5 years ago
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Everlast is a Grammy Award-winning American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His new project “Everlast presents Whitey Ford’s House of Pain” is available now on Spotify.
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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You're just finding new angles on funny shit, you know what I mean? You know, like, tell me that things are news when things are newly invented or when there are new events. Like, it has to be like a significant event or a new invention. Then things open up new pathways. Other than that, like, you're talking about relationships, you're doing a variation of a take on it that everybody's had who's had a long life and been in relationships, especially Larry King, holla at your boy, going on number eight. Was that number seven that he just left? Eighth divorce, seventh wife. I think he remarried one of them. Damn. Like that, you know? Larry King's still alive? You didn't know? Oh, Roy Wood. Yeah. Roy Wood. Roy and I were looking at pictures of Larry King sleeping in his wife. Wow, I really didn't, I'm impressed that he's still alive. He's getting divorced at 85. Holla at your boy. Fucking more power to him. If you got the money to get divorced at 85, go for it. They're shooting him up with steroids and cocaine and they're just going to start... And Viagra? Just having gals come over to the place. He's over at Arts Deli, just holding court. Can you imagine if over the last, like, year of his life, he just banks an unprecedented volume of internet porn and just releases it all in one blast, Larry King Fox, he just called it. Dot com. King sex tapes? Yes. King sex tapes. King, yeah, just banging it out and just, yeah. That's how he's going to get out. Get a lot of picture on his head. You get so much money if you really just want money. Now's the time to act. That's wild. Poor Larry. He doesn't seem like he has good posture. Like, that's not good. When you're an older fella and you like... Does he have the curve? Yeah, he's got that curve. The curve. He was a very nice guy. I was on his show twice. I was on his show twice for Fear Factor. It's always very nice. Very friendly guy, you know? You kind of got to be when you do that for a living and every night you're talking to a person. You got to be good at that shit. You can't be like me. I'd be like, fuck. Didn't he go to jail? Isn't there a Larry King? We need to get a Larry King mugshot. Yeah. Get that Larry King mugshot. Order that shit up. Go to... Take the fuck out of Larry King. What's the truth of Larry King mugshot? How do we not have Larry King? We just decided to get Pablo Escobar. Hey, dude, you need to get the mugshot of the dude who's still on CNN who got found out like in Central Park in New York, like with meth and like a makeshift noose around his dick. His name was... Oh, what the fuck? What's his name? How do we not have him? The English dude with the glasses. The English dude with the glasses. CNN. Richard... Richard. Richard. Come on, dude, you're helping. Come on, help me. Hold on. He's ordering up a large print of Larry King's mugshot. Richard. Larry King's mugshot. Richard. Oh, man. As soon as you see his face, you're going to be like, oh, that guy. Richard Quest. Richard Quest. He's Richard Quest. He's the guy I'm talking about. I don't know who he is. Oh, dude, if you see his face, you'll be like, oh, yeah, he's like the English guy on CNN. What are you doing? Can I see him, please? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm not making this up, right? I'm not this wasn't like a drug induced like hallucination or something, right? Oh, my God. How hilarious is the way they put this? CNN personality Richard Quest was busted in Central Park early yesterday with some drugs in his pocket and a rope around his mask that was tied to his genitals. No big deal. And a sex toy in his boot. Law enforcement official said, sources said, Quest was initially busted for loitering. And it really wasn't about that. Aside from the oddly configured rope, the search also turned up a sex toy inside of his boot. That means his asshole and a small bag of methamphetamine in his left jacket pocket. It wasn't immediately clear what the rope was for. That's the mug shot you need. But show him a picture so he'll know what I'm talking about. Please. Richard Quest. I'm going to talk about that on stage from now on. Oh, dude. That guy, dude, you don't know that guy. He's all over the fucking CNN. I do not know that guy. Oh, dude. Can you send me that article that we just sent into my ever know. Oh, I hope it provides you something beautiful. There's something there. There's something there. That opens provides you something beautiful. That's the best part about the article. It was not clear. It was not immediately clear what the rope was for. And I'm like, let me help. Let me help you out. Was it tied around his neck and his dick? I know. I know. In Colombo. I knew there was a new one. I see a connection. The pocket notice Mr. Quest at 64th Street and West Drive at about 3-0. The police noticed Mr. Quest at 64th Street and West Drive at about 3.40 a.m. The official said as he was being escorted out, he volunteered in quotes. I have meth in my pocket. According to an official briefed on the case, the police searched him and recovered a small amount of methamphetamine in a Ziploc bag and a rope around his dick and his neck. And a sex toy in his boot. More importantly, there's a lot of dudes who do meth. They do what they do. They keep it together and they stay on the farm. I wonder what kind of boots he had on his... There's a snake in my boot. No, in his boot. That means in his asshole. Is this an English paper? No, it's in New York. No, this is New York. It was Central Park. I think they mean his asshole. I think they mean his boot. I think they mean in his asshole. In his ass? Wow. That's a whole new dimension. That's your trunk, bro. They wouldn't call it his boot. You know in English? No, in England, but it's like, isn't this New York Times? Yes, they're using proper British English. That's America. It's New York Times. It's called Boots of Boot in America. Let's go with the better angle on it. It was in his ass. That's the better... New York Post, not the New York Times. It was in his asshole. That's why they said his boot. His boot. His boot is proper British. If you watch like... That is factual. That is factual. Jimmy Clarkson and fucking Richard Hammonds and James May. They referred to the truck as the boot. Yeah, it's the boot. Yes. It's in his asshole. Wow. The guy had a sex toy in his asshole. Hey, no judgment. Brought a whole new fucking dimension to that. No judgment. Wow. It's okay. It's fine. It's okay. It's fine. It's fine. Yes, sir. Even if he didn't get caught with that in his asshole, he's still doing math and talking to cops. Like, what? With a rope around his dick and neck. Yeah, that part too. I was going to get to that. That's it. That's it. That's it. It was so crazy if he had a fucking rubber dick in his ass. Like, wait, what? I'm finding that shit. Hold on. I'll get you that mug shot. I can't. I'm finding it. Who doesn't like a little meth heavy down on that? Rope around his dick and balls, whatever, whatever. You got dismissed. All charges were dismissed. Thank God for America. White privilege. Oh shit. The magic bro. A dude as black as Wesley Snipes with dreadlocks. They catch you with a rope around your dick and neck with a hat in your pocket, bro. Yeah. You're going to die in jail. Okay, yeah. Die in a die in that jail. Yeah, I think so. A hundred percent. I think so. A hundred. A hundred. Dismissed. You had meth and a rope connecting your neck and cock. And probably a sex toy in your ass. The UK version says it's in his shoe. At the very least, I was going to say, in his shoe, which is weird enough. It's my, it might even be weirder, but let's not jump to conclusions. It might just be a confusing interpretation of the American version of boot and them saying, maybe they think shoe means ass. I was with another man. Oh, maybe nobody's got a fucking rubber dick in their boot. That's outrageous. That would make your boot all fucking uncomfortable. Why wouldn't you just put it in your pocket? It's in his ass, bro. Let's just run with because he had meth in his pocket. Shut off all the computers, spread misinformation. Like I'm sure it was just an issue, whatever, whatever. You don't ever volunteer that you have drugs. Let them find the drugs. Yeah, let them find the drugs unless you want to fuck the cops. I have a quick, good one on that level. On that level.