4 years ago
3 appearances
Owen Smith is a comedian, writer, actor and television producer. Check out his new show "Notebooks" available now on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/owensmithtv @Owen Smith Comedy
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
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Hellson Gracie was another famous jujitsu practitioner. He was asked to describe jujitsu and he's like, I'm gonna paraphrase this, I might fuck it up. He said it was basically like, I move and then you move and then I move and then you move forever. Forever. That was just a description of jujitsu. I'm like, oh my god. So if you realize how good Hellson is, then it becomes a terrifying expression. Cause it's like, eventually I'm gonna get you bitch. You're gonna fuck up, you're gonna get tired, you're gonna be using too much strength and you're gonna get exhausted. Just like those boxers that were throwing punches and then they'd get tired and the other guy would piece them up. But it's gonna be even more horrific cause you're never gonna be able to accomplish anything. You're just gonna slowly wear out. You guys just gonna keep attacking you and you keep pushing them off you and he's gonna keep attacking you and you keep exploding and he's gonna keep attacking you and eventually you're gonna get tired and then he's just gonna dominate you. He's just gonna control you. You'd be great at it dude. It'd be good for you. Yeah, it'd be really good for you. All right. Would I have to be in there with kids when I first started like. They're gonna put you in a women and kids class. Getting all tacked up. Here's how strong jujitsu is. There was a woman named, she still exists. Her name is Felicia. Oh, she's a friend of mine. Jack Belt from John Jock Machado's. She's super technical and she weighs, Felicia's very strong but she weighs about maybe 135 pounds. And there was a guy named Seymour Butz. Seymour Butz was a porn star who had a TV show on Showtime and he had this idea, pretty bold of him. Really, he's brave to do this. He just decided I'm gonna do like a jujitsu match. I've never taken jujitsu before but I'm gonna spar with a woman and see what happens. And this girl just fucked him up. But she's elite man. She's really good. She teaches me. Yeah, she teaches people. She also works for the California State Athletic Commission. So I get to see her at UFC events oftentimes when they're in California. She's awesome. But she's super technical. So this guy has, he was doomed. He just didn't know. He was a guy, he's in really good shape. He's young and fit and pretty good body. She just, bitch. She's just choking him and leg locking him. I don't know what she did to him. I don't remember how many times she tapped him or what she did it with. But it was like arm bars and triangles. But again, that would happen to any man who didn't know anything and went with her. So even though she's a woman, just the technical expertise, it overcomes strength. So for a guy like you, who's a very cerebral person who likes these sort of puzzles and figures things out. And it's one of the reasons why your comedy is so good. You're excellent at like economy of words and setting things up in a mysterious way and then dropping punchlines in. That's jujitsu. They're similar. I like that. I think there's a lot of things like that in this life that are similar. There's little things that you learn, like little ways to move around things that advance through these games and systems. And you can apply that to all these other different things. And you can apply it even to comedy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.