The Best Time of Travis Barker's Life Was When He Was Struggling | Joe Rogan


6 years ago



Travis Barker

1 appearance

Travis Barker is a musician, songwriter, and record producer, best known as the drummer for the rock band Blink-182.


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Yeah, and I think like I still have have you ever heard of what's called like user dreams No, we're like I think I've fucked up and I'm smoking weed again And then I wake up and I'm like, oh my god How am I gonna stop cuz I love I love smoking so much, you know or whatever your vice was Yeah, you know if it was like whatever was you know Yeah, you're just like you wake up and you think you're doing it again And then you realize nom. I'm all good. I said dreams like that where I had to go back to high school Really? I just have dreams for years man. Did you hate high school? Fucking Too I don't think anyone likes it. Yeah, you're like You know soon to be a professor or fucking doctor or something Well, I just had no idea what I wanted to do for a living and I was just like being trapped in a classroom Constantly was excruciating. Yeah, I must have had I mean, I probably do have like some crazy form of ADD I don't know. I never been diagnosed. Yeah into a shrink But if I did I mean, I'm sure they'd probably try to put me on something If I tried to tell them what's going on in my head all the time, they'd be like Jesus sit down. Hold on Take these Take these whatever you do it is bad But when I was in high school I fucking hated it and I barely got by and then when I got out of high school I would have these dreams Where I would wake up in the middle of the night and I didn't have enough credits graduate and have to go back And then I was sitting there in my bed but before I woke up trying to decide whether or not I was just gonna fucking drop out and Not graduate from high school not have a high school diploma Yeah, or go back and do another fucking year of hell and it was my guts would turn then I'd wake up I'm gonna graduated. I graduated. Yeah Yeah, it was the worst. I was the same way man. I just like just barely got by high school Did you go to school out here? Yeah. Well, I grew up in like Fontana. Okay, Riverside, Yup, Fontaki Not out the double-dose Muay Thai out there. Yeah, good. So people like to fight in Fontana People like to fight everywhere. Yeah Now you either fight it better fight or play football in Montana. Yeah Yep, but yeah, I was the same way just just skated by high school and then I remember I didn't even want to walk I fucking hated it so much I actually Rode my skateboard with my friends that were like much older than me that I'd go skateboarding with every day and we were Skateboarding by the high school as everyone walked and got their diploma. I was just did you get you the phone that yeah They sent it to me, but me too. I didn't want to fucking be there. No, I didn't I didn't go to my graduation I'm like I'm gone. Yeah, like this is once I got through I'm like you don't have me anymore. I can be free Took me a while to figure out what the fuck to do next Yeah, I would sit there and they would be like so what do you want to do like counselors? I was like, I just want to play drums in a band really and they'd be like, well, that's not an option Like what college are you going to? And they would talk to me like I was like just insane Isn't that crazy that there's so many bands and there's so many drummers. Why is that not an option? Yeah Why is that not an option? It'd be better if they just said well, you know Like I don't know if they motivated you to actually do what you're passionate about Instead of just being well, well, that's not gonna happen. So what do you want to do? So many fucking people that probably wanted to be drummers and just never got a push and never never, you know Yeah, never made it through but then there's the other argument that if you really want it, you'll find a way Yeah, you you got to do it. I mean my dad used to tell me the same thing. He'd be like You got to have a plan B and I'd be like Well, if I have a plan B, I'm not gonna try that hard. Yeah, I started thinking in my head and then That's when I just said no fuck that like I'm it's only this no matter if I'm rich or poor Whatever whatever the circumstances this is what I'm doing. Like I don't give a fuck what the outcome is I think that's the right mindset. Yeah, I don't think people get by that Well, like when I was just starting to do stand-up There was a lot of guys who had full-time jobs and they got degrees and you know They would work their full-time job and then they would just do stand-up a couple nights a week. They never made it Yeah, it was the obsessed guys and women the people that were just like I this is my fucking life This is what I do. I'm gonna do this. Yeah, those are the ones that do it There's no safety net people are the ones that made it. Yeah, I mean, it's gonna fucking happen You just have to you have to stick with it Yeah, you know though I feel like the people who really stick with it and give it like 110 percent Your time will come it's however big or small it is something will happen, you know, yeah Yeah if you figure it out and keep improving and keep learning and learn from your mistakes and learn from your setbacks and Yeah, keep trying to push and get better and improve if you do all those things is as Hopeless and helpless as it seems if you continue to improve you've got to get to a better place you got to get better and one day you'll be undeniable and If you don't and if you just fall back on that safety net, you're always gonna wonder Yeah, you know you're just gonna look at Travis Barker going fucking hand on the drums and going shit That could have been me dude. I almost did it I actually at one point my pops and my pops is awesome, but um He's like Vietnam vet and you know wrote him Harley his whole life and he just basically said to me He's like, yo, you gotta you either gotta start paying rent at the house cuz you you know you're not in high school no more or And get like a 60 hour a week job like a real job or you need to go, you know Go fuck and play drums, but you're not gonna do it here in my garage Wow, so I was like, okay, and it was probably the best thing that was ever said to me you know as harsh as it was or whatever and then I Had actually caved in and I just told my friend know I was like, you know what? I think I'm just gonna I'm gonna get this fucking job cuz I just somehow got a job that made you know in a warehouse it was like Target warehouse making pretty good money compared to what I was making at the time and And he hit me the next day and he's like, I think you're making a big mistake I think you're very fucking talented and I think you'll regret this and you can get this bullshit job Any anytime down the line come live with me on you know, stay at my house you could sleep on the floor of the couch and Let's play in this fucking band and do it and I did it, you know I was like a trash man on Laguna Beach lived in like this studio apartment with a couple of the guys and It just fucking took off like I had to like I mean there was like humility to you know It was like playing bar after bar and you know, you know, but I was eating I was eating I was you know, I was skateboarding every day and I was living at the beach playing in a band with my friends So for me it I had already made it. Those are the best stories. Yeah, they're the best stories And I think back even to this day I go to Laguna sometimes I'm like, wow, that was kind of one of the best moments of my life besides my children being born like poor no money But like happy as fuck like can't even think of another time. I was that happy, you know, yeah Cool the the only pressure is the pressure of trying to succeed There's not the pressure of already succeeding and the overwhelming pressure that you must experience now. Yeah Those are great stories man. The stories are like where you didn't know if it was gonna work Yeah, you figure that out include those stories right now. Some kids are listening those stories right now Listen, and you say this you're like fuck man. I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go for it like who knows how many rock stars you're making right now just saying this Yeah, cuz a lot of them are teeter-tottering. Yeah, am I gonna do it? Am I not gonna do it? even I mean I was at the time, you know and you just have to You know, don't worry about being cool or being fucking rich or having money just Be passionate about what you're passionate about and fucking dedicate a hundred percent, you know Yeah, there's those moments man when you're first starting out anything where it's not sure Yeah, it's not a it's not a definite thing. You're in this weird Limbo space like man, am I gonna be a loser my whole life? Like what's gonna happen to me and those moments man when you look back and you realize you could have quit But you kept going you figured it out. You sucked it up. Yeah, you you worked your way through it. You improved You kept moving. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's life man. Yeah, that's what defines you ma'am. Yeah, it really does I just love those fucking stories. I could never get enough of them man Yeah, the the dirty grimy and then finally you make it story. Yeah

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