1 year ago
1 appearance
Daniel Cormier is a two-division UFC world champion, Hall Of Fame fighter, and combat sports commentator. https://www.youtube.com/@DC_MMA
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1 year ago
1 year ago
I got a friend named Zach Espezino, and he used to do that. We would get that with practice. And every technique had to be perfect. Even getting undressed and then back dressed was, this dude would sometimes get undressed three times. What? He would get dressed. Maybe he put something on in the wrong order. I don't know what he would do, but then he would take it off and he would do it again. He would take it off, and he would do it again, and he would take it off. And then if he was drilling every move, it's like, I don't know what that disease is called. Obsessive, compulsive disorder. That, that, right? It was with everything though. And he became an NCAA champion. Doesn't that make sense though, that like those kind of things, if you could channel them into something positive, like if you're like a compulsive gamble, you can't stop gambling. You just gotta get out gambling, please bet. You gotta play, this is like, cause guys like that, if they could channel that same energy into something else, like you can do. Could you imagine, could you imagine like, an athlete that's like that. Yeah. Michael Jordan. I'm sure he says. For as compulsive of a gambler as he is, that was his approach to basketball so nobody could be greater. Yeah. Same thing. Same thing. Exactly same thing. It's just one of them is dangerous. One of them is dangerous. One of them will fuck up your life and one of them will make you the goat. We'll make you the goat, but the other side of it is, it don't turn off. And that's the fucked up part. That's the fucked up part. It doesn't turn off. Having that as a thing and in the competitiveness never turns off. Right. It drives you crazy. Well, that's why Tyson didn't work out for years. Yep. You know, Mike did my podcast twice and the first time he did it, Mike was like heavier. He smoked weed all the time. He's so chill. It's like, wow, it's like Mike Tyson is like such a sweet guy. And then Mike Tyson signed up for the Roy Jones fight. Yep. And the next time he came in, he was 225. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For a jacked, he was intense. And I committed decision to make the table wider of my podcast to you, because I was so nervous being that close to you. Yeah, I was like, I gotta have a little just to separate, like from really intense people, so I can collect my thoughts. [2:00] Yeah, he tapped back into that thing right here at suppress it when you saw me He was friendly and he was nice and he was smoking but he was still friendly. He was still cool as fuck But this was the real Mike but you that was that was the guy because he tapped back into that monster He found it. We because you know you all you got to have the monster have to in order to be a World champion in any type of combat sport you have to have that monster Yeah, a legit monster inside of you that doesn't really live in the real world because in the real world he doesn't work. Right. In the real world of you can't put that monster away at times. Right. You don't work in life. You're in trouble all the time. You're in trouble all the time. Yeah. Yeah. But that same monster, if you can control that motherfucker oh my thyson you're my thyson but then that's why like he would see him skirt the line right yeah when he's talking to the reporter that reporter that that is still wanted a crazy is things i've ever witnessed when he was on the stage and the reporter said something in my start talking about if we were in jail i would do this or [3:03] it oh that's right oh my I fuck you to you love me. I fuck you till you love me. Joe. I mean what? Oh my God. Imagine that guy. Yeah. In that state trying to operate in the world with normal people like us. Right. Doesn't work. It doesn't work. He's in jail. Right. Crazy. It's crazy because the thing that made him great could also run away like a wildfire and burn everything around him. And everybody. Yeah. And when you're the man and he was the man, then there's no restraints anymore. Which is even crazier. Because now you crash your Rolls Royce, you just give it to the cops. Remember that? Yeah. Nobody. What do you think. No matter what he did, take the car. I'm fine. They hide everything. You know, honestly, here it is, right there. That's it. He was like, I'm like your daddy. Let me hear this, Jamie. Give me some volume. Good for the beginning. He's like breathing heavily. Straight to get your punk ass white boy come in tell me if I fuck doing your ass punk white boy. I mean the faggot [4:07] Not man enough. I eat your ass on a lot of bitch Fuck you you hoe come and say to my face. I fuck you ask for everybody Bitch come on you bitch. You're scared coward. You got man enough to fuck with me You can't last two minutes in my world bitch Look at you scared man. You all scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you to you, love me, fact. I'm a fucking god. Uh-huh. Gee. What do you say to someone? Who is that guy? To me. Yeah. Who's that guy? Who's the reporter? That's what I'm saying like but what did that reporter have to say to get that well he said something that you should be in a straight jacket yeah wasn't this the one you're Mike bit Linux it would be better vendor he bit of vendor it is here but it's somebody get bit that was that that was when he was about to fight Linux Lewis I believe that was a problem that was a problem that was a problem [5:01] get it on my imagine that I don't remember him getting bit I remember him biting a van der's ear and They got into a bit of a fight was crazy. That was crazy when you were you there? No, no I want to know about this. That was crazy. That was crazy. That was crazy. I was chunk of his hero He couldn't beat him. He couldn't beat him Yeah, he was he was in a situation where he wasn't the man, because he was so used to be in the biggest bad, it's mug in there. And in a situation where he wasn't, he goes, I have to go primal. It's all you know. You bite a motherfucker. Can you hit that motherfucker? Can you, and Evander Holyfield has somehow forgiven him? Evander's amazing. Dude, I love Ev van the holy people. How good was he? He was the best, bro. How good was he? How, what a war here. He was the man. What a warrior in those Tyson fights? Because he had to endure. Yeah, he did. I mean, Tyson put it on him and he endured. All of them. Remember those reddit bow fights? That's the the ones the riddick both like now we gotta think like the Tyson fights after the riddick both yes which is even kind of crazy really bull is good [6:07] pretty good guys are good really good evanda holy fill he did his leg all he did by force to be the reason for a hundred and sixty thousand dollars for biting his leg and the bra almost all the megafight canceled all together yeah he bit his leg but that's the thing right like he had to he had to do something anytime he was threatened. Yeah, you know, it's like it's like when you're in in the wild, right? I watch a whole bunch of shit. It's called like one is nature is metal. Oh, yeah, that's a sick page. He's broke nature is metal. It's the craziest. Nature is so metal. It is, is dude some of the shit you see on that page is nuts But you'll see a bear and it'll just walk around and it just fucks everybody up But then when there's a bear that says big is it it starts to question and it might Cowardown but in this situation my Tyson's not gonna cowardown the Linux Lewis so he bites him [7:03] Right he bites him. He he probably fell fell down I'm gonna tell you one thing not take this right now when I was in that press fight with John Jones I was still under feet at the time and we were at the MGM grand and he headbutted me like put his head on me so I push him he's an alpha male too so the fucker attacks me right right so we get to fighting haha haha oh boy so we get to fighting right and we're fighting and Joe the security guard from the UFC falls under me but now I'm on my back as we go flying off the stage I will say there was a thought to bite the motherfucker. What am I doing on my back? Right. I'm losing. I'm gonna bite the son of a bitch. I ain't got no mouthpiece in my mouth. And if I would have been him, that would have been like a reaction for a guy that usually will walk [8:03] around in most places around this world as the alpha and then when he finds himself on the bottom as the alpha he's got a final way to survive. So that's what Mike Tyson would do. He would go as primal as he could think, how do I survive? It was always survival with this guy. Wow. And if I would have been him, you'd have been like DC been him, but it's not the first time we saw somebody bite him Mother fucking down there because Mike Tyson did it three times It's like you're so it's so unfamiliar. I Told my kids the other day at wrestling practice, Joe. I said My whole life I feared getting pinned so much that I don't even sleep on my back to this day back to this day. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want those fucking laying on their back at the restroom. I said I fell asleep on my back one day and woke up in the full panic attack. Jones had me on my back, man, that's just unfamiliar. So if I would have did some crazy shit, that's just what would have happened. That's what would have happened. Because you don't go to your back, right? [9:01] That's hilarious that you can't sleep on your back. You can sleep on your back? Now, I snore too loud when I sleep on my back. I cannot sleep on my back. I just like, I really have kind of trained myself to where I'm like, I'm getting pinned. I don't let the kids in my restroom. I, that's so wild. I don't let my kids, like, when I'm talking, and if they like lay back, let get off you back. If they're stretching, I'm like, don't stay on your back too long. You try to, I try to trick them in their mind that their back is literally the most, the worst place in the world. And so, and that's what my coach did to me. Everything I did, get off you back, get off you back. Then he would lock me on my fucking back. He would get dudes lined up in high school and college and arm triangle, which is the worst. You can't breathe. It's a headlock in wrestling, right? You obviously don't go chest down, you're trying to pin him. He would put me on my back in those situations with my fresh partners and I would have to get off my back not to get pinned. [010:01] So I just never got pinned in my whole career. I wrestled from 10 to 30 and I might have got pinned like three or four times in all those years because I was just so afraid of going to my, I just never got pinned. Wow. And I'm trying to implement that into my kids. It makes sense. Yeah. It totally makes sense if you make it the utmost priority. Yeah. Because you've talked about this before, that you see sometimes when guys get tired, they accept positions too easy. And when they go to the back, they don't immediately scramble. They don't immediately try to get an angle or an underhook or something. You'll see them accept the position. And it's too late. Yeah, it's too late. When you're fighting or in those situations, you gotta address it now or you're done. So when we're doing commentary and we're talking about the fight and somebody gets taken down. And a guy starts to get into the positions where I get quiet because you're better there and you start walking through the submissions how it's getting set up and I'm like, oh, this dude's done. [011:02] The guy on top is waiting. He's taking too long to address what's happening. And the next thing, oh my God, triangle, right? Because it's not just when the legs go up. You're like, this dude's starting to, he's starting to set up a triangle. And I'm like, he is, right? He's waiting. You gotta always be in motion. You gotta always be kind of thinking about the next step. Are you screwed? If you start accepting your screw. When you look at the guys that are really good at MMA submissions off their back, like Olivera. Olivera is real good. It's so crisp though. When he gets those moments, those openings, just crisp. Yep. Right away. Yeah, he finds those arm bars and triangles. And he cinches submissions up so quick. Yeah. So bars and triangles and he he cinches submissions up so quick yeah so quick one of the quickest guys I mean he's does he have the most submissions yeah he does yeah he's 20 they're so quick man this is the technique is so smooth how do you have 20 submissions how do you submit 20 of the most dangerous people in the world dude's a beast I remember his first submission win in the UFC [012:04] with Efrain Eskidero yeah I'm really hopped on his back You know that was here wasn't here that was actually an Austin. I believe there was a guy that came into a meeting today and said My first pro fight was in Texas. He saw I watch Efrain Eskidero fight It gets Charles Oliveris excuse me, but he's a beast man like these dudes are The fighters today are just They're getting better. It's cheap. It's next level every time every time Every time I bet when you go back because you do a lot of like rewatching fights Yeah, when you go back to the days before whenever I was watching as a fan thinking Unbelievable to watch Chuck LaDale and Tito Ortiz and these guys fight it. The way that they fought today, it's like prehistoric. It's crazy. The skill level. The difference. Oh my goodness. It's like they're faster, they're bigger, they're stronger, they're more advanced, the [013:02] techniques are better. And it happens in every sport, right? But in MMA now, you're seeing it. And it's like, Chuck was just like a marauder. He was crazy, wasn't he? He was a marauder. I mean, the thing about Chuck was he had an iron chin. He did. And so, and he was not scared to take shots. He was just played into the fire. I mean, he was very skillful. It was very skillful. Yes. But he was also willing to put himself in danger. He also knew that if you hit him, he could take it. Yeah. But if he got to you, you were going down. Yeah. Or it would have full confidence in his power. Or it would affect you so much that you would start to kind of turn away and then you're fucked. Then he would get you. You remember the Bob Ball Dude, I swear to God, Joe, when I was in Stillwater, Oklahoma, I was on my Olympic run. You guys were doing a few paper views a year. It wasn't every month like we do today. Right. It was a four, five a year. I don't remember how many it did. But it wasn't many. And it became who's Chuck Liddell beating this time. [014:00] That really was the paper view. Is he beating Bob Ballu this time? Is he beating Randy this time? Is he beating Randy? Like who's he gonna beat this time on the paper view? Because he was massive. He was the big star. He was going through his run as a champion. He was a motherfucker, dude. He was a scary guy. Fucko was in shape, too. Very good shape. Dude, he's a psycho back. He's a psycho. He's a great psycho. I love that dude. But that guy was one of the first guys to implement really unusual training. Like wheel barrels, fill with rocks and shit, pushing them uphill. He, that pit, that training center that he had in San Luis, a bit of a- It looked like it was outdoor. Yeah, the cage was outdoors. Yeah, I always looked at it like, are these guys training outside? Haccoments funny man, he's a fun dude. But he just was the first to realize that like, functional training, you know, functional training. This kind of work, those like really hard physical work, along with technique. Yeah. It's interesting when you go back to the pioneers, [015:02] how they all had to figure it out on their own. Like, and that's what it was. Figure it out on their own. The Lions den did it their way. And they let this train like a bunch of champions. Oh, yeah. For a lot of people. Yeah, like the best, you know, uh, uh, uh, polver, Robbie was in that gym. Matt Hughes was in that gym. Tim Silvia was in that same gym bro the temsyle that knocked out Rico Rodriguez was a scary man a big dude too He was jacked back then too. Remember how jacked you guys was big this pre-usata remember those days? Oh my goodness everybody was sauce and you saw those going again. Yeah, you saw those going again Yeah, but they're gonna have a new but they're gonna have a testing pull. Yeah, they're gonna have a test it's too big now to go back to those days Yeah, they're I don't think they're gonna let them use peptides, which I think is a mistake. I always told people I said, I fought guys on steroids early in my career. Yeah, I had to. I honestly don't ever recall taking a test when I was in strike force. 10, 11, 12, Nope. [016:01] Drug test? I never took a day, I never did. I never took anything, but I never took anything, but I never got tested. That's crazy. So I was like, somebody was doing something. Of course. And then they suspend poor Nick Diaz for weed. For like five years. They gave you like a five years as mentioned for weed. Listen, the best example of all time clearly is Alster when he was fighting Brock. Bro, did you see that dude? What was that? Super hero that was UFC. No, yeah He fought him but before even a strike force me when he was beating them dudes up a strike force Oh, he's beaten dude. Oh, when he kicked rock in the side though, bro He was so terrifying when he saw Yeah, he was like full Alistar dream I know crazy. He's a vegan now. That's what he's like not even me anymore. No, no me. That's impossible. And he's he's ways like 190 looks like. Yeah, this is Uber. Really son. Look at him in the dream. Look at him dream. Oh my god. The dream was a motherfucker. But it's like that's I mean it's you need a bunch of things to be ubering. Obviously, you need town. [017:05] You gotta have a skill town. He was really, very skillful. Also, just tough as shit and not afraid. I mean, that guy got KO'd a bunch of times and always fought, just always fought like a warrior. You know what the scary kickboxer. You know what the problem with that was with Alistairo? You could see when he stopped because he wasn't as sure of himself. He had become so reliant on those abilities that not even the ability, because he never lost the ability. He had come reliable on the comfort of knowing the stuff that he had done prior would make sure he's not tired. He was more in shape. He was more muscle. He more muscle and it messed with him towards the end of his course. It had to. It has to. He had to know what an advantage it was having. Look, if he had come along in an era of no testing, he goes down on the greatest head of all time. And he still is. I still think he is. Yeah, I still think he's one of the best of all time. [018:00] He's a great fighter man. Dude, you want everything. Yeah. When you win everywhere. K1 Grand Prix. Yes. I mean he's wild. When you win everywhere. Everywhere. You got skill. You want in the lead XC. You want his strike force. You want in the UFC. You want in K1. And he? You want to go hurt. Steep it. He had steep. He had to stay for a moment there. He had a bad. He just made a couple of errors and made some steepings. You can't make no mistake He's a tough Yeah, he's tough. He's so tough. Yeah, it's very tough. I was very upset when the Jones deep a fight got canceled I know We were looking forward to it. Have you ever had an injury like that where it's torn off the bone? No, it was a very odd injury for me to watch too because it didn't seem like it was like Like you know grappling wrestling we get extended a lot Right like so when you're going and you're doing you Jujitsu and you and I are going and you take and I'm you're in half-guard right Every time I go to get up I [019:01] Built my elbow I get to my under look I'll take a single leg to get up, I built my elbow, I get to my under, I'll take a single leg. You'll sprawl because you got to take your leg away from me. When I'm up on my elbow and I get to my half-guard and I'm on the butt here, I will always go to a single because I'm a wrestler. You will sprawl and then try to go back behind me. My arm gets extended every time. And that's kind of what happened with Jones. It's was in an undock and the guy sprawled a little bit and then his arm came away from his body and it ripped and it's unfortunate. But do you think that I know John has been doing a lot of heavy lifting to get up to heavy weight? That in the extra weight, right? He's carrying all that extra weight. He's lifting all that weight and it's like, you gotta develop muscle, but it's gotta be usable muscle. You can't just be big. Well, the other thing is if you're not doing anything, like if you're not taking anything, then your recovery from like really heavy power lifts is kind of significant. Didn't he lift like 600 pounds? Oh my God, he's strong as fuck. [020:02] He's strong as fuck. He looks very big now. Like he looks like a heavyweight, but I just wonder how much weightlifting do you have to do to maintain that frame? Yeah, well he was strong. He was always strong. Like he was strong. Leverage great with his leverage dude the way he was able to manipulate positions because I thought without a shadow of a doubt that I Would take him down and will but it's hard even if you get a take down it's hard against the best guys I pick steep A up I threw him down held him down for the whole first round and then he got up because we got to start again so now I got to start that process all over again and that's why how beef n' megametta was so special because it didn't matter how many times he had to restart the process. He went right back to doing that with his opponent knowing that he was going to throw you to the ground. So when you're fighting guys like Jones, he's so tall, he's so rangel and he just understood fighting. The guy [021:01] just understands fighting. And it makes him hard to deal with and then Joe When you get in the clinch with this dude he's so tall that it's almost like You're holding him up if you're the shorter fighter He's like draping over the top of you and that is what fatigues you because when I'm clinching You know, I thought there are tons like just in the clinch punch punch punch I'm tryingenching, you know, I thought there are tons, like just in the clenched, punch, punch, punch. I'm trying to break your posture. He doesn't do that. He pushes you against the octagon and then he leans. So now you're carrying 220 with your weight up against the octagon and it's like, and then he's changing level and he's spinning, trying to elbow you. He did do just understands fighting and understands how to maneuver his body to fatigue you. It's crazy. He also is the best at managing distance. Oh gosh. It hurts so bad trying to get close to him. I tell you that dude, it hurts so bad. Do you want me to hit her so bad? The kicks to the body and the knees because you know me like came in, came where forward, [022:01] forward, forward, head movement, get close, punch, punch, take it on. Right. But with him, he was a South ball. So his lead leg was right there. So I wanted to grab a single leg, but this dude would be stepping back kneeing me, kneeing me kneeing me. And then I'll be like, okay, so I need to stop going forward. So now I'm at range and he blasts body kick and then body kick. So now you're like shit, I'm not going to stay on the end of these body kicks because they hurt. So then you get close and he needs you. So it's like you're landing and I'm hitting him. But he's hitting me with things that may not be as big like my hand overhand right looks big. But that need just boom right in the rib every time boom right in the rib and then every now and again they catch you right in the middle. That shit hurts bad man. I don't even know how the hell I was going through all that in that octagon because now it hurts. It hurts like it hurts. Alex Pereira kicked my leg. I was like shit hurts. That dude has the weirdest leg kicks. [023:01] They're so sneaky. My cousin had the great clever at it. My cousin had the greatest analogy for Perera. He goes, he is Thanos. Literally just collecting fucking stones. Infinity stones. He's like, he said, he goes, I love Marvel. He goes, it was like when Thanos showed up. And he's just collecting infinity stones. There's a timeline You know there's a bad guy bad guy and then there's this ultimate bad guy who was just in some fucking bar in Brazil And it is he had to open his mouth Red crazy if is he just shut the fuck up. He would have stayed where he was But I mean it's like a delayed's like a delayed reaction on the kick. But if Izzy would have just shut up, this dude would have stayed in Brazil. That dude is so sneaky with that kick. And if you get too close, he's gonna punch you. Yeah, well, he's so long and he's also so odd in his strike. [024:03] His movements. He's like this tough. He's tall this tall. He's tall. The very odd. And if you get close to the right hand, even that thing he does, when he's walking on, he does this real thing and he throws his combination, it doesn't look fluid. He's like boom, boom, boom. But you know, like if that dude hits you with that, you're gonna sleep. He goes sleep. He really goes sleep. Everybody goes sleep. He reads in their dance and then shit. He reads like doing all kind of like weird stuff, right? And Alexa's like, just stone face. Stone face. Like I'm going to. It's one of the greatest stardounds ever. I'm going to kill you. Is what he's like, like this, this, dance your weird ass. I'm going to kill you. Who's the guy that he his or kicked his or need Michael I just oh my god. Oh my goodness. He thought you were lying, bro. I thought you were lying. The whole time, Joe. I'm sitting here right. I'm like, man, Joe Rogan up in here lying to me. He's telling me this dude. This good. He's this. He's he I'm telling you because I'll be honest with you. I had watched him a little bit. I hadn't watched all of his kickboxes, and I was like, I was like, okay, this dude's supposed to be good. [025:07] Let me watch it a little bit. I don't, it's kickboxin'. And you come in and you're like DC. Wait until you see this parrera in real life. And I'm like, okay, he's good DC. Maybe the best kickboxer ever we've ever had. Oh, is he's here, you know, like is he's here. He knocked out is he twice. He's the I'm telling you Not to about once or knocked about once be to my decision and I'm like that and then he does that and I look over and I go Oh my god, you're telling the truth Dude he's something fierce. I mean, this is Sean Strickland. Yeah, right? Yeah Well, the guy who's now the middleweight champion in the world. Yeah, and he took him out easy a year. Yeah He was the champion a year. Dude. He's got two world titles and 11 fights in two years It's insane. He's been in the UFC. I'm dude. I don't know Joe if we had and he's here in Austin So I'm gonna go hang out with him later. I'm going to see Pereira. I like him. I love that dude. He smiles [026:06] Yeah, he actually smiles before he just didn't smile now He smiles. I just don't think he wants a smile after fights or before fight. He's more to fight stays cold He's there for a reason to just beat somebody's ass. Well, he was so extraordinary in kickboxing when I watched him in kickboxing It's just some dudes just have some extra gear some extra power. It's it was shocking He would hit catch boom have some extra gear, some extra power. It was shocking. He would hit God's boom. And there was just like, if that happens, flat line, you're like, we're 10 hours long. It's a fuck, man. He's doing it to everybody. Like literally everybody he's connecting on is going night, night. And he doesn't, does it in two different way classes simultaneously. So he's, I mean, when that guy was gonna fight MMA. I'm like hold on baby. Yeah, cuz this is gonna be some wild shit He was three ordinary dude and he was three and one when he made his debut on in Madison Square Garden Yeah, and you knew that if he was able to win a couple he would rush him to Izzy Mm-hmm and he got there and he beat him and I still now I [027:02] Don't know how Izzy beat that dude, man. Because he caught him. He caught him. If that fight would have kept going, I don't think Izzy was gonna win. He was hurting Izzy bad. That leg was fucked up already. It was done. Yeah, it's crazy how good he is at that. It takes like two or three. He doesn't move his hips. The way he does it is so beautiful because there's no telegraphing at all. He's just moving there and slaps. Slap. And you got one, two in there, three, and you start seeing the welts. You hear he had a big well-run. I was like, you know what's the worst? It's like, you train a certain way. When I first started fighting, I would train South-Paw something because it's your fast hand. And I want to and then came kick me in the face and I blew my nose out. I said I'm never fighting southpawn again. Okay. Because I you don't see stuff as well. It's not natural. So I always stay conventional. Most do that. But then because you don't train in that off stance, [028:02] you fight Pereira, next thing you know he's got your leg beat up, you're switching a South Paw, which is what Yuri did, Yuri's not a South Paw. Yuri doesn't fight South Paw. Now you're fighting in a fight stance, that's unfamiliar. Against one of the most dangerous men in the world. Right. How are you supposed to fight? And you have a compromised leg. Because you're not doing it on your terms. You're switching on his terms. Yeah. It's crazy. And once those calves get chopped a few times, like only they know how compromised that leg is. It hurts. Is he's leg in the first fight? He said was fucked up after the first round. They're always on crutches and in wheelchairs. When they're done with him, people don't see this, right? When we're leaving the arena, these guys are either getting wheeled to the post-fight press conference or wheeled to the ambulance because their legs are so jacked up. Yeah. He tears, he tears our legs up. It's bad. He tears our legs up. It's bad. And he's just so efficient with it. And it's just what a hard style [029:00] to emulate as a sparring partner. Yeah. to emulate as a sparring partner. Yeah, especially since he really still can't wrestle. Right. Think about all the success he's had and he still can't wrestle. Somebody's taking out, he gets taken out, and is like, he still hasn't developed to the point that a real good wrestler wouldn't try to take him down over and over again. But you could never get there because he's not shot. You know what else is shocking? He's, like, he never seemed drained at 85. How was he making that weight though? How was he making that weight? And now when he's fighting at 205, he's, he's like, it's seemingly more durable. He looks the same. Yeah, he does not. He's not. 20 pounds lighter, he looks the same. He does, he really does look the same. He was when he was fighting fighting this guy had to be getting up to 15 whenever he was making 85 I think it was heavier they said one of the fights has had it was 226 ability to 26 in the octagon at 185 find out what the whether it was that after the fight oh my god day of the fight yeah he he went I mean that was like what he was walking around that that's crazy that's so big. It's not fair, man. It's so crazy. [030:05] And, you know, that power that he has. But I think also, I mean, you'd be the best person to ask about this. When you see guys that cut a lot of weight, it seems like it's harder for them to take shots. Yeah. You know, I told that to Davis and figure Raid-O today. I said, remember why he ended a maranile trilogy or a fort fight Every time Brandon hit him it looked like it hurt him and Davison was never a guy to add chin problems, but He's going up to 135 now this weekend and yes against Rob Flont. So it's like Is he gonna be more durable? Is he gonna be better at taking shots now right because He was I mean TJ Dillishaw when he went to 125 He was a shell of himself. That was a terrifying wake cut to God. He looked like dead man walking. Yeah, he looked like someone who was dying Do you did you what do you think as a fighter? I actually liked the afternoon way in better I [031:01] liked the afternoon way in a post at a morning way. Why not? More time and sleep. Sleep. The night before you got to sleep. Because if you woke up at 7, 8, over, you had all day Friday to make the wait. On fight, dude. Yeah, it's 19, on fight. That's come up, man. It's 25 pounds, bro. That's so big. That's 25 pounds. That's really nuts. But again, that's because they have so much time now because if he weighs in at 11 a.m. on Friday morning, now he's got 24 hours. Now he's got he's in the main event. So this dude is not fighting for probably 35 hours after he steps on the scale. You can gain 25 pounds in 35 hours. I think that's 35 pounds, right? That's 35 pounds. 35 pounds. Yeah. That's 35 pounds. And in a day, think about that 35 pounds is insane. I can't think of 35. [032:01] Actually, I actually can't. I can't. I can't. 35 stakes stacked up. And then it takes that out of your body. That's what the, yeah. I mean, it would be up to here. Yeah, 35 states. Would be up to there. Insane. That's 16 on stakes. That's insane. That's insane. Whew. What do you think, do you think it's possible to ever come to a point where there's no weight class or there's no weight cutting it all? There's more weight classes More options, but people fight their natural weight. You see what you see one of the problems with that is If there are more belts Then kind of it comes boxing a little bit and it could be a little water down because now you got a Champion every 10 pounds so you don't know if you got the best guy as the champ right now You're pretty sure that the UFC champion is the best fighter in the world anywhere between 135 to 155 160 you know those guys that way that naturally the The guy in UFC is the best fighter in the world [033:03] 55 between 55 and 85 90 you have the best fighter in the world. 55 between 55 and 85 90, you have the best fighter. And I'm talking light weights, they cut from 185, 180. So to get to 150 to get to 155. So you know you're getting the best fighter of all men around those weights in that weight class. But if you get a 65, 55, 45, 35, 25, I don't know that it works. I really don't know that it works. That's interesting. I can see your point, but there's some people that are definitely tweeners, right? Yes, Al Jermaine Sterling. Al Jermaine Sterling. He is one of them. Yeah. But is he though because he was the champion at 35. But tell yourself to get there. I know, but he still had endurance. And I always felt like if you're gonna have an example of weight cutting, I always felt like Aljemy had the perfect frame for 35. Yes, he does. Because he's so big and strong and he manages to get there and then he puts it right back on. And then when you see him on fight day, you're like, my God, like when you see that dude's abs and and all that much that he looks like a [034:06] 160 pound man, you know why you know why Joe you know what they've started to do I think it's the most dangerous thing in the world, but you know what they've started to do Al Jamein Sterling Was wanted to first to tell me but he doesn't cut all of his weight so with us We would go on Thursday night if I weighed 216. And I had to be 205 by Friday morning. I would get as low as I possibly could and then try to go to bed. So if I'd get to 207, I would hope that by the morning I'd be 206, I'd only have to lose a pound in the morning. So I'm dehydrated for 12, 13, 14 hours. Those guys today are going to bed at that weight gel, 10, 11 over and waking up at like four or five in the morning and cutting the weight because they said if they cut all that weight, they don't sleep. Which I can test to it. Don't matter how much melatonin you take. It doesn't matter what you do. You're [035:02] gonna wake up because you're so hungry. You're sold to hydrate it. You're not gonna get a good night's sleep. They're going to bed heavier, getting up in the morning, sucking all that weight off and they're the hydrated for like four hours. Hmm, I think it's dangerous. Why is it dangerous? You're, because you have to cut 10 pounds in four hours. If you don't, you're screwed. Oh, you think it's dangerous to career wise. I think it's dangerous because you could not make the wait. Right, okay. Because you're not giving yourself any room for anything goes sideways. Right. Because the worst possible feeling is when you go through your entire routine and you expect to lose eight, but you might lose six or five and a half. And then you're like, now I gotta work out. What's the cause of that? Like what's the the the variabilities? I don't know. Cold room. Cold room. Did you ever work with a doctor till like, no I just, with weight cutting. So what I would do is I wrestled right? My whole life so what I would do is, I would do these test cuts because I was very afraid because at the Olympics my kidneys shut down. So I didn't get to wrestle my second Olympic games. [036:07] So I was scared. So I would two weeks before the fight or three weeks before the fight when I first started to go to 205. I would go on a Saturday and I would just cut some weight. I'd get to 210 to 11. I'd lose 9 pounds. Okay, I know if I do this for an hour, I'll lose nine pounds. The next weekend, do it again, lose nine pounds. I know so that it became a thing where I knew in the right circumstances, with the right temperature in the room, I could lose nine pounds. As long as it wasn't 65 degrees, I was fine. Anything over 70, as most gyms are, I was getting nine off. So I would, I had this routine. I would get up, get my body water loaded. I would go into the sauna with just my stuff. Put all my sweet sweat on, get sweating after like five minutes. Sweat till 10, then start putting all my clothes on in the sauna. [037:03] So I would have my socks, my shoes, my sweats, my t-shirt, my hat, my plastics. I would put them all on in the same way every time. Plastic pants, sweat pants, socks, shoes, long sleeve t-shirt under the plastics because I didn't like it against my body. Plastic top, sweat top, hat, gloves, and everything just tucked in. And then I would go right out of there because that would take me to like 15 minutes in the sauna. I would walk straight to the treadmill, Joe. Then I'm on the treadmill, I run a mile, but only at five because now my heart rate is, my heart's doing this because it's hot from the sauna. It's like, then I'm trapping all this heat in. I get out, I run for a mile, 12 minutes. Now I'm at 27 minutes. Then I walk. I walk for 20 minutes on two. If my heart rate slowed, I would put a little bit of an incline, go to three. Walk for 20 minutes. Now I'm at 47 minutes. I get off of the treadmill, go straight to the ground where he wrapped me for 13 minutes. [038:01] And then those 13 minutes, I'm hurting, Joe. I'm hurting Joe. I'm hurting. I'm laying there I mean people are like rubbing me there like talking to me trying to comfort me But every time I took all this shit off pool of blood. I'm sorry pool of water 9.5 10 pounds and I could tell based on my sweats So I wear gray sweats these gray Oklahoma state sweats and If it came up to my calf, made calf, I knew I got the weight that I wanted. I don't know how, I don't know how that sweat would come up on the sweats. But if it came up to my sweats on my leg and then up to my mid forearm on my arms, I knew I'd lose the weight that I needed to lose. Wow. So at the whole time I was like, and yeah, it just kind of starts right here and then as you're working, it just keeps creeping up your body. And then once you made it, what was the rehydration process like? Well, the best was before you sat on when you could take IV. That was the best. Why was that better? Joe, it beats your stomach. Like the problem with rehydrating is it would mess with your stomach. [039:06] Everything you drink would make your stomach hurt. Everything you ate would make your stomach hurt. So even if you made weight at four, you're not really eating a good meal till six because you got to get through like the cramps, you got to get through the diarrhea, you got to get through all this stuff that you did. So the IV was the best because while you're doing the IV, it's going directly into the blood. All that fluid is going, it's passing this. It's just going into your body. So while you're doing that, you start to feel better. And I mean, the IV bag, Joe, was like, it was like a straight line. It wasn't the drip. You know, it looks like it drips. My body would just suck that water out of that bag. It was like sucking that water out of that bag. It was a straight line down. How many bags would you take? Two. 16 pounds of IV. Wow. And then they took it away from me. So then we had to start doing another way. [040:00] And the reason why is because you could use it to mask performance enhancing drugs. Yes, that's what they say. That's what they say. Why don't they allow it from places that have maybe there's a way to do a test before you do an IV? Yeah, you know, because like it seems stupid to kind of stop the IV. The IV works. Yeah, why don't you, what if they have like a thing a thing where you had to say hey I'm planning on taking an IV Well you guys come and test me before I take you yep, you can do that. That should be easy That should be easy and then you could get your IV what are you getting tested anyway? Yeah, they get tested constantly So and this new organization what is it a drug-free sport? Is that what's called? I don't know actually don actually don't even know what one is there's a new organization But Dana white speaks very highly of them. Yeah, I just wish they I wish they would allow guys to use things like BPC One five seven the peptides like yeah, one of my buddies is really being on peptides He said it's helping him he said it's helping him a lot. I've never tried them, but it can help you heal And yeah guys are constantly injured. They're constantly dealing with pulled this and yanked out. You can help my back. [041:06] I need something to help my back. It's just messed up. And all after the surgery. Oh, the life in wrestling, the surgery after the Derek Lewis fight. You told me you said, dude, you gotta do this. And I never got a, I just, I went got a regular back surgery. And I shouldn't have did. I I should have went and did something a little different Yeah back surgery screws you you're done if your back goes out Inviting it's over can't train the same now. There's been a few guys that have had discs replaced Yeah, that's what I did my back was and you get it replaced? No, no with a fake one or did it use it? Just a few that yeah my back is just jacked over like it's so bad some days. I wake up. I'm like this is crazy You ever see Diamond Dallas page. Yeah, you see his yoga program. I heard it's really good. It's really good You've tried it. I've done a lot of his exercise and He's developed it specifically for guys that are like coming off of pro wrestling and their bodies all beat up [042:02] Yeah, he's taking a lot of these guys and brought them back to health. Jake, this Nick Roberts. I saw Jake, this Nick Roberts right as he was starting. He looked bad. And now I see him. I'm like, this dude is rejuvenating. He's a new man. Yeah, he's a new man. And you know, when Dallas came up with it, he, you know, his back was fucked up. His back is like pretty bone on bone, but because it's so strong, he does so much yoga, like he has incredible flexibility. Wow. He can just grab his foot and like do like a standing. Really? Yeah, man. He did it in front of us at the gym. Really? He didn't even warm up. Dude's in his 60s. Diamond Dallas page. Yeah. DDP I like it. It was pretty amazing. Yeah, but maybe something like that if you ever thought about doing that I need to do some yoga. Yeah, look at that's crazy Diamond Dallas page. Yeah, because the diamond cutter look at that dude. That's got a suck right like your whole life Just falling on the ground. Oh my god. That's terrible. Just dropping yourself backwards [043:03] Conor's doing it. Yeah. Flipping through the air. He teaches classes. Look at this. He's teaching NFL players. NFL players doing DDP yoga. He would have never thought that that would work out like that. No. How could you? How could you ever imagine that? You can't. No. Pure luck. Alchemy's story about getting his disreplaced and come back and then defending the title against pure the wild. That's pretty wild. That was a bad hit. That's a bad anything. He started doing stuff with the neck. Oh, yeah. Kevin Jackson was an Olympic gold medalist and when his neck went, he couldn't beat the best young guys because it's too damaging, right? You're getting punched and you're getting your head pulled down. Everything you do you got to have strength in your neck. He never could he never could do it but for Aljo to not only come back from the surgery but beat the guy that was he was he was dog walking Aljo. That that first way he was kicking his ass and He came back against that same guy and beat him and did it in a way that [044:10] For as much as people say because people just don't like Al Jermaine right because he fell and the way I had to fight and did He won that second fight He dominated it in the second round and he won three rounds at that fight. It's that simple but He's an impressive athlete, but he's not a dude that kind of he doesn't really Get people to really come to support him. It's very weird It's because of the way he won the title by disqualification people hate that they said he fell down and they He got fouled it was a bad one too. It was a bad one It was a knee to the face on the ground. It's a foul. It was a foul clear foul But is he supposed to get up like that's the thing right like depends if he's can cuss if he's can cuss He shouldn't get up Anthony Smith Anthony Smith. Yeah, he could have been a champ [045:02] Okay, yeah, so The you get up or do you kind of go man? Yeah, it's just going sideways right now because he was down four rounds of zero. Yeah, Anthony Smith was sitting there and I don't know him. I know him, but I don't know what was in his mind, but there had to be a moment in there. had to be a moment in there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 29 28 he's winning yep I'm out. Yeah it goes like I'm out. Take my dove. I'm good Anthony Smith and if he stays down right Joe? He wins the belt. He fights Jones again. Now he's on the paper view portion of it. Gets paid more money. [046:02] Even if he loses that belt, he got paid paper view as the champ. Otherwise you get told you're a beast for standing up, right? But then you lose. They, the UFC moved on. John Jones just fought somebody else. He could have guaranteed himself another fight. It might seem coward, but what's the right way? What's the right way to do that because Al Jermaine did what he did if Al Jostez just gets up and continues He wouldn't have got to rematch He wouldn't have defended that belt three times. He wouldn't have fought O'Malley as the champ He wouldn't have fought Sahuro. He wouldn't have fought Piorriana He wouldn't have fought TJ Dillishaw. Hmm. He would have gotten none of that if he got up So while he might have gotten people to dislike him, he still lived as the champion, made a boatload of money, and he will always be remembered now as one of the better randomly champs in the world. And it's hard to compare fouls, right? Because you don't really know like how, [047:01] how did, and only Anthony Smith knows how he felt. Yep. And only Al Jumein knows how he felt Yeah, you can't it's hard because you know like every punch or every knee They don't have the same impact on a person. No the one that hit Al Joe was like devastating And we're in the apex. Yeah, we're in the apex through quiet to be can find that we were in the apex was real quiet Yeah play this. He. Ah yeah that was me bro that was so bad. That was so bad. That's so bad and to the temple. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah Oh my god. Yeah, it's nasty. That's a bad one. So bad knee you can't expect a guy that probably got a little bit look at it. Look at it. Look at it. Let me see Anthony's [048:02] Let me see Anthony She's the hand what I mean, you know Now today Under the new rules wouldn't that be up? No, no, no any weight bearing weight bearing is down Weight bearing is not enough touching is not enough playing the game is not enough right like down up down up down up up But weight bearing is down and that was definitely Weight bearing that's weight bearing. Yeah, and and and watch go back and I want you to pause Not yet. Now. Yeah, keep going keep going keep going when it gets to Anthony's face and Pause that's when Anthony was like you know what man If I if I just sit here and I don't do this no more There's a possibility for me to get all this money and come back as the champ and then this pride got in the way And he got up there. He finished the fight. He was down three runs to one at that time and he fought and I [049:01] Thought it was a mistake because he took a league with me, but whatever, you know, it is what it is But I think when you look at these and he got you know Jones got deducted a point and still won the fight comfortably. That's how much he was ahead. Yeah So two points He got a two point deduction boom and still one Yeah, crazy stuff man. Yeah, there's certain deductions like when you like who knows what kind of an impact that had Yeah, did he have a concussion? Is he too too tough for his own good? If you get a concussion from an illegal shot What are you supposed to do because now you're really vulnerable? That the thing. You can get hit and you can get KO'd easier. What's the right answer? You already looped me. You know what's crazy is like I say this, but I never was on the receiving end of a bad fall. I probably would have just kept fighting. I mean, Steve, they poked me in the third fight and I just kept fighting, right? It's like, I probably would have kept fighting. I probably would have did the same thing, which is crazy because it's what fighters do. What do you do? It's got to clearly depend on how bad [050:10] the shots though because if you get fouled and knocked unconscious and then you come back, you're just going to get knocked out. Yeah. If you get knocked out, that's why boxing, right? People always kind of scoff at me when I say boxing is more dangerous than MMA. Oh, how could you say that when they're only boxing and they're using their hands and they jump on you and they hit you on the ground when you fall. I said, I will argue with you that that's safer than you knock him out. Bang. My body, which has been trained my whole life to get up, gets up, they count to eight or nine, and they say go back and fight more. When I'm still concussed, you have hit me so hard that you have knocked me down to the ground, right? I get up and then you continue to punch me in the head [051:02] until one, I either fall down again and go to sleep completely, or we get to the me in the head until one I either fall down again and go to sleep completely or we get to the end of the round where you come back and you punch me in the head again in MMA when you get knocked down or kicked in the head or whatever the case may be. The guy jumps on you, boom, boom, fights over. Fight's over. I don't have that recovery time to where I think my brain is okay. I go fight more and then I get destroyed more. I think boxing is a much more brutal sport and I love boxing. Didn't mix martial arts because of that. Because of that 10 second count to kind of clear the cobwebs or at least think you're clearing the cobwebs and then go out there and get fight and fight again. Think about it. How fast in that 10 seconds in most MMA fights when someone gets hurt to the point that they fall, that fights over. Two seconds, three seconds. The guy jumps on them. If me and Steve Bay, me ultra-refighted, right? I knock him down and then I hit him with the two follow shots to end the fight. [052:02] I would like to see how long that sequence took because if steep a miltry and I were fighting and I did that to him in boxing for as bad as he was, he would get up and I would get to hit him again. Just like my knock down on steep a was no worse than when the ontae wilder dropped Tyson Fury. Tyson Fury looked like a dead man walking but because he's so tough, sat himself up got up and continued to fight. That was one of the craziest recoveries ever. How? How? How? 12th round. You look like you're out cold. He was outboxed him for the rest of the round. How? But again in MMA fight probably would have been over and he would have took less damage. Right but isn't that a better argument for letting them get up? It was Tyson Fury got up and then figured out how to beat the ante Wilder. Yes. But he was figured it out and was able to beat him as they went on. But in that fight on that night, all he would have taken was for Wilder to land one more. But in boxing again, you get to hold you get to pull in tight there's a few seconds, but very rarely do we see it happen [053:06] Like it happened for Tyson Fury right we see it on the other side of the spectrum when you get up and they get flat line Yeah, they get those happen there because they're so good the boxers are so good at finding that shot MMA guys we hurt you we go running we start punches, loopy, then boxing dudes are like Bink, bink, and they go find you chaining and then you're like just out cold Telling you man, I'm telling you I'm telling you I should be the commission, bro We haven't talked that much about Francis okay Tyson Fury. Yeah, cuz how shocking was that? That was crazy It was the craziest thing. And guess what else? You know why? Wow. Because Deonti Wild almost killed him. He got up and he took more damage. And his brain might be a Tyson Fury has been hit by some of the most dangerous dudes in the world. Yes. And now you're getting hit by Francis. Who might hit harder than any of them. He might hit harder than all of them. Dude, Francis and Ganu, not Tyson Fury down. [054:06] And he's an amateur, bro. This is his first ever professional fight. That's what's so crazy. That, you know, it was so beautiful about that. He actually counted him perfect. Yeah. He had his right hand up and he hit him with the little check left hook. It was one of the most, I mean, shocking is an understatement. But France, look at that. His technique was beautiful. And that's Francis's off hand. That's not even his right hand. Crazy. Well, what does that say about boxing, though, Joe? I mean, at the Linear Heavyweight Champion of the world and the the linear UFC have you a champion. Yes, but but the linear heavyweight champion in boxing and just a boxing match was able to Francis was able to compete with him as an amateur zero zero zero zero. He's an amateur. What does [055:03] that say about boxing? I think it says more about Francis. I think Francis is just a special. You don't think nobody else could do that. I don't imagine no, I don't think so. I don't imagine it. I think Francis is just a special dude. But we did see kind of fight Floyd. That's true. Right? We did. I mean, could Sean O'Malley fight Devin Haney? Yes. Right? Like you said he could. Right? So it's like, these guys... Something like that can happen. Yeah. 100%. But that was surprising. That was surprising. I thought Tyson was gonna beat him up a little bit. I really did believe Tyson Fear was gonna beat him up. I could see Sean Strickland in a high level boxing match. Sean Strickland. I mean, Sean's dude apparently beat up a woman and then drove drunk, crashed his car, abandoned his car and was hiding in Sean Strickland's driveway. Of all the driveways to get stuck in. It's perfect. [056:01] You end up Sean Strickland's driveway. And it's Sean's like pushing him down. Sean's like, look at this guy. You end up showing Strictless driveway and it's showing like pushing him down Sean like Poor bass look at this guy. He's trying not and he's texting Yeah, he's hiding in taste. I think he's calling an Uber. Oh my gosh This home walks out there I wonder what the guy was like I wonder what the guy was like. I wonder what you think. Who is this guy with the gun? He was redded the fucking wheel in his car. He was beating up a woman and ended up in Sean's driveway. That's unfortunate. That is unfortunate. The wrestling dude, remember the wrestling dude that was on crack and tried to break in the Anthony Smith's house? Oh, yeah. Anthony Smith just beat the shit out of him So crazy so crazy. Yeah, it's crazy Yeah, some people make some unfortunate decisions. They just make mistakes We're watching a video the other day of a guy will try to break into a gun store [057:05] Why would you break into a gun store? That's just idiotic. He's trying to rob a gun store. He's got two pistols He's into the gun store like this and they just gun him down like they killed it lately And silly he's an idiot. Why would you rob a gun store? It's drug. It has to be drugs He ought to be on some sort of drug or like not like in your right mind. They wanted more guns And they thought this is the way to get guns go rob the guns. Yeah, that's absurd. You want Organs to think well. No, they're not there probably on drugs themselves. They got this is it watch this These guys come in they hold guns out. That makes no sense. Oh, he's done. That was fast. Yeah, he's done Oh, look at this dude. Yeah, that dude's that is crazy. That dude's he walked in Yeah, he walked in with a [058:03] Gun to try to rob a gun store. Yeah, it's crazy. So the guys walk in he hears it draws boom yeah the guy behind the guy behind the the the counter here the old man with the good with the gray hair he immediately reached for his his peace and he yeah he hit him hard he hit him right where he had to look at the guys just fall backwards he didn't shoot him in the leg he didn't shoot him yeah that's bad man Some people out there making some stupid decisions. I mean, why would you do that? Why would you do that? I saw a video today on Twitter because I was in the middle of I was in this fight of meeting and I don't know they were just kind of having the conversation like they were done talking about the fight So I kind of got on my phone. I start playing on Twitter and I was was watching it another website I watch. It's called Morbid Knowledge. Oh, dude. What is this one? Bro, Morbid Knowledge. It's crazy. I'm fucked up, Joe. Like I get bored and just popped up on my Twitter and there were two airplanes. These people were like jumping out of the plane. [059:01] The planes crashed. You can hear somebody go oh no, and then they fall off the off the wing Wing but they're all wearing parachutes because they were gonna go and jump But I mean these two planes came together and then here in the person go oh no Was crazy but more with knowledge is nuts like it says like It'll show like an x-ray of a person that might have gotten into a bad accident or something it showed a picture one time Joe of a person whose body they x-rayed the body when they had been hit by a train dude it was crazy the ribcage and everything Joe was it was crazy I don't know where it popped up on my thing but once I saw saw it, I was like, oh my, dude, they got a guy. They had a guy back in like the 30s. Bro, he was a big cat hunter. That was a bad son of a gun. And he was hunting with those old school guns. You know those old school guns, dude, this dude, they had like a fucking lion or a cheetah was just killing people in this village in Africa or in England [1:0:05] I mean they were killing it was killing it was a man eater. It's called the man eater of something So this guy would hunt they brought this old dude from Europe down there to track this this animal This dude tracked this animal between three different like cities in this area and finally got that son of a gun Because he shot it and it was trying to attack him to kill him he was running out of but it sounded like a movie but it had his whole story morbid knowledge i'm telling you go listen to it like look at it some of its kind of gross but some of it's like pretty intriguing like isn't that one that what that movie was based on the ghost in the darkness oh my god did you see that? That's crazy. What a crazy movie. Crazy movie man. There's nothing scared than lions. Oh my god. Just a lion weight. I can't. I watch him even if they're a little bit like corny because of like, oh, this is crazy. That's where it's called. Yeah. That's the exact movie. It's based on it. Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas, right? Yeah. It's based on that guy's story. Yeah, but dude like you watch like these [1:1:08] Like there's some of these sites like Like that other one that I said nature's metal. Mm-hmm. It'll show an eagle just floating And it'll just fucking swoop down and grab some shit and it don't matter what it is if that eagle decides that it wants to eat that thing It's gonna take it dog pig Eagle decides that it wants to eat that thing. It's gonna take it. Dog, pig, squirrel, and it just rips it apart. Eagles are like so sick in terms of an animal. They fly above you. They decide what they're gonna take and they just take it. They pull salmon out of the river. They pull salmon out of the river. How do they fly? They see there's the reflection. Catched a little body. And then just pulled them up. And they just rip you apart. It's a weird animal to have as our national animal. It's because it's a ruthless, it's a killer. It's a killer. When it looks majestic. Oh, it does. Oh, it looks so good. I'm like, dude, but it fucked you up. [1:2:01] Have you ever seen harpy eagles? No, what is that? Harpy eagles are living in South America and they eat sloths and monkeys. Really? They're fucking giant. They're big. They're huge. So we can find them. What is it called? I think it's called a harpy eagle. Harpy eagle. Am I saying it wrong? It is, right? It's this giant white looking eagle that there's all these videos of them swooping down and snatching these sloths Because these poor sloths they can't fuck it look at this thing look at his face. He's got crazy feathers on his head Look at those talons. Yeah, see if there's any yeah, that's what they look like God that thing He's if there's any footage of them snatching somebody Yeah, oh there it is because that's all they get the slop they swoop in and and snatch sloths Oh my god, how what what a fucking mismatch. It's called death from above I'm trying to find a video. I found it a song video on Twitter about eagle [1:3:01] Caring a squirrel and it drops it and it swoops down and catches it before in the air before it fell Dude, I'm telling you I watch crazy I watch stuff like that because I mean, you know when you're just sitting around and You know when you finally get a moment right and you grab your phone some weird shit pops up there and then you're just stuck Yeah, and next thing you know you've passed 30 minutes watching just crazy as video watching eagle videos Eagle videos lions like have you ever seen the videos the Eagles taking the sheep and throwing them off the cliffs? No, yeah, throw them off the cliff to kill them and they go to them. Yeah, they take please show me that they take goats They take sheep they can pick up a goat. Yeah, they just pick you up enough to throw you over the edge. Oh my goodness. Please show me. Yeah, I want to see that bad It's it's roots. Oh, there you go right there. They do ruthless shit I mean the grab them and throw them off the cliff. I mean how much thinking is that involved? That's that's one of the things that I was a About animals right there. So get them look at this. Oh my gosh drag him down and then he's carrying this one. Oh [1:4:07] Wow, that's so strong. That's insane. That's so strong. That's insane. They're running. These goats are running because they know like hey Death is coming from above. He flew with that baby goat. Can you believe that? How heavy is that? That eagle probably only weighs like 10 pounds. No, I know. How much do they weigh? I don't think they weigh much, man. Look at this. Just jacks this goat. Like, come here, bitch. Look how much bigger the goat is than him. Oh, I had goats. He's just dragging him down the hill. Wait, look at the ride he's on he won't let go. He's like surfing But even that right like when I see these animals on the side of the hill. I know you hunt All he's done he didn't crash them into them also how's that eagle not fucked up The eagle doesn't even know broken wing Look he's still on I mean the fucking I won't go [1:5:07] Geez, I'm gonna get you bitch. I mean, this is like the wow is bull riding ever This is crazy. I mean, but that whatever that is under him is going crazy flip in turn in It's just bouncing off the rocks and he won't let go No way he got away from that eagle's jacked that he was dead That he goes dead is that the end of it? Oh yeah, that eagle's dead. And he took on the wrong challenge. He fucked up. I bet he's done it before though. He's done it before. It's not like the first time you've been going. You don't make that type of mistake unless you've done it before and it's Eight. Oh, man. We're so lucky we don't live in that world. In that world. This kid almost takes a little girl. Oh, I've seen that before. Oh, my goodness. No, that's crazy. It's right to take the kid. Yeah, yeah. So what happened? Someone comes to help. I mean, he looks like it was his eagle, because he's got the Falconer. Yeah Yeah, he just like that The eagle tried to take the kid. Oh my god, imagine that kids fucking horror [1:6:11] Where is this though? Oh kids bleeders? Oh, oh yeah, you see that's the problem Those tough people yeah, some tough people man how crazy has it been watching all these dudes from Dagestan? Oh, my God. Just invade every man. I knew it. I knew it. Because in wrestling, they've been around. So I was like, when I, when I was about to start fighting it, when I started fighting, I said, man, when these Russian dudes, from these regions start to come. It's gonna be a problem. Because you know how good they were as wrestlers, right? What's gonna happen when these guys come into fighting? Right, learn to try. And it's the same thing. You know, we were talking in the back of Alexander Correllan. I looked at that picture and I go, hey, that was a bad dude. Just a monster. [1:7:01] Monster. A monster. A monster. And there have been a many of them polvossars to T of all these great Russian athletes that are just Crazy there was one guy that beat me the Olympics in my finals name was hajimurat good saw off We're lucky that son of a bitch didn't fight because he would have beat everybody and John Jones included everyone I've got the ass look by that dude really he was good, bro. He was he wrestled me At the Olympic Games and he beat all of us though. He beat me. He beat Kale Sanderson. He beat Kale Snyder He beat all the best Americans for a long time He wrestled from my Olympic cycle all the way to Kale Snyder who won the 2020 Olympic Games that guy beat him This dude was so fast. He was so good Kyle Snyder who won the 2020 Olympic Games. That guy beat him. This dude was so fast, he was so good. I brought him in to train with me for John Jones. My strength coach told me he would try to break him. He said, Daniel, I would try to break this guy. [1:8:00] He goes, I would give him all of my workouts. He goes, and then I would add Just to try to see how far he would go. He said no matter what I did He never stopped. He never got tired and he goes. He always wanted to do more He never questioned anything and that dude. That's why to do is like a six-time world champion Olympic champion everything He was the best man and we're just lucky he didn't fight because all of us would have no accomplishments You know this dude? His name is good solov GATS Al OV he was good man. He was so fast He was so strong his motion his movement these dudes were I New that if guys like that started fighting They would be a problem and that's exactly what they've become. I mean Look at him. This is the guy right here. It's him. We were training This dude would just hit me with all kinds of stuff. I actually like I am and we're sweating too [1:9:03] He just never stopped bro. The guy was just tremendous in everything he did So I would have to set my mind every day going into the room like I was about to wrestle the Olympic Games because I knew how hard it would be to try to go with this cat. Then he would be beating on these dudes in MMA. He take against the wall like it was impossible to take him down. And we, but look at this, Joe. Everybody would just watch. Dude, taking me down. I got the UFC cameras. I'm like, you'll cut that, cut that, cut that. I'm like, cut it, cut it. I'm like, cut it, cut it. This is some wild scrambles. Yeah. I got one, but that was like, that's probably the only one I got for a month. Yeah. And then at times I thought he might be let me. I'm like, yo, are you letting me score, man? Because I wrestled you in competition. I ain't never scored. But I mean, he was just too good, Joe. I mean, he beat me in Olympics in my finals. He beat everybody. Did you ever talk to him about his interest in MMA? [1:010:02] I asked him. He was like, I don't really want I want to wrestle and now he's the head of the Russian wrestling Federation he's the coach now so I said dude I sometimes I'm embarrassed to say somebody should I do but my kids on my wrestling team this team now has all my youth club kids. They all wrestled for me in middle school. When they were seventh and eighth grade, they were doing their home school year. So reclassifying is a big thing in sports now where if you and I are supposed to graduate in 1998, we will reclassify to graduate in 1999. Bro, I took those kids when they were in 78th grade and I sent them to Dagestan for a month. They took all of their school work and they went to Dagestan and Moscow for a month. Like eight or nine kids with two parents. [1:011:01] I sent them to Russia, bro. That's crazy. The fact that their parents actually listened to me is crazy because they're like, yo, you're out of your mind. We're not sending our 13 year old kids to Russia. They sent them, bro. We put them in some big jackets and I said, hey, I know if we want to be the best, they got to be by these guys. And so we sent them. And Kab Had him in his gym every day He bought it in the Habib is a great guy, right? He bought hotels for him. He'd feed him. He said just get him here and Dude They trained for a month they told me they said coach. We practice with you. He goes in daggistan It's training because it's in the morning. It's in the midday and it's in the evening. You're training all day long practices. He said these kids told me Joe that they do about 30 minutes of gymnastics before they start practice. Gymnastics for the flexibility and body discipline and body control and everything. [1:012:03] So they're flipping and doing all kinds of stuff before they ever got to wrestling. They're working, they're operating at a different level, man, that's why you see Mahatchev like being who he is. Mahatchev is crazy. Bro, the way he adjusted the Volkanovsky in the second fight was pretty special. Yeah. Like the use of that left leg, left leg, left kick. Left kick, left kick. Left kick, left kick. The way he set that up, man, it all the possible endings to that fight that you could have seen. Never thought that. Never thought like, like, I can. K-O, crazy. And we thought when we saw her be, right, that was about, that was the complete version of a Russian fighter. Do you see Islam and he possesses all those same skills with the striking? With striking. So what about the next one? What about the next one? Because there's going to be another one. What about the next guy? Right. Right? They're just getting better. And better. Now that they know that these guys from that region are like, if you're a kid and you're growing up in that region, now you know, oh, I can follow that same path. [1:013:08] I can do MMA. It does not just be wrestling or they do a sombal, which is as perfect a base for mixed martial arts as you could find. Yeah. Because they're punching and kicking each other and stuff already and grappling and doing everything. So it's a very good base. It's a little weird a very good base. It's a little weird. It's weird. They're wearing the gear. They're going to get the top shorts, but it's like shoes at least there. Some of you and I agree. Wrestling is the foundation. Yes. Because of the training in everything else. But in terms of what closest with the kind of striking or at least the plane of the striking ensemble, that's as good in terms of preparing you for mixed martial arts. Yes, yeah, definitely. It's awesome. I got that little rant you go on about wrestling. That plays daily in my school. Oh really? Yeah, that they love that. [1:014:01] The kids love that. Cause that's the truth. It's the truth. If you wanna build a strong foundation, even just as a human being, wrestling is where you figure out how tough you are, how much you can push, how much you can deal with discomfort. I think no one trains harder than wrestling. I think everybody should wrestle and I think everybody should have some sort of fight in their life. One, some sort of fight. It could be in a gym, a sparring match. I'm talking to fight. It could be sparring. I think every human being, if they do themselves justice, has some sort of interaction that gets another human being where it's a bit of a fight. You have to. I think once you do that, you can do anything because then you're not afraid. You cannot be afraid, man. That's like, my biggest thing to my kids is like, you cannot be afraid because people smell that shit on you. If you're afraid, people smell that shit on you and they treat you a certain way, you cannot be afraid. I think everybody should have at least one sort of fight, [1:015:00] whether it's sparring, whether it's an exhibition fight, whether it's a high intensity jujitsu match, whether it's sparring whether it's an exhibition fight whether it's a high intensity Jiu-Jitsu match Whether it's a high intensity wrestling match. I think you should have some sort of competition in your life That pits you against another individual. I think we all need it Imagine if we had that as like mandatory service in the country. Yeah, could you Matt? We need stronger as a country, but imagine if like you know how Xi Jinping is trying to make Russia more, or excuse me, China more manly. What's he doing? No, I don't know. They're like, they're trying to promote more manliness in China. If someone tried to do that in America and they said, well, the way we're going to implement this is we're going to have mandatory combat sports participation at some point you like at some point in life you do that because you're mad at the day and hey i'm telling you we'd be better for i think we would we would be better for i think we would because then let's see this two years ago the country sensors began uh... but to blur [1:016:00] earnings and colored hair on male celebrities you know earrings are earrings in colored hair on male celebrities. Oh, earrings, sorry. Earrings and colored hair on male celebrities appearing on television earlier this year, the Education Ministry announced a plan to cultivate masculinity in school boys, including hiring more gym teachers and promoting sports. But it says after America, right? After America must be trying to, it's China's turn to worry about masculinity. So they're saying that our country is, right? Click on that, what is that saying? This is a strange thing to say. After America, right? If you followed the disastrous denouement of America's two decade occupation in Afghanistan, is that the word? Did I say that word right? No idea is that the word that i said that word right no idea what that's what that was have you wondered why the world's only super power has an affliction for distant wars why is it what is it the compels it to drag its military halfway across the world what is the origin of its interventionalist instincts [1:017:01] uh... what is it saying here reading a lot into this. But it's saying that, it's saying, look, in a scheme of things. Oh, okay, here it is. Yeah. It's about Roosevelt. Roosevelt's scheme of things, imperialism was a necessary manly duty that American men needed to take up or risk letting the reins of global power be seized by a more manful race. Sickly and asmatic in his childhood, Roosevelt had continued to endure attacks on his manliness into his youth as he started out in politics with newspapers lampooning his high-pitched voice and dandy clothes. Oh yeah, dandy clothes. For the exquisite Mr. Roosevelt, forceful public exhaustions to wage foreign wars was an exercise in radical image makeover Oh Interest so so they were saying they were picking on his manliness so he decided to go wage wars. Yes They bullied him they bullied him right, but hey, you know what stopped bullying? [1:018:03] You know what stopped bullying you knowing how stopped bullying you know and how to defend yourself Yeah, right and that's why I mean the Chinese they said they're not showing colored hair are earrings anymore, but if we are all Forced to wrestle or do jujitsu or do boxing at least Early in our lives, you develop that foundation for strength, you develop that foundation for standing up for yourself, you develop the foundation for not just accepting things that shouldn't happen. It really is, I think everybody should have it, man. I think it's so good for you to have that experience where you stare across from another human being and you know that it will be on you with no weapons to go out and win, whether it's pinning them, whether it's submitting them, whether in a box, and it's like out pointing them in a box and fight, I think that we should all have some sort of competition [1:019:01] with another human being. I think it was really good for me. I think it's real good for a lot of people. I don't want to say that everybody should do it, but think about it. Most people said. Where would it hurt? Where would it hurt? Tell me what it would hurt for someone to do a jujitsu match or a wrestling match. Or a boxing injury. I'm talking you do it, young no. If you wait until you're like my age, and then oh, maybe we get hurt. But young, if we all like, if you're an elementary school, it's like, okay, for a month you gotta do wrestling. I think that was one of the, that was one of the things in school. Most schools don't even have wrestling anymore. Is that true? Yeah, a lot of kids, they're moved like a lot of teams. They don't have teams. Let's have jujitsu in schools. Let's have these things in school. I think I've said this many times. I think I would stop bullying. I think we put these in schools and just give these kids a month. Let me say wouldn't stop bullying. I think it would significantly reduce [1:020:02] episodes of bullying. And I think if we did jujitsu and those sports in school Even for young girls. They're safer. Yes, right? They they they they understand how to defend themselves. I think it's so important Yeah, yes, everyone should know something everybody should know something about combat because you're not always gonna Have the ability to get to something to help you exactly you got to be able to do it with your hands and with your feet and everything else and it's just a better thing to have and not need Than to need and not have yes, could you imagine like could you imagine not having so I walk around the world unafraid How comforting is that to be able to know that no security, no anything, if push came to shove, you could at least defend yourself enough to be safe and your family. You could take care of them enough to be safe because of the skills that you've attained over the course of your life. That's comforting. To be able to walk around the world like that. [1:021:00] You watch those Instagram videos, the same ones I watch, dudes who have no idea what the fuck they're doing. They get these crazy brawls. Dude, it's crazy. They have no skill at all. They hurt themselves. Swinging wild at each other and you're like, my God, if someone knew how to fight, you would be so fucked right now. Yeah, you're done. And every now and then you find one where someone does know how to fight. And Security camera and this one dude just got up and kept fucking with this guy and this guy just starts Dink dink dink dink grab some uppercut some drop some yeah, it's over Yeah, I mean he beat the fuck out of this dude and he knew what he was doing the average guy the average guy can't No fight no the average guy can't fight really Which is crazy? I saw one dude unleash a head kick on the dude outside of a bar one time that was bad landed put his ass clean out backwards Oh my god, I swear it was crazy. It was a good kid. It was a beautiful kick It was good the guy was good the guy was like stop. I don't want to fight it calm down. It's all good man We don't it's not a problem to do it. Oh, he's like come on man. Stop stop dude kind ofung at him. Do takes a step. He kind of go bang head kick [1:022:07] Do went forward. I was like, oh, he went forward. It's so he's really out. Oh, when they go forward. They're really out So many guys die like that. He went forward. So many guys died. They hurt them. So they get hurt Yeah, he went forward everybody started panicking around him too. Oh my god That's why you can't best with people man should never mess with people. I don't mess with nobody Joe No, I literally just walk around trying to live in my own world. Yes. I'm happy. I hope you're happy Like it's just all just living this has not reality people tell me it's not reality the world you live in I'm like well, it's better than trying to live in the world. It's just awful. Yeah, well it's Like what is better than trying to live in the world that's just awful? Yeah, well, it's, you have some effect on the people around you for sure. Yeah. And if you live life happy, you have a better effect on the people you run into, but there's a reality that you could always run into the wrong people. Yeah, for sure. That's real. They're just bad people. [1:023:01] They got bad people. Like some people are bad people in. I'm like, are you a bad person? Historically, that's always been the case. Yeah. There's always historically been bad people. Just evil mugs too. Well, people that have been mostly, it's people that have been fucked over themselves. Mostly it's kids that were raised by horrible people and horrible environments and they become that. That's most of it. I watched, I don't know how many people come out of the womb bad. No no no no no you're you're you're you're formed you're formed. I watched those uh I was watching one on uh 2020 the other day. Do it I'm old now because I'm like watching 2020. I used to get so mad at my mom. I get to see the TV still still yeah, dude. It's on TV. I there in season 45 at least do you watch TV? Oh I watch like a little Netflix every now and I HBO or something like that. No, I love TV TV like with commercials. I want to watch a commercial It's so crazy. I'm like a nostalgic guy where I'm like really you remember it was a time whenever we could not fast forward the commercial [1:024:05] I remember it all I remember I got a Tivo. Yeah, remember TV as I do and you could pause to get pause TV is crazy You could pause your TV and then they started implementing it into direct TV we could just pause the feed Pause it right now go to the kitchen pause Come back take a leak pause like unreal. Yeah, you don't have to run back in what happened I want to watch a commercial and commercials work on me too Seriously, I like the guy that I've bison off of commercials I'm like you I got to see this because I'm like oh my god. This is real But I'm watching 2020 on on TV because I want to like watch I thought fast forward some but I watch one called the dating game killer bro. The dating game killer. I heard about this one. Dude was a serial killer back in the 70s. And he was on the dating game. He was on how that's a bad person knowing he's got that many bodies out there and [1:025:02] he's on national television. How many people had he killed before he got on the Pro he killed a number he killed a woman way back dude cuz you man I growing up back like being an adult in the 60s and 70s Nuts there is no internet. There is no cell phones women that were out there in the world were at risk for serial killers Because you couldn't track them this woman and, our boyfriend, had went up to like Montana. The boyfriend got mad at her, left her. Just left her. This guy picks her up, kills her. They don't find her till like 2000. And she was, when they found her, they found that she was pregnant at the time. He killed her and he killed a number of other ones. And then he went on the dating killed her and he killed a number of other ones and then he went on the dating game show. He was a bad guy. And then what you find that video, bro, the guy on the dating game, the dating game killer is what he was called. I remember you look real. He looks scary too, didn't he? And then bro, he, they caught, look at him. [1:026:01] Look at him. They caught him because he was trying to take a little girl from a school. Hey Joe and when they caught that when they finally got this dude at the angel They met him in jail because he had been rotten in jail for years. Look at all these women. He got Look at all these women he got He was just a bad guy Can Jamie can you go back to him talking? Can I hear him talking? Yeah, yeah, can you see if She picked him Joe and look really good. No one had any idea about it. Joe, imagine people were laughing at that back then. Can you believe that? I'm called the banana. I'm called the banana. Like somebody she don't feel is really good. Amen. And everyone's like, oh, he said the banana. That gal was going to get killed by this guy. [1:027:02] But when they set them up on the date, she goes, he's very creepy. I don't like him. They said when they went to see this dude, and he's on his, like he's dying in jail, and they start bringing up these women that they had found. They said it was almost like he was going to a place of euphoria, because even though he was like on his deathbed, and he couldn't move, he was thinking back to those times. That's a bad guy. He was like on the thing like, literally like losing his mind because he's thinking of killing this woman or like doing what he was doing to these ladies. It's nuts for that. That's a bad guy guy they let him act as his own attorney in his third trial and he self-examined himself for four four or five hours oh my god yeah through 2020 I'm telling you're allowed to do that I mean they probably that's this might be one of the last times I don't know are you allowed to do like whatever you want you're out of your mind [1:028:05] attorney and you're out of your fucking mind. You're out of your mind. What? You're gonna be your own attorney. You don't fuck. I remember there was a guy that killed a bunch of people on the subway in Long Island. And then he acted as his own attorney too. They lose every time. And so he was questioning the witnesses. He's like, bitch, you shot me. You fucking shot me. You're lying. Yeah. The defendant says that. Oh my god. I did defend that bitch. You fucking shot me. But that's just somebody that's really messed up. Yeah, crazy, crazy people. But they're like formed. They're not born like that. No, I mean, at least I don't think crazy people but they're like formed. They're not born like that No, I mean I At least I don't think so knows what they're born like there is problems the people people do have mental illness that runs in families Yeah, they do that's real man. I know people that have it. It's it's weird. It's very weird It's weird because it's like if you don't have it and then you see other people that do have it, you go, whoa, what is that like? Like what is schizophrenia like? [1:029:06] Yeah. There's, you know, I don't people that are out there. Really? Out there. I've never met anybody with like, with that. I know people that come back and they start acting normally again, and they go out there again, and you never know which one you're going to get when you talk to them. That's Armanic when the person's manic that's when they're really Yeah, this is the guy Solomon Butler is that man accused of shooting at climates look at his head Um Butler post questions to the honest. I don't think this is the relaunched Wait, did you see that guy's head to that guy gets shot in the head? Oh my god. He did In court the injury to Butler's head was obvious officer climates wow Wow, you've seen anything like that. He's missing a chunk of his head. I've never seen anything like that I've seen a few things really yeah people survived gunshot wounds and half of the head's missing [1:030:01] Yeah, and they can still function somewhat People can live like in a lot of different circumstances where a lot of the heads missing. Yeah, and they can still function somewhat. People can live like in a lot of different circumstances where a lot of stuff's missing. It's crazy that they're still alive. But that's crazy. That was nuts. His whole inside of his head's like, then it is. So where's his brain? That part's probably not there anymore. That part of his brain is gone. It's gone. Yeah, so I guess the rest of the brain has to pick up the slack or something. Wow. Or part of your body doesn't work well. That's so crazy. Oh yeah. That's a freaky looking image. Yeah. This was a different one, but it doesn't matter, Jamie. It was a subway killer in Long Island. Yeah, man. Serial killers. There's a lot of fucked up dudes out there. Women love serial killers. What? Dude, it's so weird, right? It's so weird, because they're, but can a serial killer exist today? Yes. You think so? Yeah, they exist. No chance. There's active serial killers. Yeah. How? With all the stuff, like with the DNA and the videos and the cameras and the phones and the tracking. Well, you have to have people looking for you first of all, right? [1:031:07] So you have to have left some sort of evidence to begin with. Yeah. There was a guy named Henry Lee Lucas and there's a movie made about him called Henry Portschent of a serial killer. I'm going to watch it. And they don't know how much of this guy's story is true because apparently he took credit for a lot of murders that he couldn't have done. But he definitely killed a lot of people as well and they would just pick people up randomly, they would drive around the country randomly, find someone to kill them. That's so bad. And if you do that randomly, it's hard to catch people. Like if it's your ex-husband and he's been following you and tracking you, you wind up dead, they look's your ex-husband and you know, uh, he's been following your track and you wind up dead, they look to the ex-husband. Yes, for sure. The ex-husband has been stalking her. There's a shit going on and then you break him down into questioning. But if it's just a random, if someone just pulls up to a bus stop and [1:032:01] shoot somebody for the bus and then gets back in their car and drives off and no one sees it. Yeah. Most times there is like a... It's weird, right? Somebody like is watching because there was another guy that I watched. He was robbing a person of a drug deal or something And the cops were questioning all the people and said, as anybody seen anything unfamiliar, it was a white van parked, and his lady next door was like, was it this white van? She just had a picture. And it was what led to the guy getting caught. Because the lady was two in the morning, and she was randomly up, which I don't understand why and she saw white van parked outside She took a photo Wow and she gave him the likes and played of the van that the people were using so it's like it feels like if you're doing something Wrong for the most part somebody's gonna witness it. Well the thing is yeah, you're very likely to get caught [1:033:02] Yeah, right especially they go looking for you, But there's some, there was this one dude that studied, did he go to school for criminal, he went to school for something to learn the laws so he could be a better serial killer. What? Yeah, and he stabbed a bunch of people in this house. It wasn't like a sorority house or a dorm house Yeah, so this guy they think he killed some people in Western In the Western states too. They think he killed some people in I think it was Washington Some people turned out missing that it seems like so this guy Like was studying pursuing a PhD in criminology. So he's studying crime while he's a fucking serial killer. Look at his fucking eyes. All right, look at his eyes. Right, look at his eyes. [1:034:01] Can you see in a person that, okay, this dude's a little messed up. Can you see in a person that okay this dude's a little messed up? Can you see that because there are people that People there are people that say they can read people's energy and go This person's energy is all some people have off energy for sure you can feel it Yeah, you could feel with some people you feel like they're evil though If you ever want to go screw this dude's a little evil, man. I think of the word evil. I just think screwy. Look, this is something wrong here. This is a facade. This is a wild shit going on behind the surface. You know, and you can't really tell from a photo, but the photo does look crazy. That guy, the way he was looking at his attorney, but eyes like crazy. Yeah crazy. Yeah. Yeah. You can I can't I don't know if I could do that. I don't know if I could read a person's energy because I'm always trying to take the person for who they present themselves to be. That's probably one of my worst. It's probably like a problem. Well because you're real friendly. Yeah. I always want to take I want to take everybody to be laughing [1:035:02] smiling. I want to take everybody as which would you give me is what I'm going to take, I want everybody to be laughin' and smilein'. I want to take everybody as what you give me is what I'm going to accept you as until you show me something different. And then it's done. It just, there's every now and then you get around a shister. Every now and then you get around some dude who's scamming people around you and you're like, what is going on with that dude? What's happening here? But like right now, like here's what I always wondered, right? And I know why, like when you enjoy going to the UFC, because it's just like people that we've all known forever, right? It's like we're all just calling the fights. Life has to be pretty difficult at times. Because have you ever made new friends recently? Well, have you, can you make new friends? Yeah, you can make new friends Can you actually make new friends and not and see that these people aren't like being like having ulterior motive? No, there's good people out there really yeah, and you can still trust them in your position today You have to have friends man, but new friends. Yeah, I mean look what was the last new friend you think you made? How many years? I've made new friends in Texas. I've been here [1:036:10] for three years. When did you start your Spotify thing? Three years ago. And you've made new friends and they're good people. Nice people. Yeah. Huh. You look at, you look at that. You look at me like, I'm just saying, I'm just, because for me, it's like, I don't know, Joe, I swear Joe, I don't know if I see people react any weirder than when they're around you. They get all giddy and shit, man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha become friends with they do things that I do as well. You know whether it's archery or whether it's Jiu-Jitsu [1:037:06] or whether it's comedy or people like that. Yeah. You know, obviously don't hang around just in like, Ren, you don't hang around in the same places that we did when the UFC first started blowing up. So you're not around the shister. No, I'm not as much. Yeah, but there's always some people around right that are trying to like do deals and yeah, you know So crypto that's always some weird. Yeah, I know it's crazy. Yeah, it's the craziest thing Yeah, I was I kind of wanted that right when you come up to the fights and we're all like having a great time And then you know we kind of go back on our life and sometimes we text about the fights and it's awesome I'm like I wonder if Joe like has more friends that aren't guys from back in the day like us, right? Like that no, he's just Joe. Well, I certainly have a lot of friends that I'm still friends with from back in the day. Yeah, but it's just, it would seem hard. It's weird, but good friends are always good friends. [1:038:01] And once you make a good friend, oh, it's so perfect, right? They're just the best. And you gotta be a good friend. You gotta, you know? That's one thing I'm not the best at. You know what I'm talking about. Bro, sometimes I'm not a great friend. Why would you do wrong? I just kinda be fucking up, man. Like I started, sometimes I'm not a good friend, right? Like so, I'll do things that I want to do, and then a lot of my friends will do things that I want to do. So I have to sometimes consciously make an effort to do things my friends wanted to do. Oh, okay. Because it's not always, you're not a great friend if you're only doing things that you want to do. True. Right? So it's like, and then I got into this weird phase where I only hung out with people that I knew would only do what I want to do. So you become a tyrant. The equipment manager at Oklahoma State, everybody else is hanging out. I'm hanging out with the equipment manager because it doesn't matter what he what I want to do. He's going to [1:039:02] agree to it. When I went to Oklahoma State, like when I went to AK, I'm hanging out with these random guys because they're always wanting to do what I wanted to do. But then ultimately, I started hanging out with Cain and all those guys. And obviously, when Cain got into a situation, to be a good friend, I gotta go into that jailhouse to sit with him and talk to him and try to like support him as best I can. And that's being a good friend. Yeah. At times I might not have done that. Like I wouldn't have done that, right? I would have called, had him, if he called, I would answer, right? And thought that that was enough. But that's not enough to be a good friend you got to like really be a good friend because I've got some great friends And I've got some great friends from childhood And it was it's like having a good it's the best man when you get good friends like it's it's the best Yeah, people that don't have good friends. I feel fucking terrible for them. That sucks. Yeah, it's not good. It's not, you gotta be having a good time with everybody. [1:040:06] Everybody. Yeah. And most people are pretty cool, man. Like, there's bad people, but I've been lucky. I've been around some pretty cool people in my life. Like, John A.X. A cool fucking guy. He's a cool fucking guy. Like John A.X. a cool guy. He's 100% the goat. How does he do a job with us? Like sometimes we're literally just talking. Yeah. And then John's like, this fight is brought to you by Toyo Tires. And he's like, all right, go ahead boy. He's got to do the real work. He's like, go ahead boy. We go on tangents. Like tangents. And then John's like, all right, back to you boys. It's the best man. I look forward to it so much. We do commentary. I'm Oh, every single show. Every single show. I'm like the best vibe. The three of us and then with Megan too. Yeah, and Megan too. Like great end and Dean. It's the great. It's the great vibe. Yeah, it's awesome. It's awesome, man. Dean's funny, man. Dean is crazy. I don't always. [1:041:05] He's looking all good. No, he starts his better. Then these start disrespecting, dude. I'm like, Dean does disrespect for, man. Well, these are the problems. He's holding his hands too low. He don't look like he know what he doing out there. I'm like, oh my goodness. But he's giving his honest opinions. He's cornering Sean Brady this weekend. Oh, interesting. Yeah, that's an interesting big get for Sean Brady Kelvin gasp on at one so I had a conversation with him at the comedy store one night really and I said It is after he knocked out biss bang. Oh, he's not yeah, I said this I go dude I go you're fucking people of it one eighty five. I think you're a world champion at one set go back down If you just had the discipline to like to just diet correctly. Yep. And just because you always carried around all that. Blacks your weight. Yep. For you can't you could do that at heavy weight. You can't do that at 85. 70. As you get lighter you got to be better. Look at him. Look at his size. And now look at Dracastuplacy. At those huge. He's huge. Him and Sean Strickland is gonna be fun. That's gonna be fun. That's gonna be a fun fight [1:042:07] Because Dracus is I didn't think he was good. I was always hard on Dracus and then now I'm looking at him like Oh, he beat robber with a car he beat who is the man and he beat him down He's gonna be beat there until easy beat there until easy. He's that dude's a wild fight he's big man he's huge he's so big for that way class but Sean Strickland impressed me so much in that out of signified I was like my god it was the best thing for me in that fight was talking to Sean before he had a bit of this uncertainty about himself didn't know right because Is he is is he is a global superstar? He took the world by far by storm and Sean just not very long ago got knocked out by Pareta so He had this like these questions like and he he doesn't hold back [1:043:00] He's like, I don't know if I'm supposed to be here. He gave me the title fight because nobody else was there to fight. Uh, and he was just telling the truth. But the moment he got into the octagon, he beat Izzy man. Every round, he looked so wrong. Every second around, he did not look like he was over. I said, he looks nervous when he walked into the octagon. A minute and I go, he's not nervous, fellas. I go he's not nervous fellas. I go this dude is locked in and he pitched a shutout. It was that right hand that he landed was so clean Is he never bounced back from it never bounced and what is not just the right hand was all those left hands that came afterwards in the clinch He just was hit it with a bunch of left hands in the clinch. He looked good man. He looked really good You know they have this UFC bouts piece that they were using that registers how many times you get hit yeah He spars the most and gets hit the least he the cuz he's well he does shoulder. He fight behind the shoulder He does that's why it's like in his distance management is really good. He fights behind his shoulder He manages distance well. He's popping his jab and he's always on he's pressuring you. Mm-hmm. He's pressuring you these guys [1:044:02] He's good man. He's's good I mean Drake is as good God I cannot wait for Kobe Coventon versus Leon Edwards that would in two and next week at two weeks that's gonna be good that's a wild fight that's a crazy fight so wild fight can Kobe still fight this dude he hasn't fought in almost two years well Leon has looked amazing Leon has looked amazing Leon you know he there was a bump up once he got the champion. There was there was a bump up. Yeah, he got better. In the second fight, he looked even better. He got better. He got better. He wasn't dealing with the altitude. Oh, you're everywhere in Utah. Like I was tired. That's true. It's like 5,000 feet. Yeah, it sucks. It's like it sucks. Yeah, that's a good point. He got, but he got better between fight one and fight two. He defended take downs better. He outstruck Camaro. He just fought better. He got that 30% champion bump. Yeah, dude. With Teddy Atlas said that, I was like, what is Teddy talking about? And then I was like, oh my God, he's actually better. Yo Teddy Atlas, that fight, whoa. It's gonna be a great fight. [1:045:05] That's a wild fight, man. That's a wild fight. I believe Joe, for everyone we watch in this beautiful sport that we have the honor of calling, no one, no one has done more with less than Kobe Coventon. He's not the biggest, he's not the fastest, he's not the strongest, but he wins. And with those abilities, right? He has become a two-time NCAA All-American. He has been the UFC interim champion. He's fought for about two times, and he's fighting for about another time. But nothing about Kobe jumps off the page. He's meeting potatoes as meet potatoes as it gets. Volume. Volume and cardio. And cardio off the job. But that all comes with hard work, right? That he's not going to out jump anyone. He's not going to jump higher than anybody. Not going to run faster than anybody. But with his abilities, he has done that. [1:046:03] That's crazy because we have seen many people like this that don't accomplish with Kobe Covington accomplish I think he's I think Kobe Covington's tremendous man, but Leon Edwards is is a I mean dudes want 13 fights in a row or he's not lost in 13 fights one of the smoothest Strikers ever oh he's so smooth. When he started rocking. You ever watch him hit the pads? Yeah. It's a thing of art. I watched the thing the day, and I was showing this to Lappie. I said, I saw these guys sparring in glory, and I said, there's never been a day in my life where I look like this in sparring. The combination was perfect Joe. He was all boom boom boom kick and another kick. I was like You just don't look that smooth, but my question is look at him. Yeah, look at him Jeez come on man, he looks good [1:047:00] Everything is just so precise, you know everything he does rocky Strong and big toodle he's big fucking left high kick. Oh My god that left high kick is hell He's really changes life for that head kick. Yeah, and then he said head kick bang. Yeah, he's in the octagon with you And that post fight was wild that was wild look at me now look at me now look at me now look at me now look at me now whoo that was his some of those man that made me flutter up dude you take You're down to miss out couldn't do it. Who said I couldn't do it? Yeah. Look at me now. That's loving it. Hold on for a pound. Catch your death. That's sick. That's crazy. Oh my god. I'm built. That's so crazy. Incredible. It was so intense, bro. Incredible. Dude, somebody's won. [1:048:00] It's in those moments, where you can't help but feel good for the person. Oh, yeah man, I saw it was Amanda newness to one time Amanda won and We were all crying she had her daughter and we're all sitting next to the act crying. I was like oh my god Doug wrote me cry. Oh, I was like this the most beautiful shit. I've ever seen yeah like when when when you get to witness people accomplish great things. It's fucking amazing. It's amazing. Even like, and I'm not talking about just athletically, but just in life. In life. When you see people do great things, you're like, wow, man, I'm happy for this dude. Yeah. I'm genuinely happy for this dude. I remember when you first started to move here. I was like, I smiled, right? I was like, this dude worked really hard and now he's done some amazing shit. Like good for Joe. It's like you could feel good for people. Like when I saw, I saw, this was way back in the day. [1:049:00] When John Enig did his first UFC paper view, I knew how he had started from espn this dude was doing overnight highlights and then he did all those fight nights and then he got up to the paper view and it was you guys and i said look at john and i was like happy for him i think that's probably like the biggest thing is to have an ability to feel good for someone. When they accomplish something great, because accomplishing great things is not easy. It's very difficult. So to see that and feel that appreciation for that person in their work, it's amazing, man. And we get to do that constantly. Watching these humans just overcome like, and do things that you know 90% of the world can't do. Yeah, it's nuts. And when you're around things like that a lot, it inspires you. Yes. It inspires you to the work harder push art. You know, no one like for a championship level MMA fight, is there a more difficult thing to prepare for all of sports. No, I don't think so. How could there be between the wrestling and the kicking and the punching and the [1:050:09] jujitsu? What could be more difficult and you have strength in conditioning sessions? I was doing four. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, uh, seven, eight, nine. Then I was doing 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 workouts a week to become a UFC champion. I would get up at 7am. I would hit pads on Monday, Wednesday. Then I would go to sparring and then I would do bikes at night cardio Tuesdays 11 a.m. Pads 12 o'clock wrestling then at night I would head pads again and run I was doing 15 a week and there were times yo towards the end because I started old I was almost 31 when I started fighting so [1:051:01] There were times when I got to 37 38 when I got to 37, 38, when I was the UFC champion, where I would get so beat up because I wanted to train like I was taught to train my whole life that I would crawl up the stairs. I hear stories of Kamara Usman walking down his stairs backwards. Yeah, it does that. But he's still fighting that, but when those lights go on and he's inside the octagon, our time to prepare, he gets himself ready. That's what championship mixed martial arts is. Yeah. Being so beat down, but being able to turn it on enough to work hard as you possibly can and give yourself an opportunity. I would crawl up my stairs. You imagine how good Kamara would be with two good knees. He has no knees. Yeah, could you imagine that? Could you imagine? He's still one of the greatest walk weights of all time and he has no knees. No knees. You ever notice the difference between the muscles in his leg and the muscles in his upper body? No. Oh yeah. He's got tiny legs. Tiny legs. His legs are so skinny. He walks like it almost like his knees are bit forward. Mm-hmm. When he walks and I wonder if he developed that to relieve pressure off of his knees. [1:052:07] Probably. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, he has to walk. He was telling me that he has to walk on the grass when he's next to grass on sidewalk. Yeah, he walks on the grass. It doesn't hurt his knees as well. Can you believe that? But that's not and that's crazy for Camaro but most athletes at the top of his sport have those types of stories because it just beats you down like the sport beats you down. But there's nothing like it. But there's no like no one's ever come back from a knee replacement. No, no, no, it's over. If you got a replacement knee, it's over. You got to put that stuff off until you're done. If I could do it again, I wouldn't have done the back surgery after the Lewis. This thing says he still runs. He does run. He does run. Mike is a savage though. That seems so crazy. He did. He he spit in Singapore too. If y'all listen to Singapore Mike spit, I'm gonna tell you all right now Mike spit. He spit bro. Mike he goes, how was running? [1:053:01] And I spit. I was like, you know, you're not supposed to do that here, man. You're not supposed to spit on the ground or spit gum on stuff They don't like you to do that. Can't eat sunflower seeds. None of that stuff. It's so clean there. Wow. Yeah, they don't like that So Mike Mike spit on the ground Singapore Mike fought like ten fights with one eye one eye ten kids He's ten fights won the world title with one eye. Can you believe that? He said I was an international fighter Because not many commissions like you know that So he was going all around the world This new dude that just fought in the See that guy Shibon Shibon. Yeah, he's a savage though Are we talking about the Russian dude? Yeah? Oh my god? He's fucking are we talking about the Russian dude. Yeah. Oh my god. He's scary looking dude doing that Terrifying with a one eye that dude is nasty any crazy how good he can fight with one eye He got to have two eyes, dude. He's got one eye. Come on. He's blind. He's blind. That's why he's fighting overseas [1:054:07] He's blindness right. I he fought in Abu Dhabi. He's yeah, you're right. No commission. He's blind is right I he did you see that doctor in Abu Dhabi. Yeah, he's right. No commission. He's blinding his right eye. He did you see that doctor in Abu Dhabi just messing up? Yeah, I did. Poor guy, right? Yeah, not good. That was sad, man. I kind of, I felt bad for him at the end. I was like, oh, I feel bad for him. He's just fucking up. Cause they don't know. They works fights. You need to sense somebody over there. Cause otherwise someone's going to see a cut eyebrow and just stop it. Meet the controversial UFC prospectus partially blind in one eye. Yeah. You can see light, I think in that other eye. They call him a shower of bullet. Yeah. Yeah. There it is. Yeah. He's a he can fight Joe. Oh, he's fucking. He can fight. He's had a ton of surgeries on that But he's been save it. He's been fighting forever though. Mm-hmm and when you're fighting over his Highlights his fucking striking and one global in all those shows You're fighting absolute killers. Oh, yeah, so when you get here you're ready to go He doesn't have good takedown defense. No, I what a guy last guy didn't even try to take him down which is [1:055:07] Stupid because this guy if you're gonna stay in the strike with him, you're gonna find yourself in trouble at some point. He's dangerous. He's dangerous. And he's so slick like those kicks. Oh my God, they're so fast. Yeah. Here he is. This is him. This is like a highlight. Side kick Sidekick You look good dude look kick the hook kick kale That's a real young and this is back when he had two eyes So wait something happened. Yeah, he got his eye poked Yeah, he got his eye poked at a detached retina had multiple surgeries on it cheese. Yeah He's just so interesting to watch strike. It's such a fucking devastating kick heavy style. That's someone right there You start running into those knees those suck. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Look at this Super aggressive to that. Oh My goodness, look at this. He showed him the knee first two [1:056:02] Look at this he showed him the knee first two Showed him the knee dude hands drop. I'm set that up perfect Set that up perfect so spin his whole life kickbox and doing everything else and now That's the thing man these guys that come from an elite level striking background Every fight starts striking it does if they can figure out the takedown defense, like Merkel Kroakop was the first guy to do it. Yeah. He was the first guy when he was fighting pride. He learned takedown defense and then just started fucking everybody up. I used to look at some of those guys Kroakop big nog, Josh Bornet. I'm like, these dudes are heavyweights. So when I went down to the two of five, I was like, cause it never really a heavyweight. Cause those dudes are heavyweight. They got their legs like this big, like huge asses, big arms. Aspen all. Aspen all's a heavyweight. That's a big dude. That's a big dude, Francis. Francis is a heavyweight. A Derrick. Derrick. Derrick. Those guys are actual heavyweights. [1:057:01] Yeah. When they walk me to five make to go to two or five. It's my by Jailton at some point Jailton is gonna have to face that like yeah. I'm not a heavyweight. It'll be the moment somebody can't he can't take them down. Yeah. I might you might get through it but you might have to reconsider because it's unfortunate because there was so much hype on him before the Lewis fight. He just didn't fight well. Didn't fight well. It was weird because, almost like he just wanted to get that W. Wanted to get a victory. I like Derek and I think Derek is great for the sport, but if I submitted him, right? It's like you're a Brazilian, you just do black belt. You gotta submit him. You gotta find a way to finish that fight, but Derek's so strong, he was trying to put Derek and Derek was just holding his hand with his arms. He's like got two arms holding his hands. And so the guys just stuck. Yeah. That's crazy. How strong must you be? How strong must you be to reach up and grab a guy by the hands and not let him hit you? [1:058:05] We saw that again just recently, somebody was doing it. It was Perera. Perera was grabbing Yuri's hands and not letting him hit him. Yeah. How? Distraint. How do you grab someone off your back and hold them enough to make sure they don't hit you? I would imagine if you have really long hands. Yeah, like really big, really big hands and long fingers and peheda does. Who you see him when he's walking his hands up, they're fucking huge. They're fucking paddles. He was like giant hands. Like holding him and like your alarm is like going sideways. Try to pull it away. Try to pull it away. Try to do that to dudes. Like hold it. Like hold it. You used to grab a whole of wrists. You'll grab a whole his hands were so huge. Remember, semi was like semi-fatall. Yeah, he was like semi-fatall. Yeah. Those super tall guys, like, I don't think it benefits them. Stefan Struven, those guys were at such a severe disadvantage because they were so tall. Travis Brown, I don't think it'd be six, seven in fight. Really? I don't think so. They get two tall. Too much leg, too much like they could take I don't think it I don't think it works. I think the perfect heavyweight the perfect heavyweight is about six four [1:059:07] to 55 to 60 That's what I think that's what I think for me. I think that's what the perfect heavyweight looks like I think the perfect heavyweight is Francis What's Francis two six four six six four six four six five two six feet? Yeah, yeah Yeah, six four six five two sixty. Yeah, yeah, perfect. Well, somewhere in that range six four six five two six Jack strong. Yeah, that's the perfect heavyweight. Are you bummed out that we don't get to see John Jones versus Francis? I am bummed out. I'm so sad about it. That's the one that I wish and I think now Francis is making so much money boxing He'll never come back. Well, the only way to get him to come back is see the problem is he signed this contract with the PFL. If he didn't sign a contract, well who knows maybe Whitney got the boxing match. Yeah, he wouldn't have got the boxing. But so he goes and he gets this boxing match. Now he's a superstar. [2:0:00] He drops to the Furi. He beats him up in the eighth round it was wild it's crazy to watch wild to watch i got can't crazy watch i was on the scene of my fucking chair hoping he was what it do i was like cushions please when please when push the twist in the eighth round like jesus oh my god he's got him you the it felt like he had it was crazy because every time and i told i told this to a boxing guy, went on his interview, and I said, even though I believe that Tyson is going to win, I'm an MMA guy, and he's one of ours, so let's go. I think he'll beat him, I was like, he'll knock him out. Then he started winning, and I was like, oh my God, he might actually win. So while I was rooting for Francis, I didn't necessarily know if he really could beat him. But then when it started to become a little bit close, I was like, oh my God, has Tyson Fury come on this? On the show? He's huge, right? He's giant. He's a monster. But he didn't look great against Francis. [2:1:00] Do you think that he overestimated himself? You think that's what it was? I think he overlooked Francis. Under underestimated Francis. He said he had, like he said, going into the fight that his diet was like hamburgers in McDonald's. He said that, walking into the fight night. And he had an elbow too. That was a beautiful elbow. Nice elbow. He was a beautiful elbow. He did that on purpose? No, he couldn't do that. He couldn't do that again. He couldn't do that again. Unless he knows how to throw an elbow, which I bet he does. I would bet you that Tyson Fury. Nah, I mean, not perfect. Like that joke. Oh man, look like a joke. He looked like he was throwing an elbow. But't he learn that he knows how to box? He's trying to punch him. He looks like he's trying to throw an overhand. Like a right, and he just misses. Yeah, I guess maybe it also could be his throwing an elbow. I mean, it's not like he doesn't know how to throw it. Which is because he knows how to box. You don't think so much showing him how to throw elbows? I don't believe it. I think like look, it could be a hidden skill. I mean, let's see this. Bro, let's see. [2:2:05] This looks like he is even, I mean, he, he, he, he, he misses, I feel like his hands already turned down. It his hands turned out at range. Is this guy just actually throwing elbow? He's throwing an elbow. He just threw an elbow. So Tyson, so in France, it's the same Tyson cheated. He said, Tyson knew what he was doing. Yeah, it looked like an elbow. I mean, that could be an accident. We don't know. It's perfect. But if that was an MMA fighter or a Muay Thai fighter, I would say that's a beautiful elbow. Chris Wyden and Mark Wunios. Yeah, do you remember that one? Yeah. Oh my God, that was Mark was trying to get close and wide men just timed the perfect elbow. Oh my god, look at this. Oh, and remember how bad it split him open. Oh yeah, too. Wide men was a mother. He was the best wasn't he? He was just the the one kick with Luke Rockle. [2:3:02] Changes. Why did he do that? He did that spinning kick. I should have never did that. But how crazy is it? It's one mistake, dude. Sometimes it's one mistake in there. You make one mistake and it costs you. For the rest, he did that kick. Luke gets on top and Luke just beat the shit out of them. Beat the shit out of them. He would have never taken him down. He had never taken Chris down. But when he beat him up that bad that way he goes, I'm going to take this dude down now. So did he went and chased him down? If Chris doesn't like it. I'm going to talk pressure. Oh, he was so good on top, Joe. Oh my goodness. He was so good on top. Yeah. People don't give him his props. He's one of those guys that his personality has turned people off to the point that they don't respect what he did in the octagon. This guy beat Tim Kennedy in strike force, he beat Jocke or he soza, he beat everybody. Then he became the UFC champion, he beat Bisming once, he beat a lot of good guys. Do you remember the reverse, already a reverse triangle against the guy in Atlanta? [2:4:02] Who's that guy's name in Atlanta? Luke Rockle did a reverse triangle. It was nasty. I can't remember the guy's name. God, David Branch was David Branch? I mean, he was just, look at this. This is against the big burly cat that was in the UFC back in the day Tim Boche, I think his name was. That's right. Luke hit some with the Camora. Then right here, look at this. Tim Bolshe I think his name was. That's right. Luke hits him with the Camora. Then right here, look at this. He hits a reverse triangle on this dude. That's post two. That's how he got him in the, no, in the end of this. Look at this. Off the reverse triangle. But it was a black guy that he got with the reverse triangle in Atlanta. David Branch, I believe, who it was. It was sick. David Branch came after him in the beginning of that round. He caught him a couple of times. Yeah. Came out Luke. Yeah, it's unloaded. Unloaded. Yeah. Thought he could punk him. But you know, Luke's biggest issue was when people realized, and it was bisming, when people realized that if you hit him, you could hurt him. They started throwing caution to the win. [2:5:06] And that's when he started to struggle. Because we used to beat each other up quite a bit in the gym. Like it was bad. And when people realized that if you could hit him, you might be able to put him out of there. So then he got knocked out by Mike, then he got knocked out by a Romero, then he got knocked out by a Yamba. Then he got knocked out by a Yon Bolovitch. And he was like, if you can get your hands on him, you can put him out and have him. And that's two, that's two, oh five. Yeah, he went up. The whole of it's a big dude. He thought he was gonna be okay up there, right? And why would you not, because you had been training with us whole lichen, I were in the same way class. I thought he thought I won a e-fog girl. Really? I swear to God. So then I asked him a question. I was like, well since you went to 205, he was like DC. I was like, yeah, he was like, I was ranked in the top, when you're the champ, [2:6:07] you really are looking one to five. I don't think I ever looked past five. Because I figured I was never gonna fight any of those guys. Interesting. It was always gonna be either Glover, Jones, and then they said Volcano's the mirror, and I was like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Funny. Yuri, uh, Prahasca, like up until this behavior fight, he was one of the most interesting guys in the light heavyweight division, because he just does everything so weird. Yeah, he's a very unorthodox guy, but he's also a guy that was groomed outside of the UFC. He beat 190 beat, I mean, he beat CB Dollar and King Mo on the same night. Yeah, he was the man. So he was ready. That's why he had won the UFC title in three fights. [2:7:03] He only fought Vulcan when he got there's first fight. Then he'd be dominant. Reyes. Then he'd be glover to become the champ. Yep. It's nuts for me It's crazy also to see at 205 how Between 2010 all the way to 20 nobody had the belt with me and John Jones and Then the belt just kept getting passed around. I wonder who is going to be the person that brings the ability again. Do you think you think proteeda can be that long-rating champion or I mean with Jamal Hill and all those guys out there, they're also good and so close. They're also good and so close and I'm curious to see, you know, how his grappling progresses. He has got to get better. Yeah, but it can get better and Glover is a great coach. It's good to be with Glover. Yeah. Pick up the finer points of grappling, especially grappling for MMA. Is it just about doing it? Him when he gets taking down survive because that's what he did against John. No one that he doesn't get tired. Right. [2:8:00] And he can beat you up. He did it against Yuri. Yuri beat him in the first round. Same thing. But then every round starts on the feet. Like you said, and every brown he's going to chop that calf. And it'll beat you up until eventually he gets you. But at what point does a bowl nickel or somebody get a whole devilman? It's a very good point. He can't get away from it. Well, you know, if He said he's like, what is he 35 now? 34, 35. So crazy when you see him. He's like, you think he's young? He's in his mid 30s. Well, he had a long kickboxing career. He literally was in that bar in Brazil and Izzy had to say something. Your seat is fight with Dustin Jacobi? No, no, no, no. I have another Dustin Jacobi was a really good kickboxer. Very good kickboxer. Wow. He's a good athlete. He was a quarterback, I think, in football or something. The head of shot is lights out. Not them all. That left hook is nasty. It's brutal. He's so good. This is like the first time I think I saw a head of fight was this fight. He could find that. I think this was the first time I saw a fight. Good, I was just like whoa Like that that is extraordinary power and then I'm like I'm gonna keep mine this dude [2:9:07] Yeah, watch a few as fights adjusting wellness fight was insane Let's see that Oh That's just a different kind of power that left hook is nasty. Well, let me see that again That is just a different kind of power. He always lifts his knee too Oh see that again that is just a different kind of power. He always lifts his knee too. We're gonna need to stay in the hands. That's what's doing it. It's gonna be fun with the hands. Oh. We're asking that. Who hits harder than that? I don't think anybody does. I don't think anybody does. I really don't think anybody does. I find the Justin Willness fight. Just excuse me, Jason. Jason Willness. And when these guys are going down they're like out. Yeah, that's the crazy thing about the way he hits guys. It's different. Yeah, it is power. It's just it's nuclear. And what about you boy Yuri was like, yeah, stop it just fine. Yeah, he said that but then afterwards he changed his mind. Yeah, watch this. [2:010:31] this is like a legit world champ really yeah legit world champion this is a high level fight Oh my goodness. No way for the end. Oh That's that same knee from before see but this this Joe look at this Joe What's now tell me this guy's not done to my point about boxing exactly tell me will this is not done and your Counting right he was already counting. If that guy could have got up at eight or nine, they would have let him go back to fight for her. But bro, that needs fucking. That's the one he got the guy with in the beginning. And you gotta see. You know, so when you see a guy like that that's doing that at two different weight classes in kickboxing, yeah, You can't wait to see. Hey, so I want to ask you this. Okay. [2:011:07] Alex Vokanovsky, right? He spoke about after the fight with Islam, how he was in his own head when he didn't have anything. Now he's fighting against Ilya Taporia very quickly. I wonder if Alex Vokanovsky will have any lingering effects from that knockout because when we see him We're all like raving. He's the best. Yeah, is it just as simple as him just going back down to 45 And it'll be fine again because to pour you as a monster bro to pour you as a monster And that's a fight you don't want to take if you're compromised Yeah, and it's also a fight that he could have just waited for I know I'm you know I'm all in favor of making wild fights. And when Dana White was like, it's gonna be Fulkenovsky versus Mocketchev too. I'm like, oh shit. Yeah, yeah, like take my money. Yeah, let's go. Take my money, let's go. But if I was Alex's friend and we were talking about this, if he asked me to advise, I'd have to think about it a lot. Because I would think, I know you believe you can beat him because you almost beat him [2:012:09] in the first fight. However, you had a full camp. How much better are you with a full camp? You're better. He's way better. Everyone's better. No one is better with no camp. Right? Can we agree? Yes, absolutely. Especially if you're not injured in camp, no one's better with no camp. No, that's what it is. It doesn't work. So it's dependent upon how hard you were training. How hard were you training before you took this fight on 10 days' notice? Were you preparing for potentially fighting two months from now and you already ramped up training and you already have like real good cardio and you're already sparring, or have you been just kind of fucking off here and there and then you're like, I can fucking do it. Because I can fucking do it is not a good strategy against the best pound for pound-fine. I had in the world. Yeah. You want a camp. A rematch was gonna happen anyway. Yes. It had to happen. Yes. You don't take that rematch in my opinion with 10 days notice that seems insane and and the only reason weeks you want [2:013:07] 10 weeks but the only reason anyone thought he had an opportunity was because of how great he is yes right if he wasn't so great yes nobody would have ever thought he had a chance right but because of his greatness I worry that because of his greatness we're going to believe that come February or January. He's going to fight the poor you and you almost expect the same thing. But what if it's too soon? Like and listen, even if he wasn't compromised, huh? Even if he didn't fight Islam to pour his a nightmare. Yes he is. He's a nightmare. Yeah. He's he's scary. What he did to Josh Emmett. I was like, oh man. He's nasty. What did the Bryce Mitchell? Like, oh man. He's so good. He's so skilled. He's got great boxing. Got great taking on the fence everywhere. I got knocked for a fight in late September. [2:014:05] And I said, no, I need time. I need to let my brain heal. He got knocked out in October. It's gonna fight in February. Yeah. It's fast, man. I just, it just. He got knocked out by a shin. A shin. A shin with that. It's a little bit worrisome for me. And I like Voke. He's the man. But then again, is he knocked pehada out cold? Yeah, in November three months later. He's fighting y'all in Bohovich. Oh Yeah, yeah, it fought better. Yeah, he got knocked out in April. One in July out cold. I mean Volcanoes to sleep. No, he was not alcohol. Yeah, this guy was a sleep and is he was above him shooting arrows into To it's crazy stuff right and then three months later that dude's fighting young bohovich a 06 much. It is the world champion [2:015:02] Electra I mean he's not one of the the quickest ride the absolute quickest to two titles I've never seen anything like that. Nothing had ever been like. No, never in my life. It's the same as man. Like if the dude really can just survive under everybody if he gets taken down and then just beat your legs up. Like, it's a real problem. It, he beats your legs up and then he forces you to make a mistake and he takes advantage. Every single time. But I think Jamal Hills a real challenge. You think so the unorthodox Jamal said he's not gonna take him down he said he's not taking him down. He's gonna knock him off He said I'm not taking him down. I'm gonna knock him off. He might I think I'll take him down I would try to take him down. I would definitely not give him just a standup fight. Jamal's got some nasty hands, man. He does. He really does have some nasty hands. He promises to KO Alex Beheadah standing. Yeah. You know, like I have never seen him fight anybody of that caliber. [2:016:02] Yeah. But I think he's capable he's very capable you know what he did to Glover was very impressive dude he just beat him up just beat him up he really did just beat him up I mean when you think how Yuri struggled with Glover and then Jamal Hill just piece him up Jamal just he just kept touching him and touching him and touching him and it was clever it was smooth he's so unorthodox so, he does these weird movements where he's kind of like back behind his head and chest or behind his feet, he's like, it works. It works. He's developed the style for him. He's got power. He's got power. He's got real power. He's so big. Johnny Walker KO. He's so big for the weight. He's huge. Right now he's as big as I've ever seen him, but he's huge for the weight class. How much more time does he need for his Achilles? It's gonna be a little bit. He's not Aaron Rodgers. Hey bro, you know what summer of fun you should I ever seen in my life? What? What? He knew what I was gonna say. When Aaron Rodgers was, some happened Aaron Rodgers and he said you told him something. Yeah. That was the crazy shit. I was like, Joe's a doctor. [2:017:05] He was telling me all this stuff. I was like, he was saying all this stuff. And I was like, wow, he did it. But now I'll never question you are Aaron Rogers. Because Aaron Rogers is about to play football 11 weeks after terrorist security killings. What is he doing? How? You'd probably have to ask him you know him. Yep Tell him to tell me what he's doing. I'll tell you later this dude is somehow playing after 11 weeks. Yeah That's crazy. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Joe when I saw him on the field throwing that football. I could not believe it He he tore his Achilles. Yeah Seven weeks later he was on the field throwing passes. He got cleared for football activities this week. How? He's 40. Yeah, there's a lot of modern science going on here. Look at him. Look at him. My man. This shit is crazy, man. I'm like, when I start feeling bad, [2:018:01] I'm not calling nobody but you. I want you to tell me how to feel better. How? How? If I had a guess, like if I didn't know, I would tell you peptides. If you had to guess, okay. Because I didn't know, I tell you peptides. Yes, because dude, how? Like this guy is, that's what I think people should be using for the UFC. This is the argument for peptides. If that's what he's using, I'm not saying he is. But that's the argument is that they help you heal. And we deal with his issues like John Jones. Like John Jones should be able to get some peptides. If he did peptides, what it helped is... It would help, it would help there's recovery. Hey, let me, Kassie, I put perfect. He runs out, he's carrying this huge American flag. That place was loud. I don't watch the Jets. I don't know if you watch football, but... I do. Aaron Rodgers going to the Jets was like, the Jets have been terrible for a long time. They have the world, I like, they have the world. [2:019:03] Everything's going for them. He looks jacked. They look jacked. He had any atrophy. Look at him. He's like stepping up on his toe and everything. Yeah. That's crazy. Wild. He runs out with that massive flag. Look at the calves on that motherfucker. The place is going crazy and then he tears his Achilles. And then they had that young kid as their quarterback. But could you imagine watching this guy work playing football? I saw a video on that hard knocks thing and they have these circles. These circles, their targets and they that thing was 20 yards away. And every time he would throw, he's like, top top right and it would just go inside that little thing every time bottom left Inside he never missed he was so accurate. He was so accurate He was saying it's like and the Rogan bam That American flag at the top inside the bucket. He never missed wow that dude sick man [2:020:03] Well, you want to imagine the practice involved and getting back good It's thrown so accurate how many hours is that and that football's like this big. Yeah If you ever grabbed an NFL football it's huge you're bail I can't even get my hands on it. I've got small hands for a fighter, though, but It's huge and then you look at the receivers. I went to a golf course in In Florida and when I walked up it was Chris Carter from the Vikings And then you look at the receivers, I went to a golf course in Florida. And when I walked up, it was Chris Carter from the Vikings. Dude's fingers were like all like broken in turn sideways because I say, what happened to your hands? He goes catching footballs from like all them great quarterbacks. Like when dude's that playing with Brett Farve, their hands are tore up because he's throwing so hard that he's like knocking their fingers back It's up. Wow. Can you believe that like trying to catch it? I can it makes sense I mean if you catch one on the tip of your finger when you're trying to grab it and get yank back and they got it Throw it fast because these run these DBs are like whoever guarding you are so there's like a short window to get it in there [2:021:04] Like whoever guarding you is so there's like a short window to get it in there. Dude is nuts. Football, football is that crazy. How long before you think MMA gets to the point where you see athletes of that caliber consistently entering to MMA? It's gonna be a little bit. I think it'll be a little bit. You know why? Because if you have that ability to play football they go play football because the money's so big. Right. because if you have that ability to play football, they go play football because the money's so big. But could you imagine a Fred Warner, or a frickin', he's a linebacker for the 49ers, the best in the game. How about when Herschel Walker started fighting in strike forces? It was 40 years. And still was okay. And fucking people are. I got some crazy shit about Herschel. Tell me. Dude, Hhel ate one time a day. Yeah, I heard that. He would eat soup and bread one time a day. And he stayed at this great hotel called the Fairmont. And I think he was staying there free because Hershel Walker owns this massive chicken company. He provides chicken to McDonald's. Hershel Walker's chicken is like the, [2:022:00] like I think he provides chicken to McDonald's and like all these big companies. And fair amount was one of so he stayed there He ate soup once a day and her shall walk her while he was very athletic Joe He never picked up his feet so his feet would kind of like drag on the ground Fucker would shock the shit out you every time he punched on her show was getting static electric In his feet because he never picked them up and the fuck will hit and it would shock you his feet because he never picked them up in the fuck with it and it would shock you. That's constantly and he would knock people out and bro. He's like when he, Herschel Walker, I think is documented that he has like we talked about Mike Tyson, like that guy that lives in that world and then the guy that we see daily. I think Herschel is documented that he has some of these issues. Like a personality. Like a personality. The first time he fought in strike force when the HP at San Jose and we're getting ready to go out and he starts going crazy, cursing at himself. [2:023:00] I'm gonna kick your ass. But all I've ever heard from Herschel was like, very soft spoken, you know, talking about religion and everything. He turned into a completely different person. When he walked into that octagon, he went off. Right here, bro, he was saying some crazy shit to the- Was this his first fight? First fight. Yeah, bro, I was, I cornered him, Joe. How old was he? 44 old 45 or 46 something like that? But look at his feet see how his feet never come up He would it was always static Look at him look at So I'm talking about oh my god, you just started getting mad dude. I'm telling you he did that in the back before we went out there Watch out of us. He just got mad. He got mad, bro. But he tapped into that other combination too to drop him. He tapped into that other person. Who is he fighting here? Yeah, no strike force was the best at this. [2:024:02] Strike force would always get you to do that. You knew you'd be okay against. Strike force was the best at this for a strike force would always get you do that you knew you'd be okay against Strike force was the best at that. What do you think about this? I would fight dudes and then it would never be a strike force again Oh really? In the beginning like it did be a guy he'd fight me. I would beat him and then I'd never see him again So they just got you good fights. They would get me fights and could my first fight was in strike force. So I'd fight like it so if I was a wrestler It was like another kid who was a wrestler, but he was a high school wrestler So then they push come to shove Daniel can I wrestle this dude? Right one dude was my training partner. I had a really good sparring session against him Next week I needed an opponent that dude was in there. I knocked him out. The first time I knocked somebody out. Yeah, well the strike force was really good about that. What do you think about Bellator and the PF? The PF of mining. Do you think that's gonna lead to anything? Isn't it interesting that like people don't care that much about shit that's outside the UFC? [2:025:00] Isn't it crazy? Because the UFC has developed such a lead on everybody. It's nuts. Yeah. It's like it really is like now whereas before when strike force got absorbed You had Rhonda and Nick Diaz and Gilbert Melinda's in myself and Luke Rockle and Jockery and Josh Thompson and Allister Overream and Josh Pornett and all these guys right so it felt like a not a competitor But at least a legit number two. Well, yeah championship level fight is fighting Bellator has that yeah, but The UFC has now grown to a point where it's like the NFL in fighting and As there is nothing else in basketball that we compared an NBA or to the NFL, CFL, XFL, all that. That's how it is with UFC. So it's like no matter what they do, it's never going to feel as important. When in reality, you have some really good fighters. Yeah. Some really good. Apache Mix is really good. [2:026:01] Johnny Ebblin is really good. But as long as they're not fighting inside that octagon, it'll be hard for them to feel like it. But I think it's good. I think you're taking the number two and three promotions in the world, combining them. It's just crazy that even in doing that, it still feels like a distant second to the UFC. Yeah. I think it's always going to be that way. As long as the UFC doesn't fall apart like if Dana Lee user. Yeah, Dana can't leave, bro. They could sell it again. They could sell it again. But I mean, why would they? Why would it never ever sell that? They shouldn't. It's like they're big along the Saudis. The Saudis and by what about when the Saudis just bought the PGA tour? Like, how you gonna buy the PGA tour. I'm like, how you go about a PGA tour? You don't think they could do that with the UFC? Yeah, they could buy it. They just owe it a lot of value. They just overvalue it. They could, but they easily could. They could just buy anything. It's going to be interesting to see if someone with this new merger, if they change the name, if they stick with the PFL, what are they going to do? [2:027:07] So what I heard is, Bellator does pretty good overseas, so they're gonna run their events over there. Right? So it's gonna kind of become an international company. And then, and the PFL is gonna be where they, state of PFL, right? And they'll do like a champion versus champion thing. ESPN just extended their contract with the PFL, but there's no mention of Belator, right? You know, I really want to see Johnny Ebblin in the UFC. I do I do he's good man. He's very good. He's a very good fighter Very good. You should fight with Leon's brother. Yes, but could he fight at 185 in the UFC? I just have to go to 70 he doesn't look that big we'll find out he I think he would have to probably go to 170, right? Even like the 205 partner. Um, um, Nebcroff? Nebcroff. He'd have to go to 85. Because he's good, but he's just not that big. What kind of testing are they doing over here? Not much, right? That's another reason I'm saying that without, you know, saying it. those guys would probably have to get a little smaller to fight at their right [2:028:05] weight classes. But I think it's a big deal. I just think that I'm just happy if the fighters get more money. Yes, like these million dollar contracts. I think that's great. Guys are making more money today. I'm on Marcia. Just got a million dollars to fight. Yeah, he won that twice. Yeah, he won that two times the world. He would have never made that made that no could partly do because he wouldn't have been able to find that level of Success right those guys are too tough even Derek Brunson like Derek Brunson had not look great in his last few UFC Appearances he went to the pfl look fantastic look fantastic and now he's back on the right track so good for him I got a wrap this up DC. Yeah, that's fine, baby. It was awesome. I'm coming. Yeah, I'm so happy we got that. Dude, I'm actually coming to the show. I can't wait. I watched you in Chicago once and I'm coming to watch you again.