6 years ago
10 appearances
Everlast is a Grammy Award-winning American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His new project “Everlast presents Whitey Ford’s House of Pain” is available now on Spotify.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Head perk could just go on for days. He had so much fucking material man that guy wrote constantly He was always writing till the end in the end You know the drugs got to him obviously they killed him, but um He was uh his that's a that's a non sequitur style That's the hardest style of comedy you say one thing and then you say something totally unrelated the next joke and the next joke Totally unrelated no sequencing or no man, and you you know it's all segues I'm sorry no sequel yeah, that's an output sequence II it's like that They don't they don't fit in together in any way way shape or form. They're just total non sequitur It's just here's a funny thing. I thought of here's another funny thing I thought of you know and it's but his style was so unique just the way he delivered things was so unique He was funny just talking about nothing like talking about anything one of my favorite jokes of his he goes He goes somebody asked me if I want a frozen banana. I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yes That's just such a silly joke, but it's such a great job. That's a stoner Joe. Oh man all day He's got like one of the best his albums are some of the best stoner material of all time. Maybe the best