Joe Rogan Owns His Inner Bitch


6 years ago



Matt Braunger

1 appearance

Matt Braunger is an actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. His new special "Finally Live in Portland" will be released everywhere on February 5, 2019.


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I Was talking to a friend of mine and she was telling me that her dad had been hospitalized and while her dad was hospitalized he was in like this Like a care home for older people and a guy who was schizophrenic Freaked out and tried to eat him. Oh god while he was there. Whoa Yeah And then he said fuck this get me out of here and he wound up dying at home You want to die at home rather than die in the hospital because a guy tried to eat him. I'd like your last Couple days of life. Yeah are escaping a schizophrenic guy who got out of his room and tried to eat you This is why I work so hard all my life and raised a family and now I'm here I mean that's already the worst fears to be to die away from your loved ones Just around strangers to be back at the first day of high school basically, but you're old and everyone's old But then someone's trying to kill you. Yeah, and eat you We don't we don't get rid of people like that quick enough like, you know, you get rid of bad dogs dogs bite people you Like you put them down put them down. Yeah. Yeah, it's what I should I gotta tell my mother that because she works with This group called the village which creates a network in any given neighborhood where if you're young or you're old you registered and cost anything and basically This person can live out there their final years in their home because they have a network of neighbors who check on them Couple hours or call me here's my cell. That's like I'm having a chest pain. Okay, cool Let's just get you the hospital because it's like I think people deserve to you know, as long as they're not eating people Yeah killing them. They can die in their homes. Yeah. Yeah, that's a that's a concern that you really don't ever want to address until it's too late Concern of when and how do I go? Yeah, you know I mean you have to accept that you're gonna go and some people just have a really hard time with that Sure, even deep into their old age when they're just decrepit and they can't make it anymore They just can't handle the fact that it's all gonna end. No, no I mean, it's that's why you have to live your life to the fullest and not Bite your tongue and just be yourself because I guess or I just chill the fuck out and wait for the end What do you do? I don't know. What is the life to the fullest right? Yeah, if it's all temporary sure Absolutely. I mean there there is that point where it's just like well, is there any points of life? I don't know. I've gone back and forth with trestle on this. Yeah, I'm just like Duncan Yeah, yeah, don't go fucking send you down a rabbit's hole with that man Yeah He'll make some sense out of it. It will he is the cosmic trickster without a doubt I were bored ain speaking of ordain He was that he was saying they're like how would you like to go and he was just like I just want just one Bullet in the back of my skull and I don't see it coming But meanwhile he did it himself Yeah, it's just I was friends with him that fucked me up fucked me up I wasn't and I I was a fan of his since the first article came out in the New Yorker that he wrote it Fucks you up because you just go. I wish he called me. Yeah, I wish I mean I would have flown to France Mm-hmm. No, I wouldn't have notice it. Suck it up pussy. Don't kill yourself in France You wish you would have checked in yeah, I mean I It's all about perspective There are times where we've all come close to not necessarily putting a gun in our mouths or a rope around our necks But where you just feel like there's no point. Yeah, you know, but someone can just come in I I say like coming up in the in the crew that I came up with in Chicago, you know, Canadian and Hannibal And and people like we we never let each other get away with shit or it's just like yeah You're saying that right fuck you like you need those people in your life I'll never forget I went through a horrible breakup and I went I was in my apartment for like a week Only leaving to wait tables in bartend and then I finally came to a show and can Ains like hey Look who pushed aside all the clumps of use Kleenex to be with us Welcome back you fucking pussy and I remember laughing so hard and it all went away It all went away. Yes, because you take yourself so seriously There's no we're gonna get better and yeah I mean I just think about despair as this Demon that latches onto your back and it's your job to fuck it up get it off you, you know, yeah, what's your thing? Yeah, destroy to fight the bitch in you conquer your inner bitch. Yeah. Yeah, your inner bitch is I usually when I'm referring your inner Bitch, I mean the inner bitch doesn't want you to work out. Yes Well, that's that's that's the one I relate to the the most where I feel that every time I'm in a class every time I'm in yeah like that. It's just like something and you're just like I just want to sandbag it But just this time well, I mean everybody has that yeah, I still have it But I've got that motherfucker on lockdown and good now I own him good. He's in there though. He's weak You never go to work. Yeah, he's always trying to tell you you don't you could take the day off Maybe your ankle sore. Mm-hmm. Maybe you maybe you feel a little sick you little run down You should you know, just take it take a you day the dog looks tired He doesn't even want to run, you know, it's not about you You should take care of that dog dog does not want to run my dad says something brilliant on the floor My dad lately like he's always been like a guy in no words. You mentioned like Hospice living and stuff. My dad used to do hospice and he would just he was like do I have to talk? The guy's like no you can just mostly want to someone to listen He's like I can do that and she would sit by dying people and just nod his head and stuff and But he never he never talked about it where I'd be like dad. What are you doing today? He's like, I'm gonna go hang out with Bill like dad with fuck his bill. There's this guy He's dying like dad. You gotta tell me more than this. So now we're kind of he's opening up more but long story long He was like, you know when you're waking up in the middle of the night There's that voice in your head that is telling you you're you're you're useless and you're you haven't done enough with your life and things Like that. He's like, I don't know if there is a devil But if there is that's him and I was like fuck and it just blew my mind Right, it's like dad. You're right that voice that tells you to give up that voice that tells you Not to not not to you know to hate yourself and you know, don't think you're worthy Well, then it's such a weird pattern right because it doesn't have any real evolutionary benefit. Yeah What is the benefit of self loathing and uh-huh and just sitting around feeling pity? Yeah. Yeah There are plenty people in situations that are gonna kick the shit out of you in life. Anyway, why do it to yourself? But yeah but there's something good about feeling very disappointing yourself because then it makes you work harder and like Recognize or at least try to realize your potential better and you get more done you feel better about yourself