron neck or anything? I mean, God, my neck, I feel like my posture is like a little fucked up. So I've always had like good, really good guillotine defense and shit, but I don't know, my neck is that took a beating, but it feels pretty strong and not too bad. But my back fucking gets fucked up from wrestling a lot. Do you ever do things specifically to strengthen your neck? Not really. Just wrestle. Dude, get an iron neck. We like that one here. They'll give you guys. This is the shit, greatest invention ever for working out your neck. Really? You ever use it? Mm hmm. We have it here. I'll show it to you after the show. Is that what keeps your posture so sharp? Mine? Yeah. I'm just cognizant of it because I have a bad posture. Yeah. But you just keep this fucking halo on your head and it's got a bungee cord and you back up like this. It's like a 50 pound bungee cord and then you do this. Just do sets. That's it right there. I'll show it to you guys. We have it in the gym. Wrestling, definitely. People hanging on your neck. If you're doing fucking five, six rounds and you're wrestling. Horrible. That's my favorite practice. 100% not even close to anything else. Grapaling. Grappling. Going live from the feet. We have such good wrestlers at our gym too. Why is that your favorite? Just it's fucking exhausting. It's uh, I love hitting people in takedowns. It's, it's, there's a high, it's almost like knocking someone out. Not quite as good, but you hit a little duck on somebody and you score on them. It's fucking fun. I feel good when I do that. Um, but yeah, but people hanging on your neck, especially when you got, you're going with college wrestlers like Bryce Meredith, when you fucking snap your head down and you're fucking trying to keep your posture up. Yeah. Three time D1 all American, like two time NCAA finalists. Like they're different level wrestlers. Yeah. And they're, it's, it's fun going to those high ass level wrestlers. It's fucking it's humbling. It's fucking, but yeah, that's my favorite practice. Those are my favorite. You don't see wrestlers like going, well, how old is Jordan Burroughs actually? Cause he's been wrestling at that high level. 36. Is he really? Oh shit. And he's still at the top of the food. That's the freak. How old is Jordan? 35. And to practice like that. Wrestling's fucking brutal. And a hundred percent natural cause he's getting dusted all the time. That's impressive. He wouldn't even drink one of these. I offered him a CBD kill cliff and he was like, what's in there? I go CBD. He's like, I don't think I can. I got, I'm like, I might pop for something. I'm like this, like, this is not going to make you pop for anything. He's like, I can't take a chance. The trickiest shit with, with that, what I've learned from my experiences is like this one doesn't say it, but if it said dietary supplement on the back or on the bottom, and if it says supplemental facts, instead of nutrition facts, that's when you can't take it unless it's third party tested. So like a Celsius says dietary supplement on the bottom and it doesn't say it's not third party tested. So that you could, you could test positive for that. Well, I guarantee you, if you drink kill cliffs, those ones don't. Yeah, those ones are good. It's just vitamins and minerals and fucking. But certain drinks, you gotta be so fucking careful. He grabbed these gummies at the store the other day, these veggie gummies, and he's like, do you want one? I looked at the bag and on the bottom, it says dietary supplement and I can't have, if you're in the USADA pool, you cannot have anything that says dietary supplement that is not third party tested because you could fucking test for something. That makes sense. It's fuck. Is it like a deal they have with the USADA? Is it like a certain year deal or is it they just pay them yearly for it? UFC? Yeah. I'm not sure. I'd pay them off. Enough is enough. I think we've proved our point. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. I mean, some of the guys that got caught weren't even from USADA. Like TJ wasn't from USADA. I think it was like an athletic commission. Um, yeah. But you know who I can't wait to see climb up to is Bo nickel. Like, yeah, Bo nickel versus comms, OTT, Bo nickel versus Paul Costa or Strickland. Yeah, man. That's going to be fucking. He's got fucking hands. Yeah. That's what's interesting. He's such an athlete. Yeah. You know, he's that next fucking breed. Yup. Yeah. Very interesting to watch. See what happens to that guy. He's a big yelk hunter. Is he? Yeah. Big bow hunter, man. Yeah. He seems like an interesting dude. He seems like he's just doing everything right. That's one thing I dedicated. He's living like a champion. That's where I feel like I was doing before all these guys before. But like when I was young in the UFC, I was living like a champion. I was pretending I am a champ and I have, you know, defend the bell. I got it. And a lot of these guys don't crazy premiere you had like what that showed the world who you were with fucking Snoop Dogg and your favorite doing commentary. And really there's no other opportunity for that to happen because they don't even do that anymore. Yeah. One season for I was on the first season they did it ever. And I mean, Snoop got a lot of hate and like for that. So I don't think they didn't back had him back on again. But yeah, I lucked the fuck out that right there went. So, and he posted on his idea bunch. He sent me a text after the fight. You did it nephew. Yeah. Look at that. There's one guy that's skinny. This is so funny, bro. He still calls me sugar Shane. Sometimes that's amazing. Oh, that is. I think he called you that on the podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He does. He still does. He's amazing. He's amazing. I do. He's one of those guys that it kind of almost weirded me out that he was here. Really? Yeah. He was like, I'm hanging out with Snoop Dogg and he's like, we're talking and he's rolling blunts, you sit in there rolling blunts and like, Oh my God, I'm smoking. We would Snoop Dogg. This is so crazy. This is so crazy. That dude's connected. He's a great guy too. Yeah. Just a great guy. Yeah. This. And again, I'm fucking real hustlers been around forever. Him and Shaq. Yeah. Him and Shaquille O'Neal are fucking. Business man. Yeah. I love that. Smart. Does it motivate you being around him too? Is he one of those guys that, or is he just like you think he'd be. He's just very nice, very friendly, very chill and cool to be around. He gave me a bunch of gifts, gave me some cool jackets. He gave me a house. Death row, chain. Death row. Yeah. I saw that. Yeah. He's just fucking awesome, man. It's just, yeah, it's just weird to be around. It's like, it's weird to be on cert around certain iconic people. Like I, Quentin Tarantino in here. I'm like, that's Quentin Tarantino. That's crazy. Really Quentin Tarantino. Yeah. You know, I'd lucky lad met him one other night. I met him at the comedy store one night. He actually saw me perform and he came up to me and he goes, dude, you fucking kill. That was awesome. And I'm like, holy shit. That's Quentin Tarantino. This is Quentin Tarantino. I mean, I remember being just moving to LA and I was with this girl that I dated and we went to see, uh, at the man's Chinese theater, we would see pulp fiction. I remember sitting in that movie theater and go, what kind of fucking movie is this? This movie's so wild. I don't think I've seen that. Have you? You've never seen pulp fiction? He hasn't seen it. I know Quentin Tarantino is. Yeah. You don't know Quentin Tarantino? I don't know shit about, like. You don't know like the hateful eight or Django or no. Jackie Brown. Nothing. Nothing. Oh my God. You have so many good movies to see. Kill Bill. I've heard of Kill Bill, but I don't know. What do you do for a time? You like playing video games? I quit after the Peter Yawn fight. I quit. Yeah. I'm just like, I'm fucking, I'm fighting for the belt. I'm fucking using this. Those a couple hours a day to recover or train. Good for you. Peter Yawn fight. Yeah, man. It'll suck that time, baby. It's so fun. And it's a lot of energy. Hour and a half a day though, with the boys where you can just let loose. You feel like you're in war. Yeah. I fucking love it. Tim's not giving it up. No, I love the movie. Just to play more. A little bit of heroin. Never did. Wrong. Relax. This is the end of the day. Yup. Imagine if you've never seen a tear in tuna movie and someone's like, Hey, check these out on Netflix. You got some shit to watch. Oh yeah. I said, what'd we find bro, bro? You've got some fucking movies. You got some new, what years are they like old, old? No. Well, they started 94. That's put on foreign. Yeah. So start there. Okay. Pulp fiction is fucking amazing. Reservoir. Or reservoir dogs. That was his first one. That's fucking incredible. He's the actor. He produced. Well, he sometimes has small roles in some of his movies, but he directs, produces rights in them. He's the fucking man. I mean, he's never made a bad movie. He, he himself is responsible for some of the greatest movies of all time. That's a crazy fucking skill. Yeah. And he won't, he won't do, but 10 he's going to do 10 movies. He's done nine so far. He's trying to figure out what his 10th movie is and then he's done. Really? Yup. He's thinking that I'm done. So he writes everyone's lines. I'm sure. He writes everything. That's such a crazy fucking skill. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Oh my God. It's good. God damn. So he's got nine movies. I need to watch. Bangers. Okay. He didn't have one movie that I watched. I go, really? That's so crazy. Not one. All of them are wild. All of them are hyper violent to the point where you're like, she's like once upon a time in Hollywood. It's like he's grandfathered in because there's this, the grand, it's about the Manson family and, uh, Brad Pitt. Spoiler alert. Yeah. Brad Pitt is the hero in this movie. And there's a scene where he, uh, kills a woman smashing her head against a fireplace and you're like, this is the hero of the movie. Who's doing like, and I was watching this going, turn to his grandfathered in to make this kind of movie. Nobody else can make this kind of movie today in this, in this climate. It's just too fucked up. Sean's never even seen Wolf of Wall Street. Not yet. It's a great movie. I'm nervous. Good. Great. I'm like, I just know I might, that's the might send me downhill. No, I'm joking. I can see how people do that though. Start making a lot of money, get an opportunity to go travel, go to the club. He's fucking fun chicks. Well, also if you're a stockbroker, like your whole game is about making money. Well, why are you making money if you're not spending it? And if you're going to spend it, you're going to spend, you're going to spend it in extravagant, wild, crazy ways. Cause that's the thrill to have that money and to your, you're fucking in that hedonistic snort and coke lifestyle. And another life. Buying watches. You have a little watch collection. Yeah, I do. Um, but I like functional watches more than like baller diamond encrusted shit. I like like tool watches. I like dive watches like, like grand sake, goes and Rolexes and shit. Like, yeah, you have some nice Rolexes to see when you're, uh, doing the UFC and stuff. Yeah. I want to do the UFC. I wear a nice watch, but like this is a garment. I wear this. This is my watch. You wear when I'm hunting fucking whole nother world, the watch world. Yeah. The watch world's a whole nother world. Yeah. People could drop some serious chatter on those. Oh, these are one round like edge shear hand. He was running around. Uh, and someone said that's a half a million dollar watch. She's got on my head. Okay. Fucking redheads. What kind of watch you wearing there, Sean? I went to Richard. Is there Richard Millet? Richard Millet. Oh, dude. You went baller. Yeah. I had a baller. That's not even the strong one. The strong ones over with Jamie. Jamie's get the strong one. I wouldn't be cry. I chucked the strong one towards you. No. Oh my God. That's fucking go. Holy shit. Power. My eyes are water. Oh, yeah. I just had it. Oh, no, no, no, no. Who I had to urge. Hit it real quick. Yeah. Oh my God. It gets in there. Gets in your blood. When we leave those around the comedy club green room, you always like last night. Everybody's hitting. Yeah. I don't even mean to just happened. Well, you see people do it. You're like, I want to try. I want to try. I want to try. Oh, yeah. I wanted to. I always wanted to try after seeing you guys hit it on the pot. And I got to rip them. Are they allowed to do that in boxing anymore? Because they used to do that where they would give them between the salt and between rounds. Imagine you get cracked. You're like, Oh, I'm good. Yeah. I wonder if that'll do it. I don't know if the commissions would allow it. And it's banned. Yeah. Commission. I wonder why is it a performance enhancer or just dangerous after Panama Lewis, um, holy gave Aaron prior, uh, something, some unknown substance in between rounds against Alexis Arguello. Panama Lewis was like known for cheating. Like it was a big part. Like he's a, like a known bad guy. And he gave, uh, he gave Aaron prior this, he goes, give me another bottle. No, the one I mixed. And he gives it to him and he gives to Aaron prior who was a known, he had known Coke problems and probably use the smelling salts, a growing concern. I'm on look at that guy lies. Oh, they find out what was in his drink. This is 90, 80% of NFL players are known to use it. 80%. What's the problem? I wonder what's like. Well, that's, I've seen the biggest trauma patients. Often suffered neck injuries that may be undetected. The first response to a noxious smell to suddenly jerk the head away from the stimulus, this can result in a dis dislocating an injured spine and potential perilous. Yeah. I see that shit. I could see if you had a hurt neck, but if you did ever hurt neck, like if you got KO'd and football, you know, and collapsed and your head's fucked up and you give you a smell, you saw your, yeah, you're like, yeah. And you don't realize your neck's jacked and you, I could see that, but in other circumstances, like that's like 1% chance. Yeah. Like if you get dinged with an uppercut and they in between rounds, they give you that, like, whoo, whoo. Fighting because they can hide concussion symptoms. Oh, I guess that didn't benefit up. You wouldn't know you're fucked up. Oh, that's what this says. It says in the seventies, they were eventually banned. I could see that though. I kind of just fucking put you in the, but is it better to just go out and still be concussed and fight because people are always concussed and fighting. Very good point. I mean, think about Snoop. I mean, still, excuse me, think about, excuse me. Uh, like how many times has a fighter been cracked early in a fight? And then you see they're still dealing with that later in the fight. And then afterwards they don't even remember the fight. Yeah. A lot that happens. Yeah. Often times, right? Like that person's concussed. Yeah. That happens all the time. Well, guys win fights and they're concussed. And they're like, you know, after the second round, I was on autopilot and I went back to my corner and said, what round is it? They're like round five. I'm like, what? Yeah. How is this round five? Like, okay. Out of Sanja versus Strickland. That first round when he got cracked, high likelihood of concussion. 100% chance. 100% chance. I mean, he got dropped, spun around and then one, two, three, four. How many left hands did he hit him with? Like probably 20. Clean. At least. A bunch were clean. You got to think he's dinged after that fight. And when you only said his arms felt like rubber and like, how much of that was a factor? Could it easily been a factor when they said it didn't look like him in there? Maybe that's why. I mean, it easily could be from that. Most likely. Especially because he shows up every time. Yeah. That fucking hits him right back. Yeah. You have to put a little on your finger for the next fight. Just in case. Yeah. Just, you know, wouldn't you? I'm just Tom Brady doing it. TB12 baby. He's a brand known for doing it. Oh really? He's part man. I bet he is. He's known for doing every goddamn thing that works. Yeah. I just listened to him on the PBD pod. Oh, he was on that? Yeah, he was on that interesting guy. But that was playing at that high level for that long and then being just taking care of his body. Like listening to that shit. You have to be insanely smart. Yeah. To be a quarterback. That's the craziest fucking position in like all sports. I feel like. Yeah. You have to know so much about what's going on. I went to my first NFL game two weeks ago. Did we like in the sweet or were you able to get on the field? 50 yard line. That's cool. Like front row 50 yard line. Changes it when it's that close. Insane. What did you think of it? It was incredible. So fun. It's so fun. Can't watch it on TV. And there's like 80,000 people in there and everyone's going nuts when the cheering and it's in Dallas and the Cowboys. Those players just look like dinosaurs marching off the field. Oh my God. Dudes are so fucking huge. They're so massive. Yeah. You know, which is kind of weird that the UFC has a 265 pound weight limit. Isn't it? Yeah. I feel like there's a whole another ball game. If you open up that 265 plus, which is good. Super heavyweight division, but who would do it because everyone is preparing to be 265. Right. So like who you would have to develop your, your talent outside where they have a super heavyweight division. And I don't know of anybody that has one UFC could probably figure this one FC have a weight limit on their heavyweights. I'm not even sure. That's a good question. Google that Jamie does one FC have a 265 pound weight. I know. That was when I looked this up the other day. I couldn't find the last super heavyweight fight was like in 2018. Remember the pride ones with like that dude, do young joy, the seven foot guy fighting fade or, oh yeah. They'd have those super matches. Yeah. They had crazy fights over in pride. I'm so glad there's white classes. Oh my God. That would not be, that would not be fun. UFC one. Fuck. I would have been fucked. If you have your skills now though, you may not be fucked. Way back then. That's 265 also. That one FCS 265 also. That's such a weird number. Why is that a boxing thing or no? No, not at all. What boxing does I have the weight? It doesn't have the weight. Tyson Fury's like 280, 290 sometimes. Yeah. I feel like I'm more excited for the, I'm, I'm excited for that fight. When I feel like I'm more excited for Dylan versus Logan and KSI versus Tommy. Are you really? I don't know why. I just keep forgetting about, I feel like they're promoting it very well. I'm seeing it all over. And then I'm not really seeing Francis versus Tyson all over as much as I'm seeing the other ones. That's interesting. I'm not paying attention at all to the Dylan versus Logan thing other than the online drama, occasional. Yeah. Send it to me, but I try to avoid all that stuff. I don't want to talk about this girlfriend. I know. Like where's the line? I'm getting a new number. When I give a new number, I'm not putting any apps on my phone. Smart. I'm gonna keep this phone and just have apps on that phone and just every now and then when I have to post or something like that, I'll post, but my new phone. No apps. I just, it's too much. Do you have a good time scrolling on Instagram though, seeing like bull hunting stuff? Yeah. Yeah. If I can curate it correctly, but it's too late. I follow like 5,000 people because I'm, I'm, you know, if I, someone posts something, I think it's funny or something I like, I go follow. Why? It's not going to hurt me to follow them. Yeah. So I follow so many people. Yeah. And then the algorithm recommends people that I don't follow and things I don't follow and so many of those are murder. And but on Insta, animal attacks, butt cheeks. Yeah. But that's normal. Yeah. You could find sex online. I mean, that's like one third of internet traffic. Yeah. If you seek it out, but in the Instagram feed, when I'm not even looking, I'm seeing people get killed by bulls. Jesus. I don't see any of that. I'm high. Bro, my algorithm is a mess. Yeah. It's all muscle cars and people getting killed and people getting knocked unconscious. How, how crazy is that fucking ex plaid or just the plaid Tesla? It's insane. I got, have you driven it? Over again. I have one over again and literally the exact. So right before I went to Boston, a couple of days before Boston, I got pulled over on the highway and pull it in the same neighborhood and fucking right before I got here, got pulled over same, same highway, same neighborhood, same cop, I'm like, fuck. So I would deal with that when I get home, but those X's are fucking insane. They're so fast. They're so fast. Even on the highway, you're going 90. It's just like, it feels like you're going 60. It makes no sound. Yeah. And when you merge, don't feel like a douchebag. If I merge in my Porsche, it's like, yeah. But I'm faster than that in the plaid. I mean, it's no sound. Just it's like, defies time. Yeah. It just, time travels. It's just the way they move. It's zero to 60 in 1.9 seconds for a four door sedan. Stupid. Bonkers. So stupid. And wait until he comes out with that little one. I'm excited. That little two door, the two door, the roadster, that thing's going to be 1.5, 1.7, zero to 60. Jesus. And it's going to handle because all the weight's going to be at the bottom because that's where the weight of the batteries is. Jesus. So it's like a beautiful center of gravity. Those cars have a phenomenal center of gravity. Yeah. I'm hoping I don't get my license suspended. Are you worried? No, I feel like if I am, I'll just fucking sell all my cars, get a Sprinter van and hire my dad to drive me around full time. So I'm not too worried about it, but I'd rather not. How many tickets do you have? I've only got a couple, but two. How many are from the Lamborghini? None. Zero from the Lambo. Zero from, I got the new Corvette. None from that. It's always in the Tesla. Always in the fucking Tesla. Going on the highway, going too fast. It's just too easy to cruise in those. It's like, I just don't feel like that's too fast. Like it's just not, it's like good speed. 90's okay. It is in that thing. I think for certain people, not for an old grandma, but I'm fucking alert. I'm watching. You're a pro athlete. Yeah, I should be able to go 90. I'm going to see what I can do about that. Talk to the Sri state athletic commission. Why do they even make cars that go so fast where it's illegal to drive? Because it's kind of like they have to do it. Why are they making computers? Unless you're doing what Jamie does, are you doing video editing or something like that or playing like insane computer games? Why do you need that much processing power? But every year the new one comes out and you want the new thing. When people look at zero to 60 numbers, that's like a thing they all look at. What is it? Hey, the new BMW M5s that you, Ooh, zero to 60 and 3.2. How are you, are you really going zero 60 that fast? What are you fucking psycho? Didn't they have a new test, a new electric Lucid or some shit that's faster than than 1.9? I don't believe so. I don't believe the Lucid is faster, but there is a supercar that is faster than that. It's an electric $2 million supercar that somebody makes that's fucking insane. Jesus. The new electric Ferraris looks so sick. The fastest thing that I've ever been in by far though, is John Hennessey's Venom. John Hennessey, do you know who he is? He's this psychotic Texas tuner guy who takes like, I have a Ram, I fucking love it. I have a Ram TRX. Even a stock Ram TRX is the best truck I've ever driven. They're fucking great. It's comfortable. It's got a very compliant suspension and it's crazy off-road capable. I mean, those things you can Baja race in those motherfuckers. And he takes that and he makes it a thousand horsepower. It comes from the factory. It's 700, seven something and he cranks it up to a thousand. So it's a giant Ram truck that goes zero to 60 in like three and a half seconds. What's the Venom? The Venom is his supercar. It's all carbon fiber and it's 2000 horsepower. That's what it's called, a Venom? Yeah, dude. What's the zero 60 chain? Let's go back up. Sweet. So it goes 250 miles an hour. It costs two and a half million dollars. That's what it looked like that you went in. Yeah, he brought it here. You look at it and just go, Oh my God. Do they make any other cars or they're just like, he makes a bunch of shit, but this is a totally made in factory car. Oh, what he does with most stuff is tunes them. This thing is so insane. I mean, it's, and he took me for a ride in it. I was terrified. Faster than the plaids. Oh yeah. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A lot faster. Is it electric? No. And it sounds like a demon. That thing's fucking sexy. It's so sexy. What you've seen in real life. It's incredible. It's incredible. That's what it's just like, Jesus Christ. That's the fastest thing I've ever been in. Yeah, that thing's nuts. I mean, it's literally like a race car. You think about treating yourself to one. Yeah, that's dangerous. If I want to go fast, I'll take the plaid. And if I want to have fun, I'll take a muscle car. I like muscle cars. I'm not the sound. I never was a sound guy either, but I do like the sound of it. Like, bro, I'll let you drive one of the real ones. It's like got a fully independent suspension. He's got driving it on the Autobahn. Yeah. The Tesla. And Topsy goes. No way. He's going. That's not, no, that's kilometer. Yeah, yeah, but still, I was like, Jesus. But what is like, what's 260 kilometers? I think you got it up to top speeds over 200 miles an hour. Yeah, they're fast. Holy fuck. It's just how fast it gets to 60 that's so bonkers. Yeah. Yeah, I fucking love stepping on that. My little princess, too, she left when she's in the back and I step on a little bit, she goes, she loves it. She's faster. I taught my 15 year old how to drive in that. Really? Yeah. That's fun. With a ludicrous mode. It's always a ludicrous mode. I never take it off. But I taught her how to drive in that. It's easy to control. That's the difference between that and other high power cars. You can drive in that very slowly, easily. It's not hard to do. It's like the perfect car to drive around. For a commuter car, it's the best car ever. I take it more than anything. I love that car. I'm always taking that. Or I take the Ram. It's weird when you drive the Teslas, too, with the regenerative braking and getting a different car. It's like, what the fuck? Yeah, it is weird. You used to just driving with one pedal, letting it slow itself down. Or if you're on cruise control on a different car and you forget that it doesn't slow down and you get behind someone, you fucking all say to them. When you hit that, doop, doop. And it stays in the lane. Oh, that's so nice. I need to use it fucking more, because apparently. So how many tickets have you got? Just like two within the last couple of months. But this motherfucker got three within like, or no, that last one you didn't get a ticket because the cop knew you. But this motherfucker was just in the same position I was in. You got to go to court and everything, too. I got to go. You drive, too. Just the Model 3. Fast as fuck, too. Fucking love it. I love it. That's a great car for the value. Oh, my god. I was at a red light and I was right, and I was in my GG3 RS, which sounds fucking insane. And this Model 3 just went, shoo. Took off ahead of me. I was like, I'm not even going to try. You motherfucker, silently. And this kind of an economy car. Yeah, for the price, those things are fucking. Perfect cars. And if you have a charger at your house, it's the shit. You just plug it in at your house. You never have to go to a gas station. You know those sketchy moments where you're coming home and it's 1 o'clock in the morning and you're on E? Like, fuck. I want to get gas. But I don't want to fucking pull into some weird station and get carjacked. Right. Fuck. Yeah, you see too many videos. I mean, especially in a busy city, the Hov Lane, when you could just click that self drive and sit back. That's nice. Have a jack. Yeah, you've seen people falling asleep in those things in traffic. They're asleep in the car. Yeah, that's fucking terrifying. I couldn't do that. But those motherfuckers probably worked for 10 hours. Yeah. A lot of Silicon Valley people are just on their last edge. Last fucking, ran out of Adderalls. We still haven't been to a Bucky. We keep hearing about Bucky's. Oh, I talked about it last night. You got to go. We went to HEB thinking it's Bucky's. No, HEB's going to be sweet. Yeah, I didn't think it was going to be a Bucky's. I knew the difference. But you keep hearing about HEB. I kept hearing on Kill Tony. They talk about it, talk about it. I got to go. We go. And I'm like, what the fuck? We thought it was like a Whole Foods store. We thought it was like a Whole Foods store. We thought it was like a nice organic Whole Foods or some shit. No. Yeah, we got to go to Whole Foods. This place is called Central Market. That's actually better than Whole Foods. Really? Central Market's great. It's like an advanced Whole Foods. Yeah, yeah. But it's also like an advanced Whole Foods. It's like Whole Foods, but even better. It's great. That place is great out here. But HEB's is a good, nice supermarket. I think we went to a dirtier one. Bucky's is an experience, man. You buy tents at Bucky's. Yeah, we need to get fishing equipment. Bucky's is nuts. It's so big. You're talking about hundreds of pumps. You sit there, you're like, what is going on? It's like a parking lot filled with pumps. That's badass. Yeah, it makes sense to your bit when you said what. It was just Texas. Makes sense. You usually do Instacart, or you go shopping. Where's your wife? What do you mean? Like when you get groceries and stuff? What's Instacart? Instacart's like a new app. You can just go to whatever store, click it in your thing, and they'll deliver it right to your door. Nah, go shopping. Yeah. Let's push a fucking car around and say hi to people. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Is it constantly pictures? Are people kind of leaving a little bit alone? Mostly leave me alone. People out here are cool now. Say hi. They're friendly. Yeah. It's not like it doesn't feel douchey. You know? It's like they're just folks shopping. Fans, too. Listen to Pod. Something real cool. Most people are just nice. They come over, hey, like your show. Thank you. It's nice. No big deal. Yeah, it is nice. That's how I feel like it is out kind of in Arizona where we're at out there. But one thing does happen to people, and it's going to happen to you too, is like as you get more and more famous, sometimes people get anxiety about social circumstances just because you don't want to get bothered. Yeah, I felt that before. Yeah. Where I was like, gosh. It's like I want to go take a PM at a restaurant. I'm like, I don't really want to walk past people and then go in the bathroom and sit in there and like, oh. Especially you, because you're so identifiable. Oh, that's it. Yeah. Yeah. Which is great. And then I tried to go incognito, and I have like a sugar hat with a sugar shirt and sugar shorts. I'm like, that didn't work. My hair's fucking pink. All your cars are flashing colors. I know. I fucking don't know. What? Come on, man. You're a star. That's how you got to do it. Hey, how did you pick that song that you came out to? Because it was the perfect song. I picked it. It's funny. I listened to that song for a long time. But I played it in Abu Dhabi. I knew it wouldn't be a banger in Abu Dhabi because it's just different cultural. The pay-per-view, I knew it wasn't going to be too good. But for me, I was like, this is my moment. I'm going to walk out to it. I actually walked out to it too when I fought Jose Quinones. So after I broke my foot when I came back, I walked out to it in Vegas at T-Mobile. Then I went away from it for a little bit, but I knew that was going to fucking just. You got a song of mine for the rematch with Cheeto? I do have a different song of mine, but I also might stick with Superstar. It's a good one, man. Yeah. It's a good one. And there's a thing that happens with certain fighters where when they play a song, people get used to it. Yeah. When Uriah Faber used to come out to cut. Oh, yeah, Jose Aldo. Chris Wyman. Chris Wyman. Chael, even. Yep. Chael. Yeah, there's a thing with fighters with a song. With Anderson Silva, ain't no sunshine when Jesus gone. Oh, he walked out of that. He did. I didn't know that. Yeah. When John Jones comes out, the champ is here. Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp. The champ is here. That's a good one. Matt Hughes' song. Country Boy Can't Survive. That was the greatest one. That was the greatest one. Because at the time, when Matt was the fucking man and he would come out to that song, whoo. Yeah, that was pimp. Yeah. It's such a great opening line, too. The preacher man says it's the end of time. Yeah, the walkouts being there and being at a UFC fight, there's just something about those walkouts, dude. Yeah. That moment, everyone's just looking right at that tunnel waiting. It's so weird because even it's the most calm I ever am in my life is in that moment before we walk. Really? Even in the back. I'm just calm. And you know what's really cool is the documentary crew was following me around this last fight. UFC is putting out a really, really cool documentary next year. And they were following me around. But they had all the access in the back. But yeah, I just fucking feel so calm. You think that's from the meditation? I've learned how to get into that state of mind. But I also know that that's just where I perform the best at. I'm very calm. Do you ever feel yourself getting hyped up or ramped up and then you just go slow down? No. It's all calm. Just calm. The whole fight week, I feel very calm. Fight day, I feel very calm. And then just warming up in the back, I feel very calm. And sometimes I'm like, yeah, I just fuck. I don't know. I'm just so weird. I have a conversation with myself to where I kind of with my breath, I'm gonna say, all right, I'm just gonna let my higher self take over. All the work was put in. I'm gonna just surrender to this moment, let the higher self take over. And I feel like I've kind of, I don't wanna say mastered that because I feel like there's always work to do, but I feel like I've gotten, I've been able to do it pretty much every single UFC fight. I've been able to go in there and just flow. Whatever happens, happens. I completely accept that even if I go out there and lose that my life is still good. I still have my princess, still have my family, still got my friends, life's okay. And I feel like I accept that 100%. I also haven't had to deal with a loss. A loss that's, so we'll see if it ever happens, but. That's why it's always impressive with people like Bisping after Hendo knocked him out, to come back and become the champion. Oh yeah, and to do it with one eye. That's insane. The guy fought 10 fights, including winning the world title with one eye. That was one of my favorite moments in UFC. I didn't watch UFC very too far back, but one of the coolest moments was when Bisping knocked out Rockhold. It was incredible. It was fucking insane. It just shows you this sport, you can't take anything for granted. Fucking laugh. You can't take anybody for granted. You can't be overconfident. Nope. You can't sleep on people. You can't, anything can happen. Luke was the definition of overconfident going into that fight, I feel like. This is his fucking demeanor and is just like. Everything. Yeah, I mean, and you know, justifiably so. Just smoked Chris Wideman, looked like the fucking man. Everybody's like, Jesus Christ, this guy's a stone cold killer. Smoked Bisping after a full fight camp. Now he's fighting him on two weeks. Yeah, that whole story. Everybody hit him with that question mark kick. Ooh, and then guillotined him. Oh yeah, that was bad. Rockhold's a fucking savage, man. He was a fucking savage. And then Mike Perry all pieced him like that, and there was Bare Knuckle, that was crazy. I was excited for that. That was exciting. Mike Perry's just uniquely qualified to fight in that shit. He's built for that. He's designed for it, right? And he's kind of fighting them motherfuckers. And even his grappling was underrated. He could have a fucking grapple. He's strong as shit, and he's so game. And like mindset is such an important quality, and his mindset is a Rottweiler. Yeah, he's just a savage. Just let's go. What, I remember Bare Knuckle kind of got blew up a little bit for a second, but I haven't heard anything. Have they not had another big event yet? They're gonna have, look, Jorge Masudal's doing Bare Knuckle MMA, I like that a lot. Have you ever thought about doing that? I would never. Never, no. I like fucking that little bit of padding I got for that baby. I feel like I got pretty strong hands though, like pretty big hands, strong hands, but I'd rather not. They'll break. Yeah, I'd rather not. I mean, I think what they're doing with the wrap too is odd, like you wrap the hand up and the wrist up, but you leave the knuckles. One of the vulnerabilities of the hand is not just the fact that the hands are brittle, but the fact that when you punch something, your hand is not really designed to, you gotta really be good at hitting just like that. In the right way. And if this happens, I fucked my wrist up once when I was young, when I didn't tape it right, and I hit someone with a body shot, and I caught their elbow and twisted my wrist back. My wrist was fucked up for like a year after that. You blew your bicep out, throwing a body shot like that, boom. I watched it. Oh, it's separated? I was filming, he was sparring, he had a fight coming up. I was filming his rounds, and he threw a body shot in this guy, and then fucking watched his bicep go up through his arm. It was so gross. Sounds like a t-shirt. Did you get it reattached? Yeah, both of them. Yeah, both. Oh, both of them went out? Both. And his brothers. It's like a crazy jean. Wow, that is weird, yeah. It is weird. Yeah. Matt Serra did that and never got it fixed. So when he makes one bicep, in the middle of it, it pops up. It's like he's missing the front part of the bicep, like up to here. That dude's a character. Oh, he's so funny. That fucker is funny. He's so funny. I like watching him on certain things. He's a fucking wild man. He's great on podcasts. Yeah. We did this podcast with my friend John Rallo, Dean Thomas, and him. It was amazing. He's so funny, man. His stories and just his energy and his character. He's a funny motherfucker. He's a classic New York funny Italian guy. Yep. You know? Hell yeah. And an amazing Jiu Jitsu guy. God damn was he good when he was young. Really? Matt Serra was a fucking man. He was a world championship caliber, like as elite as anybody. Did he do gi too or just no gi? Gi and no gi. He did everything. Yeah. He's a fucking assassin, like a super high level black belt. Well, that's good. I mean, that's where Aljo, those guys train out of, right? Fucking under him. Yeah. Dothan Hohenzo, Gracie Lineage, one of the greatest lineages in Jiu Jitsu. I mean, think about who came from there, the John Donahue, Gordon Ryan, all those guys, they all came out of that one camp. Gary Tonen, you know, even Craig Jones, Craig Jones came over to, it's like so many elite guys came out of that one camp. I wonder what Crone was gonna do. I wonder if he's like, fucking I'm done, it's done. That last fight was a bummer. That was great. We were there live and it was just, yeah. Charles Jordan, though, I mean, that was, he had a good game plan, good fucking execution. I wonder if that crone's just so like stuck in his ways a little bit, cause we were going to visit Montana, I hit him up to maybe get some training in with him for Sugar and I. Didn't hit us back. They say he just stays in the mountains, just trains when he feels like it. And it looked like that. God, it'd be crazy though, those guys are your family though. It's like how much pressure's on you to be great. But it's also in this world of today, just jujitsu is not enough. It might be enough, like if you catch Alex Casares like he did, you know, and you get his back. And I mean, if Crone gets on you, yeah, you're fucked. You're fucked. I mean, it's jujitsu at the highest level. But he's gotta get on top. Yeah. He was on his bottom, on bottom against Charles. And he just, Charles did a good job keeping his hips squared. Charles is a real black belt as well. That's the thing, he's like, Charles is very high level on the ground and he's so skillful. He just subbed Ricardo Ramos, didn't he? I didn't see that, I heard that though. That's fucking impressive. Yeah, he's legit. He's super, Charles Rodin's super legit, super technical, very well rounded. I think he can do everything for 45 division. In this day and age too, just like, it's gonna be hard to just be dangerous off your back and the guard. Everyone's just so fucking good at jujitsu now. There's so many world champions you can find and feel them. So to have a good guard, I mean, fuck. The scariest guy off his back today in the UFC is Paul Craig. Yeah. Paul Craig catches people with triangles like one second to go, magma magma. If you got him like one second to go, and fight, he's losing. Charles Liviera too, gets that overwhelm. Oh yeah. That's like some fucking butchering. Oh, all of era's nasty. I'm excited for that. That's very interesting, right? October Abu Dhabi, Charles Islam too, Paulo versus Hamza. Yeah. Oh, dude. I was sure that, I mean, if it was here, I'd go, but fucking Abu Dhabi has a flight. That's a long ass flight. But I would love to see Charles fucking win. That would make for a huge trilogy. It would be. Maybe call Habib out. No, there's no shot. That's not. Habib did. But it's also, it's like you kind of see vulnerability in Islam after that fight with Volkanovski. First of all, you see how good Volkanovski really is. Pomp and pound. Fucking animal. Yeah. He's number one pound. They have him not listed as pound for pound because he lost that fight. I think he'd make a real argument that he won that fight. On top and the end of the fifth, pounding on him, it's hard not to. I think he won the fight. In my mind, he won the fight. I think he did more damage. I think he opposed his skill set. It's also insanely impressive that he goes up from 45 to fight a massive 55. The guy's as big at 55 as anybody is. And at the end of the fight, he's on top, beating him up. He drops him, gets on top of him. I mean, and had massive moments throughout the fight. But it sort of at least gives an air of vulnerability to Islam where before that, most people were like, this guy's unstoppable. Oh, fuck. Charles Donah seen some conference from that. I'd get some. But then again, Islam just smushed him when he got on top of him. I mean, he didn't even just, most people walk into Charles' full guard. He forced the half guard right away. Pinch his knees, forced the half guard. Like, what a good-ass idea. He also rocked him, dropped him, boom, made Charles well. That too. Yeah, that too. There's a lot of factors. But looking at Charles versus Beniel Darouche, she's like, he's bad. That's what he said. And he's such an interesting case, right? Because at one point in time, like the Cubs-Wansin fight, a couple of his other fights, people are like, well, Charles just doesn't have it. Like, whatever it is, he just falls apart. And then he has a kid. He has a dog. Is that what it was? Yeah, man. I can see that. And then, I would say. Well, he went up to 55 too, right? That too. That's gonna be. Yeah, that too. The 45 was real bad on him. It was real bad on him. It was just rough. He did 55 before. I think he did 55 in the initial fights in the UFC. Then what? But, again, it's Efrain Escudero. I think that was 55. But he was just too dehydrated and fucked up to fight at 45. And for whatever reason, just didn't have it together mentally. And then, boom, all of a sudden, he's the fucking man. Yeah, it's almost just so cool seeing those guys with a lot of losses become the fucking man. Before high when he did, that was fucking sweet. He fucking came on the scene with those knockouts. It is kind of crazy when you see a guy who's gone to a point where you're starting to write him off. And then, all of a sudden, becomes, there was a moment where people were like, oh, Vero might be the best pound for pound fighter on earth. After Gachey? Yeah, I mean, that was incredible to do that to Gachey. Gachey versus Islam, very interesting too, though. Yeah, it is. That's a fucking. Gachey's a monster on the feet. Coming off that KO lot, Erwin, that was fucking wild. He's a monster on the feet. And he's a serious wrestler. There's a lot going on with that. When he beat Fazib, I was like, holy shit. He beat him at Fazib's game. That was impressive as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if Gachey fucked up Islam. Or knocked him out. I wouldn't be that surprised. You know what? Islam's got very underrated striking. That motherfucker is skilled on the feet. He's very technical. He's skilled everywhere. Yeah, he's underrated on the feet for sure. Oh my god, his top pressure is next level. His top pressure just smushes people. Erwin says he's just freakishly strong. Well, he's so big. I mean, what does he weigh before he cuts to 55? He's got to be in the 190s. God damn, you think? I've never seen him in person. He's big, dude. Big fucker. He's got a big back. He's thick. Colby called him out, right? Yeah. It's a sick fight. Colby versus Leon will be sweet too, but Colby was a sick fight. Colby can make 55. He could, for sure. Yeah, he's not a big 70 at all. Damn, that would be wild. That would be crazy if he wins the bell to 170 and he's the first guy to go, well, I guess Henry tried to go to TJ, but go down to 55 and fight. Because Islam probably is bigger than Colby. Probably. Or around the same size. That would be crazy. It would be crazy. Has he ever fought at 55 in the UFC? No, no he hasn't. So that would be interesting to see how a cut goes. But you know, you got to get past Leon. That's no fucking pick. That guy's so, and after he beat Usman the second fight, he realizes take-out defense is impressing, is more impressive, and his striking is as good as anybody in the sport. That fucking head kick was so nasty. Pound for pound headshot, damn, that was so cold. I was like, oh. Southpawn, Southpaw too, and Colby seemed to do good against Southpaws. He takes them down fucking pretty easy. Yeah, ponch take-down, ponch. Yeah, the thing about Leon is you can't zig when you should've zagged. Yeah. He'll find your chin. Yeah, he's accurate. He's a good striker. He's got that championship level confidence now. Wins the title by the most spectacular headshot, one of the most spectacular head kicks in the sport. To win a title in a fight you're losing against Kamaru Usman, who is the nightmare, right? And he's winning, and you just, crap. In the fifth round, in Utah, elevation, fifth round. Walk off kick. So crazy, John Anik fucking. And he called it. John Anik was the greatest call in sports history. Yeah, that was wild. That is not the cloth from which he is cut. Do wack. I was like, what? Yeah, and then Kamaru, you know what? One thing I think Kamaru fucked up was talking about how bad his knees are. I remember he said that on the pod, because I never knew, but then he would, he brought it up when he was doing the pod with you. So you can't just walk backwards downstairs. You used to walk in the grass sometimes. Just talking, I think if you're a fighter and you got some real injuries, keep that shit under wrap because if you're fighting someone, and I know they're fucked up somewhere or something, gives you a little edge maybe, maybe not, but I feel like he fucked up. It definitely gives you a target. Yeah. Yeah, you definitely know something's going on. You see him wince when something moves, like, oh, these guys knees are fucked. Yeah, and he definitely could kick the back of his legs and try to jar all that shit. It's already inflamed and sore. Yeah, but who knows? That motherfucker was, ran the shit for a while. He ran the shit for a while. Do you see Tyrone Woodley say he'll come back only if he can fuck up Izzy? I like Tyrone Woodley, but I mean, Izzy's just a fucking sniper. Don't you think that that is probably like when guys, they're kind of over and they're trying to find something to get them? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. And then, yeah, maybe they weren't allowed like some extra TRT, some sauce, and then they get on it, and then they're like, I'm fucking back, baby. Yeah, probably, honestly. Yeah, who knows? I mean, he was always naturally genetically gifted. I mean, as a natural athlete, he looked fucking insane. Yeah. You know, when we knocked out Robbie Lawler. My God. That was crazy. Yeah, explosive. Tyrone, crazy. The J-Haron fight might've been one of his most impressive. That was like one of his first big KOs in the UFC. You ever see that fight? Pull up Tyrone Woodley, J-Haron. He hit it with like this, just leaping forward, like blitz, punch, and cracked him and then put him away. He was a monster, man. Tyrone Woodley has some serious power. It's crazy how you could just see someone dominate, and then this next guy, now it's Kamaro dominating. Now it's Leon Tam. Am I thinking of Josh Koshchak? Oh, maybe, yeah. Then he hit him while he was going down. Maybe he knocked out J-Haron too. He did, yeah, let's see the J-Haron fight first. Yeah, Tyrone was a monster. Fuck yeah. And maybe it's just even more impressive what Izzy was doing for as long as he was doing it. And Alexander Volkanovsky, fight defend, fight defend, fight defend, fight defend. Oh, I haven't seen this. Look how jacked he is, and this is like a complete, boom, boom, I mean, look at the speed. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And this is Tyrone at his most vicious, yeah, his most vicious in the beginning of the career. Fucking NFL running back. No, he was phenomenal. He was phenomenal in his prime. Yeah, that's crazy. Listen boys, we just did like four hours. No way. Yeah, it's close to it, it's five o'clock already. Jesus. Crazy. Hell yeah. That went fast. I know. That was great, that's that smelling salt. Listen man, congratulations on everything. It's been amazing, and to have you guys on five years ago, I'm just plottin' this out. Fuck yeah. To coming back on as the champ with one of the most amazing championship winning performances in the history of the sport. It's fucking awesome man, I'm so happy for you. Yeah, thanks for having us on. Thanks for doing what you do, because I fucking enjoy the podcast as just a fan. It's fucking amazing, so yeah, thank you for having us back.