6 years ago
2 appearances
Rich Benoit is a car enthusiast, host of the YouTube channel "Rich Rebuilds," and co-founder of The Electrified Garage: an electric vehicle maintenance and repair company. www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV0_wbjG8KJADuZT2ct4SA
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Yeah. Now, the other thing too is that how would you... Let's just say things are going to shit really quickly. Right. Right? There's a nuclear power plant that's going to blow up any second. How would you... Are you like a... I know you're an outdoorsy guy. You hunt, you kill, harvest as they say. Sorry. How long do you think you could survive if things went to shit really quickly? If you have to survive, you have all the money you want, right? But how long do you think you could survive in the wilderness? It would be very hard. It's not easy. And not only that, you got to get through the winter. So you're going to have to build some sort of a shelter. But is there winter? Is there a wind fire? There's no winter here though, is there? I mean, not in LA, but in Big Bear, which is only a couple hours north of here. Yeah. I mean, there's plenty of places where you could drive. In a couple hours, you could go to Big Bear and then you can go down to the beach. You could experience the desert. You could experience a lot of different climates. It would really depend upon where you were stuck and what you would eat. So the thing is, if you want to stay in the LA area, you're dead because you're not going to be able to eat shit. There's nothing here. Would you stay in your house? Or would you migrate? Give your kids and a wife. Yeah, you got to get out of here. So you'd leave. If you drive your Tesla, which car would you take? No way. What? No way. It was a big debate that I had in a crisis situation, right? Uh-huh. Would you take the Tesla? No. Or would you take? What would you take? I have a Toyota Land Cruiser with a four-gallon gas tank. Oh. And a apocalypse mobile. But so now I went through a big debate. I got shit on so much for this. I said the same exact thing. It's like, listen, in an oh-shit situation, I would leave the Tesla behind. Who argued with you about that? A lot of people. I would leave it behind. I'd take my pickup truck. Yeah. Like Tacoma. That's what you do. I'd fill it with gas on your drive. 100%. You're like, well, you know, in an emergency crisis situation, you don't have access to gas. What if the gasoline didn't work? Remember the liquor store? You fill it up with alcohol. It'll run. Remember we had the hurricane in Florida? Yes. Now, everyone was saying, like, yeah, the gas pumps wouldn't work because the electricity was shut off. Mm-hmm. But the superchargers still work and you could get to your destination still and, like, Tesla's use less energy. It's like, at the end of the day, I happened to pick up a truck with, like, two shotguns and, like, five things of gasoline and be fine. I don't understand that. Yeah. They also make tanks that you can put in your gas tank, in the bed of your truck rather, that are like these survival tanks that... You can drive as far as you want, like, 800 miles. Yeah. And they... They drive thousands of miles. There's a guy who actually... There was a podcast that I was listening to, this guy who is, like, an extreme prepper. And he actually made a trip with one tank of gas from Arizona to Canada. Damn. He drove all the way up to Canada, all the way across with one tank of gas because this massive tank in the back of his pickup truck that feeds directly into his primary gas tank. Yeah. Yeah. And you can get these. They're survival tanks. And they'll host, like, hundreds of gallons of fuel. But you're also a target. Oh, yeah. I'd probably shoot at that guy's car. That's the other thing, too. Why would you do that? So, I don't know. All of a sudden, you're lawless. Immediately. Yeah. You become a barbarian. I know. The lights go off for five minutes. I want to kill everyone. You're starting fires and shooting cars. Yeah. So then, all right. So you leave. You take your family, right? You have your kids, you have your wife. Where are you going to go? You hop in your Land Cruiser. Where are you going to go? You have a real problem. And what are you going to bring? Things to start a fire and things to kill animals. Right. Those are the things that would be very important. I would bring guns. Right. I'd bring bows. I'd bring ammunition and arrows. But I would realistically realize that, first of all, I'm not going to make more bullets and I'm not going to make more arrows. Right. What am I going to do and how long am I going to last? Like a big marijuana? No. Okay. No. No. I'd be just trying to stay alive. Yeah. But you'd also be trying to stay alive for a long period of time. Right. You might want to bring it. Knees the pain. No. It's not going to... I mean, marijuana for pain relief, I mean, I guess it works. Yeah. But that's not what I use it for. Pain at night of the impending doom. Yeah. Yeah. You'd be freaking out even more. I'm freaking out plenty. Yeah. And I... Maybe I... I just... There's not room. I would bring water purification tablets. Right. No food though. I'd bring filters. You can't food? I would bring food. I'd probably bring food in the form of heavy duty bars that don't take up a lot of space, or dense and nutrient rich like those green belly bars. Protein bars. Yeah. Something that has a lot of calories, high calories, and a small package, a small size. Right. Where are you heading? Yeah, exactly. Going to the woods. Yeah. You got to go somewhere where there's animals. And even then, you're not going to make it, and your kids are probably not going to make it. Oh, that's uplifting. That's the real thing is true. The idea that you're going to live off of animals, this isn't the Serengeti, man. Right. There's not a lot of animals. So unless you're somewhere where you can find a lot of fucking animals... Right, like rabbits and shit, right? Yeah, and you got to keep them... You're going to have to kill them every other day because they're not going to last with the heat. And your kids aren't going to eat a dead rabbit for sure. Not at first, at least. Not at first, at least. Really? Yeah, they'll eat a rabbit. Yeah, my kids will eat pretty much anything. Do you know how to start a fire? Yes. Really? Yeah, but it's not easy. No, it's not. If you have a string and a bow and two pieces of dried wood and hard wood and a softer wood, you can do it. You can do it. But it ain't easy. Starting a bow with one of those... Yeah, no. It takes you two months. It takes a little while. Really? But it's not easy. You're better off with a flint. If you have a flint and a piece of metal, you can start a fire pretty easy. Go to the market. And also, you want to bring with you some tinder. If you have some dry tinder, you should bring that with you, too. Look, you're in for a world of hate. Yeah, now then. A world of shit. If you want to really survive... Right. Whenever I watch those survival shows... Which I love, by the way. I'm really into that shit. They're exciting, right? Yeah, I'm into that shit. What would I do?