A Tropic Thunder Moment - JRE Toons


4 years ago



Robert Downey Jr.

1 appearance

Robert Downey Jr. is an American actor, producer, and singer. He stars in the new movie "Dolittle" which releases in theater on January 17, 2020.


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Do you think that you could do Tropic Thunder today? Would that be possible? Well, you could do it. When Ben called and said, hey, I'm doing this thing and you know, and I thought, yeah, I'll do that after Iron Man. And then I started thinking, this is terrible. Wait a minute. And then I thought, well, hold on, dude, get real here. I get to be black for a summer in my mind. So there's something in it for me. And also, it was impossible to not have it be an offensive nightmare of a movie. And 90% of my black friends are like, dude, that was great. Again, not in my defense, but Tropic Thunder was about how wrong that is. Yes. And it might be the last time we'll ever see a studio take a chance on a guy wearing a blackface and the prolific use of the word retard. Those are two things. And by the way, the funny thing too was all the heat got deflected to Ben and simple Jack. Yeah, that's what people were pissed off about. And I go, whoo, great. Did you have anybody that was telling you not to do it? Were there a bunch of agents or anyone who's like, my mother was horrified. Really? Bobby, I'm telling you, I have a bad feeling. I was like, yeah, me too, mom. But