8 years ago
3 appearances
Rory Albanese is a comedian, comedy writer and television producer. He was an executive producer and writer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and also appeared on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
Hello freak bitches. Now when I ran into you in Denver, which was a fucking fun night. That was fun man. That was a fun night. Rory was there the night that Chappelle showed up at my late show on Friday night. And by the way, I was watching you, so psyched because I knew we were going to go out afterwards and have some drinks and chat. And then Chappelle came in, and at the comedy cellar in New York, Chappelle comes in a lot. But when he comes in at the cellar, it's like, well, he'll be on stage for seven hours, you know what I mean? Really? So yeah, he'll go on stage sometimes for like five hours. Five hours? Five hours, yeah. Like, like... Regularly? Not regularly, but it happens. Like to the point where like some dude in the back is sweeping up, you know what I mean? That's crazy. Yeah, he's just on stage smoking butts, doing his stuff. But, so when he first got on stage, I'm like, oh no. I looked at my girlfriend and he'd go, we're never going out with Joe tonight. I'm like, we're going to be watching Chappelle till seven in the morning, you know? But he did, you know, he did this like, what, 20 minutes or something. It was cool. Yeah, he didn't do that much time. I mean, it was the end of the show, you know, it was late. I guess maybe you would assume that Denver people don't have the stamina that New York City people have. Yeah, I think so. Well, he does five hours. How many people are still there after five hours? I'm never there, so I couldn't tell you. I have to leave after like an hour. Oh, wow. You know, people will stay through the whole thing, but like not everybody, you know? It's so weird. Yeah, but he's, I mean, he's, I don't know, I could watch Chappelle forever. Yeah. Like, that guy's amazing. He's such a good dude, too. But he definitely like, I've never really hung out with him. I've talked to him a bunch, but never hung out with him. And everyone's like, dude, hanging out with Chappelle is the best. And that night I was like, I don't think he likes me very much. Why is that? I don't know. We were just hanging out. You didn't think you liked him? I just got to say. When we all went out? Yeah, no, I didn't, you know, it was one of those things where I'm like, every time I said, like, he definitely liked my girlfriend, you know what I mean? Was he talking to her? No, not like you. Not to you, what do you mean? I just meant like he was definitely like, I was like, so you ever only have that where you can't get a rhythm with someone? I would be talking to him and I'd be like, right, well, that story's not going to fly. Like, I had that. Like, I couldn't get like. That's weird. That's your perception. That's interesting. Yeah, my perception is generally speaking that nobody ever likes me. Oh, see, my perception was it was a fun night. We went bar hop. We went to these. I've been to Denver. That's speakeasy. Fucking crazy times. Yeah. We went to these places that you go down an alleyway, you pass a dumpster, you go through an unmarked door and we're in this weird secret bar. And I'm like, what is this bar, man? Yeah, it was like that scene in Goodfellas. Yeah. You want some dresses, Karen? She's like, no, I'm okay, Jimmy. He said, go down a couple more garage doors, make a left. No, I'm okay, Jimmy. And then she just drives away. Right. That's what it was. Everyone was like, yeah, there's a bar. Just keep going and make a left. We're like, down this alley. Yeah, the hackles in the back of my neck were up. I'm like, I'm like, that kind of a fucking run. UFC legend Joe Rogan or I'm not going to this bar. I was going to run, dude. You'd be stuck. I'm not taking a bike to anybody. I'm thinking of running and leaving you guys behind. That's so funny. Yeah, it was cool. That was fun. We got kicked out of two places for smoking weed. Two different places they told us we couldn't smoke weed. Dave will just spark up a joint in a regular place. People just light up a cigarette in a restaurant. Yeah. That's a weird thing. He's like missing, I don't give a fuck. He's got a gene, like an I don't give a fuck gene. He's like missing a give a fuck. I know. It's not there. The best comics to me are the ones who don't give a fuck. And that dude triple doesn't give a fuck. That's why he's so good on stage because he really doesn't give a shit. We were out till like well after four o'clock in the morning. In Denver. There was a DJ. We went to some place, there was a DJ, and the DJ starts playing. There's literally like ten of us in this bar. How is this place staying open? They were just happy to have Chappelle there. I think Chappelle even went up to the DJ. And was like, and then plugged in his music. He was like, I got this. Yeah. The DJ was like, whatever you say, Mr. Chappelle. Yeah, it was fucking, it was such a trip. Well Dave brings these two huge, they're like, you know those Bluetooth speakers, the JVC Bluetooth speakers? He's got these big ones. He boom boxes them. Yeah, he brings two of them. They're huge. They're like the size of, bigger than a football, right? So he brings two of them and they're synced together. So one's left and one's right. And he'll put them on opposite ends of his green room and blare music. And I was asking him about it. Why do you carry these fucking things around? He goes, Joe, my only socializing I do is in green rooms. It's like the only socializing. That's the only time I hang out with people. I go, what do you do with this? I'm by myself. I live in Dayton, Ohio. He lives in the middle of nowhere on a fucking farm. On a farm. Yeah. What a cool dude though. He's hilarious. He's a really unique guy in a lot of ways. He's also just, it's very impressive to see somebody who's that kind of legendary at stand up and walk into a place and people are like, oh shit, even whatever level comic is like, oh shit, Chappelle's here. And then him also just be cool. Like in other words, he doesn't have to be cool. Yeah, but he's not aloof at all. He's super friendly. Yep. But I think he definitely has like a little bit of a wall up for guys like you. Yeah. That's why when you came up to him and you're like, hey, what's going on, buddy? Yeah. Cause I'm like, cause I'm like, another one, another dude who wants my phone number. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And I'm like, I definitely don't want your phone number. We're just going to be getting hammered together. Might as well talk a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. We, we, we pulled it out until like, I left him there. I left near like four 30. I think, yeah, I left like four, four 30. I was like, I gotta go to sleep. Denver is Denver is Denver's a fun town. Yeah.