3 years ago
2 appearances
Meghan Murphy is a freelance writer, and journalist. She is also the founder of the "Feminist Current" website and the host of "The Same Drugs" podcast. http://www.feministcurrent.com/ https://meghanmurphy.substack.com/
3 years ago
Let's go to your story. Okay, okay, okay. Explain to everybody what happened with you. Okay. Mm. I mean, I'm not sure how far back you want me to start, but... Let's... How... You getting kicked off Twitter. Let's... Okay, so, I mean, I was one of the only people in Canada who was talking about gender identity critically. I'm not saying that to big myself up. It was very annoying, because I obviously was, like, targeted. So there was Jordan Peterson, who spoke out, and then there was me, and then there was, like, a couple other people. And I was pretty vocal about it. I first started talking about it back in, like, 2016, 2017, because the Liberal government was pushing through Bill C-16, which was our gender identity legislation. So they were trying to, and succeeded in, because the bill passed, incorporate gender identity into the Human Rights Code and the Criminal Code. And I went and testified against that bill to say, like, this bill shouldn't pass. It'll have a negative impact on women's rights, which, of course, it did. For people who don't know what the bill, what it means, could you explain what it means? Because some folks aren't hip to the argument. Right. Sorry, I shouldn't assume. And also that Canada, we should explain, Canada does not have a First Amendment. So you don't have freedom of speech over there. You have the Human Rights Council, right? And then if laws violate, if rather some of your speech violates the laws that they put in place, you can literally be arrested. Yeah, you can, you go through a human rights tribunal. And so, I mean, the law didn't actually, it was very vague. Like, it didn't specifically say, for example, you know, if you misgender somebody, that's a hate crime, or hate speech, or something like that. All it did was to say that gender identity and gender expression essentially needed to be protected under the law, just like whatever race, other sort of marginalized identities or whatever. And what we thought would happen, which did happen, is that it would sort of direct policy. And it would mean that, you know, anybody could use any bathroom or change room. It would mean that men would have to be allowed in transition houses and women's shelters if they identified as women. It would mean that men could be transferred to female prisons if they identified as women. Essentially, like, to me, the concept of gender identity nullifies sex. Like, you can't have both. You can't say, either you are a woman, and you're a woman because you're female, or you identify as a woman. You can't do both. And then anybody, of course, can identify as a woman. I'm sort of going about this a long way. But, yeah, I was just worried about the implications. I testified at the Senate. Jordan Peterson testified. Are you okay? Yeah, just going to accept. And so, essentially, like, I was the loudest feminist voice in Canada, by far. And I was tweeting about these issues. I was asking questions about gender identity. I was sort of saying, like, what does this mean? Like, I said, one of the tweets that my account was locked down for was, what's the difference between a man and a trans woman? And I wasn't saying that to try to be rude. Right. I was saying, like, somebody please explain what happens to a man between him being a man and then him being a trans woman. Do you know what I mean? Like, if he hasn't had any surgeries or anything like that, not that I think that a surgery can change your sex, but, like, what is it? So now, yesterday, he was a man. Today, he identifies as a woman or a trans woman. What's happened here? What does this mean? Like, it was just so nonsensical. It's just a belief system. Well, it can get even worse, right? But you can decide to go back and forth throughout the day. Yeah, I mean, you people have they've allowed that. This is this is also accepted. Like, you you can be gender fluid and you can be gender fluid depending upon your mood multiple times a day. Right. And yeah, and that's what the concept of gender identity does. It's just an identity. It's just something you say. Right. Like, it could be something you feel, but it's just a proclamation. There's no material reality involved. There's nothing concrete. There's nothing you can point to, you know, essentially like it's it's akin to a religion as far as I'm concerned. It's faith based. Right. So, you know, I feel like these laws are in a way sort of enforcing religion on people like it's like they're enforcing this like faith based woke religion. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could call it progressive, but it's, of course, not progressive. It's just weird and nonsensical and has a terrible impact on women. But so one of the tweets that I was locked down for was that one. You know, what's the difference between a man and a trans woman? Just a question. Yeah. And so they suspended you for that. So they yeah, they locked on my account and they're like, you have to delete this tweet if you want your account back. I appealed it. It was every time I've appealed anything. It's just been totally ignored. They don't explain why. They never tell me what rules I break either. Right. Or did break. Right. Like they never said they say hateful conduct, but they don't say, oh, it's this specific rule. Like you're not allowed to miss gender or dead name or whatever it would be. I mean, I don't even know what rule that would break saying like, what's the difference between a man and a trans woman? The other tweet, of course, was men aren't women, which wasn't targeted at anybody. I wasn't saying you're not a woman. It was like part of a thread. It was part of a conversation that was back and forth. And I was like, but men aren't women. That was one of them that got me locked down again. And then we're literally like denying biology. I mean, so what I think I don't know, because again, no one's really explained anything to me. No one from Twitter has communicated with me. No one said what I did wrong. So I'm just guessing. Can I tell you what they said? Yeah. They said that you were told to delete the tweet, but you took a screenshot of it and you deleted it, but then reposted the screenshot. I did do that. I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to do that when I did that. So I wasn't trying to be a dick like trying to be like, fuck you. I was so mad. I was like, are you serious? Like I got banned for saying like men aren't women for asking these really basic questions. That was their justification to me as to why they banned you for the rest of your life. Well, fair, fair. Fucking bananas. Yeah. You're the there's the example that I bring up when I talk about this idea that you can just ban people for saying things that are factually correct, maybe politically insensitive, you know, dependent upon the current climate, but factually correct, biologically correct, scientifically correct. Maybe you might say that it's not kind. Like, but what is wrong with being, but are we really deciding that there's certain rules that we want to apply in regards to progressive thinking that bypass or supersede biology? Is that what we're doing? Because when you say a man, if you say a man is never a woman, that's what you said. Men aren't women. Men aren't women. Men aren't women. That's a fact. Yeah. And are not women. Now, I believe in trans women. I think there are people that have gender dysphoria. And I think there are people that are happier if they identify as a woman, dress as a woman, are treated like a woman or are, you know, use a woman's name and people describe them as a woman. It's obviously real, right? They obviously exist. I think I mean, sure, like I could buy that there's such a thing as gender dysphoria. So you have some kind of like mental condition or mental illness. I'm not trying to be mean. I swear to God. Like people get like triggered if you say like a mental illness. But I'm like, you literally think you're something that you're not. Like you literally believe you're a male. You actually believe you're a woman. That's a form of mental illness. Fine. It doesn't mean you're a bad person. And I don't care. What if you want to dress in women's clothes, if you want to wear makeup, if you want to get cosmetic surgeries, if you want to change your name, go for it. Like do whatever makes you feel better. That's fine. But I'm not going to lie to comfort you or whomever else. So I don't even agree that like gender dysphoria means there's such a thing as a trans woman. Like to me, I'm still like this concept doesn't make any sense. What's a trans woman? Like what does it mean? Do you have to be on hormones? Do you have to have a bunch of surgeries? Do you have to have like a neovagina? It's weird because it's very strict that you must accept that people are trans women. But then like what defines a trans woman is completely open to interpretation. It's the person who decides whatever identity they identify with, male, female, whatever it is, it's up to them. It's up to them whether they have surgery. It's up to them whether they take hormones. It's up to them, whatever. You can do absolutely nothing. You could have a full beard and say you're a woman with a penis, functional testicles, no problem at all. And you could say you're a woman and everyone has to agree. Speaking of which, the final tweet that I was actually banned for. So they locked me down for those two things. Right. And then the final straw for them was when I said, yeah, it's him. In reference to Jessica Yaniv, who was once Jonathan, if you recall, he was the man in Vancouver who was going around to local estheticians and asking them to give him a Brazilian bikini wax. Yeah. And he is fully a man. I mean fully a man in tact testicles, intact penis. Yeah, everything. I mean, beard and also a crazy person. A crazy person. And a major fucking creep. Like and he is messaging these women on Facebook. I think sometimes under like a fake photo and name. So maybe with like a woman's photo and woman's name, that's not him. And then they would realize that he was a man. I guess maybe if they talked to him on the phone or something like that, and they'd be like, no, sorry, like we don't offer this service to men. And he would accuse him of transphobia and essentially try to extort money out of them. And when that didn't work, I guess he decided he wanted to. I mean, again, he's a crazy person. So we can't take this as representative of very much other than the fact that he's like a grifter and a crazy person. But, you know, to take them all to the human rights tribunal. To say he's being discriminated against. But this is exactly, exactly the perfect example of what happens if you just say anybody is a woman and you just have to accept it. He has a penis, he has balls. He obviously looks like a man. At that time, he was still using his male name in various places like on Facebook, some other places, I think on Twitter. At that time he was maybe using both names. But there was there was nothing to show me that he was a woman. So I said, yeah, it's him. I figured out that it was him. And then I was permanently banned. Yeah. And that was in November. And that was it. I appealed. They were like, nope, sorry. Hateful conduct again. Didn't tell me what rule I broke. Twenty minutes after I was banned, I was banned on Friday night. I was at the bar. I was like, what the fuck? I'm trying to have fun. Twenty minutes after I was banned, Pink News, which is like a like LGBT queer news site, they post an article saying Twitter has a new rule against misgendering and dead naming. And I was like, oh, this is a really funny coincidence that this went out 20 minutes after I was banned for some rule that they didn't specify. But I can only assume was misgendering. Yeah. Misgendering a man who's a predator and who was still going by his male name in various places on the Internet. Whoops. So I mean, he should have been banned too for misgendering himself. Good point. Thank you. It's it's just so weird because it's the one area that there's no room for there's no room for interpretation. There's no room for debate or nuance. It's just like you cannot misgender. You cannot dead name. You cannot like. And you're cruel and horrible if you do. Yeah. They're cruel and horrible to you. Well, yeah, I mean, the things that people aren't banned for on Twitter. I mean, I have been like subject to countless death threats like you should die. You get the wall. You should go to the gula. Like people show you know, like people say horrible things to me online. I honestly don't care. Like I'm like it's the Internet. People say horrible things. I'm not going to crumble or feel hurt or offended because somebody says some bullshit to me on Twitter, but you can't even say he to somebody who's declared themselves a woman or you're essentially guilty of hate speech. But they can call you stupid bitch and worse. Yeah. And what's worse like cunt. I don't know. Kill yourself. You turf cunt. My favorite trans exclusionary radical feminist. Yeah. Yeah. Watch the entire episode for free only on Spotify.