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7mo ago

Does Joe monitor this site? I know he used to monitor his own, before moving to Spotify 4 years ago. Could someone tell him that in addition to gunpowder, the Europeans brought the horse to the Americas? He's stated repeatedly that the Comanchees knew to ride horses from centuries of practice. The debate about which changed America more, guns or horses, is standard American knowledge, as the tribes could fire many more arrows per unit of time than a muzzle-loader, and could raid and flee with horses as they'd never been able. This is a very interesting concept; why the 2nd Amendment being a right, versus driving cars/freeways being suggested as a privilege, is relevant. Also, Joe: FYI cell phone tracking can be done from commercially available data. A decade ago some guys tested this by buying like $20 worth of data, and within 20 minutes could identify the users, their home addresses (the hub of GPS data), etc. And WWI, WWII, and Korea all had drafts. It did not begin in Vietnam, as you've stated. Not at all. In fact, look at the history of censorship in early 20th century, even speaking out about the war was met with an iron fist. Have Scott Horton on to discuss Wilson's brutality (I don't even know, but he'd be an interesting guest). It's funny how little distance we as a society moved from "Corporate Media", to Rogan, Lex, et al. Very little. Sure, in ways he's way outside, but that's because the Overton Window is so far from centered, that marginal movement or resistance to the most wacky extreme things, Rogan, are considered novel. Like, if Rogan were in N. Korea, he'd be suggesting that the emperor doesn't poop rainbows, he eats food. But that's where it'd stop. A few years ago Rogan was like "when did Mr. BiG (Microsoft) become a bad guy?(!)". Uh, just getting the memo in 2020? And more notably, Rogan never has disagreements. Not, really. Have an "average guy" wildcard guest every once in a while, something outside the menu of mainstream dissidents. I'd be 10X more interesting than any of your current guests, rebooting the same old Rogan Cult Fear [porn] Factor, hyperbole, muscle car porn, ancient alien bigfoot killed JFK, or whatever. Seriously, talk with me. I give Rogan respect when due. In a "pothead comedian" disclaimer kind of way, he's brilliant. And I have a lot of respect. But I realized at one point, he really takes himself seriously...which I hadn't presumed. I have a joke with a friend when we text #rogansachad. Not the exact use of the term "chad", but you get the idea. At the end of the day, he's another politician. I say Rogan is a very fluid concept. I knew "that kid" all the time growing up; the new kid in school who'd bounced a bunch of times to new schools, and it's hard to incorporate, especially into a group who's known one another they're whole lives, and even moreso if they all expect the new kid is temporary. He'd be friends with everyone, try giving gifts to kids (which nobody else did), maybe tell tall tales, whatever he could do to control his interactions and engineer the relationships. Some saw though it, others didn't, or didn't care. It is what it is, but I've known that guy my whole life. There's probably a solid guy under there, but he'll agree with one guest about how horrible blood-soaked (Dave Smith's common term) mercenary government agents are, how unfair they are, cry about the Innocence Project stories... then have his family to dinner with those very agents, the Texas Governor or whatever, slap his bro ("cop") on the back at the gym, as they absolutely destroy the lives of his supposed friends (pft., specifically watch some Texas Ranger videos on YouTube, roadside "body cavity search of females, by a male, Sandra Bland?)...never saying one word to their faces, when he could confront them. And that's the hardest, yet most impactful social movements--looking a friend in the eye and telling them they're out of line. But that's a real friend. To some, anyway. Let me know, Joe. Let's talk, if not even on the pod. Take Care



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6mo ago

Please, reply to this, people. This is what the forum is for. Let's start a list of all the Rogan guests who've disagreed with him. 1.) Some guy years ago debating cannabis. O.K. 2.) Soft-pitch doctor from Cable News, but still never approached the question of them being entirely incredible. Keeping it all neatly within the confines of validating the indefensible propaganda stream. 3.) ? Watch Rogan shill for the corporate thugs who think they're customers are total pushover chumps—and he's proving it right. I mean popping a can of beer, editing the video to the nth degree, to put it right at the front where everyone will see it. For a company which did absolutely nothing to actually atone their sins, never fired anyone, just put them aside until the news cycles and some pied piper Rogan leads them back into to the jaws of social defeat. For what, to make his buddy a bunch of cash? Shameless product placement, using his supposed friend as a shill, sticking one in Kid Rock's hand for the pure intent of manipulating his audience. What happened to the “guy and his guest, hanging out...and happens to have a microphone on”, podcast? That's the prime example of what people call “selling out”. Not that it's new. How many times years ago did he have a guest complain about NSA-Tube...only to have Rogan throw up his hands and say “yeah, but what are we supposed to do?! There's just no alternative!”. Uh, try searching their own engine, G, for “alternatives to Utube” and you'd have found 20 results. But ignore actual solutions. And make it another avenue of complaints into the wind, keeping society poor. Rogan is the identical formula to Corporate Cable News. 6 years ago Rush Limbaugh and his croonies were calling it an outright coup. Shut down The Bureau, blah, blah, blah...and not one iota of follow-through. Just whining teens, keep the conversation tightly within the guardrails. Acknowledge the obvious issues, but then sell apathy, ignorance, and defeat to the masses. Smoke some dope, engage in occult conjuring of demons, act like this is the newest thing in the world (people have written about this stuff for millennia of history) the Insane Clown Podcaster keeping his audience stoned and mentally boxed-in. Give them Bread and Bigfoot. Because that's what a MAN, is. While Jim Bruer mentions how it's weird how certain celebrities are thrust to the top for if the ones shilling for the mafia are promoted. Huh. And blank pause when they consider maybe that applies to Rogan. He's never advertised? Right. Nevermind all the NSA-Tube pushing him to the hilt for years and years. Does he sit down with the execs at Tube and discuss strategy? Who cares. He knows exactly how to play with their game, which is no game...he plugs them, they promote him, it's the basic corporate back-scratching. This was discussed decades ago by Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent. Watch his interviews from then, he explains it to their faces. They don't need to dictate to the News hosts what to say, they find "true believers" and promote them. This is well-known as the best salesman; a "true believer". Is he aware of how he's used? Again, who cares. Ask Mike Baker real CIA questions; have him bring in the field agent's handbook, and look through the glossary of terms. Look at all the types of assets they define; a guy who thinks he's being used for one thing, but is actually being used for another...a guy who's clueless but is being used...a guy who thinks he's joined in some great project but is actually being used... on and on... And doesn't matter which it is. He's proving all the beer company's customers are total ignorant hillbilly dupe sheeple, can be led wherever he leads them. Again, because no accountability, the solution of getting caught is not change, it's just more manipulation. Rogan. One of the elitists; that's why he has access, that's why he is known. He made the decision to be one of them the day he decided he wasn't going to be a 9-5 sucker like the rest of us. He's said as much, said he was never going to be one of them. Them. Not one of us. The Empire knows they can trust him to always lead his free-range sheep back to the corral...and to slaughter. Controlled opposition. He and Lex can bro it up with their millions. And tell us how much better they are than everyone, total E-G-O-maniacs, so much so that they'll TELL you how they've transcended this, are super-human, because they do the better dope than you. The purest irony, just stoned-off-their-gord—Manson Family LSD shills. All the EXACT SAME CORPORATE NEWS story... Soft-pitch questions, never any real dissent, all within the guardrails of allowable discourse. Lex can have Zuckerbucks on, and never ask the real questions. Just the basic accusations by Musk or others, being NSA cutouts, censorship. Never a real question, or follow-up, or follow-follow-up to drill down on the issue. Just an infomercial for Zucherbuck's latest gimmick (I didn't watch that one), baby-soft rolling on a mat to show how hip and cool they are, back-slapping one another as “friends”. Right. That's what a friend is. As if Lex were emotionally down or strung out on cash and would call his buddy Z for help. Right. More like “friends” in the corporate self-promoting way. Leveraging one another for social status, selling their wares, access to other celebs, mutual-validation. a.k.a. Propaganda. Government Propaganda. Social-climbing Politicians. Sell the idea that they're both hip. Sell the Stock Market (all printed money, Zuckerbucks is spending YOUR money, he didn't MAKE anywhere near what he has...and used it to eliminate competition. You. To keep you out, them in.). No, I'm not a mush-mined stoner, no I don't smoke enough dope to think it's a big deal to eat bugs (FF reference) which is normal for a billion people on the planet. That's stoner hyperbole; “everything is so BIG; whoa dude. It's all such a big deal, and I'M a big deal for recognizing that, riding that emotional buzz, bro!. Whoa, people in America ate bugs like a 3rd world country. Whoa, bruh!". -or- That's normal for a huge chunk of the planet, every day. But where's the sales angle in that. How can Rogan bank on basic reality. "Get-the-F-out-of-here." Not in a disrespectful sense, but any healthy person has that visceral rejection of that clownin' nonsense. Super fun if it's understood that it's fun and games. But a cult master manipulator exploiting the masses, if the people lack that awareness. Everything written above is true. I do see context, Rogan has moved the Overton window slightly toward truth. But man, at what cost. When it's a net loss, I don't know what to say. When it's the same paradigm, shameless self-promotion, narcissism, celeb worship—and most importantly exclusion of all real dissenting opinion, such as this...what's actually changed. Again, what's the guest count of people who express this view. That's all I need point out to make the point. Discuss...


