2 years ago
2 appearances
Stavros Halkias is a stand-up comic and host of the podcast "Stavvy's World." Catch his new Netflix comedy special "Fat Rascal" on December 5, 2023. https://www.stavvy.biz
2 years ago
2 years ago
I'm trying to get fucking jacked these days. So it's like just fat guys, like fat guys weight loss journey. It's like they know everything. And then it's like a muscle girl, which I'm into now. You know what I mean? They've created a new fetish for me just off of fucking. It started with just like instructional stuff. And now it's just like some girl who's just fucking, you know, crushing a watermelon with her thighs and then deadlifting, like, you know, 800 pounds. And I'm like, I'm in. You like those. I want those. Because in my mind, that's got to be there's got to be one of them that wants to fuck a fat guy to like straight them out. Because it's exactly you fucking fat pieces like just just just pitching my tits. You know what I mean? And I'm like, I'm a fucking little fat. No, I'm a fuck. I'm like, I'm your fuck pig. You know, she's got me oinking while she's eating my ass. That's got to exist. You know what I mean? 100 percent. And you're going to find her after the show. That's why I'm here. Joe, she's going to. She right now she's got her thumbs moving. Gals hit me up. The DMS are open. Does girls are that jacked have to be like really horny, too? You think so the all the fucking super physical. Yeah, although because you're in the you're in peak physical shape. So it's like all your hormones and shit must be firing off. And I think nature would tell you that if you're a woman and you have to lift all this heavy stuff, then like you're in trouble. There's a really you're under arrest doing their job. They're not defending the village. You're preparing for war. Yeah. So you probably all your testosterone ramps up. I didn't know floating the pheromones out there to get a warrior. So you're probably the pussy is probably a top notch top notch. If your body thinks you're in distress. Oh, yeah, you really want to get a Mongol to make you his wife. Yeah, and some super fucking killer Viking character. Yeah, but it's probably tight like a drop. You, too. Absolutely. A hundred percent. Oh, my God. They could probably lift me. They could probably do deadlifts, put my dick in, clench, and then just do squats. It's probably possible. Picture it. There's like a it's a meme. The type of men who wear masks in their car. And it is a woman holding a guy up while they make out. And the guy's got his legs wrapped around the way. I'm in. Sounds awesome. You want to keep the wristbands on? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chalked hands like she's deadlifted. Oh, my God. I want my dick to get from the calluses. I want my dick to feel like it's, you know, it's been at the spa all day. Like it's been completely rubbed off. A new layer of skin comes off every time I get jacked off by those. Like a salt bath. Yeah, exactly. You've been scrubbed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. A hundred percent. That's what I want. I didn't know that about myself, but I'm in there. And then listen, I'm still you find out things. You find out through the algorithm and you'll know what you like until you see it. No, so I did hook up with one girl that was like strong. And I think she had that thing going on. She just kind of DM'd me and I was like, fuck, yeah, let's get in there. And it was nice. I was like going down on her and I had like giant thighs just wrapped around my head to the point where I was started to no joke. I'm not exaggerating, just black out. Like I started seeing spots. And I was like, if I don't make her come, I'm going to die. And there was like a fucking thrill to that. There was like it felt like Indiana Jones sliding under the fucking thing with the. You know what I mean? I was like, I have moments to make this woman bust before I lose consciousness. It was fucking thrilling. Yeah. So I don't know. But I guarantee you there's a thing like that where a woman like doesn't even want a powerful man. She just wants a guy that she could turn into a project. Right. Because women always do that with guys anyway. Sure. The same type of women that adopt like sad dogs. You know, I'm going to fuck the bulldog. I'm going to help you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, a lot of a lot of people, they'll take on projects with people. Yeah. And I think Brian Cowan used to always do that. OK. He used to have these gals that he would date. I'd be like, Brian, fucking stop. Interesting. And you're like, it's OK. You know, I'm going to help you out. And it was always a disaster. They want methods like wild shit. I'm ready to be someone's disaster. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready to have a good three months until I slip off my diet. And they're like, what? I found I found a fucking oatmeal cream pies and the wrappers in the in the garbage. I'm like, I don't know what to tell you, babe. Somebody must have broken in and had fucking a dove bar because it wasn't me. I was doing I was doing fucking burpees. I was doing burpees. I was doing lat pulldowns. I swear to God. That was when I was doing hot yoga, babe. Kick me out. She fucking I've been there's a PS5 and she kicks it and just snacks fall out of it. I've taken all the hard drive. I've taken all the games out and it's just fucking Twizzlers and fucking chocolates. She finds a secret fridge filled with coke. Mountain dudes. I'm like, those are my family heirlooms from Greece. That's a sad thing. If you're in a relationship and you have to hide what you actually like. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. Well, I think part of it is because a lot of my relationship, you know, I'm big on therapy. I've been thinking about this shit all the time. A lot of my relationships, what I'm into is someone who just treats me way too good because it's like that's my mom kind of coddled me. I was a mama's boy. I was the first born. I was like a one of those like smart precocious little kids who's like always saying something fun. Right. And so every time I've really, really liked the girl to like be in a serious relationship, she's just kind of like over the top kind of like I wouldn't have to hide anything because they're like, oh, you can't even help it. You know, and I'm like, I'm sorry, I can't, you know. And so I think part of me wants like, yeah, fucking throw me through the ring. Some hot mama. Yeah, dude. How much stepmom porn is there out there? There's a lot out there. It seems crazy. Like what happened? When did this emerge? Every now and then I'll check in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's a whole different wave of genre going on. That is huge. I don't know what it is. I'm not, see, that's the weird thing. You would think I would have like mommy shit. I don't have that. I find it disgusting. Stepmom shit is different. Stepmom is like dad is divorced, but dad's rich. True. And dad marries his really hot slut. Right. But dad's at work all day. He's got a fucking one on the corporation. Yeah, yeah. And you're this jock son in college. Oh, yeah. That's like all of them. Absolutely. That sounds pretty good. You know what I'm in. It's like a classic fucking Joseph Campbell genre. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's American. It's American. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It starts at dinner one day. Because no one feels bad for anyone involved. Like no one feels bad that she's cheating on the son. The son is in college. Of course. That's fine. The dad has been- The dad is probably some rich piece of shit. Yeah, emotionally abusive, neglectful. He probably cheated on his mom who was an amazing woman. You're right. And now he's with this floozy. She had chemotherapy. Maybe she wasn't there. He wasn't there. He wasn't there. He didn't give a fuck. He was at the office. No, he was at the office. And now he's got this new one. Exactly. And she's a fucking weight lifter. Oh, now we're talking. Yeah. Let's fucking get it all together. Weight lifter wearing pumps, giant thighs, fucking jacks. Now we're getting into what I'm liking. She comes into my room. She's like, why haven't you done your homework? I'm like, you're not my real mom. She's like, what the fuck did you say to me? Shoves me up, picks me up against the wall. And that's now her daughter. And then you lean towards it and she just goes for it. She starts making out with you. Oh my God. She holds you up with one arm where she's grabbing your dick with another one. Just choke- Crazy. Yeah. Oh my God. Lifting you up, choking you on giant thighs. But doesn't let me come the first time. She's like, finish your homework. Maybe you'll bust next time. I'm like, yes, ma'am. Oh, wow. I've become a model student. I'm in a little Thai, Shung-Thai. Well, hello, father. Dude, we might just created the new genre of porn. It's got to advance. Female trainer, muscular female. The thing is, how many really jacked muscular females go into porn? True. They're probably a very small minority. Very small minority. I've done the research. It's not that many. I have jacked off to a couple of these videos. Yeah. I don't think that's a genre yet. No, but we'll get there. You have to get people to train for it, like Cirque du Soleil. Yeah. The guy was going, look, look, there's a whole new genre. Right. Like if porn was organized the way like film and television was. Yeah, yeah. We need a... Look at this gal holding that guy overhead. Holy shit. Look at the size of her. How big is that dude? He's a little guy. But bro, she looks like she's got some fucking stock genetics. Oh, yeah. Like that will make you a barbarian. I mean, that guy's foot could fit in her pussy. Look at the size of her fucking legs and her ass muscles, the way she's hoisting that guy one arm over her head. Let's just assume he's a tiny guy. Tiny guy. He's got to weigh 100 pounds. Let's say five to 100 pounds. Even if he's a hundred pounds over your head with one arm like that, it's crazy. Yeah. And the fact that it's this woman who's very womanly. When is this from 19th century muscle women? I found it... I was looking at other pictures and just saw that. That is 100% like Viking genetics, right? Yeah. 100%. You got two little guys. Two little guys with one arm overhead. And that's the thing. No one could... You weren't allowed to jack off to stuff. Plainly, this couldn't be a sex thing, but this was 100% a sex thing back then. Look at the size of her and she's holding three guys on her arms. What did she do? This seems like the same lady. This is a genre. She's... Lost a history. No offense to this long-since-past woman. Yeah. But she has a very masculine face. She does. That easily could be a guy that sells you IT service, right? That's the guy that comes in with a clipboard and says, like, Do you guys want high-speed internet? Yeah. Like, what... How many gigabytes you guys think you use? Oh, you don't need that upload speed. You guys are fine with that. Yeah. Go back to that picture. They don't like when I say this, but your guys are fine. Of that person. I mean, does that say person? Come on, man. That's... That easily could be a guy who works at Google. Absolutely throw a vest on her. Yeah, like a stout guy, too. Mm-hmm. Look how stout she looks. Yeah. Because she's got the corset. Who knows when she'd actually be like, Damn. Look at the fucking guns on that lady. Oh, hell yeah, dude. Oh, my God. You like that. Ha ha ha ha ha.