Travis Barker is Fighting the "Suicide Disease" | Joe Rogan


6 years ago



Travis Barker

1 appearance

Travis Barker is a musician, songwriter, and record producer, best known as the drummer for the rock band Blink-182.


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These are serious like when you think about this like you probably shouldn't smoke too many of these because no it's just plain tobacco I love I love them though. It got to the point where I couldn't smoke joints. I couldn't smoke out of a bong Yeah, a pipe. It had to be a backwood. That's where I am. Yeah, that's I love it I like them. Did you ever smoke cigarettes? No, see I did I smoked a lot of cigarettes and then I quit smoking cigarettes just smoked weed and then I discovered Backwoods and I was kind of getting a little bit of both You know still getting the tobacco that I missed But yeah, yeah, my friend Ari said that he started smoking spliffs in England You know and when he was over in the UK They mix the weed with the tobacco and he got totally hooked on tobacco again because he had quit cigarettes for years And then he started smoking the weed mixed with the tobacco and before he knew it he was smoking cigarettes again Yeah, so he smoked while he was over there and then he quit as soon as he was done and then came back to you US yeah, I feel like they just started smoking just pure weed over there just for years. Yeah for years. It was both Yeah, I don't understand that Like how'd that how'd that work out over there? Yeah, but still so illegal over there, too. It's like Jesus fucking Christ It's 2019 fellas. Yeah, when I used to fly over there, we'd have to tape tons of weed to our nuts Just just to be able to in our road cases just so we could smoke over there because they had dirt weed Yeah, it was horrible weed, but yeah, it was a pain in the ass. It's fucking dangerous bringing that stuff overseas though Yeah, if you get arrested, that's that's serious. Yeah, I brought it aside bring it everywhere like that and we went to Iraq tape Like gaff tape Man, I feel like you tear the first layer of your nuts off When you go to grab your weed, but yeah, we would do that and then it's a commitment though Yeah, I actually brought it I made the big mistake of not bringing a bunch but I got to Iraq we went to Iraq For like right when the war broke out. What was it like 2003 or 2004? Mm-hmm, and we were over there and and Scandalous Estevan Oriel the photographer he's over there with us documenting the whole thing And I pull it out because we're at this this airport in Bal rain But I feel like it's a field and no one's gonna mess with us and he's like hey bro Look look at look at the back of your fucking passport Look what it says and it says right there like you're basically like they'll kill you if they find You know you brought any drugs in Iraq or you know where we were Bal rain So I did away with everything and I just kind of took up drinking And I'm not really much of a drinker But do you still smoke weed? I don't know I have a friend who's like a dear friend who's like cool like young doctor named dr Bee in San Diego and I call them He actually removed my my tonsils and then like a week later I found out I had what was called pre-cancer Barrett's esophagus. I said, what does this mean? Dr. Bee should I just like kind of like kind of like toned down like how much I'm smoking? He's like no, this means like this is your warning shot like Pay attention stop smoking esophagus cancers a rough one to kill Christopher Hitchens Really? Yeah. Yeah, it's a that's a rough one that kills a lot of fucking people once you get it You get it and you're gone. Basically, it's kill I think kills like think hitch said like 95% of the people to get it now Yeah, so I felt like he's always pretty honest with me and I I just stopped like I love CBD Yeah, that's pretty much what I mess with now, but that's all do you find that A lot of people use CBD and they find that it alleviates anxiety and lets them sleep better. Do you find that? Yeah, as long as I take like triple or quadruple the amount that it says to take on the bottle Because I feel like what I take if I take what the proper dosage is it doesn't do much but I'm one of those people whose minds racing constantly I'll get home from the studio at one or two and I'm just like kind of like figuring out how long I got to sleep before I get to wake up my kids and go to school and I just sit there with my wheels spinning unless I use CBD and then that kind of helps and then I had I have What's called trigeminal neuralgia? Have you ever heard of that? No, it's the fucking worst It's called the suicide disease because basically all of your nerves in your face are firing all at the same time so it almost feels like What you feel when you think you need a root canal or you have like a tooth that's messed up But I got trigeminal neuralgia and I've only had four episodes But when I do get it I use CBD and it it's been amazing But if you look it up a lot of people will go actually go to a dentist get a bunch of root canals done that they don't need or They don't know how to treat it and usually people kill themselves. Whoa. Yeah, it's gnarly. I didn't really know about it I just was home one day. I was like fuck like there's a whole side of my face is burning Hmm It's miserable chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve Which carries a sensation for your face to your brain if you have trigeminal neuralgia even mild stimulation of your face such as From brushing your teeth or putting on makeup may trigger a jolt of excruciating pain Holy shit, man. Yeah, what is the cause? What causes that all different things? They thought like mine I maybe got mine from impact like from my accident And then maybe a little sparring that I've done has has triggered it Also dental when I get dental work done it triggers it so but the CBD stops it Yeah CBD and if it's really bad, there's a This medication called gabapentin And I feel like that's been a Real great way to kind of like mask the pain and what once the gabapentin calms the nerve it kind of deads the nerve 2448 hours it's gone if it's a really bad episode if it's a not so bad CBD just keeps it away

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