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China announces they've got all these AI drones that are autonomous and all these AI weapon systems to direct their aircraft So so what I'm telling you is China has no rules 20 years ago. They had cows that produced human milk 20 years ago They had spiders that produced body armor spider guts. Okay, they have human animal hybrids 30 years ago They've got giant human tissue farms, you know, you hear oh your Achilles is torn We've got a grown a lab attendant. It's not a frickin tendon grown a lab It's a frickin deal humanoid. These aren't humans the way they get around it is they make me win win Wait, we're saying so many things. This is listen. I love you to death, but you say I believe they are but you say so many different things without stopping It's hard because I'm reporting to the government agency so they'll listen investigate. I'm decompartmentalizing. Okay, but it'll be studied for years. So what? No Yes Joe it was in MIT quarterly 25 years ago that they had human animal embryos, but they killed him at the embryonic level I believe I believe they've got humanoids. I believe this I mean they look they've already used CRISPR to enhance children Yeah with higher intelligence. Yes, and shot was actually was a side effect. They believe in the intelligence HIV It was something about HIV immune to HIV. Oh, yes Everything they roll out has already been tested. I believe you but it has an aim. So let me tell you what's really going on The globalists want to play God They have what they call a breakaway civilization So I said I was talking about the breakaway civilization was about Sandy Hook which I get I appreciate letting me cover and I'm sorry It ever happened. I believed it happened. I'm sorry for people's pain And then I asked the families and I asked the lawyers and I asked them all stop in my name Saying I'm the wolf at the door saying go after these families and stop running around to the news everywhere saying Alex Jones says Sandy Hook didn't happen because the media about the media is the most unpopular thing in the world with 7% approval rating and Gallup So when they say that I say it's fake that sends people to Connecticut because people think the media lies So if they're saying Alex Jones said it didn't happen It must have not happened and now they're trying to create a violent event not the families But I think some of the people involved know that if they make a big enough hype about it They're gonna have a big event up there in Connecticut. You understand and they're gonna blame it on me So I'm saying no, no, no, I believe it happened Stop saying I said it didn't happen and stop saying that I'm saying no kids died because I want to talk about Human animal hybrids and humanoids because Joe why is it got to be a humanoid? Why? Because if you make it a few percentage points another animal or another creature It's a gray area. There's no human rights. You have an animal rights movement. You have a human rights movement There's no alien movement. Right? Aliens are real. They're creating Human animal hybrids that are a new creature never here on earth. It's alien So the aliens are already here AI is alien the chimeras are alien Aliens are already here. So you're saying they're making these human animal hybrids. So they could what harvest tissue from them That's just level one. What's level two? What's level eight? Because a lot I'll tell you a lot for the best of my knowledge A lot of people think oh, it's it's human harvesting a Falon Gong or these Buddhists really healthy That's big that's going on because they still have a better non rejection rate. But with the chimeras, I Remember 22 years ago Reading a BBC article that was kind of testing the waters. They occasionally test it and they go Oh, yeah about 15 years ago the first animal human chimeras were made and tested if they were not brought to term But some scientists want to implant them in utero and cows Because obviously that's a bigger uterus. You can grow up a bigger humanoid and get more tissue And so then I went map a dergo research that so I went to UT library at that time You could get some of the internet like 1996 and I went actually pulled up all these MIT reports I took them to my dad other people who's a doctor and they go. Yeah, that's really crazy and it was all about how We've got to prepare the public For this because we're gonna be able to download their memories and then put it in a new body This is before Blade Runner. So see it's not like this is the world's not imitating Blade Runner Blade Runner is a preparation for what's coming and they're telling you more human than human. This is gonna be more advanced This is gonna be better. But like everything like a cell phone or like a vaccine. It's got a Trojan horse It's got a back door. It's already been tested. It's already been perfected. It's being rolled out. You're not giving the real technology You're not giving the real life extension. You're given the crap Joe and the earth is seen as like an egg yolk To give the propulsion power for this new thing that's gonna be born and whether you believe that or not Just like when the new thing meaning artificial intelligence beyond that It's a young of artificial intelligence and a whole synthesis of new life forms And so that's the big giant race when Elon Musk came in and told you because he goes these billionaire functions and he has a Conscience so he's freaked out and they go these billionaire functions. I don't just know this I've talked to people and I was in Wired magazine 20 something years ago Why the future doesn't need is Bill Joy a billionaire co-owner some microsystems He goes to a billionaire meeting with 200 guys and the consensus was we're not gonna let people play video games and party all day We're gonna set up a world government We're gonna slowly titrate the dose and poison the public dumb them down put electromagnetic radiation out with 5g the scrambles their DNA Lowers their IQ we're gonna cause mass mental illness and a controlled societal collapse That'll then be organized and controlled in the mop-up crew by robots Controlled by the globalist programmers who believe with the off-world Entities there in communication with that they're gonna be given the operation to upload and be in that larger kind of Borg cube system Okay, they sell the country up. You got to hit the brakes cuz we need to we take this back to I'm so baffled What's the matter? I've got one of these things MIT MIT technology review estimates that about 20 pregnancies of pig human or sheep human chimeras have been established during the last 12 months In the US total I was in 2016. I 100% believe it look I think that this was going on in 1985 I'm sure they tried to recruit my dad to a DARPA program. I believe that in college. I think when he was a dentist I believe that I believe that they will take all sorts of liberties in gray areas when it comes to scientific