6 years ago
9 appearances
Christina P is a stand-up comic and co-host of the "Your Mom's House" podcast with her husband and fellow comedian Tom Segura. Her new Netflix comedy special, "Mom Genes," is available now. http://www.christinaponline.com/
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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You know, there's guys that will fuck your wife, you know, there's guys that will move on them. Say, yeah, you know, look, I don't want to be that guy, but you deserve better than Tom. He's just a bad guy. Oh my God. I've had friends in the past do that. Do you're a lady? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I did go straight to me and tell me, you know, go to the guy. I go, I guess we're not friends, huh? I thought we're friends. You fucking weasel. Damn. Dude, listen, I'm friends with her too. Fuck you. There's certain guys that are like that. There's certain guys that just like I had a friend when I was growing up who always wanted to fuck the girlfriends of other guys. And then if those guys broke up with the girl, he would immediately fuck them. I'm like, dude, he's your friend. That's who's oh, she's fucking she's free. She's free. No free market. What are those called? Those hyenas or they prey on the carcass. What animal preys on the carcass? They're scavengers. They're scavenger. They're waiting. They're just waiting for that breakup. That guy is always around and he's the guy your friends with for a while for like a few years and he acts cool. And then the minute you break up, yeah, dude, he's the shoulder you cry on. It took me a few years to learn that guy. Yeah. Oh shit. You're not my friend. How about the ones that are supposed to be your friend? That's yeah. And they're playing like they're your friend, but really they're just waiting for a moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's gonna be a time. Yeah. Vulnerable. Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna be a time. I always thought it shows if there's a guy and a girl together and I'm like, are you on a date? No, he's just my friend. I'm like, oh bitch. Oh, he does. But some girls know it and they just keep that guy around because he'll drive them to the mall and he'll fucking take them to dinner and we just went out with Mike. He's a sweetie. Me mom Mike is just beating off the finger up his ass thinking about you and poor Mike. Well, this finger in his ass double. Yeah. Nice fucking one in his hoe. One of them, two of them are grabbing the balls like a bowling ball. Ones in the asshole. He's angry. He's coming. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Man are so nasty. Y'all is so damn nasty. Angry that's not working out. Fucking shit. And then she texts him after he comes. He's looking at us like, no, we're not friends. Not friends.