Joe Rogan Tells Humiliating Heckler Story


6 years ago



Matt Braunger

1 appearance

Matt Braunger is an actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. His new special "Finally Live in Portland" will be released everywhere on February 5, 2019.


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But like we get a lot of like, how do I make it? Or when's the right time to move to LA or New York? Never or whatever. But like, yeah, but it's the 80s. It's like, it's like, I don't know, man. It's kind of up to you. And this guy is like, I've been doing it like 12 years or something. And Andrew is just like the message to be finished. He goes, I would give up, man. I would honestly give up because this business will eat you alive. And I don't. And that is something I don't have the heart. I'm a sensitive guy. I don't have the heart to say that to anyone to just say back it up and move on. It ain't for you. But Andrew was saying that. And it was kind of like, I appreciate his honesty. Well, I just think that it requires an obsession. Yes. Like if you're not like fully obsessed, you're probably not going to put the thought process and the effort into it. And you're not going to survive the bombings. No. The bombings, they test your soul. It's just nothing worse than feeling that amount of hate where it were. I remember being in New York in the dead silence and hearing a guy in the back be like, are you fucking kidding me? Can we fucking go home now? I mean, Jesus Christ, like audibly, audibly in the silence. Oh, my God. Yeah. That's the worst. And I hear that guy in my dreams. I was bombing on stage once. And this guy goes, you're fucking terrible. And I was like, he's right. It's not even I could say. I didn't even respond. Like, nothing I can say, dude. I'm with you. I can't even put myself out of this. Yeah. You got nothing. Yeah. I remember Patton Oswell being on stage at the first festival I ever did. It was a Chicago comedy festival. And I found the booklet from it recently, like cleaning out my house. What year? And 2001. And it was Doug Stanhope, Swartzin, Tosh, Kyle, who else? Fucking Bill Dwyer. Bunch of random, like, awesome people. But Patton's on stage. And back when Marin still drank, I think that was the last time he drank, actually, that weekend. Marin wasn't drinking back then. Marin wasn't drinking way back in the 80s. No. Did he start drinking again? Yes. Oh. That was like during the relapse period, I think. I remember because he talks about leaving the hotel. And a friend who was at the hotel was like, yeah, man, when you left, your luggage was sweating, like, said at the minute. So he was so hungover. But Patton was like, you know, him and Marin were just dropping in in places. And this chick was so mad she got bumped. She's like, you fucking suck. And Patton's like, I agree with you. I agree with you. She was mad at him because she got bumped? Uh-huh. And so she was saying he sucked? Yeah, she's just screaming at him from the audience. And like, she just said, you get up, honey. Yeah, well, I mean, I was kind of like, this is a freeform room. I got bumped. But I get to watch Patton. So she's a comic heckling? Yeah. Oh, I know. She never made it, did she? Nope. Nope. Uh-huh. Yeah. I mean, and but it was that thing that it was like, if you say I could be killing, it'd been one guy would be like, this guy fucking blows. And I'm like, I believe that guy. Damn it. I don't want to. That's the worst is when you're killing, you see one person in the front row like this. Yeah. Like an old lady. Scowling. What are you saying? Yeah. I had an old lady like that at the store the other day. Older lady. Like, she was like halfway into my act. She still had this look in her face. Like, I don't know. I hit her with this one bit. And this one bit, she throws her head back. And then she's howling. I'm like, I got her. Wow. I got her. Nice. She didn't want to give in. That's a fun soda to crack. When she was like, all of a sudden, like, ah! Best feeling. She gave in. Maybe it was the booze. Maybe the booze kicked in.