Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock on Lost Technology and the Great Pyramids


2 years ago



Graham Hancock

13 appearances

Graham Hancock, formerly a foreign correspondent for "The Economist," has been an international bestselling author for more than 30 years with a series of books, notably "Fingerprints of the Gods," "Magicians of the Gods" and "America Before," which investigate the controversial possibility of a lost civilization of the Ice Age destroyed in a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. Graham is the presenter of the hit Netflix documentary series "Ancient Apocalypse." Look for the second season beginning on October 16.https://grahamhancock.com https://www.youtube.com/GrahamHancockDotCom https://x.com/Graham__Hancock

Randall Carlson

7 appearances

Randall Carlson is a researcher, master builder, architectural designer, geometrician, and host of the podcast "Kosmographia." www.randallcarlson.com


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Now, the Great Pyramid of Giza is probably the most stunning of all these ancient structures. And the stones are immense and some of them were cut from a quarry that's hundreds of miles away. How do you think they did that? Well some of them, the granite in the Great Pyramid comes from more than 500 miles to the south. If you look at the famous King's Chamber, its walls and its roof are, the ceiling of the King's Chamber are all made with gigantic granite blocks. Stunning detail. Stunning detail. Those blocks on the roof of the King's Chamber weigh 70 tons each. Now Egyptologists will tell you that, oh they could move heavy blocks because they put them on wet sand and they push them along on wet sand. Well maybe if you're just at ground level that will do, but when you're 350 feet above the ground as you are in the King's Chamber that won't do at all. I don't know how they did it. All I know is they did it. I don't think anybody knows how they did it. How they lifted those stones. How they brought them up to that level. I think we're looking again at a lost technology. And it was this ancient apocalypse, 12,800 years ago, that wiped that from the human memory banks almost completely. Not entirely completely because they were survivors, but removed most of it. Randall will tell you, sea level rise, it creates a powerful high energy zone. Everything that was existing on those flooded coastlines has just been pounded to hell. Talk about it, Randall. Well yeah, it's going to be a lot more energetic than now. Imagine your sea level rising at three or four times, at least, faster than we've seen rise in the last century. And within their juxtaposed are these episodes of very rapid sea level rise. They're talking about a very energetic intertidal zone. And anything that's there short of large megalithic blocks is going to be utterly obliterated by the time the process is through. And I think that this is one of the things that the archaeologists and the pre-historians, people are looking at that, have failed to take into account the severity of these events we're talking about. Because the question always is, where are the artifacts? Where's the pottery? Where is the evidence that this civilization existed? And I have two responses to that. One, you don't realize the extent of the total remodeling of this planetary surface that took place. Because we could get into some of the stuff here. I have tons of images where I think maybe we'll get a chance to pull up a couple of really awesome drone footage here before we're done. But once you begin to wrap your head around this, you go, really? It's like, imagine that you drop an atomic bomb on a city. And it completely obliterates it. And then a short while later, you drop another one on the same place. What's going to be left? And then 10,000 years, 20,000 years goes by. What are you going to find? What are you going to look for? It's going to be just rubble that gets reincorporated just into the geological stratum. And it's going to be very difficult to differentiate, for example, from what's called the conglomerate of a rhizocreatic rock, which is basically where you have just a huge jumble of broken rock cemented together. Right? Now, within there, there could be all kinds of stuff that's not even recognized as being artificial in the sense that humans had anything to do with it. The other thing is, when we talk about these ancient technologies, if we're only looking for a mere reflection of ourselves, we could overlook it completely. Because there is, I think there's evidence that exists now. Some modern researchers whose work has been buried or suppressed, I think we're getting very close to rediscovering some of the things that our ancient ancestors were up to. And maybe this would be worth a whole show in itself. We could dive into this, and I don't want to get into that today. But what kind of technologies are you talking about? Well, I just ... I shouldn't really get into that. Get into it. We got to get into it. Okay, well ... We've opened the door, sir. Okay. Well, okay. The passing of the HDMI cable. The passing ... A sacred moment. Well, there are people out there now who have been working on trying to rediscover that. And again, I don't want to digress too much into this now, because I would really rather be able to give a whole treatment of it. That might kind of derail us a little bit from this. But there are people who've been working on these things for decades now, basically in secret. In secret. And I've had the privilege of talking to some of these people over the last six or seven years. And right now, as we're speaking, there's a group of people who are basically going to open source a whole lot of stuff in the next three months, so it can never get suppressed again. And that's why I'd like to come back and talk in more detail. Well, I'd love to have you come back and talk about it, but we got to talk about it a little bit now. Ah, okay. Well, there's a laboratory right now in the Maldives that's been building prototypes using these technological principles, which are based on implosion rather than explosion. And the inspiration for this... And Tesla's ideas are part of it, I think you mentioned. Tesla's ideas are very much a part of it. Yes, Tesla's ideas are very much a part of it. So is, I don't know if you ever, Victor Schauberger, who did the work with water and discovered... Jamie, could you look up Victor? Oh, I have the cable now, don't I? Take it back to me. Let me find a video. Let me pull something up here and... I think the key thing is we're looking at technologies that are not the same as ours. Yes. And that's partly why archaeologists can't see them, because they're looking for us in the past and they're not open to the possibility that there are whole other kinds of technology that could be used. Right. I always go back to the ancient Egyptian traditions that speak of priests chanting as these huge blocks were lifted into the air. Were they using some kind of sound effect, some kind of use of sound that was able to manipulate matter? We know that sound can manipulate matter as a matter of fact, but they're lifting these blocks again and again, it appears in ancient Egyptian traditions. The notion that we could lift huge blocks with sound seems absurd to archaeologists and yet it's there in the traditions of the Egyptologists. What Randall's talking about now is people who are working on a whole alternative path of technology and maybe that's a rediscovery of the kind of technologies that we used by a lost civilization. I think that's what's important about what you're saying is that we have this very limited idea of technology based on what we've experienced. But if you had anatomically similar human beings that live for thousands and thousands of years... Stuff just keeps on getting older. If you think about the amount of progress that we've achieved as modern humans just in the last few hundred years, if you go back 400 years to now, it's a stunning amount of achievement. Absolutely stunning. And if you have a completely different path of technology, one that's not utilizing internal combustion engines and cranes and the like that we experience today. Leverage, mechanical advantage, everything that our tech is based around. Something that's insanely advanced, tens of thousands of years of a different path. That may be what we're looking at. And that may begin to explain these otherwise inexplicable monuments that have survived. Jamie, do I need... There we go. This is the work of Nikola Tesla. And he was... Again, this is way too much for us to get in today. That's why we need to devote a whole session to talking about this. But this is... This was the inspiration... You know, his work was suppressed. A lot of his patents were taken, sealed up by the US government for whatever reason. I don't know. But this is some of the stuff that's now being developed using his ideas plus some of the others. This is the man I've been talking to for the last seven years. Malcolm Bendal? Yes. And again, I don't want to get into it today, but here's an example of what they're doing. This is a generator that has no moving parts. It's all based on geometry, pure geometry. And here's the basic idea, as I think I understand it at this point. Resonance frequencies. Everything vibrates. Have you ever... Like if we had an electric razor, we plugged it in, turned it on, set it on this table, it's going to move around, isn't it? You ever seen that? Yeah. This is the beginning of the concept because it's vibrating. Everything vibrates at a frequency. And if you know that frequency, you can control things. And I think that's the basic idea of what we're looking at here. And it's all based upon the ancient numbers. And they're developing technologies right now, and they have been. I was recently contacted and given to go ahead that I could talk... I've been sitting on this for seven years without talking about it because they asked me not to talk about it until they had their patents in place and their licensing. That's all happened since last summer. So we're now free to talk about it. So that's what I'm saying. I think it would be a good idea to get me back on here. We can look at it. I'm going to lay this on Graham so he can look at it too because I really want to get Graham's feedback on this. I mean, would it be fair to say that there's an element of a rediscovery of a lost technology from the past? Yes. I think it would be fair to say that, yes. And so through somehow, through this technology, they're able to move stones or cut stones or all the above? All the above. And even transport them? What is all this? Well this is the model. And this is diagramming all the frequencies of the elements and what their vibrational frequencies are and the numbers that measure those frequencies. And they're all the numbers we get from looking at these ancient traditions that recur over and over and over again that I've been talking about in my sacred geometry classes for decades without knowing what the final result was going to be. So this inventor who's working with this small group contacted me. And this is what he told me. He said, you built the foundation. He said, you laid the foundation with your work on ancient geometry. And I built a house on top of it. That's what he said. So for seven years, he's been supplying me with all the information. I have copies of all the patents. I have videos of the testing of the prototypes. And Mazda, the car manufacturer in Japan, is getting ready to do a $25 million testing of some of these prototypes that they believe they can retrofit internal combustion engines with. And there's over 100, they've developed over 100 patents on some of this stuff. And it's amazing. What would be the fuel? Well, plasmoids. Plasmoids, as it says here, are donut or toroidal-shaped clusters of net protons or net electrons that once captured and placed into a toroidal orbit are capable of absorbing, storing, and releasing enormous amounts of energy within their self-generated and structured electromagnetic containment field. Plasmoids, in effect, function as an atomic battery that can be self-charging due to its ability to convert matter to available clean energy. So it's a lot to get into. And I think it would take us kind of off what we're here to talk about today. But at least what's promising is that there is some, at least research or understanding. And it's actually quite mature at this point. And in order to avoid the kinds of fate that befell Tesla and Reich, Robert Oppenheimer, Victor Schauberger, and so many others that were working in these fields, all kind of converging on this same insight. It's been conducted in secret. The laboratory that they've been developing this is in the Maldives so that it's been immune from government interference. And now, I think it's about ready to go the next. What is the motivation, the suppressing of this information? I think in case of Tesla, wasn't it military, the fear of military applications? I also think that there are huge corporations that have very large investments in a particular path of technology, which is ours. And for somebody to come up with a whole new path of technology, it's very threatening to them and much better from their point of view to suppress it or if they can't suppress it to kind of buy it and hide it and keep things on the track that they're on now. I would say that's the motive. And maybe for people that are curious about this and maybe even skeptical, consider the massive change that nuclear power provided us. Whereas before the 1940s, this was unheard of, even the concept of it. All of a sudden, now we have nuclear power, nuclear weapons, the most profound power known to man currently. God help us. It's a powerful use by adults, but unfortunately, it's delinquent children who are leading our world right now. The leaders of our planet, the politicians out there, they're just complete assholes. I can't think of any of them who I feel any respect for whatsoever. And it's they who are in charge of this frightening, terrifying technology. We just aren't mature enough as a civilization to manage technology like that. You have to get that level of maturity.