6 years ago
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Elon Musk is a business magnate and senior advisor to President Donald Trump. His portfolio of businesses include Tesla, Inc., SpaceX, Neuralink, X, and many others. https://x.com/elonmusk
4 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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I saw that movie, Chimpanzee, yeah I thought it was going to be like some Disney thing, like oh like cow. What movie was that? It's literally called Chimpanzee. Is it a documentary? Yeah, like I didn't realize chimps did calculated cruelty. Mm-hmm, yeah. Right, well we know better because we've advanced, but if we hadn't we'd be like man I don't want to fucking live in a house. I like the chimp ways bro. Chimp ways to go. This is it man. Chimp life. I like chimp life. See I'm like fighting now, but we in a way to the AI might be like those chimps. I don't know, I mean how much do we think about chimps? Not much, very little. It's true. These chimps are at war. I saw that David Attenborough documentary on chimps where they were eating those colobus monkeys and ripping them apart. I go oh, this is why people are so crazy. We came from that thing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, or the puzzle of that thing. And there's the bonobos. Yeah. They got a better philosophy. Yeah, they're like swingers. Yeah, they really are. They just seem to resolve everything with sex. Yeah, the only rules they have is the mom won't bang the son. That's it. Okay. They're good women. Yeah. Good women in the bonobo community. Everybody else is banging it out. Yeah. I haven't seen the bonobo movie. Well they're disturbing just at a zoo. You know, you have bonobos at the zoo. They're just constantly going. They're constantly fucking. Yeah. That's all they do. This is one stop. Yeah, and they don't care. Gay, straight, whatever. Let's just fuck. I haven't seen bonobos at a zoo. It's probably like not on the PGA section. Yeah, I don't think they have them at many zoos. We've looked at that before too. Yeah, it's probably pretty awkward. I think that's the thing. They like to keep regular chimps at zoos because bonobos are just always jacking off. Yeah. What's that? They have in San Diego? San Diego's just got them. Really? Interesting. Probably separate them. Yeah. I mean, how many other in a cage? You know, it's like, it's going to be pretty intense.