6 years ago
4 appearances
Adam Greentree is an Australian bowhunter, photographer, and outdoorsman. https://www.instagram.com/adam.greentree
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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You don't ever have to buy meat in Australia. No, no. Do you ever buy meat if we're eating chicken? Yeah, that's about it. But just to mix it up. Yeah, the fridge is full I fill all my friends fridges me family's fridges speaking of chicken. What's that mountain lion tastes like? Fucking delicious. That's what I keep hearing. I keep hearing it's delicious. Yeah, and people get angry It's so strange to me how angry people get if you kill a mountain lion Yeah, cuz I think they think that if you kill it, it's different than killing a deer or something That's a normal thing to eat. Yeah, even more than a bear. Yeah, they get more angry. It's a kitty cat Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile that motherfucker will kill you. Yeah, I had a bunch of people saying, you know You shouldn't have killed or I don't see mountain lions like I say dear I'm fucking no shit Cuz if you've seen mountain like lions like you seen dear there'd be no deer. It's as simple as that You know, I don't know what the numbers are But there's probably supposed to be like one mountain lion for every 500 deer or something like yeah When they eat one a day, yeah, that's right and they're a sneaky creature, you know, you're not supposed to see them They're not like that. Listen you you could go your whole life not seeing them and they could be around you all the time Yeah, that's a fact if you live in the wilderness If you live in Montana or you live in Colorado and you live in the woods You might see one every few years. Yeah. Yeah, Mike might Yeah, Mike's one every few years and they're fucking everywhere. Yeah, I'll see prints all the time but I'll never see a cat like I've actually never seen a cat in the wild except for the one that I hunted and That's like that story I was telling you before like it was eating a calf but they typically kill a deer every single day Yeah, you know, so it's fucking deer this the human brain allows us to manage things in a certain way You know, it's like these biologists have put all this study and research in the you know Going okay, you can hunt males in this area. So that's all I could hunt where I was. I could only shoot a male How do you know it's a male? Well, that's when the dogs come in handy so like I've always I've never really wanted to hunt with dogs because I like to do all the hunting myself, but There's a special bond between the hunter and the dogs when you're hunting that's for sure and it was actually a really good experience I really loved it. But a lot of people frown on using dogs but the best way to to Determine the sex is the dogs will track it and the line will take refuge in a tree and then you can have a look I'm out of genitals and make sure it's a male Yeah, yeah, well sometimes if they're low enough you can tell if the human eye So the first thing we established was well It was the line that I wanted the line that had killed that car for was eating that car for live we end up getting a getting the rancher to come in and he end up putting the car out of its misery it couldn't be saved and Then we put the dogs back on that mountain lion track and they chased him about seven miles And they end up training we got we marched in and hiked into the tree and I'm not determined and that it was a male and Then I end up shooting and it wasn't really good death. It was quick. But um If it was a female would have had to have left it where we were some states aren't like that and counties aren't like That where it can be male and female if the population is too high What they're trying to do in that part of Colorado is just keep that might mountain lion population healthy And how they determine that was by shooting males only that could change next year They could have a rise in mountain lion a decrease in the mule deer and other animals So they might change that again, but we could only shoot a male. So yeah the problem in America particularly in California where they outlawed Hunting with dogs is that the perception of using a dog to go after an animal the perception is that it's not fair Hmm what people I mean, this is gonna be hard for some people especially animal lovers to understand But it is the only effective way to hunt for mountain lions because there's no way you're gonna sneak up on them You're just not that's right You're not gonna see them That's when numbers start to bloom and other animals like mule deer and stuff start to plummet which I've heard a lot that's happening In California is the mule deer population's just been decimated because there's no control on the mountain line exactly Well, they do have control the mountain lions, but only government employees killed him the mountain. Yeah kill Ironically the same amount of mountain lions they were killing when they were hot is insane It's insane Yeah But instead of people paying money to do it and getting it which goes back in the conservation and getting to eat the mountain lion Which I know again people are like what are you talking about eating mountain lion? I'm telling you folks. I Haven't eaten one, but I'm telling you and you said it Brunella said it's one of the most delicious animals He's ever eaten. Yeah, I wanted to bring you some but it's actually legal to bring it in to California Good thing. We always abide by the law Adam Green Tree and then one day I'll try it. Yeah So then I've cooked it up and I'm feeding it to Kim Yeah, and I was cooking chicken as well just in case her and the kids didn't like it I had chicken on the grill as well and I said the mountain lion first and they were eating the mountain lion And I'm like, what do you think of it? And she's like I've got the chicken. I'm like, no, you don't you've got the mountain lion And it was delicious dude. It's tender as I felt like it was a taste between like Chicken and pork or chicken and even venison like I found it right in the middle there It's delicious I'm not saying everyone should go and hunt a mountain line because you can't do that Right But there's certain places that you can go and get a tag for the benefit of wildlife and go and hunt a mountain lion people just have a hard time with the idea that you are Somehow or another helping to control the population by killing an animal that kills other animals. Yeah. Yeah They would rather let nature take its course But what so even if like like let's go to Africa now Even if the lion population way outweighed something and was running it to extinction These people would want to sit back and just let that happen And it's like humans have got a brain capacity that allows us to study and put research into an animal That's like actually what would be more healthier for the whole ecosystem Would be if we come in and hunt these animals and what we'll do is we'll charge people a certain tag fee To be able to do that and we'll put that back into conservation which will help this animal And then there's just this beautiful healthy ball that keeps turning. Yeah for the people that know it they respect it and they appreciate it You know people like backcountry hunters and anglers and all these different organizations Rocky Mountain Elk Federation a lot of different organizations they have in the United States that really appreciate what they're doing to Promote that that that idea here in America But people that don't hunt and don't don't go into it It took me years to kind of wrap my head around it and really truly understand it and become educated Yeah as to how it works I wildlife biologists set these standards and they do it based on healthy populations and how much time they spend doing surveys and Analyzing the population how important it is to you know that these reports that hunters send in to wildlife organizations And the Department of Fish and Game it's really interesting stuff And I'm not a blanket killer even because I understand where those people are coming from as well Yeah, I need to we need a certain amount of that because it could go the opposite way Where it's like this just go out and hunt everything and not the case if something's not in a good healthy population I'm not interested in hunt that at all myself of course. Yeah, I want to see these animals stay here for forever I want my kids kids kids kids to be able to see those animals in good healthy healthy population