The Alex Jones Experience Vol. 2


6 years ago



Alex Jones

3 appearances

Alex Jones is a filmmaker, writer, and host of the Alex Jones Show.


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Native Americans, you can mind control really fast. Well, just type in Alex Jones on YouTube, all the mean stuff's put up on top. We're hoping the rest fall on Gung and sell their organs. I'm kind of retarded. Half of Brazil has the brain worm that makes you basically psychotic. Well, it doesn't make you psychotic. It makes you risk-taking crazy. It affects your judgment. This is toxic. In programs, you don't want to have more cats, smell piss. Yes. And the wives' tales were like, you get demon-possessed by that cat, and really, it's a damn brain worm. Well, that's probably also why they told you not to eat pork. And that's science fiction. That's a real brain worm programming you. Like you were saying earlier, I looked at it's true. I didn't even know that. Yeah. That the top soccer teams have the highest level of brain worm infestation. And I don't necessarily, I'm not saying I agree with this because I don't. Make some more apple juice. Get some apple juice in your system, fella. When I started to have people come to the office saying that I'm Bo Bridges, or that I'm Jeff Bridges, or that I am Bill Hicks, and people in restaurants screaming, F you, Bill, we know it's you. It's kind of like Dan Ratter, the guy threatening me. What's the signal, Dan? What's the signal? When I had the globalist 15 years ago, 20 years ago, try to buy me off 10 million a year, you know, whatever. By the way, cheers. You're a cheers brother. Anyway. True. But this is what they're saying. Think about that, Joe. Okay. They have human animal hybrids 30 years ago. They've got giant human tissue farms. You know, you hear, Oh, your, your Achilles is torn. We've got a grown a lab attendant. It's not a fricking tenant growing a lab. It's a fricking deal humanoid. These aren't humans. The way they get around it is they make them. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We're saying so many things. This is, listen, I love you to death, but you say so many different things. I believe they are. But you say so many different things without stopping. It's hard because I'm reporting to the government agencies. So they'll listen, investigate. I'm decompartmentalizing, but it'll be studied for years. So aliens are real. They're creating human animal hybrids that are a new creature. Never here on earth. It's alien. So the aliens are already here. AI is alien. The chimeras are alien. Aliens are already here. So my dad was like the doctor to, you know, these guys. And I remember sitting around the kitchen table and I'm like seven. He's like, Carol, I can't tell you all about it, but it's a classified program in Maryland in an underground base. And they won't give me all the details, but it's double the money I'm making now. And this is for national security. But I think I think it's basically, you know, we're going to, we're building cyborgs and we've got special forces that have volunteered so we can infiltrate the Russians and get two codes and systems in. I believe it's implanting the messages in their teeth. And I, and I also think as I do in plants, I think it's a brain surgery program for microchips. And so I'm hearing it and my Carol's like, David, I'm sick of these people and you've already done so much for the government and look what they've already done to you. And my brother, you're not going to be, you know, I want you out of this. So this is like, you know, seven, eight years old and I heard about the, you're hearing about the cyborgs. And so that's the big giant race when Elon Musk came in and told you, because he goes these billionaire functions and he has a conscience. So he's freaked out. We're talking about people play video games and party all day. We're going to set up a world government. We're going to slowly titrate the dose and poison the public, dumb them down, put electromagnetic radiation out with 5g that scrambles their DNA, lowers their IQ. We're going to cause mass mental illness and a controlled societal collapse that'll then be organized and controlled in the mop up crew by robots controlled by the globalist programmers who believe with the off world entities they're in communication with that they're going to be given the operation to upload and be in that larger kind of board cube system. Okay. So they sell the country up. You got to hit the brakes because we need to, we take this back to I'm so baffled. What's the matter? I googled one of these things. MIT technology review estimates that about 20 pregnancies of pig human or sheep human chimeras have been established during the last 12 months in the US. Total white watch 2016. I 100% believe it. Look, I think that especially on in 1985, I'm sure they tried to recruit my dad to a DARPA program. I believe that in college. I think when he was a dentist, I believe that. Jesus Christ. So Joe, that's what I'm telling you is were you at the kitchen table when you were eight hearing about cyborgs? So I'm saying no, no, no. I believe it happened. Stop saying I said it didn't happen and stop saying that I'm saying no kids died because I want to talk about human animal hybrids. Oh no. I know the US Air Force tried to destroy the atmosphere in 1968. Yes. Operation starfish prime. They actually did. So I'm going to say they adopted a debt donated nuclear bomb. In the upper round trying to blow up the red on radiation. Yes, they've done a lot of goofy shit. See, that's the thing. That's why I got mad at you and I love you. You're a smart guy and everything is I know. You know, listen, you got mad at me because we didn't communicate all this stuff. I know you're even better at saying it and then you sit there because you can't handle it and you sit there and you go. It's not that I can't handle it. It's there's two factors. One, I don't have any time. I don't have enough time to go into it as much as you do. You asked why I flipped out and got mad at you. That's it right there. You every time I bring up a fucking subject, you know all of that. I don't know all about it. I don't know all about this. You fucking know all about this shit. I don't know all about this. Bullshit. You're a smart guy. Listen, I don't know about this human hybrid. Joe's just dumb. Joe just is a bullshit. You know exactly what you're doing. I don't think you're a bad guy. You're trying to survive for you and your family and do good. Okay, but no, no, no, no, no. Your family, none of us are going to make it. There's a post human error coming. The breakaway civilization, the deals been made. It's not the third dimension. They've made frickin deals with interdimensional aliens. Okay. And notice the media never attacks you for that because that's the truth. So that's what I'm telling you is it's been in the newspaper that the cell towers are being used for mind control. That sounds like a schizophrenic. So see here's a here's what it's because I want to see that. How do they use the cell towers? Pulling up probably. Look, here's the thing. Let's see. Here's the deal right here. You've got a total schizophrenic that thinks the sun is following around town and thinks their dog is watching them and works for the aliens. You've got someone over here, someone over here that believes everything they see on Fox News. Yes. Okay. Yes. Now, questioning is good. Science is good trying to figure out what's real. Yes. And all of us get freaked out in the nature of the world. No one knows what the universe is. We don't have all the answers. So it kind of people can't handle that bigness. They can't handle that question, especially low IQ. So they have to differentiate and create a model that allows them to put it in boxes so they can make it make sense because they can't handle it. The media is not? Well, they'll cover that was on the show. They're not going to cover this. The media. Okay. Because this is not my opinion. This is the real research that I have heard that I have talked to army generals, commanding generals, major generals, general generals, CIA, everybody. And they're all 100%. And I thought it was a sign out before and then I've researched and I've talked to hundreds of people now, not on air, but I'm going to make a film on this who've taken ayahuasca and DMT. I've not taken it and for obvious reasons. And and it's unbelievable because I mean, they 100% in San Francisco is the main project site literally have an alien base and they are literally communicating and they've got like astronaut level people taking super hardcore levels of drugs and going into meetings with these things and making intergalactic deals. And that, and again, that's what the government believes and says they're doing. Me getting into this Joe is just because so people need to understand that I've known about this for a long time and I just don't think people are ready for it. But a lot of folks who have low oxygen and who have nine volt brains. Well, well, who have sleep apnea, big necks, big heads, tongues go big. Like you and me. You go down to 62% oxygen. That's another time that the brain releases DMT. So my whole life, since I was about my first memories where every night was a DMT trip. So I basically, I don't want this to sound arrogant. It's not. I've seen everything. Or will you do research programs on babies where we tell poor women that, oh, your baby died right when they were born, or you'll keep the baby alive and sometimes kill them, sometimes harvest them, sometimes do experiments on them. That's why they've got a lot of nurses have noticed now that the babies disappear at birth. They tell them, oh, your baby died. That's why the governor said, who's actually an orphan harvesting doctor, he goes, we keep the babies alive after they're born and have a discussion. They are getting caught now because we've decompartmentalized. Wait a minute. I'm confused at what you're saying. Let's see how it just never ends. You saw the governor of Virginia say we keep babies alive after they're born and kill them, right? Well, I didn't see that. We keep them comfortable. But I am very, very concerned with late term abortions. I bet you 10 million. Please pull it up, Jamie. We've got to figure it out. Because I know the listeners won't believe me. I'm telling you, I believe. I'm finding posts about this, but it says that he did. It's been taken out of context. What does that media matters? No. Or Snopes. No, it says that Snopes says it's mostly false. Oh, how many times Snopes said a lot of this is about one million. I don't have 10 million. I will give before God and country to Jamie's. I'm not kidding. I will give $1 million to your charity of choice. No, no, listen to me. This is serious. Jamie, you need to come out with children. I will give you $1 million if you can prove that I'm making up that the governor said we keep babies alive after they're born. We keep them comfortable. And then it turns out he's an organ harvesting thing, and that's what they're doing. You don't want none of that. No. You already figured out what George Soros is putting in it, right? The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So this is saying, oh, the government not involved. This is the medical system usurping. If they can kill a baby after it's born, because sometimes they're deformed. You don't see it sometimes they're deformed. Because the nurses are freaking out. And they're saying, we're keeping babies alive and they get put in a van and drive away. What's going on? They're like, well, we didn't keep them comfortable. So the baby's worth $500,000. But if you kill them right on the spot, they're like, why are we wasting this seven pounds of meat? They have wings where they go, oh, we consider the baby dead. The mother decided it didn't live if she decides we resuscitate and it lives, but it didn't resuscitate. It's flesh. It's a legalese. It's passed into a special ward with doctors that make a few million a year. And the little flesh ball is kept alive and comfortable until all the orders come in. Then the planes land and they take the organs, then they take the blood and they take the skin, Joe. You see how it works? Now you know why. You're freaking me out with this voice. No, no, but see, it's a Southern loving voice. I remember when I was growing up in Rockwell, Texas, I ran into a satanic cult. I was like, God, this girl's a senior in high school. She's super hot. I'm in 9th grade and she's picking me up at her Mercedes and I'm taking me to some mansion. The sex with her is incredible. And I'm walking out of the house because I looked like I was about 16 when I was 13. And the dad goes, you like screwing my daughter? Yeah, I screw her too. And just as soon as you join us, you love Lucifer, you get all the telly you want, boy, because we want you. But yeah, but that's, yeah, man, I've had an incredible life. Look at all that stuff I do now. But the point is, is that, oh, hell, you're in LA. You know about all this. George Soros is the, is the art type of James Bond villains. And the fact that his money, so I remember being a kid when I was like, uh, eight years old, my mom always had a color TV in the kitchen, but she cooked three meals a day. Can I stop you? Can I stop you? What are you, what are you saying that he's like crashing economies and when I was a kid watching PBS and maybe they were lying, maybe he's great. George Soros was an international currency speculator who overthrew governments. The reason, the reason the globalist, wait, if you want to, you want to get the secret of Hitler? No, but I'm, but I'm saying, but hold on a second. Oh my God, Eddie Bravo's here. We're having a great time talking about, uh, interdimensional beings. What kind of fucking shit is this? Not so bro. I'll fuck, I'll choke you out with this shirt. Not so. Eddie, you know, I'm going to make you regret wearing this fucking shirt. Listen, in high school, we used to choke each other out. That's like a DM teacher. Go ahead and choke me out on it. No, no, no, no, no, please don't. It would be hilarious. Please don't. I'm not scared. Let's do it. No, no, no, Eddie, don't do it. Please don't choke him unconscious. Do it now. He can't do it. You know, you think I'm afraid of this? Let's do it. I definitely don't think you're afraid of this, which is why I don't want him to do it. You know what? Let's not be pussies. Choke me out. Have a seat. You better choke me out. Alex, please, please have a seat. No, we used to do it in high school. I know you did. You told me you'd grab each other and you'd fall down and hit your heads. And I respect you. Hey, I want you guys to yell at each other for three minutes while I go pee. I got a pee too. Okay. Eddie, don't talk to yourself. Just hold. We'll do it in shifts. We'll do it in shifts. I'll go first. You know, how was this joke for you? No, of course. Of course. I know. I understand what I'm telling you is soul searching. What if I finance a research ship, large ship, and make a documentary? I can't go away for three months. I will pay. Okay. You raise the money for a trip to South. No, there's no raise the money. I got the money. I got the money. You didn't choke him up. Listen, don't ever shout out the plan. You're going to the ice wall. He's the only one. He's the ambassador for the ice wall. He's the ambassador for the planet. He's the ambassador. I forget astronauts. The guy that discovers the planet, the big ice fields. That guy's going to be, this is what we're going to do. Alex, Alex, can you give me 20 seconds? Can you give me 20 seconds? With an entire crew that you're in command of. No, no. You are going to the edge of the planet. Go pee, man. Go pee. Don't you have to go? We're going to send someone else. Alex, we're going to do this. You know what? We're going to do this. I don't have to be the one that goes. I got to pay for it. I got to pay for it. I got to pay for it. Go pee. Don't you have to go? We're going to send someone else, Alex, but we're going to do this. You know what? We're going to do this. I don't have to be the one that goes. I don't have to be the one that goes. I don't have to be the one that goes. I came here and I proved they're keeping babies alive and taking their organs. How did you prove that? Actually, they're admitting. Jamie pulled some shit up on Google. No, no, no, no. They admitted them. They're normalizing it. No, the fuck, the governor. Listen to me. You really think, do you really think there's people out there campaigning for late term abortions? You think that shit's real? You think that shit's real? The Senate voted Monday to keep it legal and kill the party born babies. Who would do that? Who would do that? Who would campaign for that? They fucking did it, Bravo. That is the craziest shit ever. And you can't fucking admit they're fucking killing already born kids. So you're telling me it isn't real when they had a fucking vote in the goddamn fucking Senate. That's a conspiracy theory. That's a conspiracy theory. You think you're fucking tough? You're about to get it. Bullshit. They're killing already born babies. Stop fucking lying. God fucking dead. I'm getting pissed now. I'm getting mad at you and my psychosis is this. Reality is so crazy that I always thought I was so tough that I can't believe he doesn't have to pee anymore. I gotta piss a little bit. The point is, you heard that piece of shit, fucking KKK guy, fucking governor, say we're going to keep them alive after they're fucking born because they want to fucking take their organs. It's incredible. He's a KKK guy? It's incredible. I've called fuck shit. It's so incredible that I- He's in a picture with a guy on a KKK outfit in blackface. They elected him because he's black males. They had that shit. And when he messed up and said we keep them alive to get their fucking organs, they used that to deactivate him. Jeez. Why do you think fraternities have you screw sheep in all this and, you know, give guys blow jobs? That's why I never joined them. Because they want to- Wait, wait, wait, go back. Go back what? Say that again? The first time I got choke caught was like this 17 year old super hot chick. And I was like 13. Tied up. And she lived down the street. No, no. And she goes, I already, I got promiscuous when I was pretty young, like 12. And she goes, I'll have sex with you. This is a true story. I'll have sex with you if you let me put makeup on you. So I'm not in the case of everything. So the girl puts the makeup on me and I have sex with her. And she's super hot. And then like a week later she goes, she goes, now I'm going to choke you out. And that relationship went really well until like 30 year old boyfriend caught me at her place once because her mom was always working. Oh my god. You killed me in the parking lot. Oh my god. Listen, I blame all I believe. No, no, no. You have to do it. I want to choke out. We're talking freaking 100 million views. Number one podcast. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, it would be ugly. There's no need to choke you out. You try to sue me and shit. This is one of the first things. I just said, I swear to you, I've been choked out. Once we made up on the phone, one of the first things you wanted me to do is choke him out of the air. No. You might need to go to the SMM. Those SMM clowns. That's not in the pain. Dungeon. When you get choked out, you like go somewhere. You're not going to have a little dream and then you come right back. It's like DMT. You hate that shit. James on point as well. All right. Well, let's get serious. The CIA is OSS. That's all on record. Okay. I'm glad you questioned me. No, but I don't know what that means. What is OSS again? Office of Special Plans. That was before the CIA. Then the CIA came up. The Office of Strategic Service. The Office of Strategic Services. The Office of Strategic Services. You've got, you've got, but German intelligence came to Eisenhower and said, listen, you don't need to do all this. We haven't given them the real technology. We're in contact with aliens and they've developed the whole plan. Now, where are you getting this from that you're stating it so confidently? It's in the literature, man. Hitler, like, would go to the mainline historical books about SS castles where they go, the aliens want blood. So they'd kill like 20 kids and everything. The aliens would like to come in. They take the blood, brings them in like sharks and then they want to give them technology. They go, this is how it works. You build the atomic weapons this way. You build it and they would like some bombers and like the aliens are like telepathic. I don't even believe this. This is what the Nazis believe. And the aliens with mind meld and give them the technology. They're bad aliens. So are you surprised the Nazis were influenced by demons? They, to get even deeper, they turn your heart off for five minutes and they pump oxygen into your blood and you're in the meetings. I've talked to people that are involved. I mean, top scientists and you're in the meetings with freaking aliens. Elves is the main group. The heart goes out. The body thinks it's dead. So you can stay in longer. I don't know all the science behind it. I understand. But let's explain this. When you take a DMT or ayahuasca 200 times, like most are astronauts and test pilots are flying planes. Those are robots now. It's all mind war. So these dudes are like, it stops working once you've taken it hundreds of times. So then they start taking their most psychic people who are able to do this and they turn their heart off and then they put them into these, these events. And it's like the things that aliens tell them, they come out and they tell scientists and it works. So like, what kind of shit they didn't tell me to kill for this stuff. Joe, this is not the way you think they want me off the air. Because when I finally figured this out, because I never touched aliens, I kind of knew the whole thing already. You go back thousands of years, Merlin, you know, the archetypal or, or, or these magicians or these, these wizards are taking drugs in these temples and interfacing with these palantires, these crystal balls, which aren't really crystal balls. It's their psychic focus of an interdimensional connection while they're on drugs, looking into glass to then be able to see the future and understand what's happening to give them temporal power over this planet. Let's just say this. I'm not in the CIA. Me neither. I'm not in the NSA. Me neither. But they've been tracking me my whole life. I need to hear about aliens. I'm gonna take a photo of that cigar, but I'm on the smoke marijuana. Uh, yeah. We don't smoke marijuana. You know what's crazy about it? This is just a cigar. So let me hear about you, a little tip watching. Tap me, lie about me, and go to the top, but you lose your soul. And Eddie, I love you to death. You're awesome. That's why I asked for you to be here. Hey, if you want to believe in aliens, I'm cool with that. I still love you. I don't care. I don't care about that. Listen, I'm, this is not what I believe. I love you for who you are. I'm trying to tell you something. Listen, man, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. Okay. That's it. Now you, I want to get into all your points. What points? I got points? 100%. Yeah. 100%. I ain't got no points. Okay. It'd be the biggest documentary in history. It only costs like a million dollars. Okay, let's do it. A 50,000 ton big ship and to have it circumnavigate the planet and you will be there with GPS. No, no, no, no. I'm not gonna be there. No, we're gonna get someone to. I gotta pee. I'm not going to pee. I'm not going to pee. You gotta pee again. Let me go first. Let me go first. And I know why you question is you're not a psychotic demon demon person. Thanks you. You told me this morning. Not this morning. Yesterday. No, this morning. Oh, this morning. You said. I told him today. You said basically that there was no way to prove any of this. Prove any of what? What are you talking about? This. What's this? Reality. Space. You're saying. You're generalizing. No, I'm not mad at you questioning. I think it's great. To talk about 12 dimensions, 11 known, 12 being omnipresent, so we won't say it actually exists. To say that is arrogant. So I won't say that. But I have had dreams my whole life that come true. And the weirdest thing like a lady drops a thing of pickles at the store for five years I have the dream and then one day I'm there and it's the woman in the pickles break or I want to know when was this? I was a kid. It was more intense. That is fucking crazy. If this is your real life experience, I want to know what the fuck that is. Are you? Are you on the periphery? Do you have your finger on a membrane that maybe other people can't totally touch? And they'll use this against people. Notice they don't touch it because it's their whole religion and they can't stand it. I'm talking about it. By the time I was like three years old, I would have this dream that God has because God knows everything. It's this super intelligent, omnipresent, unlimited dimensions, but God doesn't know where God came from. So just like we're trying to find out where we came from, God is like a virtual reality simulation as well. And God is constantly running every program, every operation, turning evil loose, good loose, everything. So I would have these dreams, but the earliest memories, like two, three years old, where I would fly out to the edge of infinity and it was a continual message. Find out where we came from, find out what it is. And it would just be this big giant spinning black vortex, like a black hole. Okay. You're going to be a steak though. You're going to be a steak though. Dude, I'm fine, man. I live for hours. Look, here's the thing. I'm going to be honest with you. I'm kind of retarded. In that. No, no, no. That's going to be a sound bite. They're going to put that to mariachi music. True or false? The Mayans smoked penis blood. They did. They did. What they did was. You thought I made that shit up? I did. I thought you were just being silly. No, no, that's true. But they took long lines of leather, jaguar leather, and it had nails on it, or it had like spiky things, a glass, and they would put it in their genitals. The most skilled priest, the high priest, while they were sacrificing people for hours taking a loose in a jence, would not try to cut his testicles off, but only the most skilled would sit there and draw them through their testicles. They would smoke the blood. Consciousness in the universe is an interdimensional spacecraft beyond that. That looks like a comet from my research. And it has its head, it has its corona. That's consciousness? Consciousness. It carries evil in the tail end. So consciousness has a location? No, there is this giant consciousness that's God. Okay. Swimming in a giant system of survival of fittest that God has created to test God's self. Okay. And it looks like a comet. So you've got God's consciousness and all the good things, the knowledge going forward, but God knows that everybody has to be tested. So the tail goes out, and at the end of the tail is basically evil. That's why Christ says, get behind me. And it's always trying to test God and infiltrate up into it to sabotage it. You were telling me that it fucks with your head, the certain amount of it after a while, it just fucks with your head. Yeah, the negativity. Yeah. And I like to have dreams. I have dreams that are like 20 years long, like you said with DMT, where I'm a farmer and it's like 500 years ago, and I'm just like planning things and eating food and putting my kids to sleep and cutting trees down. And there's on average 35,000 feet. This is NASA statistics, so probably not true. 10 feet. You didn't give in to the pressuring of the threat. It was more of the nagging, like a siren, like a bitchy woman, not against women. But I mean, I get it. I got a pee so bad. Well, go pee pee and come back. We'll finish five more minutes because I want to get into the pee pee pee. Talk to Eddie. Talk some sense into it. I got a picture. Tell me about Buzz Aldrin. Tell me about your boy Buzz Aldrin. You know, I'll tell you about Buzz Aldrin. He told me. Jesus Christ. I know where you're going, man. Okay. It's going to be Brahms. So that's where we're all going. Just what is the system? Want to get rid of free speech, right? The self-defense, the family to defend those things and ask yourselves, what are we about to a man? I believe in that. You can say that shit again. What was it? Right to bear arms, free speech. And what was the third family family? What were the big three? John asked you a question. What was the big three? Say that again. Oh, is it possible that it collapsed because of those gigantic diesel fires, right? And then those tower wanted to sell its own building. Seven, seven had a diesel tanks in the basement and they caught fire and they said it was an inferno and they said it cooked through the internal. Hold on a second. It's always, but I want to ask you this because I don't know. Oh yeah. Right. Bill, what? The CIA, the FBI, all of it. Was it an NSA as well? Everything. He always says, oh, I don't know. He goes, I'm not just kissing Joe's ass. He's beyond all the shows. Joe knows what's up. He's, it's bullshit, man. I mean, you know every fucking thing, dude. Just fucking say it yourself. Why don't you explain it to everybody? When I was a little kid and I was having one of these invasions when I was asleep, I hadn't seen Conan the Destroyer yet. Or Conan the Barbarian was the first one. Remember how the demons laying on its sides like this good looking guy who turns to this big fucking goblin to text everybody? Yeah. And when I was a kid, that was like the thing. I would try to, in these dreams, I'd go way back to the head of the universe and be like, I was like, it's a gay dude sitting there on his side like this? And then a few years later I saw Conan the Destroyer and I'm like, that's the thing from the dream. So what I'm saying is, let me tell you another story. You've seen like the Hobbit remake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where Gandalf goes to the castle and Sauron's not made his body yet. And he looks like that fire. I've seen exactly that. So you want to talk about what the real controllers of the greys are. It looks like Sauron. Have you ever had a significant head injury? You have? What happened to you? How old were you? I was about 13. 13. 14. Did it change your personality? I got up and punched him in the throat and they had a drinking economy. I was dead. Wow. So was it a friend of yours? It was like the state wrestling champion middleweight and his cousin or something. And the Dallas was like this, like, you know, got me down. I was never starting fights, man. These people, here's the thing. I'm not a victim of racial attacks. I'm not like Jeffrey or Jesse Smollett because I fought rednecks and I got my leg broken, you know, by. Which guy piled drive you on your head during your 13? Yeah. What did it do to your personality? Then I had to fight his whole family. Well, fight Moses family. It was a game changer. But do you have any significant change from that head injury? Sometimes when people have head injuries, especially it seems like young people. You know, stuff just got better after that. Really? Oh, a lot of. Go ahead, Joes. Admit it. Admit what? You think that he's a conspiracy theorist because he got dropped on his head. I think there's something. The average 150 pound guy, you're probably getting my ass. But when like a bunch of people are coming after me, it's like Darth Vader. And sometimes when I would get knocked out, I would see like numbers. Like I was a robot, like red. I would see like, everybody sees red. Yeah. I was like, no, I'm not kidding. And I remember like some dude choking me and like, guys are like, some dude's like pulling a knife out. And you see that knife pulling out. You're like, and like, at that point, you see everything from only those minutes when everything's clear. It's like survival motions. But then you see like, like the wars and the attacks and the submarines and the spacecraft and like, it's like when you dial into that, it's like total war. It's like, didn't you say that when your friends would choke you out, you'd have like these long dreams? Oh, yeah. I remember being in junior high six, seven, eighth grade because we got choked out a couple of times. And I finally stopped. I remember this one time I, they choked me out. And also it was like a black knight with a sword goes, and like attacks me on this horse. And then like, it went through. And then I was like in England thousands of years ago. And I had this wife and these kids and it was a whole lifetime, like taking care of them and like growing food. And like a kid started to death and died. And it was like, just those moments were like whole lives, dead kids, everything. That's what I'm saying. Like you dial into all those ancestors. And it was like my kids and kids starving to death and like people attacking us. So you think all that information from your ancestors somehow or another encoded somewhere in your body? It's definitely an encoded joke. You've seen like, what was that stupid Tom Cruise movie where? Stupid Tom Cruise movie. How dare you? How dare you? Jack Reacher? As of tomorrow. Jack Reacher 2. Oblivion. They've got these giant landers selling up. Oh yeah. They're sucking the ocean up. That was a dope movie. And the outside. And he doesn't even know he's working for the system. Like a women, like I love black women. I love white women. I love Hispanic women. I love mall. Like if the woman's cool, like I don't know a bunch of black women that are bitches, black women that are cool. What about Swedish bitches? I love mall. The point is, let's just say I'm super gay. But the point is what I'm getting at here though is. Nah, I don't like Swedish. What are you getting at? I don't know. I don't know. Let's wrap this up. No, we need to wrap it up, but I gotta make this point. I don't know what it is. How is that getting into that? Oh, the racism thing. Oh. What is inside your bag? You have more tobacco? No, I do have more tobacco, but I'm just. Can I have a little bit more tobacco? Yes, for sure. 100%. I believe you. That tobacco was amazing by the way. It's pretty good stuff. It was like a thing in England last year where the guy comes in with tattoos, a big beard, and was in the police report. The guy had like a foot long cock. And he goes, do a cervix exam. What kind of police report is this? And the nurse said, sir, I don't see a vagina. And it was in the report. The man had a foot long dick. The Japanese said, hey, you don't get the trans destination unless you chop the Johnson and the Wavos off. And it's like, hey, you get taxpayers will pay for it. You get that vagina bill and you sit there and do it. And so I'm sitting there walking out of this mall. Right after Trump got elected in Houston, I remember because I was there with my wife, she went like a Burberry coat or something. I was out visiting a family and these black guys go, we're going to kill you. And I didn't hate them because they were black guys. They were literally Nazis. And I remember sitting there in that parking lot, walking across and I said, well, if you're such big men, kill me now. And it wasn't my wife's life. I'm trying to be tough. They're saying, you white hookahore. We're going to kill you. I want to end this show on a positive note. I know you know, no one's on the black people are like that. But I think in the spectrum of like one to 100, we're in the 95th percentile of really being woke. Let me ask you this because I've been talking way too much in closing here at the end of this transmission. We should talk about. A lot of things along those side of here. Let me just tell you, this was a fun fucking podcast. It was fun. This is what I wanted people to see. Well, then there's nothing to worry about.