4 years ago
2 appearances
Post Malone is a rapper, singer, songwriter, and producer. His latest album, "Austin," is available now. www.postmalone.com
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
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Good. It's good to be out of the loop. I think it's really wise that you live out there. I really do. I agree. Because you're so wild. Like for a dude like you it's good to be in a place where you see nature and it's probably in a way it's balancing and it's like there's there's something about the Utah mountains too. Like that's a real mountain range. Yeah. You see that shit all the time when you drive around Utah. It's like it's very humbling. It's incredible. It's just like you're a fucking. So I'm the fucking entire globe. Also it's like natural art. Like when you see mountains they're natural art. Like if you drive through the mountains it's like you're seeing an art gallery like in nature. It's beautiful to look at and it's free. Yeah. It does something to you like it excites you in a weird way. Like when you when you could see a waterfall coming off the side of a mountain and everything's lush and green. You see it go into a flowing river. Man that does a thing to your body. It does a thing to your brain. It lights everything up. And that's the best especially for making music. That makes sense especially for making music because it's just like without sounding corny it's like you you feel like you're a part of something bigger but you're so insignificant and then you can just say I accept everything around me. Yeah. And I'm relaxed and I'm at peace. You know knowing that you're just the world spinning around you and everything happens for a reason and you can just sit there a hundred percent peace at ease and say I don't have to worry. You know like I said earlier L.A. always something going on. Yeah. I couldn't do it. So yeah there's and it definitely affected my creative process for sure. What do you mean like going out. Yeah. Yeah. There's always someone hitting you up and you know I don't want to speak on behalf of everyone in L.A. or from L.A. but there's a lot of people who kind of want to drain you and well you know what it is man. It's not that they want to drain you. What it is is they're greedy. They're concentrating on themselves and when they're concentrating on you know they're trying to make it. They're trying to get something happening. Right. And they're ambitious and they're self centered in that way. And I don't mean that as a pejorative negative thing just they're self centered. So they always want from you. Right. And so they're draining. Like and when you're successful and you're a guy who's got a lot going on they think there's a rub. I got to get the post Malone to get that rub. Right. I got to be able to somehow or another gets what he's got. Hey man hit me up. Hey hey I'm here. Hey hey hey let's do that thing. Right. Hey hey hey. Right. Hey hey hey hey hey let's go out. Hey hey I want you to meet my friend. Right. Hey hey hey. You're like bro I gotta make music. Yeah. I'm good at one thing and that's using auto tune to sing. You gotta make that music.