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You know, so I've actually been shadowing Mike for like the last, I'm good friends with his manager, Rob Hickman. And just the stuff that they're doing at Tyson Ranch, man, is pretty cool. Yeah, it's really cool, right? Yeah, they're bringing medicine to the world. So Mike, I've been on this podcast, he's always talked about the toad. I was like, all right, you know, so I became good friends with, I call him Uncle Mike, man, because he's just, you know, he scolds me a lot. Every time he sees me, he'll compliment me, but he'll scold me at the same time. So he always talked about the toad. I'm just like, well, let's do it then, Mike. Let's do it, Uncle Mike. He's like, man, dude, you sure you want? I'm like, yeah, man, you've been talking about her for a minute. So, you know, so we go out and we go on this, you know, they have this whole real nice settlement with rituals or whatnot. And we go out to Antigua, which is an island off the Caribbean. We have, I forget what they're called, the person that- Shaman? Yeah, Shaman, I'm sorry. And he's out there and, you know, Mike goes first. So imagine this is Mike Tyson does it. You know, Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson, he's doing it. He's going a bit crazy, man, because a lot of what that does is it brings out a lot of your, as you say, you know, you open up to stage a lot of your demons. A lot of things that you've probably been holding on to for a minute. So I'm seeing Mike over here twist and turning and kind of, you know, talk about a lot of that. I don't want to share that stuff, but, you know, talk about a lot of his past, man. That's me, as you said, he's an idol, he's a legend. You know, that's the way I look at Mike, too. I'm over here here, you know, I'm just like, I'm almost like tripping out, but at the same time intrigued, you know, because- So then I go up and I do it and, man, it took me to, especially out of retirement here, man. Like, I would, I almost kind of somewhat wanted answers. I was hoping that it would give me, okay, man, this is like the path and whatnot. And it took me to, like, it took me to my mom's, like, your mom's, like, first love, man. You know, and it showed me, like, in a story, almost like in a movie, you know, how I was born, how my mom had me, how by the time I was eight years old, like, I had my sister, so I was no longer the youngest, how my mom kind of, like, you know, and all fairness kind of somewhat pushed to the side, leaving home at the age of 17 and substituting my mom's love for self-fulfillment, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and it brought me back to a little kid when I was maybe four or five, when I would cry to my mom, because I remember as a kid, we would go from L.A. to New Mexico, like, in Greyhounds. I remember stopping at McDonald's and things like that. But to me, you know, as a kid, you don't know you're poor. But what that did is that brought me back to the person that created me. That brought me back to my mom's love, man. So it, like, it, like, resurrected something in me. And I was crying. I was asking for, like, forgiveness. I was speaking in Spanish. I'm a perdoner, like, mom, forgive me. It was something, uh, it was something scary in some ways, because it does, it takes you out of your body. Like, it's almost like you're in Judgment Day, and you're the one that's being convicted, and you're the judge, too. I feel like the athlete thing was like, okay, they're super athletes, and they don't have any symptoms. Right. But we're not super athletes. Okay. Yeah. But then Idris Elba is just a really good shape, in-shape actor. Yeah. Well, he seems okay. Tom Hanks is an older gentleman who doesn't look like he's in great shape. Yeah. And he got through it. Yeah. Like, hmm, what is, you know, and then you find out the flu numbers, and they go, but it's not the flu, okay? Okay, it's not the flu. Yeah. Okay, it's not the flu. Yeah. You know. Science is a new religion, bro. Well, the thing is- Think about it. Think about it, though. No, but it's Monday morning. I really believe this. I really believe it's Monday morning. I know what you're saying with the Monday morning, but like- Quarterback and- Think about, like, the way religion operated in the past, right? The second you said anything against the church, they shame you, they ostracize you. Who the fuck are you? How could you say these things? They put you in your little box over there, you get excommunicated. Any of us who are like, you sure it really kills everyone? Right. Like, are you sure? Are you sure it's that contagion? I can't say that. What the fuck is wrong? Fauci, come out of the Kebler elf house. Tell them what's going on. They just rail at you nonstop. Yeah. And the second you say a single thing, you were- what did they label you as? I think Amazon even took down a book. Heretic. Heretic, right? Yeah. Wasn't it? Is that what the term is? I think you were blasphemy or something. Blasphemy for sure. One of these fucking things, right? And then all of a sudden, this information started to come out where it's like, okay, it's not that bad. The curve is kind of flattening. Now this shit comes out today. It was- it basically said if you're asymptomatic, you can't transfer it as easily as they thought. It's almost impossible. Right. So all that worry that we were about kids giving it to their grandmothers, they're not going to do that. That was the only reason why stores are shut down. The only reason why comedy clubs shut down. Restaurants because if you're asymptomatic, you pass on. Now we know you're not. If you have a cough, if you're sneezing, if you've got the flu, stay the fuck home. That's it. Crank it open. Let's go. Crank it open. Meanwhile, you have to wait. No, New Jersey just said they want another month. So this is where we get into like the, I'm on my mind. You don't think this is just people trying to get reelected? It could be, but it could be people who are scared of people dying on their watch. Because now it's not the economy that gets reelected. It's people dying on your watch. Well, if someone comes along and says the reason why X amount of people died, it could have been much less if you had just done the right thing and kept those people safe and kept everything closed for another month. You in your career, you were known for lifting large amounts of weight too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I was saying, I started power lifting when I was in high school. I had the gift of strength. I was pretty strong in high school all throughout my college days. It was just something that I, I think I was kind of born with it a little bit. Because you don't just start lifting heavy weights like that all of a sudden. You have to have a, like I said, you have to have some kind of natural talent for it. Well, there are some crazy photos of you during the Mr. Olympia days when you were a police officer. Is that you? Look at that. Yeah, that's me in the ninth grade on the left. And that's me winning the... What happened to your arm on the left? You got a cast on. Yeah, I broke up. Fucked somebody up. Yeah, no. I was fucking civil. I was playing football and I think I fell on my wrist or something and cracked it or something. And that's me winning the, the, uh, Mr. Universe turning pro in the middle. That's me winning the 99 Mr. Olympia for right there. Wow. Damn, you were big. Yeah, I was kind of big a little bit. A little big. Well, you know, I got a lot bigger than that. That was my second Olympia. I only weighed about 255 there. What's the biggest you ever got? I was 295 my seventh one. So I put on a little bit more weight as I got on up there. But is it one of those things where you just kind of have to keep up with everybody else and everybody just keeps getting bigger and bigger? No, it was that thing where me, I was trying to distance myself from everybody else. So I kept getting bigger and bigger so nobody would catch up with me. And what a lot of people don't understand is you see me big up there like that, but, you know, it took a long time for me to get there. You know, that didn't happen overnight. I put on about five pounds of muscle, between five and ten pounds of muscle a year. And that came from all that, you know, that heavy lifting. A lot of eating. A lot of eating. What was a standard meal for you? I mean, it wasn't a lot to me, you know, but if somebody, you know, normal try to eat it, it'd probably be a lot. So I'd eat probably like a pound of chicken, grilled breast, you know, with half a cup of rice. That was a normal meal? Yeah, that was normal. And how many of those would you have a day? I had about six meals a day, you know. It's kind of hard to eat like that, you know. So I would have to wake up in the middle of the night to eat and go back to sleep. Really? Yeah. Was that annoying? No, no. I think that'd be annoying. You're tired and sleeping and got to wake up to eat? No, you kind of get used to it. When you eat like that, you're hungry every three hours. Oh, really? Yeah, every two or three hours you're hungry because I'm not eating a lot of fat, you know. Right. It's lean, you know, I'm not eating a lot of carbs. So it's just a little bit of food at a time. For me, it was. These new laws that they've passed recently where the government can just look into your internet searching with no warrant whatsoever. This was something that, I don't know if you know about this, part of the Patriot Act, that this was one of the things that was people were furious at Senator Sanders because Bernie Sanders didn't, he wasn't there, he didn't show up for the vote. And if he had shown up and voted the other way, it wouldn't have passed. Why did he show up? He won't comment. Oh, wow. He won't, he's been reached out for to comment on it, he won't comment on it, but it's very disheartening. A lot of people who are progressives are furious at him and they feel very, very betrayed by this because now no one even knows. Like, you didn't know, right? Most people don't even know. Well, the government can now look at all your dirty little searches. I don't care about that though. Like, but I, it's a slippery slope, right? Is that the fear? Well, here's the fear. The government is just people. You know, I don't want any, I don't think like I should be able to just go look in a Jamie search. Like just for whatever reason, I know Jamie's at home. What if I have some code I can go just look, what is Jamie looking at? What is he, what are you searching for? That's creepy, right? It's creepy. Like privacy is privacy. It's important. You should be able to reveal what you want to reveal. And if the government, which is just a bunch of people, can peer into your life, but you can't peer into their life, it sets up abuse. It's the same, it's the same, like it's power. It's the same thing you see with cops, right? All this shit that you see with cops, for sure racism is involved, but you know what else is involved? Power. When you see that that old man get thrown to the ground, the one that Trump said is fake in it. That bashed his head, bleeding out of his fucking head and Trump's like, very good actor, by the way. I mean, that's what Trump said. He said he seemed to have fallen too easily, but yeah, he's fucking dead. He's an old man. The fact that he said that, that it's this might be in Tifa, like what? All of these conspiracy theorists out there, as an actor, I must say, if any of these people are conspiracy guys, they're fucking Daniel Day Lewis. They are great actors. Certain times I even send dumb YouTube videos of, there's a funny YouTube video of somebody's girlfriend deleting his 2K NBA account and he just destroyed. You can tell it took everything for him not to hit her or whatever, right? He was just destroyed, he was crying, and then some of my buddies are like, I don't know, man, that's fake, dude. I was like, yo, that guy is a fucking Emmy Award Oscar winning actor if that shit is fake because that is not easy to do. No, people think everything is fake. They think so many things are fake. So many people have sent me things, like, you think this is fake? I'm like, oh, Jesus Christ. Some things are fake. That old man falling the way he did and bouncing his head off the fucking concrete in the middle of a huge protest. Yeah, that was real, dude. That's real. You push an old man. It was like 30 years ago and what happened was we were in an off-campus apartment and I can't believe I want to tell this story. I'm going to tell the quick version. Tell the whole version. No. Two of my buddies left to go upstairs. It was one of those, you know, those old fucking Boston, it looked almost like a three-family house but it wasn't. It was one of those big ones that has all apartments in it, right? So they left the party we were on on the first floor and then they went upstairs and like 20 minutes they came back. One of my buddies' shoulders was separated. The other guy was flat-lipping and he had a flat-topped tour. Maybe he had this big fucking gash coming right down here, blood coming down his face. And we were like, what the fuck happened? What the fuck happened? He was like, we just asked this guy for a drink and the whole party started beating on us. So this whole mob goes up the stairs to go fight the party, right? I'm going upstairs like, what the fuck am I doing? My big fucking head. I'm going to get knocked out here. But I have to go because of my friends. So we fucking go up there and we hear the party. So my buddy, the mouthpiece guy, like the most innocent void ever knocks on the door. He goes, hey, he's like, is there a party going on in there? Right? And the fucking door opens up and it was like a fucking Wild West movie, like a saloon fight. Just fucking haymakers. I remember, I didn't even want to go in. I was so scared because I was like, oh my God, this is going to be fucking nuts. And just the mob just sent me in. And it was just like, everybody's just throwing. I remember this dude jumping over my back, punching me in the face, right? And the smoke fucking clears and it all settles. You know, it was all like fucking 15 second melee and it all fucking settles. And we look at the party and there's like six or seven guys, six or seven girls. And there's like a board game that's tipped over and we had gone to the wrong party. I swear to God, I know this sounds like a joke. The real party where they got hit was upstairs. And I don't know, I don't remember what happened, but they were actually rich kids and they sued my friends for going in, whatever the dumb shit they did. We all went into the wrong party and they were in there having like a couples thing and they were playing like fucking monopoly or something. And all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Hey, is there a party? And then everybody just came fucking running in. Can you imagine them? That's what I'm saying. No, that's why I didn't want to tell it. I felt really bad.