
The best way to teach children about what they need to know when they are ready to know it is to remove the filters from your interent and give them a tablet. Also I don't agree that decriminalizeation makes a drug problem worse. It just makes it visable so everyone can see how bad it really is. They key is to stick to that so a generation grows up seeing it and is just like "hell no". Then the problem will get better over time as less people use because they see where it leads instead of being told and programs to help people are more prevelant and not as overrun. Perhaps a bit of the problem is drug users migrating to the area but I believe if decriminalization was adoboted across the board in the entire country it would appear awful at first becuase users don't feel the need to hide but I believe being seen would overtime do a lot to keep the generation that grew up seeing that stay away from drugs becuse they dont want that for themselves. Usually agree 100% but i don't think compairing drug use to arson is very fair. I think its more fair to campaire drug users to fat people and ask if we are going to put addicts in prisons why are the obease not included in that. Put them in forced fat camps and when they get out restrict their movments so they can be watched and if at their state monitored weigh in and blood work it is found they have had to many twinkies or got their triglycerides out of whack take them off the streets. Throw them back in fat camp becuase they obviously cant live in a free society without eating themselves to death. Thats a more fair comparison to what making addiction illegal is like rather then comparing decriminalization of drugs to the decriminalization of arson. It sounds crazy but the drug problem we have is an adulteration issue not a drug issue. The solution is pure clean taxed government regulated drugs. Solve the problem with the problem. Round up the zombies and put um in rehab.


#2106 - Kid Rock

12mo ago

Bahh wit the ba da bang duh bang digy diggy digy set the boogy set up jump the boogie?


He has a point on CO2 not being thaf bad. Sure buring hydrocarbons adds CO2 to the environment but most of the CO2 that would be emmitted by burning fossil fuels is trapped at the bottom of the oceans in the form of methane hydrates which are not economical to harvest for use. So even if we burn all the fossil fules that are economically feasible to harvest we will never add more CO2 to the earths atmosphere by doing so then has historically naturally occured on earth. Or something like that. It may come from a biased source and my accuracy on it may be off as it is just something one of my professors said in favor of hydrocarbons as an energy source in one of my petroleum engineering classes. The problem isnt hydrocarbons. The problem is a society that is addicted to the economic prosperity and comforts that abundant cheap energy provides. There is currently no earth friendly way to produce that. Wind needs neodymium. Solar has to many issues to list.


Hey man I know you have kicked a bag.... but have you ever kicked a bag.... on weed? 😂


We need a number to call like 1-800-ICM-UFOS. When i was 13 I saw something during the day in the forest... lit the whole forest up green as it flew by super fast. Green fireball thing the size of the moon in the sky. Once Google was a thing I researched that it was proably just a green fireball though.


I think this is an impossible topic. I am kind and financially well off male without a micropenis and always get left for crackhead losers that mooch off the relationship and live with their mom.


My conclusion is god is consciousness in a way. The first consciousness was energy qnd the "desire" it must of had to become everything needed to create life. God is the consciousness in energy I suppose. Thats my paragraph. Whats someone elses thoughts on it?


Now he can no longer be trusted to give unbiased opinion. The End.


I dunno why the video will be buffering for 30 mins and never play but I can skip ahead and its good for 2 mins. Its a conspiracy! My Covid experience was sharing a confined space with 96 other individuals cuz I was in jail through the whole thing. So for me COVID regulations meant they took away our chess boards and cards cuz they didnt want us transmitting covid through touching the pieces but we could still play basketball. 😂 Also, my favorite flavor of peanut butter is peanut.