Adam Greentree Was Almost Killed by a Wild Hog! - Joe Rogan


6 years ago



Adam Greentree

4 appearances

Adam Greentree is an Australian bowhunter, photographer, and outdoorsman.


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Pigs are the weirdest one because pigs like my friend Whitney Cummings. She adopted a pig that Where'd she get that pig? I think it was from the fire, right? Yeah, and she actually wound up driving it to Texas She drove in her car 24 hours. She's a fucking maniac when it comes to animals I think her and her fiance drove to Texas with this fucking pig to drop it off at this pig shelter and Damn, dude when you she's with that pig that thing is like a dog Yeah, might as well be my dog. Yeah, it's like hanging out. They're an intelligent animal. Yeah, but When they get loose and they're out in the wild boy, they fucking breed three four times a year You know have big piles of piglets and those piglets will destroy they eat everything in sight They're absolutely devastating to the ecosystem for everything to devastating to plants and ground nesting birds animals everything Everything in front of them they're pigs. Yeah, and I hate them. No, I hate them. I love pigs I think they're an unreal animal, but the bigger picture is they need to be controlled They can't go out there and just ruin the you know our ecosystem like that Well, there's you're seeing in Texas Texas is probably in the United States is the biggest example of what happens when or the best example what happens in these feral hogs Are just completely out of control. They just devastate these Agriculture farms. Yeah, they have these farms and they're just getting destroyed Yeah I mean that's all the wildlife of a wildlife as well because they eat frogs and they'll eat lizards and they'll anything that's on The ground that's edible. They'll eat it. Yeah, I wrote an article years ago. It was called Killer at the pass it was a place in Australia and the property owners like the ranch has called me up and they said you need to come out and shoot some of the foxes like they're devastating our lambs and I end up going out there and when I was driving in with the four-wheel drive at night with the high beams on I Seen this massive big black and white boar walking between the flock of sheep with a lamb in its mouth There was this pig and it got a taste for meat and it happens all the time like so a big boar especially a mature animal will get a taste for meat in harsher conditions and they'll just stick to meat after that and End up catching up with this pig the next morning and shot it with the bow It actually attacked me the first shot wasn't perfect and it charged me and I end up like stabbing it to death I was on a slope like this on the mountain And it was really a battle like but any he end up hooking the bow out of me hand because when he charged me I put an arrow on and shot and just went down one side and like hit one lung and it just infuriated this bore and he was on me and When I was fending him off with the bow his tusks went into the bottom limb of the bow or the cam or something like that and ripped the bow out of me hand and I end up getting me knife off me and I end up like stabbing this pig Why it was like trying to run me over. Holy shit. How big was it? It was a big bore was like big meat and meat eating ball like this and like how many pounds? No, I fucking big that's how many pounds 300 Probably not 300. Yeah, my own boys just get real solid. Yeah, probably 200 or something like that and Any I end up stabbing this thing to death and When I end up cutting it open its whole insides like its whole stomach was like lambs hocks like the feet the bottom of the feet where they can't swallow in skulls and just like little bits of Wool and stuff like that. He'd just been going around and just picking these lambs off and killing them Yeah, and it's a really known occurrence in Australia and how that if things get harsh I'll just go they'll just because they're just absolutely ruthless I'll just walk right between the sheep and just fucking grab a lamb walk off of it. Chew it up and eat it True. But anyway first thing in that morning that I found was a pig spew and it was like this fucking spew like this And it was the same was lambs hocks and what's a speed to vomit? Oh, you don't say spew in America You do but I wasn't I thought maybe it meant something else to you. Yeah, fucking spewing mate. Yeah, I spewed out That's what happened at Disney yesterday Disney spewed all over me So they just threw up bones just for bones and stuff that it couldn't digest but yeah end up Lambkiller at the past destructive animal and they're so ruthlessly efficient in terms of like how much food they can yeah So a deer will walk along and it will pick You know this it would just pick the tops off grass and the grass regrows You know a pig will go through and eat that grass and it'll turn it over and eat the roots and everything as well Causes a lot of erosion and then there's no regrowth because there's no roots in the grass. They're greedy pigs. They're greedy pigs You know, they're the number one cause of death on farms really yeah, apparently with domestic animals people falling into pig pens and just This is devour and you know when you're dealing with these giant domestic pigs they get fucking huge massive Yeah, yeah hundreds of pounds. Yeah in like Western New South Wales when times get tough Which is like seems to be fucking all the time now but um They'll get so desperate like you'll shoot a pig you're going through for the farmer and you're just shooting them You're not even really taking any meat off them because they're like They're can they're eating meat theirself and they're like skin and bones and disgusting it's more of like a coal mission and You'll come back in the afternoon and that pig will be completely Skin and bones because the other pigs just get in there and just and you'll hear them You'll just hear them just scream and it's the most god-awful sound there is Cannibalized they cannibalize. Yeah, I was in Tahoe Ranch and we were walking by this really high grass It grass like five foot high and you we were only like maybe ten yards away from these pigs fighting And I said to Renella I said now come on man if you didn't know those are pigs if I told you there was demons in that grass You would you completely believe it? We're telling like something yeah, it's the best sound when you're hunting yeah Yeah, it was great, but it sounded like Lord of the Rings. It sounded like some horrific scene Monster movie. Yeah, it's not like an or it really did mean there's there It's just how is that the same animal as those cute little things that Whitney Cummings? Yeah Yeah, totally because the one that she had was like all fluffy and sit in her bed Cute loving it. She taught it how to go outside. Was it a pig? No, it was a pig That was the other thing she told me apparently those little pigs are not real. All they are is just underfed Yeah, right. That's pretty fucking that's fucked up like when those people have those little tiny pigs. She's like that's not real Yeah, they're just oh, it's a baby pig. It's a tiny little pig. It's just gonna stay tiny. No if you don't feed it It'll stay time

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