6 years ago
10 appearances
Everlast is a Grammy Award-winning American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His new project “Everlast presents Whitey Ford’s House of Pain” is available now on Spotify.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Watched a lot of ancient aliens, so they'll always have an explanation my man with the hair George, oh, so close George is a podcast a long time ago. I love that guy dude. He's my favorite dude on that show man. He's good, dude I don't necessarily agree with everything they say not everything but that's there's a coming there's merit to some of it There's a show you watch with your boys and like 1 o'clock in the morning you get baked and everybody laughs You ever watched the vice version where like action Bronson guys are getting Fucking nonsense, but it's if you're high it's fucking fun to watch he came on the podcast I never seen a dude smoke more weed in my life He smoked by himself at least six blunts during the podcast well that dude dabs so hard, man I don't think the weed really fucks with him anymore man. I can think it takes that much weed I got paranoid just watching him. I'm like oh, I mean I smoked a little bit with him But I mean I got to keep this ship on the water Yeah, you gotta let me keep my hands on the wheel sir like he just kept going We took a photo of the ashtray after it was over was preposterous. It's like look at that. That's one show Like that's he's a crazy guy man fun dude. No. He's a good guy. I love that fuck. That's delicious Yeah, that's a great show He you know without alchemist is a good friend of mine. I know him since he's young so they're good buddies I've met him up hung out with him a few times really fun guy, man It's a unique idea for a show because you know action Bronson used to be a chef. Yeah Yeah, so seeing him like interact with food and she has like he's he really knows about food He really understands food. Yeah, I think he should have a cooking show He actually you know can whip up some fucking mean food Yeah, right like we like now that Bourdain's gone Like we need more of those kind of shows that explore food and Bourdain show changed the way I feel about food I used to think of food is just something that tastes really good I didn't think of it as an art form And then I watched his show and you know the reverence that he had for chefs and for the creation of food It made me realize that oh, this is an art form that I was ignorant of I didn't think of it the right way on all Levels not just like the high chef level he brings it to the like the home front where it's like even these local What's he cooking? I was making sandwiches. Yeah. No, you're right man like on street food level He loves Tony loved street tacos and shit. He would go everywhere and buy street food. I mean honestly When you're cooking you feel like that though I know you because you could now I see you cooking all the time whenever you're posting that shit never invite me over to have I was gonna set it up here I was gonna set a thing up here, but they can never figure out how to get ventilation here We have a grill back there. That's never been used. It's just sitting back there. Look at him. He's taking a steak He's drinking wine I wonder why see this is how stony his show is Like they let him wear a shirt that you can't wear so they had a blur out of shirt That's such a stony thing Okay, man, you can't wear that shirt. Oh, yo, I got it all. That's it. This is what I'm wearing So do what you got to do