6 years ago
9 appearances
Theo Von is a stand-up comic and podcaster. He is the host of "This Past Weekend with Theo Von." www.theovon.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
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People have fuck buddies. They are everyone has guys and girls have fuck buddies. Yeah I'm almost everyone. I know has had one in the past where you weren't in a relationship with them Really, but you drive over and fuck and bang and then all right. Bye. Yeah. Bye, but do you kiss at the end? That's a lot of chicks these days. I think they just want to kiss You don't you want to kiss you someone don't even want to see you sometimes you open the door The girls they're ready to fuck and then just walks off in the other direction. You're done puts a blindfold on Boxes you women are done with us man. They're done. I feel like they're done. Do you feel like that? I think it's a precarious time a lot of chicks are probably going lesbo this week Oh, it's dude. I would be with Trump I think the more days that the the government is shut down the more women are gonna go lesbian They hate men so much because of Trump. Yeah, go gay But people always say people right now going that's not how Duh remember what I said earlier about jokes But what's funny to me is gay guys are always like I'm gonna turn this guy out and that always sounds as well I think that does work, but that sounds alarming. It does sound alarming it, but it does work I have I don't want to say I almost said his name He worked on she wasn't he was not an actor but he worked in the world of acting and he Told me that he blew a lot of straight guys. Mm-hmm He said that was just something that happened They would have a couple drinks and pretend they'd never done it before and next thing you know Yeah, I got that delicious mouth. That's what a lot of gay dudes say It was either him doing them or them doing him But he's like you'd be amazed at how many you know air quotes straight guys are out there my yeah Maybe he just knows how to swing it. But would you do you think is it less? Homosexual to jerk a golf with your Left hand what are you left-handed right hand right handed? So yeah, if you jerky off with your left hand, it's it's gayer to do it with your right hand It's gayer do it my left hand the one that doesn't work as well because it'll take longer Yeah, but you don't really have but it's understandable I feel like it's understandable if you do with your left hand because that's barely even your hand It's my hand, bro You're not gonna feel that much of it though jerk them off with your right hand So you should be effective and get it done with unless you like holding on dicks longer Hey buddy, I'm right here of your pal. I know what's gonna happen You're gonna come the knock and want to hang out with me anymore. Oh gosh. No, no, I wouldn't do that Just go fast No, I don't believe you Yeah, I think no I think you I think you I think using that left hand is that really that's the party move You know because it's not you could still use this hand and be on your phone. You can do other stuff Yeah, but otherwise then you're not concentrating on the jerk in the guy off Look once you commit to doing something gay just get it done son. Yeah to get after it. That's true Okay, you don't want to be out there While you're pretending that you're looking at your mentions But What about this though if you were aggressively very Effectively jerking it off right and then you can barely use your phone It looks like you're just like maybe a you know, gay or bi gentleman. It's on some dope or something You're doing gay shit with your on your phone. Okay, that's a good sign Like it acts as a condom to prevent you with gayness Like you're doing gay things man. You're holding on to a dick. You just gotta accept that and keep moving Yeah, you're right just take the next right action there's gay people doing shit that's gay there's straight people doing shit that's gay Oh everything's changing now jerk that man off once you commit to that project just keep going and yeah, it's the payoff What do you got out of jerking them off? I? Don't know. I don't think I let me ask you this. Yeah, here's a question. Okay There is a place is this conversation seemed gay If life was free, yeah, really do whatever you want. If you were a grown adult, you could do whatever you want That's one of the interesting things about society is that we set up these rules in Cultures and we decide what you can do and what we decide is different with a deciding Holland is different when they're right. Yeah, everybody's got different rules. Yeah, but once we set those rules It's very hard to buck those rules. Now. Let's just pretend there was no rules What if there was a place? where guys would go and guys would jerk them off and Like new jerks. Yeah, like if there was a place where guys straight guys got a job jerking guys off But you it chu you you get paid a thousand dollars an hour You don't think the straight guys would take that job straight struggling guys Then it would they would morph and figure out a way Oh just over a generation or two just a generation or two if you could make a thousand dollars an hour beating guys off Yeah, it started as like a especially if needs job if you could wear an oven mitt while you do it I would do it. Do we do we figure that out? If you could wear an oven mitt while you do it, I wouldn't do it. No, no, no, no warm oil in your bare skin That's the only way to jerk guys off. You gotta do it Way, bro, dude, there's way other ways man You could definitely do one way you could do is even you don't even wrap your haters do like that release sideways Kentucky fried chicken is only one batter Bullshit Nobody likes that crispy batter the fuck out of here I'm trying to think if I had to jerk it one thing about jerking off to me I I feel like there's not as much calm in your body as there could be You know I'm saying you don't get that much out Well, it depends on what you're jerking off to and you know How focused you are on the task if you're jerking off while you're looking at your phone Yeah, yeah, but you know, you're checking your Twitter and you're also beating up. You're a multitask But you're not gonna get a lot no matter how much how you do it really yeah How much do you get you get like a little bit? How much do you get? Like if you had a Compare it to something like a quarter No, probably like maybe a Like an 11th of a handful I guess I Don't know how big is your hand? Dude I can't do you still masturbate as an adult No, I do it as a child I mean, I put a diaper on it makes me feel like I'm Rejuvenating myself. I feel like you'd rip your dick off if you try to