4 years ago
6 appearances
Dr. Mark Gordon is an expert in the field of neuroregenerative medicine and the treatment of Traumatic Brain Injuries. www.millenniumhealthstore.com
3 appearances
SFC Andrew Marr is a Green Beret, co-founder of the Warrior Angels Foundation, and author of "Tales from the Blast Factory". He is also one of the subjects in the new documentary "Quiet Explosions" available now.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
So if you're gonna put someone on sort of a preventative protocol for for Covid you would recommend corsetin and you can get it. I just bought some on Amazon after you brought it up because I wasn't taking corsetin. Corsetin at what dose? Well what we started off just for you know for daily use because the benefit of corsetin is it drops the inflammatory cytokines. It increases mitochondria so you produce more cells so you produce more energy ATP. That was what we were using for and it was 500 milligrams twice a day and zinc was 15 to 30 milligrams twice a day. And in the past 20 years I've been sick 13 days and what I started seeing in our population because we do a monthly questionnaire to our patient population and we have two questions about allergies and about infections or colds and we started seeing years ago that the number of colds people were having were dropping and their allergies were improving and honestly I didn't understand why until Covid and I started looking at how the immune system is influenced by things like zinc and certain of testosterone. Testosterone stimulates the CD4, CD8 cells which are the immune cells that help to defend us against infections, viral bacterial, innate immunity as well as it increases something called interleukin 10 which is an anti-inflammatory product and it drops the inflammatory interleukins. These are the cytokines or produced by our immune system to help fight off infections by sending out an attack against them which is a biochemical attack other than just antibodies. So you got zinc 15 to 30 milligrams twice a day, corsetin 500 milligrams twice a day that's preventive. Treatment and we've had to treat patients outside of our practice is a thousand milligrams twice a day with 30 milligrams a thousand milligrams twice a day of corsetin and 30 milligrams twice a day of zinc. And this is for someone that has Covid. That's someone who's active. And what is what's going on with zinc and corsetin and and Covid? Like how how does it interact? Yeah well the virus that gets into our cells it gets into our cells through something called an ACE2 receptor and that's what the vaccine is fighting against. They call it the spike protein. So on the outer membrane of the virus are these spikes. So it uses our own system to transport the virus into the cell. Once it's in the cell the virus releases something called replicase. Replicase is a DNA reverse transcriptase protein that takes over our manufacturing at the ribosome to make more viral genome. Well it turns out that the replicase has an area on it that if zinc attaches to it shuts it off. So corsetin is called an inophore. It carries charged particles into the cell. Otherwise zinc sets outside the cell. So zinc without a zynophore? That's what I'm saying? Inophore. Zinc without an inophore. It just it doesn't work. Correct. Interesting. So a lot of these people that are just taking zinc on its own. It doesn't get into the cell right? It doesn't go into the cell. Yeah generally speaking it won't get into the cell at a high rate. It will over time get in because we have things that we take in like bismuth in our system from fruits and vegetables. We have EGCG from green tea if people are drinking green tea. We've got curcumin from food that's why in India they don't get it. So they're getting some form of an inophore but if you want to really jam the zinc into the cells use a corsetin or turmeric or. And then move on to D3. I'm taking 5,000 IU's a day. What do you I personally take a little bit more than that. How much do you take? 50,000. Jesus Christ. Mondays and 10 or 20,000 on every other day. That's a lot. Why? I don't know. Yeah that's right. Most people say I don't know. Is there any negative aspect? Yeah there are negative aspects to high levels of vitamin D but not due to vitamin D due to what it does. What vitamin D does as I said earlier is it brings calcium in from your nutrition and takes phosphorus in so it can build bone. Calcium if it's too high hyperkalemia will cause the nausea, vomiting and can cause the irregularity of the heart. So if you're taking high dosing of calcium for whatever reason and you take high dosing of vitamin D you would be at risk for developing nausea, vomiting and toxicity. A study that was done which is also on the paper I gave you. They did 113,000 hospitalized people and they looked at their vitamin D levels. They all had been taking vitamin D. They only found I think it was four people who had toxicity from elevated levels of vitamin D and it turned out it was the liquid form of vitamin D that created the problem. So from that standpoint vitamin D is very safe and I'm talking up numbers that are 60 to 100. I try to keep my range at 80 to 100 because of studies that are showing. You take calcium? No. You don't? Why not? I have it in my nutrition and I monitor my calcium every six months in my blood work. So if my levels are where they should be I'm fine. Okay so what do you look for in nutrition to get your calcium from? What are you getting from? You know I eat cheese. My daughter pulled me off of cow's milk and tried me on goat cheese. Goat cheese she gives me all that stuff. So in my cheese I get it and then you know there are foods that I eat. I chew on bone so I get a little calcium that way. Chew on bone. No I'm just kidding. Because I take bone meal. Yeah. Yeah. Alison makes bone broth. She makes bone broth at home. So it has good bone marrow you know protein and some calcium. I don't know how much calcium you get from it but I monitor I'm getting it some place in my nutrition. So for someone who has osteoporosis let's point to them. They're recommended to take calcium. Correct. Now they're taking calcium and they have vitamin D3. Correct. Then they must be careful about what the levels of vitamin D3 they take. Correct. And the... What do you recommend to someone who's taking calcium? Like what levels? See I use the science. I use the laboratory to tell me how much you know I get ridiculed by my colleagues because I'm giving everybody a baseline of 10,000 units. And they say oh that's toxic. It's gonna go... You go and do the blood test and you see giving them 10,000 they get a you know still suboptimal level of vitamin D. It's because they're not absorbing it. So I can't assume that 10,000 is going to give them toxic levels you know calcium absorption. So I start at 5 to 10,000. 10,000 seems to be the amount. And then their calcium they get. They have a prescribed product which has calcium and vitamin D in a balanced combination already. So... Who makes that? I don't remember which pharmaceutical. I don't use it. What was the issue with the liquid vitamin D? Yeah the only thing is with liquid vitamin D. Yeah but why? Because of the absorption rate. Because it gets absorbed so well. Capsule encapsulated you know it's fat soluble you take it after a meal that gets absorbed. And based upon how good the gut is you know dysbiosis it will regulate how you absorb it. So I don't assume anything. I'll put a patient on a protocol and then three months later I'll go and test them and see where their levels are at. If they're at a great level on that amount that's perfect for them. How do I know that whatever I'm giving them is going to be too much too little or perfect? And then the level of absorption which will indicate in their blood will indicate what levels are shown in the blood is directly related to their diet as well. Correct. And the other nutrients are taken. It's related to the status of their gut, the lining of their gut. It's relative to if they took it before food or during food with food. It's a fat soluble fat soluble vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin D or hormone D or DHEA. They all need food to optimize the absorption. Okay so so we got D3 which you take at very high levels but what do you recommend 10,000? You need to have a blood test. Before we put anybody on vitamin D we don't just abstractly you know put them on a number. We check their levels and I've been absolutely amazed at not only the frequency of deficiency of vitamin D but the fact that I've got surfers who have deficiency of vitamin D. How can you be a surfer out there in the sun and be vitamin D deficient? Wet suits right? Well they wear maybe the top but their arms and legs below the belly is exposed. Four hours. I see a lot of guys with full wetsuits out there because that fucking Pacific Ocean is cold as shit. It's cold. It's cold. Yeah but when they get out they lay down on the beach you know. I think human beings need a lot of sun. I think the genetics are changing. Yeah are they? Yeah I think so. Look at why did we develop this whole system of vitamin D? The vitamin D receptor stimulates hair growth to cover our body with hair to avoid the ionizing radiation that our ancestors, Neolithic ancestors used to have. They were getting cancer. They were getting exposed to high levels because the air was clear. There was no smog back then. So they were getting full strength of the radiation from the Sun and they were dying. So the body is getting it's smogs protecting us from cancer. Is that what you're saying? Relative to Sun. Joke just piece it all together. Yeah so Hong Kong. What are the Chinese cities? Beijing. Beijing. It was really bad. I was there. Yeah I used to work there. That's right they did the Olympics there and they said it was like the worst air quality I've ever had for the Olympics. And the only way they've got the air clear there was shutting down to all the manufacturing that's in one of the inner circles. So Beijing grew so rapidly that they have 10 rings around it and I think in the fourth or fifth ring is where they have all the manufacturing. So when the financial summit happened they shut them all down. Air was clear. Absolutely clear. The silliest thing I was there for New Year's one year in February and they shut off 45 million dollars worth of rockets and fireworks and firecrackers and all that added pollution you couldn't breathe. And I was on the 27th floor of a building couldn't breathe up there. Really? Yeah it was pretty bad. Pretty bad. So okay so D3. Yes. So we got quercetin we got zinc. Zinc 30 milligrams twice a day or that's the that's a therapeutic. Therapeutic a thousand milligrams twice a day with 30 twice a day of zinc. Then D3 figure out what the levels are but what you're taking is somewhere. I'm taking about 120,000 a week. If someone doesn't have like a good place to go they don't they don't have a good doctor to go how do they find a doctor that could read their vitamin levels on their blood work? Like what do you look for? Like if someone's listening to this like I should get my blood work done. Who do they go? Right well functional medicine is big now and in functional medicine they're looking at your amino acids they're looking at your vitamin levels they're looking at your mineral levels which need to be done. We're not getting our minerals anymore because we're getting bottled water. How many minerals are in here? Zero of them. Yeah right zero is. Well that's hard water right? Like well water? That's what people call it hard water. Run off for the mountains. I know but that's what hard water is right? That's high calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide whatever it is. Calcium. Minerals in the water right? Yeah and you can buy the minerals and put a couple of drops into the bottle. I take colloidal. That's it. So you got your D3 you got your quercetin you got your zinc. What about vitamin C? Vitamin C helps with the immune system. How much do you take? I don't take vitamin C. Really? What do you take? I have two or three pieces of citrus fruit that I grow in my backyard every morning. Every now and then Allison will bring in some of the from here it's called strawberry Texas grapefruits. Phenomenal. Sweet as can be. A strawberry grapefruit? They call it strawberry because of the color. The usual one is the pink grapefruits from Texas not the yellow ones from Florida but the pink ones and they're very high in vitamin C. Also I grow komquats so I'll eat the whole thing so they have a lot of natural komquats and I get two cycles a year so I'm always with natural forms. Okay so you just get it most. I get it all naturally. Yeah. What other I mean this is all we're talking about like during this COVID pandemic where everybody's really concerned about their immune system and protecting themselves from. Yeah DHEA is also an immune stimulator. DHEA you know studies that came out of Massachusetts male aging study showed that DHEA is extremely important for protecting the heart. When they looked at you know quartiles the lowest 25% of the range versus the highest you saw a significant loss of heart attack deaths and a significant decrease in hospitalizations due to heart attack and that's DHEA. It also stimulates the immune system so it up regulates the ability of our system to defend itself so it's a higher quality of defense. Another issue with vitamin D I mean with DHEA is DHEA is important for allowing DHT, dihydro testosterone, into the cell and why is that important? DHT is a byproduct of testosterone because it's the combination of DHEA getting DHT dihydro testosterone in the cell that allows for sugar to be brought into myocytes into the muscle cells. So there are articles out there talking about if you want to get the optimal benefit for muscle growth you need to make sure your DHEA levels are optimal to get the DHT to increase glycogen in the muscle cells so use that for energy and for growth. Catch new episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience for free only on Spotify. Watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience. On Spotify you can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free. 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