6 years ago
4 appearances
Adam Greentree is an Australian bowhunter, photographer, and outdoorsman. https://www.instagram.com/adam.greentree
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Because you hear people like if a bear charges male climb a tree and the black bear climbs a tree like I mean fucking Hi, dude runs it you've seen it. Yeah, then there's a cinnamon black bear and she's got cubs and She goes so fast up that yeah, holy. She can't climb up a tree to get away from a bear Yeah, just get the fuck yeah, you're done the big ones just don't want to do it anymore Yeah, they could still they can still do it. Yeah, I can still do it like the ideas I go the big ones won't chase you up a tree Yeah When you see the speed that they go up a tree then you can imagine the speed that they come across land You know and it's just like I always say I always tell people about that one that was sleeping on the elk kill that I had a grizzly we showed that video the other day did ya yeah? Yeah, we showed it on the podcast right and I remember I yelled at that grizzly the one that was sleeping on the elk carcass And it fucking disappeared so fast and quietly dude And I'm like if you don't have eyes on one coming out You don't know it's gonna come at you until you hit until it's on you fucking eating your face All those their pads are so soft. Yeah, the pads of their feet are so soft in order to sneak up on things I remember the first time I went bear hunting with cam and one was walking in it goes right there right there right there I turned to look I'm like He's like, they're so quiet. Oh, this is that video yeah Here is we're gonna go on up run and dude galloping up the tree running Yeah, and I'm fucking scary shit. It doesn't stop there even ends up coming hang on and that's a black bear of cubs So you can imagine that situation with the grizzly and her cubs so fucking scary and so That's a color phase that looks like a color Top is the black bear is the cub no that's it looks like a full-grown black bear The color phase has got a cub back up the mountain with a Yeah, that's some fucking boy boy crocodiles don't fucking climb trees that's what I heard When are we doing this someone started the petition I fucking Joe Rogan needs to hunt Australia Yeah, you keep trying to get me out there. You got snakes too though, bro. Yes, okay, let's fucking those people Let's go over some shit here the whole season in Australia the whole season in Australia. I've seen two snakes One of them not poisonous like a red-billy black steak not gonna harm you a friendly snake The other one are barely poisonous snake of a hair season in Australia Not very poisonous might kill a kid or a dog spiders you guys have though. No, no Thank you talk to him Fucking stay out of it came one thing I wanted to ask you about is the thylacine the Tasmanian tiger Yeah, I read that there there was credible reports by people in the woods. They might have seen one. I wish I Don't think so though, but it's so remote right there's so many cameras now There's guys who scouting cameras that are putting it over deer wallows and stuff like places that they would come in the drink It was a big animal, right? Wasn't it? Yeah, big do they get a hundred pounds something like that? Might be a bit bigger than that. What a cool-looking animal dude, and they mouths come on like this. There it is Scientists hunt for extinct Tasmanian tiger after sightings in Australia. Yeah, that's probably what I saw. I wish the What is that air article from what year? Scroll up here 27. Oh really interesting a lot of the extinction was driven from People right like because they're fucking meat eaters So they'd come in and start eating sheep or whatever they get shot by farmers and stuff like that Which is a shame and I'm sure they didn't realize how doing it at the time But that you know, they push them to extinction, you know If there's one thing that we should bring back from extinction if we if it's possible I believe they should be brought back if it's possible, right? Yeah have some DNA because I mean It would be nice to have some sort of an animal like that that could knock down some of the population totally kangaroos and Probably wouldn't they probably just come in and devastate like livestock populations and people Yeah, but let me get back to why you need to come to Australia two snakes all year in Australia and Fucking 17 snakes in the first month in America, dude 17 Aaron Snyder got bit the other day. Did he? Yeah, it is boot. Really? Yeah, I think he was in North Carolina or some shit I forget where he was somewhere in the south my buddy So this is the first hunt that I did when I come to America we flew in the Idaho and we drove straight down the southern Colorado the hunt prong on and We're driving into the property at like 2 a.m. In the morning and there's a pronghorn just standing on the side of the road You know, it's just like it's dazed, you know So my buddy Jay's pulls up he walks over to it and like literally touches it on the head Like it's like it's just like walking down the road and we're like did it get hit by a car? Next minute I see him jump back a rattlesnake had bit the Pronghorn and he stood he had a leg on either side of the rattlesnake and it strike him It actually striked in twice that miss both times And I had to keep questioning like did that bite you and he's like not not I'm like Have a think about it did a fucking bite you and he's like not I didn't cuz I watched it in the headlights go for in twice and Once we set up camp we went back there and that problem was dead. It had killed that problem Yeah, I'm like fuck America Fuck America Australia is so much safer a friend of mine was hiking and he almost stepped on a Rattlesnake and jumped back and then realized it was a nest of them. Holy. There was a little one surrounding them They were all over the place. It's like fuck. Yeah jumping hopping around one leg after another crazy. Yeah, I actually had um As apparently that happens what yeah does yeah and Tarantulas there dude everywhere there was just tarantulas walking over the ground everywhere Oh, so that's cool a bold the bold effort to prove the Tasmanian tiger still out there wildlife biologist forest Galante has brought one species back from the dead and he wants to do the same with the Tasmanian tiger What the fuck is he brought back from the dead this goddamn Frankenstein? Unable to play the the Cuban Sal Leno dawn is one of the most curious animals in the planet small shrewd shrewd Must be shrew like creature mammal is a mammal, but a highly venomous one. Fuck you bring that back Really? Is the same our specimen found that was thought to be lost forever then unexpected be three were caught just a few years later The extinct species marked on so that may be the case with the Tasmanian tiger Hmm, it'd be awesome. I hope so Okay, sure it is Galante's a wildlife biologist made his life mission to search for animals that have wrongly been deemed extinct and among those species on his List is the Tasmanian tiger And it doesn't the difficulty leads to these I want like who the fuck has seen once keeps growing See if anybody like legit seem one. He's been traveling around the world searching for evidence species like Tasmanian devil Packy Lemur and the Newfoundland white wolf still exists hundreds of species deemed extinct worldwide annual annually This process isn't foolproof and every now and then animals are rediscovered after they were thought to be gone forever But proving the animal still out. There's no easy feat. Hmm. I wonder Huh Hi, I'm sorry. Yeah Captured footage of a Zanzibar leopard which is thought to be extinct for 25 years due to persecution by local hunters in the Zanzibar Archipelago in Tasmania Tanzania rather excuse me Wow That would be fucking pretty dope if they actually did find that thing. It's a cool-looking animal, you know