Eric Weinstein Calls Attention to WHO China Influence | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Eric Weinstein

7 appearances

Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.


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Which is, Twitter said, we will now be removing tweets if you contradict official authoritative health sources. So that's just what I did. Search and General's lying, CDC's lying, WHO is lying. Come at me. Do you think they're lying? Yes. Why do you think they're lying? Like, give me a specific example why you feel like they're lying. Well, for example, you saw this interaction with the, was it Hong Kong TV asking about the WHO about Taiwan? Taiwan, yeah. That was insane. Well, explain that because it's fucking insane. It was insane to watch. First of all, he pretended, the head of the WHO pretended he didn't hear them. And then he had them say it again. First of all, he moves like, you can see his hand go to cut off the connection. He hung up. He said, I couldn't hear. He said, okay, I'll repeat the question. He's like, no, let's go on to the next one. Well, why would he want to go into the next one if he didn't hear it? Come on. Yeah. I don't even have, here's the point. We are so afraid. Explain what he did to people that don't know because people are listening here and they're a little confused. He was asked about the Taiwanese response to the COVID epidemic. And he didn't want to say Taiwan because China claims that Taiwan is part of China. And because China exercises so much influence over the WHO, he wanted to say some very general thing, which is like, I think all provinces of China have been doing an excellent job. Yeah. That's exactly what he said. Meaning a different country, Taiwan, because there's a dispute. So what do you think China's most interested in? The People's Republic of China, the communist Chinese want no recognition of their existing something called Taiwan. And why does the World Health Organization give into that? Well, how do different nations get control of things? We have influence at the UN and we've caused the UN to do things that are America-centric. Other countries have influence. And you do this by being on particular committees, rotating directorships, who pays the costs. I don't know how the WHO seems to be so enmeshed with China. And I don't want to opine about these things because I want to keep my voice. Right. But it spoke volumes to watch that guy do that little dance, try to avoid saying Taiwan. My entire life looks like that interview. I hate to say it this way, but my relationship with authority and my big critique is that this is the generic expectation across almost all institutions now. They are all serving bizarre goals because growth is what gave us our independence. And when we became less innovative, or the innovation dried up and we couldn't grow our way into new things, the number of people who could use their middle finger effectively and say, I'm steering this organization to do the right thing and this is my bet and we're going to go forward. Those people as a class were removed. If you think about like, what do you do with Churchill when there isn't a World War II to win? It's very uncomfortable. Would he open a dry cleaner? We don't know. You have special people who really only shine when there's an emergency. There's a guy named Jaiprakash Narayan in India who's very important. And he was one of the sort of founding fathers of modern India. And after Indian independence was achieved, lots of the people who had been founding fathers went to the next phase where they became like they enriched themselves, they did standard political things to gain power in the system. He was the one guy who sort of stayed true to the revolutionary spirit. And bizarrely, when Indira Gandhi created a state of emergency, which was a disaster in India, the people said, well, who can we turn to in a dark time? And oddly, I guess Prakash means light. So there's this phrase like in the darkness, there is one light Jaiprakash, Jaiprakash, Jaiprakash. They turned to the one guy who'd become the patron saint of lost causes because he never broke faith with the revolutionary spirit. And he gets called up once, but he's incredibly important because everybody knows in a dark time who they can trust. That's a very important parallel to where we are now. Who are the break glass in case of emergency people? Yeah, when you watch the people that are talking in these presidential addresses, there's none of those. I don't see any break glass. I mean, this Fauci guy is obviously an expert in diseases and he's a doctor and he's trying to do his best to lay out the ground rules of what we need to do and what this looks like over the next couple of months. But it's like Jaco Willing, you know, like Jaco is not telling you, don't worry, you don't have to change your routine. You can get up at 9 30, just do a little bit, just a little bit. He's like, discipline equals freedom. I'm up at 430. What are you doing in bed? It's time for discipline. Well, because he's a military guy and military people don't have any room for bullshit. They don't have any military people to fluff. No, right. But people like seals, they don't have any room for fluff. Well, because you have to be able to perform. Well, okay. So then in that situation, so fuck your feelings. Get up at 430. That's, that's how they feel. That's what I'm trying to say. Those, those you can just do a little bit and that's great. That's great. You guys are enforcing mediocrity. Congrats. But that's, and that's what I'm trying to get at, which is we have a situation where we know if you have two trainers and one of them is doing the, don't worry. And the other one is like, I'm not going to lie to you. You're going to be sore. You're going to be miserable. This isn't going to be fun. Which do you choose? Some people will go with the former. Yeah. They like to stay fat. It's a lot of that out there. Okay. Mediocrity is a very comforting thing. I hear you. Yeah. It's fucking, it's hard.

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