4 years ago
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Owen Smith is a comedian, writer, actor and television producer. Check out his new show "Notebooks" available now on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/owensmithtv @Owen Smith Comedy
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Cheers. Cheers man. Come on man. Salud. Yeah, we just tested Owen. Yes, negative. It's apparently been some controversy about this. So just let me let everybody know right away. There's no shortage of antibody tests. What we're using, there's no shortage of them. People saying why are people in the front lines? A lot of people it's just misunderstanding and confusion. These tests there's no shortage of. I understand some people in some places have a hard time getting access to the test. That's not the case here. So I've taken upon myself to test everybody as they come into the studio. This is not taking away from anybody that's on the front lines. It's not taking tests away from any medical workers. The tests that they would use for them particularly, they're using swabs. I mean look man those fucking people that are working in those hospitals and the medical workers those people are legit heroes. Yes. You know and if I found out that there was something we were doing that was somehow another taking away from their ability to be tested I would never do it. You know so people got upset apparently because well also people writing articles about things because they there's you know, it's like it's a hot topic. Right. They're home to this. I get it. I get it. I'm not hating. I'm not mad. I get it. You know but when I posted that Donnell and I were Rona free people like someone posted some story. Well, they did. Here's what's hilarious. I'd go out of my way to not read comments and these motherfuckers are writing stories where they're taking comments from Instagram and using them as quotes. Just some random magoo that's posting something and this one of them said that we were low-key flexing that we had tests. That's hilarious. That's just someone just looking to use the term low-key flexing and they don't have any place for it. So I think it's low-key flexing. He's got a Corona test. So it's a it's a test that tests you for antibodies. And you were laughing at my face the entire time. I'm a little nervous. I'm a little nervous. But I was thinking of. There also there was something that I shared with you earlier today. There was a new study that Jamie see if you could pull up that study. It is out of I think it's out of UCLA. Is that what it's out of? It's It says early antibody tests indicate far more cases and a much lower mortality rate. So they think there's at least 400,000 people have been infected in in California. So the mortality rate is way way lower than they previously thought it was at least in California, you know, it obviously varies. This is a crazy disease. It's crazy. It doesn't make any sense. It varies depending upon what your physical condition whether or not you've been smoking whether or not there's apparently a great benefit to exercising regularly even while you have it if you catch it exercising. But then there was this fucking crazy thing. What is that guy's name? The Fox thing? Put up we'll do the first It's LA times and it's got the subscription blocker on it. Oh the sons of bitches here. I'll send you another one. Okay, there's a There's one on la calm. Oh, I belong to LA times. I can give you my look at you. I support journalism I do too, but not LA times. I like that. It reads like movies. They're there. I get it I just I don't have the time for that. Here it goes Early antibody tests of indicates far more COVID-19 cases lower mortality rate There's a decrease in the number of deaths study indicates that there could be hundreds of thousands of people could be infected without knowing it That's what's so weird about it. Let me ask you this question though. Can you explain mortality rate? Just like yes, the amount of people that get it how many of them die So if it's a high mortality rate is yeah fucked right like Ebola right vicious mortality rate Yes, really, but read rabies the worst hundred percent. Yes, rabies is like ninety nine point nine nine percent The only time that they if they catch it before the the symptoms set in you survive survive But if they don't catch it before the symptoms, I don't like if you just get rabies, you don't get over it Every black person I know always crosses the street when they see a random dog You