6 years ago
2 appearances
Rich Benoit is a car enthusiast, host of the YouTube channel "Rich Rebuilds," and co-founder of The Electrified Garage: an electric vehicle maintenance and repair company. www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV0_wbjG8KJADuZT2ct4SA
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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We were talking about vampire facials that some ladies, Jeff told us, this lady, two people got HIV. They got AIDS right now. Not necessarily AIDS. Sorry, I jumped the gun. I know. I jumped the gun. I apologize. I'm sorry. I apologize for hearing what HIV is. AIDS is like, it feels like you're not even supposed to say AIDS. Yeah. Like you can't say it. It's like, whoa, insensitive, add-on brother. Two tests positive for HIV after vampire facial. So vampire facial is girls get jabbed in the face with some, is it plasma? What is it? PRP? What are they doing? Didn't Kim Kardashian get that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She took pictures of it on the Insta. I don't understand. So wait a minute. Don't they get a new needle every time? Use the same needle? I don't know. What's going on here? No, there's Kim. Beautiful. Oh my God. Hashtag. Awesome. I don't know if they use other people's blood for the facial. What? Yeah. I think that's probably what's going on. I don't think it's that it's a used needle. I think it's that they're using someone else's blood. Why would you, this doesn't make any sense. Like, does this make sense to anyone? No, because I would think that if you drew blood, you would draw it from yourself. Oh, oh. See, this one is saying. So it takes it from your body, puts it in the center of you and then put it. Right. So that is basically platelet rich plasma. But why, why would anybody get HIV unless you're giving it to yourself? Maybe they already had HIV. Bam. Myth busted. Blame it on Mexico. Wow. As per usual. What if, why did she do it on her nose? She did it on every part of her body but her nose. She scared her nose. She wants her nose to look old. Good. It's plastic. Just kidding. Just kidding Kim. If you watch this, I'm just kidding. Just kidding. LOL. Yeah. So what happened to these fucking people? Did they really use an old needle? They probably already had AIDS. That's what it is. That's what it is. God damn why. Because think about it for a second. Why would you take an AIDS test before? Right. You know? Ooh, we're getting deep. I took an AIDS test before and after my facial and then I didn't even have AIDS until after my facial. Congratulations. Right. Yeah. Doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense. That doesn't make any sense.