4 years ago
4 appearances
Tom Green is a comedian, actor, musician, filmmaker, and podcaster. Catch him on "The Tom Green Podcast" or live on tour in 2024. www.tomgreen.com
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
You know, it's the space between the notes, right? That's what they talk about with jazz, right? The space between the notes. You had a COVID test today, huh? Yeah, we both did, bro. That's the same thing with stand up. It's the space between the jokes, even. It's the space between the ideas. Like stand up is the thing that requires a lack of discipline sometimes. Stand up is not just, it's like jazz, and any time you're playing a musical instrument, you must be proficient in that instrument. Wait a minute, what is that? Marijuana. No, but I mean what? Comes from Dono Rawlings. That's some good shit, man. That's good shit, right? That's good for now. I've got to monitor that hit and... Good call. Stand up requires almost a lack of discipline to be wild enough to say some of the shit that we said. But also discipline to go over your notes. Discipline to look at all these ideas and try to structure them in a way that's gonna resonate with the audience. And then also discipline to think about the set and what went wrong, what went right, and try to reevaluate. So the words in stand up and the ideas, that's where your fingers are on the piano, right? That's the technical side. And then the spaces between the words and the rhythm and the timing with the audience, that's where... Yeah, also your head, right? Like where your head's at. Because I, you know, like, I mean, again, like I've had a, you know, I've enjoyed making music over the years. I wouldn't say that I'm that good at it, but I definitely love doing it. And you can pull up my video from 1992 of, when I was a kid in Canada, I made a rap album. And to me, it was like, I love this. I love that it was sort of like the technology. Like I loved, I got a sampler. I worked all summer as a mowing lawn so I could buy a sampler, a used sampler. And then I started sampling records, listening to Gangstar and like, I wanna try to do that, you know? And so, uh-oh. So, but, you know, man, like, yeah, there, this is, that's me in the red jacket when I was 18 years old. And, you know, this was our album. That's 1990, 1991. That's been the yellow jacket. Look how skinny I am. I'm- One 18th of a megapixel camera. Yeah, yeah, well, it's a bad upload. We actually shot it, so shot on film, actually. That was shot on 16 millimeter film on a steady cam. There we go. Yeah. They're me in a grocery store. Are you friends with these guys anymore? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Greg Campbell is the other MC. He's a great rapper. What's he doing, though? He is in Ottawa and he's actually killing it as a real estate agent up there and he's doing a great job. He really is killing it. Like, I mean, he's, he's, so, Mr. Big Stuff, he called himself after, he's an incredible rapper, actually. Does he call himself Mr. Big Stuff when he's selling houses? He should, man. You have a good idea, show up with a clock on your next- He still has, I'd like you to meet Greg someday. Okay. He's still got like an incredible energy about him and I feel like in a lot of ways, like I learned a lot from him. We were kids, you know, but we met in high school. We were skateboarders and he was the other skateboarder. He's a couple years younger than me. Like, he's like, and when we were like, when I was 17 and he was 15, we went to New York and made a goofy record, so. Wow. So you've been- There we are, that's Greg on the right and that's my Jordy Ferguson, who I've happened to, he was our DJ in the middle. But Greg on the right in the glasses. Where are you? Hilarious. That's me on the left. Cut the fuck out of you, that's not you. Bones, see it says- Let me see your face, look at me. Barely you. See, it says bones on my hat, that's because that's from Pal Peralta skateboard. So I just, but no, I was bones, MC Bones, because I was skinny. Bones, rockin' the microphone. I'm like a king on the throne, only thing is I stand alone. I do understand, I get it. This was our pizza commercial we did. We did a local pizza commercial. You can play that. It's amazing. Is the pizza company still around, the pizza store? It was for a grocery store chain called Loeb. Look at you, you were a baby. You can play this video. Can you play it with the music? We wrapped in it. Yeah, check this out. This is the pizza commercial. Organized rhyme on time with the cool food, 9.99. If you'll find over your fool dude, used to be soft, it was lost. Dude, you did a pizza commercial as a rapper. Look at me, 19. Did that kid really need glasses or was that a prop? I don't think that was me. That kid right there. Where? The other one, right there with the glasses. No, Greg needed glasses, yeah. Okay. Those were real best. Yeah. I really distrust people with fake glasses. We keep it real, man, we keep it real. Organized one, we keep- I found someone that was wearing fake glasses. They were wearing glasses, but they weren't prescription. Oh, yeah. Wouldn't you get a little uneasy? They're trying to be like John Lennon or something. I don't know why I would get uneasy. Yeah. Why? Episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience are now free on Spotify. That's right, they're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're gonna be available everywhere, but after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love, bye bye.