6 years ago
9 appearances
Christina P is a stand-up comic and co-host of the "Your Mom's House" podcast with her husband and fellow comedian Tom Segura. Her new Netflix comedy special, "Mom Genes," is available now. http://www.christinaponline.com/
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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I don't know I wonder if the public versus the private punishment if that ever really works on weirdos yeah would it stop men from murdering I mean I think people that do it get caught up in what they would call crimes of passion right I don't like that I think it caught up in this this moment and they just can't help themselves and they want to kill someone more than they want to be free they just want to kill us motherfuckers they deal with that law shit later right now I got a rock and that dude's got a head I need to connect this rock to that guy's fucking head what's this last public hanging in Kentucky in 1936 like how many people showed up that's the that's the humans like that stuff we like to see it they love it look at those guys climbing up on trees and shit this is in France 1939 it's a guillotine and you know what the guillotine that it wasn't a clean cut the first time and they'd have to do it a few times oh really uh-huh not always a good bad that you always hoped for a sharp blade yeah that's the last public execution in France yeah that's what it says what year was that 1939 whoa 39 whoa was there video of this says he was a German criminal I don't think shit cut his head off Wow that's crazy we have the box standing there two people's ago Joe was yeah yeah the United States is founded three people's ago that's true that's crazy mm-hmm that's what's hard to really understand how much cultural evolution has taken place just during our lifetime it's hard to imagine it's hard to imagine what year were you born 76 could you imagine if you had a time machine and you can go back to 1976 and just wander around the streets and see what people were like like oh my god you guys are children you don't know shit you have no internet you barely read I know what do you do sorry what's that there's a video of that really good video but let's see it all these people gather around gather around fixing to drop the hammer oh here it is oh they get him in there get in there bitch the German ready and one take good job we'll do that again yeah yeah right get him in there and yeah that is a crazy way to kill someone yes leave it to the French well it's efficient I think that's why teen yeah yes this is what we do it's a machine we do not do it with our hands you do see with the machine yeah Wow