Joe Rogan & Rory Albanese on Trump's Media Ban


8 years ago



Theo Von

9 appearances

Theo Von is a stand-up comic and podcaster. He is the host of "This Past Weekend with Theo Von."


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Hello freak bitches. What's funny is a grown man crying when he shouldn't be crying. Yeah, that's what's funny. Absolutely. Yeah, and it's, you know, it's like there's still an instinct. You still have like a kind of a knee jerk instinct to things sometimes that just makes you laugh. And if you share that feeling at the wrong time on Twitter. You're immature. Yeah. Guilty as charged. And then the flip side is the right man. Like they're calling everybody snowflakes. And then you say one thing that they don't want to hear and they want you all Fox News. Talk about snowflakes. They're like, why is Shep Smith? He should go with Megan Kelly, the M and the Lame Stream NBC. And you're going, aren't you? Doesn't that make you a snowflake now? And then same thing happened with Chris Wallace. Sheps Wallace did that interview with Rents Priebus and people were like, get him out of here. Oh, really? Yeah. Chris Wallace is, you know, his dad was Mike Wallace. He's actually a journalist. Yeah. It's crazy. Well, it's a weird time when you see journalists getting excluded from press gaggles when you get the New York Times and who else was it? It was LA Times. And then there was another big one. Oh, CNN. CNN. Fuck the fuck man. CNN. What the fuck? You remember when Obama was considering removing Fox News from something? Because Fox News is essentially propaganda. If you listen to Sean Hannity, I've heard Sean Hannity is a wonderful man. I've heard he's a really nice guy when you meet him. But that motherfucker is spewing straight hot propaganda. He was the best point man after the grab my pussy shit came up. He was the best because he just went fucking straight to Benghazi. He went straight to the email scandal and he fucking hammered it constantly to the point where, you know, locker room talk aside, you certainly could certainly say that was inappropriate. Let's get to the facts here. Let's get to what's important and just bam, bam. He's a big Trump ally. Oh, but he's good. It's it's good at what he does. He is very good at what he does. But I mean, when that was going on against Obama, they were like, look, why the fuck are we having these people? Even why are we even pretending their press? This is not journalism. This is a propaganda network. And it was like, whoa, whoa. You remember, it was like 2009. Yeah. And Obama almost had them removed. But people protested. He's like, all right, fine. Not Trump. Yeah. No, he's like, not only that, I'm not even going to the press correspondence dinner. I know that to me. You talk about being a pussy dude. Like you're like you're scared to get you're scared to get made. That's him being scared. Yes. And I was thinking the whole time like, oh, what comedian gets to do that? That's a great gig. Fuck that gig. That guy will go after you. Well, yeah, that's true. That's the problem is you make fun of that dude. And then like, all of a sudden, like you have like, you're getting audited. Yeah, you're right. More than audited, man. More than audited. They'll probably search your emails and find some incriminating shit that you might have did when you were in high school. Yeah. But then part of me is like kind of worth it to get stand up, kind of stand up on the stage next to Trump and just be like, dude, come on. Yeah. Well, you would definitely get mad press for doing it. Well, but yeah, he would he would go. I don't know. He doesn't handle it. Well, do you remember when Obama was roast him and he just sat there and he had this like dead stare in his face? Yeah. Yeah. I know. It's a weird time, man. It was like when Obama said, we have video of my actual birth for the first time when they release it and they go to the Lion King. Yeah. The Lion King cartoon. That was hilarious. Yeah. Obama was fucking good at that. It was really funny. He's a funny president. Yeah. You mean I just still to this day, I think that he's probably as far as like as a human being, not not as like I hate presidential speeches because I hate I hate that whole political talk. I hate the way people talk. I know. Like they're not a real person. And he is like the king of the pause man. The big fake stupid. It's like a 45 second pause. Well, I mean, he's just good at that kind of shit. And there's a thing to that. I don't particularly like that. But I get it. But I mean, as far as like being like a representative of the country, the guy was intelligent, well read, forget his policies aside. There's something about who the guy who is in charge is what it says about the rest of us. And what it says about the rest of us now is that we're a disorganized mess. Yeah. And that's really what it says. Yeah. It's definitely a I could tell you this though. Trump is not wrong about CNN hating him. Like he's not wrong. No. No, no, no. If you watch the election and everything leading up to the election, they did not like him, even though images they used of him and they were pretty openly against him. And look, I worked like I said, I worked at the Daily Show. I watched a lot of CNN. I watched a lot of MSNBC. There's problems. I have problems with all of those cable news. Good for you because you shouldn't. And I really think that like the cult of personality media thing. My biggest issue with cable news is that they're in the same rating system as like the big bank theory. You know what I'm saying? That's it. And it's like they're trying to get. That's so true. No, but they're trying to get numbers, man. That's all they're trying to do. That's so true. Obviously the goal of Sean Hannity show or AC 360, any of these shows is to get people to watch so they can sell ad time because so they can make money. So that's my issue with it more than, you know, they're like a lot of them are bad at journalism. You know, it's hard for me to forget things like balloon boy when like we're at war in like Afghanistan and Iraq and like they think a kid stuck in a weather balloon and we have like seven hours of coverage of a weather balloon floating down the street with a live chopper coverage. And then it turned out the kid was hiding. The dad was a prankster. And it was done before. Whatever. The point is why why did I have to watch that for four hours? You know what I'm saying? So it's like they're if a shiny thing happens, they run towards the shiny thing. They do. They're not sure. They're looking for ratings. They're looking to be the first. They never talk about there's like Flint, Michigan. Right. What? When did was the last time like people there don't have water still and they live in America still but the media is not talking about it. You know, they're talking right now about Kelly Conway putting her feet on the shoes on that's what I want to know. But in other words, goddamn White House couch bitch. So if they get they get they get well, that's what people are mad about. They're like, they're like, that's disrespectful. Imagine if a guy was sitting like that. But you got to imagine they scotch guarded that. If Obama was sitting like that on the couch, do you know how many gay rumors would come out about him? If Michelle Obama was sitting like that anywhere. Oh, yeah. People would say about the things people say about Michelle Obama. She has her shoes on. Oh boy. That dirt. That is just an American shit bubble gum all over the fucking White House couch. How dare you lady. Dog shit bubble. It's a real problem with what the news is because it's not really the news. It's an entertainment show featuring events in the news. And it's there are 100% bias. There's no real journalism on television when it comes to TV news. PBS. I feel like this pretty. Maybe sort of. They're super liberal. Yeah, but they're also very boring. Yeah. In other words, they're not trying to zazzie. You know, they're like, here's what's happening. Well, that that's what we need, though. You need to be able to formulate your own opinions. And when you're being steered in one way or another, whether it's steered by Bill O'Reilly or steered by someone on the left, it's who the fuck is like a big reporter for CNN? I don't even know. Anderson Cooper. That's it. Wolf Blitzer. Wolf Blitzer. I saw Wolf Blitzer the other day in Vegas. I ran into him. I got intimidated. I was going to say hi, but I'm like, maybe he doesn't like me. Maybe he had four. He had four hookers with him. He's walking into the Bellagio. I wish he did. High five him. No, but I think he wants to smoke a joint. The only thing I will say about Fox is like their opinion guys, O'Reilly, Hannity, they kind of have them under opinion. Yes. Right? Versus Anderson Cooper is like news. I think Anderson Cooper, my take on him is clearly he's very left wing. He's a gay guy. He's also Vanderbilt. Oh yeah, that's right. And he also worked for the CIA when he was in college. That I did not know. You did not know that? No. Yeah. The big concern is that Anderson Cooper is embedded CIA journalist. That's the big CIA conspiracy theory. You didn't know that? No, I did not know that. I would imagine that once you work for the CIA, you're in the fucking CIA. Yeah, I imagine you always have a little contact. Yeah. I have a friend who used to be in the CIA and I still consider him in the CIA. I know another guy whose dad was in the CIA. His fucking dad's still in the CIA essentially. You figure you got to know a couple people over at the CIA. I don't have any CIA contacts. It's like if you used to work there, you probably have a few. And this is a shitty comparison, but if I left the UFC, I'd still be with the UFC. You know what I mean? There's a giant bond that you've got to have with the fucking Central Intelligence Agency. You don't fuck with those guys. You don't fuck them over. And if they call you, you answer the goddamn phone. Fuck yeah, you do. I'm still like ... That's why I really got weirded out when Trump was being so hard on the intelligence community. He's crazy for that. I'm like, dude, I don't know, man. All of those guys in the intelligence community, they're the reasons we're safe.