5 years ago
5 appearances
Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comic, political commentator, and host of "The Jimmy Dore Show" on YouTube. Watch his new special, "Covid Lies Are Funny," at jimmydore.com.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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we were just talking about the the air force admitting that their pilots had seen you a frozen you're telling me you interviewed one of those yeah i let's interview commander freyver and he was saying that this this chocolate is be my favorite come on it's with an are free for a free for a very okay on he was taught that mean he was one of the guys that actually went to what it what is the word they do when they scramble and go to try to figure out what the fuck something is but they they monitored this thing they saw it with their eyes they saw it with their equipment it was actively jamming the radar whatever this thing was it was shaped like a tic-tac and it moved so fast you couldn't track it with the human eye they said it went from i think they said some some impossible number like 60,000 feet down to 200 feet in less than a second like whatever you could track you know a radar there's a blip blip blip blip they don't know how fast it actually went they just know it went this insane distance in less than a second less than a radar jump like it would it would they had observed them in that area without his knowledge like other air force pilots had observed them and then had you know brought it up to the top of the food chain but it wasn't something that got distributed to everybody until he saw it when he saw it he was like what in the fuck am i looking at here and they're like we have we've been seeing these things and this thing with no active propulsion system that you could recognize there was nothing around no fire coming out of it nothing around and it would just just disappear because you take off at insane rates of speed and actively jamming the radar so when i covered this on my show i said now i've heard reports that pilots see this stuff all the time but they never confirmed it and my question was why now why would the air force be confirming that they saw ufo's now because again like they've been there've been reports that pilots have seen this stuff forever and i'm not saying it didn't happen i'm saying why are they admitting it happened now and then of course you see in this last defense budget they put in money for a space force i think the money for the space force though isn't that because china is able to that's what they say whatever they can do to make sure we want to spend more money that's what they'll do they we saw ufo hate china hey look over there we got to spend more money that's why they're admitting it but fraver i guarantee you isn't in that no no i guarantee he saw it no no they're just now but before they would say that's not true they're the air force would go we don't acknowledge that and now they're going to acknowledge it right you're probably right there's probably something to that that it's just about budgets and i just i want to i don't want to be that cynical when it comes to something like that really that's cynical i want to think come on that's not cynical that's two plus two it is you're right but it's also cynical that the only reason why they're telling us is because of it's both things yeah okay i it is two put i mean look at it's a hundred percent is well how they do it if they need some sort of justification for expanding their reach or expanding their budget they come up with some threats yeah i would i would i'm close i'm in the dumb yeah there's gaps in my knowledge that i can believe oh yeah and well neither of us neither of us are gonna figure anything out right we're not we're not that guy that they're gonna call on there's a real issue we need jimmy door no but that's the but that's see that's the thing joe but my whole show is that someone as dumb as me can see through this stuff i can pick i can put it together oh we're gonna admit that we have ufo's and now we're gonna have a spacebar okay i can put that together that's the whole thing it's like if i can do this i know they can do this they're just not doing it i think the ufo thing is you know i know you're probably right in terms of like one of the reasons why they released it but i i think there's also this when you get a bunch of like really credible people like that commander favorite guy when you get actual data like radar you're you actually can look at the video of the infrared camera of them tracking that thing there's enough of those now that people are like well what the fuck is going on and if you guys have all this money and all this equipment is this is this something that the chinese are doing or the russians are doing or is this something that you can't explain and i think we're in this area where there's so much information people can get a hold of so many videos and so much stuff that they kind of have to start talking about it now okay i you know i i see how they shut down conversations around the most innocuous of inquiries so that's true too they can say shame pretty hard yeah they that's pretty that's true too but when you got a guy who's like a decorated pilot like fraver and he's like look i don't have any other crazy stories in my past he's not a crazy guy he's a pretty rock solid general all-around american hero type guy and he's like look i'll tell you what i fucking saw and it's pretty crazy