Joe Rogan Reviews Biden's Presidential Hopes w/Owen Smith


5 years ago



Owen Smith

3 appearances

Owen Smith is a comedian, writer, actor and television producer. Check out his new show "Notebooks" available now on YouTube. @Owen Smith Comedy


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Even Trump, like, even Trump, like, as much as he hates it, he has toned down a lot of his rhetoric because of the criticism that he's faced. You know? And that's, it's important. It's very important. Yeah, I mean, he has to, that's one thing this virus is making everybody have to do their job. Like, you realize, like, a lot of his people were, like, acting in positions, like, they weren't really, I don't know if you were truly vested if you're acting in it, but, like, it's making everyone have to actually do their job. I wonder if he would do it again all over again if he knew how hard it would be and how much he would get shit on. You know, I don't know. I think it was so funny. What he presented to me was, like, it was, like, the hot new nightclub, you know what I mean? And, like, everybody was in there, you know, it was like a nightclub, and you could pretend to be who you want to be, and you could just, you know what I mean? And the watered down expensive drinks, and it's just all happening. Then the coronavirus comes, and that's, like, when the lights come on in the club, and you get to see, you know, how fucked up shit really is. And so, because when the whole country just kind of, like, said, all right, we're gonna go with Joe Biden, regardless of how lucid you feel he is or how sharp you think he is, when the whole country was like, we're just gonna go with Joe, he just made me think, like, Trump is like a fancy, a nice resort, like, hotel. Like, who doesn't want to stay in a nice hotel, right? He's like, I'm rich, I'm this, and everyone's like, I want to do that. But after a while, you get tired of spending $21 for internet and $40 for pancakes, and you just want to go home. And Joe was kind of, it felt like he represents home, you know what I mean? Like, people are like, I feel like people- Joe Biden, to me, feels like a schoolhouse in a third world country that's gonna collapse and kill all the kids. It's like a schoolhouse that is made by people who skirted all the rules of construction. He's an old dude with dementia. But I think he's gonna be propped up by so many different people who are gonna hold him. Like, President Obama's gonna come out and endorse him. If President Obama wants to come out and take over, okay. But if he doesn't, you got Joe Biden, who's the leader of the country who can't form sentences. Listen, man, there's 320 million people in this country. You're telling me that's the best the Democratic Party can do? That's crazy. Well, that's what I'm saying. What I'm saying is I feel like to everyone, he represented home. That's what I'm saying, because he's familiar. He was standing next to the guy that we all felt more comfortable with, especially in situations like this. Did you see Obama's endorsement video? I didn't. It was straight up gaslighting. Nah! It's just gaslighting. What did he say? He's pretending. He put it up. You could find it. I don't know if we could play. Is it long or is it? It's long enough. Like, he doesn't believe a goddamn word he's saying. Oh, Joe! He has to say, look, he knows Biden is doomed. He knows he's doomed. So you think he's gonna lose? It's not a matter of whether or not I think he's gonna lose. I do think he's gonna lose. Right. But even if I thought he was gonna win, he shouldn't do the job. There's no way he can take the pressure of that position with the cognitive decline that he's already showing. There's no buts. You just want the Democratic Party to be back in control. I get it. No. It makes sense. No, I wish, listen, man, I wish... Like I say, man, and when you're in a nightclub, you don't care how stuff's going down, right? Right. But when you come out... I don't understand this nightclub analogy. You don't understand the analogy? Damn, I'm trying to give you an example. To me, just the way that Trump is handling any kind of criticism, anything, it's unsettling. Dude, just calm down, man. You got the gig. You're right. You're in charge. I was talking to Keith Robinson. He had this amazing point. I don't know. It just made me laugh. He said, there should be some type of test you have to pass to become president because for any other thing, you have to take a test. So you have to have degrees or whatever. But to be in charge of everybody else, you don't have to. All you have to do is win a popularity contest. You have to win a popularity contest, and you're in charge. And you control the nukes. Everything. And it's like a backwards thing. And so that guy who's in charge of everybody else is just like, man, I just wish he didn't cost so much. Just wasn't the way he was. Right. You know what I mean? I wish he could just take the gig seriously. The thing is, that's who he's always been. That's my point. And he hasn't changed at all once he got into office. No. And people did expect him to. Yeah. He's always been the guy that if anybody says anything about him, he talks mad shit about that person. He's never lied to you. Rosie O'Donnell or whoever it is that he's been infused with. Right. He's never lied to you in the way. And so it's like you respect all of that. But it's just like in times like this, when it requires some empathy, when it requires you to look in the camera and say, I feel for the people that are dying, not give me credit. It's like, don't do the give me credit stuff now. Give me credit stuff. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And so I feel like, so all I'm saying is I feel like having Joe come up there and play those notes. It feels like people, everyone just all of a sudden overnight goes, Joe Biden's our guy. It felt like everyone was like, I just want to. I think it's like when Mariah Carey was on pills and you couldn't sing the national anthem because you forgot the words. Dude, this is the fucking way, man. That guy can't be president. He can't talk. He can't hold a sentence. You give him a couple minutes on CNN and he can't keep it together. But just so me. What is it going to be like after a year in office dealing with international politics, the economy, the environment, all these different things? But what I'm saying is he's going to have people. So did Obama, but look how old he got. How quickly. Right. And Obama's brilliant. Obama's a brilliant, articulate guy. He started getting gray hair. His skin started setting. Yes, because he was actually reading the memos that came through. He was actually going, this shit is crazy. Right. That's my point. My man Trump has an age, man. Right. But if Biden starts reading those things, he'll be dead in a week. And then who's going to be the vice president? Elizabeth Warren, who are they going to put in there? No, they're probably, I don't know who they're going to pick. It's like... They said he wants to pick a woman of color. So maybe Elizabeth Warren... He said a woman of color for the Supreme Court. Oh, is that what he said? I thought he said for vice president. He should. He should. Should he? Or should he pick the best person? He should pick the best person who will probably be a woman of color. Why would it be a woman of color, though? The most... Would it be because they're underrepresented and it would be a good thing for the country? Or would it be a good thing for the country because it's the best person for the job? Both. Both best person for the best person for the job, I feel could be a woman of color. And the best person for this country could also be a woman of color. It could be. Because a lot of policies kind of stop before consulting with people of color. And a woman of color can see, hey, well, we're leaving out this group. Let's figure this out. Right. But what if it's a male of color who's better qualified for the job? But that's my point. What are the qualifications for this job is what I just said. There's no test you have to take. It's just a popularity contest. Well, if that's the case, then the only reason why a woman of color would be what? Why would you want a woman of color? I think everyone would just feel better if it was a woman of color in charge. I feel like... What did Chelsea Handler say when she did her whole thing? Remember, she just did a whole thing about something on Netflix and she went on Ellen and said, we need to start listening to women of color. It was like, yeah, you probably should. I think... I'm not the right person to be talking about this, but I feel like they say Stacey Abrams is in the running. And I don't think she'd be a bad choice. But I've watched how she just puts things in context and she is very smart and very sharp. And she is not thrown... She would be extremely qualified. Well, I'll tell you who could actually be president. Michelle Obama. She's not going to do it. She's not going to do it. No. But if she wanted to do it, she could be president. Why do you think she could do it? First of all, she's brilliant. She's articulate. She's well known. She's a powerful person. She speaks really well. She obviously was for rather two terms. She was the first lady. So she's accustomed to the public eye. She's accustomed to speaking publicly. Dude, if she stepped up and decided she would run for president, I think she'd win by a landslide. Because of the popularity contest. Maybe not beat Trump, I should say. But win the Democratic nominee by a landslide. I really think. You think she would lose as well, though? I don't know. I don't know how it works. It's complicated, right? And especially when you're dealing with electoral college. Like, look, Trump lost the popular vote, but he won the electoral college vote. Right. And that's why they say Joe Biden was the best bet, because Joe Biden, so Pennsylvania, was a swing state. And Joe Biden is the only person out of the Democratic nominees who did not say he was against fracking. He was like, you can't do it all at once. And then they had the clip of the fracking protest, and he was like, go vote for somebody else, man. Joe was like, go vote for somebody else. And so Trump, they were saying that Trump does not feel like he can beat Joe in Pennsylvania, because that's where Joe's from. And he also supports. He has an end with the coal miners and the fracking industry, just like Trump. So when it comes to his electoral college votes, Trump doesn't know. He knows he can't beat him. That's why, hence, the whole Ukrainian gets some dirt on him, just announce something's happening type thing. That was kind of like the narrative of that. And so when it comes to electoral votes, that whole Midwest game, that whole Michigan, Michigan, Biden is right there. And that's what I'm saying. Like when people... I don't know if he is, man. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen once people start hearing him talk on the campaign trail. But I don't know how brilliant articulate Trump is. I think everyone... It's not a matter of brilliance. It's a matter of being able to control crowds and have these exciting rallies. He does arenas, dude. He does sold out arenas and he kills. I know. Hours. Listen, I'm not... This is not... I'm just looking at it objectively. I know you want a Democrat to win, right? And you want a woman of color to be the vice president. You want Biden to win. I would love that. I would love for... I'm not saying... I would love for things to feel like they're... I don't want to say back to normal, but I would just love to feel like when the president is speaking... They're not the way they are right now. That is not like... That was a horrible question. Yeah. Like, oh, I call him man. That's a nasty question. That's a question. You should... It's like, come on, man. Yeah. It's bad in those ways. But what I'm talking about is his ability to excite his base and the ability to get people behind him. He's a unprecedented ability. And depending upon how he handles this coronavirus crisis, it could swing left or right. It really depends entirely upon who Biden picks. Because you remember when George W. was president, it really was like President Dick Cheney. Right? Dick Cheney was in that fucking vampire underground bunker, getting fresh blood pumped into him every day and calling all the shots. Do you remember there was one point in time where Cheney was consistently in the bunker? He was in the bunker for like weeks at a time. They were saying he's in a... They even told us he was in a bunker, but just in case anything happens. Like, why isn't Bush in a fucking bunker? He's the president. Dick Cheney was out there calling the shots. I mean, it was one of the most transparent times when you see the connection between industry and government, where you have a guy who was the former CEO of Halliburton, a company that rebuilds countries after we blow them up, getting no bid contracts to rebuild a country that we blew up while he's making the decisions to blow up these countries. It's crazy. It was crazy. It was crazy. And like, you couldn't stop it. Right. But if someone comes along and some powerful speaker, someone who you really... I mean, there's several choices, apparently. And if they pick someone, and I'm sure they're grooming someone right now, who you get excited about, you go, okay, this person could step up if Biden lost or if Biden lost it or if Biden died, which is also possible. Bro, there's a photo of him that was on the New York Times yesterday where you can see where they gave him the fucking face. They got his... He's talking and his skin is unnaturally pulled up and back. And it's like, oh, Christ, man. Maybe 20 years ago, maybe 20 years ago, but not now. This is crazy. Amen. All I know is when he was talking about all the stuff he would have done if this crossed his desk. And just having an awareness of how the government works. Well, what? Well, the... What was it? The pandemic agency was closed down. And Trump... But what I love about Trump, he was honest. He was like, man, nobody thought this was gonna happen. He literally said it. So he was like, get rid of him. But then there's all types of protocols and you find out where the money is for this. Joe had just a knowledge of where all that stuff was. And I feel like Trump talks to his lawyers. Like, what can I do? What can I do? Sure. What can I do? What can I do? And he just goes... Then he takes his stance based on what he is known. He's known he's going to be protected legally. And he doesn't equate that he's president of all of us. You know what I mean? And so I just feel like that's what's missing. And he is incapable of doing that. I know when Pence had the mic and Pence was getting popular, it ate at Trump. And he was like, man, let me come and do these. How does that guy get popular? How does... First of all, you want to talk about a vice... I don't know what that guy's voice sounds like. Dude, well, people were just happy to hear somebody not yelling back at people. He was like, we're going to have that by the end of the week. Did you ever see there's a woman who has one of them pink pussy hats on and there's a bunch of people that are yelling impeach Trump impeach Trump. And she's running like, yay, President Pence, President Pence. Oh, yeah. I remember that. And they're like, what? Like, yeah. If Trump gets impeached and Pence becomes president, like, oh, she's like, yeah, maybe we should not impeach him. And they're like, yeah, maybe. Yeah, yeah. That was so funny. It's become so emotional, right? Like, and I feel like Trump's a businessman, so he's not approaching this in any emotion. And it's just, it fucks with people because they're like, yo, you know. Well, the good thing that he did was block travel from China. That's a good thing. That probably saved thousands of lives. It really did. And a lot of people are saying you're crazy for doing that. But there's also, there's so many fucking people that are pointing fingers. But then they're also saying that he actually didn't. They were saying that people were still coming from China. So what do you mean? He actually didn't. I don't know. I just heard. That's what I'm saying. I was saying conflicting. But they definitely blocked travel. But they were saying people were still coming. Well, maybe some people had loopholes because of diplomatic reasons or business reasons or whatever. But they did. Look, man, there was a video that Eddie Bravo had on his page of Nancy Pelosi in February telling people to go out and go to Chinatown. There's no worries. Just go out and mingle. And then they confronted her. Chris Wallace confronted her on Fox News and she was just bullshitting her way out of this while she was blaming the president. Look, everybody got this wrong. Everybody got it wrong. Yeah, everybody did. 430,000 people have traveled from China to U.S. since the coronavirus surfaced. It was. Right. But the coronavirus surfaced. And this is just a, this, I think this is just an article about what, yeah, I didn't understand the article was recent, but this is an article about when the coronavirus surface, which was in January. That's just letting people know how many people made it over to America. But that's not how many people came to America. This is since Chinese officials disclosed the outbreak. Including New Year's Eve in two months after President Trump's restrictions. 40,000 since the president's imposed restrictions. So what kind of restrictions were those? The bulk of the travelers who were of multiple nationalities arrived in January at airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Newark and Detroit, all places fucked by coronavirus. Baby. So it was like, what are you talking about right now? They flew directly from Ruhan.

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