5 years ago
I just recently went home to the Bahamas and I'm starting to miss it more and more and more because as I get older, I long for the things that I did as a little kid. I long for the places that I was at as a little kid. And so my family's from this little place called Pharmacy Exuma that's three quarters of a mile by seven eights. I think I told you that before and it's tiny. And I was there this time and just seeing, just waking up every morning and just looking out the window and just blue ocean all day. I want to go back there. And the people that live there, you get a boat at 14, 15 years old because there's really nothing that you can do on the island other than interact with your family and fish. Everything that you need, staple wise, you have to go somewhere else to get or it has to be brought in. So, I have a cousin who, he's older than me. My grandmother's generation, but he's my cousin. He's like four years older than me. But this guy, he free dives and he will go down and he will hang out on the water for two or three minutes with a spear. He doesn't like to scoobie, he doesn't like to take a tank with him. One time we're fishing off the back of the boat, he's off the front and then on top of that, he's in the water and he comes out of the water and he reaches up and he says, hey Julian, bring the boat over here. It's a shock. So, there's lots of, and then he goes back down. You know what I mean? There's a shock in the water near him, probably a reef shark and he's got his spear and he's just like, just get closer, but I'm still fishing. That's the life. So, he just wants to be able to get out if shit goes sideways. Yeah, I'm assuming, but I'm like... He's not scared. Would you think that it would be safer to be in the water or on top of the water if there was a shark? Like if you had goggles, you could see the motherfucker. Wouldn't you want to be in the water? Rather than on top and not knowing where he's coming from? I would think so. I would think so, but then you, not only is it 360, but it's like universal. The view is universal, right? Right. But if you're on top of the water and you can see, at least, it's like you got your back to the wall. You can't come from the top. That's true. That's true, but I don't know. But at the same time, you're in the water with an animal who's, that's his natural habitat. Like you can't even turn around nearly as fast as he can. He can probably swim around you and come up from the back before you can even turn around. Yeah, probably. Yeah. They swim pretty fucking fast. Yeah. They're like ninjas in the water. They just cleaned, the cleanup crew, just like that tiger. I, so my girlfriend and I were there and I was feeding the turtles, right? So I try to grab a turtle and literally the turtle is this big. It's no bigger than this. And I'm about to pick it up. I'm trying to pick it up. This being like, explain to people. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm probably like 16 inches. Yeah. Trashcan lid. No bigger than a trashcan lid. And I am trying to pick it up and this before I can get it out of the water, those are the big fins arms that they have. He just, he pulls me down into the water. Like this, this little thing, he probably weighs 40, 50 pounds, right? And it's just so powerful in the water. Like if I would have hang onto that turtle, I would be moving faster than I would move with fins on. Like, how was that? I don't want to talk about my weight, but I'm a lot bigger than that turtle. You're getting sensitive. I'm not a fight weight anyway. You're eating well. You look good, man. Don't worry about it. Do you think you're going to move to Bahamas? Do you think you'd live there someday? I, like ultimately, I'm definitely going to live back there in my lifetime. I mean, I want to die there. Whoa. You know what I mean? I don't necessarily want to die anytime soon. Right. You do. You want to live the end of your life there. The relaxed life. The island life.