5 years ago
10 appearances
Everlast is a Grammy Award-winning American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His new project “Everlast presents Whitey Ford’s House of Pain” is available now on Spotify.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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I love it. I was walking out of the octagon, I forget who I was interviewing. My favorite is this. Every once in a while. There's a few people who choose that song. Like Cynthia Cavio. Well, shout out to the first, Marcus Davis. Yeah, Marcus Davis. He did the first thing and then he went into the jump around. But some people, every once in a while, I don't know maybe if they picked a bad song or something. Out of nowhere, one time, like Leodos Machida came out to jump around. And I'm like, I texted Dana. I was like, who the fuck picked that? He's like, I did. And he didn't even go any further. And I was like, oh, he must have picked the song Dana hated or something. Well, some of these cats, they'll choose music. And then it was like, nah. And I think the go to jam, if you fucking picks something he doesn't like, is jump around. Because I'll be like, that was random, man. I was like, how did that happen? It's funny. It's funny when there's a song that plays all the time, it connects you to one of your friends. It's like as I'm walking out of the octagon, it's like, There was a period of about six years where anywhere Dana was, it could be, I could be, he could be on the other side of the world. I'm sleeping. So I'd get a phone call and it'd just be a phone in the air at a club. It's just, I'd be playing. Dude, come on. You guys nailed that song so hard. There's like moments in space time that get nailed. Just like you, you, you just hit something that resonates with people. I, I, I, I, I, I, I steal Danny's quote, Danny boy's quote of a, it's the Louie Louie of the nineties. It's, it's the way it's just there. It's part of the, like, it's, it's almost not mine anymore. It's like belongs to the universe. It's weird. Every ball game I go to any event I go to, it gets played and it's not even like a big deal about it's like some places it's a big deal. Like you get these football games, college shit, like Wisconsin's and stuff where it's like part of a tradition. But I'm saying any event, angels game or Dodger game or Yankees game or Laker game or football game, it's, it pops up somewhere along the line. Dude, you're right up there with queen. It's crazy. It's wild. I mean, as you're talking about like individual songs and their imprint on something, it's it's bananas. It's, it's, it's something to like, I can't, you can't almost invest your thought in it because it can get like, whoa, it's, it's, it's really kind of a part of, of pop culture. It's ingrained on a, on an Ameri, it's an American phenomenon and worldwide. I mean, like worldwide, I mean, where did you, can you go where they probably never heard jump around. It's weird. I mean, it's to think about it on that level is crazy. Maybe like one of them places where Trump's trying to buy maybe open Greenland. No, they, no, they, they, they, they heard it. They heard it.