8 years ago
3 appearances
Rory Albanese is a comedian, comedy writer and television producer. He was an executive producer and writer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and also appeared on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Hello freak bitches. But I do feel like the country is divided to a point of like I don't know. Well I gotta be honest man. It doesn't feel... On the internet it's bad. I got my news a lot from the Daily Show. When I would watch the Daily Show and I would see... I feel like Jon Stewart is obviously a very left leaning guy. He was also a very smart guy and a very funny guy. And when he would talk about like events in the news and mock them and show clips and mock the clips. That to me is a way better version of what I would get. I can discern what's a joke. I can discern how he's making fun. But then I will also get the actual information of these events from him as well. That to me is a way better version of news entertainment than what fucking CNN is doing. Because what CNN is doing is having what are essentially actors. And it's very boring people that are reading some stupid shit off a teleprompter. Like you take fucking Anderson Cooper away from the news. Who's Anderson Cooper? Are you interesting dude? You know? Let's have him talk. Give a speech somewhere. Have him talk to people. Have him do a stand up routine. He's boring as shit I bet. You know what I'm saying? If you're watching an entertainer give you the news. Which is essentially what CNN is doing. Fucking Jon Stewart should be on CNN. You don't have to go to work every day. Is that what his deal is? He doesn't want to work anymore? The Daily Show after so many years. I was there for a long time. I talk to Jon a lot. I think a lot of it is just the feeling of like doing a talk show four nights a week every day. And culling through all that news. We were giving people the little golden nuggets that happened throughout the day. But we had to watch it. We were absorbing a lot of radiation from all that stuff over the years. And like the closer you are to the radiation the more your hair gets grey and your soul hurts after a while. And I think for Jon, I think him leaving when he left was a good way to do it. Did he just make a bunch of money and say yeah that's it? No it wasn't even the money. I think it was just he felt like and he said it on the last show. I wasn't there for the... I mean I'd stop working there before he retired. But I think he just got to a point where he said like I'm not doing this at the level I could do it at anymore. Therefore someone else should do it. He was just kind of... He did it. And I think if he waited through this election which people are like I wish he was still on. But now Trump would be in and then everyone would be like you can't quit now. He'd be stuck in it forever. And I think he just wanted to walk away like on the top. Like the way retire after a Super Bowl win kind of a thing. People forget that he wasn't the original host. Isn't that fascinating? Yeah, Killborn was. Yeah, what happened to that guy? I don't know. I never worked there with Killborn. I started like six months after Jon Stewart started. And so I've heard a lot of like funny Killborn stories. Like he was a good dude and he was a really funny guy. But like definitely much more of a read the teleprompter. Yeah. Read what they put in the prompter kind of. You know Ron Burgundy style. Yeah. Go fuck yourself Sandy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great job on the floor everybody. When Jon came on and he was like really a writer producer mind. There was definitely like a sea change at the show of like the writers. The original writers going like what the hell. Hey buddy don't ruin our little show. And he was like I don't know if you understand how this is going to work. You know there was a little bit. There was like a clash. A little bit. A little bit. What was their vision that he was just going to read whatever they wrote? Yeah. Period. Yeah. I think so. But he's a really funny comic. Why wouldn't they want him to contribute and make it funnier? I don't know. I mean it worked out in his favor. I think his contributions ended up making the show pretty damn good. Obviously. Yeah. But egos are a motherfucker man. It's always an odd thing.