6 years ago
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Anthony Cumia is a radio personality and host formerly of The O&A Show, now hosting The Anthony Cumia Show.
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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or is like out. So I think it's affecting people though. Oh, it's definitely desensitizing. That's the argument about video games as well, right? Yeah. We're seeing so much violence and committing violence in video games. Like Jamie, what was that video game where the guy got in trouble because he made a video of him torturing some women's rights? He punched a woman in the face that was protesting for women's rights to vote, suffrage. And he got in trouble because he posted it and it was like a violent thing against women. But it's a thing you can do in the games. Right. Like they made it in the game so you could do that on purpose. And once it became viral, people started going up to her in the game and doing even more terrible. There's one where a guy ropes her, hog ties her, throws her on the back of the horse, rides her to a swamp and throws her to an alligator, which then eats her in the swamp. That is so crazy that you can do that. It's unbelievable. The alligator will eat. And it's not even a thing like, Hey, do this. It's just part of the game that they said, well, if people want to do it, it's a very open-ended game. Rockstar went bullshit with this game. It's amazing. Does it always happen the exact same way? No, there are different spots in the water and the alligator has a different way of eating. Yeah. There are different animations for the same thing. So, and different, actually, there was one, you'll be riding next to a guy that you're supposed to ride somewhere with. And the guy says something like, all right, we're almost there or something. And if you're far away from the guy, he yells it, all right, we're almost there. And if he's right next to you, he goes, well, we're almost there. Like the guy, the voice actor had to do a shitload of takes based on what the animation is. So I did the voiceover for the UFC game. Right. Yeah. It took forever. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, forever. You're there for days and days and days reading every single variation of a head kick to an arm bar, to a takedown, to a ground and pound, to TKO stoppage, to kicking someone in the nuts, like everything. And someone's got to fucking put that together. And then it's got to be coded where it plays at the right time. It really is amazing. It's goddamn amazing. I, um, but Red Dead's like really insane. Is this it? There's a, what is this? This is the bear. Yeah. This is a guy up there. Oh, this guy's just smoking a cigar. Yeah. So it's so funny. The, the things that go on in this game, the, the ability to kill people. I had a Louis J Gomez on the show and he, he plays this and, uh, he, there's like a morality direction you could take. You could either be a good guy, a bad guy, really good, really bad. And it will affect how the course of the game and, and whether you're wanted, whether people are nice to you. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Like you could do a favor for somebody you'd be riding somewhere and someone will go, please, could you help me out? And you help the woman's rights activist, not her, but he's going to throw this lady off of the mountain. And this is just some guy online has done this. Oh yeah. I think this is the same YouTube. There's a, he does. He's got a lot of videos where he does. Oh geez. He fell different things. Oh, he fell. He fell himself. He was trying to kick her off and he fell. But, uh, and Louis apparently would kill everybody. He killed a guy's dog and skinned it in front of him and then shot him in the face. Like that's really mean. That's really mean. The dog in front of the guy. Yeah. Yeah. And the guy's just like crying. It's brutal. How, I mean, do you think that most politicians and most people looking for outrage are just not aware of this yet? Yeah, absolutely not. Years ago, they were kind of like, well, it must be violent video games. And it was so funny cause like 10 years after doom, like they're showing doom on TV, like, Oh, that's the bad video games. Like Jesus. Cause that's nothing. What are you talking about? And now like, uh, like is that auto? Yeah. Yeah. Same guys. Yeah. Yeah. GTI, I did some of the voices in GTA four and five. It was fucking hilarious. So I know. Yeah. To do that. I sang some of the promotional songs for the beer, piss waster beer. It was great. I know Laszlo who does all the sound for the, uh, the games, but, uh, this thing sold like $750 million in the first three days that came out. Jamie, what happens if you bring a black man to the KKK, they have, they have fucking KKK rally. There's a clan rally going on. Yeah. There's a part of the game where you have to, uh, infiltrate. So what happens when you bring a black guy? Nothing different happened really. The clan. No, they don't freak out. Not, not in particular. But the job, I think the mission here is to just kill all the clan guys. It's not like you join up and I'll have a good time. It seems like it would be more realistic is if you brought a black guy to the clan, meaning they try to kill the black guy. Right. Right. But that would be real. That would be crazy. There are some weird, uh, parts in it where they're very misogynistic because it's supposed to be like 1899 or something. Right. And it's very misogynistic. And then there's some race references that they make that are kind of like, Oof, Oof, wow. That's, that's bold. Like, what do they say about black guy? Like they'll call him boy. And some of the, uh, when, when a guy like a non-player character will pass by and be kind of nasty and, uh, they never present it in a good way. It's not like, you know, Oh cool. This guy's great. Uh, it's always some scumbag character. Yeah. I love it. It's like the last frontier for chaos right now. Yeah, it really is. And I think because there's such a lack of awareness on the part of a lot of people, like I, I get games the day they come out, actually before I get alpha testing, beta testing, I'm playing the games months before they come out. Really? Yeah. I love it. I, I fucking, how do you get in on that? You sign up for, uh, uh, the ultimate package on origin or steam and you get access to the games when they, uh, when they're testing them. Oh, so you just pay. Yeah. Yeah. It's a pay thing. Obviously they want to make some, some money and I want to play the games early, but, uh, report bugs and things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They, you just play, they automatically kind of have something in place that will let them know if there's a problem or you can email them and say, Hey, you know, I died and I'm stuck in a rock now up to my waist. Have you ever talked to some of the people that make those things? You ever have them on your show? Yeah. Yeah. Laszlo works at Rockstar. He's the sound engineer guy. He records all the sound, but he's involved in like every aspect of all those games from the beginning of grand theft auto, the first red dead, red dead two. Um, and, it's amazing. I've been to Rockstar in New York and took a tour of the place. And it's just a bunch of fucking nerds sitting around. They have a day where, you know, you can bring your dogs in and it's all wide open, no cubicles or anything. The guys that run it are these English guys and, uh, they're brilliant or New Zealand or something. Uh, they have that accent. One of those weird accents that you can't tell where it's from. They work insane hours. Yeah. Yeah. That's, they are dedicated. Like a game, like, like a Rockstar game, GTA or that it's so above other games. Like, like you can't even, I played some shitty games where I download it, I start playing and within five minutes I'm like, ah, fuck, this sucks. Like it just, you know, it sucks. Right. And Rockstar games are just, you know, it sounds like I'm doing a spot for them, but, uh, they're so above everything else. The animation, the, the sandbox quality where you're able to just run around and do shit. Like that's an appeal that I, people don't like feeling like they're on a track in a game. And, uh, certain games, uh, are like that. Like, uh, Call of Duty is very track based. You know, you, you play online a lot against other people. They're small maps. Uh, but a game like that, you could just go off. If you want to, you could just spend time fishing. Like you could just tackle and go to a lake and fish and you catch fish. You catch fish. It's, yeah, you can spend eight hours just catching fish, just fishing, hunting. You could go out and hunt. I've heard that you track like the bear and that motherfucker can, you saw it like can get you.