3 years ago
2 appearances
Dan Soder is a stand-up comic, actor, on-air personality, and host of the "Soder" podcast. Check out his new special "Dan Soder: On The Road" available now on YouTube.https://youtu.be/1Lik3hSyhrY?si=NvFRtRwbFAbJBivLwww.dansoder.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
3 years ago
3 years ago
There's gonna be conspiracy theories about why Mike Tyson lit that dude up on that plane. That's real simple. That dude was a douchebag. You see the other video? Annoying one of the baddest motherfuckers that's ever walked the face of the earth. Talk about kicking a beehive. What the fuck are you doing dude? That's not even kicking a beehive. It's like smashing, it's headbutting a beehive. It's like trying to put your dick in a sleeping bear's mouth. Like he just walked up and was like, I'm gonna lower my wiener right into the bear's mouth. Mike Tyson, also there's a video that came out of the angle of him talking to someone. And he's like talking shit in a way where you're like, this guy's hammered and doesn't know what's coming. Because I bet in his head he's like, he won't punch me. He can't punch me. Oh my god. I bet he's a guy that thinks Mike Tyson's hands are registered lethal weapons. He strikes me as that guy. He was like, and he, by the way, I saw the guy's shape and I was like, that guy would kick the shit out of me. Well, it's so much better than the things that make you confident. The things that make you confident are dangerous. Like, if that means... Like, or booze and you get Mike Tyson punching on you on a JetBlue flight. Yeah. That guy's probably on a bunch of shit. The guy who Mike Tyson punched, apparently according to the New York Post, has a lengthy criminal history. Ah, well, in that case, if he's had a lot of fuck ups and he's a bad person or whatever, he's gonna go to jail. At least he got to get his ass kicked by a famous person. If you find yourself or Mike Tyson's reaching over the back of an airline seat and punching you in the face, I think you probably earned it. I think you probably earned it. Yeah. I don't think he... If you climb into a lion's... I don't think it was for kicking his chair. Right. I don't think it was... He said, fucking, the guy was super annoying, man. Yeah. And he was like, over the thing. You just can't... Yeah. It's like, people get crazy. They think that just because he's, you know, he's Mike Tyson, he's famous, he can't just punch you. You're annoying him. He's gonna just fucking hit you like a normal person would. You know, hecklers do that, though. Yeah. You know that. Like, they'll be talking and you're like, hey, shut the fuck up. Right. Oh, boy. You can't talk. Yeah. They didn't bring you down here. They didn't put you up at the fucking extended stay. They're not amplifying you and stop. Stop talking. That's why booze, when people are like... When I have friends, they're like, I'm coming to your show, dude. We're going to the bar first. No, don't. Who wants to get drunk and sit silently in a dark room? No one. You want to get drunk and go pay attention? Not only that, like, if there's a guy who thinks he might be funny, that's the time. They all think they're funny. Yeah. They want to... I don't know what to say. I got you. And then, you know, the classic after the show, I helped. And you're like, man. I helped. Yeah. I wonder if that guy was like, I helped that flight.