6 years ago
9 appearances
Theo Von is a stand-up comic and podcaster. He is the host of "This Past Weekend with Theo Von." www.theovon.com
4 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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So like when you were partying, what was your thing? Just doing cocaine by myself at the house really. Cocaine. It was all cocaine. Dude in cocaine, oh go back to that vest story man, so here's what happened. So I would get fucked up and put these vests on and put on sunglasses, no like buffalo bill shit but at least partying by myself, you know. And I was making like a nice smoothie and I'm fucking coked up, I'm partying, you know, living high on the hall, got these two vests on maybe, right? And I thought I heard something outside, right, which is kind of weird to even think of when you have a blender going, right? So I leave out of my apartment to go in the hallway, lock myself out with the blender going, 2.30 in the morning, coked up out of my brain, right? Now I have to go to my landlord, dude, who lives right down the hall and tell him like, hey man. 2.30 in the morning? I got locked out. The blender's on, son. Oh my god, he must have hated you. Oh, the blender shorts out and smoke happens. The fire alarm starts going off in the building right as I'm at his door knocking, right? Oh my god. So now he's pissed and he's like, what's going on? And I didn't know what to say, I told him that I was throwing a late Christmas party, dude. It was fucking into January. How old were you at the time? Oh, this is two and a half years ago, so I was 35. Bro, so he comes back to my apartment, right? He's trying to piss. He unlocks the door. There's nobody in there. Oh my god. Man, but that's it. It was fun. How long did you live there for? I still live there. Whoa. Yeah, we've patched up. You know, I caught him doing some things. I think we're all leaving.